mfm ^m. -««-* i .jjjiwGaoM iW O. W. Batladge. Proprietor. MABEDAIiE. NOV. 17. 1887. THANKSGIVING. This (Thursday) is the day appoint- ed by the highest authority, of the Dominion as a day of public ac- knowledgement for the blessings of the year drawing to a close, and es- pecially, for a boantifnl harvest •and while it becomes the duty of all to attend public service, when practic- able, and thus recognise and ac- knowledge with thanks the dealings of a kind Providence, this act does not relieve us from the duty of individual thanksgiving for National peace and prosperity as well as moral, social and domestic blessmgs. Human nature is ever ready to give Providence a great deal of credit for losses and mis- fiortunes m life, but when success and prosperity attends our efforts, then "We did it" "I managed thus and so" leaving Providence out of the question. There is no person as happy as the man who always looks on the bright side, and whose heart ever flows in gratitude for the many temporal and reJigious benefits, advantages and privil^es of life. A. 0. U. W. ot "Markdale lodge Ancient Order United Workmen is organized some six years and has not had the mis- frotane to loose a member by death. It has now a membership of over fifty. The Order has a membership in Can- ada of over 12,000 so that every' as- sessment of $1 a member raises the Jiandsome sum of $12,000, or suffici- ent to pay six death calls of $2,000 «acb. It is perhaps the cheapest life in- surance in existence, not exceeding on an average $7 a year per $1,000, and â- besides its cheapness, it is a source of satisfaction to its members to know they are assisting unfortunate widows and orphans to the amount of $170,- 000 ajyear, while each individual mem- ber does not miss his paltry $1.25 pev mouth or thereabouts. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" Amhersburg was visited last week by a destructive fire. Loss $14,000, â€" The Bank of Toronto opened a branch last week in London, in the «ld bank of London premises. â€" It takes nearly one hundred millions foreign eggs a month to keep the English in cakes and puddings. Sir. Charles Tnpper was re-elected last week for Cumberland, N. S., by over thirteen hundred i -jority. Daring October the pablio debt of the Dominion was decreased more than a quarter of a million. Plymouth church, Brooklyn, has decidf'd to call Eev. Chas. A. Berry, of Molyerhampten, England, as its pae'ar. â- •â- â€" Montreal fruit dealers and cigar Mor. s want to keep open on Sunday aftf r noons and have petitioned the council for permission. â€" Mr. John McDonald of Toronto, has leen appointed to the Senator- sbip made vacant by the death of Hon. Wn. McMaster. ... â€"-"It is rumoured tbat Benous dis- sen onu exist between members of the Manitoba OfinremiiieBit, and fiiat a CI 'SIS is intending, either In the sha; e xf a didiiUatioiL or aeoalition. ^fi£tfdimabd faskr^faoifld tiieOOD- -i^i^.uve ean£dai« li9'a«EiaII nu^or- ^,^, Th| rafqU m^ io xndiMt* bo^er towns who «oids into to' buy chiokens ars leave their bosties at home, are warned that the Customs all along the frontitr an under in- structions to look out for women with big bustles. No bustie, no «dckens. â€" Four ef the Anarchists wars hanged in Chicago last Friday. Spies, Engel, Fischer and Parsons. Lingg committed suicide in prison the day previous, and the sentence of Schwab and Fielden were commntted to lil* imprisonment. â€" Sit Charles Tapper, Mr. Thomp- son, and the Canadian staff for the Fisheides Commission left Ottawa tiiis week for Washington, and will join Mr. Chamberlain and bis coadjutors at New York on the way. â€"A woman has been elected a school commissioner in Syracuse, and by a very large majority. In Great Britain women serve on the school boards with the very best re- sults, and en the face of it, who has a better right than the mother to control in part the education of -her children.? In Ontario women may vote for school trustees, but none have, so far as we know, been elected to office: If a few of them were, it is not impro- bable that the school boards would pay less attention to politics and more to the children's comfort than they do now. â€" Citizens at Collingwood are making an effort to establish an hospital, to be known, in consequence of the ship- ping arriving at that port, as the "CoUmgwood Marine and General Hospital." The trustees have on hand nearly a thousand dollars, and one lady' has promised one thousand more when another thousand israised. Fifty dollars given entitles the donor to a life membership. The hospital will be open to the poor of all lands. Subscriptions may be sent to Mr. W. B. Hamiltongpresident of the Board of Trustees Mr. H. B. Maodonell, secretary or to Mr. W. A. Copeland, manager of the Bank of Toronto at Collingwood. â€" The Idea that missionaries should, when possible, have a medical educa- tion, so that theirgift of healing might be used after the Gospel fashion as an introduction to the Gospel itself, has so much of common sense in it that it would seem as though the plan presented to tbe churches to revolutionize their practice on the subject. The missionary societies generally accept a medical education in lieu of a theological one, and where a choice must be made the medical missionary would appear to have the advantage in many fields over his theological brethren. Where a man or woman is otherwise fitted for the duties of the mission field, a medical education superadded, provided always the candidate is ad apted to that kind of service, would be an enormous gain. SB cuavxmam. Durham Chronicle :â€" The people of the 10th concession of Glenelg are agitating for better 'postal faciUties. They talk of getting up a petition ask- mg that a post office be established on the lOtii. They are now aj}oat an equal distance between Glascott and Traverston. NoHeet »f Biriht, UarriageSf and Deatki Ueenty five eentt. DEATHS McLbuok,â€" In Markdale, oo the ISth., Mrs. McLeUao, tOte of the late Angos MeLeOan, of Olenelg, aged 63 yean. BsTSm THAS ;«ou.â€" To flioflo btKtbM with SdiMff laAtitiaatf TmnUea «^^ tm a eonatant decite to muu^ ahootme, "" ^H hsg, pains, pain in liie back. sedinieM. ke Ae., I^. Chase's Lrrar Gme win lie found' mdceTalnaUe than gold. Upoatintfeaiaa. See^PrqphetX'lortestmioiiala. -^ IP TW WAWT A OBEMS OB AI4HTI4 «0^ TO W.1 McFARLMD'S Do you want a nice Warm Shafiffl, Fur Muff or Fur Mantle, see Mc ^rby is • biiit;^likB a fySB nsorr oanw i^s ioMMea^a â- ta^n^. \. caaAeiinDr. Os«fm^ ^__ FABLAND'S Stock. Lovely Ricn MarYellcaox Silks only 80c. sold in ©ity for $1.26. Gamett Navy Blue, Rich Brown and Slate Dress Velveteens, just opened at McFARLAND'S. Black Cashmeres, 80, 36, 40 50 cents. Fast Dyes and Wide Widths. A Big Pile of Melton Dress Goods being the 3rd lot received this season, commencing at 9, 12^, 14 and 18 cents. Miss Brimner is turning out some lovely Hats and Bonnets, and our Mantle trade is booming. If you want a neat nobby Walking Jacket or Ulster leave youT order at McFAR- LAND'S, perfect fit'and correct style guaranteed, at moderate price, some very stylish Mantlings received this week in fine curls and neat goods. GreyRabbitFur, Bear Fur, Feather Trimming, and Black Cooney Fur for TrimmmgB, oheapat McFARLAND'S. Kid Mitts, Eid Gloves, Fine Cashmere Hose, Cashmere and Toffet a Gloves aU sizes at McFARLAND'S, One Case Gents' Wool and Silk Mufflers, Silk Scarfs, Fine Wool Underware placed in stock. 1500 yds. Grey Light and Dark Fancy and Navy Blue Flannels, firom 1 8 cents np. Suits I Smts SmtsT both Men's Boy's and Youth's all sizes, best value ever shown in the ceuntyi ' Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats from' a fS.60 np to the finest siake, can please ttie most exaotmi;. OvBt Ffllt Boots is. BomeCbiof sUrfc. ling, 70a can see tiiiem PAMiAND'S,-^^ oaij •t Mo- Drop ift when in Markdale. B willpayycmto^oyoia bnsiiMss ifith TO all users of Machiike Qils, don't forget to m on B. S. MA3EE, Si^ of the 6ro88-4| Saw, Markdale, and mk for th^ CASTOBff OIL, it is nneqnailed by any .| ' WATER WHITE OIL, is eqnal to Anjerican for brillance of light. Empire Oil Co., Befiiners Mannfacturer's, 349-75 London and Toronto MAf^KDALE I) Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain hj. tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everytban 1 being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Honldings, HoUof Battom, FRIHES, UTH. FEIGE PICKETS, (c, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneh I Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery departmenU 1 would now respectlully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning dose. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THOS- McIVEAp MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. ^~ -W B. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynewcama^ shop opposite tbe Markdale House, where I will manufacture every article in tbe wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in tbe busines. and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to every m who will favor me with their order. Repairing, Fainting and Trimming prom ptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited, JR. IWCcIVjVLL Y, I*roprietQr. CURE FOR SCRATCHES ON HORSES I CURE For Scratches on Horses I FOR SCRATCHES OH HORSES I Oarley'sHeaUng Oil will relieve scratches on horses in two or three applications, or price refanded. Follow the directions on bottle by thoronghly deansitig, then apply the Oil. If animal reqairies any medidne to put it into condition nse the Derby Blood Puiifyer. sTEPHEis C006I 'mi The best compowd of Tar and Honey in the World for reUevisi; cooghs, it acts as an instant healer to the bronchial tubes, and will have a benefident effect oq bronchitis at- once. Don't forget the name, STEI'HEM'S ' COUGH EIKG. No other x«medy like it, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. It will z«Jieve hooping cough when other medicines com- pletely fail. To be obtuned at the popnlax Dmg Store, i~i"-« B. L.STEPHEN, MABXDAIM. ^Will ^toddart, late of Ei^land and Jersy City, U. S. bep to inform the citizens of Maekdab and surrounding commnuity, that te has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarland's StoA where he is prepared to do all wart entrusted to him in the Latest m Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect »D work before leavmg the Shop, c» tomers may rely on hsTing wo^ turned out first-class in every p«^ tionlar trusting that I may receive » fair share ot the pablio patronage I remain. Faithfully year's, WILL Markdale, March 14th, 1887. SIGHT v. BLINPl^SS. â- â- *t «,Ta? fJ CstVi Befaiglotai SN and SO is fhie 8th aD. of ttie tofnaiwial.HQUand, eottfaouag abcmt 840 «e^.$h« abofelaadis vitaatid withisS ndfes 'Of BeiA«%^«tt9Ktadaigt tite 0. fi. tbeJaad *ia fo^^MBX soil; abnort^ fipin sNms Imh; ]*iiaisi*dl«Bli, naljHMl twiMnfi. Hm CELEBRITED Englisli Spectacles 79 BAT STREET, TORONTO CAK*"*- â€"â€"AND « JEma STREET, LOHDON E. C. EHOUKB- 3R. X^. Stephen's, 0HEMI8TDRU66I8T,^^ ttwafathe BSTE iteSEKVING Ql^cOJ^ feay POB W or tti« QBEAT EASB VOBTtikqjpoaiiferoatbeweaxer. nMrnaewminaetiiaUty BO.Btrengg*^ 1^ ttiattt doMMt bMome neeessuT^ "^^^0^ Witt friends i j^ D?i»da»k, died o *LkSe«Wluui *«^ «^8« "^ihavin* sold to one M •t^to. we «*«d the ngl 'l^jTwhioh^tamedatOw •^to be re-bmlt forthwith. *, ' lowb Oooncil, has offered .â- Co for the apprehension ai lof^e incendiary of Harrison ^rth merchants h»ye d«uded [r2^»*7p.m.,'Satnrday's ^ftomeBoonamist imnts a en L Bomw CattioUo, chnrch is. taU ,^hiBi next summer, iireeks ago some miscreant got i linDnrlum and cut one end ,.»-idnim, and since then on ^g by » maeu of enthusiai *the "Stoftn" out of it again. of Haftoi»«. bad bis bam 1 [^I^ on Snnday night the 6th. r hid » pumpkin pie social recen ,Ad«rtiser«ays that I piston, of Gnelph, wa8recentl mi f, MaigaM* Munsoar-A nice ! ;.; -^:: /[_::-: leviUfi is having telephone coanec Uton. ^Flesherton Station New School b Uy opened last week by an T nt, whieh was eminently snocoBsf llfeaford Mirror has taken up its a loldDiwjiple meeting house, said l (viiig been fitte d up und "Cousecri lit pnipose. sEevere house stables caught fir Jnbniy, last week, but the lire was â- e'er mada. damage was done. niim Creamery is assuming prai lortions. ft Son, of Durham, have ^nt a r into their wooQen factory.' a TOollen roills at Palmerston wa fed by fire shortly after noon last ' 5 a loss of about ?ll,000, with t insorance. fe Maikham Economist is 32 yean Smith, editor of tbe Mauito^ or, has been made captain of 1 r of Tolonteers in that place. at cold of yours run on. You tl llight thing. But it may run into |into pneumonia. Or consumptio; it«irh is disgusting. Pneumo 0118. C'Onsumption is death it be Iseatfaing aparatus must b ty and clear of all obstructic we matter. Otherwise there if 1 the diseases of thes parts, bea 'â- i.lmmehial tubes and lungs, en ^Wly and entirely cured by tbe "hes^ Qerman Syrup. If yo ' this aheady, thousands and tt [Pwple can ted you. They ha !!» it,and 'know how it is. the *le only 75 cents.-; Ask any drag I » fiAiming ofSoers have be r^^ensmnK term I -h^ ^^^ Noble Grand. â- Kay, Vice Grand Wallace, Secreta nrnvia tliA.tiniAtO VS^ *."^.