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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Oct 1887, p. 4

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 liiliPii|^ipiai|uii 1 )-Juu'i!P|iii*i "%Am.' â€" ,.« m 1 1 1 II J Ll, » ~- -- A^i «=r ~PV II :c 'm ^i^ Ift! J? :-t! hi ^0. \-' 1 vv "!» "i 3i " f.I- -I • if C. W. Batledge, Proprietor. MARKDALE, OCT. 20. 1887 HIGH SCHOOL. Meafordand Thombnry are pnshinp; their claims for the establisl^ment of a High School, while Durham, on the other side, is showing an anxiety in a similar direction. Now Markdole is the place for a High School, l^^ving • the best railway facilities, being most centrally situated in the county, and furthermore, the most thrii^g village ot the lot. The great advantages which our prosperous Jtown possesses are many, and, shall we say^ envied, by onr 'ess favored neighbors, and while we do not wish to boast of them, yet, they should not bo lost sight of in an educational point of yiew. We have a good Public School, which may be seen by a glance over the report of Entrance Examinations from time to time, and when we con- sider its heaRbful, and geographical situation, stability and progressiveness and prosperous agricultural surround- ing country, the most casual observer will at once, conclude that Markdale is eminently suited for the establish- ment of a High School. ALLEN'S SINK HOLE. On Thursday last, Messrs Dr. Old- Jiam and Ghas. Moffat, Esq., reeves of Holland and Glenelg respectively, met according to notice at above place where quite a number gathered to take part in the letting of a contract to build a floating bridge across that no- torious and farfamed "Sink hole," for sinking luud, if you please.] The bidding was spirited resulting ill our townsman, C. A. Johnston, getting the contract at $380. We believe tlje bridge now contract ed for will prove a substantial and permanent job, and Johnston is a cap- i^allnan for the work. The contract is to be completed by the let April next, but Mr. Johnston is now taking out the timber and expects to haye .it finished this fall. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"Winnipeg had a $30,000 fire last Friday niglit. â€"The cash in the U, S. Treasury now amounts to $658,734,620. Belleville BoaT« of Trade has pass- ed a resolution favoring Commercial Union. â€"Hon. Edward Blake has started on a tgur for Italy, and will be absent several months. â€"Fifteen thousand immigrants have arrived in Winnipeg this year up to date. â€"A fire in Cincinnati last Satur- day burned nine million feet of hard- wood lumber. â€"It is^ appearently settled that Plymouth church will not call Eev. Dr. Parker. â€"Sir Charles Tapper has been ap- pointed as Canadian representative on the Fisheries Commission. â€" McGarigle, the fugitive Chicago boodler, is said to be Uving about six miles from St. Catharines, his being with him. Gompaoy, also President of tbe Montreal Street BaHway Oampany. and has constructed several railways in that province. • â-  â€"The appointment of Sir Charles Tapper to act as Canadian represent- ative on the Fisheries convention, a special cablegram to the Mail from London says, gives satisfaction, al- though great surprise is expressed at Sir John Macdonald's standing aside. Commercial Union, as the solution of a long standing and difficult question, would be well received in England. â€" Su: Charles. Tupper's appoint- ment as Canada's representative on the Fisheries Commission appears to be regarded with general approbation in political circles in Ottawa. It is believed that the Minister of Justice will accompany Sir Charles to Wash- ington and present tbe Dominion case before the Comihission. Mr. H. T. Bergne, of the British Foreign Office, .who acted as secretary of the Halifax Commission, will again hold the pos- ition at the approaching conference. â€" The fate of the Chicago anarch- ists is still undecided. Every effort is being made to have the sentence modified, but it is to be hoped without effect. The crasy [crank of a young girl who has got herself engaged to one of these fellows is moving heaven and earth, or say earth and the other place, in favor of the ebj|ct of her absurd affections. Her mother says that if the fellow is hanged her daught- er will go insane. No fear. S^e is as mad as a March hare already, and perhaps the death of the anarchist would be (tlie best thing that could befall her. It might htin^ her to her senses agam. « â€" TheEev. M. Baxter, of the Church of England, has just delivered three "prophetic lectures" at Liverpool. According to Mr. Baxter, England, soon is to be seperated legislatively from Ireland, India and her colonies. Lucieu Bonaparte is to become King of Syria, and, later on, ^Emperor of France. Belgium and the Rhine pro- vinces are to be annexed to France. In 1896, 144,000 Christians are to ascend from earth to heaven, and the millennium is to commence on .^pril 11th, 1901. The lecturer challenged any minister or individual to show that he had made any mistake, of whatever nature such "mistake" may be. MAKE MIS TAKE IF YOU WAWT A WOBBY DBESS OB ^MMTMaB GO TO W. i McFARLAND'S Do you want a nice Warm Shawl, Fur Muff or Fur Mantle, see Mc FAELAND'S Stock. Lovely Eicn Maryelleaux Silks only 80c. sold in city for $1.25. Garnett Navy Blue, Eich Brown and Slate Dress Veiveteens, just opened at.McFARLAND'S. Black Cashmeres, 30, 85, 40 50 cents, Fast Dyes^ and Wide Widths. A Big Pile of Melton Dress Goods being the 3rd lot received this season, commencing at 9, 12^, 14 and 18 cents. n wife â€"Manitoba's surplus wlieatis being earned out of tbe province at the rate of five trains loads a day. and all fears ^f a blockade are dispelled. â€"Eev. Dr. Nelles, Chancellor of Victoria Upiven ity, died at Coboarg, last Monday afternoon, of typhoid fever, after only six dajr' illness, a^ 64 years. â€"Senator Senccal, of Montreal dud onlhellthmst.agtd fi8 yeare. A few weeks ago be hU « stiwke of paral^Us fromwhieti lie dkl not Ity xecQver. He «S8 Preaidatt of the iMfe«T«« DON'T let that cold oi yours run on. You think it s a light thing. But it may ran into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. 'Onsumption is death itself. The breathing aparatus must be kept healthy and clea^' of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be da- lighfully and entirely cured by the use o£ Boschee's fterman Syrup, If you dont know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you. They have been cured by it, and 'know how it is. themselTee.' Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist, Uleatord Boadr From our own eorrespondentt Two runaways in one day. The first was with Mr. Shield's horse, [the cattie buyer. As he and Messrs. fL Buchanan and J. Weber were driving up to Mr. Bacbanan's farm to look at some cattle, the horse got frightened at a steam thresher that was at work in the bam and started off at a furious rate through the field throwing out Mr. ShieldB the horse after running a short distance came to just as sudden a stand still when the other two occupants of the rig quietly desoenHed io tmrdfirma. EunawayNo. 2 was with Blr. -J. Kelley's horse which when quietly meandmg along the Meaford Hoid made a sudden boltf from « dog and threw Mr. Kelly out, onlyOiat heâ€". or who -yas in tbe rig- with himâ€" caught the Unos and stored tiie horses the ennseqoeneea might have been seriims, as it was ihera harm done. The£ehp8e8a# mill k tf^ again eutgngiuidtfE. MesstaS.Tirariinif and Bi Giliiett^ baye ataitad apt bne in tbe batefa^t^ mg Una. Xbi^ at# da« a pi %i" was no l^t6^fJB.^. Miss Brimner is turning oat some lovely Hats and Bonnets, and our Mantle tra^e is booming. If you want a neat nobby AYalking Jacket or Ulster leave your order at McFAE- LAND'5, perfect fit and^correct style guaranteed, at moderate price, some very stylish Mantlings received this week in fine curls and neat goods. GreyEabbitFur, Bear Fur, Feather Trimming, and Black Cooney Fur for Trimmings, cheap at McFaELAND'S. Jiiu Mitts, £id Gloves, Fine Casl^mere Hose, Cashmere and Toffet a Gloves all sizes at McFAELAND'S; One Case Gents' Wool and Silk Mufflers, Silk Scarfs, Fine Wool Underwai4 placed in stock. 1500 yds. Grey Light and Dark Fancy and Navy Blue Flannels, from 18 cents up. Suits! Suits! Suits! both Men's Boy's and Youth's all sizes, best value ever shown in the county. â-  â-  • Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats from a $8.60 up to the finest make, ean please the most exaeting. Onr Felt Boots is ajoiething start- ling, you can see theni only at lic- FAELAND'S. v ' Drop in wbeo in Markdale.- It will pay yon to do your bosiness wifli e M xialttble finfti vi r tj k. ijjsh TO all users of Machine Oils, don't forept^ on E. S. MABBE, Sign of the ff Saw, Markdale, and ask for the] -- â-  ^^ OIL, it is unequalled by any.| WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for brillance of li J Empire Oil Co., Refiners ^^amifacturer's 349-75 â-  London and Torou •g'g^V^re^mt Pais 5^,. Oct. 17,-This j^;^0 fire was discoy S3foB-hwse: occupied b: fglie. She and her Sa^revisiting m Torontc Srtt son, about 25 years SSg alone in tlie house, ^tlie fire was barnir Sen. which adjoined th Stbe yonng man. The *^ow was broken la as s !^ible. but before the y ^d be rescued life was es /our doctorsof the town wor hours with him, but of no is supposed he had been Tbe flames were confined t dwelling. The cause of th known. Part of the furr I'he house was insi MARKDALE M M DOOR Fi Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plaaj tory, containing all the latest and most approved uiachineiy, even being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PlliKETS, e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second toiJ Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m every departm^ would now renpecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promp PINELUMBER Dressed and Undres Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plaiu and Fancy Torniugjl Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 ' THOS. McNE^ E. McNALLY â€" Would hereby anuoucce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into my new e shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture e\ery in the wagon aud carriage line, and having long experience in tbe bci and by using first class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to fivqj wno will favor me with their order. Webtern Insurance Co., lo $500. Messrs. Brown an Ibo rescued the body, wer( several places, but not verj Gnphrasia Fnit SI NOTWITHSTANDiyG THE t Weathbb the Show Fairly The weather was anythin able for the World's Fair la^. Bain fell freely in tl: and during the afternoon a anow drove the people int( shelter. Consequent upon t the week previous the roads sloppy- 'f b frmeral of tl Thos. Mcintosh, of St. Vine took place on the same day a large number of carrying. tentions to be present, as aL did the Meaf ord regatta. Nc iog all these unfavorable cir however, the attendance wa the gate receipts compare with those of previous years The show of horses, cattle 8beq was unusuaTly good. ' disogkt class of horses, Mr. foot, of Collingwood, obtaiue and Mr. Henderson, of HolL Li general purpose brood Bobt. J. McAfee, took first, Gilmer e, second. In colts c cias8,Mr. R. J. McAfee's by took first, and Mr. Jno, C Branch" received first, an McKenzie's "Nogeant,"seco The exhibit of fruits, root tables was much better tha asonably have been expecte ingtbe nature of the season, shown by Mr. Jas. Brodie, o were fine, and the grapes b Ciabtree, were equal to the prizes at the Industrial. R carried of a number of fin apples, etc, as also did .his Bobt. Gihray. Of butter th Repairing, Fainting and Trimming promptly attended km mnsuaUy large display, i A call respectfully solicited, NOTICE. Three farms to rent within a short distance of Markdale. Terms easy, immediate pos- session given. Also a number ol choice building lots for sale, in the flourishinig village of Markdale. Apply to, G. S. Bowes, Ileal Estate and Insurance agent Markdalo. ESTRAY. Came to the premises of John Marr»y, lot 3, con. 11, Holland, .iboat the 1st Juoe a red and white calf, blind of one eye. The owner, is requested to prove property pay n pences and take it. JOHX MrXBAT 869-72 Walter's FbOb. .U4£i, WANTEDâ€" A^local and a travelHng salesman afionce for spifi^g trade* Hardy stock a specialty. Good tcrma good territory and good outfits. Chabibb H. Chase, Nurseryman. 868-78 Bodchester, N T .T7""ble Timber Farms for Sale. Being lots 29 and SO in the 8ili «m. of tbe township of Holland, oontaining about 840 acres the above land is situated within 2 miles of Berkeley, situated on the C. P- B. the land is a good loamy soil; almost free fiom stones and is timbered with â€" pine, nxA «lm. wat- er elm. cedar, hemlo^sk. qiruce, aafle. beeeh, bireh; baswood* butternut and tamuao, the land is well watend, and from ita location will make a firtt class farm. The property will be mid eitbw in one panel 07 aaparately to suit pazehaaer(uuliKlibesold.Tn7dieapj and on Items to suit puehaaer. Vta jBrttMr pibrtfonUttBainfarto 970 ' ' GEO. NOnCiE. Mttkdale;O0t»-iBtX887: â-  I " â€" " ' ' " "" ' " New Tai VifI Stoddart, m England and Jersy City, U. S. to inform the citizens of wm and surrounding community, tl has opened a TAILORING over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's where he is prepared to do all' entrusted to him in tli® I**â„¢,, Nobbiest Styles as I wU w^l work before leftving the Sbop.' tomers may rely on baviug ' turned out fiarst-class in eve^ ticnlar trustmg that I may rew fair share ot the public patronage j I remain, 'â- -' Faithfully ywrs. WILL STODPil Markdale. March 14tb, 1887. tjiiBmc £ inM two MI^Br iJi^MT MM «i.w9^iMd4^n«t4iapi znUQBOU 4Ju.MKVpiiqnDI|' #.»J .«vj««. Hamilton -:- MORNING, EVENING, The Iieading Li^jeral servative Newspaper Canada. GET THE-â€" ONE DOLLEB A YISAB- Bright^fccisiTe, Able Editor"" The Complete News of the W Tha Choicest MisceUaneow Serid Stories By the Best A^^_ Tl» Fullest MarketJieF^ •- TheCaoicestfl"' EVBTTRINft FOR ^, The SwetaUrr wiet. ^^^ dan, indnever shirks a puWiel ii atantys clean end strong. gram was smalL The ladit partment contained man specimens, and sustained it of being one of the best dis] county. Upon the whole thi n»re numerous and of be tlianm previous rears, anc P«ed very favorably with i »Uier fairs. NOTES- It IS the custom of a soci a hmited time for ladies oi the exhibits in the main b Me judginj; is completed, yomg men didn't believe ir ana forced their way throu w^ A rins; leader, one Holland, wrenched const sock from him, and undertc ae atnation. He %vill a Justice Myles, at Rocklyn ^^ tis "gentlemanl Jraesjdent Orabtree a â„¢al and didn't reach the «J« m the afternoon. ^ay discharged the duti *â„¢|Tery satisfactory. r* some reason or cth a?.* ' ^^^ °o' opened, *™» aftetnoon's storm peon â- â€¢WtGtier, of Thorn '^asaisoannmt tofthattown. B ^i^o^sented, while *»« less than a 55^««eged«reRatt "^-tkey evinced fo "^^ma f"^P^*or Camp t«47TSj» Pnvate dete *ifci*i«^^ **°*8 doubtl ' HffiS"® obtained fii np^^ wanted to -aq ^^^rt."^* hitter ' bad, and ^!t^ lad BOI 'dc creal .- â€" "byba Js a partial J «f.Snronio,^ P^ afieep, cat ^•nd Jag. i*"-- J. Tnpp â- â-  A*'.- fl.OO .â- ilU^ t^Aii-^ C2 it 4. ym pnroUuse for yon fof^^josi^' fcMtolpr. tbJ best ConservaB^J^L lW weekly newspaper »^ " VinnnUy Hberal eomin«»^| iiliiMiiTiis SwcTAioB, av^ £:hL -w "^i^-1 iiMiiiitti WkiMiMUiiMkimtiiiiiia^^^stmia^^ik.i

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