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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Sep 1887, p. 6

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 mm-!' m it. â- IV :, ' I I » if Ji M" *; 'ii C 'i l^'i. «•*( If" -a fttlW HEALTH. Medidxie For Weaiy Brain^^ M«ny persona leek relief from ^^W^^ and lanitude, in tbingt vhich BtdmnOWranr excite them. Those who do thisL Are simply boming the candle of life at^^^ Whipping a tired horse may nm but it does not make hintstroQg^: en his life. V. » S^i A jndicions writer says " The best pos sible thing for a man to do y^h^^J^•'f9l^ too weak to carry anything throngh, is to go to bed and sleep as long as he can. This is the only actual recuperation of brain ^rce the only recuperation of brainpO'OfeF: be- cauee during sleep the brain is in'.a ' sliite of rest, in a condition to receive tipi^prJate particles of nutriment from tiie^bltfrn; iHidh take the place of those that havfe 4mui- con- sumed by previous labor for tbaf'in^act of thinking bums up solid partial«a^«i cilery turn of the wheels or screw of ^e jst^am^ is the result of consumption by "Are iff " the fuel in the furnace. The supply of eob«im- ed brain substance could mlj have been derived from nutritive particles io the blood, which were obtained from tiie food, oaten previously, and the brain is so constituted that it can best receive and approjMriate to itself those nutritive ]particles dnring the state of sleep. Mere stimulants supply no- thing in themselves; they gorj|« tnei brain, and force it to a greater consumption of its substance, until it is so exhausted that tiiere is not power enough left to receive a supply. " The weary man, by the aid of any stim- ulant, drives away sleep, drives away ,the best friend he has, and may find, when too late, that the friend has gone beyond recall. Sleep is a priceless gift, restoring smd re- freshing the weary. Let us see to it that we do not abuse this gift, and so prepare ourselves for sleeplessness, trouble, and death at the end. men rf beer eTamiimd, mm» â- eventeen in all, T • I iBl^t^M^' mas of bear examiiw^, the -Momadr digea- -tjpn was delayed oonaiderably more than hmo hour, and in some instances the delay ima nearly two hours. Some re^sent experi- ments made by Prolj Puggan, of Baltimore, »t the John HoptQif r Univ«|W|r, sho*« ttat alcohd in aO ttJ ^iprma reMs the di- gestion of Btarcl^ iaia yery majMa d^ree. These two seta oT eJ^rimeii*a£t«Ji»™«r show very conAtm^^ that Sefir tBtaida the digestion, in' ooiue^ence of Ae which it contaisl ^l»en it i| epi that the nutritiV« vali^ of beer «io ingly small that A -whate hogshihtS no more actual 'nariment tBfc^ »' k»af ol^bread, it will atonce apfatt popular faith in beer as. an aid^tp^^d^ or to'nutrition, has no f»undati«tajWf The Ltat PoKih Buuig At^aift; ^fl»"^fci^ig^fc«t tmpt«MiTe public dem o Mtra t i wi s wfar^ aManhr bnmgkt ToifiS^ N) ^yribiiteat« ^U|»ii of tKe cireet plroc««U6nsf1^1me6l% cbwit' «f miiimnn of people befor«»1he cl mr ,wftili knDWI^1rfk.ply•-,•'iG«#^*W»^'^^W*+*•^C^^ '~rr»~' ...' • i J sicnala w*b midsl;: Uie singUU 49 fhejji Vipdleoi in Exile. jj^Jed from *»«efa»»»J«^?M^P^*«^ laa. even tf the otBUt* ettMsfSfriwB, that on the arrival of newspapen bam England, the tet^jaelilfcii iik*l ihmi ** Whtlt ««w« of Bonaparte!" The gn^ by'iHji. #l«r title. A code .^ Wntftai bot fc a small book, byVludi,Sfr H^cUbit'Iiewei his jailer, was k«^ ttWrmw of eMrftmpvement of his imperial prisonen WbeB. took his daily ride within tl^.pre.- scribBd tbundary, tha ,jnei»jWarkjy^ Jbe c*^3w0oaen-t6legraphsoh the hlHi," sent «4icn **»^ mesM^ as these '^wtOUk tHaBAMvesi wl, 'dt persons, staying there day and ni^t^ •were with the utimoct di%plt^ ^got to leave (or dragged oat as ^W^on««S Hift ^jBiyewal; n HeatthVotes. -^! Food tiiat a person cannot enii^e will Mt cure..- £.;-- -Dancer in Uad Water. Many of those who know that the use of bad water is dangerous, are not aware of the extent or gravity of the risk incurred in the use of water which is contaminated with sewerage. The following account of poisoiudg from the water of an ordinary well, Tesnlting in typhoid fever, shows that this grave disease may be contracted by the use of even a very small amount of contaminated water. AVe quote from the^Mwa^s of Hygiene â€" " M. Dujardin-Beanmetz has forwarded to the Paris Academy of Sciences a^CMn- mnnication on the Pierrefonda typhoid cases of last summer. M. Fernet, who oc- cupies a high post at the Ministry of Public Instruction, hired a house for his wife and family, at Pierrefonds, a fashionable resort near Compiegne, contiguous to two others. After they had rented it for a fI^Mon« they were told to beware of the water in the well. On this account they drank mineral water exclusively until the last day, wheq. the stock was out, and the servants, pr^taring to return to Paris, were too busy to fetch some bottles from the chemist., M^am Fernet said, "For once surely.. tl^ere can be no harm in drinking the well-wkter. " They dramk it. Six out of nine p^soits have since diedj.^ including one of the servants. The cook, two of the four children, and Madam Fernet had had typh fever be- fore and though attacked again by it after their return from Pierrefonds, have got through the illness. " The Well has been examined, and is re- ported to contain the biusilli which are believed to be associated with typhoid fever. This, is a common dangi^^rM^ioh visitors to so-called health res(|i^^i^ fre- quently subjected. The facilitj^wlQivbich well-water is infected is hidden" fr4m- the population by the impunity Mltbii ^WiMch filthy' well water may of ten 1)0 drank by resident families, who have beCoAe aoclim- atized, especially when that water iis for the moment infected only by ncm-poisonous fecal matter; and this fancied immunity often leads to habits of carelessness, for which not themselves only, but also their visiton, have to snflfer." ;i' ^{ « .^ tagions elements, on the princi^e'of j^rjM tion. " ;c ,^:, It is asserted in the MediccWWorlHi tfaftt,' if you desire as speedyac^n j{ drngf sm^ri lowed, as if yon gave thenrbypodermicaHy, administer them in hot wa*er. -pne-half the; dose will suffice if given bet, a«it is qoickl^ absorbed from the stomadi, and the force m, the drug tiirown upon the system afMicq.. One word regarding that iniane dedusiHi which possesses many â€" thfct fi they have been bitten by a healthy dbg asd that dog subsequently becomes rabid, the injured one also acquires the disease. Nothing ooald be more fanciful and ridiculous than this theory and people who entertain it libel their own common sense. A dog must be rabid at the tioje the bite is administered in order to com- municate rabies. In no other way but by the introduction into the system of the con- tagious virus, the specific p^son of t^ rabies, can that disease be transmitted to«r healthy person or animal. A novel method of treating patientBi9n£Fer- mg from phthisis is described tti the current number of The Medical Record, It was de- vised by a French physician. Dr. Borgeon of Lyons, who has been applying it for two years to cases of chronic pulmontuy and throat disease. The results are said to be remarkable. The treatment consists of daily injections by enema, o* medicated gases. Carbonic acid gas when introduced into the system by this method is found to be harmless and painless.' Sulphurated hydrogen is mingled with it, the entire structure of the lungs is permeated by the medicated gas and remarkable curative ef- fects are observed. •"â-  " '^S^'"'"" There is a general idea Ilij^MMpM is carried by germs, and that tS^ 4^rv|Ml^ with these, and it is a wondw fir ipost jpeC' pie that every one is not so t^Qu^ei^ the laity conclude that the germ;^^li^b^ iA ani' absurdity and a contradiction. ' y^Tnajr ^o not consider the elements oT'a w^Je jmiI. The ^erm is the same as a seed/ 'We^nst plant seed in a soil suitable fokit, fu^tlM surroundings â€" heat and momiMnkilSiit 1e adapted to it if it is to g» ^^^ soil, BO to speak, is found ^t^l^PHi,* tt §; person whose constitution fs-^n mw^from over lack of rest, poor livfiic fefliiifew.. It v^ the seneral had turned, in the course«£ hie 4mi^ beldift parley ydW M^ jrt»o. -â- ' -- ° • ' '" â€" J i-Mjâ€" «â€" MimKHfe^to'be deep u^ the confidence of .tb^palffibtic Polish party. Facing tWrbbin 'miiM#on««4scntemeiit, thb ItasaiBn Governor iudd he oould not bear thP •tnia of his po- toTudb a'degreethat one night he risked hie lition any longer, and exclaimed: "Why ride, an apgle of a hill, and was hidden loR- a few minutes from the obserye. r •» i ^.. „ An English ensign, now General Wtod,' Purity rf surroundings kill* mufy ce^j^ was stimulated by curiosity to i»etiie«a*, "'â-  ""--' â- -•^----•'l to such a degree that one mght he risked hla commission for the chance of a glimpse,.^ gnayrds.' ^nval Bonaparto Jiaii ' Uhi I^»m» ^ing'icBblil'real actionVlJtft t^'ft'firm intention j 'frps'^:Wwn only to a fe*, and' for |ong tiin^'tJba^eW^ suspected by the Russian, au-! tb^tC%k" There is a story, apparently well aa^rtuiwsated, of Gmi. Gortbhakofl hairing General $on»p»l!te|ia».paiW^tbft ' • General Bonaparte is at Hntt.f iver»jf tate.^- "Oeiieral BonapAti'fi ndssing." Th* last message was telegraphed becauM may be introduced directly into tha bl(Ood vault. Every night, at sunset, a cordon of sen- tries was drawn around the liongwood gronndJs. The venturesome enngii crept, under cover of trees, between two sentixids, up tc a lighted window of the house. The curtains were not drawn, but the bliAd wae lowered. Fortunately for the yonth, two or three inches of sptce remained q;eRl«^®P the blhi^^Aiid the windQw-frame. -^ The ^pisigti knelt aQ4 «aw bqiob one walk- ing up and down the lighted apartment. He could see of the exile only a pair of thin shoes witjii: diamond buekles, two well bound legs encased in fdlk stockings, «nA tiie edge of a coat lined with white suk. On a sofa, so placed as to aflford the "peeping Tom" a full view of its occupant, was Madame Bertrand, witlt her boy leaning on her knee. ' The Emperor was speaking dowly and distinctly, and some one was writing at his dictation. The curious ensign returned to the guard-house well repaid, as he thooght, for his risk, for he had heard Napoleon Bonaparte speak. The last ociS9ion on which Napoleon was out of doors, the ensign spied him through a military telescope. It was a bright morn- ing, and the sergeant of the guard^at Long- wbod Gate said to the ensign, "General Bonaparte is in the garden, sir. The ensign seized a spy-glass, threw open the guard- room window, and surveyed Napoleon as he stood talking to General Bertraad. Something on the ground attracted 106 notice, and he stooped to examine it. Sud' denly the music of the band of the regiment was faeard,.and he moved away to catch a glimpse of an inspection. The severe restrictions were maintained as precautionary measures. Napoleon had once before escaped from an Island, and the British Government did not wish Europe to be again disturbed by the sudden aqppearance of the Emperor on the continent. i Napoleon's remains now rest in Paris, under the gflded dome of the Zhvalideik awhile thiti tdatisolenm' was being prepared for the Emperor's ashes, a party -i^aifii^alking one morning throngh the work-rooms, in- specting the, sculpture intended to adgrn the pn^~ nymn in "thonsahda ye A ' iu g of' monmin]^' lys. and .expeitg in t-itj}}^ " Usbediser. Benaldcgi^, 9 part, thb QemoffiraUc i it^«^o1)je6t of ^iS-- f knd^iid ibitn. On its.pMv, "" a^vmivmhiiiu/ S^oitit^ worked witfr^4^o1jeitpfbrii^^^ I 4o ^n-iidt rise in arnu^'If you did, I know the mysterious captive, through" this'Long-liow^ I «honld have to act against yon; but wood windows. 1 thie'nnirmed agitation Will be the death of agitation ine!" f But we have. no arms, yonr eacoel- lency," answered the PoliBh gentleman. M^eli," aaid Gortchakoff, " if that is the only impediment, I shall have, pleasure in furnishing them to you, and then I shall be del^htecrto deal With this question. But th^wtetohed unarmed agitation I cannot bear aqy longer." However, without wea- pons being thus furnished by the foe, the 'revolutionary rising soon came, and the RueS sian Government was utterly aarprised. Waiting for ^s Wife's Train. Old rentieman in refreshmfnt room, near Depot. Looks at watoh and soliloquizes, " Here'ssix. glasses of whiskey I've had al- ready, and my wife's train's not due for an- other hour. That's six more. And it's sure to be ten minutes late. That's two more â€" one to be booked to agitation and suspense. Really, what with the expense and wear and tear of the constitution, that woman will be the death of me yet." â„¢L'-i«'UEL« STOCKMEN, givethii paration a fair trW. u promptlyaDd effectniUvi. Ticks and othfr vetmin in Tios at 35c., 70c. Shetp or 35 Lamba, as in eradieatinean a«lrtfi^'"i| an! «1. A 35^ Bn^SN ^H.Kjationalv'ct^i 23 ADELAIDL »T. E.. TORONTO* AnclMSjaoffinewprk. Mfrs.ofPHnwu»| 8faigs.,8nd Metal FonutoFe. Send iw b^^I throngh an open wound, or it aaayba intro- duced indirectly throi}ghi'th||, nj^HtSitfiXj. system. A Pish Dinner- Travellers in Alaska faavc! told us jtiiaii^he seals of the Pacific coast waters i^pHire; the codfish and eat all but die Wf^iA,^ which is hard and honey." An Engli^ gegtlotBalnr' was shown a similar sight at the mouth of the River Moy in Ireland: My guide and I were watc! tures at play among the rocl "Them's hi? bastes, I Tobacco Blindness in a Woman. A prominent oculist recently reported a case of tobacco blindness in a weiQaa of ap- parentiy cultivated and refined habits. Not suspecting the real cause, the " ' otor made a very thorough investigation oi the cause, and was mudi puzzled to detengHAe it(i real nature. " She laughed heartily, and then sqjali ed tiiat she did sttoke a good ^^. ally, I desired to know how Me^tti -iier One -of theiarty was the brilliant Cottnt D'Orsay, and anotl^r was the director of the work, wno struck the 'paMte block, which was to enoue the remains, â- mUh a hammer, to exhibit its solidity. A spark followed the blow. „ " i " See," said the Cbuht, •'France inay yet light a torch at the tomb of her Emperor I" The remark was prophetic. Frqnce's cry, "On to the Rhuel" wkich heralitfcPftbe war with Germany, wa^ kispire^y. Jtitipoleon's idea that the Bhin6 is the fflnum'^iindary of France. She Wonld Kever Complain. " Jennie," said a young lady, turning away from tlie mirror and addressing a com- panion, " what would you do if you had a moustache on yonr lip " " If I liked him I wonld keep was the demure reply. qiiiet,' education and refinement had acquired a habit so unusual to ladies. Her history was soon told "I married when quite young, and went to live WittL. my«bu^and in North Carolina, iHiere I^- bal^a^^ry large farming inter^t. H«^ J3wnf^«(^,«X' toninve a tract of land that far away, and I saw. but littlis of them. I have had no children, ,and during many long winters my hnsbsmd and myself itwf been the sole ocbnpants of our coniiny house. My husband had always been 'de- voted to his pipe, which he takes up as iddn as he gets, into tiie hoi^se .af^.o(eif i hia^m. wort. OftaA â-  dlur|lfe jmqrH mbntinrrf married Itf^^^' w o M B' fcKH npdvP me to fill it for lum, ^ad ^^ny^. would even dare me to li^t it^ â€"fly -degrees I found myself able to take se^^eral w^hifis. of tobacco Vuoke wfthonidiitiDUMt.' 'm his request, I learned to smoke, as h^,said. .(pr companionship and for ^toaiat yijucn I haye taken my pipe with regn^Lri^.'" to be afflicted by tobacco blindni man has and i^h^ fir 'obmpHuc to oa very salOrii do^in the midat rf bJlr" hispiikeall to himself. Why wife £noke with him, and allow childrfn to snu^ small pipes or cigarettes, also T ' If tobacco IS neooBsuy fpr^fofather it il ^ust as important fdt tob «•«*»*»» cerfcufly the raildren'onmiM ^^ a '4iarmless luxury." " Vl"^i^r^ Isfiaettce of Beer BiaB%lrti«i^l::i Prof. H. A. Hare, M»T^, sity of Pennsylvania, ha|| jectd^to scientific testt )^^ that beer v^ an aid ,to " loi^ beoi sa^osed by er forms oi alcohofie the Nations forms of beer, gestion. The expntmegt^tB. very clearly riiowthat %l tardft4o4i MlivMty anilairttio- |itH iMi t Thif was tne with referenoe. to every speci Terry, "Sure, they're waiting toeooMinp- after the salmon when the tide turns," said Mick. " I'll engage there'll be a great Ytnrdf sal- mon this tide." uL " Sure, Mick," sajrs Terry," " you'll mind the salmon 'ating'the sale and Imding him under his arm " â-  m ' " What do yon mean, Tew^,"««rfT,'by a salmon eating a seal and hQl(vng.hijn .nader hlaarmr rTR -^^^ " Ah, nat at all," sud Tewff.i **»ni9, I meant a sale 'ating a salmon and holding him nnder his arm. Sure, rv«M3rVBii do it more than once. " "WeUj" said I, "Terry, Pve heilM that Irishmen joan sometimes teU a lie^if jreciair- ed, bvti never hieard of anyone telling so big a one as yon can " 1 '/,' ' " Sure, it's truth I'm tilting, yer anner," said Terry. "Sure, ite no UaTalRilh ^at all." All of a sudden ftere iMieii iBail^tecited 'ILT^ jkhout from -Terry. " Ah thii siOa I Say the eiJe 1 Say the sale 'ating the salmon 1' Andpositively â€" believe it who can that bcw not seen it â€" there was a aeai wbo.neem-. eil to be almost standing up in the water, with a grilMrf.8iz-«r eighl^ under hil^pper. «sd p^^l^^ ,^^ Did yer anner iver say the like of that, now " " Sure, I was thinking we'd niy^r sa; biiBrgettiK :ttis «BlIififinil tfASddy. fer anner will telava4ha1urtor|L. tmnrm^ ^iiM7^ar aauM^'iay'd ft^#M-^SM^V not *^« ^^f ^y^-^^'M^^fry fj^fi*^**"" The Last Qnesiion on £xamination Tay. We were rtuiged on the flcior .in front of the visitors o%jBieimiitatinq.jfey^ be looked at, and answer such questions as they or t^e teacheta saw fitto adb '7;?. n " Where was John Rogers burnt to death 1" said the teacher to- me in a com- manding voice. ^. I coutchi*t tell. ' "TheiiiBxt" ' ' â-  "Joshicuti^ows," said aUttle'girlatt^e foot Of thfe class. ' "â- ^" ' "WriH," said the teachei^, *tt Joshtii knows, he may tell." ' ' " In the fire I" said Joshua, looking ie^ solemn and wise. ^e minutes, and then go home; It Stood for Something. "Mamma," said little Susie Thoughtful, " what is a cipher " " Why, my dear," replied the astonished parent, "a cipher; is^why, a cipher is naught â€" its nothing; that u, it means no- thingwhen it stanob, alone." "Well, ma, why I asked was, I saw pa standing beside the new cook in the kitchen this morning and he put his arm around her neck and said '^Rosa darling, I cipher a taste of your rosy lips.'" GONSIMPTim IhaT* a podtlve remedy for the abore olMaae by Its nac ttaoiaadaqrcaawaftlia mratkl^aBil ofloacataaSlac S*T» tiiao earad. iBdead, lo' itronc la idt lUtb In Ite aner, tkat I will aand two BOTTLES nva, tatatkar' «Hk • VAUUBLK TBEafTSS on tUa diaaaaa to uv â€" " etra azpreaa and P. O. addraaa. " -.siAomi, Weakness and Lung Trouble cart St., " covetyoiti »geforBt_ the Bomki '»i'ig«liBlMdil r anit Kidnn ijm joUinta. A 'ink- p.ood Pmife. iJI |in Hamilton wtsiii^ " m benefited hj :Mrs.S.K« Robert SL,ou 'fErysipelMollBl â- rtanding; BobttJI 'icU, 24 Som I iiaughter cured i| lEpileptic Fitt ihj ~ears'sttfltniit;J(l lie Birreil, 55 ij Inut St, caret J Joiin Wood, 95 Gal cured of Li\ er Complaint and Bilioaml used only 3 fifty -cent bottles Mis. J. BetlJAg^l St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostriti(«,n| small bottle* Kave her great relief. Sold at SOtuI F. F. DALLEY CO., Proprieta BABY'S BIRTHDAY. f A BLAutiful Imported BirUicla;Cidi to an; baby whose mother will tendoltfl names of two or more other babia,udtil parents' addresses Also a handioiiiiIli| mond Dye Sample Card to the moltoril much valuable i9formation. F Wella. RIcfaardsoK dc Co., HMMi J.L.JONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S^ East TORONTO. ICUREFITS I » -Wban I uy care I da not mesn merel; to itopUiiBlii I â- ateand ttaoa heve tb-!mretiim4Ea!ii. ImHiiiiiM| tm. I have made tbe dlsuaae of FITS, EPIUr8T«Pl!i no SICKNESS a life-long etndy. I warrant bi nNI lo can tba wont cues. Became othera han ftMta Igr net now receiving a core. SeadatoMki and a Free Bottle ot my InfaUlblr remedr. Q â-  and F atOfflce. It'eoata yoo nothlsi iirtH udlwUleareyoa. .Addree ?- sa H. S. BOOT, BnixihOfS^.i^^st.l'gMate BMlOi!e,37IlllilSL,Aral Fauniiers siiiid Threshen ilSE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNQWN PeerlessOl NINE GOLD MEDALS *^'^*Gr%1iyiS;^^^^^^^^^^ Jtaaufsatusd si.OUfEiN C|rY OIL. WORKS, Dy SAMUEL ROGERS CO. TORONTO oeSBri Oaoobib^ a X^nlMBSiOll* r. Cp^neH.Yerg^ eldest s;t;- Jr.; does nbt shoii* 'flqriilBlimdn m»k9 -i^aatk-m r*.ri^priArf mtm^KtB and trfflng, so Colonel ieraer had a s^ous talttni^ftJWiwJWtly./ DiJJOW JilJirc " Fercy, my spn," said ijgfi old man, •*what is to beoMB«ef youj^" â-  "Idunno." ,^,^ .,m,^»^^^'-^ yer or a preacher, and yon are_ top lazy to. Work now, what prof esupn or trade do yon think wonMslM T^I^Q^'Uk ' Well, if Tliia, ^ft to'tMVDmethins, I reckon I'd rather be a retired army officer with a pension than anjrtlling else, " A G^od OontShaOsi £»! A muvel ot-'Ubrngnem, tifVlk promptitude, is oonteined in lamons reaedy^ Pal Eztraotor. It goes right to tiw bl e, there aoti quickly bai tlMri» untiling is known of its tiie coA is bImIM. Bewan offend ior Patasm's rsfnlms â€" MfeiMOvaaapainlMik EMd "â- â- â€¢â- ..• ' f ' .. ^p ' 'I ' ...1 1 JwGmtsaonk CoMPAirci^^A iMMttilol pt«- s^'to MCrty every one aB-lon^fli'tiiey uMb,' Srtt «»nie fint serrddi ^e most aoecim- pliidiiiid iroMMn hM still Ma/aOa^ worthy' tp lie Uddsdto her Itst if ike hsto^i^er yM made a goodswe^t wbit«4otf oi bUead.' T-i^ 'â-  m(3tntag»-ib9Jmt nf Home Bniid'UHli IbW BreadidAktcs^ Y«Mi Cmiipuiy baVtt cnred ten thousands presents, whidft'lirilliMi' osnt to all who comply with their terms.^ They wwit »l^^^.M»'^^i^r.^ follow Directions or work underuistruoQons, ijo leam^^QHCJlKilMke bread. They will take yonr word. for it thw when yon luxe succeeded to your own satiafakctionby uains £eir;».ihin»|« mTm iprri^milmi endosmg a wrapper of a five omt packatEe of Ti â-  " f to itev( bold vboja aotnov ^Mkking iMrtthAfunilsr 4iiaFvho%itt'iAiidkdb^bfdBii^ thdr ywftr ceive still better class of cift btJ3;^ ^wn or other yeast, bht who will buy a five tsent ftidetffttf IJidteatdJnitkeEtt.'XMi^fibm any grocer or storekaep^^and, after using, will write to say ihat Oar Yeast is Soperior, we ishidl liolftv* liir also, li^ 4nfi rnkdAA that lady by retnra mail with a lovely gift. Addreaâ- ^â- H^l^B»^^admalww' 'T^utt fa| Tor- onto, f ' u^ .. » â- â-  â-  " 7r MCO.t^^^^ i 'sit PLAMn^i::9i|bkqriojr, VGrain Sav^^ «8Ji " eerless It is, said t^t two hujR^rad avdaixty. bight itmKb«hr».eanaBa«ct1ntli».t7idt»^ B «Mi twi1« t jrgr^Bag^i^ylte'twfe IftottMad' Biaiili«- " v., oHrtyug too lpilIIJfiSTOSniTALlD!Al*' " BOYNTON," "HABBIS" " MAMMCm " MONABOB. THE tt n Send for Trice List and Illustrated I iraiMNAOEIfllABjJSl rrORONTO^ HAIIILTOIRXMONTREAL, AND QR KiSDBK "*^-.Tfi(lt Wd wooded '" "TthM* fields of whea W^^ __,g fruit. |p«Mh that !••" V a(l b«*ob '*** " ^ooiBtsoMil? ^•ftSf^tseltl^ ancient «JT-!didaio»«tand.asdo 1' tb w^^^L bright-iac(»d healthj L tt»honKkeep»r, left, aj JSylLmthorsoeveryy! id high wages to retom hi rJS'edltriinW** "«*' '*^ ^^^. '""h^Tandlife-for gol »,-Jme place it was most cerl ^aaa bUring fices. the hot-v Severy fl«r. could not o^ SS»Sof Ae air; the room^ fS by day. chill and danl Z a olMO that any one who Uf e before soft sylvan scener t and health before a cunous iLSthcentwry architectore ^STthe ground and rebuilt wooded slopes about it. to wsrhaps thought a lady, slij kd ofnoblTand stately carnage £ stepped through a window 1 "to aWow terrace of redand Dt the watwr from the actual JShev and who was slowly si Id fro. an expression of weaxine .content so stamped upon her at one could see at once that bitual cast when the smooth r others was removed. [She walked leisurely up an rrace in the moonlight, the v nethysts glimmering amonp t dts of her Eaxen hair, her pli _â„¢b shown to advantage in hde silk dress of so pale a b nost white, a scarf of costly J wrapped about her shoulde Jided arms clasped with brae ^yits and gold. I Presently she paused in he. i^ng her white arm on the 1 .6 terrace, turned her proud u I the dark water. Hyacintl: J not a woman to be envied, best and most impecunious „vd, well-conducted, marriage lounging about the large, low, 1 Jng-room within, waiting for l^earance of the gentlemen al The light pouring from the dddshioing on the black water, Dor of voices, the sound of a s e which some one was playi amily upon the piano, seen JLyaointh. She looked impat her, and then walked rapidly 1 to where a hroiad flight of, tfpw path lapped, by the we SHe descend^ these and -•es^one, letting the edge ' _i robe trail over the wet pa oold have done with a chea{ in the old make-shift, ne, when she soiled and ^WBS and WM far sfaalibier avcibeeB. Some memory of I^^M tonc^ hesft now i Jhijf .p^retfully as she saw ho IsiQc'was mined. Then, but w Isoornftdly, the fell to a^lniirin I fleiitioivof hbr lace-dl^ped sho IfaOft below 'her. 1 «Y»," her ilihoughts ran,: I flv^tring ghost of herself loo I tliniqgH tb^ dark water, " I ItSD^iae,' healthy woman, csl tSI^ or tiA a sixty -guinea J podfiy-j^mnaaisive lavjshly """"""lepdjdt-yoD-can see " ^^fsnag joomfort in ' »r tt»iS)tihditig8â€" yc li^Uege Ad start r I â€"a s thagt'Jiave chosen^ jgRteÂ¥*tifrilfpter out wit I 2?L weeitii and posit I ^S9Lthan you dreamed of ir WLifJtfVirtftas fallen t lr?^.tS»^N4b, you are ri i' alu.- Did I no of meo^y yesterdi itxisi ^othe deep a .riflMi»t»ttt of hei uie as much im sbe will 8he|«j|Uidoffone long ler wU^ arm to let th iWttnthefigfit; but y "Should I havebBML hapi *22«»«t-lif» efered to me- aBiim.#p-^iovet r*â„¢*«.whwtl understoo rjpmoe for mo, 1 knew ^Pfei|l!^lMML(a^ttad loi ird .0' pie jpi^ tne i ^-MWM ing for me thei •w MIS W^ai, of my peop ,lioBver -itVTias b .tlttfe' at *qr lile and left me "»«b»akina «at«i ^-^«oIh- ' "Mymother a mot ever} " th«r wiiJnip*^ :.:^4.;.^..w:-.:-^^^^^3..-- â- r-.-- â-  â-  .â- ^^ii».i'-»'j^ilv.s:"'" â-  H â-  i-iHsisii^iiSs^-iS^i 'vi;: .:â- :

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