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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Sep 1887, p. 4

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 tj, i|!^ I *•*! .WW* J f "£ â- Â»..'i^ Â¥ Mil' "f^" m-ik O. W. Bntledge, ProprietCHr. HABKOALE. SEPT. 8. 1887 GABBYING FIBE-ABMS. TIm «ftRyiiig of fire-arms is beeom* ing quit* too commoii and the law prohitattiiu; it should be Tigoronply en- forced. It ifl quite a common thing to Hieet %ith bojs, who scarcely know ^enough (o keep their nose clean, carry- iog a reTolver, and the accidents from «aehan growing alarmingly frequent. k week Mareely passes but we read of retol^ec accidents, many of them fatal, with the almost aniversal cause "I didntnow it was loaded." Parents cannot be too strict with their child- ren in prcTenting them of carrying or handling such deadly weapons while the law should be enforced with the â- utmoflt rigor. cafordBosul* Idas Annie JDucbanan lirM inU pleaned frith her visit to tiia Sanlt, and George sc ms as well ^eased to have her homo n^aui. Mr. Bobert Wiling was up to ICeaiord visitiog his brother. He says that ihej had a very dry gammer tip there. We will have a new nuul carrier after the lt of October; Mr. John Warling has scoured the conteaet for oarryiag tbe mail between Flesherton and Yradeleur for the next fonr years. TheEolips'" steam saw mill is to be rebmlt by Mi srs Kells and Lucas. They have a ?â- M^l: of hands at work taking ont the 'miibcr and intend hav- ing it in mnniui; order as soon as pos- sible, it is a ^ooI thing for this part of the township tiiat this mill is be- ing rebuilt. Harvest work is all over for this year and threshing ]s now the ordbr of the day. O w w to tbe extreme dry and hot weather ihere will be a lot of light grain. Mr Stephen Badger, of Thombury, was through this neighborhood buy- ing cattle last week and the week before. He shipped a car load from Markdale. NOTE AND COMMENT. 'â€"Mr. Taylor, ex'president of Lond- on Bank, which failed recently, has been arrested. Ha failed to secure bondsmen and was lodged in a debtor's eelL â€"Mr. Wiman, leader of the Com- mercial Union movement, laid the emmer stone of a new Methodist ohnroh at Cooksville on Saturday last Peel is his native county. â€" ^A company with a capital of '$800,000 has just been formed in Moqtreal to re-open and operate the haafroot sugar factory at Berthier, Qvebee. which is expected to be in fvU operations by next summer. â€" ^Mr. Thomas Daly, an Ottawa Country farmer, purchassd a farm reoeaUy for $1,000, upon which he baa since discovered a rich iron mine. A New York firm of capitalists have oflEnwdMr. Daily $25,000 for the -liua. â€"The cities of Toronto and Montreal present vast difference*, es- pemdly in morals. More especially ie this noticeable in connection with -tha liquor traffic. Toronto has just •dosed seventy-five of its licensed bosses, reducing the number to about 1W« Montreal has just issued deven kuftdrtd licenses for that, city for the preiantyear. â€"The amount of grain ibis year ftr axportafaon from. Manitoba ahd tiMKorth-Westis in the vicinity of aevsa million bushels, and a large paHim of this is expected to be need in Ontario, owing to the partial failure of ihe grain crop in soma parts (A the profince. The C. P. B. Company hnva removed 2.600 cars from th«r Flei^lierton. From our own corretpondent. Daring Burqlary The store of B. J. Sproole, Es(][.. merchant and post master was on Monday morning last about 2 o'clock entered by burglars, the safe blpwti open and contents carried off, being cash, about $55.00 and some valuublo paper. Tbe store was entered from thu front, the lock being burst off. A heavy charge must have been but iu the doorof tbe safe as it was blown to atoms and part of the safe carried across the store about SOft almost bursting a hole through the side of the buildiug. Thebrace and chisels were left lyiog where used and after was discovered to be the pro- perty of W A. Milborne, carriage builder in this place, having been tak- en from his shop. The explosion v^as heard by a num- ber in the village, some of the inmates in the hotel, aud K. Trimble, Esq. The latter aroused from his slumbers by the noise got up and looked out when he discovered one man an guard at the door of tbe burglarized build- ing, while another inside securing the contents of the safe, aa the night was bright he could t:eo the man at the door, carrymg in his hand a revolver. He at once dispatched a messanger quietly to sound the alarm and secure help to capture the men; in a short time A. S. YanDusen, W. Bamhouee and others were on the soehd but the men had dissappeared. two men were seen by some parties in the hotel starting towards the station, and as soon as possible men were oat on chase and were traced by opr Mr. Yan- Dusen and others as far as Yamey, near DarHam, when ^1 trace of tbe men were lost. An eloquent and impressiTe An* nlTersaty Temperance' Serinon waa preaehed to the Boyal Tanplara and othera present, in theMetbodistehuroh on Sanday eVeoiog last, by the Bev. Mr. Bade of Harrisboj^, Ont. Thmre was « large congregation present. Tbe foretble ottaranee of the BeT. speaker; wbo is an old veteran, aiod active teniperanoe worker'" was listened to with nnabated interest. Bnstern to their Western divirions I GcSjJd for the above export business. 0» Tmi TxBOR Or Stabvatiox. â€" "For 1^ months I could not'eat a full meal *^ 2? *,"â- /'â-  "®*- I bought a bottle .rfBtttdo^Bfcod Bitters, began iSn| It and m three days my appetite return- ed, m a week If *lt like a new man. It was wonderful what that one bottie did ^^^^^y^i^x^ya AUchin, of Hunts- v ilie, M nskoka, who suffered from uy^epsia. Horry is now over most $6,000 moth iofjoods top inatodk, endowing to Ibe fMt tiie season is lieeomi^g sdv«MeS;ltt(i hat we baye abreaSy referred many Livoicesof FaU and Winter (Joods now on tbe way from Europe, and believing it a good poliey to olear ont all surplus stock, we have determined to give our customers some extra value in Silks, Laces. Yelyets, Millinery Goods, and Dress Gkods. In fitet all summer gopds win be sold at the lowest notch touched yet. Now is your chance to dress well for very little money, come. and critically ex-, amine tlie baxgains we offer. Colored Lace Mitts 10c. old pnce 40e. 6,000 yds. lovely Embroideries will be sold at a reduction of 26 per cent, every lady should buy now for future use. All-over Lace 86 inches wide (mly 60o. old prioe 80 centa. 600 yds. Handsome Grograin Colored Silk widejwidth (mty 76e. old price $1.00. 200 yds. Brown nnd Helotrope Sbripei Silks 86 cents per yard, vill make np lovdy dresaei i^ Tery littli eoet. 1,600 yds. Grqr Fkumet nil Wool for early h^t 85 eenteyaid. • One Case Brown, GiHwte, Myrtle and Grey Gostnnie Cloth 1$ nsnts. Direct Importations. tabinati» tNNfili* Tfti typ ti any size on ^; jpoi;! wHlti M gOM M City worlc. f4i«MMMa â- araHDM B^ FARMERS' ATTENTION. Jackson seim^ the celebrated WILKINSoJ and FliiSUBY Plow, also the World renowned CHATHAM -:- P ANN IN G-:-MlLj WM. JACKSOK ZMPORTAXTT!l r) aU users of Machine Oils, don't forgettot on E. S. MABEE, Sign of ^he CrossC Saw, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOBJ OIL, it is unequalled by any. WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to Axdericeuii for biillance of lig£t,| Empire Oil Co., Befiners Si Mannfacttixei's, 349-75 Liondon and Ton MARKDALE m Having ereoted and fitted np m eteiy detail » Sash, Door and FinI tory,. containing all the latest and most Approved inachineiy, ev being new, I am now prepared to ItBn o«t Sasb, Doors, Blinds, iwldiiigs, Hollof Bat nUUKS, UTIrMME PICKETS, tc, And everytiiing needed m bnflffing tnde, in a manner seocaid I Oanada, snd .Baying en^igad sopcnior meehanies m eyeiy de|i wonid now req^eottifllf Mfieit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Fromi PIMELUMBERDiMMdandUndi Direct from Nortb Sbore« all sices, «• lumd. Plain and Fancy Tn ConfttUHMtmn pPfthn from a Distatia. 809 THCOS. McNl ans m " JoHHHT, if you want to be a irig man, yon mnst eat more strong food." Johnnyâ€"'-AlI right; pass the buttari Holland Centre. BTOoiABY.--Sonie person orpersons •entered the C. P. B. Station on Wed- ^«rfny night the Slst nit., and stole ♦M. they then broke into the freight •hed and took an overcoat pants and Ti',?' P^P«rty of 0. Price, valued *t f 18, A blue serge vest with one uZ?*.?"""*^"°°" 0° **»« frack a short disunee from the Station which iW 1^ to the conviction of the i«rtF wbo did tlie deed. It. Bid^ Shuun raised bis new •taife on Saturday hiat. Ubwkelikefallh/tte-^fiaooks in the Town Hall wbiob was well filled with an appreciative midienoe. Mr. Stede, of Hamilton took ebaige of th« programme and in a aomewbat intere^g^ manlier eondneted tbel s«moe. •His attempts at punning and I witfdl in some measore- flat upon tbe feelings of the audienee. Tbete were present upon the platform tbe Bev'sMr.Bnggin, Shflton, WatMn. Earls and the Editor of the Advance, A. B. Fawcett. Esq., time waa limited Ibreaeh one bat in the abort time allowed, soma very pitkyftBings were said, vwy interesting toovjehts and aoe^eations were thrown ont. We think it would have been better if one or two speakers had the whole time, then aome effective work might bave been done, aa a speaker cannot get more than warmed up to bis subject in so short a time. We would also take some objections to the invidious comparisons made by tbe first two speakers wewouldnoterypcace peaee when there is no peace, but we think such loud comparisons b^weisn sister communities dues not tend to create a kind feeling or heathfnl inflimiee over those ooncprned, Tbe musical part of the programme wa8.fittrly well sustained. Mies Burgesa and Miss Mills Appeared frefautiir and sang nicely but we thought the bometajent WM not at ail dkcoonted by that im- portsd. Miss YanDoaen'ajKg w^a •«ti«tieally«endei3pdirfi^j^ mux. Kelte waa not eqanl to Â¥amt Mat. TEAI TEAT OJEAI MARKDALE C11IIA6£ B. KoNALLT:~Woold hmkf Mttoance to tbi of Umrltdale «id tbe pnblio nmettQy ftat I baTe moved into mjnti9* â- boo onv^t tiM MatkdaUlBUMlMt VlMn I will manufacture enW in Uie wagon and eaniage HnO, Mi4 llifing long experience in tht ,^ and by namg first elasB mnftffint. I ana fo^antee satibfactifln to " wte «ill*tvor mo with tbflii 0C4M. 4,868 poondaTiKsr im vwmA uui strong Japn, wn ii i ttt ad Jr aa ham nil adnltention jnatNoenod Ib^ fiMlkf.* and wflttWaoldMia^,;^^^- ' â- â- 'â- -' ' 'I â- â-  ' low pnce of 26 oentf^n; i*«Ml ft 9 ^lyg/wfty, Mating tuif piwoptfyajtettd^JiJ ^Hs^. and 10 0). liH:x^-^!0il^^m i* bad in tbe eoimty for leas Umb 86 eenti, and nm^rmnril Mkv «mbl ask40fleniiiatit /mse: ifOTICE. *.iit. ndtiyit. Wfflbo wheninMttfcdale. "in iatter of John ^W^, ^Mvaisge of Markdale in tv w*^ 'I niapsd Jwn WiOiuna ^^^^^^ «M%nunt to me for^« .^f^Ta r,K^ Mi etediton under 48 Vietom^ mH siiMiiiTiiniite thereto and â-  ' biaanditorsiriUbe held »*"â- ,, iathevniaBeofMarW* ., ihs Sad day o{ Septemba ^^" 1 ftftinoon to t^f^^ST*^ tn and giraK?,*"^^ .,.«r tftflie diqHMBl of *^J^i All «nditoi8 are requested »j ...ijaui with me parsnant v^^ ^arified iff affidaTit with to«*^ torthwith.^ J j^j^^BtljR^ Satad at Markdale tbi ,1687. 30ili ©PEE c^m -M-^ mj lowed OB ^mnaot^ :^ii,.^yid^"' Pbe following item m adalk Herald is, we lci I to our village, benco

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