T^f^^m- ^-?' Jas. 8. Freeborn* « DoetoroC MecHdne and maater o ^^etcniai. TTiut. Ijioentiftte of Kiatfa DAn's Collage of Phyalciana in IiIaBd. aber of file College of FhyBtdaaa and Saigeona, Ont. Formerly aeong Biuaewu ofB.Battery,B.C. A. Quebec. Iate n^tent ti the Botnnda Hoapitalfl, pJyiBg-iA A Oynteoological) Dnblin. okf-ich; STEPHEN'S DBUG STOBE. \khk J it ^:lfli^. m 'M; ;â- ' i. «' mi\ i f: fi •'I Ors Sproule Brodle ^PHYSICIANS AKS SUBOEOHS,-^ 1VIJ%. R K: I -A."!-. E. Ds. Spbouia's office Tomer'B Drag Store Db. Bbodis'b office Mathew s block. i». i:cCiiiiongrii, BARRISTER, SOIjICITOR, c offh:eâ€"qÂ¥er mcfarlamd's store, MABKDAliE. jMoney to Lioan. Markdale Mer M 1â€" TjlABMEBS HAYINa No. 1 WHBAT J? and prafoiiojt floor from tfaeir trtn wheat, can get it by bringmg twenl^ biubals or more. s Flour always on Hand to $4.30 r«»*iii;-i_ff .5 ;-^*i^ Weatem B*^, •ndflwetttiid^TnndtB'y. Flonr $3.00 per.bbl. SHORTS, per ton fl».00 BRAN, " IO.0Q The highest market price paid Iw'FaB and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. .rri. mm Tbe la avwy Xhsnday, by V X: ' :^%»^«o aire of 'â- ULlDio INSotice- To a// whom it may con cent. BAEBISTERS, SOLICITOES, o. Officks â€" Owen Sound, in Vieker's Block, Poalett St.; Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday, every week J. Masson, Q. C. S. Massok. W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from fi to 8 per cent IB. L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tonic and nervine. Johnson's littU liver PilU, and Johnson's all healing White Ointment. The nervine is the very best in the market, in all diseases caused by poverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, I and the Falenbss of ^Complexion so often H^m. Brown, JSSXIER OF MABEIAGE LICENSES, e Commissioner in B. B. c. C onveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and caiefuUy executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se uritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMUEELEY, Issue.- of Mar^i^Qse Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estatekt low rates. A few Jarm8 for sale. Terms easy. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TORONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Weduesday of each month and also at Muushaw's Hotel Flesher- ton, the day following the third \Wednesday in each month for the practice of his prof'jssion. Commencing on the 7th September. MiRKDALE WM, MARKDALE. ONT. «/. E Marsh, Prop\ ISAAC STIJVSOBi. Builder and Contractor Li all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. AU work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence, MABKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTBACTOR, AECHI- TBCT, Markdale. noticed in female's, losi^ of appetite and general debility. In conjunction wth the Liver Pill?, it ia he very best for all diseases arrising from Topid liver or bad Btoma"h The White Oivment is the very best ia the market fcr Salt Rheume, Barbers Itch, Pimples, Chafei, Burns, Scalds, and all Skin diseases of a scrofulous nature. Try these fine remedies and you will not be disappointed. For sale at E. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist Markdale, Ont. WM. G. GUTHRIE, PIqih Ornamental Plasterer Arches, Cornieea, Centre IfloT^ers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment o4 School â- F^u.rnito.re, Consisting of SCHOOL BEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chatsworth P. O. 181 ANDREW McGILL. Str. PACIFIC. Curtain P. IL Campbdl. 8tr. ATLANTIC, CaptaiB R. D. Foote. Str. NOBTHEBy BELLET, Ospt. W. J. Bassett. â- â- ' The fine new steamers "PACIEIO" A "AT- LANnc will rnn as foUows daring tiw season (weather permitting.) Lesying CoDiqgwood at 1 p. m. Meaftird at 3 p.m.; Owen Sonnd at 8"jpl m.; and Wiarton at 11:45 p. m. eveiy IVednesdaj and Stetarday. For Kilhuney, Manitowaning, Little Current, Kagawong, Gtore Bay. Spanish Biyer, Serpent River, Algoma Mills. Blind Brrer, Thessalon, Bnwe Mines, Hilton. St. Joseph's Island, Garden BiTer, and Sault St. Marie.; The Saturday Steamer only will call at Cockbnm Island. Mackinaw. â€"During the summer season the above steamers will continue the trip on to the Island of Mackinaw making six full days of around trip at a cost of 12.00 only including meals and berth. For .information as to freight and fares. • Appply to anv Agent of the above Railways, the Pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Cq., Collingwood. THOS. LONG, CHAS. CAMERON, Secretary. Manager Tbui»â€" flperyewin advuMe;? :tlJWil not paid within nx a^tlu. -^ Profeaaumal MiftlMunlSpMa m^'flneiiMh jpMe and ondez^ per jrwc, 14. V 'â- % t-at. 6116... t«». Whole ooloinn |60 00 tS? M §15 OO Half odhanjo..^^.^.. 87 00 15 00 10 00 Quarter eelomn .. .. 15 00 10 00 6 OC Two inch apaae...... 7 00 4 00 Threeinoh^Htce .,.. 10 00 5^00 Canial adrer^semeats 6 cents per line first imertion, 3 centa per Hue each snbseqoent insertion, nonpsreil measore. BSditorial noboes, or notices in local col. nmn lO; cents per line first insertion^ 6 cents each snbseqaent insertion. Stray animals o, advertised S weeks for |1 No paper discontinned nnidi all aireurs •tahdes 1)y the aD^l?^" 4ind we lire m the ^i Ufigies-everybod, basJLli A man remarked here the I S that you could pick out LiTI men because they had u,?! Our streets are crowdedT?^ carrwResâ€" perambulators »:' tiem The days when b.^ rocked to sleep in a san hT receded into the dim aud S*^ Yet manv a oood m«n i^"*^)! many a good man wag ^1 that way; many of us old are pwdexocpt at the option of the publisher. I snoozed away in the shadow Af JOB PED^TraG. â€" ' "^^ ""'*«• ^1" The Standabd o£5ce has a splendid 6q.nip ment'of poster as wdt^s fine job type. Spe- cial attention to orders by maU. iJl orders filled with dispatch. Utatirk^jtie ^Ifweth ^ivtst^vni* PEESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. Wilson, Pastor; A. McFarland, S. S. Superintendent. CHRIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. 'm. and 7 pm. Eev. Jas. Ward, Incumbent. Sabbath School 2:30. W. J. Ford, Buperin tendent. its sheepskiri thong no more in the little old log hain with" Corners and bark loof- "' thresher has taken its ' the place. late S. of 1241y MONEY TO LOAN. ^^?*^ill Stoddart, England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens" of Markdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILOEING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarland's Store, where he IS prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in ticular METHODIST CHURCH. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a, m and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30. Prayer Meeting every Thursday eyening from 8 to 9, Rev. Geo. Buggin Pastor; G. S. Bowes. S. S. Superintendent. Ladies' Aid in con- nection Mrs. T Hill. Secretarv. Strangeis and visitors always welcome Parties desiring sittings will apply to' C. W. Butledge, Pew Steward. pin of Busi- R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice; Charges very low. Apply to K. J. SPKOUIiE, Money Lender Postmastor. Flesherton. ON real estate security, at low rate interest, no commission chaiged. Bt ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. every par- trusting that I may receive a fan: share ot the public patronage I remain, Faithfully vour's, «T 1 ;, ,r ^^^ STODDAKT. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. .EXTRACRWiJBl LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cueap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to â- J. S.BLA.CK, laO-tf. Pomona P. 0. Markdale Woolen Mill BE SURE m CET YOUR Markdale C. O. O. P. No. 78. meets every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Rae's block. Visitirg brethren welcome. Markdale A. O. U. W. No. 141 meets in their JHall, Rae's block, every alternate Monday evening at o'clock. A visit from brethren of neighboring lodges solicited. Mabedaii.e L. 0. L. No. 1045 meets in their Hall on Friday on or befere full moon each month. Thos" Elliott, Master; W. J. Blakely, Secretary, Victoria R. B. Preceptory, No. 282, Meets in Lodge Boom of Markdale L. O. L. No. 1045, first Friday in each month. Visit- ing Sir Knights always welcome. Jas. Brodie W. P.; Thos. Elliott, Registrar. â€" 7BOM â€" â- ClfRES SpIli|RA INFANTUM AllSlJMMiERCOMPLAINTS Sdi£^by/jllDe/7lers. Custom Carding. Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done in a very workmanlike short notice. manner and on MARKDAUE, He makes as good a pump as there is in the market, and at the Jo-yest posible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterprise by buying from Quinn* montbly Fairs. Oiangeyllle â€" The second Thursday in each month. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orangeville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orangeville. Markdale â€" Saturday before OrangevDle. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in each montn. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Durham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Chatsworth PriceviUe â€" ^Monday before Durham.* Hanover â€" Monday before Dm-ham First Class Cotton Warp supplied at' the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept. 28, 1886 F. J. RITCHIE, •ED pn \)ANDELIOH LIVER CURE Biliniiii».ji, 'ain in the Bade, ••" HAVE YOU Ia»er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ind Jaiindtte, Headache, r)i2zine.:s, Cosuvaiess, or any disease ariang from a deranscj aver. Dr. Chase's Livss Cork w3i be fooad ainiv and certain rem«-dy, NATURE'S REMEDY The unqoalified success of Dr. Chase's Lirer Cote in l^iver Complaint rests • ilely with the fact that k is compounded from nature's well-knownliverregiitatorsi Mandrakk and Dakdelion, combined «a mai^ other invaluable roots, Ijaiis and herUi haviiw'a powerful effect on the Kidneys, Siomach. Soads and Blood. 600,000 SOLD Over one-half miUion »/ Dr. Clut^t RicU* Beokt wre uU ,H Canada a/tme.- We nant eS^ mmm, â- nmnan and ckiid mho is tronited wmtJk Liatr Ctm- plaint to try this tJcctUsnt rtntetfy. SOMETiiiiNNEW. CnDiAmyFKE Wrapped areq^ ewary bottle of Dr. Cha»'» Iotw Q* ua vaJuab»e Honwhqld Medical Guide aad Ito^ Book (84 M^, containiog over aoo Urfal tcSm 2«»»o^l, «edi^m« .ad Amg,^^ aab^ au^aqfdwoafa ten taMstbe price of the ui ~~ TW OugEt Cumâ€" CWK. KaAtm nnedy.- ^loe, aj cents. IT IS A WEIjLi known FACT THAT McCOLL'S "LARDINE," is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's andMiU Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist upon 'getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they aek for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by anscrnpnlous dealers. We are the sold mahuctnr- ers of the "Genuine Lardme" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'S. CO. For sale in Markdale at Haekett 847-73 WE WANT 1 on ^°^ ^^N ** o^**. to sell for X\J\J the Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 465 acres) steady employment and no lost time, hberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit furnished free any;pu8hing;man can succeed. Apply for terms to, STONE «fc WELLINGTON, Toronto, On Pbop. Low's scLPHUB SOAP is a delightlul toilet luxury as weU as a good curative for skin disease. MABKDALE. The P. O. will be opened from 8 o'clock a. ru. to 7 p. m. every working day. Malls closed as follows, viz 0. P. E., going North, 11:40 a m, and 7pm •' South, 3:30 p m, and 7 p m TRAVERSTON. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12:30 noon. reapins-hook has degeneraf«il lu curiosity, and the grain cradleis taken down from the beam- (1, binder is crowding them ont,^ old crotched drag no longerjerb to death over roofs and stones spring toofh harrow ha. possess-, the field. T^e old jniEper made an inch augur and an nse has plnce to the pinuo box ciifter, and the old cart ^ith creaLiuff wi^ axles has'been crowded out by t buggy aforesaid. The old fire with irs big, blazing bl;ick-log ha., supplanted by Ihe nictle-plated n' and the fumaee, and the old and the candle and the tallow dip had to give way to coal oil, gas electripity. The old board door ii iis wooden latch and leather sL has been replaced by the grained varnished panel with enamelled fen The old how-down dance andliltbi been set aside for the garden pji and the piano, and the loggin-bee the gi-og-boss for the paring bee the dude, â€" [Chatsworth cor. inO, Tizer. Constable Heffernan went to Jas. Walker, of Elderslie, who ket a gi'oggery on the roadside, five from ChesJey, on Tuesday last. Jsni took io the woods and Patrick 1 after him. After a hot race JanMl surrendered, and was lugged t!m\ to the roadside where the Poli«l Magistrate Vansfcone sat in bis hm camely viewing the race. His worstfl died him on the spot, convicted liiil without the right of appeal, aDdfiieil him fifty dollar^ and costs. It isil great convenience to delinquents i»| to keep a travelling court on the coi-| cession lines. â€" fWalkerton Herald. HARKAWAY. Friday, 12:30 noon. WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my oust(»uers, I beg to announce that I am now Dreoared to do all kmds of Custom Weaving. Be.-=idence old staod, .opposite Presbyterian Church. SI" ATinix BOYD For registered letters and money orders, fifteen minutes earlier than above. The P. O. will be open on Holidays from 9 to 9:30 a. m., and half an hour after mails arrive. W. J. McFablahd, P. iSi. ABCH. FARM FOR SALE. Bro's Hardware Store. British Worm Synip British Worn SyropH LOT 131 con 3 west of T. 8, Bd. Artemesia. 60 acren. about 20 acres elw of attimpa and atonee, balance good harfwood hash Five mdes from Ma-kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- taeuUrs apply to AS. Thomiwon. Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. JT. Uioiapson, QriUa. 342 ft ^^^J^^'f^'^^^^ 'i'^rnagu^and Death tweMg fine eentg. THE BEST FOB CHIIAKEBT â€"AT â€" FAR *8, BIRTHS. *!!^T5 "*!?***». oo the aoih inat., the wife of Mr. Henzy Foster, of a dan^iter. ^?P^-:;^J*9«iSamxi oa:6i» Mtfa inst.. MARfllAQES.fi On a» SM faat., m liMMUU«_1grtiie^Bavi i««i^ tt 1 oCtke Ǥii,^-^iU~^ .--J'Aik; •*'â- *- «»• ^,. ,-•? JB' r V--' .^v. i!'SiiC-i UASKSALE VIIiLAOE OinciAI.8. Police Trustees^ E. Davis, A. Turner, ond S. J. Coleman. PuUic School Trusteesâ€" B. Coleman, J. Lyons, W. A. Brown. B. Coleman, Sec. coDirrr oFPiciAis. Judge, H. McPherson, Owen Soxmd. Deputy- Judge, S. J. Lane, Owen Sound. Sheriff, C. H. Moore, Owen Sound. Clerk of Peace. W. Armstrong, O. Sonnd. Clerk, John Gale. Owen Sound. Treasurer, S. J. Parker. Owen Sonnd. County Warden, N. Bdd, Owen Sound â- Bc^istrar, N., B, McKnight, •• •' S„- Tbos. Lauder, Durham. Bensmg Barrister, North, Judge McPher- son. Owen Sonnd. Bovising Barriater, SonthEast, Jndse Lane, Owen Sound. «•" M. P., Nortti, Jas- Masson, Owen Sonnd. S' » • ^:^" SP""' ^*^- Maikdale M. P., South, Geo. LMiderkin, M. D.. Han- over. ^^ JJ- 1- ^INorth, p. Creighton,OwenSound m:|:I:IS^'^- ^^^^^^-^ ?i Bnxaiov cooBT oubbs. Ho. 1,; Jolm.StiipliBM, Ow«n fimmd. L. ' l*Tia JaakBoA, Pn rb^m â- •' 4, W. Amutnog, na^tcoiu' DoMIXiONAND iKDUSTEIALExBKiml â€" The Secretary of the DcmiuiomMj Industrial Ei^hibition Association, iif formes us that the entries for tbl forthcoming Exhibition, which opauj at Toronto on the 5tli of Sept. areilir| in excess for ihose of any preTioiij year. The exhibition takes tlie a^'f ditiouiil title ot Dominion this year it contiequeuce of. having received ll^l iederul grant for 1887, and the mai- agers are eudeavormg to rujike it H much a Dominion gathering as p»| liible. Refunds of treight are gireutt djsuiut exhibitors, and Manitol«.| Algoma aj*d the maritme Province I are being induced to contribue col- lee; ions. Fully $40,000 have been expended in buildings and improve! ments this year. In the wayof special attractions there will b« given at.'" tcrvals during the Exhibition, eqnitf' trienne performances in tbehorseriii aeronaut ascensions, with doul* biifoons. performing on the trapes*' wire ascending, as a hriUiant pi* technie display by Prof. Pain. supeiintenaed the fire works at t* Queen's Jubiee at London, England I'oilowing the latter performance tb«» will be a scene representing the si^ I and capture of Pekin, enacted on ' .^T.r.-^..A., 4.U L, i;..V, nJiinnse fU" grounds with English, ^, Chinese IVeuch soldiers and mariners secnery and afestumes. The u». General will open the Exhibition J the 6th, and the grounds and u^JJ ings will be lighted each eveniDg 200 electiMv lights. r?«: Hie days of oxen and And loggiiig«lttina haZi '"'^â- jlp^^ 7ii SOOTHllIJ, :.;[; â- â- 'â- * t(J to. ASYTOU.8^ ^__ " i etotc tt a itlup caaseabygy'j^ «MW^?t of price, 60c. wij*;; ' â€" â- jSSjjiiStfS'c SVKNTH YE AT:â€" .Notk»-'ewki.b«y Si I 'be found the most cor Jatches, Clocks, JeweL fe. Spex, c., i« this IntT- [Jail and see those watci Jing at $12.00 bearinj [three and a half years, Llers are asking $15.( oe article. P. S- Bart 1 silver case for $16.00 selling elsewhere f [ler dealers cannot eo and they know it. Ip them being annoy Irible low prices we public the benefit lying- Just Note a fe [.fine Nickle Alarm Clocls \\j $2.00 bearing a warr ars. Yo«r choice of c tted chains for only link of it. Fine walnut 11.85 upward. " Brooches, adies' Chains, Cuff-But Ins, at equally low prices liBemember it you want J Clock repaired properly Ian, Fbussell's i^ the only orders by rnail pr( tended to at mELL'S Noted Jeu FLESHERTOI ical and Othen INoncss in tkete columns int\ Vy iniividual or Society will\ â- I a line fer the first inse. imUne each tmbiequent ii^ NO TICE.â€"Ckmrespfmdenel »,. Aivertiaements, d;c„ ml t hy noon on Tmesday to insl t week. ' BEAunFui. weather. HiffiVEBTiHo done. THSESHora tbe order, Ijook ont for aecidentsJ Amd poBfiibl^ a weddinl This is the Euidst of faj Bg. Wujwo.â€" A. newly ^pply to ThoB. McNea. Houjuro Centre Pall ^eld on Wedaesday the Thos. Ammbbson Jr., tioned last week as havij NttokeofpaBalysis, isre Ttt priae list for Glei ^now in iha hands ^•*ett. â- ewetaiy for Nirr Saturday. 8rd, W- TWaahouldbeor •of the year. iLi^^woeaaW HarveJ ^^ the Methodist lioniay evening. 18 a pi r^«%litaBd ne. '"2la fti^iaou ' wJtaw.* mac was hia way "•i^^aper,! BoUer ^tiiafcaastoj snoe Bt