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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Aug 1887, p. 4

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 â-  f ft. i w 1 1 iM Htt m ,;-U' ^â- ' .?ii« 8 r â- Wt r:x'5!lFT aAF'^iSt" -isjisei ego| I'^i*^ !PfUf^'l0feov« 1IABKDAI.B, AUG. ». ki^ 1887 Bott Elgin hM oairied a by-law rgnmtmg ailoan of $5000 to a Mr. McKay, of Underwood to aid ' that gentleman in erasing axoUer flooring min. It is eignifieant how onr neigh boring towns have to give bonuses to onooarage those diosirable enterprises while Markdale has two of tne best -roller mills in the provinces neither oi which had anv offer or inducement •other than the natural advantages of ' -a live town and prosperous snrsonnd* .ing district. O" THE OUTLOOK. The harvest is about over, and an â- estimate of the jield of the various farm products can now be made with reasonable correctness. We learn from the reports given through various sources, that the yield is far short of what was antici- pated two months ago. The almost universal and continued drought over this continent has had a serious effect, and whUe the farmers in this county gfQ moie or less inclined to complain owing to their sanguine prospects be* ing to some extent blighted, we can say, from authentic reports from the various districts in Canada and the United States, that on the whole, w? â- -Ao not know of a county which shows -aSjgood general returns as Grey. While it is not well to be elated at the expence of others, it is certainly a just cause for gratitude, and of con- tentment aa^ encouragement, that the seasons operations are so favora- ble with us, aud it becomes the duty of every iadividual to make the very best of bis circumstances. The hay crop in this county was one of the most abundant and well saved in its history, while this crop was a failure in many parts, and besides, stock had to be fed bay during July owing to the pastures being dried up. This will have the effect of making a market for all our surr)las iiay at good prices, and as hay can be pressed at small corit, the dificalty f of tue shipment to distant parts is over- come. Then the dairy iutersts are bogming. The make of butter and cheese up to the middle- '^f July was something enoriiious, .d now that showery weather has net in we may look for fair returns for the balance of the season, aqd in order to increase the flow of milk, bran or other food should be liberally fed in order to make up for the want of nutritious grass, until the efiecto of the drought is over. The price of butter and cheese is very high and still advancing, of OB tiwf Tha i^brk Itm lodmpUted anew Cbe «UBp«tedSKoirauig,lQto on fk^Uudkjr •fbartioon. bcfom noiaee irf-t^ ftfjiine? tion was feirvad on the eratEaotori, and it is «Mparted that kieservioe has not yet biaen efboted. â€" Hon.S. C. Wooa,Toront6,»GWioral Manage! of tha JB^hold Loui Savings Company, retifimedto Winni* peg bist Saturday after having com- pletedhis annual tour of inspeelion over the Provinee. He is load 19 his praise of the Manitoba crops. In an interview on the present railway crisis Mr. Wood said ;â€" "Tue teae position for your people here to take is, build the road, injunction or no injtmctio;!, ixocpa or no troops. I can SM by the temper of your people that it would not take much to drive them out of Ckmfederatipn, and, once the Northwest severs from the Dominion, Confederation is doomed. tv Travcrston. From our own correspondent. This hamlet ip not in a very Bliss- ful mood at present. Query 1 Who has the "Moonlight Wanderer " Bush fires are raging in this vicini- ty. Mr. J. H. Ha:iter and family, of Durham, who have been camping here, left for home on Monday. Mrs. John Cole, of Ohio, formerly Miss Clara Cliff of this place, and Miss Hattie Cole, of Flesherton, have been visiting at Mrs. Delaney's. ' Several gentlemen from Durham have been encamped on the Saugeen and enjoying a few days sport they are joUey good fellows and enliven the place by their presence; we would like to see them often. Mr. Cronk, who has rented the Traver^ton mills, has moved here. Mr. clonk seems alive to business and intends ranniag the mill on sound business principles. m'»0i 'it^cn-: H1U17 is Amr^ovsr in'stodk*. the season is beoondiig: idviuioea an^ â-² UTely Subject For a*^Wakc.** Quebec, Aug. 22. â€" ^An old man at Levis fell in a fit of epilepsy on Friday last and remained in this state nntil yesterday, when all his friends gave him np for dead. They had all preparations made for the funeral, but juJse theu- snrprise â- while "wating" him the old man sat erect ia the coftia and com- menced rubbing his eyes, machto theoonslcr- nation of many present, who thoushi that the spirit, was moving him in death. The old man attended to his daily avocations to- day. !-:;•:: .7" Let the liislit SliUic. To the Editor of the Standakd. Siii. â€" According to promise, I will give you a brief sketch xti the treat- ment patients receive at the Toronto Eye and Ear Infirmarv at Toronto g^ieral Hospital.. I had been told so manv crude storiesin refrenbe to the medicul tieatment of those sufTeiiug from opthalmic, or e^e disease, that I approached the Institute with fear and I rcambling. After a few moinent^ The balance of the seasons make of acquaintance my fears were dispelled cheese is being bought up at from 12 for I could not have been better, or to 18 cents, which is the highest ever, known at this season of ttie year this qreat advance in cheese is doubt- less caused largely by the imiversal drought over the contiDent. Our farmers have therefore reason for encounigement, being free from more kindly attended by relativea The lady nurses are kind and atten- tive, and the food nurishing and pal- atable. It might seem mvidions to parlicularize the medical gentlemen, where all' aire proficient and painstak^ ing but, in this sketch, I catmot but make special notice of the. eminent surgical skill and truly Chaisliiui damaging floods and devastating fires f qoaUties of Dr. Beeves, Whose eon- nhich have swept whole districts, while in other parts the chinch bag, tlie gopher or other pests unknown here have worked.-destrnction, while the .iraught has been the least felt here of vUiy district as far as kâ- QOWD...i^,^^^{f NOTE mo COMMSBEE. " r â€" Fire early on Siond'ajr nidmiog in Markham village dftroyed Uio Sqi^ Uruitiiis o0ce and .seveoiL^cesja^^ 'dwellings, caoi^i^g A less ^f $11^500. â€"The pazpentem elre i«Ji;^ii|p, aftw^liktiik ten jrMksLOati^nlll^ fotamy 4eclM»d offon 3a^^^^, theiiDep.ietpTned to tot '^w.':i f-i^^^ solatory words ever revived my droops ing spirits. Indeed I might give' the same testimony to every member of the Institution. The pain experienc- ed is as nothing, when compared With :tbe scalding eye- waters I had been drenching my ey ea with for yeurs past- To Dr. Jamieson, iif,:Doi-ham, ^ni C. Moffai,t,. Esq.,, jB^ve^^ of-^lenelg whose mtercesaipn secured my s^-; missitm into- the Ho^ital I am for- eyer grateful; and 34^. Moff^lt's j^riocely manifio^nee wil|j er^er ' keep bis memory feesh in myvisBennost ^? 1 J^ jf. T: "ffiTiiTi â-  tsiifiiriinr iigfrisc Wwiiletl hat W0 have alretSiFSilBif fid many Invoioceol FaU and Wintor Goods now on flw way from Eiwope, and believing it ai good^liey io dear ont all sacplns stodCi we baty detonnined to ghro our eastomen -somflt extra valnein Silks, Iiaoes«yelyet8,M^ery Goods, and Dress Goods, In fact all summer goods will be sold at the lowest notch t(mehsd yet. Now is yonrchanee to dress well for very litile money, come and eritioally ex- amfne the bargains we offer. Colored Lace Mitts 10c. old pnce 40o. 6,000 yds. lovely Embroideries will be sold at a rednotion oi 25 per cent, every lady should buy now for future use/ All-over Lace 86 inches wide only 60c. dd price 80 cents. 600 yds. Handsome Grograin Cobred Silk wide width only T6c. old inice $1.00. 200 yds. Brown and Helotrope S.ripes Silks 35 cents per yard, will mrke up lovely d esses at very little cost. 1,500 yds. Grey Flannel all Wool for eapy fall, 25 oeuts ya.rd. .u One Case Brown, Grenate, Myrtle auuC.ey Coslnme Cloth 15 cents. Direct Importations. • -1 â-  TEA! TEA! TEA! 4,562 pounds very fine sweet and buoog Japan, warranted free from all adulteration just received into stock and will be sold at the extraordinary low price of 25 C^^ i^^^ j^oni^ in 6 and I(yib. lot^, no sceh T(a can he had in the eouoty for less than 86 eaoitSi ai^manyismall dealers woidd wheh in li^kdale. ii«. Znr^.' MfAirCR WHITE OIL, is iigitUa" jLineiic^ briUance of ^iapitfe Oil Co., pe^QpEiers ^Manufacturer's, 349-75 V .**^H- '-^' .=^ London andToj •'â- '^ HARKDiLE 6ARRIAGE *: B. MaN.^CLLY :â€" Wonld hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into mynev^ shop opposite the l^kdale Hotise, where I will manufacture eveni in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the bu and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to ennl wno mil favor me with their order. ' Repairing, Hainting and Trimming promptly attenited A call respeetfally solicited, MAf^KQALE Having erected and fitted np in every detiul a Sash, Door and Fltii] tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, evei bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Batti^ FRUES, UTH. FEWE PICKETS. c., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to sn Canada, and ^haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery dep would now respeotinlly solicit pnbho patronage. Every Effort Made to fiU Orders Promptl PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undress Direct from North Shore, all sises, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tamingd Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. BOB THOS- IMLcNEAl B. H. Benson :0F THE: BELFAST HOUSE has opened out this week the following goods viz 4 Setts 121 pieces complete. Dinner Sert (colored) $15. 6 Setts 98 pieces complete. Dinner Sett (colored) $12. 10 Ciiapaber Setts, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $8.75. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieces (colored) only $8.60. As Inose goods have been imported 'direct, antl bougiit ior cash. I am in a position to Bell them ci^c..: per than auy Hoase in the coantry, and as I am making a specialty in Crockery Glassware, keeping the latest sty ]c'4 and patterns, 70a can always get suited. GENEEAL SIGHT V. BLINDlSTlSa IV. ST^lVl^EY't" CELEBRATED English Spectadil 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CmHi' .;'â- ;'â- â- â€¢- â€" AND 18 JEWIN STREET. LONDON E. C. EKBU R. J^. Stephen's, ^mmmaaiaK ai ^Jttb^ niBMl his eye I iBffOdiB Iteking for w FLOUfi FEED, „.,, GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS, Has the A^encv tor the s.,le of tie [TJi TOBACOOCKi-ARS, which wUl be "'""""" " " -,..M.rie..rt soldat right prices to suit the purchaser, call and see us and examine oar goods and you will go away satisfied. We will not be nnderaold by any one in the tnule, and as we bttve had long exprienee at the business, we know lAat we an doing. Conce and see our new Dinner and Tea Setts, something new m^ittrkdale. ilTtaiJlMJ*^'*^" ^gwcnlati â-  io meertftin M it *°i® *^ T^, nSASlXT WORK BYBCP •'^woim roMdj for al J abuaien or aduitB. ^e ^e WO°^ ourieae Hum -to oorselYes. t^aSth diarrhoea and hav KtSTwood"" Dr. Fowl â- *!-• I VM in a short t ^Jia. I ean recommend aMainne." WiUiam A. On*. jt'Moraig in the matt BUbS PIBOOV*BT, -F. P. Ti ^, MjB he hail not onl: i:«i*«^«knB« OjrBpepsia, bi l^lvtetbaWsfnedieioe to invigkirtiag Ae i^stem th B,^. B. igtiw^reat s) sv [ll^tfflRhawadhole c(tn ^vt vivA^.â€"^ffdion Moi Oot^ haTOag naed Dr. !W^d.Btr«»#b«"y in his i'«ampUiaM,M3"B " ^° ily for it, for children as wt tataoabled with dianrhoaa it ha I ohwM^ani an no* made i ^Ktowiioia food habits formec r â-¼JiAABLB.-^HaTiiig used keas and torpid liver, wit 1 1 would recommend it The inedidnfl is t ViA^H' ^nUie White, Mai nd tanptlion,\fiMr you mi tongbt to withstand it. I. â€" When BO hoai^e y ^BunnataraL Qet thee to yot jM^le, el ,Tamardc. EUxir. Ttb eve HearBejMWB, Cooghs, aaa vho Trishes to cc t Mill be ^niB trtTelUng for iijftiay. ' piaefaiiMh bojeats the Maimer' sbee^SiodiaiiOila his bene f Bs bsi^ f all of Dan rBOdopshiS^oue; bnt tiae any more nanse ves each as Pills Salts c., ijp. Dr. Carson's Stoma 1 that, moves the Boa BR all impurities xeudering the Bl IPBOL Sold by all Dru^.^ib rcumioiitg the tongne of a pi I fiad oat the disease of the |o«.opbe.8 the disease of the m MarrimlL Bar, i.iter, BroeL :â€" 1 was 80 troubled wLlh c that I could not opeak pk |reu6f, and Ihoronsbly cleane* fTon iiiwak^? fcjul a wiuow ' iberenif^tr^ed sjjidnst bei itji"^e replied, GHEMIST(S;ORU6GI8T.^^^^^Hl«^'tRo'.stepr.aher. UABEDAIjE. NoSiectaciesi!itiie^~- tbem in the ETE VEESEEVISG Q.^\ -they poBsesB, or ihe GBEAT EASE «"" FOBT they ooufer on tlie wearer. Their use will in actuality so strcn Byes that it does not, become neeessay »»^ them for many yeaiv Thsy are tbereiB' CHEAPEST. as we ihir toiseejroa t Bettkb than goli â€" To thoes with Edney and Urinary Troubles fno., a conatant desire to urinate, shooting. ing, pains, pain in the back, sedunew etc., Dr. Chase's Liver Cure will w more taloaUe than gold. It positiva" See "Croiihet" for testimonials. r*"JMr wreaeS^ i« not bo J^^dy thiag to monl â-  tmi^m. "Uonk S* -•^MMiBhy, tpfit. 2v.,v;0C Lit* ?i»u.r mil FaUISipcKws. The following list is' M can inpcai^^qp to'dato.i,;;; :^' •7ij^ ^t-i-u,, Domiaion and Industrial, Tomntok Sep. 5.17 Western London Sep. 19-34 Central, Guiilph r^w' t -a-- y Sep. 20-82 Stayaar .,; ;,.;':|:^i,:;.I:/" Sep.^.23 OE»B|!eviH» i I ^V5%,..^^r B«p.iu28 GLEKitiG, kABKDJtLE, SBW.26-ia â-  EastiOr^. SWherton 4 rv? « Sttp.2i-ii CliNttr OimmI, Haiiltoa^' Sep. sft^ G**fS6rthen^'Jol^i?^p^ J ;S^.S^:SO mtiiiu?i^miaum. .-^ .-.i --^u. s€w 4-7. 6WEN SOUND -:- Instit WILL open on Monday, 1887. ExoeUent Stafi of j' 29tli Al Oct 44 Inspector offioiaUy reports itthe 'e*^ Bit Sdfgolm the Prormce. Cksses »"j^. Second and Third Class CerUfi'«t^' ^il add Senior Matriculataon with hono^ ^m ISiv and Medical Kxaminatiffl'S-j^l iainii»atonin July last. aU theM»^*l QlMididaiea were euccessful, one oi ^i taudng a iHtficiency sch?^°*oiiU*!| hatadred dollars, and e^^^;^ F***! teacher* n^ai^professional certain** for tha T«ra»â€" payable at entrauee. Applyito • %» tbZ^. it DtitBm, SecBoardoflW Oiat'Bnin^iLtig. 15th, 1887- m^ CENT- Q^'^fll â-  ' Apply**

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