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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Aug 1887, p. 1

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 icetal â€" â€" ,lo'"^|jg. Holland uUtor of the Sib,â€" Last 8iiu two o'clock, of people Wei*. eir place of of grownup m^a'iS' ibecommg inaxinif-p^ 11 g at the. old a^ without the leaat am al feelings of fTmS? iving there, tbecegH^ and coming out tta^^ !fulway. Hadit««|J3 ect I would have giie who they were, rem our village. I^STi rangers as I wo«]J^ •cm our Tillage people. ig whether such igeâ„¢ n the public roads ooujj icd, especially on ?as informed that tnt incorporated and 5ould do as they vijh^l ler words could notbei so, !Sir, it is to be time is not far distant age will enjoy the full aws of our civilized connt^ ours with thanks i\ An eye witne CLIPPINGS. WMSt^'"!* i- i ^ini a ir i ii ii i«Mv i rif i^ i gr.; mW^^ i iM" ^ii i « « iiMi'fetiMh iji»"7'i iit 'frf i ,V i« ir' ^Ifff^ m k^M^a^i^^t^aam. _^:r^mm:'iAm?m *s4 '•»? vii, ajiM: ^./i xe^ f**Ki t-«jt^itfjP,* LnSK, LET THE FAIil^/WHEBB THEY HAY.' â-  *.-5' /um i'i iAikr-i^-^'i^' i?a^iâ- ^â-  5VrH YEAK.â€" No. 868. MABKDAIiE, ONT., AUGUST 26, 1887. G. W. BUTL^BGII, i^jprietqt. AT: .^'OTED JeWELEEY StOKE,-^ " found the most complete stock Les, Clocks. Jcwelerybilver- â-  â-  this part of- the h always likes to give its .. chance of seeing and profit 1 adv:ce, and therefore it e iu reproducing the coni_ Mrs Piose Terry Cooks give :an women. They are asmg by Canadian^ ones, and d will do them quite as She savb if women wish to r they must learn to live ir. In order to this she advij to open their windows, M night gowns, and when ii( 'J take a jug of hot water to ver sleep with closed wiiidc rther says that she ought to h- clothes and their rooms di Lorlc, wholesome food, M ss waistr. and button their si m, and take the heels off tl All this is exceedingly sensil vomeuwould only be coaxeimj ng such sensible maxims be well for tbem. Unt ey •? Oue here and there far as he great majority isc I, it is not "to he thought day one hears those denooncj seems "have a craze" fcrf r inclined to sleep with o? ws, or have the badtastetol ;els to their boots. FemH ns are unsearchable, Onemii 1 reason with the east wind he average woman whenfeiD ;erned. She laughs at and c 1 Chinese women, but what she herself? Not much if ^| as far as onlookero can see. I Spes, -ic., ill faud fee tl'ose wntcbes they are r,at81'2CO 'rearing warrants L, autl rt half years, while other "re asking 515.00 for the .article. P. a- Bartlett, 8 oz. Ler case for §16.00 while they I Jel'in? elsewhere for $17.50. 'â- iJsrs caunot compete with ua tiiev know it. We tiif-m "being annoyed jjie jjw Ill-ices we must give Ipabiic the benefit of cannot at our our close J'jsi ffote a few prices. trickle Alarm Clock for actually iiOO bearing a warrant for two Year choice of over 20 fine i chains for only ^1.60; Just tofit. Fine walnut clocks from i upward. Brooches, Ear-Bings, jes' Chains, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- L at eqn;d]y low prices. tmember it you want your Watch (ock repafre'd properly by a work- .Kussell's is the only place. Orders by mail p-^omptly at- tended to at 'SELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. til an^. Oilier Items. _A»oTO HcQdabbix of 13th eon. Glendg is 7 T" °l* â- " " *^â„¢ *»" nde in bird- ingafter the reaper in the harvest this aeaaon. HAiBcuTTiMe done any time ueept after ?*?*" Saturday evenings, by Smith the barber. He is too busy on Satnidsy nights. At the conclusion of the Toronto earpen^ ters' 'strike recently another kind J of strike was immediately entered upon, viz :â€" strik- ing the nail on the head. J. E.MABBH.of theMarkdale Honee, has perhaps th| most tasty and well Jbept premises and grounds in the comity for a ho*el. Changed Haiiijs.â€" W. L. Davis, Grocer and Wholesale Liquer Dealer, has sold out to Jas. Miller of this town, the latter taking possession on Tuesday last. To Tub Faemebs.â€"I am now ready to buy Butter and all kinds of grain at highest cash prices, don't fail to give me a call when yon have anything to seU. B. Hill. NoTicK.â€" All parties indebted to the undersigned are hereby notified to call and settle the same before the 1st Sept. W. L. Davis. "y Ic Demand P*®* Patent Mediciae*- b are '.hey? As a general th^ iciiptions having been used wi» P by old and well read Thj lids of invalids have bewione y their use, and they a«e the md of Pliysicians *^*^**^^3 Q. S., BO much so. that ;ing at Medical College* «o «" intenance Proprietary '^^^^J 1 tbem the country doctoi K*» rofital)le practice. As *â„¢'°"j^l ,rietarv Medicines. Dr. G. G-^J ary.N. J., advocates most oorfi^' r to prevent the risk that th« » are liable to almost dafly ^^ nt Medicines put out by "^^^^ i for aggrandizement only. ins of inexperienced and »*^^ ,bv which almost every v»I«P^ curbed and men e^**^^^ who had better be '»"****T^- ntin- ^vith their patients aod^^^ if their money and healtB.â€" E the afflicted that ©or e^ its 1 eople by making ""Z^^^ ctice of medicine ^J^*^^^^ ,re thoroughly ""^^JT^ .rebv keep up the honor airt fession, also form 1»' JJ T^.tt recipes of Proprietary '®*'^^ ation and decision ol ^^ i its and Physiciaw ^PP^mTiW ' e by the GovemmeBt. ^^jj a i for general nse, ^^^,, jlace the recipe of Boaehsf^ md Green's AuRiw* J*" W8,had he the 1*1**., jreby save the prei"***,*^ side the competition W* ^|j !£s medicines. â€" [Cop** fT^ oMail, Ang.3,'8^ 't use any ™®**,^^| s such as RUs S«W»||5g t in Dr. CarsO*' Lcioe ;0iat. mW*_^ iansinf! aU ' I and rendenm oL Sold by â- Â» J nci3 in these columns intended to benefit hdiiiiiiw! or Society will be charged ten 11 line for the first insertion and five lilint each subsequent insertion. r » VlICE.â€"Corrf-pnndrnce, commnnica- rifniti^iementx, dx„ mnft he in this m won 0)1 Tae-^daij to insure publication Vti. Hill has a baby to nurse in the a broken toe. Maihews has his brick residence tSpKocLEhas had his brick cottage re- 1 a veranda bmlt. iHiTjiK has erected a fine bank bam ^bsia, near Lyons' church. is being placed on the ground |i saoition to the Agricultural Hall. tills been copious showers recently Mae much needed and hailed with h BsoTO. our town Jeweller, has had 'rip up the lakes and returns I'M Show will be held in Mark- "l'e20th and 21st Sept., the two p'imis to East Grey Show, '^i^, lot 135 lEt east T. S. Ed.. *lus built a*ne bank bam this A Admission been making material •^improvementaon his store pre- j, ^^ having his residence Ito rapideiy Tom Watson is "*«rpent€rwork. fr""'atafamebaru on his »ij|l **^' °^ 'tis Tillage |thi3 summ- it' J^""" °' Shelbtime, ^rin ftJ7 ^Vvterian church next *°^atl0:.%,^d7p.^ ItHp,'^!'"" '"tested with beggaw â- Jx^r^'^^'^^y appear to kntrtr ' ^^"'t^dforhospitaUty. '^il°r'"' ^ef-criptions of Oiren '^i^^ar in the Daily MaQ aboot "Vi^S^ ^«at a fine band b,-*â„¢ fim^r|*»«wHarkaway. Geo. f'»li.U:«^* aad erected tlie ^i^ "trte u on the deeUse? ,_^ 'piece of land ftiro "**W.600forit. Teain up a child in the way he should go, and keep a little ahead of him yourself in the same way during the trainings to be sure he goes. Holland Council has granted $20 to Walter's Falls to bmld sidewalk. That's more than;Glenelg ever gave|Markdale though they~bave paid an eighth of the taxes of the township for over iwelve years. A couple hailing from Durham were married in Markdale last Tuesday, whose combined age is 118 years; she being 58 and he 60. What yoimg notions some people do take. New Bus.â€" The Markdale House now sports a newcovered bus. ^l"ch is handsome comfortable and substantial. Mark and the iron-gray team look quite becoming on the new omnibus. We haye just had aletter from our former citizen. Wm. Hanbuiy, who is in St. Paul, Blinn., and he reports business booming in real estate over there. Our old reeve. F. Mc- Piae. Esq., is also there and doing well. What to do,â€" Hand us twenty five cents and we will^end a copy of the Stakdabd to any address the balance of this year. Just think if you haven't ajfriend at a distance who would Hke to have it. A Harvest Home service will be given under the auspices of the Presbyterian church at Berkeley on Monday evening next, 29th. good programme is promised 25 cents. °*'®t Cub industrious and enterprismg young friend W. J. Boyd, has purchased from J. H- Hnll, the cooper busmess, Mr, B. has been running the business for Mr. HuU for some time and will doubtless feel quite at home. We wish him every success. iHisTioGB. Methodist church anniversary services were held on Sunday /4thand|a tea- splash on thtioUowmg Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Bnggm and Shilton conducted the services. The proceeds with a subscription wiped the balance of the debt off. A company has been formed in Durham for the purchase and maBagement of a plot for town cemetery with a capital of »2,000. This is what Markdale wants and should have. Who will make a move in that direc- tion? Bbah NEW.-The pkrt of the Dufferin Advertiser was destroyed by fire a few wk s ago and Mr. J. T. Kennedy, proprietor, has pnrchasedanewplant.and the papw now comes to hand in fine shape. We wish Mr, E. snccess. Me. Gotoeth, Student. King's CoUege. wiU lecture in the Presbyterian jJ^U. Markdale, on Tuesday evening the dCHhinst., atSo'clockandinthoPresbvterian ohttrch, Flesherton the iollowing evening, same ho^ Subject-Missions, espedaUy .the foreign work. Thos. ASDEKSOS, aged about IS yrs^n of Mr. Thos. And-rsonof Glendg. ^^ wiii paralysis while workingm the h^ Tear K: Bead U«t*e*. f'"' J^ on Monday by C. ^- »• ?»J^" ;,^ from the middle of '^^^^W^Z S. He does not Miff« vMix, but « i»* ImprovinR. Wn* every suhBcriberlook °f ^f^' label and aee how yoa -«.d ^J«^ U yon find tfcu^w* «• '^^J^ a «aB The editor of the Flesherton Advanee wisely nr|w the sitijsens of that viUage to cleanliness in thdr yards «m«i cloaetB in view of diphtheria whioh is now in tiiat village. Markdale peqle should also take warning, and bv scmpnlona cleanliness of house and surroundings and careful attention to diet e., avert this dread disease while free from it. /- • ./-:;..- DURING last week PoEce Mi^fistrate Yfln- stone held courts at Walkerton, Chesley and Wiarton, and imposed npon violators of the Scott Act fines to the amount of ?1.050. The costs in the various suits made an additional $200. Three cases were dismissed. Between twenty and thirty cases remained for trial this week. Evidently Prohibition is beginn- •ng to prohibit in Bruce. Fabheks, be careful how you let any machine oil or any lubricator come in con- tact with a cut or scratch on your hand or arm. In the manufacture of some of those machine oils fat from diseased and decom- posed animals is used. All physicians know how poisonous such matter is. The only safeguard is not to let any ^ot where the skin is broken be touched by any machine oil or lubricator. RcNAWAT.- While William Stedwill, of the 12 con. Glenelg, was hauUng in grain recent- ly his team took fright and ran through the field at a desperate rate throwing off Mr. Steadwell with the load, smashing the rack and running the tires off three wheels and breaking one wheel into atoms* They came to a stand still -in the comer of the lane witn very little damage ko themselves. Mr. S. was sUghtly injured and about }10 will re^ pair the wagon. ' The editor of the Markham Economist who accompanied the racent press excursion is responsible for this "An amusing inci dent happened at the Hotel I was stopping at. The Kev. Dr. Dewart. and Mr Petei Moyer were regersteing at the same time, and Peter introduced the Doctor and him- Fersoaata. Miss. Iiizzie Biduads, bom Tnonto is vkiting friends in this place. Mr. Areh. Speers, sr., of Winnip^, paid Markdale a short visit last week. Bev. iti. Wilson xetomed last week aftei visiting down east. Mr. Sam. Caswell, of Sault Ste Marie, paid Markdale a brief visit this week. We un- derstand Sam. holds a renumerative sithaticn as boss of a constniction gang on the ' B. B. and is conducting himself straight. Bud Mathews left town oh Tuesday to take a situation in the harness business in Mark- ham village. Bud will be missed by the boys p Maikdale as he is of a genial offhand turn. We wish him genuine success. Mrs. Bobt. Miller of Tucon. Arizona, is visiting her cousin Mrs. £. B. Currie. of this place. Mrs. John Lazier and two dautrhters, from Belleville, are the guest of Mi-s. W. J. Mc_ Farland. Mrs. J. D. Ellis and daughter of Sault Ste Marie, has been vising E. W. Moore, Holl- and, and other friends recently. Mrs. Booke, of Toronto, is visitingher Bua. in-law Mr. Caesar. Miss Kate McDuff is visiting friends a^ Newton Bobiuson. Simcoe. Miss. Christoe, of Flesheiion, has been spending a week in Markdale. â-  *â- Â» â-  UxiVBRSITY AND DsPACTMENTAC EX- AMINATIONS. â€" The foUowiag is a list of the Owen Sound students who passed the Matiicnlation and Second Class and Tbii-d Class examinations. MATGicniiATioN. â€" Ikobert Crowford, Albert Maughan, Melville Stewart. Melville Stewart obtained honors in all the departments and was awarded a General Pi-oficiency Scholarship of one huudred dollars. Second Class. â€" Kate Bell, Julia Breunan.Hattie Eain, M. Carr.Fausta •'THE PEOPLPS JEWELLBT -HSiAUKH W^ ;Danard, Annie Elder, Bella Jackman, (| Jessie Miino, Anuie McNabb, Cassie i D^A«*a/%*i i .im7«/t T? nah^j^vk U^ ww«i1yt H' /\««t. Dr. Dewart, editor of tbe Christian Guar- dian, Toronto, and I am Peter Moyer, of the self to the landlord as foUows "This is Bev. p^^g^^^ j^j^^jg Rashton, EmUy S' sw art, Sara Stuart, Susie Walker, Berlin News," adding, "the Doctor is a religious man and I'm a Tory." Another case of extremes meeting. Pkimakt DKAWiNOiâ€" Slessrs* Selby Co.; of Toronto, are the publishers of the Kin- dergarten and Primary Drawing bourse new authorized for use in the PubUc Schools. The Kindergarten and Primary Drawing course is intended tor the youngest pupils attending school and to be continued up to the junior second class. By its means draw- ing will now be taught in every school m the Province whether the teacher has any pre- vious knowledge of dnxwing or no. The imr portance of drawing is recognized by all, and whatever aids /in its being put within the reach of every one is a pubUo benefit. The series is a good one and will have a large sale. Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin Silver Cases; with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waltham and Elgin Movements,, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18* k Wedding Bings. Boll Gold Chains, and Jewellery in large variety Beautiful lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep in' Jewellers lines the finest and most complete stock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do busmess for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stock,' end iuen tell a customer wantiag Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the last one," I have P. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.60 less cash dis., warrant- ed 8 years. I expect to establish more ful'y every year of business life an unquestioned reputation for Eeliabihty. Straight Dealing. Fine Work and Close Prices. BUSINESS LOCALS. FbeshFish. â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. 20 per cent off dress goods at J. G. And- erson^s until the present stock is sold. Fabmebs wanting a first-dass Fanning Mill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill, given on trial. W. Jackson, Agent, ifark- dale. Rbadv made clothing away down to ahnost half price at J. G. Anderson's. See our »17 suits for $10 cash. CioABs! CiGABsI Lover* of a good Havana cigar vrill find that Benson has the finest dgar in town, sold by the box. *Nouset|lkuig, J. G. Andersrai can give yon the best value in teas yon can get any place. Just try our SOc tea 41bifor*l. {School Bools:s---A new supply of aU Ihe authorized tert boote for common wshoels at the Medical HalL A. Turner Co. The best value ever yet ^ared in print, see J. 6. Anderson's 8 and lOe oi^, regnlar price fHHn 12 to 15c Photos and «n kinds of pietares taken by Jackson, the Markdale photogMphar, m. the finest s^yleol tl»*i*^ 3^ »»**-^ *•«*•- A. Armstrong, Lyman Brown, Arthur Cameron Bussell Dobie, James Luton, William Moffat, Bobert McAlpine, John Skene, W. Stdples, Percy Step- hens, Arthur Banard. Tmift) Class. â€" B. McMoirau, E. Smith, Eva Alexander, Emily Boddy, Mattie Campbell, Hannah Copeland, Bertha Grady, Winnie Grady, J. Hardy, M. Ireton, Cecile Julien, Allie Eelson, Clara Knight, Emily Luton, Amelia Muir, Nellie McCue, Maggie Bowan, Minnie Sliields, Nellie Smith, Lizzie Speers, Kate Storrar, Jeunie Tselford, Madge Tesky, Susie Tbom- l»on, Elsie Yanduseo, James Anthony, Archie Baines, J no. Brown, Bobert Brown, G. Carefoot, Samuel Craue, John Davidson Bobert Dezell, Geo. Elliott, J. Eavens,B. Howie, Bobt. Leadiugham, 'ucoln Might, Alex. Mitchell, M. li^.jlure, A. McGregor, Archie Mclnuis, A. McNabb, Archie McNeil, David Deely. J. Norton. Frank Pond, Edward Bichardson, Donald Sinclar, Collin Stewart, Bobt. Torrie. W- AJexander (parsed in Latiin,) Maud Yandusen. All the above except B. McMorran, E. Smith and G. Carefoot were stud- ents of the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. When all the results are summed up. our county has reason to be proud of its Collegiate Listitute.- which this year stands first in the Provinceâ€" the Departmental Exam luations brings the test. ' Wafchand Clock Warranfs^ 2 and 3 years covering breakages. " IS* A call to Price or Pur- cliase respectfully solicited. C800DS BEST QUALIH Watcli Kepairlixg Prac- tically Excellent Accurate inFinish Uniibrm in Price. hi MABKDALE. IN BEIBF, AND TO THE POINT. Dyspepsia is dreadfd. Disordered liveris misaaUe. Indigestion is a foe to gcod nature. The homan digestive apparatus is one oi the most complicated and wonderful things in ezlBteaiee. It is- ea sy puf out of ord^i Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cotdceiy, mental worry, late Lours, irr^jgnlar habits, and many other things whiab onght no to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspepsia. ' Bat Gbeen'a August Ilowor has done S' wobdafnl work in reformiug this ead busin- ew end makihg the Aanriean.(prqil» so beaKlir that tixey can enjoy their neafU and be happy. Ttomewl wr â€" TTtrhiirrfpâ€"trithnntlWMlth- BaXlBeenVAn^Btvlildwer briap fieidfli^ ft « • c .-k. 4% SO M(bi^ttiiK«ar;fV; *;t?vU--r?-P^f t' *» ^H**^^^ ...aa r^ rf "j.^^,5a sew IJ ftosi isif^is IS. 2 2 « b » 'â- ^ 8^ 00 00 03 c a :S "e *- .fc fcj " .1-1 t ;i 1' ,i i'5 ^^ v:^.*- i^V'.r- ^^riifaiti

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