T^ II lu imIa-L' '-4' '|i"«i'i"!SPP?!pB ion'tfc 3f the the ^^m- llance of; 3o., • 'Ml.: .facttirer*8, idon and T Dounc'e to the 'i moved into mynevt, manufautnre oven experience in tin bn« se satibfactiou to even j "ompt/y attendefT^ LY^j JPropHt LE I I Sash, Door and Plan Dved inacliinery, eye s, Hollow Battoi CKETS, c.. 1 a manner second to i nics in every departmei blic patronage. Orders Prompt I and Undressi lain and Fancy Tumingi om a Distance. IT V. BLENDltESl 0ELE3RATED lisli Spectacl| BYSTREET, TOROMTOCAm AND- STREET, LONDON E.C.£II61^ L.. Steplien's, I8TDRU66I8T,**«' Afrency for the sale of tte lLE. No Spectacles in the awj lie EYE PBESEBVIJ-GQW ess, or the GBEAX BASK ey couf er on the wearer, so will in actuality so slwa it does not become nece*"" many years. They ar» ;ST. K THAN GOLD.â€" To thwe ney and Uiinary Trow^ Qt desire to Tirinate, B booa"fr ,s, pain in tlie back. s«**r'J Chase's Liver Cure "JJ^ luable than gold. Ill»si««W )i)het" for testimoniato- ' ' eJi- i undersigned ^l^n ;fully intimate »t W^ jf Markdale aa^-«J 7 that I've e-*" 1 Provision store on band a geii« lid of provisiolfe «* R, OATMEi ,N GOBN, Gl BSAN, ENiNes. »J«f.I;«-' 113 • GRAIN. HAglyC I, c., inctAVH^W^' 1 this line. Â¥ '^U^ pone door iw*tW^^-: mith shop, ting ft A«r«^P? esi)«stfil^yJi " ' «*t^. -^ j^ ;, door from creanng if^^' W^fllSf^^^fW' iaaliJ^f w.ter.tp.to-i.- jiii* rtair carpets, brash is the betfc ,r,fflmenifl in the water is iwrfar: for cleaning wiiid9.w8 01 paint, .^pshouldbekept iiadry itoce Sa before nseing. It wiU V tjje greatest enemy o£ the piano, "^otbe too carefully guarded agiioat. ^.Jareanyverynice articles in the with a cloth it is far until you are easier than re- sweeping IcJol' whenever you can find an oj^por- â- Many stand, even when preparing^ ^les for dinner, a work that is much jer performed sitting. Li cooking utensils, including iron pots. 1 i^ be rinsed after washing, and carefoUy 1 the outside with a clean, dry doth. ion of or greasy dishcloth should never 18 a It nose 1 Led for the purpose. Lts cannot Bleep too long, and It Lble symptom when they enjoy a long Iredandcahnrest. They should never ,, wakened, and thus deprived of. the Lest support nature has given them. iniebeatway of checking bleeding from is to apply cold water to the neck fee. Hold a sponge saturated wJth jMter to the nostrih, or if this does not dissolve a httle alum m a basin of U Md inject or sniff this up the nostrils. Ltliehendbaekand do not attempt to Iw the nose. fo save stair carpets nail several thicknesses fold carpet or canyas over the edge of each It is a good plan to buy more oarpet- • ihaa is needed to cover the stairp. and [ove it each sea8on,^o that tl^e whole wUl If stair carpets cannbt he they will not wear way eTenly. ;edin this â- !v so long. a learned authority in reference to iththeria, sulphur kiUs every species of ijusinman, beast and pknt in a few mates. Continniug, the doctor directs as lows for diphtheria "Put a teaspoonful ilphar in a wine-glassful of water, and it It with the finger instead of a spoon, as le salpher does not readily amalgamate i*ith itei, When the sulpher is well mixed. it is to be given to the patient .to «argle, d after gargling to swallow it, aud th^ ment will be out of danger in a few minutes. the fungus is too advanced â€" that is, »tl.v dosing to the gargling â€" the sulphur' tkt Citse, sboiUd be blown through a rlliato the throat, and after the fungus sunk to allow of it, then the garghng t!ie patieut cannot gargle, take a live coal, ib; it on a shove!, and sprinile a spoonful ilsoTCis of brimstone npoa it. Let the luSereiinhaleby holding the head over it, tlie fiiasus will die. Personals. 5ts,-Reyuolds returned last week afte [tifliiiiBat Owen Sound aud Eilsyth. jlisaJackman, of Owen Sound, has been BitiBghet cousin W. T. Jackman refc^tly. 5 Mary large returned last wadfe.'irom ttxtended visit with friends in Durham. "iaster Harry Large visited friends in llittliam this week. llr. John Douglass, of Owen Sound, visit- l^iar.W-N.-Haskett last week. fe. E. D. Biggar has been visiting down i^; from some time. fe.JolinBouueH, of Walter's Falls. I Wa tlie j^est of Mrs. J. McKeuna the hoi. ^*- Sâ„¢n. Esq., retumeilast week from I'ttpnptlie lakes. -lissEinE Iewis is from Toronto visiting « parents. ., • ' -ts.Heming.of Owen Sound, .has been, I'^hersister, Mis. Austin. plttwaat hEDinBgti ^. Oa vuuy htaA. we weflaiMaUiid bettifitfiil Itom«ejMWelU«]M8«^UMBof boeiiiMB in mereantite, iMiniit»fitqring waA..^nim liner, aoi aiagiiifioait ebivehss ihatwoold doeredtt toiuger places. Nol^jsau one aicbnire tlie genial, aooial and ktiid^ e^fc ,ol its wortby dliaenB. On ^avrj band ve meet tbem laU of kindaeiHreBooarage- ment aad Bymp^by, the yoang bright aad happy, evitlautiy eiyoying 1^ spring'time and loolaiig forwacd with bright hope to the yet natrodden path ol life, which for fliem we trust will not have many rough place^. Bat into the fairest spot earth ever owned.;or man ec^oyad, a 8er§eat glid. ed, .noiselessly and apnoticc^ aiuoHt ttii his deadly wcn^ was ilpM, and we all know the terrible ccnseq^aenoes. Sometimes I fani^ the same scene is enacted over and oyer again, away down even, in the present history of oar world, iiito oar qmet, happy, peaceful little nanilets, a serpent gUdes, one that stingd^ Me an adder imd brings a moral blight upon the un- suspecting inhabitants, tiuch thoughts as these arise when we witness with saddness the effect of intemperance dpcm. onr fellowmen when we see men, whom God made upright, reeling, tottering and grovelling in tiiie dusti or when our ears are shocked by the profane and obscene language that so repeatedly ring out upon the evening .air. But to my mmd the saddest sight of all is the eady familiarity and interest which our growmg boys evidence in those drunken brawls. The time was when they would fly from such sights and sounds, but gradually they have^^ecome accustomed to it until the time has come when they can look on as coolly as those .of mature years. A good deal less than a century back, the execution or hang*^ iug of men was done pubUcly, and crowds of men, and must we say women and children, flocked together to witness the revolting, sickening spectacle of*a human bemg swung out into eternity, and the impression bi- came general that murder was on the increase aud tkat those public execu- tions were having a hardening effect upon the peiople. and hence we have them to-day conducted in a quiet way with only a few admitted. Now on the same principle are not our children suffering every day from the hardning influence of thoi« street scenes. Tiie question arises then, what -are we going to do about it We would glad- ly reo^ve the cause, but we must try as far as possible, and undo its effect; As chrisbain parents we give oTir bojs Tots of training and teaching, and we keep them as far as possible away from the streets, and we send them to church and Sunday School, and use all the means in our power to save them from the evils of the day. We do this for our boys, but what about the poor orphans and worse than orphans that have nb watchful eve, no restraining hand to dire«;t them? How are we reach them? Some one say. what are our Sabbath' Schools for? Sabbath schools are domg a grand work, but supposing we could gather up all the children into pur schools and give them generaT *«crip- ture lessons, with perhaps 6 tetoprance lesson once a quarter, it se^ms^ff^me that our teaching would, need to be potent indeed to undo in pne slhort hour on Sunday, the efiects^of a weeks looking upon such seenes. It seems to me that Here is a special evil for which we need a special ;, remedy. Jbet us gather our young people to- getiier say once a week ^l ^- BfOves independent or connect with some temperace hody, let us get over Bit'lmotaoBMiUeidM. ' Btowtapai^aaii'k haw smm ttan eÂ¥Hlah«r»flfUkh(fi,«iiils •Hhs d^UJEramaia^aaii, aad Us wife.' lUMBlMWmKtft ' y~v ?«w 7 T, «i IAS .^M *.'n POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nevei varies. A marvel for pnxity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, aad cannot b« sold in competition with the multitude of low East, short weight alum or phosphate powders mid only tit aau, BoTAli Ba^INO FowDEB Co. 106WaUSt.. N.T. HEAD QUARTERS -POB- Books.Statlonery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c« Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Markdale. A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of pablic appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring « would consult their own interept by ex- amining his stockj consisting of over Three Thousand pi'gpes at from 5 to 75c. pef^Iloll. Sundajj. Sphools requiring Liherary Books xwill find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are ^fiore to satisfy. fiis' ]Vote. the" ladt.â€" That until I commenced .business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not ge|t them unless by sending to Toronto or qlsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery. c.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC ?APER PATTERNS.- Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish ingFires. l^" NOTE TI^ ADDRESS, Hi B. MA^ JfABIVACttniitftdF er*LMReBkst«^ la 'ui«..]ft[^Bioit SdmiktMW). Fedolianr selecA^ at the qoar riee in Vernqnt. WiU 'be edld at pnoea. whidi ieSr floitopetitifia. ,^ SATtSFACriOM HumMMTjEefi^ N.B.â€" BMnmaflioBnaMntB utt Haifa â- tones of Tin, Spelter, or Zine, aoliereol to Seflier.aadcaaa aad BMadbleated to hide sad eallad Wkite Jteonie. H.B.HAMaSON EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAIERi tUNEIUL FURNISIillie supplied on the shortes notioe. .A. STlendid Hearse^ lor hire at moder|te rates. FRAMIIS â€" AUkicdaofâ€" F XJ It ]V IT XJ R, B^ In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE Done ou'.short notioe. BOBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNEIt. C arpender and B uilder GEOROE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building ayd house car- penter work done in the village or country. Call early before the rush comes, 339-52 THANKS. has pas^ â- ^^.Mille: OWEN SOUND (MlegMe -:- Institi^^^ WILL «pen dn Monday. '29^1 August 1887.' Excellent Staff Of Teachers, Insfieotor officially reports it the Best Equipp- ed Sp^ooUn the Province. Glasses for First, ^^tid and Xluid Class Certificates, Junior and -Senior 3latxicnlation with honors, and Law ^d Medical Ezaminatioue. At the Examination in July last, all the Matriculation LS.Bae,||| Tailor Is returning thanRB to my nnmv erous customers for liberal patron- age during the pa^t 14 years in which I have done .busine.^s in ^Markdale, and soliciting a con-, tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and oppofflte to the Post OflBcei where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Bespectfully Yours, JEu. S. B A r I • ' '^STvi.. Markdfde V „ V ^rtr littlfl hobbies and all our UBajinarylcandidates and a 'ai^p^eeiitage of Second J^«. W.N.Haskett is visiting Mends i^5?[;'!^^^ that, and for and Third Ckisiwere sueoBssfui. Fees.«3.00 f'^otdand Owen Sound. J^^v .^ ' 1***^®*^°" ---^-- wJl 'â- J.'Wadde}!, of Cedai-ville, is visiting oiE Weight is up from^^oranto a couple of weeks home? i^^^^*â„¢. of Owen Sound, .called Off Jl** (a his way home from a ' baeidbaU :SSJ,;*'Stratford.London.St- i • ' ' ' â- a^^- ^fjeant is gone to Pan^-Sonnd '*^»/»iple of weeks. ' :„: '^f of our h^A teacher retained on the sake of our growing b^B let us maice temperance a specialty among them, while the cvKiTOlSbtt of miad that can ^accompany it hn- a hterary wav. willjwip to liftthemup to wch It^t^l^ mo«lBt,«igth ana Vrorfc:iyi «^ ^heok thft «vdsoi intemperance^ 9m,^,^%ff^ â€" " 'â€" -- " eoeot 5 for the Term-Payable at entrance; Apply to F. W. MFJEtCHANT, M. A.,Pnnci^l. or to'D. RvDOBD^ Sec.Board'of EUticatipn. 0*en Sound; At«. 15th, 1^. ,!!»f i yaH have no .^1- â- A^y^ 'y- He left the "better half " Jj^ind. i^G^ was in MarkSlak^i ,**£*' .HHATWOWIfflfflKl^'^ll I '•*' i I I To the premises of Alex. McLdlan, lot pt. Of^ftyKT' /-«) eon, 1st, Bast T.*'|^Boad,Honand A *** ' ,^ffi,g Bteer. rtd!" the owner cad have tttypttmng property and paying expences. :•: Ax.sx.KcLsu4s W9-^,„- :„. K-.. Berkekar.P.O. eTOROMTO pU^.E '•"' i- I ant ci^eiiiig this -v^eek !Bea47rl^^a^e Clotlimg^ and BOPTS SHOfiS In thanking r^ customers for their liberal patronag^n the past. I have mnch pleasure in being still able to supply them with the following cele â- brated machines, viz. •; %, The Watson all-steel two-hprse twins Binder. The Watson Deering Binder.- The Watson Improved Lion Eeaper.. The New Humming Mower. The ITumming-bird Mower. The Watson Daisy Eak6. â- ; The Mann Ch^pion Bake. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad-cast Seeder and H§rrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott. Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Boot Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fanning mills. Land Boilers. Agent for the Wafeieou's Co*s Machinery and Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagon's -Bpggies, Democrats, and everv implement a farmer requires. Parties' reqh-ing anything in above lines will find it to their advantage to ca^ at my new implement house oppositeB. McNally's Carriage works, wiiere Mr. B, Bobeft- sonwill be pleased to waiton customers in my absence. J.H. CAESON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. C AMPMII y tCIFlC «. fi. TIME TABLE. -s~I%£a.i:l£dale Stationâ€" cine heli- •1*4 a I /.«. N*«Dn ' '"*^y*«^ from MMs '• S^^^P^etorofthe Meaford Mirror 'â- ^**»Ni' ^P^a, druggist of Ikteafoid, oa "'^ua^'" ^^ ' Wednesa^fcMJtteiP 4«2f^ fiewitt sr returned On Wednes- H MwrSdalB is «nnK *» haw a (toythisyew. If the citiMBa atABofcwMin^ «!«*^ innotseeoriHrinoarpoeatioa. .t .-.-^u-^ II„I^JMUiarespo».We«i#*»:»i*- (^ «»8n an nnrea«»»W» «««• IfailMigrmpeout Moionir'for it. low prices; om^a? wouldr do well to see rav stock. GoiKo South. GoiNO NOKTH. 6.47 a. fi. 12.02 p. m. 3.52 p. m 9J0p,:i, Uori^'kMfwd tm^t^xxa ac'lvn ftqpertgr â- J#«Mt OctaK^pNtn^r A ' $mmk, At. J nadwrtaa. islieMAgrcipveB tbat'kiiy ifenoQ «f-«be4HidM(kigiisdwi]l^ proaeeatci toUir«(lHWittltamui'aataee. ri!] n-' mJOtfSMEm wrtm/1^^^ mw tH£gT(» general hospital where lfi»^. "sets liaviufi his *»*tift audi improAFed. jtii if :^' 1 '^i ll: ^^^ *1«." far. J«i-*.