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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Aug 1887, p. 4

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 V~^ â- Sii^ _^l-"'»*^ â- ^,v'-**l5tl.4 J M tA i- QtlaiAUk p. W. Bntladgs, Proprietor. MARKDALB, AUG.' 18. 1887- NOTE AND COMMENT. â€"Cholera clauned 70,000 Victims in the Noiihwest Proyinees of India daring Jane and Jaly,. ' 7â€" Track^laying on the branch of the Canadian Pacific Bailway between Wiugham and Wingham road, was completed last week. â€" ^Howlong will Canada and the States play the ignoble part of being mutoally the refnge of their respective rsconndrels Surely such a game^ ha* been going on too Ipiig. â€" ^Farmers in Essex coanty are suffering considerably from the pro- longed drought, stock having to be driven ten or twelve miles daily to the river and Lake St. Clair. â€" 80,000 people witnessed the boat race last Saturday at Toronto between Hanlan and Tecmer, when the latter won the race by two boat lengths. The spectators were fully half ladies. " -^Canadian type stents are much dissatisfied at the Government's decision to purchase the presses for the new printing bureau in New York, which they contend is a departure from the principle of protection. â€" At a recent meeting of the Dominion pouncil, Boyal Templars of Temperance, it was decided to erect » tent in the grounds during the Toronto Industrial Exhibition, in which addresses will be delivered every day by prominent temperance ad- vocates. Hm etopn in this djatrietanmiMtly •Q harraatodttiid willshovMittfang* yield. The aampis of bo^ oct« and wheat is scm^what iBJured by shrink- age on aeoooBt ai tin flontiitaed dmoght. --l"'" ^â- ;*';_;j^';v'\. "^â- '" work one oajwix side of the lake, oh the forms ol Masan. Boyle «ad Town- send. The labw of the fiurmer is mateiially lesaeod by the use of each implements. Soho(d vacation has ended and the teaciiers again wield ihe tawS. Bov. W. H. W. Boyle, of Paris, Oat., visited his facbwa people this weeJc; he has just rdtarn^ om a trip over tiie Buekies and to Hbe Pacific Coast, Mr. John Bitohie, lie^ teacher of Teeswater school, is visiting his fath- er-in-law Mr. F. Boyle. Mr. A. Ditner, lias just iished a fine new bank bam 60 x60 feet. John Maher, iramer and A. Jbog«rty, stone masen also Alex. MoClungis building a bank barn 86 X 60. John Donkin, framer and mason. ,i Jflaxvrell. â€" One Besult of unprecedentedly hot and dry month of July has been an immense increase in the loss of property in the United States and Canada by fire. The losses of the month aggregate over fourteen millions of dollars, or just double the average for the month during the last twelve years. â€" A terrible disaster occurred near Chatsworth 111. shortly before mid- uight CD Wednesday, the 10th inst., a crowded excursion train for Niagara Falls being wrecked by running into a burning culvert. Two engines alnd ten cars were piled in a heap the on track, nearly all of the occupants be- ing" either killed or injured. The xiumber of the dead is about 90 the wounded numbering nearly as many. ' â-  -Y â€" A wonderful discoveiy of antbraeitt) coal has been made on the property of a farmer named Nix. living about nine miles east of Campbellford. The quaUty is of the best, having been tested by an expert ohemisii in Toronto, and the indications of a large seam are good. The proximity of this bed of coal to the iron beds is of the greatest importance to the country. Experienced miners from Fen^Ivenia are expected here in a few days, when farther developments are expected. â€" Bev. Dn W^drope 'in a recent^ article on the Indians of the. North West says the Gommi^e ap^porate^^ by tiie Gen»td Assembly^of Ihe Fr^ bytenau Church tb Visit the Indians ^-^ From our own Gorretpondtnt. Weather still continues dry and sultry. Many are grbatly m need of water. Harvesung still going on. Mr. Badley has purchased a binder, and severid tried peapuUers, but opinion seems to be diyided ccmcraning the usefulness of the latter. Those who bought binders appear to be highly pleased with fhe result. For some weeks no section seemed to have the promise of an abundant crop more than this neighborhood, but the reports now are not altogether satisfactory. Fail wheat and barley good, spring wheat injured by midge and rust, pease good, oats especially these late sown are badly rusted. Some potatoes were injured by frost last week. A pleasing instance of neighborly sympathy, happened last Tuesday night when in response to an invita- tion about fifteen neighbors turned out and bound up all the lying down grain of Mr. Harry Guy. Mr. Guy is still unable to work, his leg being very little better. A bee of very different description took place one day last week as Bev. Mr. DA rgent was passing by Mr. Wm. Guy's when the latter gentleman was extracting honey. Fortunately Mr, D'Argent's horse was released from the buggy, by timely assistance and a runaway thereby averted. Maxwell is growing two more little residents. Papas will plcdse accept congratylations and well wishes. Mr. Sandford Tuck arrived home from Michigan a few days ago. Mr.. Moore, who for nine years has been a resident of the Sault acc9mani- ed by his mother visited friends in town last week. We are glad to notice by the report of the 2ud class departmental Exam- ations that Miss Ella Kerr, has success- fully passed, congratulations Miss Kerr. We believe it is the intention of the District council of B. T. of T. to hold their next meeting in Maxvirell, on the 6th Sept. an excellent programme is being arranged for the open meeting in the evening. A hearty invitation is extended to all. It is commonly reported in our village that, as two young ladies' were returning home rather late one night their walk was disturbed by visions of a bear in a church shed close by the road. Of course they threw stones at it, but unluckily did not kill it. The young^ladies' vouch for d|.e truth of this, :â-  ' Betomed to JLUe. In A BE1UBKABI.E CASB OF BSSUSdTATION Ottawa, Aug. 12.â€" K BJagnlar case qf nsat cMatic^ occurredliere last wee^. Bnriiig the reserves is f stiefie^ that all is being Ihlt sldl Ji^m Saxter, a stanetaiRopvorkuig^ done by theaG|)fei^eiit?fdr the W J^H.i^.hida'M^^'f^e. #^*rt|ih^ Ms' Indian agents and farm iustructors appmred in The Wodd and ottier papers seon t3 bomen well qufl^edrin every ^brertised tiie:faaeral and ocdoedliieeaaB. b.;,--- ^, ,,,... -^poinj of viewJtM^the jigtpQilaiEit work Ji!! illu aiangned Ihemt." Tl^ jwfiu|if ^r will be received with sati^action by all \rbo.are-iKteN^1||ad'iithe iiroigress uf of thi aatKia* 1^*^, Itidiu^ problem ;.'.. ^is.thCqi|k^^l|SQ^t .the Governmei^t y^^t'tefay-iy^ tfMTif effiteeitt agent "'s^ipci^ted i; is â- _â- ? J J â- ;-. " 'i HVEZJMBOV Ui ^m^mfmiimmmmmK aw, Maj!kda£e; ascL «b8k for the CAS!ffl in atofokf Roping/ Uie sdAflKnviSMMOpuQg adyaliBel and Wf^.s ha* ire»y9 fMre{^J^,,Mcehr^ many Invoices A Fa*!' atidl?7inb^ Goods now on tii»iM|rrlbem' Europe, and believing it a good^solio!; to olear oat all sutplofl stoek" we have determined ' â- Â» »,- ' i, ' t- to give our cQ^(nner8 some extra t'aluein Silks, Laces, Velvets, MiUinery Goods, and I^ess Goods. In fact all sammer goods will be sold at the lowest notch touched yet. Now is yonrohance to dress well for very little money, come and critically ex- amine tlte bargains we offer. Colored Lace Mitts 10c. old price '40c. 6,000 yds. lovely Embroideries will be sold at a. reduction of 25 per cent, every lady should buy now for future use. All-overLaoe 96 inches wide only 50c. old price 80 cents, /i 600 yds. Handsome Grograin Cobred Silk wide width only 75c. old price $1.00. ' ' 200 yds. Brown and Helotrope Stripes Silks 85 cents per yard, will make up lovely dresses at very little cost. 1,500 yds. Grey Flannel all Wool for early fall, 25 cents yard. One Case BroDia, Grenate, Myrtle and Grey Costume Cloth 15 cents. Direct Importations. ' TEA! TEA! TEA! 4,662 pounds very fine 'sweet and sixotg Jap(uli/#9JM'l^ firee'frbmf all adulteration jtf^rebeived into stock -â- 'â- â- 'â-  ••_...;•:â-  irlrgil ,i-;.r •):Vji^,jv.- V^; and will be sdd! si iibe extracarclinary '.nit low jpH«?^^ awl' dents iai 6 'itq can mk WHITE OIL, is 6q^uai^^ A^ner^ for brillance of limpire Oil Co., Befiners Manufacturer's, 349-75:'^?i'f:';c â- .•'"•':^.':n;: " â-  London andToj Tiiii'w HARKDALE CARRIAGE Bp McNAliLY :-r-Would hereby announce to the of Markdale and the public generally tiiat I have moved into mynewei shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture c\en i in the ^yagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the boi and by using first class mAterial,*I can' guarantee satibfaction to eTenl wno will favor me wfth their order. .. /;, ' ' Repairing, fainting arid Tnmmi/ig promptly atten^e^ A call respectfully solicited, -....:.. JR. IMclVA.L'LYj Proprie and J, Having erected and fitted up m every detail, a Sash, Door sud Fltnl tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, evei being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow 6itt^ FMMES, LATH. FENCE PICKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second ion Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery depa would now respecttully solicit pubUc patronage. Every l^ffort Made to fill Orders Promp PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undres Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tunuii;J| Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS- McNEJ hajl; in liie '^dta^iiur ktan toao: c^VM^P^Pi#A^?* ^ottid awA. '"" ^â- ^^^Ul-^ ^-4- :^' R. H. Benson :0F THE: ' BELFAST HOUSE hasiopened out this week the following goods viz 4 Setts 121 pieces complete. Dinner Sett (colored) ^15. 5 Setts 98 pieces complete. Dinner Sett (colored) $12. 10 Chamber Setts, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $3.75. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieces (colored) only $3.50. As tiiose goods have been imported direct,' and bonglit for cash. I am in a positioa to sell tliem cheaper than any Hoose in the country, and as I am makioK a specialty in Cropke'ry Glassware, keeping the latest styief) and patterns, jon can id ways get salted. FLOUR FEED, GENERAL SIGHT V. BLrNT):M ^mmk CELEBRATED English Speiti(| fB BAY STREET. TOROmom ' AND 18 JEW/A STREET, LONDOHE.C H. 1^. Stephen' CHEM18TDRUGGI8T.M* GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS. Has the Agency for the sale of ft/ ..... „ .-.^^ -,1 MABKDAIjE. .No Spectacles ir**-"'" them in the EYE PRESEKVl- -j,, they possess, or the GEEAT EASt »»I FOBT they confer on the wearer. Hiair nse will in actuality so si Eyes tiiat it does not become n*"**^^ them for many years. They are ' CHEAPEST. TOBACCO CIGARS, which will be sold at right prices to saittbeporchaser, call a£d see ns and examine onr goods and you will go away satisfied. We niU net be aadeniold by any one in the tra^. and as we have had long exprieooe at the hoainess,: we knew what we are dBng. Come and see onr new Dinner and Tea^etl^ soimet^n^iiewiiiMarKdale. ro OS ^v TtaJb^kMinsUflt is. 1^ ^ean'^ifdUHMrnpi'itO'Ctettf* f. .. o eHiq^ 'a-9i»I si3'tkti,s-ib !i â-  :a^50^ O rMig O Ti l l « K i»-. .__ BeipJii^, BXT1«B THAK GOLD.â€" To th«« with Kidney and Unnary T^"" ' a conHtant desire to urinate, shoo" 1 ing, pains, pain in the back, seia^j Ac, Dr. Chase's Liver Cure mif/y more valoable than gold. It I See "Prophet" for testimonials- THE iindersigned wooW T»s^iS0.j intimate to we toote; of Markdale aud. eobatry that I've opt-.^ gcteferarProyision store wli«^ t^:ieep'on hand a generij J^ all JJinds of provisioiis 6m »^ FL014R. OATMEAL, C0«-. rmxitm CORN, ttjAbs, OATS, BRAN, SHOBTb. SCREENINGS, also a " SEED- GRAIN, HAMS. l5S'c„ in fact ever; !lft!lwiiiiiiithisline. ,j^, B^opifiue door west ot *^ â- dfiunith shop. ^. f ':ftlieitiDg a share of po»^' " â- .irtpectfolIyyonW' ^^.-^MARKPAli' 0^^7 t^l kJntfaiewa __ribr filBan*"g windowi -V^ with a doth nn \,„«qri»g;iti»«« eas L^ lAenever yon ean fii Hwiy stud, even whe ^_j for Sinner, a work tl J^erlonn«d sitting, [oeoking i^ensM" «dudin Idl^tiaMd afer washing, i 1 on the oataide witha clea foforgWMytBahclDth i J ior the paipose, atk oapnot ale^ toe long, i^mptom when they njj^andeataijast. They [^^ened, and thus depi Mt snpport nature has giv ue belt way of cneokinR b nortiBtoapi^eoW water faoe. Hold • sponge saS I water to the nostrils, or if _, dissolve a little, alum ii H,HiA inject or anilT this u] lAe hend baek'and do no .rtkenose. lave stair carpets nail sever I eaipet or oanyas over the It is a good plan to buy I t li sT? is needed to cover the »it each seaeon, so tliat th maAj. it stair carpet lin this way they w ily 80loiig. ' jays a learned authority in htiiena, snlphnr Mils ever (gas in man, beast and pL otes. Continaiiig, the doci I for diphtheria: "Pnt i bar in a~ wine-glassfal c it with the finger hutead o I snlpher doee not readily am ei. When the snlpher is In it is to be given to the pa 1 ^ter gargling to swallow t will be out of danger'in pen the fdngus is too adpai arly dosing to the gargling- [that case, should be blov 1 iqt6 the throat, and aft( i sonk to allow of it, then nhe patieiit cannot gargle, ta t it on a shovel, and sprinic |flowers.of brimstone npoa Bererin hale by holding the I the f OQgus will die. (â- IfeyDoJdB retun\ed la f atiOwen Btnud. and £ j^^Hini^^ret^ed ijaia .^Hth friend; ^Master Harry Large visii tthkweek. Mr. Johi Douglass, of 0\ â-  ' ^V ^-W- N. Haskett last w I **»-*' D. Biggar has beei M frnn some time. -V««: :vv*:: B. ofOwen S :«sws::ftS5

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