rv"*yfW:l"*J ..^-^â- â- -1 c- -1 "lyi.' iu â- r,.: CBAL OP THE EXECBto. INSTITUTE 0»^?"*~3 EXPRESSION 0,*L.?1*H|1 '^AYOBOi.co,oJS?* UBI0J_ lee tiug of the E, Permanen«.Centmp ^^' flrin TT7QO v_vi ^^*Vl :ar the 1 C follov ;ol rio was held The were ^^"^^ -ampbeU, Nelson • Tr James Cochrane. Kii,^J jnmaby. and T. gj^, â„¢' " ^^-i^K resolutions wlj* vea, that the secretaTj" a cucular to the Zl ry of, each institute on oarl t at a meeting of tha Exed. hdaonthe4thofAug,^ lous opinion of such mq, ' stitute should defray the enj 'legates at all anrfoaleroZ] lalKieetingsofthe CenttT te; and whereas, it ig Qg, funds to defray the ei rs of the Execut've Com meetings throughout the r priutmg and other surKul is.the E^xecutive Committ.-J Lat each institute pay into then 1 of $1-2 to meet such expu, of the expenses of next ;, and that all such institutes 1-2 be entitled to reprej annual meeting. It is also n, iinujunt payable by eachiiuij )t luter than February Hth. N-NVAl, MEETING OF INSTITtTl ^^Ivi-a, that each institute be i, its annual meeting between y and the Cth February in f r tluit there may be uiiifon_ such annual- meetings dtlei, ed to attend the annual com tiiuauent Central Farmers' L, ^Id on the fir^t Tuesday in ich institute being entitled igate.s to the annual conventioi IVfsident and Secretary were j uniittee to press uron the C t;iit;uio. the advise wUty of ina 1,'rauts to institutes from I U:i, I "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' Ke'th YEARâ€" 5^o. 362. MABKDAI^, ONT., AUGUST 18, 1887. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. -oTEo Jeuklery Store, ' E S H K i-^ T O IV, fo'jud the mosrcomplete stock Clocks. Jewelery, Silver- ivc,, ill this part of the latcli^s. live â- nt and Secr^'tai^ w( u committee to take steps ntiou '.if an institute in each n tl:.' piovinco in which alroaay formed. l:l^.â- , s^'crctary, reported thatt 'litr.tes haye passed resolutic yCsiniinercial Union, that elei i I'.u i!.ii'ii;g, that live have niit| iuui' ;uid that one â€" that of i:is ]i;-cstfed a resolution n;i;iHJnion. The Morrisbwg LhcTd another meetiug to -stu.n. iwtiou of llr. W'oolley, secom :hrane, theExecutive decided ward the formation of an oi encli electoral district in s' Institutes have by vote d« f unrestricted reciprocity, or I:.: ^n, between Canada anJ S Lutes. FAFOIEIiS ASKED TO USira. otion of Mr. Cochrane, s'ecoi iinben, the following resolutioi â€"â- •That a circular be addi iiu ut and secretary to each !is declared in favor of the i.'sti-ietions to trade betweei h^tatc,- and Canada, asking thi ps to have aU the fanners irritoiv canvassed a* the luiimcnt to ascertain their vit e to I ho above question, L' lurnished them hy the s 13 follows :â€" "We beUeve th»i y for an asricnltural c( uecily interested in agri mly and cordially to promote i, iiudby so doing to help 'inmate interest in *i»e ecessful agriculture iS the ladian prosperity. We belie"' )val of all trade restrictions ed States and Canada would attainable boon for the r»^ We beheve the occasion so 1 should sink minor ^^^\ on united action to obtain the nod reciprocity or Commercial^ t^ we agree to promote by o lence in every legitimate " 1 ,u of this object. Therefoi«p estricted reciprocity shall be minor political difierenc^J attainment the P""^^,, to our representftt've boai 1 as wUl make it ^^^" ' the numbers so pleJg«* "Vj^^ varded to the secretary © ^. Centml Fanners' Jn^Jr^of onvenience cA the secretary institutes." ^p then ordered that 4,0W â- read by Mr. Shaw at tW A the Central ^3*^*°** ^i 100 copies be sent ^^.^ SepI rted to the ascretary W«»- mmitteethen adjoum**' u.il ?ee {!!0=e watches they are ' 'J.l^.OO bearing warrants u LrorJ a liiilf vears, while other K,r;'askiu-'S15.00 for the I; article. P. S- Bat;tlett, 8 oz. ver case for $10.00 while they elsewhere for $17.50. |.jj,.;lers cannot compete with faad they know it. We cannot ii,-'Ui 'being annoyed at out [â- ile low pvices; we mnst give 'iniblic tlie benefit of our close \az- ' hst Note a few prices. line^^ickleAhi-m Clock for actually s2..iO bearing a warrant for two ' Your choice of over 20 fine [cimiDS for only i?1.00; Just E;ofit. Fine walnut clocks fmiu K.i-jpwml. Brooches, Kar-Eings, \.ii Cbuius, Gnff-Buttous, Scarf- L ;it tquiilly low prices. l^fflciuber it you want your Watch 'oclc lepiur'ed properly by a work- It, raiiiells is the only place. ,jrlers by mail promptly at- tended to at UDELL'S tktecl Jewelry Store, FLESHEETON. Itices ill (fee coluiiitis intended to benefit â- iiridml or Sacieti) trill he cliarged ten i'tKnt" fur tlw (I'rsf iiiifertlon and five filbiieach suhcquent insertion. fi]TlCE.â€"Corri'iX'iidc!we, communica- ...Utfrtifeiiu'tit" dr,, mnst. be in this b;; uoaoii Tucsdaj to insure publication .-niee: and drink that is depriving many l"-i..v oi food and raimenU pHoilaud Countii will meet to-day, in- p-of Iflst Thursday as announced. ".Hr HI JIcDuN.Mj), of Glenelg has »ur- f^iaiiew tUresliint' machine. John- Yeut, of Proton, formerly "^p I'lerk, died at liis residenc3 on the â- -^'â- •iyid73yeav=. 'â- ^^sliru, at Coibetton, was burned •Lrforokst and twenty tons hay. :rt bv tliildreu. â- JI;ui:l, of Chatsworlh, will exhibit F-iuiijtatj ^aud desks at the Toronto l^-OiiE Cheese Factory has sold their â- ;!^toatlOcuau. It was shipped last Own Sound Collegiate Institue will '•^'^nJay Aumist 'iVUh Forparticulars Nt, â- ^ tms paper. '-rHEs, Piiu^'gif-t, has some im- â- ^'M'onaation for the ladies' read his â- 1 V-r â- "^^â- ii!UN-D would jog the memory "'" "^â- "^oi:hc;J1v- inclined Bead his "'â- aauuriiurcolimin. ""' ^f- '"' your bill headn early^ -t«;cn Icr wu.liug tbem out is draw- ,. " â- "-^^ *•*'â- : bird'" you know. -Jir"^^^^'"' '^^ Melancthon, lost """'"QM bay last week byamnn- ,~_ "' got into the stacks. ^I^^e cows found their way into r-fri..^"""' "'r' l*st Tuesday and "â- â- pound. Tlievwere baHed out by I Ij;g'J;'^^^g 51-25 for each. â- ^y Eeview i., anxious that a printers' An Exchange says -Giye your dogs plenty of water if you would prevent them from going mad during the dog days." Better put them nnder water for an honr â€" sure preventa- tive of hydrophobia or sheep killing. School is now opened after the holidays and the average parent feels greatly relieved to haye the youngsters out of her way â€" but what about the teacher who has tD tug away with the children of dozens of parents "We do not envy them, but rather sympathize. The Markdaleand Dundalk base ball teams played a match game on the grounds of the latter on Monday last resulting in a victory for Markdale by 12 to 11. A copy of Gast Grey Fall Exhibition prize list came to hand this week for which we thank the secretary Mr. Damude, Flesherion. The list is got op in pamphlet form, printed at the Adyance office, and is very neat indeed. The Show will take place in Flesherton on the 22nd and 23rd Sept. We notice the names of Geo. Bowes, Herb. Brown and R. J. Brown of this place among the successful candidates for third class te,iehers, at the recent non-professional ex- aminations; al.so E. K. Richardson of Flesh- erton also Frank Bui^gin, of this place for second class. "We compliment our young friends on their success. Pete Duff o' this villiage left us five clus- ters of plums this week which had 110 plums on. This is the most prolific yield we have seen. Mr. Samuel Qctinton of the Stli line of Euphrasia, brought the first load of new grain to market, on Monday I'ith, and sold it to W. J. McFaylf'nd for 50 cent per bushel. The grain Was a good sample, both iii color and weight. OuK teacher F. Porter, wishes to state that he will be happy to supply any of his fellow teachers in the vicinity of Markdale with a set of the recent Entrance Examina- tion papers. Those applying by post will please enclose stamp. Mb. Jeffbey Abtley, of Walter's Falls, has invented a wind mill which he claims is the best in the market. He has taken out a patent, and is going to exhibit at the coming Industrial. Mr. Artley is a practical farmer and a man of industry and integrit and we would be much pleased to see hbm. successful in the wind-mill business. The Creemore Advertiser says,~"The spring and root crops will be a comparative failure throughout this section of country in consequence of the continued dry weather. The same paper saysâ€" '-We learn that ttie fall wheat does not yield as well as was expected it wotdd, earlier in the season the yield being from 15 to 25 bushels to the acre." Wchtht of Commendation. â€" Last week Mr. R. Johnston of Durham, 'erected to order, a monument in the Methodist cemetery near Markdile, which is in every respect first class and satisfactory, and I would here- by recommend Mr. Johnston to the public who may reqnure such. John Whitby. Mb. John Reid, formerly of this village, but recently residing with his sou James in Florida, died suddenly at Brooksville, Florida, on the night of the 30t/j JiUy, aged 70 years. He ate his supper as usual, and retired for • tiie night not complainingâ€" was taken ill duringAe night, when two physicians were called in, but he expured as above. Deceased owned valuable property in Markdale, "Reid's block" and other property bemg his. We have rot learned whether he had made a will 'or not. IMSIGNIFICANT ciTCumstances often lead to important results. A passanger tram became snow-bound between Markdale and Flesher- ton not three years ago, and was delayed soma twenty four hours. A breaksman, att^r hours of waiting and no prospect of getting- away for some hours yet. starting out afoot and came to Markdale where he had hxs hunger satisfied, and procuring a substanUal lunch for vhose few pas^angers who were without food, returned " Two or three little children fonnd their way into a vacant honse recently in Mark- dale by a back door which was not fastened, and concluded to have a '"bon fire' ' and to that end gathered a heap of straw and rub- bish in a back room and fired it with a match* The smoke issuing from a broken window drew the attention of a neighbor, and it was with difficulty the fire was subdued. The little ones were delighted with their success, and having a "jubilee" when the neighbor came, but a few mitintcs more and the house would have been past saving while the child, ren would surely have perished in the flames. The Orange Valley school house has been veneered with brick and re-shingled during vacation, giving it a substantial and comfor- table appearance. W. J. Eowe, of Barrhead' Mills report business good. He has been favored with a large order for lumber from Messrs J, B. McKay Co., Toronto, who are building an elevaior at jTiyrtle, C. P.;R. He also turnisn- ed them with the lumber for an eleyator at Burketon last season. BUSINESS LOCALS. There is always a plumb to be got at Anderson's. See ourlOc dress goods. Worth 15c. .â- ,_:,-, JScliool Books. â€" A new supply of all the authorized text books for common 5-cliools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. You are sure to get suited in teas at And- er?on's. Get 10 lb 30c tea for $2.50 Photos and all kinds of pictures taken by Jackson, the Markdale photographer, m the finest style of the ait. Try him and be con- i, to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure vinced. -__- â- :.. â- , Anderson's selling 15c lace for 5c a yd, and 5c lace for Ic. Fkesh Fish.-- -Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. Crockery and glassware at prices to sur- i prise yon at J. G, Anderson's. Fabmers wanting a' first-class Fanning Mill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill, given on trial, W. Jackson, Agent, Jfark- dale. J. G. Anderson is selling beautiful regatta shirts, regular price $1.10 lor 60c; see them. CiGABs! Cigars! LoVers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. Backward, torn backward, O thue, in thy flight, give us a frost again, just for to-night; I am so weary of weather so hot, the sweat it produces would fill a big pot weary of collars that wilt like a lag, weary of toihng away for the swag. A snowstorm or blizzard would go yery nice, put me on ice, mother, put me on ice. Have you tbied it â€" If so yon can testify to its marvellous power of health and re- commend it to' your frie'nds. We refer to. Dr. Fowler's Extract of AVild Strawberry, the grand specific for all summer complaints, ' dirrhoea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps, coUc, sickness of the stomach and bowel com- plaints, of infants or adults. Let its merits be known to all who have not used it. A tkachee WBiTES us â€" ""What will you charge to publish an advertisement of a high school four inches long?" A high school four inches Ipngmustbe such a curiosity that people will go a,nd see it without any adver- tising. B. B. B. STOOD THE TEST. â€" "I tried every known remedy I could think of for rheuma- tism, without giving me any relief, until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy j can highly recommend to all afflicted as 1 was." Henry Smith, Milverton, Ont. The summer races of the Owen Sound Turf Association will come off on Aug- ust 30th, 3lst and 1st September, $1200 will be offered in prizes. "How Stra nge " said a fond wife "every time Peter comes home from his lodge he goes to bed with his hat or boots on. But I suppose it is some more of tliose Masonic doings." BE ON YOUK GUARD. Don't allow a cold m the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be curedfor 25e. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applications cure insipient catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure SoldbyalldrUKgists. 333 83 An old woman, who had a chronic habit of sleeping in church, called at seat-letting time upon the treasurer of the congregation. "I have come to pay for my seat," she said, (^ lying down her money. "Yer seat " retnrn« Wi.BROWN "THE PEOPLE'S JEWEILER" -de;aue;h in- CASUAIi CBUMBS. ed the treasurer, who was a bit of a wag. think, Janet, you mean yer bed." CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice havinghad placed in his hands by an East India miBsionarv the formula of a similar v^etftkle remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Auctions also a positive and radical cure for nervous Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands oi cases, has felt it his duty to mike it known to his suffering fellows. Actu- ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by mail by ad- Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin yilver Cases with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waltham and Elgin Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18 k Wedding Kings. Koll Gold Chains, and Jewellery ia 'â- large variety Beautiful lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep in Jewellers lines the finest and most complete stock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do business for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stock,' and then tell a, customer wanting Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the last one," I have P. S. Bartletfs, in stockat $17.50 less cashdis., warrant- ed 3 years. I expect to establish more fully ievery year of business life an unquestioned reputation tor Eeliabihty. Straight Dealing. Fine Work and Close Prices. "^i "â- " organized in ""y good time to this Coimty. move in the MliT i,"^J7°-^°^e^andAlf. Hall, will ^^â- "^^^ "'""' ^*'" tlie championship .^^dCtfi i^^'^^^sformed from an y HjetT^'-nnding sheet to a Vectahle He had not taken plrti"«otice before laving th. imB. on returmng fonnd tureo w muchpleased and gratified in sh^g^ lunch' one of them, a yopng lady. This luncu. uu J tr. hplone to the same latt«r person happened to beloi^ w town where the breaksman lived, ^d shortly ^ter the above incident she met him at lu^h, and afterwards more frequently and J^o months the fraternal feeling developea SlTmatrimony. Moral-be courteous to strangetP. • Fkbbman's woBM POWDEBS ar« Jail birds are not unusuaUy night-hawks AiWATS BEQUiKED. â€" A good cathartic med- cine. National Pills will not disappoint you. The cricket's chirp is always 'oppor-tune. Low's SULPHUR SOAP should be fonnd with every toilot. It is eleansing and lieal- ing- ' -â- ^.. :.;;:- It was the lady who thought she was going to swoon who had a faint suspicion. Asthma cured by the double treat- ment of Southern Asthma Cure, is a common remark. Glammis cheese factory was bmued,^on Saturday night, 7thinst. Without equal. â€" Wilson Montrose, of Vienna. Out., having used- Vi. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in his family for summer complaints, says, "I cannot speak too highly for it, for children as well as aged people troubled with diarrhoea it has no equal. Who says it is unhealthy to sleep in feath ers?Lookat the spring chicken and see how tough it is. A Stitch in Time.â€" When first at- tacked with a cold in the head, dropp- ings from the nasal pass.sges into the th?oat. pain ia the head, or any of the symptoms or forerunners of catarrh, a 50 cent package of Nasal Balm wiU cure you. Nature would make a good .editor. Noth- ing in the universe gets crpwded out for want of space. ' A VALUABLE DiscovEBY.-F. P. Tanner, of Neebing, Ont., saye he has not only found B. B B a sure cure for Dyspepsw. but he also fotudittobethebestmedicme for regulat- ing and invigoratmg the system that he has evir taken. B.B.E.isthe great systen regula- tor. Amateur oarsmen who take theur gurls out on the bay should hug nothing but the shore. See the drift ol this As UNPOTIBTED opmox.â€" '"I was severely tri^bledwith diarrhoea and having used Se":f me wonderMDr.^ Fooler's Wd Strawberry. I was m §' ressing with stamp naming this paper W.A. 10 YES 149 Power's Slock Rochester, N. Y. 334-f6E. O.W. Alcohol regularly applied to a thrifty farm, er's stomach will remove the boards from the fence, let the cattle into his crops, kill his fruit trees, mortgage his farm, sow his fields with wild thistles, subdue his reason, arouse his passions, bringing sorrow and disgrace on his family, and topple him ipto a drunkard's grave. GIYE THEM A CHANCE. Wafohand Clock Warrants 2 and 3 years covering breakages. t^' A call to Price or Pur- chase respectfully solicited. (goods best miXTf) • â€" I* Watch" Bepaiiing Prac- ticaUy Excellent Accurate in Finish Uniform in Price BosS, and speedy-to remove or adults. BUT* ^(^ from cnildren a short time com pie'tely ctired. 1 «m teoommend it a. a That is to say, your lungs. Also uU your breathing mpchinery. Very wonderful ma- chinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages but the thousand of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do they caimot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consuroption or any of the family of hroat and nose and head and lung obstruc- tions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bot^e. Even if everything else had failed you, you may depend upon this for aircent. PdLicB SoPEBiTENJEKT â€" "Is the man dangerously wounded " Surgeonâ€" "Two of the wounds are mortal. But the third can be cured, provided the man keeps perfectly quiet for at least six weeks." «â- â- â- ' Church Motes. Bev. Mr. Graham, soccessor to Bev. Mr. Ward, tntered upon his new work last Sunday, and created a favorable impression among.his hearers. The Standard extends the right hand ox friendship, and wishes him genuine sncoefls. Mr. Bradley, Student, of Corbettoi:. preadied two practical and impressiTe seimooa in the Presbyteiiaii church last Sabbath. MABKBALE. â- o o o ;:S 5 CO •« -2 I -- rr" [in BeT. B. C. Burton, of Corbettou. Dundalk Bpiattdid medicine." WiUiam A. Stafford. ' ciiciut, took Bev. Mr. Buggin'a work last Sbeddon, Ont. Saofhiy.-Mid wis weU reseired. U\ l;s t •] M ji.) •. f '^\^y: â- '*! m 1. w i,i