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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Aug 1887, p. 7

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 bomputed that «. peyarda of pj** di^ unta to £8oSJ5^ 'ada. Great redn^Siai, rty cents, '^^"ctionto, If spare time, onMJatT^ f-n diseases. s'cr5Sl?',:S*'l I All cancer-i cured th^T " Jse of the knife nnu v *^ cmi fn 1 :30 to i" 'I^J^Z St,eet. T oronto!^' •"**• « oreign countrfeg. EnriS«-? I experts in Patent Stfl INSPECTION and I.. i'lneer. A. Frasee, Sec-y-l wr »iKA.ifsoiP8, between Montreal and Uven :- baloon, Montreal to UveL teturn Tickets, 880, «90, anR ner and accommodation, hti re at lowest rates. For fn secure Berths, apply to M.^ ral JHanaser, 1 Custom Ho r to the Local Affents in the i ties. ' I k«;k, BELLEVILL] Over 4,000 Student i in Collegiate Conrse. CommetJ mship. Music, Fine Arts and Ho cs prepared yearl.v for matrictf edicine and Theology. )f 6 candidates for Second-! e- 4 were successful. Re r departments. Full term 1. Send for circular. Addree? W. I' DYER, M.A,PrinclpaL| \1-«EJJâ€" THK CONSERVAToi enemy of disease heals th e Broken Down ConstitntioB lilt treatment, sufficient for tw, .ill fompiete, sent by express foi Cf from 73 King West to 41 " D-MAX FIF.ROE. Four ye_ to. Si Office Treatments for$lil SEPARATORS. Manufac-I tured byj umler supervision of patentee.1 Will be sold at Sacrifice Price! ledoliverv. M. A. GUNN, Box 143 London. 1 C.IIICULARS free. Somethir?! new and interesting. Send all best. CANADIAN BUSINESSi OR'XHAND INSTITUTE, PubBcl ircnto. Besooush, Prea-| CKS, Secretary and Manager. LADIES' COLLEGE, LTOX, CA.NADA. l.iKlies' «'«llegesâ€" Hasgradn-I a the full conrse. Has educated I ultics in Lit rature. Languages,! lar^'est CoUefre building in the I on ij 7th, 18S7. Address the !^, n. ».. L L. ». (Decorated Wta» I flow $bade8,4e. i^ 1^ Wholesale and Be- ^9 tail, at the Ciu- ?KM MAXrFACTORV, 70 King St CIONAL M.VSUFACTUR'O CO RooferJ AXD turer and dealer in fing; Plic^, Bnlldlng ri- i Deafening Felt, KEIDII 1 Adelaide St. E., TORONTO. ' PUR^IVIN^TBEAJt I AI'VEKS, bore 20 fe« rk DrUIsâ€" Hand, Hotse, « or Catalogue. Mannfiictnrliis Co., Hahilton, OCT. ENT SYSTEM. lEeseryeFimil SOCIATION prosperous open â- â€" ---r ^. Id â€" desires active represenj- t Canada liberal induoemanm Deposit, and under the BUP*" lartment at Ottawa. ited. Address, General Managar, ig Street East. To«*»«»»_ ST. E., TORONTO. nk. Mfrs, of Printers ture. -Send for pncat y Salt, JTTEK, ETC. -Higains- Ea"^^"SS^ and?, in large or smaU aw t. Write for prices. RK SON, JO, â- oduce Me-t'hants Toron»* for ttae*boT»dli „,- wor»t kind «nl """"^iSSiS 1, »o itrons •â-  â„¢tJtirf ?W0 BOTTLBS ggg^/ yL- lAfSB on thl» «*â- " " 1 P. O. addna^ ^SBHOLD. ^j Development of Boys. I p that the key to the wise b*^'** f bovs " ^^^^ confidence; Cweiit °\, J and you hold your boy. Kit »" Tel 'that he can come to you |b«-^'"1,iP ereat or small, and you U T'tom committing follies which Lve f ' er When a mother says Jl'««^ »T want to know your worst Â¥ ^•*' ' and is discreet in her coun- V'^Kl not only protect him but I ibe A treat deal of mischief is U*" 5!^: moiwtains out of molehills. F ""rlo unfortunate as to be without • '*•" hrn seek the counsel of some fcer, 1«\ °^.. woman. If a boy has a |tf^,'"°ih mother, let him respect Itfjfjf has suffered and shelter her I^ '"'^nv of the trials with boys arise rrestm*"' jjgt The next reform """"'??» reform. Food U a moral ftfpicfaTd over-rich food ere r OTOwing boys and girls are I"' A for gome display of temper KectS traceable V the table. â-º ""^hodv requires an immense f^7?uel it should he varied, simple r on ' Don't lecture your boy I" -fretful Don't exasperate him I â„¢ U hold him by your love and pa- r'\(ake his interests your interests, t r.Lv troubles with him. Nothing It Lre 20od than a sense of respon, r they like to be trusted, and that is |5y to make them worthy of trust. Our Boys. L tired mother, when nightfall comes Ll drawing a long sigh at the sight UyV torn jacket and trousers and fa head may whirl as with gleeful Lthev come trooping mto the room in Ud tumble fashion. But with what Lend.rness does she not only endure le noise, but sympathize in the sport, if £ a true mother Somewhat such feel- Is these, which are put into verse, she Tinher heart l BoTS will be boys'-but not for long. Ill 'coald we bear about us fcthoufht-how ver so n our boys If ill learn to do without us. Low won but tall and deep- voiced men I m biavelj call us ' Mother Irwe be stretebin? empty hands I rrom this world to the other 1 Ljieirentlv we should chide the noise, I And when night quells the racket, IjlchiD but living thoughts and prayers Ifliile mending pants and jacket.' A Word for flompiiifj Girls. jjt women have a dread of them. Moth- fodd rather their little daughters were ianything else than romps. They say liein: "Be very quiet now, my dears. |imn or jump, and be little ladies." i if a healthy child could be still as if jld take time to walk or step over what i in its way; as if it could fold its hands slap when its little heart is brimful of It is absurd and wrong, because it is ^nral. ildren, girls as well as boys, need exer- indeed they must have it to be kept in laltliT condition. They need to expand chests, strengthen their muscles, tone nerves, develop themselves generally. 1 tliia exercise must be out-of-doors too. I k not enough to have calisthenics in I nursery or parlor they need to be out sunshine, out in the wind, out in I grass, out in the woods, out-of-doors where, if it be no bigger than the city they do tan their pretty faces â€" fer be brown as a berry, and have the V quick and strong, than white as a lily, complain of cold feet and headache. me they do tear their clothes, suppose jdo wear out their shoes, it does not try bother's patience half so much to mend ' 9 to watch night alter ideht a pi^ons, sick child and it does n^^rain pier's pocket half as quick to bay shoes ' s to pay doctors' bills. Cookiufi: Becipes- ' fm Potatoes. â€"Put cold potatoes a into hot butter, add salt and pepper a fried enough, add a little cream, then ii Cake. â€"Two cups of sugar, two cups Fr, one Clip of cornstarch, one cup of ""r. whites of five eggs, one teaspoon of a tartar and one-fourth of a teaspoon of N Starch Custards.â€" Put a pint of fffl a frying pan, let it come to the boU- tm, then add a pinch of salt and two â- "Pwatuls of corn starch. Serve with "md cream. TiTs.-_One quart of flour with two fciS*"^^^* °* ^*k"ig powder mixed i^u ^^lespoonful of lard or butter, *T,*°? ^»^r enough to make the Mke m a hot oven twenty minutes. ra SsAPs.-Boil slowly for fifteen r? two cups of molasses add one-half hid ,!:" '°°1 »°i add two spoonfuls Wef«' ""^^e'^Ping teaspoonful of r Spoonful of ginger and flour to l'Mrf«^^^"~^*^® "^y'^S pail liot, put IE W "" " bntter (or meat fry- KSS^ "?^*)' P" the oniois '^SfetTl^rp^' "'d «»it. »°d l'*it»Lt; • "^^^^^i^' cover closely, KbaHZr"'nt** ' "^^ a teaspoonful fil?^*^"*â€" One fourth of a °^qu„tT ^^* °* boiling water. " ?»^J°^°"^^' one-half cup of 4e chS,*^?'I^°8 of vanilla. Bis- *« b£?l' f ^^^y little milk, stir ' ^CL f**" "^d boil three min- r'^intotu ••,u°^' '^^ the beaten VKtiiiT:,?"" flavor and pour in ^Bopped p ^^t**' ^^ ^ake "^^ o{ bnt^r^°* •l^a't of flour, ""^one.lSff'u?"® tablespoonful of I?* the bZ/*^^^^Poi»fiil of salt do b!^ ^7^' I P"" "^^ together in a 1* J"^«iaddlii"'P '"til thoroughly i^ » "tiff w " ^^ter (or iced water) "^P of W®' ^^cb will take leas **«i«iIp!!V '°11 oat once and â- \ egft. n« ^^ '^!^ one cup ^^- W !r' teaspoons of bak- r4i'^S^."u**^^ °* this and K'»'SS«^f^" *^d renuaning ^â- â€¢^ cup currants oni piece citron chopped fine, teasnoon moI. «# cinnamon. dovTand nSST pS^thl layer, together withjeUy oSfr«S,R Baked Applk Puddwoâ€"RU a tlmie. qu«t earthen dish with pared 2d qLSS apples r.sprmkle on these onecnpdfsnS? a little cmnamon, fresh butter tiie STcf a am,^ eeg and one-half cup of ^tor^y ^dWafSil,"'" a strip about two^inchS H?, I n 4.r" 'â- ***' *~°°d the pudding StAi?" '^V^-i^nder to cover the ffi S?fl^*^°****H^h *«»» theoyen,lUp the strip of paste between the apple and the oven and bake one hour Serve ^th creamy Ribbon Jeixy. â€"Ribbon jelly is made by ponrmg different colored jellies, one over the oAer m layers. Yellow jelly from lemons, oranges, red fruit jeUies. dark jel- l!r,:"7« blackberry juice, green jeUy. made by puttpg m a little spinach juiie to white currant jelly, or any Ught jeUy. Cnmson i ' ^*°? r^ '""*8 a little cochineal pow- der. Ew;h layer or ribbon of jelly mult be veiy hard or frozen before the other is pour- ed in. After it is frozen it is cut in sUces. It can be turned out of the mold whole on a fme stand, to show the different ribbons, and cut on the table. Whole fruits, such as strawberries, cur- rants, slices of pineapples, oranges, ete.. can be frozen in layers of jelly. Turn it upside down upon a stand and serve PEJISONAL. Mrs. Henn is so thorough a sailor, and so fond of the Galatea as a home, that she had been ashore but four times since ApriL Her diversions are fishing and training a pet raccoon which she caught in Florida. Mr. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, put his hand into a pocket-book which seems always open and full, and organized practical relief on his own account for sick children, during the terrible period of heat, by sending them to the sea-shore. The London Times announces that photo- graphy in colors is now an 'accomplished fact that after three years of atutfy. ex- periment, and chemical research, a Mr. Mayall, of New Bond Street, has produced several colored photographic portraits, with- out the aid of hand-work or brush, which possess the brilliancy and delicacy of highly ly finished minatures in oils. When the Corean revolt took place about two years ago Mr. Kim Ok-kum, a promi- nent liberal politician of Corea, was banish- ed to the Ogasawara Islands, after having vainly sought exile in Japan. Recently it was proposed by his friends to raise sub- scriptions in order that he might escape from his island prison. Now it is under- stood that some generous patron has furnished him funds to come to the United States. Ex-Railroad Commissioner Cone is one of the great landholders of California. His possessions in Tehama County include 70,- 000 acres, and one may ride fcr twelve miles along the Sacramento River without leaving his lands. He has several thousand acres in wheat, and about 1400 acres in various kinds of fruit. This great domain he oversees in person, as he understands thoroughly every branch of farming and fruit-growing. The wife of the Viceroy Li, of China, re- cently paid a visit to the foreign hospital for women at Tien-Tsin, and showed much sympathy with the poor patients. When she came out her chair was surrounded by crowds of wretehed-looking women and girls who begged for alms. Lady Li ordered her attendants to distribute money to all alike. The incident is regarded as note- worthy, as Chinese dignitaries heretofore have paid little heed to charity. Some fivescore of representative mem and women of both hemispheres bear testimony in Mr. Edward W. Bok's Memorial Book to their sense of the worth and influence of Henry Ward Beecher. A more remarkable cloud of witnesses, and one whose elemants differed so widely in all things else save their affinity for Beecher, could hardly have been brought together. It will help poster- ity to understand the many-sided character of the great pastor of Plymouth Church to have these sympathetic tributes to hia memory illustrate his life. Recently a fund of £1000 was raised in England for the relief and comfort of F • ther Damien, the priest who has charge i tlie Hawaiian leper settlement at Molokai, and who has a fallen victim to the dreaded disease. When the money was received the father expended it for, clothing and supplies for the lepers under his charge. This has led to an inquiry into the disposition of the fovemment appropriation for the lepers, 'he last LegUlature voted $100,000 tor this purpose, and last year f 34,00 of this sum was spent. As there are only about /OO lepers, this would seem to be ample for their maintenance. King John and the Italians. The news eomes frcm Aden that King John is tired of penning the Italians up in Massowah, and he desires the mediation of Queen Victoria in the quarrel that he and his white neighbors are engaged m. King John evidentiy expected to scare the Itah- ans away from the Red Sea coast, but after they had been there two years, and had repoatecay announced that they were there to stoy, they conld not leave at the com- mand of a half savage prince withottt^- pearing ridicnlous, and so they have been Srepai^g to fight it out. They have been hSTrltreat by sea. but on the land side they have for some months been cooped up in Massowah, and with fresh s«PPlie«of troops and mlinitions they are now supposed S^reparingtoscatterKingJoh^^us^ soldiwy now camped round the ""l®^" of laÂ¥ that joins Massowah to the mam- ^The Italians have repeatedly^ declared that they have no covetous designs upon Sipart of Abyssinia. "»».«£ .f? " Sxing Johi of their sincerity it is like- ??SaU^Vll leave them alone to work out tLir dertST in East Africa, a destiny wUch S«S^nD aUnring V^^,^ Zl ^^ letum. for the immense outlay they are making. ^^ ^^^ When a bMhfol yoong voan finds WiMelf S ten With., the ^^V'^^^l^t^S^ when the proud motiier thrusts n«%,r^^ S^ £ bim with ^^^I^J^ tmt it cannot De oounteirfrtted. BCIEHTinC AID USEFUL. Awarmbathwm often be foond avaln- aWe meaanre in csm. of dee^eness. I^«oent investigations have dispelled the common beUef that freezing jwirifiWwater An ink that wm write on glass is made from ammonium fluoride dissolved in water and mixed with three times its weight of banum sulphate. =« •- «* By careful experimenting M. Bloch has determmed thi^t it takes 1.72 of a wcond '"•^f to hear a sound than to see a sight, and 1.21 of a second longer to feel a touch than to see a right Dr. Doremus says that the lightest tissues »i»be ripdered uninflammable by dipping them m a solution of phosphate of ammonia m water. It will be found impossible to set the fabric so treated on fire. The buzzing sound of a locomotive boiler at times is caused by the circulation of the water in the boiler, and only occurs when the pressure of steam is comparatively low. At higher pressures this sound w^ not be heard. Malleable brass is made by forming an alloy of thirty- three parts of copper and twenty-five of zinc The copper is fcst melt- ed in a crucible which is loosely covered, after which the zinc, which has been puri- fied by siAphur, is added. M. yallin, a French chenust, has invent- ed an improved kind of cement, possessing durability and the cold appearance of mar- ble, so that a wall set with it not only be* conies impermeable to moisture, but can be polished and made beautifuL One who claims to have tried it says that rubber may be fastened to iron by means of a paint composed of powdered shellac steeped in about ten times ita weight in con- centrated ammonia. It should be allowed to stand three or four weeks before beins; Used. Doors, formed of two thick paper boards, stamped and molded into panels and glazed together with glue and potash, and then rolled through heavy rollers, are coming into use. They are better than wood in that they will not shrink, swell, crack or wrap. They are made waterproof with a mixture. Printed matter may be copied on any pa- per of an absorbent nature by dampening the surface with a weak solution of acetate of iron and pressing in an ordinary copying press. Old writing may also be copied on unsized paper if wet with a weak solution of sulphate of iron mixed with a simple so- lution of sugar syrup. A correspondent of the Engineer mentions that two telegraph operators, a male and female, both otherwise healthy subjecte, are being treated in Berlin for a newly devel- oped ailment, namely, the dropping off, one after another, of the finger nails. Professor Mendal attributes this curious affection as the result of the constant jar caused by hammering and pushing with the finger ends in working the Morse system of telegraphy. ♦ â- . YAEIETIES. Very few people know that, as the violet was the chosen flower of the Napoleons, the scarlet carnation was the chosen flower of the Stuarts. To this day mysterious hands yearly deposit at Frascati and in St. Peter's at Rome, where lie the remains of the Car- dinal of York and other members of the House of Stuart, wreaths of scarlet carna- tions. Blankets manufactured by the Navajo Indian women of Arizona are sought as curi- osities by tourists. The squaws card the wool, spin the "yarn, and weave the blankete with the aid of sharp-pointed sticks. It re- quires, according to the size of the blanket, from thirty days to four months' time to make one. Hence Uiey are very valuable. So skilfully and firmr, are the blankets made that they will shed water for twenty- four hours before they will leak. This is the way in which sparrows are made useful in Germany. Long troughs, placed under the eaves of housed, are occu- pied by the sparrows in building their neste. When the young are hatched, and the mother goes away to procure food, wire screens are placed over them, with inter- stices large enough to permit the passage of food in to the young, but too small to allow them to escape. As soon as they are large a!id plump they are killed, and make a very acceptable article of food. The emu appears to be curiously excep- tional as regards domestic division of labor. Mr. Alfred Bennett^ who has studied the habite of these birds, states that the hen be- gins laying about the end of October or be- ginning of November, and in about six weeks completes the brood of twenty or more eggs. ' In the meantime the cock be- gins to sit, and the eggs subsequently laid are deposited at his side by the hen he then stretches forth his foot and draws them under him. He not only hatches the eggs, and does all the subsequent nursing, but has to thrash his wife continually, as she at- tacks him furiously, and would apparently kill the chicks if she could get at them. Hegroes in England. Colored people are apparently very popu- lar in England. There does not stem to be any prejudice against them on account of their color. There are not many colored people in London. The few that I have seen from time to time are invariably in the. company of white people and association with them upon a footing of perfect equal- ity. I aaw the other day upon Regent atreet a negro girl, black as a coal, walking along leaningupon the arm of a fashionable, well-dressed Englishman, who seemed per- fectly charmed and contented with his dusky companion. In the same way I hfcve seen white women, respectable in appearance and dress, walking in pubDc leaning upon the arm of negroes. Frederick Dougbw. wh«i he was here, said there did not seem to be any prejudice in England wainst^the negro on account of his color. The other day I virited the Temple there I found a negro reading up for an examina tion. I was told that his color would not stand in his way m the slightest degree, when he csme to be examined for admisdon as a member of t^e English hax. â€" Corretpondent of N. T. Worid. The bull-dog in the ptoy, who* P»rt wa. to wi» the viliain by Ae ^roat and hd^ Sfordearlife, succerfed the other nuht In BnflUo in diagging^^ "^J^lSS .^m mlUr the iwece of uver whum coaxed ^^^ tJE i*jr*s.ti« foo^u, hTsat down «id qwotly ate it, while tiie villain cMaped. It^eS BOTES. Experiment, have -been made to light the Britidi bosses with electridty. Since the acddent in the Theatre Com- ique. the provincial theatres in France have only emp^ gpdleries. He had been calline on her regularly for a long time, but woald never state the ob- ject of hisvidts. 'Last night he mustered up sufficient courage. "Will you be my wife?" he asked, simply and earnestly. " Yes, Henry, I will," she replied, all in a tremor of blushing excitement. " Ah, thanks," he said. " I bet Charlie Brown a packet of cigarettes that you would say 'yes. The prieJit of Canicatti, a large town in the province of Girgenti, Sicily, recently caused to appear beside him in the pulpit a young man whose face was blacked, whose head was furnished with two large horns, and who had a long tail from tJie end of which crackers went offl The priest in- fonned his flock that this fii;:ure was the devil, and a great 'panic ensued. Women and children present at this unseemly copiedy were injured in the cn^. In Algeria there is a small stream which the chemistry of nature has converted into true ink. It is formed by the union of rivulets, one of which is very strong- ly impregnated with iron, while the other, meandering through a peat marsh, imbibes gallic add, another ingredient in the formation of ink. Letters and other manu- scripit matters are satisfactorily written with this singular natoral compound of iron and gallic acid. Those who know Africa unite in discredit- ing the story of Stanley's death but popular feeling is that there is likely to be some- thing in the rumor. A strange part of it is that a report of Stanley's death was being whispered around in city circles on Wed- nesday, whereas Beuter's dispatch from St. Thomas containing the statement did not reach London until Thursday. It is recalled with an indefinable sense of mystery, that on three previous occasions fatalities in Africa have been known somehow in the city of London before the press news ar- rived in the regular channels â€" the death of Prince Imperial in 1879, the shooting of James Carey in 1883, and the death of Gen. Gordon in 1885. How the intelligence is thus obteined is a secret, and this is proba- bly at the bottom of the fear now taat, despite all the maps and the explanations of African experts, there u something in the report. The cholera in Sicily and Calabria is of a more virulent type apparently than Italy has known since 1884. Thus .far only spor- adic, incomplete reports are obtainable, but, as the spread of the infected area is inces- sant, we are likely soon to hear a good deal of it. The strongest phase of the thing is that it should reappear for the tbird con- secutive year, practically on the same terri- tory, ^hich hitherto has beien unheard of. Physicians in London are growing nervous about the posdbility of the plague getting a foothold in the metropolis, owing to the unprecedentedly favorable conditions. Dur- ing the heated term of the past six weeks the weekly deaths from diarrhea in the London district have gone up by leaps from 9 to 312 of this latter number 265 being infants under 1 year of age. The Lancet points out that one of the surest precursors of cholera in a given district is the tendency to diarrheaic fatality, and urges the utmost vigilance. Russia now follows Germany in rescinding the order forbidding the exportation of horses so that the last remaining sign of a Spring war scare vanishes. As for the complica- tions which induced that scare, they seem about the same as they were Prince Fer- dinand continues not to occupy his alleged throne in Bulgaria with success and the Germans and French keep up their war of arrests on the frontiers with great ^rtina- city. The latest series of seizures in Ger- many-are of more than usual importance.. Eight Alsacian soldiers in the Mainty gar- rison have been arrested. Correspondence with M. Derouledes, of the Patriotic League was said to have been found on them. If this in the ca^^e the men of course will be shot. A proceeding which maes some- thing of a stir is the mysterious rumor from Metz that a party of German officers from the garrison there went in citizens' clothes to Nancy on the 14th to wateh the French fete review of troops, and nothing has been heard of them since. The belief in Metz is that they were recognized and imprisoned, but nothing of that sort is reported from Nancy. Cool. Partly civilized countries carry out, with perfect composure, the most revolting methods of punishment. It can hardly be subject for wonder that the office of ex- ecudoner has become one t6 be generally loathed, when we consider what it some- times involves. The Pall Mall Oazette gives the following account of the interview of a traveller in China with the three im- perial executioners Through our guide, we told the head ex- ectionA' that we wished to see the instru- mente of his calling, and thereon he pro- duced a abort, very heavy, two handed sword and a long kuue. We naturally put the question, " How do you use this -sword? Where is the block " " We don't use a block. We make the prisoners kneel in two rows facing one an- other, and bending their heads down. Then I take the swords and chop one on each side, and the heads fall off so on, till they're all done, as you'd switeh the tops off green weeds with your walking stick." "But you don't always chop offa4iead with one blow?" "Always." " What is the knife for " " For the ling eke or 'death by many cuts.' We tie tiie culprit who is condemn- ed to this death to a cross, and we com- mence by cutting off the eye lids, ears, nose and so on. ending by sticking the kmf e into the heart. The cuts vary in number from eight to hundred and twenty, according to the heinousnesB of the culprit's crime." " How many persons have yon executed in a day?" "I have chopped twenty heads off in two minnteiL" " Grentleir en, give twenty cent, each eumshato" (a synunym far tiie Egyptian bdksheedi) "to the execntionra.," said the gnide, which we gladly did, to ewape the staring of the head batcher*, eye., which had a villainoa. cast and so ended our interview with theM high executionen of the great fTiinii.n Em^e. YOODOOISM. •rikeStiwife Kecte •ftke In spite of the oMistant interooorw the negro with the white race the former has never relinquished the fetishim that dings to its Christianity and forms a steaiuMi com- pound of religion and superstition. What a negro does bdieve is hara to telL No one ever ki.cws and he never clearly nnderstand. his belief himadf. Signs and .omens, incan- tations and superstitions charms peculiar to the savage have been amalgamated into their reli^ons observations to such an extent that their worship appears to be a Christian simplicity of faith â€" their real belief a con- stant reliance to the fate expressed in every unexpected accident. Over the door of every log cabin that stands in a cornfield or tobac- co pateh is seen a rusty horse shoe suspended from a ndl. and you rardy meet a negro man who does not carry in his vest pocket the left hind foot of a rabbit as a kmd of mascot. For a hen to crow is the dgn of death in the family and the ambitious fowl generally ends up by gra6ing the dinner table If a rooster stands with his head in the door and crows, it is the sign of the coming of a sister if his tail is first it means news of a death. A rabbit crossing one's path entaUs misfortune unless the charm be broken by an immediate retom home. To leave a row of seed half planted is bad luck to pick up a pin or to put one's stockings on wrong side out is good fortune. The appear- ance of bubbles on the surface of a cup of coffee means a present of money. For the pedm of the hand to iteh, if one "scrateh it on wood, get something good." If the nose itohes a visitor is soon coming if on the left dde agentleman on the right a lady. An important personage among the ne- groes, and one who holds about the same position as the medicine man of the Indiana, is the reputed conjurer. She is generally an old woman living alone in her cabin, surrounded by her powerful charming work- ing herbs, and is greatly feared by her neigh- bors. Like the witehes in Mxcbeth, she is supposed to concoct strange messes from outlandish ingredients, to be able to put anyone under a spell, or induce a lingering disease and death. There is no wonder, consequently, that she is an object of fear and veneration. One of her spells is given by administer- ing the dried head of a scorpion, which be- ing taken unconsciously in food generates a new species of the living animals ia the body of the unhappy victim. Some of the charms are supposed to induce deepless- ness, others the withering up of a limb, and others strange diseases. One of the most potent is that of taking the dust f rofci a foot- print, mixing it with pepper and some un- known ^powders, then replacing the earth on the spot from which it was taken. It is said that one treatod thus is unable to stay long at one house, but Salathiel-like, wand- ers from one place to another constantly. Negroes have a great respect for Sunday, which is inspired ^partly, I suspect, from their dread of doing any work on that day. To cross one's legs or sing on Sunday is re- garded as a heinious crime but to " lift" chickens from a neighboring henroost is an insignificant offense. I remember hearing of a band of colored men who " got religion" and had to relinquish music as sinful. Among the converte at a recent revival were many boys who were afterwards found to be addicted to the incurable vice of playing ball and marbles. Shocked at such evidences of depravity in his flock the sable preacher hurled against them the anathemas of ex- communication.« The experiences of those who get religion are often wild tales of im- aginary adventures in Heaven of the lower reigion, and surpass Baron Munchausen for lofty flighte of imagination among the im- probabilities. When a camp meeting is in progress the negroes are in a state of great excitement and flock from miles around the country to hear the preacher's passionate harangue. When worked up to the highest piteh of religious enthusiasm they are often frantic from excitement and contiaue in this state until they fall from exhaustion. On awak- ing from the fainting fit brought on by ner- vous prostration they relate the wonderiul tales of their adventures in supernatural worlds. Taken all in all, the religion of the aver- age corn-field darkey in the Southern States is as strange a compound as one would wish to see. Life on the Moon. There is reason for thinking that the moon is not absolutely airless, and, while it has no visible bodies of water, ita soil may, after all, not be entirely arid and desiccated. There are observationB which hint at vis- ible changes in certain spota that could possibly be caused by vegetation, and there are other observations which tuggest the display of electric luminosity in a rarefied atmosphere cov^ering the moon. To declare that no possible form of life can exist under the conditions prevailing upon the lunar surface would be nying too much, for human intelligence can not set bounds to creative power. Yet, within the limlte of life, such as we know th^, it is probably safe to assert that the moon is a dead and desorted world. In other words, if a race of beings resembling ourselves, or resem- bling any of our contemporaries in terres- triaf life, ever existed upon the moon, they most long since have perished. That such beings may have existed is posdble, particularly if it is true, as generally be- ueved, that the moon once had a compar- atively dense atmos^ere and water upon its surface, which have now, in the process of'cooling of the lunar dobe, been with- drawn into its interior. It certainly does not detract from the interest with which we study the rugged and beautiful scenery of the moon to reflect that if we could vidt those ancient sea-bottomsj or explore those glittering mountains, we might, perchance find there some remains or mementoes of a race thatflonrished, and perhaps was all gathered again to tis fathers, before man appeared upon the earth. Now is -the time of year when Love's young dream gets jolted all out of shape be- cause the hammock let. go. A yoiing lady wa. Buurried tlwotiiOT day and a i wn i a a» ar aeeennt of tte event was Irtwlifl â- " frr--^ ' ^-'r " **AMMeclin Angost" wfll be tiie te of thaw who oome lata: in the Hami. iikewiM, nme will be " Spliced in September," Onaoe-flowered in Octobw," "Noptialiaed in November" and " DooUed in December." mi I -U in- H â- t ,v i ,1 "I- I** •I

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