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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Aug 1887, p. 4

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 ^-^itirf^. Mmmmmm^ â-  â- fi^rMii!.; J Milii ' -r » ^r i 'M I'M km B W 1^1 ^arSMfSt |^4nbd«t C. W. Butledge, Proprietor, 1£ABEDALE. AUG. 11. 1887. NOTE AND COMMENT. â€" ^Wiarton is to have an $8000 hotel. â€" Hanlanand Teemer are to row on Toronto Bay next Saturday, 18th. ^Qibe Manitoba exhibits for the Toronto Industrial Fair will leave Winnipeg on the 27th inst. â€" It is estimated that 25,000 people 'have already passed their summer holidays in Muskoka this season. â€" The grading on the Red Biver Yidley railway will be completed, the contractors expect, by the 25th inst. â€" The total income of the Methodist Missionary fnnd of Canada for the past year amounts to the handsome sum of $200,000. â€" Chicago papers describe the -effects of the drought in the North- western States as disastrous in the extreme. â€" ^Mr. Ferguson (Conservative) was elected for South Renfrew last week, making the fifth supporter of the government elected since the general election. • â€" The Executive Committee of the Central Farmers' Institute of Ontario, which met in Toronto last Thursday, declared itseff strongly in favor of un- restricted reciprocity with the United States, and decided to push the work of organization throughout the Province. â€" The Convicted Chicago Anar- chists have appealed their case through all the courts of the State of Illinois, and the verdict still is that they muit suffer the extreme penalty. Their lawyers will probably find means to appeal the case further, and when the scaffold ia actually reached by these men many will almost haye forgotten what they were condemned for. looldng aftef tbenL:..then the Maxwell Church has been »«r* hauled and re-painted mid its surround- ings unproved, and now a new edifice is being erected at Berkeley, the cost of which has already been aknost provided for. Seldoiu do we meet with so much practical business tact and Christian zeal in a minister, and it is not to be wondered that the rec[rets for his departure are strong and universal. The Stanbabh wishes him continued To an users of Machine Oils, doii'tfor*t to call on B. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-Cnt Saw, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOB E. OIL, it is nneqnalled by any. 66 T 99 success. Holland Centre. Stealino. â€" The boys in our village are stealing from peoples gardens. Some of them will either get some pease out of a gun, or will haye a chance to visit Owen Sound. Miss Cassie Sargent is up from Toronto spending a few weeks With her mother Mrs. John Sargent. Carson Price is going to build a dwelling house on the front of his orchar^. JNaxtirell. POULTEY FARMING. The poultry business is fast develop- ing into importance and bids fair to be one of the leading branches of agriculture. The demand for eggs is unlimited, and the export is something 3uormous. The amount paid for eggs in tbis village for twelve tfionths reach- ed tbe handsome sum of $3,900,00. A practical farmer near this village m- formed us that the profits from his hene for year is $1 each after pay- ing all expenses of then: keep c. What other investment will give as large a return It is no woEder the Owen Sound Poultry Show has created so much in- terest, it having become one of the best in the Province, while the coming show (ia December) gives promise of being the best in the Dominion. The Association have engaged for it I. K. Felch, of Connecticut, who has the reputation of being the best poultry judge on the continent, and are mak- ing all other preparations accordingly. Prom our own Correspondent. V»y hot weather. Good for harvesting, though some complain that the grain is ripening too fast. We regret to hear that Mr. Rich. Sanderson and Mr. Foster Heron are confined to the house by sickness. Mr. Harry Guy accidentally sprained his leg while working last week and has not been able since to engage in work. Hope to soon see him around. Our school house has receiyed a thorough overhaulmg and now presents a far more attractive appear- ance. Mr. Wm. Heron has been home from Toronto for some time. Our neigljborhood is improving, selfbinders becoming common now Mr. Thos. Gamey and Mr. J. Inkster having purchased them WATER WHITE OIL, is equal to American for briUance of light. Empire Oil Co., Kefiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and Toron t MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS. STARTLING SUUGIII «*â- .. Tbe knife driven ri into the bone. B. McNALLY â€" ^Would hereby announce to the people of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into my new carnage shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture every avticle in tbe wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the businees, and by using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to every one WHO will favor me with their order. Repairin g, Hainiing and Trimming promptly attended to. A call respectfully solicited, ^yLcT!^ AJLJLT^ J, I^roprietoT- SSollsixid. Cezitre. TOEONTO I T MASSEY Plesiierton. FABEWELL. Rev. Mr, Ward, Incumbent of the English Church of this place, gave his farewell address last Sundsiy eyenuig to a crowded house, aud took his de- parture on Tuesday for Millbank, 17 iQiles from Stratford, his new field of labor. Mr. W.ord has been a faitliful, .zealous, persevering mau, and for about nine years, labored with in- domitable energy for tbe welfare of his church and congregation, building them up from weakness and organization to its present and well organized state. Under his supervision, and chiefly owing to his enterprise and peraever- Ai«e, the handsome and substantial brick clmrch in this place was erected. And i« fully paid for: also the neat and TVetl kept suiTouading are largely due' U iUS From ofur own correspondent. • The Gypsey's struck our village on Monday last being fair day some bantering and liitle horse trading was indulged in. The fair on Monday was unusually small for August, a few cattle changed hands at good prices. Our townsman, J. Blackburn, is this week absent attending, as delegate from here, the Grand Lodge of Independent Order of Oddfellows whiah is in session this week in Feterboro. Building operations continues brisk here. John Whitton, our enterprising builder, has commenced operations for another handsome brick dwelling on a magnificent site on Church St- this will be tlie fourth brick dwelhng here in the Whitton family they are good citizens. A. M. Gibson, Esq., in tlie employ of M. Eichardson Co., has been off for some few days enjoying holidays. The regular Quarterly Service of the Methodist Church was held here on Sunday last, there was a large congregation present. Rev. Mr. Shiiton delivered a yery impressive and instructive sermon. In the absence of the Pastor. Bev. Mr. McLeod. of Priceville, occupied tbe pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath afternoon. The speaker was so late in arriving that a number of the congref^ation had left for their homes -before the service commenced. Mr. Daniel Stewart, sou ofv Ale£. Stewart, a promising young man and who has been living m Owen Sound for some tnne, died after a brief ill- ness there on Tuesday last. His re- mains were intered here on ^Thursday afternoonâ€" a very large funeral was in attendance. Deceased was a member of the order of Forest»s a few of the brethern were present and performed their last rites at the grave. The bereaved family here have the sympathy of the entire community. Our township fathers met for tranoactiop of bosiness in council chambers. Town Hall, on Monday last. A petition by W. K, Fleaher, Esq., and signed by a number of rate pavers prnyingthat in case Mr. Flesher puts in a new roller plant in the Flesherton Flour Mills that nid Mill be exempt from taxation for a term of ten years this was asked beeaose it is believed at said Mill hAs bepn paying a much higher rate of taxation for the past few years' than she was nrerri5o^J^*^"'°"'*^«""" *^ depreciation in '"--^' value of Stoue Mills: by vote in i-ae^ and council pctitio:i was not gj-anted. wood frameSftefeet cat TORONTO MOWER, one and two borse. MASSET ^/ MOWER. A full stock of repairs kept constantly on hand for the above machines REPAIRS STRICTLY CASH. Also agent for Hall's patent reversible HayCarrier.Manufactured by Cochrin Bro's, St. Thomas, and Fox Pea Harvester, Owen Sound. THOS. WILLISCROFT, Agent. MAf^KD^LE M Md DOOR FACTORY. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac« tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Battons, FRftiES, LATH, FENCE PIGKETS. e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to none in Canada, and liaying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, I would now respectluUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINF LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 808 THOja*. IVIelVJEu^. dis- prosperous R. H. Benson :0F THE: BELFAST HOUSE has opened out this week the following goods viz 4 Setts 121 pieces complete, Dinner Sett (colored) $16. 6 Setts 98 pieces complete. Dinner Sett (colored) $12. 10 Chamber Setts, 10 pieces (colored) latest pattern only $8.75. 12 Tea Setts, 44 pieces (colored) only $8.50. As tbose goods have been imported direct, and boiie^ht fsr cash. I am m a poBition to sell them cheaper than any Hoase m the oonntrr, and as I am makuig a specialty in Grockeiy «fc Glassware, keeping the latest sty les andpatt«ms, yon can idvays get snited. FLOUR FEED, GENERAL GBOCERIES, WINES JjIQUORS, TOBACCO k CIOAB8, which wiU be sold at rightpnces to suit the purchaser, call and see us and examine our goods and you will go away satisfied. We will not be ondeniold by any one in tiie trade, sad. aa we.hava hid long ezprieiice at the bnainesR, «a kaow /what we ace doing. Coite and see oxa new Dinner and Tea Setts, MiaaetfaiQgWwi^ Markdale. SiaHT V. BLENDNESS. CELEBRATED Englisb SpectaGles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CMNMDA. AND IS JEWIN STREET. LONDON EC. ENGLAND. MABKBA-LEJ. CHEMI8T DRUGGIST, Markdale Has the Agency fox the sale of tbe above in MABKDAI.E. No Spectacles lii the Market equal them in the KTE PBESEBVINO QXIALITlilS they possess, or tbe OBEAT BASS and COM- POBT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actoality bo strengthen tbe Eyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many jeaxs. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD THEY NEVER TIRE THE EYE AND LAST K ANY f WW* WITHOVT CHANGE. The Sight tests by oar N«iW Test €aid, same as aiied bytiie leading OooliBts throngh- ont tbe woild. 857-409 Bbttxb than ooi.i.-^To tbose tronbled with Kidney and Uruuoy TranbleB enoh as a oonst^nt desire to nrinate,:slMGtiiig, scald- lag, pains, pain in the baek. aedim«n^, e., Ac, Dr. Clmse's laver Cure will bd found more valuable than gold. It positively cures. Sec "Proiihet" for testimonialB. • is going to sell evep yard of summer dres goods at and nndg cost. 16 (sent Check Lustres for 10 85 30 T30 20 87i Ottoman Cord for ^^ Cashmerettes for 9 Stripe BalermoB for cents. Camlets and BeBieges iii| 22 cents. Canvas Clothes il2|eli' All Wool Lace Stripe (west end cloth.) 25iceiili,| Note, oaly a limited number of)di,| of these goods are left. 65 cent Ladies' silk mitts for25si 27 Ends Colored and Black MbH and Silks under cost. A variety of remnants of differeill materials under cost. 2000 doz. Ivoi^f Buttons all sLades| from 8c, per doz. up. 8 Only handsome Dresses $1.50. EmbroMeteil Laee Gloves, Parasols, at aGtaaIcoet,| A good sensible Parasol for 15c. Uiidersliittsl 24 Men's Balbriggan and Drawers 80c. 24 Men's Balbriggan and Drawers 50c. UndersliiitM 60 Youth's and Misses Straw Hats)| old price 40c. now 20c. Agood useful Table Linen only 20c. Garter Elastic 2c. per yd. 16 doz. Woman Hose 10c. perpwi- 60 pairs Womens Fancy ' Stitched Hose former price 55c. the counter now at 25c. on 71 Men's Black and Colored Felt Hats old price ranged from $1-00 $2.00 your choice of the lot for 60c. 5 Cases Men's Long Boots for harvesting at $1.50 per pan. Heavy Direct Importations ara u"' on the way from the Europe^ markets and room must be made them. Come in and ask for good* ** advertised and we will give yp« eye openers. some Every article in this colon^J in stock now. If yon want them ^^ on us early after seeing this, "** .j may not be under the painful nect of lelliuff you we are sold out. W. i McFARLAi. Direct Importer.

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