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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Aug 1887, p. 1

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 ontb ottUt^ all m Thi It. The "** fourhandtedteiJ*' bom wet8 fn^ hamptoQ.Ffl of note. Hj, present and 111^1^' ions of nmrioTfl^T rere entered iatTS'i 8 were spread »ia 'J; lly Riren on anek made and seooBdei ok the chair, an^"" cb, took up the and called for an •ir, the rendering «| leir leader. Mr.8hU,Ll ct called upon and pje?' for his text "Old 5863. Armstrong, D» Mr Bamhouse, oflRegij upon and artisticdly sre the lilliea blocm." llevW.F.Ferrier.wlwj oration, Msa Qtm,, I very nice solo (vocal) iment. Rev. Mr. D'i ingth, his vitty aketdMii lotes bemg well ieeeiT«d;i « a recitation.after\rtii4( od Save the Qoeeo," muent to a concinuao. interspersed throa^^ioa(. j band. The receipts, ;hborhood of 965.00. win parsonage impror* HEW TO THE LI1E, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' SEVENTH YEARâ€" 1^0. 361. MABKDAIiE, ONT., ATJGHJST 11, 1887. C. W. RTJTIiEDGE, Proprietor. So-fzo Jeweleey Store, â€" â€" r,i h^ foauil the most complete stock ' AV. clies, Clocks, Jewelery, SUver- rMmi see those watches they are „ «t '^12.00 bearing warrants "'^^ ' whUe other Ws scarcely taKe ap a paper bnt we see an accident of dogs killing sheep, or biting persons or some other depredation: thore should be a dog tax at hast erety third year which would iMn out useless -ones. Lost ob â€" A Wallet, containing between fifteen and twenty dollars in bills, also four notes drawn in my favor. Any person finding the same will be suitably re- warded by returning to B. L. Stephen, Markdale. I felling '"' asking §15.00 for the P. B. Bartlejkt, 3 oz. healers are cannot compete with We cannot being annoyed at our low prices; we must give the benefit of our close JJHEM A CHANCE. y, your lungs. Also uQ linery. Very wondeifsl ot only the larger air-p id of little tubes and lem. are clogged and chocked i ncrhtnot to be there, your] their work. And what I well. cough, croup, pnenmoii uption or any of the familjj and head and Imig ob id. aH ought to be got ridij ne sure way^ get rid of the e Boschee's German S; ggist will sell you at 75 1 if everything else had lepend upon this for. )zier Street, isgow, 18th July, 1887. ^ilsonz Dear Sib,â€" Mj dang McBroom, reac^ sty a few days ago,aBd illy informed of the vej ss shown by yourself, "' your church and ms tB ot Markdale, to he ,nd after the death of hj d. 1 have been mucf that I have heard of cherished and the sn atliy manifested to ughter. These generoj ime sufficient proof of Christian xeliigion in and that all things wfl ood to those who ioj .us Christ. AsagraW^ thus constramed to .and to return my anc^l [u. and through yoo lo d friends who renj help to my daugw k need. May the )sper each and aU of Jo" Yours very tej"?. David ' "Last Bammer I *â- * fth hver "omrijunt. » 1 use Burdock Blood BitM^ botUeeeuied"*?- *^' aedy too moco. •"" ie, Ont. hew farm hand frwa^^ Ee done with an thjar I are selUug Oiher dealers L and they know it |lielp thfui lerrible I the pnb^^i" 1 baying ^Just Note a few p rices. Xfii^ickle Alarm Clock for actually lonlV ;72(" be^iring a warrant for two hm \oiiT choice of over 20 fine ikted chains for only $1.60; Just Itak of it. Fine walnut clocks from 'i 35 upward. Brooches, Ear-Eings, Ladies' Chains, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- Ipins, at eaually low prices. I Remember it you want your Watch IrClocli iei)au-ecl properly by a work- man, fiusseirs is the only place. Lu orders by mail promptly at- I tended to at W^SELL'S Noted Jewelry Storey FLESHEETON. I local and Other Items. Notices in thet^c columns intendedtobenefit Ml/ hdividunl ar Society u-ill be cJuirged ten ".i^a line for the first insertion and five 'Ms a Um each bubieqiient insertion. One everting ^ast week as one of our citizens saunteKd along the sidewalk about afpas nine ^hile-ihe moon shone beautiiully, he heard a Atitrp sound as of the snap of a revolver, and^n turning saw inside a garden gate,'a young lady with a tiny arrfl handsome mustache on her upp«: hp. He heard her say, "good night" and thei« was another smack, but by this time he didn^t anticipate any danger from the repeater. W£ are pleased' to say that oTir genial and highly respected %iead teacher, Mr.F. Porter, and wife are visiting at Mr J. H. Glapp's Napanee. We extend the hanpy couple the congratulations of the Stand abd. May their career be happy and prosperous. Mr. Porter wUl be on hand to take charge of his school on Monday next, 15 th. Wk Were informed last week, by a 'traveller who has visited the largest ports on the con- tinent, that a visit te Sault Ste Marie th's summer more "than surprised him. He says that no port, not even New York, can approach the "Soo" for importance and grandeur in ship^g, in magnitude and scenery. The immense lock, â- which admits four large vessels at a time, is kept busy 24 hours every day including: Sunday, while from fifty to eighty vessels is a common thing to see at once waiting their turn. The coming Industrial Fair at Teronto promises to be the best yet held. The harvest being a good one, and harvesting operations so early, will greatly fayor an increased attendance from agricultural die tricts generally, while the low railway rates will have a tendency in the same direction single fair being announced from the opening to the close of the great Show, two weeks. The Pbess and Exhibitions. â€" At "the convention of the International Associatioal Photos and all kinds of pictures taken by of Fair Managers in Toronto last Thursday- Jackson, the Markdale photographer, m the Mr. Wm. Heron of Indiana read a capita finest style of the ait. '"â€"'-- ^^ paper on advertising fairs, in which he con- j vinced. tended that the success of expositions every- ' Pbompt Besults. â€" "I was very sick with bowel complaint. Two physicians did me no good. I tried otlier medicines but all was no use until I tried Dr. Fowler's Wild Straw- berry. The next day I was a di£Ferent man." Geo. H. Peacock, of Stroud, Ont Don't use any more nauseous pur- gatdves such aiS Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Druggists, tf ScABCELT a week passes but we notice in one or another of our exchanges' a note of warning to farmers, to have no truck with "shoddy pedlars" "hghtening rod sharpers" "sickle grinders" o., o., at the same time refering to instances of fraud and raecaUty practiced by those land sharks. Farmers as a rule, are the most cautious class of people we have and if they ^oose to specu- late in "patent wrights" and "agencies." and buy dry goods wholesale and squander their hard earned wealth, we don't see that we should interfere. When we speculate i an d get left, it's not pleasant to be told of it' Redeeming Toints. â€" ^Nasal Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing, does not require any instrument for its use, does not have any ill effects, relieves from the first, and one 50 cent bottle will cure an ordinary case, with no other expense attached. • »» BUSINESS LOCALS. I shall clear every line of fishing tackle out at cost, Poles, Baskets, c. W. A. Brown. Low's SULPHUR SOAP should he found with every toilot. It is cleansing and heal- ing. NOTICE.â€" Correspondence, communica- liioiis,. Adrertisimcntf:, dc„ must be in this Mahj wvn on Tuesday to insure publication \ikticeik. a bridge over the galley, at lot 22 on third hue, Mr. Fawcett was appoint- ed to repair 12 and 13 side line, con. 7. The reeve appointed to get deviation surveyed around the rock, at lot 27, 11th line. Mr. Hurd was appointed to get a new bridge erected at lot 7, con. 7 over Wiley's creek. Mr. Erskine was appointed to repair bridge on 8 4 side line over sangeen river. Mr. Boyd was appointed to repair 9th line at lot 1 The Beeve's orders were issue on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz William Neely, $7.68, taxes paid by him in error. Thos. B. Wilson, 81.00, repairing road scraper, jas. Stinson, sr., $1.50, cleanng water course at Sangeen hill. John Clngston, ^.00, gravel required by palhmaster. James Sparling, 93.00, removing stone llth line. Jatoes Wiley. $1.00, repairing bridge. John Erskine, 9B.00, culvert on 9th line at lot 9. Charles Howard, SS-SiJ, work on town line Collingwood, and Eupnrasia and Collingwood councUs paying an equal amount. William Beai. $6.50, work on town line, Collingwobd council paying an equal amount. Henry Breadner, $3.00, culvert en 18 19 side road« The report of Mr. Boyd relating to work on 9th line, adopted, and the Treasurer instructed to pay for said work as follows, viz. Kobort Mathers, $13.37^ William Martin, $9.00 Jas. Boyd, Jr., $11.50; SafQuel Henning, $7.50 Robert Nixon, $500 H. Malcom, $4.37 J. Wright, 4.37i; Joseph Boyd, $9.00 N. Boyle, $4.87i; William Boyle, $5.00; James Boyd Superintendent $8.75. On motion being niade and seconded the council adjourn until the last Fri- day in August. Robert Dulop, Clerk. The Annexation Statement. "THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER Hi -DEJALEJH IN- Try him and b9 con- 1zws IS about as scaice this weekas Holy |sater in an Oraago lodge. OsPRET Council meets in Singhampton on i5 20th. ^R. Jas. SuLLiTAH, 'of Glenelg, has re- I tuiaeil from a pleasant trip to Kansas. The continued droughl; is telling anrioasly |cn late grain, roots and pasture. Keab E. H. Benson's adv, this week. He I tas something new in Dinner and Tea «ets» till and see him before purchasing els^wre* Mr. Wm. Ccrkie, of Mt. Forest, was bitten I " a dog at Cedarville lately, which wUl unfit I lim for \rork for some weeks. sLemos, of Thombury, assisted the teodist clioir last Sunday evenmg, and 'a much appreciated. !;PMso wlicat is seriously damaged by "St in this district, especially the "Lost variety, which is very generally Nation" I Vjitii. •Pomed it in the ««"• .t. Two pby«°«^'S' \ed other medwuifia"ga,d fk, of Stroud, Ont. sits down tai ^^ find himself the limited IVIES' who lik« to seethemsdveain print, '=Midoso Without the fear of unfavorable â- '«ip by dressing in calico and appearing "fciethemh-ror. 'nTE a number of farmers finished cut- â- -Jiggiamlastweekandthe great majority Aroagh this week in this district. This ^eertainly the earliest in the hiBtory fl the place, ihf p^" *^' ^eek a report of a meetinjr -ol ' Ij^'f^'^^o of the Permanent Central ^«mers Institute, which was held in To- ley diseaae.. •rfeoft fB.. took two b»*tt?L- " Ifeelas wea .NawAlbMy. ^e«i. It will be read with interest i^^^'"^^""' driving on a reoan liver/' *p '^^l^airy man batting in the We ijt^, ^^^ ^orks. Many other persons BtT.B., fiuch an individual wander- 'lag^iudfitaiate. as ***' rHMA CU tiH^^^"w.of theDnndalk Cireoit %,(hj Kj/ " ^^Kgin'B work next Sun- *tTic^^{|^'*^«tmg the annivenauy "'""'ge eharch. where was due mainly to the support re- ceived from the press, and earnestly advocat- ed that Uttle, if any, restrictions should be placed on their newspaper friends in dealing wioh exhibition matters. It would be weU if officials conaccted with exhibitions would take note of fiiis, A LODGE of Independent Order of Good Templars recently organized- in Markdale is prospering satisfactorily. The member, ship have been equally divided m two parts with a captain for each, this arrangement to remain for three months a series of enter- tainments Are k^t up every lodgfe meetmp, and a certain number of marks allowed for a readhig. recitation, song, speech or for the addition of anew member, thus creating a rivalry amoBgst themselves, and at the end of the quarter the side with the smallest number of marks is to provide refreshments for the whole lodge. SUDDEH DEATH.â€" We wero pamed to learn, on Monday last, of the sudden death of Mr, Alex. Murdoch, a respectable farmer near TJalter's Falls, iormerly of Euphrasia, near ,Harkaway. It appears while drivmg the Bulky-rake the upper part of the back of the seat chafed his back, and though medical aid was resorted to, U developed into eryaipilas which in less than a week end*! his earthly career. .He died on Sunday last at the age of 39 years. He was* rugged healthy man and highly respected, and his premature de- mise has cast « «kJom over the eeimmunity. The Owen Sound Poultry Association madeanapphcationto the County CouncU in June for a grant of $100 to aid them in their commg exhibition, to take: idace next December, but after considerable discussion the motion to make such a gnuit was de- feated by one. As the poultry business is a growing and profitable one to fanners, and 2e above grant only about five dollars tor «achmunicipalily. we think it should have beenpassed. If it had heed for a. hundred doUars for ou excursion to some n««W«n^ port, «havano doubt the County Council wo«ia have granted it dieerfuUy. T»«ard«l«^y«t the Methodist p«- .onage on Wednesday evening ^J^ .t^d «»d thoroagbly, «W«^.„^, ^^ brilliantly »t up with artifioial oompany entered into the ^rith a sest, while The Aiwivs BEQuiBED. â€" ^A good cathartlc med- cine. National Pills will not disappoint you. Feesh Fish. â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. Freeman's woem powdebs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from cnUdren or adults, Fabmebs wanting a first-class Fanning Mill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill, given on trial, W. Jackson, Agent, Jfark- dale. Db, Low's pleasant wobm stbtjp is a safe arid reliable worm remedy for all worms aiflicting children or adults. CiGAEs! CiGABsl Lovors of a good Havana cigar vdll find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. Keep toub house guabded. â€" Keep you house guarded against sudden attacks of colic cramps, diarrhoea, dyspepsia and cholera infantum. They are hable to come when least expected. The safest, best and most reUable remedy is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. School JBooUs.â€" A new supply of all the authorized textbooks for common schools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. PBAisEWOBTHT.--"Last summer I was entire Iv laid up with hver oomplamt, a friend advised me to use Burdock Blood Bitters, I did so, and four bottles cured me praise this remedy too much. Rivers, Orr Lake, Ont. The Farm, and Home, n American agricultural weekly, recently asked its Canadian readers for their opinions regarding "the plan of annexing Canada to the United Staltes." It reports having received nine hundred and ten answers against the idea and two hundred and ten in favor of it. The Farm and Home ale D gives a table showing the vote for and against by provinces, and the result will prove surprising to Canadians who have watched public opinion closely. The following is the table. Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin Silver Cases with Hampden, Colura bus, Waltham and Elgm Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18 k Wedding Rings. Roll Gold Chaius, and Jewellery in large variety Beautiful lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep in Jewellers lines the finest and moi-t complete stock between Shelburnaand Owen Sound do business for myselt in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stock, and then tell a customer- wanting Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the kst one," I have P. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.50 less cashdis.,warraiit- ed 3 years. I expect io establish more fully every year of businesfci Jiu an unquestioned reputation loi Reliability. Straight Dealing. Finp Work and Close Prices-. FOB ANKEXATION. Ontario 132 Quebec 18 .Nova Scotna 60 AGAINST ANNEXATION. Ontario 70 Quebec .10' Nova Scotia 600 Watch and Clock Warrar^fs 2 and 3 years covering breakages. IS" A call to Price or Piir cliase respectfully solicited I cannot John H. "'â-  iGtA^-^^"'^® haschangedhante AiSTwogc' "feeg the purchaser. We ^i the Stardabd Iot lenew Tbe ,i)i£« l^unds were li glft and the vaciooB suitable games Ihe^-creambarwaBWBBpattpnhsea ^^ fa»M«ictomfl.»oldtolu«n.; Jddam DEATHS. MOBDOCKâ€" While on a visit at the reaii- euce of her son m Bomrnemouih, lin^nd â€"Margaret Meldrum, wife of Wm. Murdoch, 68 Kent Road, Gksgow.^ Da- ceased was sister to Henry Mdorum^ £ugeuia. The council met pursuant to ad- ioumment on July 29th. 1887. mem- here all present, minutes of last aession of councU read and confirmed. Iho reeye was appointed to improve road at rock, 27 and 28 side Ime, coo. 6. Mr. Hurd was instructed to repwr crobsway west of 8rd line, on tho e and 7 side line, « A petition signed by K. Jw»foot, and Sets asking for tiie «»^^ J* road, oonld not be entwrtaaned. Total 210 Total 700 It Will be noticed at once that the Farm and Home, whicn received a large number of replies from Nova Scotia, did not apparently receive a single reply from New Brunswick or Prince Edward Island. There are a good many answers trom Ontario, but none from Manitoba. Do the people of the provinces take absolutely no m- terest in the question, or are the Farm and Home's subscribers strictly con- fined to the three Provinces mention- ed The strangest feature about the table however is, the comparative votes of the Province of Ontario and Nova Scotia upon the question. A Canadian would have expected a much greater proportion of the replies from Nova Scotia to be favorable to an- nexation, and a much greater pro- portion of the Ontario votes to be un- favorable. Nova Scotia at the last Provincial election returned a majority of avowed secessionists to the Legis- lature, and the object of secession was to get rid of the traiflf, thus guaran- teeing a profitable trade with the United States. The explanation may be. however, that Nova Scotians, who are in favor of secession from the Do- muiiob are anxious to disda^ diS' loyalty to Great Britain, wMch was imputed to them. On tbe other hand the people of Ontario, who are snppoti- ed to be in favor of Commercial Union with the United States, might be ex- pected to be as decided in their denials of a feeling in favor of annexation as the fanhers if Nova Scotia who aze secessionistB. The Farm and Ham* quotes one Ontario farmer, who says that he is not in favor of annexation butthat he.isJnfikvor of commeroial union, axidoUiers who are ^poaed to poIitMHtl miion, bat are in favor of reciprocity. It wonUt appear; then- fore, t^t the fKmefs of (tetano, m C GOODS BEST QUailTY" Watcli Bepaiiiiig Prac tically Excellent j Accm-nte in Finish Uniform in Price. MABKDALE. "•s I C5 ,0? 5; t: S «3 « 5^ .3-^- iO iidn i «jtl| ' ,. i_ •â- â- )•. â-  â-  r -J â-  â- â€¢ ***"*-' â-  ' ...... .i.,T,^-t---.;! ' .i.J,j â- .a.4s^e5'-â- â- ^^i- ' '•' ili.j«f ^-r/:- .; • â-  "».V â- (. .^ c/^ 2 ti • 3 V § 2 '^J § =^ t o .2 ?» a » o w o *« "s ^. c (^ 2» -e -2 "2^ -a S s 5 C5 •? iij iuj^at ?^sr4 ;r "tiii Ml 'â-  !*â- ?«'â- ' !BI JIM"' .:«â- (»« S^^-Si^ %St" i SS5r^» ... r-" â-  ' ' â-  â- -'â- â-  :â-  :i ' â-  ;. Ml â- \\ V \A â- } ' I â-  f\ n ' .1 ' t â-  • '.I .IP if.' I irli '•1- a ijm^t^i^gmiim

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