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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Aug 1887, p. 5

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 "^iTiONAL NOTES. bv laws were voted on aad I '.Toroiito last Tuesday; No.' '"g 5100,000 for a drill shed. â- ^^' %:« qiOO.OOO to build work s .2;:;i:e'lsland. No. 3 tp raise ;~ anBoanced that the Imperial jDoent has decided to grant a *^" to the Canadian Pacific Rail- new A-TT! tiiii«iiiiiiiiiiiifi|« isidyi fe driven li^i^ the bone. to sell evei summer dreg .t and. micle^ cost. T°o^e'T w A^IP^^c,?^' don'tforgetto call â- law S-o iJ^i^-^^?' Sign of the CroBs-Cut °a.w, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOB E OIL, it IS unequalled by any 66 «! 'EN SdUND «p; owl MARBLE WORK leck Lustres for 10 cenJ toman Cord for 25 o»iti ^shmerettes for 9 centsi ripe Balermos for its, mlets and DeBiegeafoi cents, mvas Clothes for 12| 11 Wool Lace Stripe west end cloth.) 25 centf 'f a limited number of yd Is are left. Ldies' silk initts for 25c. Colored and Black ider cost. Sati of remnants ider cost. of diSeiei Ivor J Buttons all shad( doz. up. handsome 0. Embroidere es, Parasols, at actual cos Dsible Parasol for 15c. 30c. Balbriggan 50c. It is hoped to make the ^e a great source of advantage to EBgiisliBpeculators. ^llontreal bad a 1100.000 fire on uesday last- â-  ' ^London, England, has police f,rce of 13,849 men. ^At a meatrng ol gentlemen con- led with agricultural societies bout the province, held at at the I House, Toronto, on Tuesday- te26thJuly,to discuss the advisr ' of memorializing the Ontario ewernmeni to grant aid towards cen- ^zing fairs or exhibitions, the jeneral opinions, appeared to be that Mwnsbip shows have outlived their isefulness, and that Central Fairs oust now take their place, although somepreseni spoke strongly in favor of the townships shows, and would oppose anything which would interfere fith the grants now made by govern- ment to those institutions. The fol- lowing resolutions was carried nnani- nousfy :â€" 'That this meeting, believ- ing tJiat the time has arrived when the Provincial Legislature should be ask- il to giye grants to such of the central â- exliibitions as may be established on .inch financial basis and " under such rules and regulations as may be laid hm by the government, resolved, that the chairman and secretary be iiistracted to call a general meeting ofthe representatives of the difierent central exliibitions in Ontario in order that this matter be more thoroughly cussed and placed in a proper suape, said meetmg to be held some iime in the month of January, 1888, at Toronto. 99 WATER WHITE OIL, IS equal to American for brmanoe of Ught. Empire Oil Co., Kefiners Mantifactiirer's, 3 49-75 London and Toront CLIPPINGS. Accident-â€" On Monday afternoon an old man named Hamilton McLeod while digging in the cellar at the rear part of Butchart's new building, had his leg broken near tht» ankle by a small portion of the earth cavin^ in. Drs. McCuilooh and Benhart set the mjured limb but it will be some time before he will be able to be around again, two bones being broken. He comes from near Markdale, and was depending on his daily earnings. We understand that Mr. E. P. Butchart has generously offered to pay necessary attendance and board till the man is well again but we think it time that a House of Eefuge was built by th^ xynjiv County, where needy persons could b H K A 11 provided for at the pubUc expens. â€" â- " â- L*"-*' [O. S, Times. STEATED. To the premises of Alex. MdLeUan, lot pt. 60 con, 1st. East T. A S. Boad, Holland. A yearling steer, red. The owner can have it by proving property and paying expences. AiJBX. McLeiiIiAN. 359-62 Berkeley. P. O. FOR SALE. Cheap for cash, one Milch Cow, span young Mares, one of which has a fine Colt from "Terror," one two-year- old Colt (Clear Grit) and one year-old Ueifer. 559-61 WM. BBOWN. QUARTERS Mormons at fSive rvieiv. (From the Dundalk Herald.) The Mormons at Eiverview -are meeting with keen opposition. The Balbriggan Unoersbiifl P^°Ple 'H'e incensed against their doct -FOR- Book8Statlonery Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c. Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Markdale. Undersh s and Misses Straw Hat^ 3. now 20c. ful Table Linen only 20 astic 2c. per yd. ^oman Hose 10c. par pa Womens Fancy Si. se former price 55c. oi now at 25c. Black and Colored Fel| ce ranged from $1-00 ;hoiceoftnelotfor50c. Men's Long Boots f kt ^1.50 per pair. reet Importations aranol ,y from the Europe I room must be made i^ le in and ask for goods nd we will give yoa " 7 article in this colBtBO If you want them c^f after seeing «!»«'** -J .nderthepamfulnec«s»^ u we are sold out. ICFARL0I' 3ct Importer- RKPALE- nnes as announced by them, and are indignant that their cultured and tetianized community should be in- vaded by such heterodox and false teachers and teachings. ^eek before last quite a seance Tashelclat the Grand Eiver above the village. Three candidates were to kave been babtized (?) but only one pat in an appearance. The others l)acked out. Such a scene as occurred was indescribabie. Barking and dip- ping of dogs, expostulations and insults »y the preacher (?), cheers from some present were things that occurred. Beport says that some one not a can- (iiiate was in danger of a severe duck- ing. Last week as a party of Mormons 'fwe driving out, a barricade "°;i».q3 by some parties o: '»M, but when the parties who did it ^^sidered the danger that might hap- f '" *^^ darsness, it was thrown ^^wn but avail was had to tJie use of «ea eggs, which were thrown freely ^J^e "Saints" by some party or â„¢Qaknown. Such a sight as the ^^y light presented next morning ^nts "' "" ^^'*^^ed upon occcup- ly w'aTf^^ and equines andearth- Thep ^^ ^ii^Ply mdiscribable. sac^rr""" resolved that the iere 1a '^^^^ °° Position or progress theiio!, ^^^ the whole strength of back alt' "'^^ ^^^gio"s people at its 35ea'f^jjJ°"'^^.' P^'^^aps, the measures «3livV ^^'"' not sanction- "^^e latter.-, ^TEnrH. ' POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nevei vaiies. A marvel for purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition -with the multitude of low est, short weight alum or phosphate powders sold only in cans,' EoTAl Bakikg Powdeb Co. 106WaHSt.,N. Y. was the SIGHT V. BLENDI^FESS. CELEBRATED Englisli Spectacles 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO CANADA. â€" A3m â€" 18 JEWIN STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND. :x: K. J^. Stephen's, CHEMI8T DRUGGIST. Ma^i^daie Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MAKKDAIiB. No Spectacles Inthe Maxketequal ttiiSin toe EYE MB 8EKVING QUALITIES theypos8es8.or the GREAT EASE and COM- FOBt they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Eves that it does not become necessary to change Siem for many yeais. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD THEY NEVER TIRE THE EYE AND LAST MANY EYABS WITHOUT CHANGE. The Sight tests by onr New Test Card, same as used by the leading Ocolists t^oagh- out the world. 337-40y A. Dinsmore retnms his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring AVAL.L. OP AFTERS would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring, Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVOBABLE TEBMS as are sure to satisfy. t^i^lSotei the laet.â€" That until I conuuencod business there was no such thmg as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than 'Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery, dccalways on band, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish; ingFires. IS" NOTE THE ADDRESS, .A.. Iinsiiioi*e. Pid you ever in your life hear the potato bng singP Have you seen them when they got up on their hind legs and 'whoop and holler -with j oy, holding their feelers to their stomach rolling over and over almost tickled to death P So much so that every muscle in their bodies is vibrating to the full- est extent. In fact they go into convulsions with laughter at the haggard and w^oe-begone look of the man w^ho buys im- 1 pure Paris Qreen. CBUT STMIBHT BUSINESS^ buy your Paris G-reen, A T â€" Stephen's Drug Store, and your bugs will kick straight quick and die. Use Stephen's Insect Powder, it is the Shoor Shoorer !! Shoor er est !!! in the market. HAVE ABEIVED 5 gross of the Cele- brated Diamond Dyes. 1 gross of Burdock Blood Bitters. I gross of Richardson WeU's Butter Coloro Prescriptions Dispen- sed day and night, E. L. Stephen's. H.B. HARRISON MANUFACTL'UEIi OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES Mandea, Fumiturt UlarbU, de. JtrST RECEIVEP Car/oady Finest VatiegaU Marbh ^P LarffMt (took in the Draninion I select from. Personally aeleoted at the quar^ ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices- which defy competition. SATISFACTION eUARMNTEED. N. B.'â€" Beware of Monnments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to getter, and oiled and Sndblasted to hide the imperleotions, and called White Bronze. H.B.HABBISON EOBT. ASKIN, undertaker; FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. -A. Sileiilid Hearse lor hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of â€" F XJ R. r^ I T U R, E. In Stock at bottoin prices. PICTURE FRAMlNtr Done ou short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNER. C arpender and B uilder GEORGE St., MARKDALE.. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village j country. Call early before comes. or the rush 339-52 f I ire Voters List for 1887^ H«nicipalUy of the Township ol oienels, County •t Orey. THE undersigned would herehy respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general bupply of all kinds of provisions such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL, COKNMEAL niDIAN COEN, GRASS SEED, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, SCREENINGS, also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS. BACON, LARD, o., in fact everything people want in this line. Shop one door west of Joe Lamb's Blacksmith shop. Soliciting a share of public patronage J am respectfully yours, Ja.s. TVIiller MARKDALE. In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises ou Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office-, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. EAE. " Markdale 'OTICE is hereby given, that I have N'to^^tted or deli^ieied to.the persons mOTtiS in the third and fourth sections S'^Se Voters List Act," the copies reqr^- Sbysaid section to be transmitted or ddver- ed A the Ust mad«, pursuant to said act. of 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of ^,^1;^^^^^^ ConveTancflr Postmaster, Fleshortom. eTORONTO HOUSE.E I am offeriiig this -w^eek Beady-Made Clothing, and BOOTS SHOES AT astonishingly low prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit would do well to see â- my stock. GARDjOF|THANKS. In thanking rvv customers for their liberal patronagSan the past. I have much pleasure in being still able tD supply them with the following cele • brated machines, viz. The "Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The Watson Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Reaper. The New Humming Mower. The Humming-bird Mower. The Watson Daisy Ralce. The Mann Champion Rake. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad-cast Seeder and â-  Harrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott, Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Root Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fannmg mills. Land Rollers. Agent for the Watersou's Co'.s Machinery and Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagons Boggiee, Democrats, and every implement' a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anything in above lines, will find it to their advantage to call at my new implement house opposite R. McNally's Carriage works, where Mr. R, Robert- sou will be pleased to waitou customers in my absence. J. H. CARSON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. p INADIM P ACIFIC R. R, TIME a?ABIiE. â€" ]\I!a,x*l£da.le Station-r- GoiMo South. Goma NoETH. 6 47 a. m. 12J)2 p. m. 3.52 p. m 9.10 p. m ?!f^"^eSr°""â€"^" t^ose troubled l""«'t'deS""'y T"ibles such as sediment, ^c will be foand Vh.»*8°W. It, said list was posted up^at my ship of Glenelj,- day of July, 1887, and remains there for NOTICE acQordiug to law. JOHN 8. BLACK, M--;-;««ntv ' T« Low's raaiaAsr -mom bybot is a •«f8 Clerk of fh««dM,m««pgty. ^-^^ „^ remedy for .D ynm? Dated fids 20th d«y o« J«»y A. D. iw^ j iu«gj«jjj^,^ ^,4,^ Notice is hereby Kiven that any person or persons found trespassing or fishing on the farms of tbe nndersigned will be prosecuted according to law without further notice. Signed â€" John B. Thibaudean, Thos. Brady Edward Brady, James Brady, William Brady, Wm.McGntcheon John Shenrs, Geo. Bichardson, Wm. HcNally, Oeoige MeNally, James Ellioit, James Biiiucn, AdamHudop. SoHOnhsm. WILL CURS OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART,' ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIM, i DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, Anfl every tpeclgt oT dnesM srislnflr from diaordered UVEI^ KIONEVa 8TOMAC»V BOWEL»0R BUWOk V4 â- Yi *fir.i ^MM-icj«ia â-  w^ ..:..^-ji.

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