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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Aug 1887, p. 1

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 RIGl? â- ^:^ V..' EXCHANGES 5^11 SXANDABD m /thing you ,^,. ^general t^ Iphor Soap. Band purpog. LivEB -when Is, a good ^ar-coated. torpid Witi-b aj0H?rauoe THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." V^^S^K YEAB â€" l^o. 370. MAEKDAI^E, OI^T., AUGUST 4, 1887. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. â- are usuaUy averseto, ^asalBalmisa,!^ ad and catarrh. ,^ ^°ee that r„wiUcoft, and court a fair trijj a full investigation at, AT easant Worm sC°' :e over its virtne. coldmlloftencangea- and soreness inside the t of Tamarac Elixir will n;c- To THAVT-L?--Don'tfâ„¢ Dr. Fowlers Extract on t isa superior remedy f, i positive cure for aU acrd by bad water, chai lata. Whether at ho lid bo kept at hand in bus driverâ€" Ton ahonld, sofle know you are con one before leaving the ho rcTE.â€" James McMnrdoi usale, says: "B. B. B aaes of tbp blood, liver 1 excelleni reputation in e used it, and speak froml ell as obsei vation. It is I want, and I advise otlil It." ' what are you agoin' toj lis hot day I'm going dw biz. "What's wrong? business is dead and I'm J rrangements for the last i '•I used a tjreat deal of d(J for kidney complaint duti petting Worse all the E. 13. I took three bcttl t from l.SO to 159 lbs. Ii end Burdock Blood Bitfa dicine." Thus testifies Jol| DKfield, N.B. il how polite men, are in BUI lift their hats to the breea 'oiED Jewelery Store, md the most complete stock fetches, Clocks, Jewelery Silver- Je,Spex,c.,in this part of the and sec those watches they are ,lli,. at $12.00 bearing warrants 'tee aud a half years, while other â- rsare asking §15.00 for the i article. P. B- Bartlett, 3 oz. silver case for $16.00 while they selliug elsewhere for $17.60. ttier deafers cannot compete with and tbey know it. We cannot jp tiiem being annoyed at our ble low prices we must give public the benefit of our close lymg- ^^just Note a few prices. --"As a cure for all snimn ;hly recommend Dr. Fowlei I Strawberry, having oft e best results. I have oft )r, recommending it." Wi ister, Ont, tor who once characterised the vulgar fraction of a gei Nickle Alarm Clock for actually ly §2.00 bearing a warrant for two [isrs. Your choice of over 20 fine ited chains for only $1.60; Just imk of it. Fine walnut clocks from i35 opwarcl. Brooches, Ear-Rings, jdies' Chains, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- 'ias, at equally low prices. Eemember it you want your Watch Cloek repaired properly by a work- Bussell's is the only place. orders by mail promptly at- tended to at mELL'S Noted Jewelry Store. FLESHERTON. liica! and Other Iteis. SoncEB in these columns intended to benefit i^Miridual or Society will be charged ten %ts a line fur the first insertion and five Ms a line each subsequent insertion. Tsot. â-  And diy. But pleasant at night School commences on Monday the 15th, IsiCHZKs will now count the days imtil te vacation ends. Im hmn of the threshing machine may Dw be heard EraBiinan begins hfe alike, without a sin oalus back. â-  Ihi MeaforJ Mirror editor has been treat. 'o ripe tomatoes by a patron. Smih, the barber, will be at Flesherton Aug. 8th, fair day. 3at l'ears. â€" "I was^onbledwit HOIICE.â€"Correfpnndence, eommunica- for a number of years, fino ^yAiverti cements, d;c„ roust he in this tried B. B. B. I took f oi ftly noon on Tuesday to insure publicati^m i)erfectly cured, strMgai Wweh Maria Askett, AhD», Qp ilieap now that the Jpoore and o^vn them, and the ricli md keep them. -One close of Dr. Chase mrc Sick Headache. Dizzi Stomach. 1 to 2 bottle to cure Liver Com ition and Biliousness. unccd that the strawberr] killed. In some cases-o 3 was followed by mortifies ut in general the death wai ion. nv more nauseous por Pills Salts c., when yoi Larson's Stomach Bitter b moves the Bowels geot ill impurities from tbfâ€" idering the Blood pnw I by all Druggists. « SUrFEBEB WAS. â€" "I" J â-  cold feetr inquired tin 'ith interest, as he oomp^^ quest and showed her ^e DCS he had in the ate» ,ke in her husband iBP«. :ott! She suffer I Not fflucb 'm the one that baa to suf- ilady. That was all 8^" seemed to understand e jrved in it looked as .1* "^^i ind of a storm if. ^^ " Chicago Tribune. Ts are often cao^^^J an's Worm hi Mon train Wednssday was nearly i luntfll that was not brok^T, J ' ^ould be impossible to.repoi* red m a deferential a" J «, so^e "let 'e^ ,m. .- W8| n c»i««^,- Powders ae- ^cangirli8«««**. "T„; en times keep* l«fja'" Washington Hateb*- rTOUBGUABD. ^^ ,ldin the i»«l,%^fla«'l « Catarrh. wh«pff^ using Dr. Cha^'/^t^ pplioitiona ^^^Z^uX^i xes cures ordjna»J ^^ i^aiiieea ^to core ^j sts. ws iat« it is ajy ^q g^gj^ g^j gQnatnick, ansiDg the delay. '^21: brick T?ork on Andrew Fogarty's "^^eiswell advanced and will likely be "apleted next week. " ^MEGEiowN Junction station has been away with, crasmg extra ineonvenienee Rpenseto passangers changing roads. "innEsTiSDraa the abandaiice of labor- harvest machinery, harvest laborws "'"I great demand. s no limit ta the number of picnics them em Bhde. "limbers of cattle, she^ and iiogs ^etB '^^°'^*'V^P and shipped by our M«S»?tT"°"*^' """ PresbytariM »iIlli«.L '"'"•9"»iin«.EnphiBoa. ^»^it completed this week. ^*»tioii'!!i,^^**â„¢" church at Protat ^^ "^^^ °«* Sabbath, and • lollop 8^ be held the Monday eveoiog ij!!^" •*»ioe8 win be held in llai^^^Mist church on Sunday, the '*^- Geo CuT7( SoKB, of Darham, shipped to Mon. treai last week, seTenteen hundred dollars worth of manufactured goods, being the first instahnent of a ten thousand dollar order; BO says the Chronicle. On Tuesday the 26th, nit.. James A WarUng, son of Mi;. John Warling, Meaf ord Eoad, who was employed in the shingle mill of the -eclipse" saw mill.halone of his hands severely cut with the butting saw at which he was working, his thumb severed and his two front fingers badly mangled. A great number of fine bams have been this season erected in the nei«piborhood of this village. If our patrons will assist ns. by giving the size and style of tiie building erected in their neighborhood within five or siximiles of Markdale.'we will make [ont a list of them for the paper. Thk Presbyterian 8. School held their an- nual picnic at^ Bell's Lake yesterday, Wed- nesday. A number of conveyances was snp- pUed and tho' the day was very hot, a plesan* lime was spent The children enjoyed the boating on Moffat Bro's steam yacht im- mensely. Battebed xilk CASS. â€" One day last week CharUe Bowe's team ran away, from the boy who was driving, while letnming from leaving his load of milk to the factory. The horses ran nearly a mile when one horse fell which bro't them to a stand still. There was but little damage except some battered cans. Mb. Bichabd Watson, of l^rtemesia, about two miles from Markdale, is not only a good farmer, but has commendable taste. His conveniently arranged outbTiildings, tasty comfortable brick residence and neat thrifty orchard and garden with model fence in front, gives the farm an tur of comfort and taste which is truly praisworth. The garden party on the banks of Mr. Plewes' mill pond last Friday evening, under theauspicep of the Presbyterian L. A. S., was something novel, in as much as the i greater portion of those present availed them- selves of the privilege of a boat ride. There is a fine stretch of water, about a quarter of ainile long, ten rods wide, and twenty feet deep in places. Several row-boats were at the diepoeal of the party. The brass band appeared to good advantage with their hat lamps burning brightly and sweet music waftedonthe water as they "paddled their own canoe" from port to port, liefreshments were served, and lemonade and water-melon sold in good fashion, and a pleasant time generallv spent. BtniAWAY. â€" ^MrRobt. Mercer, of Euphrasia, was driving a spirited team belongmg to Mr. Afurdoch last Friday in this village, the team became unmanageable and ran the wagon against a hitching post, opposite McParland's store, throwing out the occupants, Mercer and son: The wagon tongue broke off letting the team free, and they ran at a desperate rate down Mill Street and were headed and turned mto Davis' Street, and caught m Armstrong's field. Mr. Mercer had a rib broken and was otherwise shook up, while the son. a lad of 12 years, was picked up iu an unconscious state but is recovering. No further serious damage was done. EoiiM* SAW MUN bubhbd.â€" On Wednes Fbbsh Fish.â€" Satjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. CiOABs! CiOABsl lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in tovra, sold by the box. The best and also the eheapesl^: crockery and glassware at J. G* Anderson's yoa have ever seen. Be sure you call and sea them. HoUAND Council will meet for the des- patch of business on the 11th August, and Glenelg on the 22nd. J, P. MabshaUi, dentist, will be in Mark- dale next Thursday and Friday, 4th and fith August, for the practice of his profession. Pbotts away, away down in prices at And- erson's mammoth dry goods store. Fabxebs wanting a' first-dass Fanning Mill should buy the celebrated Chatham mill Given on trial, W. Jackson, Agent, Ifark- dale. Don't forget to see those cheap laces and embroderies at J. G. Anderson's. They are reduced to less than half price. I shall clear every line of filling tackle out at cost, Poles, Baskets, o^ W. A. Brown. Fobs Pabis Gbeen at Stephen's Drug Store, Photos and all kinds of pictures taken by Jackson, the Markdale photographer, m the finest style of the ait. Tiy him and be con- vinced. It has been intimated to ns that our es- teemed friend, B. O. Whitby, is thinking seriously of joinin? theForet£r'« in Toronto. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold their annual garden party at the parsonage on Wednesday evening next, when preparations are being made for an en- joyable time. The brass band will be in at- tendance. The pubhe are cordially invited to be present. Admission 15 cents. I WONDER. Personalis. How long the hot weather will continue. If the three Dr's will hve and prosper in Markdale. If the railway company Intend gravelling the station yard before fall. If they don't, why not If parents generally know that their chil- dren steal apples. If so, why cannot they hinder them. If our head teacher is really married. If there isn't another marriage on the tapis. When our band boys will appear in full uniform. If threshing machine accidents will be as numerous as ever. If carelesness is not the cause of the ma- jority of accidents. X. ACTLT. W.A.Bil "THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLET -DKA.lj.Viti IN- CASUAL CEUMBS. J day night. July 27th, about midnight, the saw mill about five miles east of Markdale, known as "Sparlings MiQ," was discovered in flames, not however until the roof Was about falling in. makuig it impossible to save anything. The;fire raged fiercely, the lurid glare being distinctly seMi at Markdale. There was, with the mill, from /00,000 to 160,000 feet of lumber burned. The loss on the mill is nut at »2,500 and on the stock ?1,500 insured for »1,600. Wm. Lucas the owner, will therefore be the looser to the extent of about »2,60a This wiU throw quite a number out of employment, as the mm did a burge and steady buaineas. BUSINESS LOCALS. .Bnggin,of Markdale, jjj^ _- â€" *ill condaet the seryioes. *«iW,»^j^""*»y day with Smith, the â- ^•sistom* '°"" ^**^ iiafavotif his Bust as beet at MoFariani's stoek taking. B« sure you get 5 lbs of tea at J. G. And- ersoD's for 11. ..,»., ., Bamaiw .11 this week at MeStehmd's Stock must be^«eapbeforefaU«oodsoome. m pieees. oomMnation dinner and t^ «ts. at the lowest possible pnoe. •» J. G- Aadanon's. Pa^is Oreenpwe at the Medioftl Hall, A. Tamer Co. Miss Hattie Mathews is rusticating with friends in Meaford. Winona Haskett is cunping out up the Georgian Bay. Mr S. McNally from Hanover was visiting his brother B. McNaUy, last week in Mark- dale. Miss Gherlotte E. McNally is spending ^her iioUdays with her sister. Mrs. Horn, in Erin. B. L. Stephen is yacatmir for a few days at Owen Sound. Miss Love (S. Hill's milliner) returned to her home in Meaford on Monday last. Miss Millie Lyons, of Tara, is home on a visit. Mr. John Foster, of Corbetton, gave us a friendly call Ist Monday. Miss Trevarrow, formerly of McFarland'S millinery establishment, is visiting friends in Markdale. Miss Mattie and Fannie WiUiams took their departure on Tuesday last for their old home iat Evanston, ten miles from Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Gell and daughter, of Nebraska, are visiting Mrs. Gell's mother, Mrs. Silyer- lock of Holland Centre, also her brother Henry and sister, Mrs Wm. Norton. Mrs. Bobson, of London, is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Munshaw, Mr. John Trelford, of Allenford, fonnerly of thisplaoe, has recently added a pair of boys to his family. There's nothing succeeds like success. Johnson Wilson is home fiom London. Miss Mary F. McLellan, of Toronto, has been spending a few days in Markdale. Miss Mary Porter, teacher, visited her sister. Mrs. E. C. Large recently. Master Mercer McCoy, of Owen Sound, has been qending some days with his cousin, Carrie MoEenna. Will. Luke, of Brampton, is rusticating in this district. He goes on to the "Soo" where he will camp out a week or so. together with five others. Misses, NeUie and Hannah Thompson of Jfidgar, stopped off to see their sister Angus Plewes bst week, on th Sault Ste Marie for. a trip. Messrs. Bobt. and Ered Freeborn, are spending aSfew days with th«r brother. Dr. Freeborn. Mr. Jake G. Keefer. of Foreet. formecly of tills offlee, gave us a friendly call on Wed- nesday. Andrew Biydsn is home from Gait. Mrs. way to MBBcn.â€" In Artemeaia, on the 8lit.. July, ""S^ofMr. Jame.Meroar.olaaon. DEATHS. TTT««â€" Died Boddenty on the 18th nS, ,t^S5SS.l^^i«e»^«rf«into^ Soottand, Bobart pnni^ nwn^JM^ ^â€" f^^^SSeTrhe decmmiim biotlier.i». Yoosh«dd«»tho«di«.80odsat J^ ^^^^ i A writer on poHtioal economy says â€" "It's the httle leaks that teU." Yes, indeed a little leak will give you away as fast as an overgrown onion. An old favobitb. â€" ^An old favorite that has been popidar with the people for nearly 30 years is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry forallvarietiesofsummercomplaints of children and adults. It seldom or ever fails to cure cholera morbus, diarrhoea and dysentery. An open lettbb. Messrs. t. MQbum It Co Nov. JSSth, 1886. I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner, which would have saved me years of suffering with erysipelas, from which I could get no relief imtil I tried B. B. B., which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had so long distressed me. Mrs. Edward Bomkey, Eastern Passage, Halifax, N. S. Jas. GampbeU, Uquor inspector, has laid out a 30 acre plot of land on the lake shore, near Thombury for a park. Don't use any more nauseous pur- gatives such as Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing aU impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Soldby aU Druggists. ti A NEW definition,â€" (Sceneâ€" Glasgow car) 1st Female Passenger; â€" ^I wunner whit's the meanin' o' this terrible word Jubilee 2nd do.â€" "I'U tell ye. Whin a woman's mer- rit twenty-five years that's her silver waddin' whin she's memt fifty years that's her golden waddin' and whin her man .dees that's her jnbUee!" BE ON TOUB GUABD. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 26o. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applioitions cure insipient catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary oatarrt^ 1 to 5 Iraxes is guaranteed to cure chroni*^ catarrh. Try it. Only 26o. and sure cure. Sold by all druKgists. 333 83 A young man sent a note to his girl asking what time he shonld call. and received in return the following: â€" "Deer Jou â€" Comet afpastate." Fbebkah's wobk fowdebs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms .from onildren or adults. Low's' suLrauB SOAP should be found with e'cy toilot. It is cleansing and heal- ing. Oscar Wild is editing a ladies' magazine in London. He does np his long hair iu a very neat knot and wears a butle under his coat-tails* He wears a light blue corset and a red necktie, and is, in fact, jost a little bit sweeter than ever. AsTBiu.â€" Persons who have *nifer6d for years with Asthma will find a quick relief wid sure in the double ttnatinent of South- ern Asthma Cuze- BsMEOVc TBS CAUBS' â€" Many persomi sailer from a symptom of Catarrh that eanses naosea, mon eroeoially after eating in the morning. Kainl Bahn will core hy xanoring the eaoae. AiWAXs aaauiBBD.â€" A good eaUuttie med- y^oa. Natioual ?iU» will not disappoint you. Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin Silver Cases with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waltham and Elgin Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18' k Wedding Bings. Boll Gold Chains,, and Jewellery in large variety Beantifal lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep in Jewellers lines the finest and most complete slock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do business for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stock,' and then tell a customer wanting Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the last one," I have I*. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.50 less cash dis., warrant- ed 8 years. I expect to establish more fully every year of business life an unquestioned reputation for Eeliabihty. Straight Dealing. Fine Work and Close Prices. Watch and Clock Warrants 2 and 3 years covering breakages. IS* A call to Price or Pur- cliase respectfully solicited. CaOODS BEST QMLin) "Walcli Repairing Prac- ticaUy Excellent Accurate inFinisH Uniform in Price. w.i.BB(m,-:o!S, MARKDALE. P5 ^^^=?aj s tP '2 •s .« *« 12 K 5 c S « H « ., 2 g ^- 1^ a. « §.*. S *- S a § c -S •»* " »3 •Si a iF •i. â- Ill iM (.* "l ;0 1^4 Xt^

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