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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jul 1887, p. 1

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 -^m^ ixfit-niflrfc (mftt«^€ y A verdict of^- ler wss returned ' :ie was committed to stand his trial at tk"' u--fnl offence. " :J AKE the ilUKDEBjJ. 1 1 was tlio thud dj an a.^edsnd highly, lent of th« township ur. Sifters aud elder dim: licr remains wagTJ^ lu.-ra was not a dry -.viio ivitnessed it. g â- w-vt in umson, and T for vengeance on the an f lin-iips had bi^en pJ? s a doubt but he would lie tree. Thei^i,-. Kaoirni Saturday mom^ -K-eopjv.lexion luau of 7J fiersoual appearance Z 3i' as^e. lluraor connect«b^ y un! iv-fvil acts in the tow iru none Co sj'mpithise ?i:YE^^i^ YEAR.â€" No. 358. THJfi LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WttSBE THEY MAY. MABKDAMl, qNT., JULY 21, 188T. C. TV. RIJTLEDGE, Proprietor. asdOtlier Items. fygg columns intended to benefit â-  fi'dual or Society uill he charged ten M'-m}"" .^^ ,j,^ jl,;it insertion and Jive • hne cac. cli yihii'l'ient insertion. |â- â- '^;;^f;..;'a7:^^ctV,, mist be in this •"â- ' ' ,„ r,,,„/ic,i toinsure puhltcaUon A rp-i .i'ias2;i J«sncj!. il mot pursuant to L oOtli June, 1887. all uriisort except iirtes of lust session auJ soufirruecl. yigued by iiiciiard Cii A. CIS, asliiDf,' fo!: tlie opeij ad G tiud 7 iii the M lidoyei' until next n 1.- wiis ainjointccl toesamu lots NOb. tlio viav,' of -Noted jEWEtEOT Store,- 1 and 3 ia uiakmg Ibo form! ilio ^uost comptetrstock ^VVelie:5, Ciocks, Jewelery, Silver- kiie, Spc::, tc, in tins part of the |c"liUT. ^^lUnd fee tliose watclies tney are â- ^12.00 bcavinji warrants :.:^at while other iluril â€" That as tU )ton in the habit of pJ I'^G of PcJioolhouses, iiug places, at both Mn iCgislativo Elections, for the use of each scrha lount being cousidiiredii 1 and trustees fair â- â€¢'h»eei-udii Iniliysars, iksai-.. asldii^ S15.G0 for the iiiiii-ie. P- ^- iiartlett, 3 oz. r f-iker caK for §10.00 while they \i .-eiiir.:,' ciso'svlicro for $17.50. tier dcp.leis c;.--iuot compete with aBil tiiey know it. We cannot tip tbeiii biHiig annoyed at our lovt' pnL'GS^; we must give Ret. Mb. Bugoih b two sons are Tiaiting theii parents this week. RaiD St^ben'arackrt on the Potato Bags in another eolnmn. Don't miss McFarland's new adv. Look it np first thing. We bad a friendly caU this week from Bey. A. B. DemiU, Founder and President of Denull College, Osbawa. Mb. H. Pabkeb, druggist of Durham, has a change of adv. in this paper. Look it up. Miss Pmce from New York State arrived in Markdale last week and will spend acoaple of months with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stephens. J. F Cakson sold a steam thresher to Thos. S. Wright of Glenelg, who wiU make things hum as soon as the fall wheat harvested. IS irriait .!â- ! ioui:h the I esrislatRt publi b.noiit of our close i;il:cs It lo'-jal for trusi iSii) for the use of sciii ^islaiivo Elections, i-j truatce^i of school iiave taken advantage n aiid demand §i.00 neiV con^^iders it to It all parties should be ui .t the troasurer be oniit 3"i.O0 additional parties for the iiig places, used at 4 lijctiop.s, viz. 15. No. G, Euphrasia 8"-2.0O Union S. S Hand CoIIins^-wood, $2, U, $2.00 School Oraugtillali.KhnberH ied. Sii orderb were issued â- r to pay an follows, :, ^2.00 repairiug i Carrv, 82, repairiug roj Crabtree, §2.25;rep!TJ ,JaH. C.ok. §3.00 ;pla ,-ert J as. Homes, §1 town iiue Coilmgwoo ^2.00, repiiirs on p^lu 1 J. W.- Cur .•vdiir for culvd LI. Duuiop. clerk. $30.q J.:vlciIcrris$l-i.7o,ffa 'S ddc hne, con. 1' rqairod bridge on .dioured until the last. E. DuyLOP, ClerU Just Note a few prices. :i:3Xii:ldoAlni-ai Clock for actually Ilv S^.Oi) b oavmg a warrant for two Your cuoice of over 20 fine isd cbp.iDS for only §1.60; Just ikofit. Fiue walnut clocks from To upv/ml. Brooches, Ear-Fangs, lilies' Ciiains, Cufi'-Buttons, Scarf- at eqnally low prices. [Eemember it you want your Watch tClock lopaired properly by a work- a, Hussells is the only place. i orders by mail promptly at- tended to at fSSELL'S Mcisd Jewelry Store, FLESHEETON. • J, CsBSAB. our station agent, is perhaps our most successful Flower and early vege- table gardner. He showed us this week a cucumber 9 inches long and 9A inches around, but if U eat them they will W up. Markdale and Priceville Base Ball Clubs played a match game on the grounds of the latter last Friday, resulting in a victory for the Markdale Club by 44 to 15 runs in nine innings. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will give a garden paity on Mr. Plewes property down by the mill, on the evening of July 29th, Boatmg, Croquett, and other amusements will be provided. All are invited. Aimission 15 cents. Markdale Methodist S. School will hold their annual pic-nic in Armstrong's grove on Friday afternoon, (to-morrow). The brass baud will be on band. The Toronto cattle market has been glutted recently, so much so that some drovers had to return part of their shipment home, or loose heavily. We are pleased to state that Mr. W. T. Jaekman, omr old foreman, and esteemed friend, is so far recovered from his recent severe and prolonged ilLioss as to be able to work at the case again. He is now enjoying HABTBar lets from the best maBafaetimn at Habee's. I expect to be up the Lakes two wseksâ€" woA left at the shop will be promptly at. tended to on my return. W^ /L Brown. Fob Barley Forks. Ocain Cradles. Orain Scytiies, see Mkbee. See that lace J. G. Anderson is selling for one cent a yard, cheap at 5 centa. I*aris Grreen. pure at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. • Genuine bell glass to be had only from Mabee's Hardware, next door to Tnmer'a Drug Store. Nothing to equal J. G. Anderson's 4 lb for $1. tea. Fbesh Fish.â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a vyeek. CiGAEs! CigabsI lovers of a good Havana cigar -will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. We buy our goods at feather edge prices we give the customers the benefit they make a note of it and call on us often Consequence, a mutual^benefit. Mabee, the Hardware. Mtmray-^Howeyâ€" That the Treas. be instrticted to withdraw the five hundred dollars deposited with the Farmers Loan and Saving company on or after the 28th July. Howey â€" Murray-^ â€" That Messrs Galbraith and Shute be a committ-ee to examine bridge on 2nd con. near Campbell's and report on condition of the same. Howey â€" Galbraith â€" That the m- sessor get the balance of his salary, Howey â€" Galbraith â€" That we ad- journ till the 11th of August. Cabson Psick. Tp Clerk. W.OROWN "THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER" 'f- -de;jolIaB;h in- GIVE THEM A CHANCE. Holland Council. Holland Centre, July 9th 1887. Council met for the transaction of business. Eeeve in the chair Members all present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Shiite â€" Murray-^Tliat by-law No. 5, for the purpose of raising $4,800 to assist Union S. S. No. 1, Holland and Sullivan, to buy site and build new school house, be read 1, 2, S, times. â€" Carried. Murrayâ€" Shuteâ€" That the re- quisition o^Jas. Lonsway, with regard to getting pay for road taken of his lot, be laid over for further considera- ition. â€" Carried, That is to say, your lungs. Also ull your breathing machinery. Very wonderful ma- chinery it is. Not only the larger air-passage s but the thousand of little tuhes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and chocked with • matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do *bey cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, Jcroup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of hroat and nose and head and lung obstruc- tions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure waj-Jto get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else had failed you you, may depend upon this for certain. â-  *» I Voters' List for 1887. Galbraith â€" Murray â€" That Mr, good health, and spends his spare hours j Blyth's bill be paid.â€" rCarried. doing Ladies' fancy work, at which he has] Shuteâ€" Murray â€" -That the report Iflunictpalitjr of tlie Township of Glenelg, Vonuty of Oi-ey. 'jL_i IPPINGS. On Wednesday M a Masson, of the legal nl Ma3son, of this town. £ [iddaushtsrofthelatej _er,were|UEitedinma once of the brides m A--. H. B; Mulhollaj couplelefiontheaftorDO tiio well wishes of Bia B. Advertiser. Se:o Sy. Dos'ibcclderKie. HiiT potatoes are now general. The heat oi last week was very oppressive? asobadiliis vvcek. I FiiL Theat and barley is being cut this Sintliisneigiiborliocd. TiB-EoEEE c£ Owen Sound has been 'jaiiiighis holidays iu llarkdale. J feEoDP-, a teacher in Owen Sound ""iicSdiooi, pa-;a Maikd.ale a visit last i!i3.1IaE= Yo-cyo, of Blythe, is visiting in Kdale. "'"• *^- ^°*^s is^ home from Owen Sound â- fi School. -5s Loc^. ofMeaford is visiting her El. Brown. ^T IS a heavy crop in this district, and is â- â-  ""'IvliarvestedinervceUent condition. IV "'!^' 2:«CAB- returned en Monday â- â- -a Visit down east. â-  ,•...' " • ^^AHAii, Yandeleur, has thnothy "'â- â- -"'•lieetlong. "fl^'i, ^^ ^^ ' minutes shorter now than L' '^^vee illness. RcTLEDi GE is recovering from 5fes. FistcofaJubUecS»^ levvitli a jubilee smile. call in a jubilee style, pants, a jubilee coat, ;t:o around bis jubuewu^ I e glass in his jubilee eg^ eyoic3anda]ub;^ef^^ ,s dressed in iabuee]^=5' Eleedudewithaiu^eof.- Sro^L^'mSeJfiab.Ueel maidinajubilee^^o^J^g e love with a jubilee «^y proposed in a jutalee' LgonJubUeeDay^ .egazetbis^iubilee J edhisiobaee^ McG: ^^ E2 and daughter, and MLss ItoZ" " '^^ Toronto visiting then- .*^5B.Be, ^^' and E. J, Brown are home " Sound CoU. Inst, for their I ^iMohtoci- "' "" 18S7 is just out. " tod is" ^^^ ^^^ ^ree quirea of ""'ery respect firstclass. ""tew ,Ibtj. abilee I: lee pa ra;=ea «f *7f„bil««' ,Ueeki8S,heard^«jS,j^r ^bUee pa raised hiS] dude gave » jab^ee r^ â-  sdogmadeaJnbUee^B lee mouth fuUof Ja" ' mt a handsome field of faU """day and Tuesday. V^^ lol?*^"""" " ^oie Henry I ^^°*« a short time. '"â- ""•«, a teacher in Oven School spent Sunday .in become quite on expert, and is preparing specimens for the Fall Show. Donald McKinnon, sr., and his son Malcolm, of Glenelg received serious injuries one day last week while going to Durham by being upset out of the rig. W. A. Brown, our enterprising jeweller, has a beautiful stock of fine goods well worth the inspection of those requiring anything in his line. It is a rare thing to see such a stock outside the cities. Miss. Lizzie Moore of Holland, teacher, and Miss Buchanan of Artemesia took a tiip up the Lakes to the "Soo" for their holidays. A new way of killing flies is to catch them bring them to tlie telegraph office and give them each an electric shock. Alf HaII says it fetches them eyery time. John E. Richards, merchant, of Rocklyn, spent Sunday and Monday in Markdale among his many friends. He reports business steadily increasing and prospects blight for a good fall trade. The contract is let f r f the erection of an addition to Glenelg Agricultural Society's Hall in Markdale. The coming Fall Show promises to be much larger than any former one. Tickets for membership are only $1.00 up to the 27th July, (next Wednesday) after that date 92.00 will be the fee. Messbs Sam. Henning and Seth Mathers of the 9th line Euphrasia drove to Essa township, Simcoe county, recent- ly to visit friends. Henning has a spanking fine team of young horses, and the pair doubtless had a jolly time. It is hinted that there are special attractions in that direction, not black bears either. JBUSINESS LOCALS. UNPBwannrTKD bargains at J. G. Ander- son's. A choice tern of 100 aorea for Bale. See adv. or apidy to John Whitby. Su J. G. Anderaon'B 10c. line of dreaa gvioda thqr tea* »11- PdbbPabis Gbdh »t Stephen'a Drug Store. BiDJBOiDMnsaVabontluJf prise at/. G. Andflraon's.. I Shan elMtr every Kne of fiahing tackle oat at onee. Polea, Baaketa, 4e., W. A. Brown. DoHl fWl to aee J. G. Andawm'a ten cert 1 pzinta; they are dunea. given by the committee appointed to look over the assessment roll, be re- ferred back to the committee for further mformation. â€" Carried. Murray â€" Shute â€" That the applica- tion of trustees of U. S. S. No. 1, Holland and Sullivan, for $5.00 to pay for dmftiug, by-law to assist said Trustees to borrow $4,800, to buy site and build new school house be laid over for further information. â€" Carried. Howeyâ€" Galbraith â€" That we pay $5.00 to trustees, of U. S. S. No. 1, H. and S. for drafting hy-law No. 5 for the purpose above mentioned. â€" Lost, Shuteâ€" Murray â€" That the report of special committee to examine town line between Holland and Sullivan and Holland and Glenelg be adopted. Galbraithâ€" Shuteâ€" That we spend $40.00 on the town line between Holland and Glenelg, that is, $20.00 on each side of the 6th concession east and west. A petition was presented by Thos. Armstrong signed by SO ratepayers with regard to repairing the 50 side road 2 and 8 E. G. B. and being a contnuanceofthe4p«ideroa(l W. T. and S. Eoad. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That the sum of $40 be spent in accordance with the aboye petition m case the petition complete the work, if the money is too little to complete the job, Murrayâ€" Howeyâ€" That $15.00 be granted to cat dowp hill on 9, and 10, side road E. G. E. near Congers old mill. Murrayâ€" Galbraithâ€" That we grant $20.00 to be spent oh town line be- tween the 4th coii. and Garafraxa road in case Sydenham Supplement the same. Howeyâ€" Murrarâ€" That we grant $40 Goto town Imebetween Enphrasia andHoUaiid,$26. north of 16 side road, and $16.00 south of it subject to the eupplement of Enpbiasia. Galbraithâ€" Shoteâ€" That we grant $16 to aasiBt to cut down Geo. Walker's hill. Shute-Galbraifli-That $16.00 be granted to repair bridge on 2nd con. W T. S. B. near Sntli.l Murrayâ€" Shuteâ€" That Mr Howey be inatruoted to bridge owr Narrowe at Henderson's lake. NOTICE is hereby given, that I have transmitted or dehvercd to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of "The Voters List Act," the copies requir- ed by said-section to be transmitted or deliver- ed of the list made, pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Boll of the said MunicipaUty to be entitled to vote in said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Municipal Elections and said Ust was posted up at my office at Lot 21 Con. 4, Township of Glenelg, on the 20tb day of July, 1887, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said Ust, and, if any ommissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to haye the said error corx-ected according to law. JOHN S. BLACK, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 20th day of July A. D. 1887, ' 358-60 Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin yilver Cases with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waltham and Elgin Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18 k Wedding Rings. Eoll Gold Chains, and Jewellery in large variety Beautiful lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep iu Jewellers lines the finest and most complete stock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do business for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote' prices on Watches "Not in Stock,' and then tell a customer wanting Bartlett at $16, "Ijust sold the last one." I have P. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.50 less cash dis., warrant- ed 3 years. I expect to establish, more fully every year of business life an unquestioned reputation lor Eeliability. Straight Dealing. Fine Work and Close Prices. Watch and Clock Warrants 2 and 3 years covering breakages. 6 PEE CENT, Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to B. J. 8PEOULE, Convevancer Postmaster. Flesberton. SIGHT V. BLINPKESS. CELEBRATED English Spectacles 79 BAY STREET. TORONTO CANADA. SD 18 JEWIN STREET. LONDON E. C. ENGLAND. :x: R.. JLi. Stephen's, CHEM18T DRUGGIST. Markdale Has the Agency for the sale of the above in MABED AXiE No Spectacles in the Market equal them in the EVE PEEBEBVING QUAIjITIES they possess, or the GBEAT BASE and COM- FOKT they confer on the wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the iSyes that it does not become necessary to change them for many years. They are therefore the CHEAPEST. THSr ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD THEY NEVER TIRE THE EYE AND LAST MANY EYARS WITHOUT CHANGE. The Sight tests by our New Test Card, same as used by the leading Oculists through- out the world. 357-409 rs" A call to Price or Pur- ch.ase respectfully solicited. GOODS BEST QUALITY. WOEK FIEST- CLASS. W.i I M, MAEKDALE. NOTICE. Motiee is hereby given that any person or persons found trespassing or fiabuig on tlie farms of the imdenigned will be^ prosecuted aeoording to law withoat further notice. Signed â€" John B. Tfaibondeaii, Thos. Brady Edward Btady, James Brady, 'ff^IlismBtady. Wm.McGnteheon John BhewB, Geo. Bidiardson, Wm. McNally, George MoNally, Tames Elliott, James Si inscn. Adam Hislop. Bobt Graham. John Webbor. John Perkins. â- ^ .2 " Ills '!:-§« 5; Ij 5 mT • P5 2 "« o o Si •is g C -^ S k o K « ^5 .2* j» • as O OB OO =»3 1§ 2 si^j life ,g ••i 4j I ..,â- ..1- \t '^i^r -â-  â-  --iiT »fi} ^i-riii.:; ., H' a ""'" '"' "'"TriiiiiMiSim

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