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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jul 1887, p. 6

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 mm ^m T w?r^rssf'^wwi^mrim^f'3^"'^Tw:^p^^^ I:' i â-  f i|::ittpr^ if 't F 1 II M It was around a borrowed THE LIMB-KiLH OLUB. " If CaUline Rombostas PierMii ar" in de hall to-night I â- honld like to htrr him tap dii way," said Brother C^ardner as ha wiped his spectacles on his elbow and tnmed his gaze into the soatheast comer. Cataline, who is a young man of 2S, very sti£fin the bock and of ancient ancestry, come forward witiii a bland smile on ius face and his coat buttoned tightly aroond him. " Brudder Pierson," continued the Presi- dent in a fatherly way, " I haf had an eye on yoa for some time back. At' dat a dimun pin yon has on " •* No, sahâ€" It's glass." "I thought BO. Is dar' anything at de end of dat watch chain " "No, sah." "Gold chain?" "No. sah." " Hows dat suit of cloze, Brudder Fieraon â€" paid fur or not " " Nno, sah, but I'ze gwine to pay." "Oh, your ar' Do tailor was ober to see me las' nite about 'em. Please lemme gee dat big roll of money you war carryin' around yesterday." " Ize dun took it apart, sah. only a two-dollar bill wrapped rag." ' Jist as I 'spected How's yer bo'd, Brudder Pierson " " Three weeks behind, sah, but I'ze gwine to pay up." " Dat's good news. Owe any money " "Y-yes, sah, but I'ze gwine to pay it back." " Den, to sum up, you doan' own de cloze on your back. You ar' cheatin' de public wid a glass dimun, a brass watch chain, an' you am dodgin' creditors in ebery direction All dis fer what To put on a leedle style. Brudder Pierson, you am a deceiver you am a hypocrite you am a liar. Dar am a heap ob white folks just like you. Sooner dan let the world know dey am poo' dey will commit a crime. Whar dey orter w'ar kaliko dey will buy velvets whar dey orter pay deir milk bills dey will use deir money to go to de grand opera. Meet "em on de street an' you'd think dey owned a bank. Oio to deir homes an' you'd think you'd stumbled into de poo'-house. " I doan' understan' Brudder Pierson, why you feel called upon to swell. Dem cloze won't hide yer black face dem f ashnu- bal gaiters won't reduce de size of yer feet a brass watch chain an' a glass diamun am not gwine to boost ye into high society an' hold ye thar veiy long. How does you rea- son dis case, Brudder Pierson?" "Iâ€" I doau' know." " Well, sah you resoom yer seat. De nex' time you appear heah dat chain an' dimun must be missin' I'll give you just two weeks to part yer ha'r away from de middle. In abo' fo' weeks, if dat bo'd bill ain't paid up an' de tailor feelin' safe about his money, aunthin' will drap. It willdrap hard, an' it will hit you " Dis club believes in kaliker shirts an' c ish down fur grub in stoga shoes an' house-rent all paid up in Kentucky- jeans an' no bill at de butcher's in paper collars an' DO dodging creditors. Sit down, Brud- der Pierson, an' think it ober." A MA.X WITH A GRIKVAyCE. The Secretary announced the following from Ottawa, Canada Bbotuer GAiiDyrKâ€" It has now become the practice for members of different socie- ties the world over to appeal to the Lime- Kiln Club for a judicial decision on every- thing that has become a matter of grievance or debate. The sagacity of mind and pa- tient inquiry brought to bear by yourae f on questions referred for your consideration is hilly recognized. The consecjuence is that every one appealing to your club feels that his case will be settled on the ground of eommon sense and justice. Now, Brother Gardner, my name is Ori- ginality Langshan, and I am a man with a gi:ievance. I am a member of the society of the Knights of the Tin Cross. It is a society for the promotion of all kinds of purity of speech and tender care of the feminine sex and the prevention of the alienation of the affections of the wife from the husband. Like every other society for the benefit and solicitude of mankind it has principles which its members are not expected to live np to. It is a society for the benefit of those who are under suspicion and anyone not under a cloud has no use for the society. The inducements held out to the poor way- farer tired of self-indulgence and the hard path of transgression, are, first, the society will make an angel of him if the material is not too coarse, and second, the candidate is â- promised to be sent on deputations to the neisfhboring villages to propagate the prin- ciples of the order and establish a club. The members are admitted by a fee and the changes in the character are not wrought by any silent process of elevation. The feelings are harrowed up by laying bare every tender spot you have taken the greatest care to keep covered up, then you are kept oi the ragged edge of expectation for three weeks awaiting to be sent on the promised deputa- tion. In addition to all this you are under the salutary restraint of being watched by the brothers, who are ready to pick you up before you fall and to jump on you with both feet when down. I ain't come to the grievance yet, but I'm getting there. The chairman of the club at the last fortnightly meeting announced from the chair that he had " received a commu- nication from Hangback Dickinson, of Iron- sides, requesting that a deputation be sent from this city to rejuvenate the painfully dormant state of the morals of that much neglected village. I therefore nominate Or- iginality Lang8han|and Metaphysics Johnsted to take the necessary steps to proceed to Ironsides to estabUsh a club of the Knights of Tin Cross at that place. It is understood that the depatatien need not start nntil af- ter pay day, as they are at liberty to pay their own expenses and charge the same to the newly established club." The preliminaries have been arranged, excursion tickets purchased, and with a plug hat, white ties and several times marked down bran new dusters, we got on board the oars the conductor shouteid "let er go Smith," and she went. The receiving committee at IronaLdea failed to connect and Metaphysics Johnsted and the narrator had to depend upon their own unassisted efforts to^d the halL Metaphysics opened the meeting by oefifentatiorsly saying be would address the meeting on die subject of metaphysics, andLp^uoMtgy. as oonoflcted with the principlea of the- Order of the Knishts of Xhit Ttn{kon. Jletaphyaics en- joyed his own kpMMlr'and the Mn(li«Mc£:inr: joyed a aiesia. The fibstraot statements were " too ainch " for the aadienee and th^ fidlad to catdi OD from tbe bepaaiiig to the end. As the poet lias already said: "ttsteis a specflh wid Is anf ' I was aasigncNl to tiie sHaat bat mora tx ignal and practical work of ysssins aronnd £e tracts containing the great principles of the order to the audience, which ina pro- ceeded witti, and again as die poet has said: " Then is a sileiioe Oiat eaks." At tihe condnaion of the proeeedjnga Brodier Hangback Dickinson arose and said: " I move a vote of thanks to Brother Orig- inality Tj^tiignh"" for tee original, nbiqtut- ons, vivacious and versatile manner in which he has distributed the laracts. Origmal, be- cause it requires a man with a great head, who has a genins for that sort of thing it is such a gigantic, intellectual effort that but few men could stand it without bring- ing on softening of the brain. He is viva- cious and agile, because the manner in which he clambered over the backs of the seat shows that his experience in climbing over the fence into the melon pateh has been tomed to good purpose. The radiant and summer butter expression of countenance shows the satisfaction he takes in the work assigned to him, therefore I have great pleasure in moving for a vote of thanks to Originality Langshan, and also that this club give its note of hand for the expenses of the deputation, to be paid when there is money in the treasury." After the vote of thanks was carried I arose and said the vote of thanks was ac- cepted, and, fellow-brethren of the Knights of the Tin Cross, as you are aware, this is no teetotal fociety, we are waiting with sup- pressed expectation for the hospitality usual on occasions of th's kind furthermore hos- pitality is measured by. the quality of the cordial and the size of the glasses. If there are six or seven inches of beer surrounded by cut glass it is an evidence of refined and .elegant generosity, if it |is a bucket with a tin dipper it is an evidence of generous hos- pitality without the elegance, but if Brother Hangback Dickamson is to squeeze the curse of Canada out of a jar fiom under his arm into a broken saucer, then it is evidence of lack of apprecirtion of the capacity of this deputation, and their efforts to night will be like the little flower that wastes its fragrance on the desert air. Under the saucer busi- ness a deputation whose members arc con- stitutionally as dry as a lime burner's boot would lose too much time getting their skies full. It is unnecessary to add that the hospital- ity was of the very highest standard. The whole proceedings were brought to b succes- ful close by proposing the ultimate success of the Wyandotte (Juild, of the Knights of the Tin Crois, by Brother Mfetaphysics Johnstead, who scoffed the contents of the fiowea in which the lilacs had been sleeping for a whole week. Nqw, Brother Gardner, comes the grievance In the daily paper of this city, which has an intermittent existence, but generally manages to get out on " Every Saturday," there appears a long report of the establish- ment of the Knights of the Tin Cross, in Ironsides. There are subst^n'ial grounds for the suspicion that Metaphysics Johnsted furnished that report. From the beginning to the end there wasn't the least mention of the name of Originality Langshan or the vote of thanks to him. Now, then, the question for your deliberation and adjudica- tieu is this Was the omission on the part of Metaphysics Johnsted a case of prolonged absent-mindedness, or was it a case of pure cuaedness, prompted by that fiend in the human breast ' " the green-eyed monster." ORIGINALITY LANGSHAN, Ottawa, Canada, June 20, 1887. "As to dat queshun," observed Brother Gardner as he drew himself to his feet, " de Ch'ar will reserve his dicishun fur six mohths. An' de Ch'ar furder hopes dat when any of ours frens in de Dominion write again dey will remember dat ink has gone up a cent a bottle, an' dat dar has bin a riz on paper an' envelopes. " HAED AT WORK. The Committee on the Prevention of Escape from Burning Hotels reported that no le.=^s than three colored people had already set to work to invent such a hand tire ex- tinguis'ner as the Lime-Kiln Club thought was demanded by the exigencies of the hour, and that models of several inventions would probably be displayed before the club at its next meeting. Then, on motion of Givadam Jones, the meeting went home. H(»T FLUSHfiB. A Bomantic Love Story- Said a Torontc florist the other day La^t spring I used to notice a couple going by here â€" a fine, manly young fellow and a tjirl pretty and dainty, with lovely brown hair and dark-blue eyes. They didn't know each other, but when the young man went to business the girl was sure to be somewhere around where she could see him. She lived right around the corner, and she used to come in here and pretend to be examining the flowers as he passed. Then she would look up and down and wateh him as he went down the street. One day as he went by she looked up and said to me, 'Oh, what a funny hat ' and then carelessly, as she began pick- ing among the flowers, 'I wonder who he is. ' I came very near laughing, for the previous day the young fellow had been in to ak me who she was, and had sent her some flowers. About a week after she came in with a friend, and I heard her telling the friend how somebody had been sending her flowers every moriung, and she did wuh she could find out who it was. Well, the best part of it aU came afterwards. One morning he came in as usual, and the gardener took him back in the conservatory. While he was there the girl entered and stood near the counter look- ing towards the window. Presently he re- turned, and as he started for the door brisk- ly he said: "Well, send these flowers as usual up to 24 street." Neither knew the other was near, and hearing the number of her house mentioned she turned around and they met face to face. "Well, I never saw such an embarrassed- couple in all my days. She had a big jacqueminot near her face, and it would l^ve been hard to tell which was redder, the rose or her cheeks. She turned to the flowers and he passed out. They didn't come any more, but not long ago I saw them going by together. They both looked in and when they saw me he laughed and she blushed. U^A-inkfgiAi AipBiittlofoi*IMi.' Give a man abc faat ««IMr^^ m^ **^ take a knelL • ' • r^„ .;, ir '..! '-:â-  The inqniaittve fellow may not be a sad- der, but he is always a " why sir" man. It is when a baggage master comes to handle the luggage of a star actor that he realizes the force of Hamlet's remarks about Yorick â€"a fellow of infinite diest « A guilty oonsoience needs no aocnsw," says the proverb, with great truth. The guiltier a man's oonsoience tiie more willing ne is to woiiy along without an accuser. xhe commencement season is close at hand. It im called " commencement" prin- cipally because the fathers of the fair grad- uates -then " commence" to see what they cost. " Der feller dot can vhittle a pooty goot character out of der rough chibs of efery- day life," writes Carl Pretzel, " he was ondidleid to hat a goot abetite on his tomb- stone. Little Man â€" " I understand, sir, that you caUed me an unmitigated liar " Big Man â€" " No, sur I didn't use the word 'unmiti- gated.' " Little Manâ€"" Then I accept your apology." Deuteher (yawning)â€" " How you vas, Hans. You don't know me no more, ain'c it " Hans â€" " Mine front, if you vas shut your mouth so I can see your face, den mebbe I can tell who you vas." "Yes, Job suffered some," said an Illi- nois deacon, " but he never knew what it was to have his team run away and kill his wife right in the busy season, when hired girls want three dollars a week. " Yes," said Mrs. Macgillitop as she ex- patiated on the beauty of her garden, " I have given it great care, and if you come over in a week or so I hope to show you some beautiful scarlet pneumonias." Bridget (in the witness box) â€" " Did he have an impidiment in his spache That he did for his false teeth were loose an' kep' jumping up and down, biting the words in two. Shure it was an impidimint he had I" A physician has been investigating cats and dogs, and he finds just as many cranks and fools among them as among the human race. He says that every fourth cit is off her base, while every ninth dog is a sort of a fanatic. They had been at the masquerade, where she had recognized him .at once. " Was it the loud beating of my heart, my darling that told you I was here " murmured he. " Oh, no," she replied " I recognized your lone legs." " I say boy," said an excited little £;en tie- man the other day, with his face purple with exertion, " which is the quickest way for me to get to the railway station " " Run " was the aggravating boy's response, shouted at the pitch of his voice. " Did you meet with success '" asked a neighbor of a min who had returned from prospecting for silver in New Mexico. "Oh, yes, I met with success, but success was going the other way. If I could have over- taken success I would have been all right." " Y^ou say you stumped Texas for the Prohibition ticketâ€" what peculiarity of your audience struck you most forcibly " " Well," said the missionary, " the chunks of clay and pieces of brick struck me most forcibly, mt the eggs stayed by me the longest." The- New England Blue Laws. These laws were enacted by the people of the "Dominion of New Haven," and 'became known as the blue laws because they were printed on blue paper. They are as follows, " The governor and magistrates convened in general assembly are the supreme power, under God, of this independent dominion. From the determination of the assembly no appeal shall be made. " No one shall be a freeman or have a vote unless he is converted and a member of one of the churches allowed in the dominion. " Each freeman shall swear by the blessed God to bear true allegiance to this dominion, and that Jesus is the only king. "No dissenter from the essential worship of this dominicn shall be allowed to give a vote for electing of magistrates or any officer. " No food or lodging shall be offered to a heretic. " No one shall cross a river on the Sabbath but authorized clergymen. " No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, Bi^reep houses, cut hair or shave on the Sabbath day. " No one shall kiss his or her children on the Sabbath or fast days. " The Sabbath day shall begin at sunset Saturday. " Whoever wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver or bone lace above one shilling per yard shall be presented by the grand jurors, and the selectmen shall tax the estate £300. " Whoever brings cards or dice into the dominion shall pay a fine of £5. " No one shall eat mince pies, dance, play cards, or play any instmmentof music except the drum, trumpet or jewsharp. " No gospel minister shall join people in marriage. The magistrate may join them in marriage, as he may do it with less scandal to Christ's church. " When people refuse their children con- venient marriages, the magistrate shall determine the point. " A man who strikes his wife shall be fined £10. " A woman who strikes her husband shall be punished as the law directs. " No man shall court a maid in per^n or by letter without obtaining the consent of her parents £5 penalty for the first offense, ten for the second, and for the thud im- prisonment during the pleasure of the court. " FOBTHBCnIOnS. Itfir tmHiited fifat twice as much En|^sh as AmitriiTftn ftf^^' invested in Mexico. A bamlpck ^we measuring fiv« feet nd levm inches in,'diameter was felled in Tioga County, Pa., ii few days ago. AOr^emvn iiewspaper devoted to forestry says that for forest culture in Germany there, is a decided preference for hickory* A rosebush in the |pirden of John A. Conor near Marraysville, has over 800 full blown roses on it and as many more buds. A devil fidi weighing nearly 100 pounds was caught by Danieil Oswald of the Atlantic highlands while he was draining his fish pond. Boyton's invention still remains only the plaything of one man â€" ^not a great inven- tion for general use or even for sport like the bicycle. The biggest nugget of gold ever found in Wisconsin was washed out Friday on the farm of JohnCondt,one mile fiomBock Elm, Pierce County. It weighed nearly three grains. Several other fine nuggets were found with it. PATEinSSlS^"'?*^ G' When a cow steps in the milk pail she abo steps into the butter. If she only kicks over the milk she simj^ wastes her £ood. i! ' ^a new invention, is the jemon vav,. â- Tke inventive genius the agd nevi^ xtt^ and it raasea ul the way from » n»rda^ tn^ to a harness for electricity. Why the Crow is Black- The Indians of the extreme Northwest had some very remarkable legends about the creation, in which the crow takes the lead- ing part, bringing order out of chaos. Per- haps the most curious was that which accounted for the raven coat of the crow. One night, while making a tour through his dominions, he stopped at the house of Can- nook, a chief, and begged for lodging and a drink of water. Can- nook offered him a bed, but, on account of tcarcity of water, refused to give him anything to drink. When all the rest were asleep the crow got up to hunt for the water-butt, but was heard by Can- nook'c wife, who iroused her husband. Hs, thinking that the crow was about to escape, piled logs of gum wood upon the fire. The crow made desperate efforts to fly through the hole in the roof where the smoke escap- ed, but Can-nook caused' the smoke to be denser and denser, and when the crow finally regained the outer air he had a black plumage. It was previously white. They Didn't Trast the Judge. An English traveller was passing through Colorado a short tisie ago, and stayed the night at one of the principal towns in the State. Theplace was in great excitement two jHisoners had Wen taken out of the gaol and hanged by the mob. On the fol lowing day the tra^ller resumed his jour- ney, and, meeting ^citizen in the train, he said, referring to thi events of the previous day, " I thouebt vj^on had given up the practice of lyn^ingi people in these parts." Citixen " Well, wldo not trust 0|ir judge we have seen his ba|k-book. Hexame to us three ^ears mo. He had Aenten doDtts to h^ name, 'i^SBaiikity was two thousand dollafs a year aod i^hpn/w« Ip«k«d at^faia Bank-book the otii r day lie had' nieteen th«nsand-do(i^rt»^ credit We do not trust that judge." w-^(*.*tS,!"i â-  V •»*£•â-  .•. -^ Blood Win Tell. There is no quesfion about it â€" blood will tell â€" especially if it be an impure blood. Blotches, eruptions, pimples and boils, are all .symptoms of an impure blood, due to the improper action of the liver. When this important organ fails to properly per- form its function of purifying and cleansing the blood, iihpurities are carried to all parts of the system, and the symptoms above referred to are merely evidences of the struggle of Nature to throw off the poison- ous germs. ' Unless her warning be heeded in time, serious results are. certain to follow, culminating in liver or kidney disorders, or even in consumptisn. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will prevent and cure these diseases,' by restoring the liver to a healthy condition. The frock of white pique is again in favor for little girls. To dream cf a ponderous whale, Erect on the tip of his tail, Is the siga of a storm (IWhe weather is warm), Unless it should happen to fail. Dreams don't amount to much, anyhow. Some signs, however, are infallible. If you are constipated, with no appetite, tortured with sick headache and bilious symptoms, these signs indicate that you need Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They will cure you. All druggists. Dotted fabrics are as fashionable as plaid- ed and barred stuffs. When all so-called remedies fail. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. Costumes of wMte cloth with embroid- eries of white silk and silver, and costumes of silver gray cloth with steel embroidery and gray pearls, come among the latest im- portations from Paris. YOL'NV METf suffering' from the t Sects of earl 7 evil habits, the result of ijruoranee and folly, who find themselves weak, neivous and exhausted, also MiD- DL«-AGc" and Old Mkn who are broken-lowii from the effeo E of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel t.-.e consequences cf .\ outhful excess, send for and RBAD M. V. Lubon's Tre.'itise on Diseases of Men, lie booK will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3c., stamps. Address SI. V. Lubon, 47 Welling- ton St. E. Toronto, Onf The better a man knows himself the m -e indulgent he is to the faults of others. And now the dude, in style arrayed, Gayly goes forth to proidenade He wilts 'neth the fervor of a nocnday glance. And 60 do his collar, and his jacket, and his pants â-  Belts that have been loosened by getting wet should be thoroughly dried, and fast- ened together by inserting cement into the cracks with a knife and hammering until dry. A good cement for this purpose is equal proportions of good glue and Prussian gelatine dissolved in the same nuumer as ordinary glue. There is a tendency in Paris toward hats with lower crowns. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of oi der, causing Biliooaneas. Dyspepsis, or IndigestioB and their attendant evlls^ take i^ ODoe a dooe of Dr. Oanon'a Stomach Bitten. Bm* family medidne. AU Druggists, fiO cents. Show me the man, writes Sterne, who knows what life is and dreads death, and m show thee a prisoner who. dreads his liberty. Cataurrli, CaUurrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Soffercis ate net genera ly aware that Qiese itlinsswi are oontagioos, cr that ttiey are due to the presenoe of living parasites in the lining membrane of tiie nose uid eustachian tnbes Microscopic reseandi, howeTer, bM prorad this to be afact,aBd tfaeiesottisUista sfanpie remedy has been formulated whereby oatMiii, ostanlutl deafnees and hay fever are cured hi fiom one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet endainlng this new treatment is sent free on reoript of stamp by A. H. Dixon it Son, 308 King Street West Torontc C»iada When a man hath once forfeited the repu tation of his integrity, nothing wUl then serve his turn, neither truth nor falsehood. Pe9le who an snbject to bed breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Ston-ach Bitters, the old ud tried remedy. Kik ronr Droggisk. We are sure to get the better of Fortune if we do bulj grapple with. her. Who are Weak, Servoua sad Eshacsted; %hofee â€" losing.atrenga: wlio.anpaIe. deUeate of Wâ€" se3»«Jtillsi» aitfiia' sag ssettM County in Canada. AddBj?"*!!* raaMg^ ^^" sion. Industrial Union of B.N:11L^»3 PATENTS l[?f!^lL"l»i«-W| CONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET novelty in Canada. Great «dn^ Sample by mail thirty cin*8. "^inttj SPOOHER'S COPPERIHE «^^ tion Box-metal for journal bearinn T** Guaranteed copper mixed. SupDlil, „"**« ment. Ask your hard ware dealer for it ??i S POONER. Patentee and Manu ffi,^^ THE BOILEK ISSPECTIon^ ,*.*'"C* '«»«»P"ny of CasMT ' Consultmg Engineers and SoUcitomTtt TOROSTO. â-  G. C. RoBB, Chief Engineer. A. FE.«ia, Stf,J d.owSfcjj, 'ail, at tin J Awnings! BRATKD Gold Medal Trnt MAXiTFACTiJ8y"-f, West. Toronto. NATIONAL ilAXCF.^r TEACHER8 and Stnilents, Al!«iu Special classes duriii- summer h*' Shorthand, Tj-pewriting, Book-keeping Pei, etc. Write for full particulars. Cauldiaj University and Shorthand Institute I'ablit Building, Toronto. THOS. BENGOUGH, Presiikl CUARLES H. CROOKS, Ma r^ VEIiPH Business College, 6tt\gi\ Twelve States and Provinces alresd.v reps on the roil of this Institution, To thorouTl tical instruction, and the efficiency and fmxbA praduates, this College owes its poprJaritj-. giving terms, etc mailed free. Addrera H. .VacCOKHICK, PrI Co.iiPoi}.\u o.vvtiE!«-TaE cossavJ of health, the enemy of disease; heJ Lunifs, Rebuilds the Broken Doim ConEttoJ, youne and old. Home treatme^it, sufficient li| months. Inhaler r.nd all complete, sentbver iS12. Movert my office from 73 Kin^' Wes'tto i'l East. MBS (1 SCID.MAN FIEROE. Four" established in Toronto. '6i Office Tieatmeotift Send for circular. per hour. Also Rock Brillsâ€" Hand, Hot Steam Power. Send for Catalogue Laldlaw Mannriictiiring r«., H.VMllTOS, MILLER'S TICK DESTROY STOCKMEN, give this valti paration a fair trial. It rrcniptly and effectuill.v iiidef Ticks and cthf r vermin pests, j| as in tra'iicalir;jall ifisctioiii skin to which Sheep aresubjwll in- Tins at 35c., 70c. and 81. A fSc. Tin willdl Shetp cr35 Lcmbs. HUGH MILLtRi-Co.,Ii^ B' EAY'EU LIKE OF STE.01SniP», Sailiiij: weekly between Montreal and Lin Rates of Passaos :- Saloon, Montreal to Lini/ $40, 850, and S60 Return Tickets, s80, S90,iiiiil| â€" according to steamer and aceomo-odation. I mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For fa particulars and to secure Berths, apply to Lj MIIKRAY, General Manasvr, 1 CustmBi Square, Montreal, or to the Local Ap;ents ii tl«| ferent Towns and Cities. I A.VD Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, BooHne Pitch, Baiidljisj pers. Carpet and Deafening Felt, KOOFlSTCi, Btc. " "" "Wii f} f-,fUJ^ L-nMne»sI« _- ftboot wl I' the P"°* ffhood owec jrid. Had her, Fr8( Iff now. La misioage Iforshehad y as an op kitovi M ^en sent to gne, I »»'" [iflteUyoa 4 Adelaide St. E., TORO.vWo,' airy Sal] FOR BUTTER, ETC. NEW Importations.â€" Higgins' Eureka, Wis ton and Ashtou Brands, in larire orsnulls Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices.. JAMES PARK SOX. Wholesale Produce Merchants lorotfl DS^-A.lSr-CrZF.A.C'TTJEBES.I M. STAUNTON Cfl| Samples on application. TORONTOOIf MERIDEN BRITANNIA MANUFACTUBE ONLY Silver Plated War Artistic Desififns. combined Unequalled Pnrability and 1 HAMILTON ONT Toronto SilTer Plate .li^ MAHUFACTURESS OK THE HIGHEST '^^°' J SILVER PLATED WARt^ TRADE M.^RK. ALL GOODS GIARAVT*^' TORONTO^ SYSTEM. ASSESSMEN TieMntnalReservel^^, UIFE ASSpCiATIO" The larj^st and most '•.l»^ ^^ Association in the woridâ€" ic-.-ir.:r "'^, j^daco tives in everj' section of Cf.nK'Ja â- '•f""/^. at » It has t-iil Govemaient Deposit, -^if^^^ vision of Insurance Department at w»* Correspondence solicited. Address, a-.'r ^^ELLS^, ICUREWi wâ€"Jl laTCti" I do not oeMi owtlj t» ^.jJJ ttmaaad tlwn luTe th!m retnro •^ii,£Bfg»*S» â- Bh I ta«n nada tbe diMue of FITS. BT I ^if^ iMnatir mi now "MiTlnj • enrj. ^J-^^i* ftfflilWe,37Yi)il|[8jt,W«* mHatmHim tmmm '^•'j'^^^^^^i^^^^'^i-f^i^i

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