L Damude, senior mei 3tee board assisted bl 1, Esq., Sec, Treaga, The corner stone wa V.-Shilton occupied fol le uulpit iii the Metbtf Sabbath last. AU ere delighted with '21 is agam to be hor July by a monster gal it^enteu and their friff pie provision is being! inuQodation of the may gather here on day. â- t o- uIPPINGS. Breese had the pleasnij r? children, large and sij i,nd money to the amon bilecDay. Theraiaifl rented many oiorefromj the gifts.â€" [Chatsv^ 5 severe storm on We 3f last week lightnings 's barn, in Holland, and itents were, destroyed^ 50 insurance on the ing on the contents, fc least $250.- [Chatsff^ I stones fell in some lorra on Wednesday. »^ that considerable da sreby. Mr. John Me I acres of crop d* hadafieldofpeas^J he ground, and otW more or less by the" th News. .Ai^ f,.,: â- "' a? z'if^ *f' ^^HPWP^"" â- PP i^ .ajoHaauoH nr i. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE. CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' rEXTH YEAR.â€" IS'o. 357. MAKKDALE, OlST., JTTIiY 14,1887. C. W. BIITIiEDE, Proprietor. d aid Gffier Items; in these coluiniu intended to benefit |-iii:cs6;»^ __ t-,,j/c,';/ tcill he charged ten 'Ze' for the fcrU insertion and five â- ..:..hsuhu'iiuent viaertim. ndivr'e, commumca- iiu.sf be in this LoTjCE.-Corresp'nn i;:rirtisementf,'-C. "TroaRCK Tuesday /J ;:•«;'• publication A1 I XOTED JeWELEP.Y StORE, 1 be found the most complete stock 'iatches, Clocks, Joweiery, Silver- iire'Spes, c., iu this part of the untiT. [lil and see those watc jes they are jiia. at S12.no beavir.g warrants 'threa and a lis;f years, while other oahsars askiEt^ 315.00 for the 'article. P. S- Bartlett, 3 oz. j'ver case for $10.00 while they ailing elsewhere for $17.50. for dealers cannot compete with "anil they linow it. Yv'e cannot Bi! tlicm being faiuoyed at our Ic jov; pvic-cs v/e must give liblic tlie boil oil t of our close 1 \^ Just Hots a m prices. liiioXiekle Alai-ci Clock for actually tly 32.00 bearing a vrarrant for two Your clioic-3 of over 20 fine ited chains for cnly $1.60; Oust of it. Fine walnut clocks from :5Dr.pward. Brooches, Ear-Eings, Chains, Cufi-Buttons, Scarf- :s, at equally low pricey, Btmeiubcr ii you wniii: your Watcli Clock repaired properly by a work- ,, F.usseirs is the only 'place. â- 'orders by mail promptly at- tended to (xXi fSimi'S Mated Jsi^^Iry Store, FLESHEETON. â- Mb. Pbkd Ltoks of Akron, Ohio, and formerly of this village was in town last week, also his brother Mr. Thos. Lyons of Kent, Ohio. Cheist Church annnal Sdbbath School pocmc was held in Walker's bush last Wednesday afternoon. The day was Une, the vitals good; a goodly number preseat, and everything passed off pleasantly. The Chatsworth News says "The brick work of the new school buUding is |going np rapidly. The first story is about completed, and the workman.ship on it is first-class in every particular." The Acton FreePresshas always been spicy, newsy neat paper, and last week on commenc ing the thirteenth year of pnbHcation, i* comes to hand enlarged and otherwise much improved. Mr. Moore richly deserves success. May it be unbounded is the Stakdabd's wish. TO. Thos. Smabt of Sault Ste Marie, Mich, formerly of Glenelg, is down, |It is said he is after a span of horses and a wife. We had a friendly call from Mr. Wm, Hall of Thomhill, formerly of Tiaverston proprietor of the Traverston Mills. He was up looking after his Bless-fnl affaire. EvEBT man should have their Will made. It will save endless trouble, and often ex- pensive litigation. The prevailing idea is that when a man makes his will he expects- shortly to die. We are all certain that death will come sooner or later, and we cannot tell how soon that time may come, therefore it is wise to be prepared in matters temporal as well as Spiritual. Ex. Maekdajle cheese factory turned out 350 boxes of cheese in June. They have made their second sale for the season, amounting in all to over $2,000. The last sale realized 8i cents per lb. the first QJ. Mr. Thos. Littlejohns is down on a visit from Winnipeg where he went some eight years ago. Thomas was a steady, industriou* boy and has done well in the North- West. He is engineer in a large'steam mill, which lucrative position he had held for many years. GKStmra bell glass to be hal only from Mabee's Hwdware, next, door to Turner's Drag Store. Be sure you read J. G. Andoson's adver- tisement in another column, fou will find something that will interest yon. 4 colors in sun specks at W.A.Brown's Jewelery store. Turnip SeedI Ttjhnep Seed! At Stephen's Drug Store. I^arls Greeii pure at thfe Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. Feesh Fish.â€" Sarjtfnt Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. TrLMnip Seeds Fresh pure and true to name at the Medical Hall. A. Turner and Co. If you want 10 lbs. real good tea very cheap, just go to J. G. Anderson's great clearing sale. Special discounts for 30 days. Fine lathes, tools and best material used by W. A. Brown, the peoples watch- maker and Jeweler, Markdale. CiGAKsl CiGABs! lovors of a good Havana cigar vrill find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by the box. We buy our goods at feather edge prices J we give the customers the benefit they make a note of it and call on us often Consequence, a mutual^benefit. Mabee, the Hardware. Au, needing specks, bear in mind that W. A. Brownhasthe only complete stock in Markdale, and that he has a practical knowledge of optically fitting them. Lazaeus, Moris, Pebble and Crystal lens, specks and eyeglasses at W. A. Brown's Jewelery store. Business is active and increasing a • J. G. Bitchie's WooUenMill, Markdale Custom carding, weaving, fulling, dyeing clothdressiug c., done on short notice SATOc is the oi-aor of the dny. ^i. J. Li3iB is to ToroBto on a visit. Totenham ^U r f •^â- I'tfi. â- :zzs:r is viiitinr |-illoruiito tiiii '.^-uek. â- •SsiHigu ScLooI. 32. EsoDiE i3 visiting ir Lcrac from Owen u'kliam for a "^^li, ilcCulIon-k has pcon^neuoftholaui-. "^Etvcr-iri^ P.3 g.,(;.-; ;... j,p cjjoxild be who ^«act strkc to bo b jlicr iLan he is. returned after ..vn district, seriously ill -h-xt: Eowzs is to Georgetown and Cio^-^rc fliG viil ;p.;ncl a, month, V- "'iep:;;:ito3 IjiHi: th â- •.- aio :iU iadus- [-"isandtliiiftj. I*' "B?'s plane in Lucas- Ea •â- %2ce. "i^c'are a ;:oo:l crop and are i-arlie: iu iarj^o iiuautitles. ^-^--^ ao. sr-! ui to L/O any Anarchists of imndalk is filling Jik during Mr. ci the past week was ^^^c~.tyw3ata I.'â„¢' to the li"Ying operations but grand ^•to.crorsat:d late grain. 'â- - wc:m;v,g iashoiiablG for ladies to itcotaes convenient in case a croB3 dog or au impudent pup, J^rsii. tT^^"" ^^" '^^^^-^ ^^^^ Sabbath i'itatioa' '"' " '"" children. A cordial i!5a't»^ «*-«aded to the parents and all J^-*caibat]i School ^-ork. 'asuccessM excursion mtenna to the aledon '^te stations on the 6th t... ^^, Gnelph, from Meaford, Caledon Thebe was a large turn-out at the Metho- dist church on Sunday Jevening last on the occasion of the sermon to the OrangemMi. Markdale and Kell's lodges were in attendance. Eev. Mr. Buggin gave an able discpurse which was highly appreciated. Markdale was almost deserted on the "glorious twelfth" and appeared more hke Sunday than one of the six. The great majority of our citizens went to Flesherton. Markdale and Berkeley lodges left about ten o'clocK, led by our brass band, making quite an attractive appearance, while the music was still more thrilling. They returned in good time and respectable shape in the evening. Eead Flesherton correspondence for further particulars. Mr. Bliss of Traverston, who we mentioned last week as having decamped, was back the latter part of last week but only to slip again for parts unknown. His creditors are more numerous and for larger amounts than was first supposed. Mr. Hall, the proprietor of the mills, has the household effects and chattels under seizure for rent, bui does not expect to realize over 50 cents on the dollar, f while others will have to grin and bear. Brevities.â€" Life itself ia brief: "Time and tide wait for no man." Pray short, earnest and to the point; abort, practical.! pungent, illustrative sermons are not only best received, but longest remembered, re- sulting in the most permanent good. Wit andihumormakesjanexcellentfleasoning. Short accounts make loDR friends. This ifl a fast age, anditianeoeBsarytoUye in the spin* of the age.â€" Ex. The Markdale Methodist church has just issued a Fmancial Report gotten up neatly inlpamphlet form, giyhig the names of the various Trustee and other Boards; also Ladie'8 Aid. and S. School Superintendents, with a summary of amounts collecter fo chnich purposes, each contributed ben«j credited for the amount of his or her^- tributiontothe various funds for twdye months up *o Slat May. 1887. J and in a workmanhke manner. DISTEICT DOINGS. A SYNOPSIS OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT DOINGS FEOM OUE EXCHANCES PEEPABED FOR STANDAED EEADEES. Mabtblotts. â€" One dose of Dr. Ohase's Liver cure willcnreSick Headache. Dizzi- ness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to cure Liver Com- plaint,. Lidigestion and Biliousness. Wm. Brown of Tiverton-is the oldest print" er in the Dominion. He is 90 years of age, and did bookwork in Scotland for half a century. Tamarao â€" ^In an Elixir carefully prepared by an experienced chemist, with the well- known. Tamarac as the fundamental principle and all the other ingredience iu its composi- tion are all the purest, and best calculated to relieve all oases of Coughs, Cold and Lung troubles. Clerk to the Employer: "What shall I mark that new lot of black silk at " Employ- er: "Mark-the selling piice ten shillings a yard " Clerk "But it only cost four shill- ings a yard-" Employer "I don't care what it cost. I am selling off regardless of cost." l^soM Manitoba. â€" "I have been cured of chronic diarrhcea by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I used about twelve bottles of it and am now entirely free from the disease." William McLeren, Clearwater Manitoba. The Superiority of man to nature is con- tinually illustrated, Nature needs an im- mense quantity of quills to make a goose with but a man can make a goose of him self with one. Foe nettle bash. Summer Heat, Eruptions and general toilet purposes use Low's Sulphur Soap. A Sl.OOO fire occurred in Nix's harness store Uxbridge last week. Fully insured. Dangeeous fits are often caused by worms. Freeman's Worm Powders de- stroy worms. Aeouse the livee when torpid with Nationol Pills, a good anti-bihous cathartic, sugar-coated. The largest stock of Frames and Moulding ever opened out in Markdale just to hand andjselling very cheap at the new Photoi Gallei-y. Like magic. â€" "It always acted like magic, I had scarcely ever need to give the second dose of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer com- plaints." Mrs. Walter Govenlock, of Ethel, Ont. W.A.BROWN "THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER" -DBJAUEJIl^ IN- Vij!^.. 'â- ^JW ®^"°^^^^'cation from W. »liUile. "' ^^" ^^o^d read criminal- on v JT^ press, tiiat Mr. •^ ri,!^ J'^^^stoD' and Miss .« danghter of Mr. Wm. Smith, *ereinarried yesterday. BUSINE8SJLOCALS. H*,VE« Hits from tbebert mantifactniera «t liahee't. IX«..«e«l«k»o«mee«ly to the great daaring^leatJ.^.Andenwns. PcBarl^Fo*.. Qnin OradleB. Gram i .i- -|tt.«4R Qteea, gp to ' in Xxeland. John Pateeson's Saw Mill at Hollin was burned last week. Loss $3,000. The teiumphant thbee. â€" "During three years suffering with dyspepsia I tried almost every known remedy but kept getting worse until I tried B. B. B. I had only used it three days when I felt better, three biittles completely cured me. " W. Nichols, of Kendolf Out. Charlottetowu, P. E. I., had a$50, 000 fixe last week. Get the best. â€" Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera morbus, dysentery, sick stomach, cramps cholic and cholera infantum that has yet been discovered. Its popularity is undimmed .by age. All medicine de- alers sell it. J. W. Bengough is to lecture at Wiarton to-morrow (Friday.) In betteb HtTMOB NOW. â€" "My son aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humor that covered his head and face with sores, bv two bottles of Burdock Blocd Bitters and Pills." testfies Mrs Mary Fulford of Port Hope, Ont. Tara wants a branch of a chartered bank and is taking steps to that end. Worth KEMEat^Bisa,â€" In » ^ong letter from John H. Hail, of -Baddick, Cape Breton, N. S., he says: "IbeUeve were it not for Burdock Bbod Bitters I should be m my grave. It cured me of kidney and Uver compl^t aid general debihty which had nearly proved fatal. « Stop it.â€" Continual hawking and spitting caused by Catarrh is pe?manenfly removed by Nasal Balm. BE ON YODB'GUABD Don't allow a cold m tke head to slowly and surely run into Catatth, when you «m be curedfor 25c. by ujbigDr, Chase's Catarrh Core. A few apptcAtions cure insimen* catarrh; 1 to 2 boxe onres ordinary catorrh 1 to6bJ)xe8 ia gnduiteed to cure chrome catarrh. Tryit."q5y «5o.and Bure miM SoldbyaUdraggiat^ 333-83 B. Thomson, l«t«|ti«fdl« to McKenon New TfiA, waB.foona a««dinOr»«eTilto|«rtwtek. The cause of hi8dMth»«nkiio4i. Hia«d«tiw« «11 U« Don't use any more nauseous pur- gatives such as Pills Salts c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a medicine that moves the Bowels gent- ly, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Sold by all Druggists. tf Ainly's tannery, operated by Colgan Bros, at Mt. Forest was destroyed by fire last week. Estimated loss $5,500. Insured for 33000. Mathews' store at Acton was destroyed by fire last week. Loss $1,600. Insur- ed «1,150. Fine Gold, Filled (add, and Coin Hilver Cases with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waltham and Elgin Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18 k Wedding Eings. Bolt Gold Chains, and Jewellery in large variety Beautiful lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep in Jewellers lines the finest and. most complete slock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do business for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stock,' and then tell a customer wanting Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the last one." I have P. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.50 less cash dis., warrant- ed 3 years. I expect to establish, more fully every year of business life ah unquestioned reputation for Eeliabihty. Straight Dealing. Fine Work and Close Prices. Watch and Clock Warrants 2 and 3 years ccverlng breakages^ CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a similai vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cureforConsumption.Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Affletions also a positive and radical cure for nervous Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to 'n;ike it known to his sufferingf allows. Actu- ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this receipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by maU by ad- pressing with stanrp naming this paper W. A. Notes 149 Poaer's Block Rochester, N. Y. 334:86 E. O. W. IS' A call to Price or Pur- cliase respectfully solicited. GOODS BEST QUALITY, ,WOEK FIBST- CLASS. Bos 5, MABKDALE. IN BBIEF, AND TO THE POINT. 711 ' 'A Dyspepsia is dreadful, Disordered hveris miserable. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus ia one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easy put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours., irregnlar habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspepsia. But Green's August Floweir has done a wonderful work in refdrming this aad busia- eas and imftViwg the Amerioan. tpeople so healthy that they can enjoy fheir meals end be happy. Bemember z-r^ohsppinesa withgathMltib: But Greoi'a Augoat Flower hringa health and happiness to, the dysp^'o. Ask your ^dxnggist for a hotUa. Sevem^-fiy« eaoto- o "a o •a o o o ""11â€" o s o $1 â- 5 .2 CO i 2 K- O »« Q •ts -« « 02 mm « •-( a M « L_ ' S S « £ .= â- ^ -^ S 5 5 « 55^ 2 *i J e *- -» « S 53 -P .« CO oo 53 *.» â€" .2 *«s « to e 2 » vlJ 9^; 4. 'â- i-iV; â- M4.i â- *-â- »:- i h •â- -i:'!V»5"MT- ' â- Sf' 2'«:CS,Dr; W ^u'r â- -^\ Si l: Ii ;.i i ' it. t 1 â- h ,;i •ft ^-i^ v.^- N .:ll% 1 if- pi' i'j-H II tm I â- I; III m