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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jul 1887, p. 8

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 *«|W J'll-IIJ'MIJ m I If ^i f- r Bk. â-  i j\: 'J .•" Jas,' S. Freeborn* Â¥. D. Ch. M.; L. K. Q. C. P. t Doctor of Mndirine sad master rf aai gety Victoria. Univ. Iiioentiate oi Kii^a and Qaean'a College of Ffayaiciaoa in Irriand. Member of flio College of Phyaidami and Sozgeona, Ont. Form- erly acting Bnrgeon of B. Battery, B.C. A. Quebec. Iiate resident of the Botonda Hospitals, (Lying-iu Gynecological) Dublin. okkice: STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. Markdale Jeller KlI. TTUJOIEBfl HATING No. 1 WHSAT JD And pt«feni«ii floor bom tiidr own wheat, ean get it by bringmg twenliy baihels or man. Hour always on Hand 8n.â€" lb r6«tlii|s^ot«r the report pf Drs. Sproule Brodle» ^PHYSICIANS AND SUBGEONS,rr- ff J%. R. It r J^ L. E. Dk. Spboule's office Turner's Drag Store Db. Bbodib's office Mathew s block. I*. IcCraiougli, BARRISTEE, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER UcFARLANDS STORE. MABKDALE. IMoney to Loan. MASSOI^ dc ItlASSON, BAEEISTEKS, SOLICITOES, c. Offices â€" Owen Sound, in Vic.T£er's Block, Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Massos, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest aX from G to 8 per cent Flour $3.00 to ^4.30 per. bbl. â-  SHORTS, per ton tla.00 BRAN, 10.00 The highest market price paid for faU and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD, ^TjL To ic :N"otice- To all whom it may con cern. Wsn. Brown, ISSUEK OF MAEEIAGE LICENSES, c Commissioner in B. 14. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. j^_ B. Money to Lend on Eeal Estate se euritv. WSLLIAM STUART, KlMi3EBLEY, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Eeal Estate at low rates. A few uai-ms for sale. Terms easy. nsroTXC E. J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. will visit Markdale for the practice of bis pro- fession on Thursday and Friday following the first Monday in each month, and at Flesherton the following day, Saturday. MARKDALE HODSE, ONT. J. MAEKDALE, '.Marsh, Prop. ISAAC STINSON, Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence, MAEKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, AECHI- IE. L. Stephen the Druggist of Markdale have been appointed agent for Johnson's celebrated Tonic and nervine. Johnson's little liver Pills, and Johnson's all healing White Ointment. The nervine is the very best in the market, in all diseases cansed by poverty of blood, for Nervousness, Hysteria, and the Paleness of JComplexion so often noticed in female's, loss of appetite and general debility- In conjunction w th the Liver Pills, it is he very best for all disease s arrising from Topid live r or bad stomach The White Oinment is the very best ia the market for Salt Eheume, Barbers Itch, Pimpfes. Chafs, Burns, Scalds, and all Skin diseases' of a scrofulous nature. Try these fine remedies and you will not be disappointed. or taJcatE. L. STEPHEN'S the druggist, Markdale, Ont. m. G. GUTHRIE, P/citj Ornamental Plasterer Arches, Cornices, Centre Floiyers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex- ecuted at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Eepairs promptly attended to. 330 the meeting of Directors of East Grey Agrioaltiural Sooiefy held ia Flesherton lately, wfaifih appeared in your last weeks paper, I "was mneh stmek by a resolotiou which it stated was carried nnanimonsly eondemnxng the action of the several Farmera' Institutes which during the last few months have been held throughout the country and which have almost entirely gone in favor of fair reciprocity with the United States. Now Sir, I nold thai that discassion was entirely outside the regular business of that meeting, or that at least if such a question were going to he brought up, due notice should have been given, in which case I am quite sure such re- solution would not have passed without strong opposition. But aside from the serious view of the question, this sweeping resolution has a comic aspect, as for cool absurd presumption it has seldom ;f ever been equalled, for a handful of onesided directors in a hole and corner meeting to place on record tlieir condemnation of the action of thousands of the most intelli- gent men of the Dominion on both sides of politics (as it is not a party question only when made so by narrow TO SSHOOL TRUSTEES, The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School TJ'Tir'iiituire, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Send for catalogue to Chats worth P. O. 181 ANDEEW McGILL. BUILDER, CONTEACTOR, TECT, Markdale. 1241v MONEY (5' TO LOAN. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. Conveyancsr, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills ilrav;u up aiidValuationsiuadeou shortest noticej iJharges very low. Apply to K. J. SI'KOULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. N real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, F, O. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No, 24, con. -i, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on easy terms of payment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. 0. minded partisans) is eimply r idiculous. Then the idea of imposing such a task upon the Dominion rspresentative, as though the duties of a session just closed were not enough without re- questing him to undertake such a summers campaign. J have not the slightest idea what his views on the matter are, but I give him credit for mure common sense than to allow himself to be imposed upon by such a resoluiiou. Such a request its simply m keeping with the suUioie cheek of the whole business. Now, Mr. Editor, I would propose if this little company of Solons are so anxious to enlighten the dark and benighted minds of those ignorant misguided persons who believe that a broader, simpler and less expensive trade intercorse through reciprocity with the Americans, judiciously and equitably arranged by the respective governments would be beneficial to Canada, they had better elect one of themselves, say the I President to undertake this missionary tour, beginning at Kocklyn. Yours very respectfully, W. G. PlOEBLL. Dudes of Markdale pic-tficers of the vicinii for Meshwton, others wenSedthMr way to PriceyiUe, and still others took passage in a butcher cart for "Bells LiUtB," where a pic-nic was being held by Meaford Boad Sunday School. The "Fairy Queen*' steainer owned by Moffat Bros., was kept busy up to a late hour playing frcon one port to another with lively loads of pleasure seekers who returned to their homes late in the day both satisfied and wearied of their sport but hold on Mr. JSditor I was nearly forgetting the "Dandy Dudes" who put in an appearence about 3 o'clock in a butchers cart drawn by a "stubbron fact," but the latest phrase pertaining to the animal which was freely commented on by those present lis being a mule are not correct or else I'm no judge of horse fleshâ€" -If you don't believe me ask Jim.. Henry or Si. Hill^-excuse me gentlemen, I did'nt mean to mention any names. The Young Druggist aint agoin to get off "Scott free" either perhaps he aint no use to harness a boss, but he's a "Jim the mei ist Church assemoeled. age and on behalf of th! friends of this station w^ Mr.Ayerswithavery t, address and handsome «,, with inscription anisticait purchased from Mr il Flesherton'B Noted Ayers was more than bd, in a few words kindly tl manyfriends for their k tion. " Later in the evening .u, J Je»J, driye, and if you don't believe it I will take much pleasure in referrine you to Silas. I was in town on Monday and observed that they were looking all O. K. and doubtless enjoyed themselves Immensely. Rusticus. S3oesor fiSoll. POre-GQ U;GH:;C G Le.5,H'0^R SBNESS iLnstaM Relief Positive Qm^ Honor Boll S. S. No. 5, Holland, for the month of June. IV Reader-r-Bertha McKennatt, Ellen Gawley, Frank Hamilton. Ill Eeader â€" Martha Freeborn, Lizzie Clarke, Esther Hopps. ir Eeader Sr. â€" Sarah Mathews, John b. Hamilton, Lizzie White. II Rjader Jr. â€" Eobert Freeborn, Mary David, Davis Freeborn. Part II â€" Francis Matnews, Mary White, Dorcas Deaver. Part Iâ€" Ethel Hewitt, Ameha Sargent, Dorval Ward. L, .A. Smith, Teacher. Respectful Questions! Markdale Woolen Mill Custnm Carding, Weaving, Full- Dyeing and cloth dressing, done workmanlike manner and on very short notice. Irst Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest poK^sible rates. A calk solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool- Sept, 28, 188f. F. J. EITCHIE. BE ON YOUK GUARD Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be curcdfor 25c. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh his foot upon such illegal proceedings? I ED cari ^;fASES ;WNDELIOH t:iVER CUR E HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Dyspe^ia, Indieestion, BDidlisnesi, Jaundice, Headache, Lizzine«, Pain in the Back. CosiivEness, or any disease arising from a derangM liver. Dr. Chase's Liver Cuss wUl be found a sure and certain rem- dy. NATURE'S REUEOY The unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cnr* in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is coT.ponnded from nature' well-known liver regulatan, ^Mandrake and Danublion, combined with many other invalnable roots, harVs and herbs, having • powerful efiecton the Kidneys, S:omach, Bowels aad Blood. 600,000 SOLD Over onfkalf nillJoH 0/ Dr. Ch^'t Rteipt Baokt â- aiert sold tit Canatia a ont. IVt tuamt €V€ry man, â- vmttaa and child luko it tnuhltd luitk Livtr C«a» plaint to try tA-'s excttUMt rtnudjr. SOMETMIBaHaW. GIVEN AXAYFKC Wi^pped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's liver Co* u a vahiable Hoosehold Medical Guide aod RacBi atxA. 84 pases), containing over aoo naefiil tcom pn»oAnced by m edical aaea and drugnsts asiiiv«|» •Ue, and worth ten tiaw the price ofi TtV CMSE'S CaTMM COK. All rrtce, a5 cents. TireMnrtKaNETMflUmnut. tet».tm^m SOLO SV ALL DCALCPS •• ' IT IS A "WELLi KNOWN FACT THAT fMcCOLL'S "LARDINE," is the best Jinown. and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's andMiU Owner's, will find it decidedly to their advantage to insist upon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they ask for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sold raanuctur- ers of the "Genuine Lardme" every barrel branded. McCOLL BBC'S, CO. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 347-78 FRESH FRESH FRESH TUrdtlP SEEDS. PARIS GREEN. HELLEBORE, Parker's, MUe$lST and SEEDSMAK, Cure. A few applications cure insipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh 1 to 5 boxes is guaraiiteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure Sold by all diuRRfsts. 333.83 From Manitoba. â€" "I have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I used about twelve bottles of it and am now entirely free from the disease" William McLeren, Clearwater Manitoba. Miss Mabel Andrews of T hornbnry, a few days ago, jumped into the bay and rescued a girl named Scanlon. who had fallen from a boat, Miss Andrews had to swim quite a distance. W^oHTH KEMEMBEEiNG, â€" In a long letter from John H. Hall, of Baddick, Cane Breton, N. S., he says: "I believe were it not for Burdock Blood Bitters I should be in my grave. It cured me of kidney and liver complaint and general debility which had nearly proved fatal. Dangebous fits are often caused by worms. Freeman's Worm Powders de- stroy worms. Aeouse the liver when torpid with Nationol Pills, a pood anti-bihous cathartic, sugar-coated. For nettle rash, Summer Heat, Eruptions and general toilet purposes use Low's Sulphur Soap. All well pleased. â€" The children like Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup and parents reioice over its virtue. Mabvelous. â€" One dose of Dr. Chase's Liver cure willcureSickHeadache. Dizzi- ness, and Sour Stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to cure Liver Com- plaint, Indigestion and Bihousness. No one can describe the snfFerings caused by Asthma except those troubl- ed with the complaint. One package of Southern Asthma Cure will rdieve any case. Double treatment in each pack- age. Nasal balh. â€" Deafness cansed by Catarrh is quickly reUeved cored by Nasal Balm. Nasal Balh.â€" 'The only medicine in the market that will immedia^j core Cold in the Head, aod pennanently core Catarrh, Hay Fever, ete. Thb laigeat atoak of FiamM andlfoolding opaudoatiB Murkdale joat to haad. Does Father Feeny know that in- toxicating liquor was sold in large quantities at his annual picnic Does he not as an intelligent citizen â€" know, it was conti'ary to Ontario law as made and provided Is he not aware that said liquor led to disgraceful and brutal fighting? Will he not as the Parish Priest, clothed with authority, gam the re- spect of all clases attending their annual gatherings, by putting down I would not wilfully allege, that he was a party to the procuring of liquor for the purpose of illegal sale but it surely would come to his knowledge that such sals was going on. We like to mingle with our catholic friends and neighbors in their annual gather- ings for right games and lawful enjoy- ment, but to remain sUeat, and not "Protest" in the name of right and law, against the unrestricted sale of spiritous liquor' on an occasion like that, would be both dishonoring to God, and our general welfare as ci^' zens. "FuT JusTiciA, buat Coelum." Konor Roll. Honor EoU for E. C. S. S. No Glenelg. IV Classâ€" Ellen Dulan, McAsey, Thos. McAsey. jn Class â€" Theresa Darcy, Delaney, Kate Connor. II Glass â€" Kose McGrade, Healy, Patrio Tuohy. Part U Class â€" Mathew Frank Tuohy, Norman McPhee I Class â€" Frank Darcy, Angus Johnson, Miles Darcy. Thos. MoObe, Teacher. Maggie Mary Mary (ofwhich Mr. Ayers i«, held a strawberry h^\,i^^\ well gathering where a vcr-^ evening- was enjoyed. 4' about 150 present; glioi^ were also indulged lu.-Aijp,^ ber of our citizens escorted 1 Ayers and family to the stay Wednesday morning oa tliei-l ture for their new home in CiJ Two of our Milk men vliiu on Wednesday moruiug bai i ion; one teamster was thrown' wagon and receivecl someseveri in the face,- and some coEajl milk lost.- Be inoio moxi boys. [The above came to--^ last weeii, Ed S Dominion Day passed zini this village. Tbo iield sporssj tised proved a failure. Thecoaj of management so sipjnally faii they found it necessary to the whole catalogue. In the afternopn a lar"e assembled to witnes.'j tLe\teJ ceremony of laying the corner] of the new school edifice here, coj ed by Mr.S. Damude, seuior of the Trustee bocrd assisted Kichardson, Esq., Sec, Treasa the same. The coraer stoue mally laid by Mrs. W, £. who on behalf of the Trustee I was presented with a bandsomeSl Trowel manufactured form Silvj by our enterprising Jeweler Bussell and artistically engrayil M. Eichardson, Esq, Anaddrd then delivered by W. K.Flesha,] (who thanked the Trustees I honor confered upoui hi-j nife o auspicious occasion) followed S. Christoe M. D. We migl among many documents depositij copy of the "Standard" is them perhaps to be read in ceil to come. Our Brass Criud vmi sent and deliyened the ccciissioi several appropriate airs. The garden party in the evo: M. Eichardscn's lovely 'grouiic decided success. The ^veatlieni that could be desired. Proftd Wards â-  fireworks, Band ausicj various games were th-j ments of the evening' The anniversary scrmcr:: of| Presbyterian Church here "ffiro p ed on Sunday last, aoruiag evening by the Pastor, iirv, A. son Both services T:c-ro iffipre^ and a season of.blessii.g nyiu esi^ by many. Eev, J. W. Sbiltou occUpi^sd foil first time the pulpit ia the ^i^tboj Church on Sabbath last. heard him were delighted ?. liii ' Flesherton is again io ba boa on the 12th July bya tnonstergsfl log of Orangemen and their fcj Already ample provision is being? for the accommodation oi the ' ands which may gather here on ' memorable day. CLIPPINGS. er. GIVE THEM A CHANCE. and aaOiiig ymj eha^ at the OI0HT. PlMto V' That is to say, your longs. Also all your breathing mMhinety. Yeiy wonderfol ma- chinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousand of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and ehoeked with matter which ought not to be there, your hmgs cannot half do their work. And what thoy dp they caimot do well. Call it cold, coogh, eronp, -pneomonia, catarrh, c(»8iimptio or any of the family of throat and noae and head and long obetmo* tioBs,aaarebad. All ooght to be got rid of. There ia jut toe snre wajp^ get rid of them. That is to iai/t BoMtium'u Oennan Symp, whioh any dmggist will «di joa at 75 eeatt aboltli. Even if «v«7tb^ alM had fiuiai Mr. S. H. Breese had the pH presenting 277 children, large ands with cards, and money to the amo'J «51..43 on Jubilee Day. The raia uj forenoon prevented many ciorefroalj ticipatmg in the gif ts.- Chats^^ News. During the severe storm on »" day evening of last week lightning- Mr. T. Hogg's barn, in HoIland.^^J bam and contents were destroyed- Hogg had $350 insurance on the mg, but nothing on the contents, i were worth at least §250.- [C^a*^ News. Heavy hail stones fell in some during the storm on Wednesday. » are mformed that considerable^ was done thereby. Mr. John- had about 30 acres of crop ae^ Mr. C. Green had a field of peas^ ed down to the ground, ^^^ Holland lost more or less by tw â€" [Chatsworth News. Like »AOic.-"It ^^^^^i^{ magic. I had scarcely ever nee" fhe second dose of Dr. Fowl J^^ of Wild Strawberry for stttf^ plainlft" Mrs. Walter GO^^r^ Ethel, bst. mmt tm aO^iMairia

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