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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jul 1887, p. 5

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 SIST3 iiQg PowdCB, purcaased In tho Kits. It Is a cream in either alum or Lo-v-s, Ph.D.'t te]-^ para. iccc by myself in her 'â- nj'irioaa snb- D of i 'chaology." laferials of which u i- ?5ayer, Masa." t!l competitors at "i;ia, lS7ci at thft zo\:rlTv. -.ripuatls. an3 tinl- to, i:iid ISoaxds of of vvlors Baking by Prof. Schedler. Tsver or voltnno tn. â-  •? i ";r worth by tho RoytJ Baking ciifs per pound a5cri3 tiie adnata will conviDce any of ahl^ljpr dMne e liUion aj indlcat* Lagh tiix stresg^ V^f :io' oAhnded to. â- fT'^T'XG'tor -,»li. pisgrace. rfeffP« persons lu the county but â-  the ' fc'^^Mhe dangerous spot m "Vsvdenbam Boad, known ^IkHole.-' It has long to travellers, so much rel is greatly impeded. ind the inhabi- to •*'**tMi :-?rTJHif .*^T-lSmig^ .C iTW ~~â€";tT- â- -â- â€" rrsr -nj»T labUfilC A A ?o 'i|si7=?-' xr:.:.* i'.fti;a. !l»ev •nrror t«t- ^Sines. compel them ,.,oad are obliged to make '^^f;' ralinile" and those, " who manage to BO flt the imminent cr damage ""cntaresoffie do of their [tftbeirlive: ^Vition of County and Town. ?â- ' hove been frequently ^f' i;;t if appears that w of loss of life will wake Why should this "man civilized country, d private Guzzles. Of Household Furniiute, H/c, Msr.* -W/lrf -T;- ff NOTWE. Dp. ;,^kS of its'high taxation for Judge Ldw wfcre on 3iweeK His Honor 'i-tincruished Lady 'Xru to Owen Soumd from " â-  a' tbe Uivisional C.mrts, 5r than "Run the risk" were â-  make a detour of turee â- "â- â€¢" ' ' iL-i. L, jc.ineut Judicial was lo Uiivhte Irom a Officials afc once. hCjuatv and Towusbip 'a si^.- to it "' ;â- ' ,j".,^oi^^ibiutio3 cauuot bo taken 'i"'roSiit pleasure. They are ^vi"=ua to keep the roads m ,,..-ii:, and ^vill be held ••""lel'al if any serious Should occur. V.' tiiiit our hleepy officials jsi^pptja Kjuse of their re- ;iei before it is too late, 1 remain Yours truly, W. J. •he people^] E:r,o r.iyi^.ew carriage cture e-very article ;.i the businees.. 1 to every one- -•rand Plain Fac- ciiinery, eyerytbiniT m BattoDS, er second to none in very department, i-l z Promptly Undressed ra'jcy Taming done^ e %J A I i09 50 of ligli*- irer's, McFakland. ?ristl3g OiSee Secrecy. Ihe undersigned has recwved mstrucbons from Mr. Alexander Lyons to sell by PubUc Auction on Thursday JULY 14TH, 1887, at the .Eaiboad Boarding House, Markdale, at 11 o'clock sharp. The following articles viz :â€" 1 Cow, 2 Sow Pigs, 18 Hens, 11 Bedsteds and Bedding, 2 Bureaus large, 3 Dressing Bureaus, 5 Bed-room Cabinets, 1 Drawing Table. 2 Kitchen Tables, 1 Kitchen Cupboard, 8 Dining-room Tables, 1 Sideboard, 12 Dining-room Chairs, 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kocking Chairs, 8 Sitting-room Chairs, 1 Set of Parlor Furniture, 2 Lounges, 1 Sewing Machine, 1 Cooking Stove and i'urniture, 3 Heating Stoves and Pipes, 4 New Drums and Pipes, 2 Dozen Pictures, 8 Mirrors, 1 Eight- day Clock, a number of spring and other mattress, 12 Lamps, a number of spittons, 3 Chandeliers, 1 Sugar Kettle, a quantity of Dining-room Dishes, Glassware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, a number of window curtains, and a quantity of other household goods. TERMS.â€" All sums $5 and under cash over that amount 5 months credit will be given on approved joint notes. ALEX. LYONS, GEO. NOBLE, Proprietor. Auctioneer. WEAVmC. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce tliat I am now nrenared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Kesidence old stand, opposite Presbyterian Church. 318 AEGH. BOYD. Notieeiiliertby jgitieri tiist any p«non » pepsow found trespaaaing or flahiig on the fermsoftbennderBignedwinbe prosecuted acpordmg to law without further notiee. Signed :â€" John B. Thibendeau, Edward Brady, "Vraiiam Brady. John Shears, t^m. McNally, (Tames Elliott, Adam Hislc^. John Webber. Thos. Brady James Brac^, Wm.McCutcheon Cteo. Bichardson, George McNally, James Stinscn, Bobt Graham. John Perkins. U r^ «t,,.;. .•'.â- ,-.â- . â-  â-  .k;T -^^ ' ' â-  .Ki?:o ' »â- "â- ' '-â- , "i' "â-  ;- ;. -TO GE1 OWEN SOtJNt MARBLE WORK BE SURE GET YOUR PURE PARIS GREEN -AT- Stephen's Drug Store. H. B. HARRISON MANUFAOTUEER OP MABBLE AND GBAMTE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES MantUSf Furniture Marble, dc. â€" FBOH â€" Yxti lenfflt ot our readers who [liciT.agiiietliat all tbatis necess- |Vu,[ to ask tbe priuter to have Kve;i' air, seciot desired, we tue folbv;-iiu{ remarks, and lur read'jrs one aud all will MARKDAUE, He makes as good a pump as there is in the market, and at the lowest possible prices, besides it is so con- venient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you sind support home enterprise by buying from Quinn* -THE- PLACE TO GET THE BEST GRADE JUST BECEIVED 3 Carhads Finest Variegate marble tS" Largest stock in tbe Dominion select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zmc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARBISON -OF- Hellobore! Hellobore! HEAD QUARTERS -AT- -FOR- Books tatlonery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c, Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Markdale. Stephen's Drag Store. -THE- tHeri: â-  arefuliv. A properly con- kpriuting Office is as much secret liliionic iod^ie. Tho printers- are Icier oath of secrecy, but always laetnselves as truly iu honor i to keep office secrets as through Any eciployee iu a ;-aa3o wlio vriilingly disregard- rule ia relation io printmg iscrets would not only be scorn- Lis bretbern of the craft but, :0s3 the po3iti.)u at once. We iitliij statement because it some- 5hppea3tuat a communication •' in a nowspapcr under an Mdsiguature wiiich excites com- ^â- iiuii various persons try to find I'io 13 tie autiior. Let all be pi ie tronble cf questioning ?-'yce3 cf a priutiug office. They 'M-ro'J:iugs' on such points as Oa s'lcli mattery they have K^ arc but uo mouth 'and if aiUocbftirve tliis rule, let them j p'fiowu as disaonorabic members 'Jft. It is tb same in job' :â-  If anything is to be print- ci Sept secret; lot proper notice ^?aoitbe desire of secrecy, and ""'^t as well questiou tbe Sphinx *tf the printers. •I a;e aay eojo nauseous pur- hsBcn as Pills Salts c., when you "l^l- Car;on's Stomach Bitters f ' ""^^^ovefs the Bowels gent- ,^'" ail impurities from the -lilje-nderiaa the Blood WE WANT o 1 r\r\ GOOD MEN at once, to sell for XUiJ the Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 465 acres) steady employment and no lost time, liberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit furnished freeanyjpushingjman can succeed. Apply for terms to, STONE WELLINGTON, Toronto, O n Pbof. Low's SULPHUR SOAP is a delightlul toilet luxury as well as a good curative for akin disease, FAHM FOR SALE. T JiT 131 con 3 west of T. «Ss S, Rd. JLjA^emesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres eloar of stumps and stones, balance good hardwood hush. Five miles from Markdale and four from Flesherton, For further par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson, Flesher- ton P. 0. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342 -ft A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded, him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their o'^ti interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per RoU. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. C^HNTote the tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supphed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery, (Sc.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish^ ing Fires. IS* NOTE THE ADDRESS, -A.- lOinsmore. Place to get Stanley's Spectacles which are the best at Stephen's Drug Store. Pure Cream of Tarter, Tested Baking Soda,, and Pure Spices of all kinds. R.L.Stephen. EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, IVI^9^ItK:i A JL.E FUNERAL FURiifSHIfiGS supplied on the shortes notice. A. Sulendidl HesLrsse lor hire at moderate rates. â€" All kinds of^ F XJ It T^ I T XJ It E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. Wm. Sargeut, Berkeley, has a Dn^ham Bull for service at his farm seven- eighth bred. Terms on application. 354-57 lii by all Druggists. pure t:- 6 PEE CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowestratesofinterest^^Ap^ly^to Convevancer Postmaster. Flesherton. or, forgettac^l ASTOB ^^ 99\ OELEiiaiiO to Epectacles ""'"'^^mmo CAMDA. "'^^"^^iLOmH E.C.ENGLAND. 1^ â€" â- ^â- ~ â€" I! WUG618T, Markdale Kml^J^'^? 0' tbe above in E^E ^^p|\i?*^e Marketequal "*ae gII^A^^^g qualities 2«on^S^4fE and COM- l^^o't^'Ji!?! '° strengthen the '^lrlll'^,lf'^*ifORLD ^m^'Ai "f£ THEiEYE ^^^"f^fiS WITHOUT CHANGE. "^^^^i^T ^^ Test Card. °'«th3f°"^st8through- eWorU 357-409 lna:wo9d and Georgin Bay Line. Royal Wail, „ ., In connection with the Northernand North- western R'ys, and the Grand Trunk B y. J. and ' »orld. ia OouBu TncATmivr I" EACH PaCRAOS ***S2yl»aocRviut«,T. Str. PACIFIC, Captam P. M. Campbell. Str. ATLANTIC. Captain B. IX Foot^ Str. NORTHERN BELLE, Capt. W. The finenewSteSS*;'PACIFrc""^- LANTIC" will run as follows dnnng tne season (weather permitting.) Leaving Collingwood at 1 p- m. Meaford pt3p. m.; Owen Sound at 8 p. i Wiarton at 11:45 p. m. every li^ednesday an* asaturdar. For Killarney, Manitowaning.Little ^n*At Bnicu Mines, Hilton. St. J©"" *~~»»' S^Xer:«»d8anlt8t.Jtone^ The Sstwday Steamer only wiU call at TnmritCo., CoDiagwood. THOS-WHa. OHAaCAMBB^^; Sfcrctary. jbi»«.6 'V^ill Stoddart. late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs lo inform the citizens of Mabkdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in tl* Latest and Nobbiest Styles as' I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the pubUc patronage I remain. Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDAET. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. I I n In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post OfSce, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. BAE, Markdale eTORONTO house.; I am offering this week Beady-Made Clotliing, ana BOOTS HOE â€"AT astonishingly lo-w prices. Persons requiring a summer outfit would do well to see my stock. WM. BREADNER. C arpender and GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village Mot country. Call early before the rtish comes. 339 -5i CARDiOFlTHAMS. li^ In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past. I have much pleasure in being still able to supply them with the following cele-. brated machines, viz. The "Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The Watson Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Reaper. The New Humming Mower. The Humming-bird Jfower. The Watson Daisy Rake. The Mann Champion Eake. The ToJten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad- cast Seeder and Harrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott, Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Eoot Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fanning mills. Land Boilers. Ageiit for the Watersou's Co'.s Machinery and Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagons Buggies, Democrats, and everv implement a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anything in above lines will find it to their advantage to call at my new implementhouse oppositeR. McNally's Carriage works, where Mr. R, Robert- sou will be pleased towaiton customers in my absence. J.H. CARSON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. C ANADIflM P ACIFIC R. R- TIMETABLE. â€" ]M[a,rl£da.le Station â€" THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surronndiag [country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general bupply of all kinds of provisions such as â€" PLODR. OATMEAL, COliNMEAL BIDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, SCREENINGS, also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS. BACON, LARD, c., in fact everything people w«itin tiiialine* Shop one door west' of Joe Lamb's ^Mksmith shop. Sdidting a sbare of paUiepairoiuige jl^rej^eetfallyyoâ„¢*» For Sale or to ONE of the best fiimu in Artemesia township, being lots 115 and 116 third range west oi T. ft S. Boad, three miles from Markdal*. e(nnpviBiag 100 aow, over 8t) of which ia clewed and iA good state eoUivatiba, well fenced, yooog and old oiehaid, watered with never failing spring and good welL brlek boose, good carriage hoaae ud stable and two log buns Bo«M«|pB will be' given aftier harvest. For tetiiar.putienlars apply on the pisBiniaes to, JOHN â- WHITBY;"^f MarkdakTp.O. Qonio South. OoiMe NoKiB. 6.47 a. m. 12.02 p. m. 3.52 p. m 9.10 p. m THE «EY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK BLOOD «ajw*- 1 MARKDALE. XBAOotoiTB. â€" "9fy Ifiracnloog ' 'Cure M that I had suffered bum. IdSueij diMMe for about two yeazB,^Mi lit iradcitil that tame. Afin«td^Bldin..« B. Ji. B., Jtned iti.iid«n bwpr to i^l tfaatl was enied 1)7 two bottfes." y^A TiQCk Si Marys, Out.. Valedn all the cIogKed avemietofthr BOTRdi^ KldB«y» ura Lirer, onyiof off ndnally without weakemn^tbe qrstem, all tte imponties and fool homon of the McntHMM at the same time OOd tt e c t lM MtUHBf of thft^SteuiMll, earing m- g y s p ^yria, Heada dieg. Di»- BMWHWgHt Oonst^pfttioii* of tte ffldBtSlRnMnr; IMU" n; JanndioftlMs Bheiai. _^„^ 8e(«fld%;^HM|eriqK of tho Iftiift. TTtii JxtxmaHSm OflBon? Oi^iliiir I altJAefleltt^Sifether fb i. IwOmpWMsliyd to Ae hnm iafi«aee. Botttpo 10e;yiwJiriilo#1 For sak by all deakn. 'i :;ii i:- â-  .i- ' ;nl. â-  i I? I m i:i '«?=

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