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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jul 1887, p. 3

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 '-••""â€" T« ding ^neodot^ -not a very a«^:' »ly poked an old ^* f»r^ pocket 1,15 ntended as the nJ?" sitement which f^S^ oung man placed tt^ ' the palm of the ck t God-speed, the n«i without inspecting ttT* loe was indignant •t' nature of the Wtrf*' stowed away in hiT*? However friend. iBt% nan foun-' the §5 \M\^ nade a hurried n^^l in a"ayingtheire^Jn man. "«l California," the eccleii. I had a little experien^ 15 groom. The witnJl sician, requested me to^ arry the couple. I comod eremony the groom besk^ ;old piece about betw«ffl f ex finger. Of course. aU J the coin. Finally the toJ )ward the piazza door to follow. When the HJ 16 bride and the Doctor 1 jt slipped the double « sers pocket and fished ;s in silver as my fee. T j hen I came to forward ti it cut on a piece of foola rd from the groom's fna due time. He demandei f my effrontery. Wkj, led him that I could not afl rst- class certificate wh^ lall, I received $5 from ' roper statement of the Q then narrated hovl |)m prayer meeting with] a couple seated in abi his door. They desired t holy bonds of wedlock, remony was concluded, speared rather dull, conti seemed greatly eml »ride nudged him in the ,nd looked hard at the m only grew more and n all the topics of conver lausted the clergyman's ed to entertain the yoi 3,ke and refreshments. At 1 a half hours after the m concluded the bride cra{ to the door and was seen :o get him out of the door was about to be an om plunged his hatnds int( ket, drew forth a fifty] blushed violently and hn )use. "However," ' I had more respect for I han I did for the imposter j after he had given hisl to understand that I was t L furnished the groomwho with fifty cents with a titicate." Preserved Game. sunny spaoe, in Hampden the Voad, standing amon^ we see two handsome bir ordinary poultry. They| md do not appear to be ed at seeing us. They prob lo one will be allowed to 1 in the game season, which! Br several months. The ime are very strict in Eng the shooting season no one J jreserve" game, as the re" it is here called, is allov a partridge, or a pheasant, iroperty. All such game isj lelong to those persons ir d who have " preser\'e8." d come into the starden a i we are staying, and be ti ibbages, it may be driven aj vner of the garden should r would be subject to a pen lot be supposed that the are always stingy about t ne of the estates of the 1^ oh poor man is allowed to every day in the shootingj et one rabbit. He is pertj the animal, now it is de nd his friends could not pa shoot but if he should pre he owner of the pleasure oM juld be a poacher and be p LENCH LOV£ POWD£B-| le 1 se to Which H«bi«« ' Are Pot. i instance of how deeply o^ ire still rooted in remote 1 ry is a case which has jnst] jre the Magistrates of mm rtment of Loiret, in Fw" go the gravediggers of tor id to some workmen witn ng at a Feririeres factory • link that dead men s boi^ 5 anyone, but you are »" sold some to two wojnen The police hearmg of jjl ide inquiries, and tfte w 1 evealed: The women froOj to Fontenay sur Loing "" ediggerfor some bumafl " refused, but was so«° ^, an ample bribe. An n the district for sorce e, hiding the bones for » hen burning them «; dp the cindeis, their pare a love draught fo. lass, who had ordered « heart of a lover who ha" m A Plausible Theory- " h^ said "I ^^^^U be saia, ^,„e ift la with me when I caw ,h. Was it er new ooc silver handle " •* j^^j Do you know where i»^ I don' know fo' »a**»-Jji gem'man must er too* .retheStateUbrtfgJ^I ucky, Loniaana, Micd» i Tennessee. THE UHE-KILS CLUB. •Jl ?s^- Dey migi ht hev eaten smoked bat dat was i^.r.r^.»°'p*'^*^ PBABL8 OF TEDTH. or a ,rtT,ael»T8aid Brother «aftiiier-a»J«»«.,':r^- "^rVwrT*!} ^^'â- L Heretofo'nuffin h" }«« 1gn^n„^ ..' TkOin*-, aat in de meetm an ,,,.., i» .^hers sa- in Thrift of time wiU repay you in after- ve, like an â- ^T ornViprs walk in heah wid '^^. of you roembers wa ,.s3»« onion in one pocke t and a cold biscuit I' ie odder: you sot an' munch, an' '^ntifdere" am not a dry eye (lis eavenm' sich things After I .JlTbe'lsf" ws git in de back seats an' l^TSartm.'^t.efau- whittle off deir toe- â- "' 'XTn aeir co'ns, an' rub away at iJ^'-P^'^bS-es Kin such purceedings iri:s6' "t'eTirCongress- i"oâ„¢ dis night '"â- =" •"ho Is cotcii m suh a per- ..- ' II receive a paralyzing stock 'S""' o^.bers hev got into de habit '•^^^"tk hoofs on top of de stove an' ^•^•"'",1 an t.kin' things powerful easy H'Tr triangle sound herearter aU l^'""' ^* vron le floor, au' it it becomes ,..mU5 te "^^^ -eTU an applicashun sent ^^â- "â- "'i'J^'ar'v"' ie3k will probably be ';;blva:tea npoa â-  =.rtiD members hev bin in de ^,e«- sa^"" de room widout axifc -f SpiSid^ fur in de by-laws. jisbun, « F om dat de nex' one ,,,l,yttarn ^t- .^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ faster, |f Su l^ at " °'^^" "°' "' P""'""" " f""' .r ai^nitvâ€" not too much, but â- '^V^t doan"want so much dignity fl can't wink to Samuel Shin to " • *„ vi1pr Toots when de latter â- â€¢\Kns to snore in his sleep or dat "â- fratootswill carry off a resolushion '-^' Set bGkase he am a feared to pre- Ha member's co'ns ache he kin de antyroom an' cajole wid if'de fiah bells ring one or two mem- ;.Satep softly out an' pose deir selves itionofdehungenn flames I r«\ant to be too strict but_ I shall in- *• ,le same dignity heah as kin be found ' â-  • • ' de sooner you 31. pocket i •niraw tc 'â- â- â-  Vite Le^islachur, an' de sooner you ^I'ustom yourselves to de changs de bet. life with a usnry of pro^t beyond your most sagoine dreams. Truth sabsbts eternally, and finally trramphs over its enemies, beeaaae it is eternal and strong^even as God himself. God has one mode of saving men and women, and you cannot be sav(^ upon any other principle than that which Jesus Christ taught. The philosophers of the world will concede that the elements of which you and I are composed are eternal, yet they believe that there was a time when there was no God. When the hour of death comes, that comes to high and low, then it is no what we have done for ourselves, but whaS we have done for others, that we think on most pleasantly.â€" [Sir Walter Scott. Judge every man by what he cannot do, and you will find no man of ability. Judge every man by what he has accomplished in the fields with which he isfamUiar, and you get at his real size. He who seeks for and emphasises the good in others is not only blessing and im- proving them, but himself also. Envy is thus laid low; all the more amiable qualities are brought out; the habit of giving happi- ness is in itself a joy, and the maiufest denefits thus conferred are fully shared by the giver. Friendship and love differ mainly in this â€" that, whereas the felicity of friendship consists in a mutual interchange of benefits, iutellectual and other, that of love is in giving on one part and receiving on the other, with a reciprocal perception of how sweet it is to the endower to endow and the receiver to receive. At the best, no one can know much. Com' pared with the infinite realms above and beyond us to be yet disjovered, the know- ledge of the most learned man covers but a tiny spot and what fraction* of such a spot ours m9j cover is but a small matter. But It does matter to ourselves and to all around us the use we make of what we do possess â€" whether we carry it around for exhibi- tion, or whether we convert it -into a living force to elevate our own natures and tQ tr.willbefurvou svjrzi) OUT, r,,some time past reports of a very un- â-  ble character have been received from bless and help mankind. f-^'High Old Sceopers," a branch of the t- Kiln Ciub established at Nashville. Ijc-icsand members have been charged t various derelictions, and early in May â- veqdent was arrested, convicted and â- up'for ninety Jays for having a bag of UD his possession which belonged to a rV half a mile away. He was no sooner l^:i:mA than the lodge at once a resolution that the laws of this -try were made by despots, enforced by "i:;-. and should be resisted by the bay- Its char:er v,'a3 at once demanded -eparenttlub, and in giving notice that ^i.'rancb no longer existed, Brother Gard- I'e High Ole Steppers will step a good l'i\er arter dis, an' we shall be keerful |iw establish fuOher branches in Nash- When a man in dis kentry cums to piMclushun dat de laws ar' agin him he I'tir watchin' wid boaf eyes open. He's p;e;l)ia.stealin' somethin' or is achin' to ic£ 4 policeman on gineral principles.'" WARNED TO STAY AWAY, I Ltiier the head of communications the .â- tary announced a letter from Kurnel kispring Johnson, of Selma, Ala. The tmel bosses a department in an oil mill !:i;li the week, and preaches to the best liiang power on .Sundays. He has in- p»! a new method to the world. After Rring his address he should remain in :rci: several weeks to take lessons in fitffashiag, and would be the guest of :e!Sbin, for whom he had conceived a ' aJrairatioti. The reading of the let- ' scarcely been concludeil when Sam- ifison his feet, trying his hardest to Jile. Visions of giving up his bed and Niig on the tloorâ€" of his household ex- P-* iaereasing one halfâ€" of calls to loan â- 'â- p' Suuday shirt and nankeen vest, fS-lbBtore- his eyes until his tongue could â- ^" -.Sr a word. â-  'iown Bruddc-r ^hiaâ€" sot down ob- iaePresiden: "Dis Cha'r not only p-R'J-ha: your feelin's ar' but sympa- Rs^id you. He seckretary will write to [i-ifiel to de effect dat dis ar' our cyclone, r-J*x, cholera an' airthquake season, an' ;oulun't live tiveminits arter strikin' "j If dit doan' do we will telegraph s '"â-  P'^son of his name is wanted here raXVICTED FOl; I'LACIARIS-M. I â- "â- ^limesin-.eProf. de Ruyter- Bangs, i-jorarj- member residing in Columbus, |4",T • "°^""S poem to contest for ,-J«iil spring prize voted by the club. Emia Pasha's Futare Flans. It is more than likely that Emin Pasha, who has lived in Central Africa over eight years, will choose rather to femain at his post than to return to Europe with the Stanley expedition. In his latest letters he announces his purpose to establish a permanent station in the healthful and fertile district of Mahagi, on the southwest coast of Albert Nyanza, and he also speaks of his projects for future expl ration. The purpose of Stanley's expedition is not to bring Emin Pasha home, but to supply him with the ammunition and other resources needed to enable him to withdraw, if he desires, or to still maintain the author- ity of Egypt in that part of equatorial Africa. "Emin Pasha and Dr. Junker have both protested in eloquent words against aban- doning this province to barbarism and the slaver. Emin Pasha has taught thousands of the natives improved methods of agricul- ture and the arts of weaving and shoemak- ing. i'o abandon the work he has so well begun will be to throw away the opportun- ity of planting civilization in the heart of Africa. By means of the newly discovered waterways to the Congo, Egypt's equatorial province may still be kept within easy reach of Europe, the Soudan may some day be re- gained, and millions of blacks preserved from the Khartoum slave drivers who formerly ravaged their homes. Emin Pasha's territory was one of the two provinces of Egypt that paid all its expenses and turned a surplus into the trea- sury. According to Dr. Junker the Gover- nor General has on hand a store of ivory large enough to pay the entire cost of the Stanley expedition three times over. Junker also says that if Emin Pasha decides to remain at his post the majority of his force of 1,800 men will remain with him. E 'ypt authorizes Emin Pasha to hold the pro-Ance he has defended so well and has done so much to develop. No one familiar with the record cf this remarkable man be- lieves that he will abandon the equatorial province, even for a temporary respite from his arduous labors, if thereby the fruits of his past efforts and the well-being of the natives must be sacrificed. r-amittee thought they discovered the htd i" f plagiarism in it, and it f4L T J" ""'^^ investigation. |te-4?« 1 °°" reported that the |Wsl7'7|'°"'ly from the work of the r-jfw"^^'g*" Here are three I -^cwenty-seven verses a man named Henry Smith Rogers " .»'"'e one of my dreams. l**C„ '?*Muson A Brave Nun. Sister Marie Theresa, a French nun who has lately been decorated with the Cross of the Legionof Honor for forty years service m the army ambulances, seems to be not only a brave but a merry woman. During a time of hard fighting in Tonqum a bomb fell into an ambulance full of wounded men. Sister Theresa seized the bomb and earned it to a distance. When she set »* down it explod- ed, but, InokUy. not till she had tune to throw herself flat on the ground. Her as- sistants rushed «Pi«*«'^~l'SjJ°'^when unconsciousand covered with blood. When she regained her senses she uttered her !!I!*."L, nhrase: " It's only a joke," an mck customary phrase of Trustee PuUback the matter i^^^nA,"" " P«t to vote, V "«d at the rate of forty miles "^1 S'"i*" ^^^ President,"de I"ry dan? ^I' ^* ™°' on account il'^S"^*'"' Let us now lock J;*ord 'vH ""^iness, sot de safe to open "" ' *nd retire to oor domesti- I^^HeThoughtHeWas. M^WaSir;,^^*"'^°S ^®^« property ^^V.^ft^'°^"^^ TheBaroL ^«u1]T^^«'^. thought that ""'iSiP-^^P^rty, and after u^^on^^t^'rt«dthe remain- s'" to wlr,^- Some $600,000 e^re^ro'n w^HcI has since become her mck ^e. At another time she was attendmg rwoundedman, when "^^ " /*";,tame oasaina splinter from a charge of metraille, Eothir quiet observati on wa* merely as ureal '• If s only ajoke" At the ceremony TSe decoration noie of the customary for- mam?e.^e omitted. The Gene^l who conferred the title chevaUere on the brave nun touched her with h" ""i"" ^^^t shoulders, and finaUy brushed her cheek with his white mnstachefc AmoW*»^f» «« *,!^SfS5ch^^tised |.rQp»tv_of Haydn, «»^ «^« gj^^f Mozart's 6y Mozart at fao'^%J„SS;g table about re«|nblefmu»»|pufi^nW^^«^mework, t;;7ells i»lengt" «i^ab^*^g^ ^^^^ witimat pedale "^d «)n^K» Gummed on The chords are mosttybwfcBO-w 1 2?^ 2Slori£SS?p^o WiU be W*^%^i^^giiKS' 5e city of long been m the poBseMKO"" ^^ â-  Vienna. OEIEBAL TOnCB. ed an improved kmi of cement, poannins dnrabiUw and the oold appaarancb of maf. We, ao that a wall aet with it not only be- comes impermeable to moisture, but can be polished and made beantifoL Fred Douglass recently said in Paris I have travelled through most of the coontriee of Europe, and whenever I am in the cars, in the tiieatres, in tiie ball-rooms, anywhere m fact, I find that I am treated always with courtesy, and not rarely with distinguished conaideratioo. As fiur aal can see, a man is judged over here without any regard to the color of his hair, or his eyes, or his skin. A convival Buffaloprinter went to sleep in a second story window. Hefell out and would undoubtedlyhave received severe iojurieshad he not been lucky enough to f»ll sciuarely on the shoulders of two reporters, ihey were knocked down and badly shaken, but were able to get an ambulance and send the un- conscious type-setter to the hospitaL Jim Ponce, of St. Augustine, Fla., going through the woods heard tremendous squawls yells, and roars, and cautiously investigating came upon a seven foot paa'ther fighting with an alligator, which had the panther faac in his ponderous jaws. Ponce sided with the under dog and shot the alligator, where- upon the panther, freeing himself, made for the hunter, who had a hard fight before he killed the ungrateful beast. The managers of Bellevae Park, at Pitts- burgh, recently bought seven fine deer in Michigan and had them shipped to the park, where a nice big yard with a seven- foot fence was waiting for them. The boxes were carefully placed in the yard and open- ed and the animals came out one by one. Then the biggest deer, turned her large, dreamy eyes toward the seven-foot fence, and in a moment made for it, followed by the other six. Those who were present were willing to swear thai! that drea,my-eyed ani- mal leaped twenty-five feet high over the fence if she cleared it at all, and she certainly cleared it, as did the other six. A reward is now offered for the Michigan jumpers. The Chinese among otbers are said to be rising in Hawaii against the extravagance of the foolish king, with the intention of creat- ing a republic. This is most momentous. Should the Chinese race take to voting where will they stop They may begin to vote in California, and if tbey do so they will have just the same sort of power that other foreign elements have now. Instead of passing anti-Chinese laws, every party will compete for the Chinese support; and resolutions expressive of condemnation 'of the opium traffic of Britain, of the cooley traffic of Queensland of the invasion of China by Bnssia will be in order. The merits of the '• concussion" fire engine, or extinguisher, an improved apparatus in its line, are much extolled in the EngUsh journals. As described, it is very light, can easily be carried in one hand, while it is capable of throwing a stream of water to any spot within thirty-five feet. The de- vice consists of a cylinder about two feet in length and three inches in diametei and which is charged with water holding chemical in- gredients in solution, and, on being required, only needs to be sharply struck on the floor by a wall, the concussion sets free a quan- tity of'aoid by breaking a bottle inside the cylinder, instantly produces carbonic acid gas, which increases the volume of the water, eight times, besides producing force to throw the water. In this way no difficulty is experienced in directing the fluid to any tire, and putting it out at once. A Uon-Conductor. The natives of Tonquin have little more knowledge of the telegraph than the old lady who said to the telegraph pole-climber. " If there's a message up there from my son please throw it down, I'm expecting him home soon." These well-meaning savages, it seems, have been making experiments not wholly successful from a scientific point of view. The communication between Hi-Noi and Hai-Phong was once completely interrupted, and it took some time to discover the reason. The whole telegraph line was carefully in- spected, but with no effect. It then occuir^d to one of the officials that in the neighbor- hood of a friendly village the wires had look edrather thicker than usual. On returning to the spot hie found that for a long distance the wire had been removed and carefully replac â-  ed with bamboo cord. The head man of the village explained that iron was very expen- sive in his district, but that in proof of his friendly feeling toward the French he had given orders that any one removing a portion of the wire should replace it with bamboo cord. The official tried to explain the dif ferencebetween bambooand wire, and wound up by declaring that the next bit of bamboo rope put to such a use would come •" '" hanging the nearest 'illage chief. m for Eecreantto his Trust. A lady living in Chicago is the owner of a very sagacious Newfoundland dog called Don. The other day Don, who quite fre- quently goes to the grocery or market for his mistress, was sent after a basket of eggs. As he was returning home, carrymg his basket with a proud, dignified air, he met a doa against whom he evidently had an old enidge. He set his burden down care- fuUy on the walk then, giving a bark of chtAenge, started after his enemy on a dead run. A friend of his mistress, who witness- ed this proceeding, picked up the basket and carried it to its proper destination. MeanwhUe Don, having vanquished his foe returned to the spot where he had left his czes. On discovering that they had disap- ^red he ran around frantically trying to find them. Finding his effort vam, he sat down ana lifted up his voice ma howl of ammish. as visions of his mistress s whip, orltlaiit the loss of his dimer, crossea his mind. Suddenly he started for home at a brisk trot Sneakina out into the yard, he picked up an old, djscanfcd basket that h^y in one comer of the yard, and earned it in and deposited it at the feet of his mistress. He has been taught tiiat when be eoes to the grocery for any any article they So not happen to have, to return and give a JuSionSf sharp b«tks. This he proceed- STdo. as tf to 8»y. " They were out of eggs to-day.' Whenever I find myself covetous of some adngthati have not I can effect a byrecollecting what I have. cure 18 BETTESr IkaSaAwMH Ta CunM for oor 8nb Daid and popular woik. Dr. OOK E U)N DON GUARANTEE AND AGGIDEIITGO. (LO. OFUWOON. BIG. Capitel. £960.00(1. DominiqD GoTernment Deport, £S5,000. Haul Office 72 King St East, Toronto. G«atleinen of influence wanted in unrepteaented distriots. A. T. McCORD, Resident SetmUry (or the Dominion. MERIDEN BRITANNIA GO UANUFAGTUBE ONLY z"xziirzss!' Silver Plated Ware. Artistic Desiirns. combined witk Unequalled Durability and Finisli. HAMILTON ONT. â- d popular work. Dr. wwarowii "mmatr Our liistraoIKe^ aniiisiuif and 'Ponl-too^iiiiir tenpw- aiioe book. "FUtlOnn Bdioea." by ). B. Oon^ Our oomplete book of aNmons, Hai antoUoeraphy ot Sam P. Jones, «M(aahottak«leh oT ths Bte of Sam W. SmaU.aiidtate««rMsap«dalMiiBara. Ourbeautitnl book o( peatqr and UtantaM of an nraaaodall laada, entidsd "Goldea UMmghli on Mother. Bgura and Ueavoi.' "Our handkome nmilv Bibles, beautiful U- liiiitnitioDs; full cf useful ana helpcul matter for Bible study, baaides irood dear type and paper. Our tenua are Ubanl. Send for otrowars. WILUAX BRIGM». PubUaher, Voroato. Royal Dandelion Allan Line Royal Mai! iiteamsMpii Sailing during winter from Pore and every hursdib and Halifax every Saturday to Uverpool, and in sum mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, callin, at Londonderry to land msila and passengers fo' Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Hali- fax and 8t. John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnig^itly dui ing summer months. The steameraof the Qlasgof lines sail durlne- winter to and from Halifax, Portland Boetonand Philadelphia and during summer betweai Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow and Bostor weekly; and Glasgow and Philadelphia, fortnlg^tl} For Freight, passage, or other information apply V Jt Schumacher ft Co., Baltimore; 8. Cunaid k Oo. Halifax Shea Co., St Jchn's N. F., Wm. Thoniaoi ft Co., Sk John, N. B. Allan ft Co., Chicago Love t Alden, Nen York H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans Ra ft Co., Quebec Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia; B. A Allan Portland Boston Kontreal Coflfee. A Delicious and noniishiog Brevkfas' Beverage, con- tains a proportion of German L'aodelisn Root, which acts medicinally on the Liver and St«mach, purif vine the blood and inviaroratiog the syate m. Prepared only by ELLIS KEIGHLEY, TORONTO. BABY'S BIRTHDAY. t A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sent to any baby whose mother will send ns the names of two or more other batnes, and their parents' addresses Also a handsome Dia- mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and much valuable information. Wells, Rlebardsoa 4e C*m Montreal. 23 ADCUtlOC ST. (..TORONTO. AD classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' LeadSr Sings aiid Metal FoTQinire. ^eadior^pces. THE WHITE THRESHINC ENGINE OFLONDOK ONT FJUlit SUPPtYFcirlSS? t Are famous for their style, convenience, durability, and 'cheapness. Buy no other until yon see them. All the leading Carriage Builders sell them. Factory t m: lUng West, TORONTO. STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. i^The Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. a^Gresham's Automatic Re-starting Injector. i^T-klorrison's Automatic 'htFeed.j;,,,orteator: ^^^nylneers' Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISOJT* 75 77 Adelaide St. W., TCmONXO PEARL PEN AND PENCIL STAMP WITH NAME 50C Postage 6 Cts. Extra I bare a positive J emedj for t be above aineue brltsQSc tbonaands of caass o* th. worsi kiod au-l of I0D7 atauillnit bavo besn cured. ladced, 00 stroni; la my faltb la Itr tBciCT. that I wii Bend TWO BOTTIJS PIME, togath.? With a VALrjABLE TES^ "'SF. on thla diaeaia «c. i»r sidliirer. 9lve expreaa and P. t). addraaa. DB. T. A. SLOCUM, 3raccli0ffice,37 7onseSt,7orGBt^i WHEN CLOSED IS SIZE OF COMMON PENCIU TINGLEY STEWART WFQ CO. TOE-OISTTO, OaSTT. Please mention this Paper when writintr. Iiardine. Has never failed to taKe the highest awards where- ever exhibited. THIS SPLENDID MACHINE OIL It Has No Equal. Farmers, Tliresliers and MillmiBii Use No Other. This Oil keeps the Machinery in first-rate working order, thereby lessenins; the chances of accidents and breakdouns. To be had of all first-class dealers. Beware of imitations Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Harness, Bolt Cntting, Wool and Lard Oil, always in stock. SOLE IHANVFACTVRERS OF LARDINE. McCOLL BROS. CO., TORONTO. OUR LAST NOTICE In ibis paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Company was oi^anized) took place on Tuesday, the ISth April, when the following gratifying increaes were announced PREMIUM INCOME INCREASED FOR YEAR, 96,894. INTEREST AND RENTS, â-  â-  â-  13,029. ASSETS. $356,375. SURPLUS, 80,234. Were allocated as Profits to Policy Holders. Profits payable on and after May 1st. J. L MAGDONALD, Managing Director. $260,420 SLA.-VE 35TO EQTJ A T. FRIGES TO SUIT ALL DEALERS THE " BOYNTON," " HARRIS," "MAMMOTH,' " MONARCH." (( tt tt Send for Price List and lUastrated Catalogue. „ „ ETEETMBAOEDARABTEiD THE E. C. GUllMEY COMPANY, (LnriS), TORONTO, HAMILTON MONYREAL, AND WINNlPftQ .J • )i-^ h

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