red by ™«*»* 2 o'clock,, 'ere appcHoUJ 18 side line in, whatever lent for rd was appoint^ )r the croBswa, ^i â- T^« treasTnet •eceive from "W .31 moneypaid't,^ iiilo, con. 4. F^' iructed to not alio* be taken from iijg. rivate purposes aal i for public. use, f the taxes chari« ot9, con. 2, as he ID statute labor nstructed to reinii r Morrison $3, jj Heeves orders' treasurer to pay] David Martin, $2 id James Clagstoni^ e on 9th line atia of bridge on 18 ani iph Boyd, $5, build am Dales, §43, del:ne;Kodger]jowi ingbridgeandremov igercus to bridge. 15, to improve roi elly §25, to improve] Mr. Tapper, §2, raper George Viek^ '6 roa^ through Bwai $5, building oulvt J, Esq., §20, toimpr] liarles Hear, §3, or. Council adjonr 7, June 30th, inst. E DuNLop, Cle â-º-•»-« â€" •* »*»* *â- -**«-aww#wfiij mii mn â- • P »^ *« â- I M Wj ' i M l I â- ft; TA «3*- HEW TO THE LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." '^f^r^n yEAB.-Ko. 3a7. MAItKDAIiE, 0]^n?., JUIiY 7, 1887. C. W. RUTIiEDGE, Proprietor. fiMuilisr Hems. ;„ .h,..-e c^hirmif Mended to bcTiefit j;,5TicEs:' t ^. ^.,,.,, ,,.;;7 le charged ten ,,.^ the ,â- ?'•â- â- -? insertion and five -•!,« '""•' â- ' ;, .,,hti',nn;t insertion „ ._ __r^,.i.^.^sr,')dcnce, commnmea- â- '" ,,,,.â- â- -^^â- 'nU irc„ must be in this jEWltliKYSTOKE,- eonr bread or bis iuiluuDce through ]S u]-on the measure »y. i3ow important ,ppii3 jss u,nd future IcJssiiiK of good hei ousLi^uLiou are. we hau we lm,ve lost th to lale to repair .vith8Laudiu!» these fa H.vsous daily jeopav health, hue their h ,h and lives of otbei I es ill the preparation piuily and healthfnlni kuow uothnig. Peril Lve bjeu saved, or it re cu.jveuiout to ol ^•J, ;;iid the housetee iijMOil'.y aijil pcjosi w » Lie mischief lliat IViteifaiuilias m ijC;tl;ie!ie, tbe c'uilclr ihtii ;i]'))elJles,or I tnio cause is rarel lie -weather, the Jack 1- some other cause, iijwii(ile«ome,poisono iei.:ied fuod sees our. v.hieh should sound -wheftt and e, ilie yeast or linuishes the ri )f the greatest e two we prefer bal Iways use the Eoy V roiain the oj-jgi he ulieat, no fermeni :e. The action of t 'oYvder upon the dou ell it and form Uttl very part. These eel carbonic acid gas, whi the piocesi ofbakini made from pure gra: the action of this ar bouized bicarbonate ates the gas alluded to dients are so pare an' ;ed, tested and adapts that the action is niu' it, and is conti^u hole time of bafanffl of poisoDoas lugre^l t) undermine the b»al â- its, no sour bread. p» e followed, every articr weet and wholesome dlbe foiuvi the moBt complete stock â- fWatclies, Cio.Ii^, Jewelery, Silver- Kare. Spex, .vc, m this part of the ?al7an.l see tliOcO watches they are ,iIiDr at 612.00 bearing warrants i three f:-:;l ^-"^-^ 7^-3' "^^ile other hlersai-: u.^.-i;,-^ t.15.00 for the iaearticL. T. S. Bartlett, 8 oz. SB silver case fo.- ^10.00 while they sre selliii:: clf'.ov/jiare for $17.50. ither dealer-- cannot compete with and tlioy Iznovr it. We cannot ip them "'Leiug aunoyed at our table lo^v prlci's; we must give ke public ' the benefit of our close :ayiag- Miss Hitnt of Durham is spending two weeks in Markdale, and is the guest of iffti. W. Mason. SwiNToij Post Office, Grey County, has been changed to Swiriton Park Post Office. A. TuB«ER 4; Co., baye been making improvements in the appearaace of their DruK Store by an application of paint. John M. Davis is en the war path for Iambs, and is said to be paying good prices. Rev. Mr. Buggin will paeach a sermon to the Orange men in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening next at 7 o'clock^ Me. Geo. Steee of this village had new potatoes on the 1st July. He will please accept 'thanks for a basket of beauties left at our sanctum. Mb, W. H. Ashley, editor and pro- prietor of the Hanover Post, was marri- ed last week. He and Mrs. A. haye the best wishes of the Standard. IS* Just Mot9 a few prices. ifineNiekbllrrni Clock for actually [ily §2.00 ber.vmg a warrant for two ;tars. Your choice of over 20 fine slated chaits fov only $1.60; Just imkofit, Fi..:i wdnat clocks from pi5 upffah:. Breeches, Ear-Eings, liidies' ChuLu::. Cufi'-Buttons, Scarf- ?iS| at eo-adiy ^-^^ prices. Rememi cr if you vvant your Watch :rClock r :]..•; u properly by a work- 3511, KuEseli'g i:; fiie only place lill order; 1.1 Pi" •'I promptly at- '\::x ':.o at ri^ s :/ hivelry Store, y y, cittle fair. â- J Xaop.nee visiting her Rev. Me, "Waed gave his congregation a surprise last Sunday morning when aimounoed that lie bad resigned his charge of this parish, a5id intends leav- ing in a week or two- YouNG George Walxbr, who was belabored by Calaghan over two weeks ago has been in a precarious condition since but is now thought to be out of danger. A feather bed is decidedly injurious to sleep on in warm weather, but can be made both conifortable and whole- some by placing the straw inatress up- permost. "OuB Little Ones" for July is to hand promptly, and fully sustains its reputation as an excellent and desirable magazine foi children, $1.50 a year. Russell Publishing Co., Boston, Masis. Two droll looking chicks drove into town about dark tbe evening of Domin- ion Day in a butcher cart with an old umberella over them. Wonder who they were J The Summer Entrance Examinations were conducted in Markdale School on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday by Mr. Merchant, M. A. Principal of the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. We had a pleasent call yesterday from Mr. Adam Irving of Manitowaning on his way home from Toronto. W. L. Yomfo is off to Penetang, where he will join a party to spend their holi- days fishing, fowling and hunting in that district. Thos. Williscboft, agent for the Massey implements, machinery and repairs at Holland Centre, is a reliable man, and if you require a genuine article you cannot do better than deal with him. The Garden Party held at Mr. Rae's under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church on the evening of Dominion Day was an entire success, notwithstanding a passing thunder shower which brought out-door amusements to a hasty conclusion. Proceeds ^20.00. Rev. Me. Buggin preached two pra- ctical and impressive sermons last Sun- day in the Methodist Church, making a most favorable impression; indeed several who are competent judges, declared that the morning sermon has not been surpassed, if equalled in the new church. U'abershii ici;i;; pat inthe Thorn- Chnrch. r;Lr,3 of Manitowaning Lilpo R. T. of T. has a ct :::y. -^i tCTVB ^f- PcEIi I'-iiisholi and daughter this week. of iic:=u teacaer â- '^a^scB 'loud ay. went east iLiKL Ccnncil laeets on Saturday fet. 9th. iHEne^Q-^ee-a's Hotel â- â- about readv-f^. 3,t Dundalk ii cpeiiing. CHisTVExrjYisrozie to Toronto to "t'jiuer lu aie painting busineflS. ^^ Division Gran :. held their semi- ^^^lalmeetiHg iu Fic;.Lerton last Tuea kc"o ^^^""^^'GL'AM was home from .-Jo a few days aad returned on ^D TO THE POINT. •eadfid, Diaordered Uteri ;estion is » *oe to gc*' â- estive apparatne ia oo» itedand wonderfnlj^ is easy put out of ordflfi^ ugh food, sloppy io^- rorry, lata hoors, i" other things wbiob ow ade the hmeacaa. P«»P" xgnst Flower ^J^\ reforming this »a^J the Amerioan tl ay can enjoy *h#P lat Flower *»* the dy»p«P**«. *^ tie. 8«.«n«J-'W,*' 'tC! LEY Reynolds jcf White- ' â- •^- is spending a """ifeends in Markdale. l^^2l ^^^=SB is up from To- a few -w ^- Brown ^^g a few weeks with h^ '^osDay _,,,^ f'wasamelter and the' l*8sibieof!v'°^°^"*i«* were deeply I "J' tte fact. Wp^^i°^ESofMusTioka -nsitea »e4 ' *^'^- ^m. Cunningham last On our 4th page will be found a striking and uistructive illustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of bakmg powders now in the market. A Melancthon patron has been re- freshing the appetite of the editor of the Dnndalk Herald with green peas and new potatoes. We have received a copy of the Pro- vincial Exhibition prize list for 87 which will be held in Ottawa from the 19th to the 24th September. The editor of the Dundalk Herald, ' Mr. Newell, reports an increase in both his subscription Ust and job work in his first year at the helm, now closed- CoBEECTioN.â€" Last week we mention- ed three female residents having come to reside in town, but later developments have proved that two of them are male, and fine boys at that, viz :-I Stinson's and Jas. Miller's. It is not an uncommon occurence for a minister to be presented with a porse on leaving a circuit for a new field of labor, but last week Rev. E. E. Y^. i of Meaford, had his coat pocbet (which ixmgmthehaU) rifled of a parse of J81. THK Vandeleur senior base ^^J^ «rfjSfarkaale jmdors played a frendly atBeUsLakeonDomimon Day^m ®. ..^ i.i.» «««t«at is aaid to uaye " iforifl ^^^^°™ ^^^ ^is mark 'e^Boni^^'^P* when he leans â- "^^^oHNs showed us greeiilfcow*â„¢' vegetable garden thb j '^^i^taSa ^Aadb. thQ contest is „ _, ,^ suiting to a victory lo^ •"" WKh.a* friendly call last Monday T^lftiffat sieve of Glendg, on from Mr. I^at, «ee^_^ „.„{t«aiOaiu» hwtretningwnaP H« didn't r lf«I -I'i â- i::!l.. Oscar Wright spent a few days at home, and returiied to Toronto on Monday. He is making his mark in the city, having been twice promoted in a year in the fine Dry-Goods establish- ment of John Catto Co., King Street, and now has charge of the best counter in the store. A VERY successful S. S. pic-nic was held bv Walker's appointment School in Ewart's grove about five miles west of here on Dominion Day. A program consistmg of readings, recitations, sing.- ing, c., by the school was weU rendered, also speaking by Rev. A. Thibadeau, who occupied the chair. Dr. Halsted, Mr.A.G. Jansen and W. A. Brown. A collection was taken up for the School, amounting to $14. Depaeted Bliss.â€" We understand that J. H. BUss of the Traverston Mills, chose a "moonlight night for a ramble" having J unexpectedly dissapeared one bcLutiful night last week. Mr. B. has heen driying a ratthng business in the sawmill line, and if reports are true (and twe have good reason to believe they are) his mourners are legion, for unpaid accounts varying from small sums up into the hundreds. Now doth the giddy Touth arise, for gaudy clothes he measures, and forward looks with beammg eyes to one long round of pleasures. His day dream pictures twihght walks with one he'll ne'er forsake, he thinks of summer eve- ning talks whUe boating on the lake. He holds his pen while mankind snores and writes a charming sonnet to that bright maid|whom he adores, the giri;with the Gyi)sy bonnet. He asks that maid to be his wife, while they are playing tennis, and for the first time m his Ufe, he finds his name is Dennis. Dr. Jug's Medicine should be' used by every one at this season of the jear as it is the best blood purifier in the market and will reinvigorate the frame and prepare it to bear the heats of summer. The pills are justly called the "Little Gems" as they operate without causing either griping or pain and are a sure cure for nervous- ness, biUonsnesB and other affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Buy them and try them and yoa wopt re«ret yoTU iivestment. Sold by. Turner Co-., Markdale. The Tovm Line appointment Methodist Sabbath School Anniversary pic-nic was held at Wm. Hawkens Love on Wednesday the 29th, June when a good attendance was present and an enjoyable afternoon spent. A program was gone through consistmg rf mnsic, recitatipBS, addresses, 4c. Hr H Hamilton occupied the chaur, Meisr^Bev, A. Wilson, P.Lyons, and J Hawken, ST.. addressed the audience. Superintendent, Mr. Webster. aeser.* ,«dit for «e *^. «a»ool«h«HiiggoodoraBr and mterert FrooeedsiM* A very pleasant evening was spent at "Sutherland's" Presbyterian church, 10th Line, Holland, on Thursday evening last. The tables wereluxurantly snppUed with Strawberries, Ice-Cream, and Lemonade. Several speakers was in attendance and the whole aSair passed off enjoyably. business" LOCALS. Turnip Seed I Turnip Seed I At Stephen's Drug Store. 4 colors in sun specks at W. A. Brov\m's Jewelley store. If you want pure Paris Greien, go to Haskett Bro's. Paris green strictly pure, toJ|be had at Mabee's hardware. lr*ai*is GJ-reenpure at the Medical Hail, A. Turner Co. Fresh Fish. â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fresh fish twice a week. The cheapest scythes the largest stock and the best make (Oshawa) is at Haskett Bros. I'lirnip SSeed-S Fresh pure and true to name at the Medical Hall. A. Turner and Co. WiJOWN "THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER" -de;a.le5R in- A new Massey horse rake for sale very cheap for cash or short credit. Dan. Henderson, 7th hue, Euphrasia. In cutlery we have some very fine goods to choose from see them, at the sign of the cross cut. Lazarus, Moris, Pebble and Crystal lens, specks and eyeglasses at W. A. Brovfn's Jewellery store. Cigars! Cigars I lovers of a good Havana cigar \rill find that Benson has the finest cigar in tovm, sold by the box. Fine lathes tools and best Material used by W. A. Brown, the peoples watch- maker and Jeweller, Markdale. Anything you may want in the hard ware hue can be had at prices that give satisfaction, sohd full lines, *nd prices right, Mabee the hardware. Full hues in scythes, snaths, rakes forks and general haryest goods. The best make only, kept in stock at Mabee's hardware. All needing specks, bear in mind that W. A. Brownhas the only complete stock in Markdale, and that he has a practical knowledge of optically fitting them. Business is active and increasing at J. G. Ritchie's Woollen Mill, Markdale. Custom carding, weaving, fulling, dyeing clothdressing c., done on short notice and in a workmanlike majmer. A great number of self binders- are being purchased by farmers in this neighborhood the present season. The Watson Deering Binder is said to be the leading machine in the market. J. H. Carson, agent, Markdale. DISTEICTDOINGS. I A SYNOPSIS OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT DOINGS FROM OUR EXCHANGES PREPARED FOE STANDAED EEADEES. Fine Gold, Filled Gold, and Coin yilver Cases with Hampden, Colum- bus, Waitham and Elgin Movements, in Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Solid 18 k. Wedding Kings. Eoll Gold Chains, and Jewellery in large variety Beautiful -lines in Silverware for presentation purposes. I keep iu Jewellers lines the finest and most complete slock between Shelburne and Owen Sound do business for myself in my own name, and can be held to every warrant I sign. I don't quote prices on Watches "Not in Stcck,' and then tell a customer wanting a Bartlett at $16, "1 just sold the last one," I have P. S. Bartlett's, in stock at $17.50 less cashdis.jWarrant- ed 3 years. I expect to establish more fully every year of business life, on unquestioned reputation for Eeliability. Straight Dealing* Fine Work and Close Prices. 2 and 3 y@ars eovsrlng " ges. SS' A call to Price or Pur- chase respectfully solicited GEiS DES BEST QUALITY. WOEK FIES: CLASS. tlWHl MARKDALE. The teiumphant three. â€" ••During three years suffermg with dyspepsia I tried ahnost every known remedy but kept getting worse until I tried B. B, B. I had only used it three days when I felt better, three bottles completely cured me.' ' W. Nichols, of Kendol, Ont, The Advertiser printing office in OrangeviUe was burned on the 1st mst. The estimated loss to Mr. Kennedy the proprietor is $3,000 insured for $1,600. Get the best.â€" Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera morbus, dysentery, sick stomach, cramps cholic and cholera infantum that has yet been discovered. Its popularity ip indimmed by age. All medicine de- alers sell it. There are lots of people who mix their religion with business, but forget to stir it up well. The business mvari- ably rises to the top^. Br BmTMt RcifiDB MOW.â€" "My son aged 'deren, was coredof an eAptive huinor ihat coveted his head wd '«» Jf»*^ KPies. by two botaesrfBwtdodc Blocd *^^ and POto." teataes Ifai Mary rfTwtHope,.0||fc -sy.i P5 JO •^ i hi b 5 rtj 5S go -^ '2^:3 « t4 Q GO at S » o ;» o L o « 1» s 5* -ts fe « "5 S* a C!5 -5 ri nr b -^v'"JX^- .•Jtr i«**StiB."f f«J- ;-»*:? I.M' !h rtt 1 K t â- â- ^- ^ate-