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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 May 1887, p. 5

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 Door and Plain F^.. j idiinery, everything ler gecond to none in syery departmeut, I ?s Promptly Undressed Fancy Turning done. stance. iVlclVJEA.. f orge^. to call e Cross-Cut DASTOB E. is eqnal to Americari for irer s, and Toronto. ;0F e' INELfi. ision for the TownBhip I its first sitting for the Totrn HaU on. 8TH MAY- 1887 The Council mil meet at 2 o'clock p. m- ^^ â- :^ at once, to sell for ill Nurseries (largest » es) steadr employment ral commission or sslaij- icnded outfit furnished n can 3UCceed.Apply io^ ELLINGTOlf, Toronto, f^*- ven that the fire* «"' Revision of the Asee^" rash'.p of Euphrasia. » wiU be held at *« the said Township » ion DAY OF MAY. e hour of 10 o'clock A- ^%esberton. May 17th 1887. c â€"With your permission jiB 0^- gjjjjjii space in your f^^^ ""^LiaiQ a matter of some im' *^ to ourselves and breeders in "f "ihe pedigree of our Z, Time," has been found 'l^ecaase it Aoes not. \,ive the names of :^ are taken from, and others rStbatit ia no pedigree be- ' i5 to3 short, bk colt fault as some books the hei would ivke some one thM Imovs looce about it than we do to te «â-  flow such horses as thsae tlwt »» not and cannot be registred in any ^nai^ot. thy book are going to improTe our stock Is It pure blood that is want- ed. As we wish our customers to know exactly what they are breeding fcom we publish the following letter which will explain why "Just in Time" has not a no. in the G. B. I. R. B. as expected but it will be noticed that 1 this will re- ';::; who do not understand itj 3,^;" °A' ""'f" ' ^^^ ' fto bIt that wherever they find f'tLlf \V*°*^ "1*°^ ^^^ " ^° isb to saj i^"" J ^^1 horse bred in this country can receite iifflber marked, ^upposinj ri] it is taken from the 'Te'one^l] it is taken from the " S l^oo' ^^^ when marked B. I. S. B. goiiie I ;• taken from the Cr ' ^-i,en not marked m any way should " ,-4 on as very doubtful or stolen. mav wonder what we mean 15 stolen No. we mean just this; La horse is properly registered iJe's a certificate with his No. age lf(l.-scription on, and si^jned by the of the Association. There are a Inibcr of horses in the country of the neEiDie anc' similar description, it is aa easv matter for the owner lau nnrcgistred horse to steal a num- â-  from cue of the same name, and h-rus at a safe distance and very icjw'iaay pfi've the No: of vol, too, t this IS seUom done. Now to get a bottom of this by referring to the rent volumes means eonsidetaHe jable and expense, but as there is Iv one certificate issued for each no, dthe owner of the proper horse it, it is plain to see that the short- 2D'l cheapest way of testing the jr;e one intends a sing is to see the iirificate and if it is not at hand just a take a guarantee'with a penalty 30tless than |50.00 in case the ler failed to show a genuine certi- te of registration iu either the lau.idian, G. B. I. or American S. n\i (these are the only trustworthy 3I3 in the world) at a proper time. il uow to show that we mean what .«ay WG agree right here to pay â- ervpatron'of "Just in Time" $50. ire Cannot show a genuine certific- le of ro^istration for him iu the Book of Canada. a no. there. Bea.thi£ Je Bdsnett. Clydesdale Norse Society. G-EEAT BRITAIN and IRELAND 46 Gordon Street, Glasgow, April 1st 1887. Dkab sih. â€" I am favored with yours of 17th March, and am sorry to have to dissapointyou. but cannot give you a certificate such as you desire. You will require to enter "Just in Time" either m the American Clydesdale Stud Book, the secretary for which is Mr. C. F, Mills, Springfield, 111. or the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book the secretary for which is Mr. Henry Wade, Toronto, "Just in Time" can- not receive a number in the Scotch Stud Book unless it should be the case that altho. foaled in Canada his dam was put to the horse in this Country. There is nothing amiss with the pedigree of "Just in Time" the only difficulty is that we have a By- Law that no horse can be numbered in the Clydesdale Stud Book unless it be bred in the United Kingdom. Trusting this explanation will be satisfactory. I am yours faithfully, Abcs'd. Macheilaoe, Secretary. Messrs D. L. McGeachy, Castlemore Out. i.'ii sdalo y, Let the owner of every honest horse )tbid aiifl there will soon be an in- ,t taken in registered (not pedigrees ») horses that will corner every siiil on tlie road, and we venture to ay there has been more fraud in con- lection with the stallion business then pi- there was in all the shoddy cloth io!i ill the county.- In regard to pedigree being too kit we have only to say that we did tot think it necessary to trace him ;1; patit the numbered dam's as we ^tove him right from the start and ' un-numbred names do not look 'Jeil in tiie pedigree of a horse called tnra bred. Now sir we are glad to hear that borne are taking an intrest in pedigrees jifitis to criticise ours, and we don't jthink it will be out of place for us to me our opinion on the benefits of IbreediDg from regristred stock, es- Ipeciall? horses.- A great many has â- 'he idea that repreetration of their j' stock is something too far away to be worth bothering with;, well it hily requires four straight crosses to hnulifyafilly for regnstration, and aTeforafitallion, and is the extra I money payed for the use of a high wictd litallion not to some extent thrown away if there is not a record y of every cross. A five cent book is m that 18 required then take the '=!^eofijorge^ his no. no, of vol \T f '" ^^°' *^ ^ery little use with- I ""01.) and when mated for second JJ'^^s do the same and so on till 'Jinli IS reached and in a wonderful ^tor. time registered fillies will ^Qmoa thing here as well â„¢aces. Buts iatend be a as other lip posing a person never sorrexpects to raise stock elligible' ^^registration, it pays to keep a record id J1' '" ^^°^* *^™® ^^^'8 ^^'li ^e iorpi'^i'^^^'y ^oT^eeB here to brmg in oTi buyers and the Americans will Jj re as they are uow in' the older 'ki I ^f ' °f Ont, picking up every Poe" "^^^'y f°' breeding pur ij-e. aad^e thmk we are eafe in sav- £,Vtp 5- pay from ten to seventy Wi J ^^^^ ^^^^' according to num- croeseswhena straight record ,^„^ f en and there fa not an " class of horse 'ia; „ ,,. 38 in the world '4^nm^ better than heavy Can- ^^â- stS*^'".^ '.^ '^^^^' yery common "orses T*^®" ^^Sard *« imported 'iJatif' ^^^.^^^^i *o ^ave the idea %t w '"" sported he is _.. • ^«Rut-^^ f ^^ ^« 'l ^J^ong if not ^^Cl "" W^ i'eliele there ^^^dmon^'i^"^ey made by im- th^aT " "^!° '" ooontry than osafc o^^^^^y imported pure bred Speculators eo to the Old go ^^!^iu^ "P » lot of oheap ^*'*»f Zt^ ' *^^ the ample islee jj " ^^g ifflported seehres «normone profits. We ©WEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS ivf B. HARRISON, MANUFAOTUKEROP mRBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, ManUet, Furniture Marhlet Ac. JUST BEGEIYED Carioads Finest Variegated Marble _^ LaTKest stock lu the Dominion to X our OftTTO'fcS "MTfl.'P f^Al p 1 select from. Personally selected at the qoar and Turnip Seeds, we have the best variety in the market. BE- MEMBER Our Seeds are ries in Vermont, ViIl be sold at prices which defy competition. SMTISFACTIOM GUARANTEED. N„B. â€" Beware of Monnments and Head- Btonfes of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and dUed and Sandblasted to hide the imperiections, and called White Bronze. H.B. HARBISON HEAD PARTERS -FOR- Book8 stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c, Toronto St next Door to the Mansion House, Markda/e. Oil Cake! Oil Cake! â€" OIL 9 -A.rr- â- â€¢fir: i •iig^i.v.'*»""'i;;*- :..-iKi â- ::trfr^:-UAA^P^^^'" .a» iasnll A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since comnaencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring AVAL.L. JPAI»JER,!S would consult their own interest by ex- amining bis stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Koll. Sunday Schools requiring I Liberary Books mil find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. li^Pi^ote tlie lact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get ^em unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationery, ;c.,always on band, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS, Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish^ mgFuces. IS'NOTE THE ADDRESS, Am Oinsmox'e. Iw Talor. TVill Stoddart, 4ate of England and Jersy City, U- S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdalb and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully your's, WILD STODDART. Markdale. March 14th, 1887. kSeieralFmSk THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general bupply of aH kinds of provisions such as :â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL, GOBNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASfi SEED, OATB, BBAN, SHORTS, CHOPP. SCREiiNINGS. also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS, BAOON, LABD, c., in fact «vwything people wantin isline.' Shop one door -wwt of Joe Lamb's Bladumiih. â- hop.-j BcdioitiB^ a ghaMOf^pnUie patomiag* I Sleohen s EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKERi FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. I I' A. Splendid Hearse tor hire at moderate rates. DEUG STOBE. Your's iiespectfnily, R.L.Stephen. â€"All kinds of â€" In Stock at bottom prices, FRAMING Done ou short notice, BOBT. ASKIN. PICTURE In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in whiehl have done buuness in Markdale, and soliciting a con* tinuanoeof the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office; where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, Ri S. iRAE) Markdale Stock Tail S-^X. At the Toronto House, IMEarkdale. SLAUGHTER PRIES Wm. Brown. WM. BREADNER. C arpender and B uilder GEORGE St„ MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the Tillage or coimtry. Call early before the rush comes. 339-52 CARDtOFITHAMS. In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I havf^ much pleasure m being still able to. supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz. The Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The Watson Deering Bindfer. The Watson Improved Lira Reaper The New Humming Mower. The Hummipg- bird ilfower. The Watbon Daisy Rake. The Mann Champion Rake. The ToJten Pea Harvester. â-  The Mann Broad-east Seeder and Harrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill. Colter Scott, Oehawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Root Cutters, Grain Crushers. Fanning mills. Land RoUcrH. Agent for the Watersou's Go's Machinery and Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagon s Buggies, Democrats, and everv implement a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anythmg in above lines will find it to their advantage to call at my new implement house opposite R, McNally's Carriage works, where Mr, R, Robert- sou will be pleased to wait on customers in my absence. J. H. CARSON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. g flitDiiN mm R, R, .-TIMETABLE. â€" IVf a,i*l£dale Statioixâ€" Going South- Gomo NoKTH, 6.47 a. m, 12.0' p. m. 3.52 p. ni. 'i i v\. BE SURE GET YOUR â€" 7B0H â€" iV MARKDALE, He makes as good a pump as there is in- the .market, and at the io-xesfe -posible prieeSj^ 'besides it is eo' ecu- venieat for gettiDg repairs ibesides :when bnviiKr from a distance. :Ha«e some style abort yftn and isarport home enterprise by briving â- frpn? .-(^uin^y--;.. .,,„., ,^ ^.,(^^ ^^ ^- THE KEY TO JflEALTH. Unlodcs all the elogeed avenues of the Bmrala, KidnsFS aiu liver, carrying off padnalty without wea keni ng the sjrstem, all the impunties and foul humors of the ueietions at the same time OociectillS Addi^ of fhe Stomadi, cuing Kh- ntiiuont. Thrspnjwris Headaches, Dig- linnm aukwaxn, Constipation, Dfeynstf of the Skin, Dropnr. Dim- uses irfTliloa. JaimdieJbut Bhenm. Biynalai» SeioAila. Flattering of «he HMrt. VsrvonsBsii and GenenU, SeMBtar :alith and many odier suu- fair Ceinituatt vidd to tlie h appy infl nence •r^KDOGKJLOaD: -f.,7. :i^-S4: Me; For sale hy all dealen. !:i m •-v»*j.-"' â- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^if^^

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