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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 26 May 1887, p. 4

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 w-Am hi' â- m .1 â- ; • u C. "W." Butledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, MAY. 26. TsStT THE QUEEN'S BIKTHDj^Y. The annual celebration has come and Rone, being now a thing of the past. In Markdale a long list of games and sports were gone throagh without any casuality more than what IB common. The Calithumpians put in an appearance about 11 o'clock but gave a rather tame exhibition. The Brass Band did excellent service and were hberal in their efforts as well as successful in adding largely to the interest and enjoyment of the day. One of the chief attrrctionc was the match between Owen Sound, Base Ball Club and the Markdale Club, which resulted in a victory for the former. "We are unable to procure a list of the prizes awarded this week but will giye them next. BAZAA3. The Bazaar under the auspices of the ijadies' Aid of the Methodist Church, held in G. S. Bowes' oflBce, Mill Street, was well patronized, and toe stock was not only fancy and arranged to good advantage for in- spection, but was made up of useful articles which sold readily. The •refreshment table also did a thriving basiuesa realizingtogethernearly $40. CONCEBT. The Concert in the evening was one of the best yet given by this Society. -There was a full house and an appreciative audience. Dr. Sproule, M. P., occupied the chair with usual ease and dignity â€" the Dr. makes a capital chairman. The program was well rendered throughout, provoking various vigorousjenchores, the follow- ing taking part The Choir, Miss Mary Large, Mr. Chambers, Mrs. Fox of To- ronto, W. A. Brown, Miss Lyops, Misa Christoe, W. J. Benson, Miss Arm- strong. Want of time and space eom- pels brevity, though many of those taking part richly deserve a better notice. Proceeds of Bazaar and Concert $80.91. 000 for the ctMresponding period last year. It ia estimated that the receipts for the whtde fiscal year ending Jane SOth will be about $870,000,000. After paying all the expences of Government, all the intrest of the national debts, and all the legal re- quirements, for the liquidation of the debt, there will still be a surplus of about $100,000,000. Hitherto the surplus revenue has been used to pay off the issues of the debt as they ex- pired, but by June 80 all the debt thenfaccured will have been paid, and none will fall due for four years. It has been suggested that the bonds will fall due in 1891. amounting to only $250,000,000, might be purchas- ed now at a premium, but as the holders would probably demand from 10 to 15 per cent., this plan does not meet with much favour. What then is to be done with the surplus of $100,000,000 a year? It is a sad thing to have so much money as to be puzzled what to do with it all. A JUBILEE ODE. EDITOEIAL NOTES. â€" Mr. C. F. Smithers President of the Bank of Montreal, died last Friday aged sixty-five years. â€" k. Montreal firm have already en- gaged two hundred hands for the manufacture of the finer kinds of paper, as a result of the new duty on the foreign manufactured articles. â€" It is understood Messrs. Glad- stono and Pamell haye decided not to prolong the fight against tne Crimes bill beyond the present session. The measure then will become law. â€" During the coming summer the Canadian Pacific Railway Company will expend from a million and a half to two milUou dollars on the liocky Mountain section of the road in con- structing additional snowsheds and nihor impiovemeuts to prevent inter- ruption to the traffic in the winter 83ason. Old England calls upon her sons To honor Englands Queen Her sons respond, and daughters, too To keep her iremory green, With loyal hearts and ready hands The Empire's children stand. Prepared to do?â€" prepared to die For Queen and Native Land. For fifty years our country's flag Hath born o'er earth and main [ed, The name of Empress, Queen bolov- With neither spot nor stain Long may it bear Victoria's name. Long o'er us may she reign, And for our Empire broad and grand May she new honor gain Upon our Queen, our country, flag God's blessing eyer rest, With peace and plenty eyerywhere Her people's home be blest 1 God save the Queen, her people pray From hearts sincere and free God save our loved Victoria. And crown her Jubilee 1 "I teU you it's a erand thing to haye a girl who knows enough to warn a fellow of danger," said a musician at a httlecompany the other evening. "Have you got a sweetheart who gdoes that ' inquired one of the company. "Yes, indeed," replied the L. M., "my Julia's father and mother were laying for me the other night, and when Julia heard my tap at the window what do you think that girl did " "Can't think," was the chorus. "She just sat down to the piano and sang the inside out of "Old folks at home." You can just bet I didn' call that evening. Fleslierton. â€" Lord Lome wants the Queen's title changed so as to make it appear liiat the Queen of England is also the Queen of Canada' It is not likely Canadians will ever foi^et that :ii9y are subjects of Her Gracious -Majesty. If they did forget the fact, wo are afraid that the proposed amend- ment to her title would not serve to revive the memory. But it would be n step towards the acknowledgment of Gina.'ia's rights and duties as part of the empire. â€" Our neighbors across the line arc Buzzied to know what to do with -their surplus reyenua^jnThe Secretary of tbe Treasurer has aauoaiiced that for tho ten months widing May 1 fit, the r.-ceipts of the Governmeat were $302,- 000,000. as compared with $275,0CO, ' DiSTBICT MEETING KOTES â€" FlBSHEBTON TO HAVE A P1.EASUBE PABX, JUBILEB GIFT OE HER FOUNDEBâ€" EXTENSION AND BEAU- .TIFYINO OF GeMETEBY OBOUNDS â€" Woolen MtLLS. â€" From OUT own correspondent The annual district meeting of the Mark' dale district was held in the Methodist church here on Tuesday and Wednesday the 17th and 18th lust. The Bev. Geo. H. Cornish chairman of District presiding in a very happy and efficient manner. At all sessions there was a good attendance of^ministers and representative laymen. A Sabbath School Convention was held on the afternoon of each day when very in- teresting addresses were delivered, many of OUT towns people embraced the opportunity of being present at these meetings and ex- pressed themselves as^delightfol with what they saw and heard. The fair attendance of the pnblic at the varions services and especially at the even- ing meetings, and the hospitable manner in which the delegates were|entertained testified abundantly to the wisdom of selecting Flesh- reton as the place of meeting. The afternoon and evening meetinga- trf Sabbotb BchA^-i convention on Tuesday were svidentiy much appreciated â€" Bev. Mr. Mahood from the old accrostic "watch" made his address very in- teresting for the Sabbath School children. Next followed Ber. Mr. Shaw who was call- ed upon to fill Bey. E. I. Hosking's place, he being Tmavoidably absent, altho having no time for special preparations Mr. Sbaw de- livered a very inteiesting address â€" At the evening meeting stirring addresses admirable in tone and matter were delivered by Bev. Dr. Strongman 'The relation of the S. School to the church," Bev. W. Ayers, "The aim and results of Sabbath school teaching." Bev. G. H. Cdniish "Essentials of a snccessfol Sabbath S;3hool teacher." all these addresses were in- structive and edifying. The church choir re- ndered seveial choice selections during the evening. Un Wednesday evening the Bev. Mr. Irwin of Cobuig CoUege preached a trial sermon selecting for |his text, "Then this Daniel wa prefeixed above the presidents and princes because an ezcelleat spirit was in Jiim" Daniel 6â€" 3â€" his dieconrse was in- terutituig and listened to with close attention. The School Site question in this village is at length settled '|to the satiaiaodon of all concerned pen.ling as it hail brcn, nwi^jting W. K. Plesliet's girival liouio, llliof .day after his zatozn ha oomiMiioedto invesUg^ an^ infram Iiinwelf of tbswmtsitf tbe section in felecting of Sobool site. With his fiiesenoe and kind iso-oporstion the tnuteea had no diffienl^ in agreeing on bounds of site fer dcnr building and pli^ ground and the selection was submitted to the rate papers at a public meeting on Satur- day last and approved of. The grounds covers nearly two acres and ifl pronounced by Mr. Campbell the School Inspector the the finest building site and {day grounds in his insnectiorate. The price agreed upon was very moderate Mr. Flesher practically leavingit with the rate payers to say what tLey thought it was worth and accepted tiie lowest estimate, in addition, at the seme time and meeting he voluntarily offered and presented to the Village the' beautiful^ price of high land south West of the schot* site for a pleasure ground or Park for the use of the Village a free gift of about two acres of the prettiest price 6t land in this neighbour- hood â€" ^Visitors who witnessed the sham fight here last Dominion day will recollect the picturesque groundrover which the Bed coats advanced when attacking the plumed and pamted warcimti. .who to^ belter in the bush on the opposite of AeEiver â€" The new park is now dedicated for the recreation of youth and age, in prepetoity and will add much to tho attractions Of this natural beautiful locality. T he view from the high part of the ground is magnificent. On the opposite or south side of our town the cem- etery ground has been enlarged surveyed into plots and otherwise improved and beautified and has a fair prospect of yet becoming the most^ beautifol cemetery| in the county of Grey. There is quite a boom in building lots here the spring. Considerable has been invested and several lots changed hands within the last few weeks. W. H. Flesher has again leased the Flesher- ton Woolen Mills and intends entering ex- tensively ^carding spring weaving and all kinds of manufacture oi Canadian Wools. Mr. N. Campbell has been engaged to superintend the manufacturing departiaent while Mr. Flesher will take charge of the office and attendjto the wants and orders of his customers. *: B., MoN AJLLY -.^Would hereby winoaiice to the of Markdale and the public generally ^at I have moved into myBewc^j^ shop opposite the Markdale Eoase, where I will manufacture e\ery ajJ in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the and by using first class material, I can guarantee satifactiou to wno will favor me with their order. :, bnsine*! Re pairing, fainting and Tnmming promptly attende d to, I also make a first class Htone Machine which will lift the stone it to any desired place and leave in position on the fence. A call respectfully solicited, ii. M:cIV^^LL"y, Proprietor I MjiOff^KDALE M d DOOR FA Jflaxwell. From our own Gorrespondent. Seeding operations nearly over. The diy weather ended in a very heavy thunder shower on Monday The laia was greatly needed. Tree planting has had many vataries this spring, a move in the right direction. Miss Gamey spent a few holidays at home. Mr. Vm. Beid, idso is home from Toronto. We are ^d to |see that Mr. Bcheniman Mr. Saigeon anol Mrs. W. J. Wright, who were ill for so long, are recovering from then: illness. Mr. James Buckingham's brick house is rapidly being built. Messra. B. and C. P. Heron having charge of the work We hear that Mt Ai Browmidge is also contemplating the erection of a brick house. Suocess to these movements. Mr. Willie Long who has been absent from home since last December arrived holme a few days ago. Having been sick he is not very strong but we are glad to see he is im- proving rapidly. The injuries caused by the shooting accident in our village a few weeks ago, are now healed and both parties are able to resume work. Mr. Wm. Grey has invested in bees. Mr. Bobert Heron followed suit. We wish success to them in their ventunf. Fk-N ic's for the 24th are the order of the day. News tells ns that our esteemed merchant is the recipient of a present called a daughter. We hear that Mr. Buckingham's bams were burned this week. 43«ncemiBs te Sex of Satan. There is a young woman teaching in one of the city schools who, if lier power of persuasion equals her zeal, will work discord among the sexes, annihilate matrimonial projects mid- produce a decidedly "bearish" .o^tecfeQn tj^e man. market^ nfahe wer^,a dominie at Afido-rar abe s)ironl|| im ()n^eialfor heresy w{tiina'-Week. k fewidays^:^ one of her pnpils, a shu£9ing and droning school- boy, undertook tbe hercolean labour of parsing this sentence â€" "And the deyil shall bechained for a thousand years." The outlook was that his satanic maj- esty's entanglement would begin before the parsing ended. But the boy finally got the devil where no doubt all the listening class and the norrons teacher devoutly wished him. "Da-a-v'l," he drawled, "is a naoon pro-opex naonn; third person; sing'l'ernmnber, common gen " '^tqpl" screamed the litfie Bchoolniaam, ♦'mamwitine! Always mas online.^ [Syracuse Jooxnal. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fad tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everytliiinl being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, MoflMings, Hollow FRAMES, LATH, FEHCE PICKETS, lie.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneinl Canada, and baying engaged superior mechanics m eyery departmeut, I| â- would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly I PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed! Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on band. Plain and Fancy Turning dose Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 308 THO®. ]\lc]VEA. IMFOHTAN «»t»* f TO all users of Machine Oils, don't forget to calll on E. S. MABEE, Sign of the Cross-Cutl Saw, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOE E. OIL, it is unequalled by any. The Arora Water White Oil Smer^fal brillance of Ught. Empire Oil Co., Refiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 London and TopontoJ Church Notes. Rev. Mr. Cornish leaves this week for Gait to attend Conference. The station- ingr committee meet to-morrow (Friday) and the Conference proper next Wednes- day. W. A. Brown is the lay delegate from Markdale Circuit. The song service in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening was highly appreciated. TheChoir deserve great credit for their onerous and successful efforts in supplying the pubUc services with appropriate music: The leader, Mr. Bowes, and organist, Mrs. Hill, erpecial- ly dseerve the gratitude and support of the congregation for their indefatigable efforts. ' Bev. Mr. Hosking will fill Mr. Cornish's pulpit next Sunday morning and Alex. Irwin, son of the late Eev. Wm. Irwin in the evening. COURT OF_REMOI,| TOWNSHIPGF 6LENELG. The Court of Bevision for the Townshifl of Glenelg, will hold its first sitting for the! currant year at the Town Hall on. SATURDAY, 28TH MAY- 1887 at 10 o'clock a. m. The Council will meE for general business at 2 o'clock p. m. tit same day. J. S. BLACK, Township Clerl Glenelg, 12th Mav, 1887. 349-8' WE WANT ^ASALBALlVl SOOTHmO, CLEARSIRO, HEAURO. icCiorea CATARBit 1 A A GOOD MEN at once, to sell H IXjyj the Fonthill Nurseries (largest u Canada over 465 acres) steady emplovmc I and no lost time, liberal commission or salsij' r best advantages splended outfit furniBhs I free; any pu8hing|man can snccced.Appl.T f«fj tenns to, BTONB WELLINGTON, ' • Toronto, Ofl" I HAY FEVER.' BOH Kaul pauagaa ia« to tbs thtoataod Seat COURT OF REYI TOWNSHIP OF EASY TO USE. •zceistr* expeeluniUoa esiueilqrCitenfa. |»»-pU«Breceipt0r iniM, QOe. andfir AddtMa t«™^' FRIDAY, 27TH NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the first "^^ inp, of the Court of Revision of the Asses ment BoU of the Township of Euphrasia. ' the County df Grev, wiU be held at ^^ ' ' Hall, of the said Township ""on MAY. A. Off Wobk.â€" "For two years I was not «J[}lo to week, htmg tronbled with dyspepsia. One betti^of^uidock Blood i «^ « «"^- Bitters ndievad me; tttteftbotttoscottd 'i^J^SS" me as weU as ever." Jo^ A^Baweli. I fSTttSS' of FanaaerBvifl^ Leeds Cl9i, o»t Notiee 18 faexebj Riven that any person j or personiicHuid tnspssnng «• fishh^ on the »nMofth«tindeiWgnadiTaibe nroseonted •wsorting to Imr witboat^fartiber Botioe. Signed:â€" '" Wm3.TMb«ktoim. !tho..Bwdy ^w*rd Brady, JamwiBn^, J^Bwdy. Wm.Mc^Mheaa ««mSfaonB. AK- :j. Geo. BibhardBon ji^ii?: •^7;ii-George:i|cS^IJy, •v.^*=«*^. JhHBesBi^iscn. aostfo f:«d«Boll*."" " DAY OF next, beginning at the hour of 10 o'eloc* M EOBEETDnSW\ Tp. ei^*' Clerk'a office Euphrasia, April 30th A- 1887. :l Dr3- Sproule Btoi»^^ SITBGEONS,-' Jidm^hb^ or/.l • '•o^tJiw '21^3 ndi ^liAtiM â- m\h,ii\iauij '^: â€" r-PBTBIGHAMS and I Wsraouuc's offioe Turner's Vm ^^ f. '^D«. Bbooo'b offioe Mathow til A 1 i 1 block. •'iivs,nen!it hni: '^^^*^^fc=.=

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