i-^jfi If â- 'a :mi ' i r i' •^•-•••â- •^^^tw^P' â- ^ taWpi«iHp«M*M«MM^^^-^^ ' s; • -J. .* â- v..r.. ..nO (marSMd^ ^tan^at^ O. "W. Batledge, Proprietor. MABKDALE, MAY. 19. 1887. EDITOBIAL NOTES. â€" An English member ol Parlia ment advocates the establishment of a penny postage. â€" The Canadian Pacific has about completed arrangements fur a through connection with Chicago via the Canada Southern and the Wabash. â€"At Monday's meeting of the Mon- treal City 'ouncil the site requested by Sir. George Stephen and Sir. Donald Smith for the Koyal Victoria hospital, was granted. It is expected that building operations will be com- menced without delay. â€" The Enghsh mint is hard at work on the new coinage to be issued on June 22. A very fine profile of fin elderly queen, modelled by Mr. Bcelim will be used, with varying crowns for the several coins. â€" The New York Sun has a plan devised for the capture of Canada in 6!ie event, of relations continuing "strained," and says that there is in consequence no use in ta,lking about Commercial Union. â€"A great conflagration occurred in Quebec on Saturday, destroying the entire block bounded by St. Koch, King, Queen and St. Dominique streets- The loss is estimated at §125,000. â€" A company with a capital of five million dollars was organized this week in Kingston by New York cap- italists for the development of the iron mines along the Kingston and Pembroke railway. J.J. C. Abbott, Mayor of Montreal has been appointed Senator he left I\[o!itreal on Saturday evening last for Toronto, where he was sworn in as a member of tho Privy Council by the Governor -General, and assumed his duties in tiie Senate on Tuesday. About 15,000 people asseftibled in the Queen's Park, Toronto on Satur- day afternoon at the public meeting Ciilled to protest against Mr. Wra. O Brieu's mission. Eesolutions to that etfac" and also expressing coa- tidence in the Parliament of the United Kingdom for a wise and just settlement of all questions relating to Ii-eiaiid were carried almost un- airlmously. â€" Great Britain has had to take ovi'i- Zuln!;n.id after all. British pponli^, attracted by the gold discover- ies, iiave been flocking into the Ti-ausvaal at such a rate that that ti^-iitoiy also is becoming British by tuero colnuization. Tiie territory lieli tho British {.loverntuent riKhtlv Fnmmtr own c«nutp»Mii«nt 'â- John StafEord of tins place has formed life partaecabip mth Sarah Mariah Lantom, of ./^meeia, and intends going to the United States. John is one of oar best citizens. Fall Wheat is looking very nicely. Seedmg is nearly tbroagh. Parties owning land on the flats of Beaver Kiver ate applying for money under the Ontario Drainage Act for to clean out the Biver. This will be a good work if properly done as there is over 2,000 acres of the best land in Ontario in the flats. I notice in your last paper that at the meeting of the officers of County Institutes held in Toronto, D.lt. Ellis of Kimberley shewed his good judge- ment by seconding a resolution in favor of Beciprocity with the United States. I am sorry T. Kells, of Vandeleur was opposed to that. His argument against it was that there was two much British Blood in him. Mr. Kells is mistaken as to the kind of blood that bothers him, abBritains want free trade or Beciprocity with the world. Next time we send Mr. Kells on such business we will have to bleed him some. The Crooks Act Commissioners did not give Mr. Condy a licensQ this year. 1 believe it was a mistake. Mr. Condy will keep a Temperance House. Fishing is the order of the day. The boys from Meaford and Thorn- bury visit us often. BE ON YOUK GUAED Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be fiuredfor 25c. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applicj,tion3 cure insipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh 1 to 6 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure. Sold by all druggists. 3S3-83 l^alter'ii Falls. w i-eiusoa to t;ik at the point of the iuiyonet is appearautly adding itself to the British emuiie. TJsKFUL TO Know.â€" Mrs. John Siddell. of Orton, Ont., was afiiicted for years with contraction of the broacial pijies aucl tightness of the chest. She Tras ciivocl by the internal ajid external nse of Hagyards Yellow Oil. This remedv cures rheumatism, neuralgia, inflam- luatioa. concjestioD, and all external atd internal pains. JTIcatord Road. ]Milk drawing started last Monday iiiorning. Arbor day was duly kept by the tr acher and pupils of tiie school. "Seeas v-ere sown and trees planted, The Trustees should put un the fence and frates it would be quite an impryjve- meiit. " Mr. W. Buchanan Jr. lost one of bis horses last week. Cause, inflama- tioQ. William Gilhertpotone of his bands badly cut last Saturday while working in the Eclipse steam saw mill, lie was cutting slabs with a butting saw Drs. Brodie and ;McCulloug!i who dressed tlie wouud had to amputate part of one of the fiiigerp. David Jolinston got oae of his cowa front leg broken last Son^y inoming Haadohe, BUignsaess, Dyspepsia and by heiog chased over a jjair of bare hr\ I»^^soatioaralle^ aid aijroa at oiu» ^dce. by Dr. Careen's Stoiiiach JJittMs. -Try 1 it. Saaplefcee. ^^w' From our own correspondent. Spring, gentle Spring You're a deuced good thing. Bat there. I will not proceed in the attempt to prepetrate a rhyme on the season, for not being in the habit of invoking the muses, ' and actuated besides, by a wholesome dread of the hapless fate (total extinction by the Editor) of the ordinary spring Bard, you will not be annoyed with any rhapsodies of mine but simply the endeavor to give a truthful record, of good solid, prosaic, practical, mkterial prosperity, as exemplified here, that will likely be welcomed by local residents and may even inter- est outsiders. A perfect building mania seems to haye broken out here, wonder is it catching, for the air is thick with con- templated buildings, what will be the upshot is hard to say, perhaps be the means cf inducing |the influx of vast multitudes from various quarters, to become permanent residents, and in due time there will follow inavitably, the vices and misery, ever attendant on creat centres of population, I for (me, would like to raise my voice to the effect that this passion lor building be kept under proper control, in view of the probable deploiablc results. Mr. John fiobert Wickham, ex- school Teacher, and now partner of Dr. McLellan in the general sore goods business has nut up a handsome residence ol veneered brick the first Ol the kind in this placj and which he now occupies. Doctor McCulloogh, and Mr. Robert ClHrk. proprietor of the famous Roller Mill's have both commenced building spacious residences, Mr. Thomas Campbell has also be- gan to build on his lot, which is con- veiuant to tne river. Mr. Richard Olmsted, last fall put up a large lumber shed 110 feet in length, which was completed -last week. j Mr. David Brown, of the Woolen Mill's, having taken a partner in tbs business, Mr. George King, they have resolved to put in additional machin- ery, and will be prepared to do a r'lshing business in the coming season. Mr. Wm. Shepberdson the very popular auctioneer, and who has been mainly instrumental, in procuring for osjche est-ablishment of Monthly Fairs, has tlnught proper to settle amongst us, which will certainly be a valuable acquisition to the place, he has already pot up a fine stable, and also an en- closure for his celebrated horBe. A Foot-ball Clnb has been organiz ed here, and play commenced last week, and eveiy evening on the village green, can be witnessed, the inspiriting sight, and sounds of both rnou Bud boys, vigcursly engaged iu that m6t eseitutg of atbletic pastunes. GbMM^^eratioxiB commenced m ibe FlMbeiten Gbeea* VaeiMry «n Monday last Thie CMfeoiy r opened this sesBon witti the latvest jpatron^e eyet before sabscribed 90pa^obs have already placed tlieir names npon (he roU. The facilities for macnfoctare is much ahead of any former year. In additioa to the old factory/ Mr. Stewart has already almost complet- ed a commoidous. earing store room 24x86 which makes it now one of the best equipped Cheese factories in this part of the Province. « â- â- « â€" â€" 'â- |aeer Courtiag. ••Saints, sinners and the Beeeher family' has been printed as the remark of the late venerable Dr. Todd of Pittsfield, Mass. Possibly the following anecdote of the father, which I have from his eldett son, the Rev Villiam H. l^eecher may illustrate the peculiarities of his family The old gentle, man had lost his second or, third wife, and was resolved to marry again. Hence at a family gathering in Cincinnati he said 'My chMren, hitherto I have married altogether to suit myself, but now I intend to marry again and am willing to marry to suit you if you can think of any suitable, and proper person who will have me." The children put their heads together and concluded that a certain Mrs. Jackson who kept a large board- ing house in Boston, and was a member of Ed- ward's church, would make him a capital wife and it was arranged for the Rev, Edward to negotiate with Mrs. Jackson. After waiting a week or so the old gentleman became im- patient and started for Boston, driving to Mrs. Jackson's house, called for her, and unfolded at oace the object of his mission. The good lady was thunderstruck, protested that she had no idea of Marrying, and couldn't think of such a thing â€" it was im- possible. To all of which the old doctor re- pHed that he was equally surprised. The arrangement had been made in Cincinnati. Edward was to prepare the way, and he had made his arrangements to preach in Andover and Amlierst and to attend the May anniver- saries, and expected, of course, to take her with him as his wife. At this point the good lady expressed herself as shocking that Ed- ward had never spoken to her on the sub' ject nor would it have made any difference if he had, |for, as to marrying again, she could not and would not â€" not even the vener- able and celebrated Dr. lyman Beeeher After a moment's pause the doctor said: â€" "My dear Mrs. Jackson, I am son y you have so much feeling about it but I will stay a day or two, and we will ta k this matter up, ' to which the lady responded that her house was full, she had no suitable room for him and could not entertain him. "Oh, never inind, then^ "said the doctor, • I will go rouud to Edward's and come' and take tea with you." And, sure enough, at tea time he was there and sat next to Mrs- Jack- son t the table. It was one of those large boarding-houses on Bacon street at which the lady of the house presided as a sort of matron, and to the tea table of which the boarders kept coming and going for two cr three hours. Of course the old doctor be- came impatient, and kept whispering to Mrs. Jackson :â€" "I want to see you alone 1" "I must see you alone 1" "Can't you see me alone " At length Mrs. Jackson left the table with him, and then went jo a room by themselves. What then occurred God only knows, bat the family story is that the good lady protested, expressed her amazement, and even said: "\ou must be crazy; the subject is too serious and solmn to be thought of without prayer to God." "Have you rot prayed about it " taid the doctor. "Prayed about it? No," said Mis. Jackson; "have not thought of such a thing," "liet us pray,' was the solemn response of Beed^er and they knelt down and prayed. Of com'se the Al- mighty was argued with what a good wife Mrs.jJacksonjwoul^make him, what a blessing it would be to her how much good she would d6 in the holy cause what a disappointment if she did not marry him. Then observing her to be in a melting mood, he reached out his hand, took hold of her -^ and said, "Amen," Yes, and Amen it was. The grand boarding house was broken up to the surprise of all Boston, ani Mrs. Jackson be- came Mrs. Lyman Beeeher, making him a "capital wife" indeed. â€" fClerdaad Plain- dealer. ^T t^y f' y^ ENJOY LIFE. What a truelv bosatif ol; world we live in I Nature gives us grandeur of Mountaum, glen' and oceans, and thousands o mraQR«fcn{oy ment. We can.desire no bettei when in per- fect health bat how often do the majorify o f people feel like giving it i^ disheartened, discooraginf! and worn ojjit with ^tieaeesi when there is no oooasion fvw dii»ieeling, as eveiv snffere r can easSy li*«ia astisfabtniy proof \ha,iGreen^» kugvtt Fiuker' 'yiUi. make them free from disease, as when bom. ~Ifi«« ipcpsia and Liver Com^lKnt'sie the direct causes of seveBty five -^r; eent, of sacli maladies as BtIioasness,"^i^gegtipn, Sick* Headache, Ci-stivenaK!t,^^i«a^i^ias I^oetr^t^oatj Dizziscsa the Iwadt -fiiupittttion of .the Heart v^A. yiSaa 'fnt^/^Hndt^" ^sjmptomt. Throe (cLibepi of Aoigwt^j^w^j^^ priw its wmiudv^fSsek!, Jkw!^ iottl«i»»lQ. jQ^ ^Tryit. ^,râ- ' -^-^ K 'Ui»4 '-,r:.v t'gJS ru:;^ ' " I '".." It will Be fullest GENUINE inthi sense of the word, -: F O R. :- _;*.^ â- 1 0»rs ,♦ 0Ay » ^nvt_ I "will sell American "Watches, Clocks Je"V7ellry 25 per cent off every dollar. This will be a rare opportunity to obtain good at close cost prices. $1800,00 'worth of stoc to select from. It will pay to come preparec take home a fine Watch, Clock or Castor. A S20 WALTHAM WILL FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Groods marked in plain figures. Terms Caslil A pleasure to explain quality and price to who call. The Peoples' Reliable Jeweller, M-:-A-:-R-:-K-:-D-:-A-:-L-B,l lARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS, i^fe" B. McN ALLY :â€" Would hereby annouace to tbe ppcplil of Markdale and the pubhs generally that I have moved into myce'n'Cfiniagtl shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manufacture every artickl iu the wagon aud carriage line, and havmg Jong experience iu the busiaewT and hy using first class material, I can guarantee satibfaction to fveij "k^ who will favor me with their order. Repairing, Fainting and. Trimming promptly attendad to. I also make a first class iStone Machine which will lift the stoue. cari;| it to any desired place and leave iu position on the fence. A call respectfully solicited, M/ff^KDALE Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac-I tory, containing all tho latest and most approved machinery, everythinEl being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, MonldiMs, Hollow BalioESJ FRAMES, UTH. FENCE PlisKETS, gc, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to DODei" Canada, and haying ei*gaged superior mechanics in every department, " would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PI N E LU M B ER Dressed and Undressed] IHreol from Nort^ Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning crdoDf' 803 Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. ZMPOKTAXTT! • v7,"r-« v^f^if « » wwwmnn ff nm f m w»»ttttt» n i m ttti v i n r O an users of Machine Oils, don't forget to ca^ on E. a. aSC^9bBBB, Si^ of the Cros3-G:a,^ Sarw, Maj?kaMe^aj3i ask for the CASTOB i' QILi, it is unequalled by any. mAroral/^r IVhite Oil Sme^SS to for tit"' â- â- â- r-:*" •Jt^ UiPOt-^ire Oil Co., if ;.V'*«*=-.v MainuiBbcturer's, 'tiOia^ Wd ToroBt* Cr-fe' lifliiiiiiiiiii ili^atea,aalA...:..;..4tJ.^.^,.:,.::.aii*ifa-;^.a