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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 May 1887, p. 4

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 f- r J .! i â- ,(.• '.it, i:«'i. 1 fl"1' 'â-  I •I 1-1 •I â- pi- "1 C. "W. Butladge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, MAY. .12. 1887. EDITORIAL NOTES, â€" Seven iy -four hotel licences teen cut off in Toronto. have The first Canadian Pacific freight train to leave London will start on Saturday. ^The contrast for the extension of the Northern Pacific railway from Dakota to the Canadian boundry has been let. â€" The Government telegraph line in the North-West is being built west from Battleford to Edmonton with iron poles. â€" Mr. Samuel Piatt, ex-M. P. for East Toronto, died suddenly from heait disease early last Thursday morning at his residence in Toronto Mr. Piatt only returned from Bermuda on Tuesday, and was at his office on Wednesday in good health, Mr. J. W- Bell, Conservative M. P. for A-ddirigton, Jias become violently insane, and has been placed' in Kock- wood Asylum lor treatment. The â-  doctors fear his case is almost hope less. â€" The development of the Pacific coast trade, since the completion of the C. P. E. is wonderful. The Eng- lish consol stationed at Hiogo. Japan reports to the British government that four million pounds of tea were sent last year from that port to the Pacific terminus of the C. P. E. for trans- poitation via Canada. â€" Tlio deJegaies to the colonial Con- ference are reported to be unanimous ly in favor of the extension of the Queen's title, subject to her pleasure •and liave suggested the following be adopted "Qneeu of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the colonies and Dependencies there .of." Tlie matter of the Canadian, highroads to the Australian colonies, the C. P. E. postal offer, and the Pacific cable also engaged the atten- tion of the Conference. certain that the matter will have to be I faced before long, seeing that the Presbyterian Cnorch is now, with one exception, the only important Pro- testant denomination which fellow- ships liquor sellers. â€" The present year will mark an important era in the history of the higher education in the Province of Ontario. The University Federation Bill has become law. Victoria Un iver- sity Cobourg, under the control of the MethodistJChurch, will, in consequence shortly remove its headquarters to Toronto, the governing body of that institute have accepted the principle of confederation. Permission has been granted to the Babtist denomin- ation to establish a new university. Important changes nave been effect- ed in the construction of the State- endowed institutions, Toronto Univer- sity, University College and Upper Canada College. It has also been de- cided to restore to the Provincial Uni- yersity the teaching Faculties in Law and Medicine abolished in 1853. in addition to all this, Queen's University has begun a movement which will un- doubtedly mark a new era in her history. Good Advico. « â- â-  Don't buy Dress Goods until you see McFabland's Immense Assort- ment. Don't buy Milinery without con- sulting Miss Bremner, McFahland's Milliner. â-  MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS, Fleslienon. From our own correspondent. A large number of farmers were present at the Fair on Monday last, the show of stock was small a few heads changed hands at good prices. New Barbeb Shop. â€" All those re- quiring a clean shave or hair cut can now have it done in a most scientific manner by "Tonsorial" Smyth late of Walkerton who has opened out in that line in our town in a very neat and attractive shop next door to the Post Office. â€" The coini3ietion of the Canadian Pacific telegraph from Vancouver B. C, overland to San Francisco, it is stated, will be a great advantage and lemuuerative to the company, as it opens up a new country which had not been heretofore penetrated by the telegraph. There will be great ex tensions of the company's lines throughout the Dominion during the -Kummer now approaching. The local business is stated to be steadily in- â€" The C. P, Who are they that have wounds without cause, such as Dental Suther- land and Farmer Eichardson who on Friday last got a little to much of the "0 be joyful" and commenced hugging each other "half in fun and whole in earnest" until something like "John Gilpin's" horse, the squeeze became a quarrel soon, and as the two pets rolled in the dust the Dentist careful of his delicate hands applied his elbow in a most dexterous manner to poor Henry's face leaving several colored spots. Our esteemed friend and citizen Mr. W. H. Elder with his family have again returned to our village. They arrived here on Friday evening last from Los Angeles, U. fcf., and were met at the Station by our Brass Band and a number of our citizens, and by them were escorted to the M^mshaw Hotel when a hearty recep- tion was tendered the party. Public School Inspector Campbell paid his first official visit to the Fleah- erton Public School on Monday. The pupils were highly pleased and edifi 3d with the instructions iniparted by the new Inspector. A sad case of drowning occurred two weeks ago at Sault Ste. Marie being Don't buy Bilks, Velvets, Gloves, or Laces, before seeing WFARLAND'SIP » â-  « Don't select your Carpets, Lace Curtains, Floor Oil Cloth or Cretons, from any other house except QlMC F A B L A N D ' S.| Q Would hereby announce to thJ people of Markdale and the public generally that I have moved into my new carriage shop opposite the Markdale House, where I will manui f acture every article in the wagon and carriage line, and having long experience in the business, and by using first class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to everyone who will favor me with their order.l Repairing, Painting and Trimm- ing promptly attended to. I also make a first class Stonel Machine, which will lift the stone, carry it to any desired place and! leav e in position on the fence. A call respectfully solicited M/cf^KDALE Don't let any Young Man, Old Man, Boy or Child, who wants a perfect fitting newest style low priced Suit of clothes pass iand "'CTOB! McFARLAND'S Don't forget, McFabland has the Sweetest, Strongest, Purest and Cheapest, Tea in the County. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fac tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythimjl being new, I am now prepared to turn ont Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow Batta, FRAiES, LATH, FENCE PICKETS, e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to uoneic Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, I would now respecttnlly solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINELUIViBERDressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done, Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THOS- ]\Ic:^JE-^. the unfortunate young man James Gonnell who formerly resided li. has made a proposal I jjere and went with his brother out to the British Government to put five there a few months ago. He was I alone at work on the water when the accident occurred his body was not found for over 24 hours afterward, deceased's brother had the body em- balnaed and on Monday last arrived, with it in Flesherton. The funeral took place from the house of deceased's uncle "Geo. Swanton" on Tuesday last, the remains were interred in the Flesherton Cemetery with Orange honors. Opxn Aib Concebtb. â€" A sceme is now being agitated here and appears to meet with success and approval besides ' " ^^^^ handsome band stand ' erected centrally in the village and that our Band assisted by local talent give open air Concerts free every Saturday evening for the edification and amnsement of all who wish to avail themselves of a pleasant evening's entertainment. Our Band increases in interest and Volume. A New Circle Bass is to be added at an aarly date. W. K. Flesher, Esq., is expect.'d to arrive home here this week. We hope liR shall appear amongst us alive to the fact tliat this is an ase of pro- gress, and the prosperity of our vil I pge lies near to hjs heart;; that it may be evidenced by the adoption and pxxeh- m? forward enterpizes wh'ch Ue in hia power to ciirry to saece^sful issue and which would no doubt proyebeni* ficial to himself, to the yi'lage, and steamers on the route between Van- couver and Cliiua, and to build them ou plans approved of by the Admiral- ty, so that in case of war they could "be converted into armed cruisers. The proposal was discussed in the House of Lords a few days ago, and was received with approval by all who spoke- It is also approved by flomo of the leading papers, which see the great advantage to the Empire of iiRvin^ five first-class cruisers available ' ni t'ue Pacific in case of war, the coirmercial advantage of the ^L•ll'?me. The Imperial Jovernmenfc Ki'.ve not yet announced what they â- .v.;l do. â€" -Tiio Toronto Presbytery Jias dis- .•ni^scil nn overture proposed by one ;.i' its congregations, declaring that it ^^•.ls• piiibanasriiiig for the Ch:irch to 'iiscipline rae-.iib'^rH for drunkenness =*o long as members sold that which caused druukenuess. The Presbytery MfToinuto. therefore,, continues to tiictioa liquors celling Church mem- i;?rship, a thing which it is safe to say til? conscience of the Church gener- ntly doe? i rot do. The Toronto Pres- bytery might as wellhave accepted tlie Don't neglect to look through McFABi.ANr's Immense Establishment crowded with new goods bought for ;ash down, in the best markets of the world all of v^hich will be sold at a small profit. Don't think it economy to buy a Shoddy Boot. For it is not, Mc- Farland baa received a large addition to bis stock of Kid, Goat, Calf and jBuff Boots, Women's Men's Boy's Misses' and Child's, Jail; solid leather. I MPORT AIT T! TO all users of Machine Oils, don't forget to call on E. S. MABEE. Sign of .the Cross-Cut Saw, Markdale, and ask for the CASTOE E. OIL, it is unequalled by any. Tfie Arora Water White Oil Sme?^^ brillance of light. Empire Oil Co., Refiners Manufacturer's, 349-75 ' London and Toronto. CLIPPINGS. He will be pleased to have you call when in Markdale, and assure^ou^ of his best services. I. J. McFARUe, Direct Importer. overtune with a good grace. It i\ ' to tbe commanity at large A very important meeting is being held to day, Thursday, at Kimberly to be addressed by our member, Mr. Jos. Borke, on the Government drainsigo act. The object of the meeting is to dredge the Beaver river at four places between Kimberly and Heathcote so as to make smooth water between the two places. It is estimated that about 4,000 acres of the best land in Ontario will thus be relcaimed. The four places in the river at which drainage and piling are to be done, are shallow and back the waters up over the land. The celebrated lot over which such a fuss is made about Mr. Fawcett. is in ail seasons whuUy covered with water bo much so that hi the dryest times you can paddla a canoe over every acre of it. Money caai l»e had from our excell-, ent Outario Government for the pur- pose at 4%, and any benefits accru- ing to the Government will be de- ducted from the principal. Theappar- Rtus used for the purpose is a portable dredge and pile ^iver. The dredge IS such that it can work in two feet of water. The land, when reclaimed, will be worth about $20 an acre, and most of it is heavilyltim bared, and the soil is exceedingly rich. Bus work Passed.â€" We are pleased this week tc- congratulate Mr. W. J. Hatton of Messrs Masson Masson' office, in liaviufi passed his first Intermediate or third year examination in law â€" he bavins passed first on the list. This is the third time vrithin as many jears we have had the pleasure of congratulating studies from the same office on havinf,' obtained the highest number of marks in their respective examinations.â€" lO- S. Tunes. [Mr. Hatton was formerly a Separate School Teacher in Glenelj; and his many friends will be plca^sed to hear of his success, Ed S.J Ctaurch Motes. win be of great beneSt in many ckthet ir^pects.â€" [rhombuiyNews, ':! The corner stone of the new English church at Horning's Mills will be laid on the 24th of May. Rev. T. Hall preached auablosarmoa in the Methodist chnrch last Sunday to an appreciative audience. Mr. MadiU is exnecfced to preach ic the Presbyterian Church here nest Sabbath morning and eveni ng. Fboze his feet. â€" ^While out skating last wmter, G. Varcoe, of Braridon, Man.- got his feet badly frozen. He rubheo them with snow, and then ai ph»» Hagj'ard's Yellow OU, which sieediij cured them, and sayed him fx"om ^^i-' |a,cripple. JMtifciiiMiMi' "iiiiiiar-rih'

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