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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 May 1887, p. 8

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 fjt^nU â-  1^ â- ;./ !•!•' " M V •:» fir I*. f cCullougli, BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, «fcc. OFFICEâ€" OVER McFARLAMD'S STORE, MARKDALE. i\Ioiiey to Loan.. MASSOm MASSOW, BAERISTERS, SOLICITOBS, 0. OwiCES â€" Owen Sound, in Ticker's Block Poulett St. Bianch office in Markdale, over McFarland'a Store, on Friday and Saturday every week. J. Masson.Q. C. S. Masson. W. Massok. N. B. Private and Companv's funds to invest at from 6 to 8 per cent Vfwa. Bro-nm, rSSUEK OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, Ac i_ Commissioner in B. li.c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. 1^. B. Money to Lend on Beal Estate se ouritv. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBEKLEY, Issue.' of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jsarms for sule. Terms easy. Markdale Roller Hill. FARMERS HAVING No. 1 WHEAT and preferrinR flonr firom their own wheat, can get it by brioging twenty bushels or more. Flour always on Hand Flour $3.80 to $4.20 per. bbl. SHORTS, per ton »l2.00 BRAN, " 12.00 The highest market price paid for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FORD. DISTBICT DOINQ-S. â-² BTNOPSIS OV COUNTY AND DISTEICT DOINGS FfiOM OTTB KXCANCE8 FREPABED FOB STANDABD BEADEftS. J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, /- 3ADUATE OF TORONTO SCHOOL Kj^ of Dentistrv, ^^•ill be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at I^funshaw s Hotel. Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for theprac tice of his profession. marIdIleIouse, MAEKDALE, ONT. J. E, Marsh, Prop. Canadian Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCh TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, July 28th, 1886. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. ISAAC ST1NS03I\ euilder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone vork. • Estimates given. AU vrork Ruarautced. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 1329 Residence. MARKDALE. Toronto. .Leaye. Cardwell Junction. Oru.nge- 1 Arrive ville. [Leave.... Orangeville Juu â€" Shelburne Dundalk Flesherton Markdale. Berkeley Holland Centre Ohatsworth ....... Owen Sound Mail. 7 4oam 9 25 " 10 05 " 10 20 " 10 32 " 10 58 " 11 22 " 11 47 " 1202pm 12 U i2 23 12 38 105 Exp. 4 50pm 6 30 " 7 03 7 22 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 55 9 10 9 2-2 '• 9 32 " 9 49 •' 10 20" GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. W. C. RICHARDS, tV AliCHI- BUILDER, CONTliACTOB, TECT. Markdale. 1241Y Having returned to Markdale. in order to he more coiivenient for ray customers, I beg til aunounco that I am now merrired lo do ill! kinds of Custom Wearing. Besidence ,^t'l stand, opposite Pres'wjttriau Church. ;US ARCH. BOYD. R. J. SPROy LE, FLESHBBTON. Conveyancer, Api^raiser, Valuator and Money Ijcnder. Deeds, IMortgHf,'es, Luases and Wills drawu up andValuatious madeou shortest noticeH Charges very low. .^pply to K. J. fiPROULE, Monev Lender Postmaster. Flesherton. 6 PER CENT. Owen Sound Chats worth...,. Holland Centre Berkeley i.'arkdale Flesherton Dnudalk Slieibnrne Oiaiiyeville Jun â-  Or.inKG I Arrive vill"..)' Leave Cardwell Junction • 9 25 Toronto Arrive 110 55 " I ExD. 1 5 40am 6 10" 6 25 " 6 84 " 6 47" 7 02 " 7 26 " 7 51 " 8 22 " 1 8 30 " 8 15 " Mail. 2 40pm 3^07 " 3 30 " 3 40 " 3"52 " 4'n6 " 4 31 " 4 57 " 5 23 " 5 35 ' 5 55 " 6 30 " 8!10 Wi. e. eUTHRIE, FIl.:1 Ornamenial Plasterer i"^! ^3l li I V Jr .A. L. E Arches, Cornices, Centre J'I?rer8, and all kinds of plain ami ornamental plastering e-s- ecnted at "cheapest rates. Calsominiug Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. 330 Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at west rates of interest. Aiiply to K. J. SPEOULE, I Conveyancer Postmaster. Flesherton. [181 TO SGHOQL TRySTEES, The undersigned is manulactaring an ex- cellent assortment of Scliool F'lTvnitKii'e. Consisting of SC OOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latet design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and dompactnesri. wherever tried. An assortnient of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand, bend for catalogue to Chatsworth P. 0. ANDREW McGILL. FARM FOR SALE. LOT 131 con. 3 west of T. S, Ed. Artemesia. 50 acres, about 20 acres plmr of stnuips and sioiicb^. b dance good hardwood bush Pive mile= from Ma'•J^dnle and four i.oui Fle-hei^oii. Fir further par- ticalars ap;.!y to,\. s Tht^mpson. Fiethet- tou r. 0. ..r J. -J Thomji.-on, Oiilla. Mm TO LOAN. low rate of Busi- ON real estate security, at interest, no commission charged. ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P, 0. FOR SALE. L' OT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, ICO dcru^ will be sold cncap nud on easy terms of t'ftvnient, for further particulars j apply on the premises, or bj' letter to J. B. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P. O. Narigation opened at Owea Sound last week. Mamt Pebsoks sufteb. â€" From impure Breath and suppose it comes from a dis- orderdered stamach. In many cases the actual cause is Catarrh. Nasal Balm â- will remove the cause, and cure. A fund for the election of a Y. M. C. A. building at Owen Sound has reach- ed the sum of $1,255. "Wi»d|thk clock.â€" 'The best clock needs regulating and winding when the main- spring runs down. So too, when the main machinery gives out, it needs re- gulating and the main spring (pure blood) needs toning. Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate and tone all broken down conditions of the system. In pur- chasing B. B. B. beware of counterfeits. Rev. John A. Boss, Presbyterian min- ister of Dundalk, was married last week to Miss McGregor, daughter of Peter McGregor,|Esq., reeve of-Dundalk. A FAIR OFFER. â€" For many years the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil have offered to refund the money to all pur- chasers of the medicine where it failed to give relief in case of pain Or painful affections, snch as rheumatism, neural- gia, sore throat, deafness, burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints and cords, aod in- ternal or external inflammation. Tara has passed a by-law sanction- ing the expenditure of considerable money in the improvements of her streets. In A BAD CONDITION. â€" "I was SO bad with dyspepsia that I could not take food of any kind without di.stress, and could not take a drink of water for a month at a time. I have been a great sufferer with hver complaint and dys- pepsia for many years," says Mrs. Nel- son W, Whitehead, of Nixon, Ont., whom two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured A. G. Hunter of Dundalk has been successful in procuring a patent right in the United States for his "Automatic Orator." Fkoze his feet. â€" WTiile ont skating last winter, G. Varcoe. ofBrandon, Man., got his feet badly frozen. He rubbed them with snow, and then applied Hagyard's Yellow Oil. which speedily cured them, and sayed him from being a cripple. A Hamilton item. â€" "My wife lias been a suffer from liver complaint for many years. I am glad to be able to testify to the benefit received from Burdock Blood Bitters, as well as in the case of my little boy' who had glandular swellings." J. S. Miller, 77 Victoria Ave. North Hamilton, Ont. B. B. B. regulates the entire grandular system. A matter of fact. â€" One of the pre- parations that seldom disappoints on trial, is that old standard throat and lung medicine, Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam, for coughs, colds, bronchitis, as- thma, sore throat and other diseases of the air passages. From Josh Billinffs. Menny a phool haz passed thnr life with fair snckoess by taking a bak sete and sticking to it. Yung man, don't sware â€" ^you may convince yurself by swaring but you kan't the other phelTow. After we git the Christains better civilized than they are now, I am in phavor ov attacking the hethen. The hardest sinner in the whole world to convert iz the one who spends hall hiz time in sinning, and the other half in repentance. Those people who are allwus looking for parfekshun in this world generally compromise f Or a second or third-rate artkle before they git thru. Yung man don't git down on yure knees before the world. If yu do, it won't be long before the world will insist on yure getting down a peg lower. The grate mass of mandkind seem to be kranks â€" either tricing to prove some- thing they kan't understand, or tricing to understand something they kan't prove. There iz a great deal of specniashin that is trying to untwist the untwistable. This iz just az smart az setting down in a wash-tub, taking hold ov the handles, and tricing to lift the unliftable. â-  â-  » The Red Man IVot Dying: Out. I'tci A letter is published by one of our ej^changes in which the writer states that the Indian population is rapidly increasing in Canada and that they promise to become an imjortant element la the country. According to the cor- respoadent the number of Indians in the Province of Quebec has increased from 4,350 in 1851 to 12,286 in 1882, and in Ontario their number, which was 0,423 in 1861 reached 17,267 in 1S86. While the red men have increased iri numbers they have also made consider- able advancement in other respects. On all the reserves in Ontario agricul- tural pursuits are by many industriously carried on, and very creditable churches and schools have been established and are being attended with great and satisfactory result to all. -y c-td anil Assembly Ifotes. Ferersham. HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Dys;ep;ia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Jleatiache, I iz2int-s, P...n in the Bacic, Costivcness, or any discae ar;s:n^ from a demngcd liver. Dr. Chase's Livek Cuific will be found a aore end certain r.m dy. NATURE'S REMEDY Tbe unqualified suiCfSs...f i r Chase's Liver Cure in Liver t omplai-.t re-its s lely wiili t: fa. t thut it is con-poit'-deil fr mnatur-' i\vc1i-k:ifwn liver r*-gulaiors, MaNUKAKE A.M) ]jAN.c.l.i' N, COlUuIu J With IlUIljr other invaiuabie rwl^, i..;' s ind hcf!)i, l.aviug a powerful effect on ne Kid i-:vs, S omuui. Bowels and Biood. SOO.OOO'SOLD Over one-half miilitHt .y' /V. C haze's Re ipt Bookt tvere sold i.t CaHu*f» u aKe. • lir'e "ionni every man^ vunHon ami chiid who ii t,,vub ed wuh Livtr Cam- fUunt to try this txcelient ranedy. SoMCTHfln New. Given Away Fbee Wrapped aroundevery bottle of Dr. Cha«'s Uver Cue is a valuable Househuld Medical Guide and Rcdt* Boole (84 pages), containiag over aoo nseful rcctpm prononnced by-medical men and druggiu asinvalik able, and worth ten times the price of the m^^i/inf TRY CHASra CATAB3II CBIE. a safe and poutiM *emedy. Price, aj cents. TSYCHASE'sKiaNEYAIIOLnEBPRU. *S SOLO BY ALL OEALERS Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done w a workmanlike manner and on very short notice. First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool* Sept. 2S, 188fl F. J. MTCHIE. Sntie^ji of /Ji-f/tx, ilarrtaget, and Death* twenty Ave cent" BIRTHS. McFABiana â€" ^In Markdale on the 24th April the viiti of Mr. l;au. LIcFarlaue, black- Kinith. of a son. DEATHS. DooLAS â€" ^In Glenelg on the ^th ApriL Msnrice Uoolaa agetl 60 yean. From our own Correspondent. The Saw Mill ha. commenced operation fof another season with Ira Perigo as bead sawyer and J. Mc- Quarrie at the tail. With those, two worthies at the helm, lumber should roll out lively. Mr. Ed. Halton treated the boy's to a taffjr pull the ether night. Long may you live Edward. We are sorry to hear that Ghas. W. Little (Blacksmith for J. Paul Bro.) is going to leave our town Charlie intends going to Nebraska to try his luck, Cbas. J. Aliister late of Feversham has started a lumberyard in Edgely Dakota. Dr. T. S. Spenco, of Fordwicb, anjpl Mr. Edward Spencf, of Waikerton, were visiting Mr. J. E. Spence'a for a few dajs. Mr, Mark Had iis in town again, he has been up in Muskoka for some time. Li6ut. Rowe acted a little better at the S. A. Barracks, hist Sunday night. Mr. J. Paul 4 Bro, havs erected a Leltry on the ecIiouI house, the trustees ofFtversham School have procured a fine bell. â-  MARRIAGES. Ox the 28th April, bp Beri A. Wflson. Mr. QH Warling. to Miss ioaufbiae Gilbert all of Artrmasia. S=»-a-"blic n^otico- To all whom ft may concern. IB. L. Stephen the Druggist ot Ifarkdnle have been appointed agent for Johmsoit's celebrated Tonic and nervine. Johnson's little Uver PiUt, and JoHNStm's att healing WhtU Ointment. The nervine is the very best in the market, in all diseaiMs caused by poverty of blood, for Nervonsnesa, Hystoia, and the TAunf^n of Complexion t»o often noticed in female's, losf of appetite and ueneral debility In conjonction with the Liver Pilk, it is the very best for aU diseases amsing from Toipid liver or bad stomach. The WkHe Oimtmemt is the ve»y best ia the market for Salt Bheume. Barbers Itch Pimples. Cfaafa, BnrnR, Scalds, and all Siiin diseases of • serof aloas nature. Try these fin remedies and yon will not be disappointed. ^^^J2jJ-^L.8TEPHBir8fh.dmg«irt. The actual business of the first session of the sixth Parliament of Ontario Vv'as closed at a quarter past five o'clock on Saturday morning. The formal prorog- ation took pla,ce at three o'clock in the alternoon. i here have been more sen- sational sessions of the Assembly. There have been sessions in wuich a greater number of questions of active Provincial concern have been considered. But there haye been few sessions in which more important questions have been dealt with. The legislation covers a wide and Taried. field. A broad and well-considered scheme of University Federation has been settled. Adequate provision has been made for the erection of new Parhament buildings by an increase of the apropri- ation from $750,000 to $1,050,000. Power has been taken to dispose of the Upper Canada College property, to transfer the College endowment to the University, and to erect and endow a new residental school. The "Woodstock Baptist College and McMaster Hall have been erected into McMaster University with degree-conferring pow- ers. The powers of Ontario Medical Council have been materially increased. There has been an important limitation of the power to distrain for rent. The Government have taken power to ap- point poUce magistrates without the consent of the County Councils. Im- portant amendments have been made to the law of libel. A pubUc park has been established at Niagara Falls. The exemption from taxation on income has been increased from $400 to $700. The qualification for manicipal office has been reduced. The Land Titles Act has been extended to the outlying districts and provision made for its adoption by County Councils. It has been decided that no future contracts shall be entered into for the labor of convicts at the Central prison. Better provisions has been made for theguard- ianship^of minors. The York shriOTalty has been divided. The Mechanics liien law has been amended by making it clear that the wages of a workman cannot be garnished before the regis- tration of the lien dnring the statutory period. The registration respecting re- liguoua instmction in the schools have been amended. It haa been provided that no higher rate oftaxation for school purposes shall be imposed upon a land- lord in consequence of a default of the tenant than that fixed for the school of which he ig a supporter. A recom- mendation has been made in favor of the abolition of tolls on roads within three years. And in many other respects the law has been improved and amend- inequalities remvred, wrongs re- and the puWio interert promot- ed and protected.â€" fGUribe. CLIPPINGS. n Owen Sound would tation of niggars and send already there on a North Pol^*" the town would be improved b ance and poultry raising ^^^^ lucrative business.â€" [Chatswoni As far as can be ascertaisej were at the time of the last elections the names of 5083 ka- roll as entitled to vote at iv^ i. 11 .. ^- ^i these actually voted aucl 125 ^^^ candidates were elected and 53 j. The women are going to ffiate j;' fluence felt at elections, andou side, the side of sobriety, decen ' faur dealing. Ail right. Trcihi, fear of evil consequence fiow-j, women having the right to vote ^| at municipal orparliaiiientaryel. It won't make them a whit less^, ly and domestic and it will he! questionable candidates for oauj home. â€" [Truth. The Lehigh Valley Echo of tiej inst., says:â€" "The liesurecJ Christ was tne subject of tlje M Hall's sermon latt Sunda The dicourse was an able oue sipted in proving the incarnatisl divinity in man and in dravriua lessons therefrom. Tlie speaktfJ word painting of the sccuo wi.eii entombed in the "sepulchre vanod by his divine arm the kin" of id and walked forth a living proof zt power within him was. granj pathetic and nlade a deep imprebsJ the minds of his hearers even they had heard it a hundred tiiuei] Hall's many friends will be pleasj hear such favorable accouuts froif in his new Sjphere. A Triumph of JouRXAiisii.â€" ^VeJ the publication oph The Roccay tain Cyclone with some luicv ilij^i ties in the way. The tyiie pbod phrom whom we bouglit our phor this printing ox)hicc pliai supply us witli any ophs or carj it will be phour or pliive vrecx h we can get any. The misjtaijueivJ pbound out till a day or two n;-J have ordered the missiug lettel will have to get aloug wituuu tiU they come. "We don't ILpI look of this varictj' ov siieliql better than our readrs, but misiail happen in the best regulated ,pte and iph the ph's and c's and xsail hold nut we shall ceei)(soundtIiecif the Cyclone whirling apbter a p till the sorts arrive. It is no jo^^ us â€" its a serious aphair. â€" [Kooky tain Cyclone. LiLVER Mi«E. â€" It is reported I that Mr. Thos. Ferguson, of Hon Mill^, has Isold ten acres of kiil #15,000. It is on his farm tlia;| silver mine is supposed to he Ik We cannot vouch for the correctaej the report. Two weeks ago, â- we 1 informed that Mr, Leveus had I offered $75,000 for his farm aci refused jit, and that he held od $100,000. If Mr. Levens ever geisj an offer, we would aclvise him til it at once. â€" [Shelburne Free Prei= j The following correspondence- Owen Sound to the ilail will be] vdth interest: â€" "Owen Soud, 27. â€" In educational matteis, as many other things, our buisy toi rather ahead than behind otiisj Ontario. The Collegiate InstifciBl by Minister Boss to have the besti] ing of the kind in Ontario, has the largest atteadance of any oi the cities. The present ayerageaij ance is 254 and the staff of sixt the principal being Mr.-F. N- ^^^ is hardly sufficient and another «| added shortly. Our public scho* an average attendance of 878, taught by a staff of 17 teachersj Separate school with an avera-l tendance of 75 is presided over Sibters of Charity. We spent lasfj over $17,500 in educational mattei this year will probably see tli!| increased. The Public schools 1 crowded, and a new West WaW vdll probably be built early next sei â€" â- â- â-  â€" " Church J«otes. Eev. Geo. H. Cornish wj' at Dundalk next Snnday and"" the sacremental service there- Bev. T.Hall Will occupy 'JJ' in Markdale Methodist Chn^f Sunday morning and Mr. in the evening. ,.^ Divine service was conducteJJ Mr. McLeod in Oook's OB" Satarday and on the io^^^^^f. ' the Sacrament ot the LorflJ^ was dispensed by t^® *%ei serrices were largely a'W'^j were of a very enjoya« Twenty three new mempeff eitotheroU. iOcal a: Notices in tJ Its (I "â- '« " kts a linf eac UiiTICE.â€" In-s. Advertis ce b)/ noon ot it week. 80 "or 30 Days great Yatches, C m Do Dot mi lecure some lliey are g.' |)ositivoly, a [)er ceut, ;ff gl.OO. Tli« ^lariii Cl'H lor oulv §2.( $2.75 el |issortnsit Dulv S1.60 ' ror $2.25 to jtlie jiiace jo body cun co: see t'or youj yonr railage catch, but \v leal clieapei [where and 1 [to get your de at mSSELL F Foe somet [en's new ad Awnings [seasonable. Clover Drng Store. A comfort at this office Garc Stephe Wool \\ wanted at Get your Old metal 1 Mahkdal higher thai Fish ai the Med Rejuven Bitters, in by Smith The wea for seediui well up to John M •stables anc •known as A numb Jor Bale *tW.Mas( Forty .. *ot Bitter! Oierits, so] EUPHBAI Will be h 27th. Crlenel] Revision I theasth PliDW Qtakesj foundry,] We] ^•LambJ ^- 8. Wi Tmt, «»dring| "»goper 3a

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