TV'-T^ -^,^^" "' ";.??•»• â- 'v^:i.^""*r^Jl!^^WT0 â- ^â- - â- ^W^:°^:^-\*m"-!-!^-^M ' )or and Plain Fac- inery, every thin? seconi. to none in ry department, I '.;'e. Promptly Undressed iicy Turning done. 'jnce. 3cl Offer. claid..... «!•» Kulroiist {English yiiook.forevery- lustrations. Most jlisiicd ** e of owr Fanae* utid diiiiug 1S«7. iug isss," VorwfiJ."' piupaied for "®jn(^ Lie Engiaviugs of aer Tiesidents, this purpose by G. MitcUell {m ed paper. Portraits. :riiit of Genn-al c;. GraiidCabJie* ijd en5-a,ved a* V for subscribers i supplied to no ^^ ite engraving of I iiiciies in si2® S'-ady' elegauUy iyfi-iisliedpaper â- for the centx©^^ itotHenryWaad bi-e, engravea bei-softiuBcom- cess direct irora after Mi.Ereech-^ Surope. .^.â€".••••â€"^ y of the ^iLg^ ian,BpeafflW«^g men p«gpB9-s"" Fiesherton. \f^,^o^TO^correspondent. "' .gjjainnient in the Meiho* ^^X here on Tuesday evening Us cb ndience was than not that somethiug an ordinary programme an evidence be rendered tbat even so^ many '"e present i' ., nf ram i „08t unfavorable Alfy ^es«nt sbould turn out in the ^- -•- faliiDil the evenin« bre |Ke from She ad- fraine's readings were very 'endered. altho. if permitted to rcompansoii, we- think the of Eloqutionists" who read ^^jine months ago .pleased her :;e best, Miss. Frair e was well 'oedbyour local talent, which f'LT8 never appeared to better 'y,,,„e. The selections were '" and well rendered. fraine will again read to- L'Mlaesday) in the Town Hall L we presume her readings will be Leffhat different cbaracter ' e nven iu the Church. SI ,-sed tbe Methodist Sabbath School fSabbath last in a very interesting ;r, aud assisted in the evening ^ce by a brief address and espobi- ij on a few verses from the word iGod: ber earnest words toucned bearts of many present, lliuri'ilcr -be morning service in the flat Ciiurch here on Sabbath last "r^ev, Mr. Vv^atson was suddenly lacciae by a fainting spell and Pi^ugcsâ€" some stimulant was ciiy applie'3 and be soon recovered IrcioubiiesB but was not able to take c idternoon appointment. He has iice recovered io his wanted health (T;.jt. T. a. Colter and wife, of [,;JorJ, paid our village a brief on Monday aud Tuesday V/e were pJ eased te see Mr. hltei'so much improved in health bee his visit to this place. I jlr. Cliadwicic, formerly of this lace who has for some ime held a ;tion as teacher in the S^^ratford |i:'u School, is at present in the Life tarance business and with iiis fcagiie are making a raid on this iije in tbat line this week. )!r. James McNally who has been â- (iitvaad with Eiveipelas -is now in k'ff condition, poor hopes of his re- iTeryave entertained. Mrs. A. Ward is also in a low con- liiou. Our township fathers met in the own Hall Monday last for transaction township business, the docket nst have bssu light as the members Ijip-ared to be on furlough most of e day. Honor BoU of -«. N»i 6 April, 1887. "ft "f !^" " IV Class,â€" Majiie, White, White, Maggie Walker. in Class,â€" Robbie Eornett, Murray, Catherine Norris. n Chw8.--Robbie White, Lather Tony Johnnie Symmes. ' II Pt. S«n.â€" Eddie Bnmott, George Symmes, Mary B. Norris. n Pt Sen, â€" Jessie Duican, Maud Walker, Herbert Walker. I Classâ€" Lizzie Symmes, Walter Bell. AeoiB Wkitk Teacher. To intending paxehMOrs of Amoi' can Watches, GIockB, JoweHery and. Silverware, also Engagement Wedding Binge. or BE ON TOUB GUARD Don't allow a cold in the bead to si owly and surely run into Catarrli, when you can be cured lor 25c. by using Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applicitions cure insipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrhl; 1 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure. Sold by all druggists, 333-83 I have the only complete stock of above lines in "Central Grey." It will pay to inspect my stock get my pnces, find out how I do business, learn what my 1, 2 8, years warrants mean; then if not square in every particular, I shall not expect you to buy. Over 200 pair of fine Specks in stock 25c. to $3.00. Seeds 1 MARgtt MdRKS H. B. HARRISON, MAiniFACTUBEB or MARBLE AMD 6RAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES. Mantlet, Furniture Marble, de. Aonor Kell. S.S. No. 5 Holland for the month o^ April, 1887. 4th Reader ,â€" Bertha McKennitt, Ellen Gawley, Thos, Deaver. 3rdReader,-Martba Freeborn, Lizzie Clarkei Chas, Hamilton, 2 ad Reader, â€" Sarah Mathews, John Hamilton, Lizzie White. Part. 2nd â€" Robt, Freeborn, Nancy White, Davis Freeborn. Parti, â€" Wm, Freeborn, Mary White, Frances Mathews. The most good conduct marks â€" Martha Freeborn, Bertha McKennitt, Jas Carter, The most bad conduct marks â€" Davis Freeborn, Mary Demmie Jqo. S. Hamilton, Fine Watch repairing a specialty. MARKDALE. SEEDS FIELD GARDEN JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Mafble tS" LarRest stock in the Dominion to- select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy oompetitiou. SATISFACTION GUA RAMT E£D. N, B, â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABBISON HEAD QUARTERS -FOB- CARDtOFfTHAMS. Books. Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, Ac. Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Markdale. T i^Iiiixwell. Weather still keeps cold, Plonghmg is poing on. EoaJs are escelient, Good results report- pby those who engaged in it this year. ^;5s Elia Kerr has i eturned to her studies tie lustitute, Golhngwood, Our former townsmen, Mr, Cyrus, Field, Jfave US a call last â- week. Cyrus is prcpper |i!lg. Tile cliim7iev of Dr. Kerr's house bumed- lontoaeuight last week, No damages report- Tile Council of Koyal Templers, formed -«e promises to be a most decided success- jTie members are taking an active interest jiiiiiiework, Vi-fl hope that the order, which |*a our point of Judgement is an exceUent |-'?iiization, may prosper in its noble work, fc. V. J, Wright is still lying very ill r"i rheumatism. We trust that she will P«»i be restored to health, ^^e regret to record the death of Mr, John h^iEey, wlicli occurred very suddenly last ^^sday. He was buried last Thursday. •-ur.ierner preached the funei-al serm- l^^^{- Great sympathy is felt for ' ^^ "^Jyin thair sore bereavement. He above came too late for Wt we^s P8p6j,; cQf.f "°°^ shooting accident oc- 1 'W °° Monday afternoon, I "^Sonr usually qaiet village into I iJ'i "'"«« excitement. It ap- "^a ;hl 1/ ""^y ^^^ Soce shooting rocjijijjj^^^^y ^-^ in_decending a iiafhis ilr. T. A. Blakely, who ^iDfflbi '^^ *^' OT*'n ever his shoulder, °'ert. The gun fell, part of the of fiesh another part ?^;^anjedav^y a piece ' â- "'8 elcow. While In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage m the past. I have much pleasure in being still able fo supply them with the following cele- brated machines' viz. The Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The WatBon Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Beaper. The New Humming Mower. The Humming- bird Mower. The Watson Daisy Bake. The Mann Davy Bake. The To! ten Pea Harvester. ' Tbe Mann Broad-cast iSeeder and Harrows Combined. The Champion Combined Drill, Colter «fe Scott, Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Boot Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fanning mills. Land Boilers. Agent for the Watersou's Co's Machinery aud Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagons Buggies, Democrats, and every implement a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anything in above lines will find it to their advantage to call at my new implement house opposite E. McNally's Carriage works, where Mr. R. Eobert- sou will be pleased to wait on customers in my absence. J.H. CARSON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. IT IS A WELli KNOWN FACT McGOLL'S "LARDINE," is the best known, and most reliable Machinb Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's andMill Owner's, will find it decidedly to theit advantage to insist upon getting the "Genuine Lardine" when they aek for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by unscrupulous dealers. We are the sold manuctur- ers of the "Genuine Lardme" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'S. CO. For sale in Markdale at Haskett Bro's, Hardware Store. 847-78 A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very hberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of pubhc appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining bis stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c, per Roll, Sunday Schools requiring Li berary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy, Ji^lVote the tact.â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I tberefore with confdence appeal for pubhc support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, c.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS, Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish' ingFures, IS'NOTE THE ADDRESS' -A.. I3insmore- -ATT- SleolieD s DEUG STORE. Your's Bespectfully, R.L.Stephen. ROBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKERi FUNERAL FURNISHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. Jk. Sulend-id. XIea.i*se lor hire at moderate rates. ^e^ier ?f ^^â„¢ " breast of Willie ?i^etl'.l 1 Elakely immediately nhol f "" ^°' W^"^e was convey. 'ottuj; "^^^-^err dressed the '^^'ecSdidor'""" a pre- OFFICIAL NOTICE Will Stoddart :â€" Late of England and Jersy Qty, U. S. begs lo ioform the citizens of MabkdaiiB and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarland's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work befoie leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may • rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting that I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain. Faithfully vour's, WILL STODDART. Markdale. March 14th, 1887. %3@litO^Sl30# In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re- moved to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S. RAE, Markdale â€" All kinds of â€" F XJ R P«f I T XJ R, E In Stock at bottom prices, PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice, BOBT. ASKIN. Farm for Sale. 1 r\(\ ACRES, BEING LOT 13, CON., i\J\J 14 Artemesia. about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchard bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particulars apply to JAS, W, LACKEY 3l-t Berkley. WM. BREADNER. fl arpender and R ullder GEORGE St„ MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in. the village or country. Call early before the rush comes. 339-52 mg Notice is hereby given to afl persons oon- oemed, to have their premises, mdading waterclosets, stables t., thoroughly cl«m^ before the 16th May alao all boxes, bwrels, wood or other obstmctionB, removed off tte public road. Parties negiectiiig to do 80 will be dealt with aocording to law. 248-9 B.DAYIS, S. J. COLEMANr Tiustees A. TUENEB, â- â- ! lAMABAC.â€" For ifoarseneas^and jJl Bronchial Troubles that 5»«^7.«^i public apeaiersv JlainarM ^Etaar wiU^ give iqieeay reliaft.; IsvOeuralFiOTisuiSlore THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general supply of all kinds of provisions such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL, CORNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, SCREENINGS, also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS. BACON, LARD, 4c., in fact everything people want in this line. Shop one door west of Joe Lamb's Blacksmith shop^ Solicitmg a share of public patronage I am respe^Bllj yours, Jsk». M:iUer MABXDAIiE. At the Toronto House, TMEarkdale, SLAUGHTER PRICES Partnership Notice. â€" De's SPROULE BRODIE, have entered into a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr, Sprou^ wiU be found at his old office Turner's Drug Store, and Dr, Brodie at his office Mathew's new block. 333-46 FOE SALE. 4 Thorv^ugh bred trotting stallion with Pedigree, in good condition nine years old. color dark dapple bay, also his Harness. Cutter and Bulkey, for further particulars apply to. THOMA.S GAWLET. 338-84 Holland Centre P Wm. Brown. BE SURE GET YOUR â€" TBOK â€" /i 5.1 MARKDALE, He makes as good » pump as there is in the market^ and at the lowest pobsible ^ioes, besides it is so con- venient fbr getfotg repairs ' besides when boying firbm a distance. Have some style abont yon and sapport b^it^ eter^nse by.lwjing from Qxaamh i-\.^i^i-n\iA-\^t:^f^-y-:^ Sl^QD WILL CURE OR REUEVE mU0U8NE88, DIZHNE88, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, MDMESriOM, FLIffTERIMQ MUNDICE. OF THEMEAXr; BiYSIPEUa, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMAO^ HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIH And .vM-y maele. 9f diaMM whlnjC from «aoni«JaXlVER,. KIOMEVa BTdllAOi^ BOWELAOR BbOOO. "l9»-liB^yII*--- tTK'ili'Vi t^t^i^'i^.^"' â- â- "• ' -bv^ Wi f;i m 1 m' I: r^^^j^