pi r • i i i I .»-[i }i 4 ^i ^.• â- ' 'i-l « Hill f b ' it C. "W. Butledge, Proprietor. MAEKDALE, MAY. 5. 1887. BUILDING PAPER. Although brick houses are now con- sidered the right thi{ig, and almost as cheap as wooden oneswben well finiah- ed,- yet, numerous frame or wood- en dwellings as well as other build- ings arelbeing erected from year to year, and since building paper (both tarred aiid dry) is available and cheap, it is a decided economy to use it and that without stint. The tar paper serves a double pur pcse, being a nonconductor of heat or cold it is invaluable in this changeable climate, and then the tar is a pre- ventative of yermiu and adds to the healthfalness of the house. Those who contemplate building should con- sult some one who has experience in the matter. Thera is a number of houses in this â€" The BorpliuotreTeiiae over ex- penditure in the Dominion on April 20 was $Si,060,846, as compared with a deficit of f 2,294,000 on the cor- responding date last year. â€"The way in which President Cleveland is reversing the immoral traditions of his country should plaee his name among the highest of her presidental benefactors. Had the treaty rights of the ladians always been vindicated as is now bemg done by driving squatters from their re- serves, we should probably have heard less of the internecine strife which has made American frontier life horrible. â€" The announcement has been officially made that the Grand Trunk Railway Company intend to spend a million dollars during the present year in donbUng their track and in other- wise impreving their line. The work of laying down a double track on the main line which begun some years ago, and from time to time reports of progress have been made, but so far only a small portion of the whole has been done. When completed, the Company will have far more than double then- transportation powers and will have reduced the liabilitv to Gooil Advice »â- • â€" Don't buy Dress Goods until you see McFarland's Immense Assort- ment. Don't buy Millinery without con- sulting Miss Bremner, McFabland'b Milliner. village lined with building paper and the most comfortable actidents very greatly, to the benefit they are among dwellings, during the cnld winter months, in Markdale. It is a good plan to put a layer of the dry paper even on the rafi before sheeting and .-ome use it to advautago between the floors on the first floor. Don't buy Silks, Velvets, Gloves, of both the people of Canada and of I or Laces, before seeing themselves. EDITORIAL NOTES. â€" Toronto's assessment is $91,000,- 000. â€" So far this season a total of 4,- 368 immigrants have arrived in Win- nipeg. â€" The first division in the new Par- liament gave Kir John's coyernment a majority of thirty-two. â€" Five steamers left Liverpool last week with 2,750 emigrants. Chiefly English, for Canada. â€" A fleet carrying 125,000 bushels of grainis on the way from Chicago to Ov.en Sound. â€" Dominion parliament will take a recess of a week, from the 18th to the 25th inst. â€" Between November and April last §136,669 was spentinthe distribution of seed to the suffering settlers in the North- West. â€" During last week fifteen hundred immigrants arrived in Montreal, tbe majority intending to settle in Ontario and the North- West. â€" His Excellencd the Governor- General and Lady Lansdowne arrived in Toronto last Tuesday nightandmet with an enthusiastic reception from the citizens. â€" Arrangements for running Can- adian Pacific trains over the Michigan Central road to the V/eetern States have been completed, and the Western Ontario Pacific railway will not be built west of London. â€" The County of York has been separated Irom the city of Toronto for shrievality purposes, and Frederick Mowat, son of Hon. Oliver Mowat appointed Sheriff of Torsnto. The appointment for York has not yet been made. â€" A Largely attended meeting of representatives oi Farmers lustitues throughout the country was held in the courthouse, Toronto, Thursday. A Central Institute for the province was formed, and officers elected. Be- bolutions were .passed in favor of reci- procity with the United States, and condemning the present railway fates uiid classification as being prejudicial to the interests of the farmers. â€" Tlie report of exports on the Canauiian products shown at the Col- ru'wn Exhibition are generally satis- factory. On,tario cheese is spoken highly of butter, on the other hand, is not well thought of fruit, especially apples, comes in for praise, as does also honey the Wheat of Ontario is generally uf a superior quality, though somewhat lacking in strength, but the to*bacco is declared to be off colour and coarse m flavon^ â€" Russia has succeeded at last in securing for herese)f a voice in the settlement of the question of the government of Afghanistan. Until she has annexed all the territory be- tween her frontiers and those of the Ameer's territory, Russia declared over and over again that Afghanistan was without the scope of her opera- tions. At that time, and even since, the country has been under the guard- ianship, if not the recognized protec- tion, of England. Having secured a large portion of the oasis of which Herat is the centre, and having a force within easy striking distance of that city, Russia has appearently forced England to take her into all aouncils in regard to Afghanistan. That is the meaning of the announcement that Lord Salisbury's Government has coma to an agreement with Russia as to the neutral government of Afghani- stan. It is one thing to come to an understanding with Russia, and it is quite anothertomake any understand- ing with her effective. There has never been a treaty sacred enough to bind Russia for one moment after it became safe for her to break it. Superior force is the only thing which will make an agreement with Russia binding. He shouldhave a long spoon who would sup out of the same pot with her. â€" The Pbofhbt. â€" The Bradford Pro- phet forecasts the weather as follows for the next month â€" May will be the very antipodes of April. Like the Irish- man's whiskey, we'll have water galore. The average downfall will be small but their frequency, followed by warm sunny days, will gladden the hearts of the farmers. Expect rain ever other day, 12 out of 81 days will be wet. The Queen's Birthday wiU. be fine and hot, the month expiring in a deluge. ([M^FARLAND'S:^ â- »-«•»-« â€" â- - â€" Don't select your Carpets, Lace Curtains, Floor Oil Cloth or Cretons, from any other house except JR. -M£cT9AJL,Tu^^j I»roprietoT-, Would hereby announce to tU people of Markdale and the puby generally that I have moved into! my new carriage shop opposite the Markdale House, wherelwillmannj facture every article in the wagoj and carriage line, ard having loni experience in the business, and H using first class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to every oiie| who will favor me with their ordei. Repairing, Painting and Trimm- ing promptly attended to. I I also make a first class Stone Machine, which will lift the stone carry it to any desired place anil leave in position on the fence. A call respectfully solicited M/cf^KDALE n p Don't let any Young Man, Old Man, Boy or Child, who wants a perfect fitting newest style low priced Suit of clothes pass M^^^RLAND 'S. ENJOY LIFE. Don't forget, McFakland has the Sweetest, Strongest, Purest and Cheapest, Tea in the County. Don't neglect to look through McFiotLAifo's Immense Establishment crowded with new goods bought for cash down, in the best markets of the world all of which will be sold at a small profit. Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Facl tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everytliiiir| being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollow BatM FMMES, LATH. FENCE PICKETS. e.. And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noDeinI Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m eyery department, I| would now respectluUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PI N E LU ByS BER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore,. all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done,| Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 303 THO^. I^IcjVEA. Give us Franchise Victory is Ours and Don't think it economy to bay a Shoddy Boot. For it is not, Mc« Farland has received a large addition to his stock of Kid, Goat, Calf and What a truolybeantifal world we live inif^"ff Boots. Women's Men's Boy's Nature gives usgrandear of Monntams, glens ' and Child's, all] and oceans, and thousands ol means of enjoy- ment. We can desire no better when in per- fect bealth bat how often do the majority of people feel like giving it np disheartened, discouraging and worn out with diseases, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof thatGreen's August Flower will malie them free from disease, as when bom, Dis- pepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy five per cent, of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Gostiveness, Nervoos^ Prostration, Dizziness of the head, Palpitation of the He:trt asd other distressing symptoms. Three doses of Aagust Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 rents Try it. Southern -»v;ssr ASTHMA CURE ln«TANT RCUET POU ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS ^BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE Samples, 25c.; reqular Size, Si .00 AooBtâ€" FuurORD « CO./BiioeKViuje, offT. Misses' leather. solid In making your purchases in small goods don't forget to call at the beet established CONFECTIONAKY, TOY and FEUIT STOEE in the^Counly. My stock comprises the latest and best designs in TOYS; the choicest and freshest stock of FEUIT and CONFECTIONAEY a'so first-class Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes (all colors.) OYSTEBS kept constantly on hand during the seaeon, and sold by the quart or glass. Mrs. Clement, UAEEDALE.I Tfc:elilt2.^7Cdn4;er-2ln8r Itfewa pap- ers. He will be pleased to have you call when in Markdale, and assure yon of his best services. W. J. McFARLMD, Direct Importer. 1. Any person who takes a paper regular^ ly from the post-office, whether directed in bis name, or r.nother'8, or whether he ha subscribed or not, is responsible for pay- ment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontina- ed, he must pay all arrears, or the publishbi may continue to send it uiitil payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 2. In suits for Bnbecriptiona, the suit may be instituted in the ^ee where the paper is published, although the sobsoribermay reside hundreds of miles away. 4. The courts haye deoided that ref OBins to take newspapezf or periodicals from the post-offioe or removing and leaving them im called^or. while unpaid, ia prima faeie vni- ence flfintentioiuU fraud. Babies and Chxcjubsv. â€" ^They are always catchiEg erfd iit ttxeir head. Plcu a small particle of Nasal Balm in eaicu^ uostrU at ia^^ also mb well ova» tile bpdge ot the iaaae* aog^ let t^ know how Ihey ftfs mmm moo^. '\uli^u ,i;.Li ,/ \i 'â- i.:â- ^i^/ii.:. Unparalleled Offer. No. 1.â€" The Markdale Standard .^' i No. 2.â€" The Ameiicau Ajjricultui-ist (EuglisU or Gei-man), 1837 *^ ' NO. 3.â€" Tlie A. A. New Poultry Book, for every- body. 956 pa^es. 100 lUustratioiis. Most complete woi-k ever pu'olislied *^ No. 4. â€" Kugi'avings. "Home of our Fanaei PresideatB.' Ilsl8. issued during l»v. Eacli woi-tli ^.... •;â- No. 6.â€" The sameiBsaedduiiugieso, for.Nfa;-?- ed post-paid, iu a tube prepa^-ed for "'^. j« i pavpose. Eachwoiili ' No. 6.â€" Articles dcicribiug tue Eiiyiaviugs ci tje "Home of our F..i"Jier riesideiits. writteu expressly for this purpose uy James Parton, Uouald G. iiitciiel! liii Marvel,) printed bu tiuted paper. Companion Portraits. No. 7.â€" A magnifloent portrait of Geuciw Grant fitm his last sittiug- Gra:id C i i^ev Biae. IS by 24 iuclies. aud eta-sved a^ large expense, especially for Bu';-;e- w^" to tbis combination, and SEpplied to no other persons. Price. cf Naaâ€" ... sinarb steel plate engiiTing General Logan, 12 by 16 incaes m si from a photograph by Brady' elegai^" -r-j.iiiy'i y Ki? .-woff c ;â- mounted on iieavr, luglily fiJiEli^"l"^?f snilable for fraiaing or for tbe w^^^jj) „ table. Price. ' .„,^ No. 9.â€" A magniflceut portrait of Henry "«" Beeober. FuU cubiuet ize, eugiavej esXBMsIy fOT the subsci-ibers of tniscom- Wn«tion by titie new process direct ii" anegati.TetaenbyFaik.aftertr.I'reecu ^^ «fn xeeent retozn frum Enropo. ^^^ TotaL... ' «^ We win famiah all the above post-paid for »^ Sgnd fix oeat9,to 7a Broadway, New ^^IZio* nw^Myoo ^P«men copy of the i^"iool» f|gwlw»», ttl«lBiiora«man, ^^IfTJ^ ofiiiejeii ga t iBD ^Mia specimen pagei.oiru'" -fi=:^ L.:., ,.,.,. ^,^./fji,i^i^..fi.