^m NGPOW â- ^ri-T TO uT. TUB llpl "in.nt relief from 2.** will be sent bvlifiyS â- i CO., '**,« RiTAHNIA ;ture only ited Ware] 3. cozabined ^tl ability and ON, ONT, lS85.-For two yeuT 1 wa8 run down. sa««; ciated and too weak t-i iierself she was iriv«, tors, they aU pawed uJ she could not live » using Dr. Jug's Medicii! 1^84, and after takinTi' js 80 much improved j- )k after her houaeholddn 0. P. R.. Wes t Toronto MPTioE for tbeabovedi orst kind and of long itrnfl!; BO •trong la my UtkhTS I WO BOTTLES »T" tVMft^ I iTISE on thla dJauiL b^ P. O. addrea* """" •• •* I. SLOCUM, 7ongaSt,TorHti Iirthday] Imported Birthday Caid k hose mother will lend utt r more other babies, and thm ises Also a handsome Dj»l Dple Card to ths mother ii^l information. Ison Sc C*., BI««tNaL ST. E.. TORONTO. k. Mfrs. of Printers' L '.re. Send lor prices LAMENT POLISH ADAPTED FOR \:fer!NLSHOES. Samilton, Ont shers !| :ll-known ^ssOill Try also PEERLESf j iQd Horse Powers. rORONTO. owmERs o r __ LIGHT POWXB, Veneer Hachisft ?E3TMENT. EASILT MAISASBlDi itSfguick Iter. vSaw-Um INTFORD, 0- B'X" S'RSSID. iiC- AVistinv .â- ^ IV. ars have passed away, bringmg fi« yf ' .es and staitUng revolutionsâ€" isoi'e """t, franght with misery and re- tetfs-W'T'to others, which have been lith fame and honour but to the Iregn*"" ,,,tient world, only another step K'"" pwraity. Fivayeara later, and [earer to e ^^^^^^ -firman town where ;W '° „ rf.^ked r.nd lives are lost on the -^ -- jjp ine Kuraaalat Hombnrg 'tfial with the glitter often thousand Men of all nations were gathered d;awn together by the strongest â- (i human destiny â€"the power K'hts. fcerej 1,'orhich hill- P' f So t\ve of face was wanting no r* no emotion chat the human visage Lawn, n^ '^„t q.,,1 its being there rage, :ip: .ilile oi. miicry, man' ,;,r(l-::l ill ' ail" exultation â€" the whole piisions aud triumphs. 2" "'ere" there "too. The bluest-blood '^^' the Ahnauach'de Gotha did not to r'lb elbiws with the last fancy r- thf. C:oniedie Fr-xncaise my lord, cold, fereut, and smiling, sat side by side he reckless piuuger who would have 'rp(i h=s honour, had that commodity "'ned to him, for the gold to pace „ the colour. Oa the long green the gl^ttsrlns coins fell with lubdued chiuk sweeter than the p^t music to the hungry ears; a repnb- t The most perfect in the universe, wdere ti' aad poor alike are welcomed, ^ith one reat de.ciny-to lose or to gain. There tpre no wild lamentations there such vul- exhibitionj were out of place, though uiio2 cannot be disguised under the deep- ' ask, for a tremor of the eyelid, a flash -he eye, a convulsive movement of the .^e-5 betray poor human nature. As the ^ae proceeded with the monotonous cry of tiie rroupier, it was awful to watch the in Lnmess of the faces, how they deepened in 'rest as the game was made, bending for- ward till at length ' Rouge perd et couleur" fcam^ from the level voice again. â- croupiers raked in the glittering hacssof gold, silently, swiftly, but with as „ c'h emotion as a child would gather cow- tfe and threw the winning on each stake L'cllmly, knowing full well that in the %ni of time it must return. The piles »ere raked up, and then arose a murmur, a Kaiwion of tongues, reminding the specta- tor of whit the bewilderment at Babel must „.. been, a clamor which died away to tee at the enthralling " Faites votre jeu." How the hands clawed at the sparkling isure eager, trembling avarice in every i^er-tip from the long, lean, yellow claw loiaeold withered gamts'er, to the plump Lie hand of the bride, who is trying her ior:nne with silver, fearful lest, driven by Idespdr, some less fortunate player should Iij)' felonious fingers upon the piled-up Itteasnre. Standing beiiind .the all-absorbed group |»ii a young man with pale, almost ghostly :CTe3, and a heavy dark moustache. iFrer.-; his attitude and smile, it was hard to lay now fortune had served him, for his Ike TTA3 void of any emotion. He held one Ipiece of gold in his hand, placed it on a IwioBr, waited, and lost. A trifling move- ImeE: i-f his lips, pressed tightly together lander the dark moustache â€" that was all. |TheE fnr a moment he hesitated, pondered, suddenly, as if to settle the matter jijaKily, he detached a coin from his watch- jcliaii! and leaned forward again. Under Ikim, sc;ited at the table, was a woman win- Iniiig steadiyi. .-\ pile of gold was before her liiie was evidently in the luckiest vein. The jiiiin, with all a gambler's superstition, plac- jeu -.CI- coin in her hand. " Stake for me," 1 he vvcispered " you have the luck. " Mecli-wisally, she took the proffered coin, I iai turned i'c in her hand then suddenly a l»Mv;o! crimson, succeeded by a deathly IwliitinMs, cime across her faje. She held Itliei.ia, then put it carefully aside, and itike! anoth-:r in its place. Then, appar- |at;v lorLiettini: her emotion in the all- "Mj dear linig^ pray'obaQl'^flf^raelL Are you not awaze that thjs anrt of thing has bean done to death? Do iut% m yon love me, descend to the lerel of the descrip- tive joomalist, who comes over here to coin his superlative condemnatory adjectives in- to moneyâ€" to fine at this very interesting game. John Bull holds up his liands In horror w he. reads the description in Jus Teltgraph,Mx^ then he comess to try his Inck himsea. I, Sector k Oautier, kaive men a bishop here." â- " How fond yon are o! the sound of yoar own voice," Luigi SsilvariBi returned. " Come ontside I have something to say to yon." ' " Something connected with the League, I suppose," Le Gautier yawned. "If it was not yourself I was talking to, I should say, confusion to the Lftagaa" " How rash you are 1" Salvarini returned in a low tone, accompanied hj an admiring glance at his companion. "Consider what one word spoken lightly might mean]to you. The attendants here, the croupier even, might be a Number in the League." " Very likely," Le Gautier replied care- lessly "but it is not probable that, if I should whisper the magic words in his ear, he wonld give me credit for a few napoleons. I am in no mood for business to-night, Luigi; and if you are the good fellow I take you for, you will lend me" " One Brother must always aid another according to his means, says the decree. But, alad I have n3thing. â€" I came to you with the intention " " Oh, did you?" Le Gautier asked sardon- ically. " Then, in that case, I must look elsewhere a few francs is all my available capital." " Hector," the Italian exclaimed sudden- ly, in a hoarse whisper, "where is the ' He did not finish his sentence, but pointed to the watoh9hain the other was idly twirl- ing in his fingers. Le Gautier smiled sarcastically. " It is gone," he said lightly â€" "gone to swell the bloated coifers of the bank. Fortune, alas had no favor even for that mystic coin. Sacred as it should have been, lam its proud possessor no more." " You are mad, utterly mad " Salvarini exclaimed. " If it were but known â€" if it has fallen into the hands of the bank, or a croupier happens to have a Number, think of what it means to you The Coin would be forwarded to the Central Council the signs would be called in yours missing" â€" " Aud one of these admirable German daggers would make acquaintance with my estimable person, with no consolation but the fact of knowing what a handsome corpse I shall make. Bah A man can only die once, and so long as they do not make me the posthumous hero of a horrible tragedy, I do not care. It is not so very serious, my Luigi." " It is serious you know it is," Luigi re- torted. " No Brother of the League would have had the sublime audacity, the reckless coor ige" " L'audace, I'audace, toujours I'audace," Ls Gautier returned. "I s'gh for new temptations the sight of the gaming-table is to me what the smell of battle afar off is to the war-horse. I came her intending to risk a louis I have lost everything. There is nothing like courage at the tables and as it had a spiccof danger in it, I risked" " Your life 1 You do not seem to compre- hend the danger." "But, my dear friend, it is exactly that spice of danger that gives the thijig its nameless charm. Come, yon are hipped, out of sorts. You see the duties of the Or- ssc 'f'^tfcere, words came "to her ears vaguely '?° ' ice ot the man behind her, and every ^Ke he spoke she shivered, as if a cold teeatk were passing through her heart. A «!iip)rary run of luck came to her aid, and '^iae sat, listening and playing. Ite new-comer was another inai, evident- Jw Italian, tine, strong, with an open face J dark passionate eyes. He touched the ^:.nian upon the shoulder lightly, speak- '»^^ii excellent English. .*â- " ^atre were four actors there, playing, had ' yet unpaid. 7 "^^ "°^n it, a ghastly tragedy. The ' men were players the liitening woman ' yon. un- " Strange!" Ls Gautier observed. "I seem to have heard that laugh before, though I cannot remember where." "And so have I," Salvarini whispered hoarsely â€" " only once, and I hope that der in every action; you see the uplifting of the avenging dagger in every shadow that trembles on the wall. Be a man I" " I am all the more disturbed," Salvarini observed with moody, uneasy face, " that the orders have come. That is the principal reason I am here to look for you. We are translated to London." "That is good news, at anyratc," Le sbswbiniT interljst of the gime, she looked Gautier exclaimed briskly. "I have been K .;.e tabl?. "Rouge gagne, et couleur j literally dying to get back there. By the p;rV c.nic the chant of the croupier. The bright eyes of Enid What is that.?" s^uejwLio riked in, and the money lost, j Above the clamour of tonguea and the iVierhirurcath, th 3 man uttered a fervent rattle of the gold pieces, a low laugh was iiiprecition. sli;;hfcly .shrugged his shoulders, ' heard distinctly close to the speaker's elbow. »sd turned tj w ic-h fie g.ime again. "From He turned sharply round but there was no te uiomeiiL tiu- woman lost; her pile one within a few feet of them. Apparantly, *iii'iled away to cue coin beyond the piece it had not disturbed the enthralled players, tz.n\\ toudered her to st^e, but still she though the croupier swept his cold eye 'i^-d Oii, the ir.a.n behind watching her around to discover the author of this P'i;- mently. .A little \arying luck, at one ' geemly mirth. 5i;.mea^ a hjudfui of napoleons, at another, jMsc-ed t'j one, the game proceeded. At taptt the hist but one was gone, save the Pie.e tendered to her by the man behind the _. swii that she never parted with. As she hoarsely â€" "only once, and I hope that I may never hear it again. It is horrible " Le Gau • looked at Ms companion, amazad to see the agitation pictured onhw face. It was white and drawn, as if with some inward pain. Salvarini wiped his damp brow as he met the other's piercing gaze, and tried to still the trembling of his limbs. ... J « "A passing fancy," he explained--" a fancy which called ap a remembrance of my 1 boyhood, the recollection of a vengeance as ,, ^- -.... x.u. actors inere, p.^yuig. u»^ ' yet unpaid. -But I am idiling let us get °'y but known it, a ghastly tragedy. The ' outside. The ord^s have come, as I tell ^•0 men were pla^ers^; the Ltening woman ' yon, for Londoiu We are to meet the Head '^another; and across the table, behind Centre at the old ad^ess. „„„„,.. t- Jg^^tators. stood a girl. She had a dark I "And how did the orders come Le 'iiise!!/ kUck the iww"" ^^^ shrank back a little as iittip, 1" Altered, and her breath came a us uowu, «." "«•â€" â€" \T»:„„ „„ „„ table J 'iuicker; but there she stayed, watch^ I act of striking.^ I found ttem on my tob^ J^^^'^g f"' some opportunity. Her when I got in. Yon «ndl we to »t to Lon 2^ Wed ill V some one. Me^while, ' don, an*d there awaU; order* O?' ^^|- ;^ nconsciouB actors fixed their attention " tions bear the erased da^er, ^^^8 f ,; ,,*;eame. The kst arrival touched the treme secrecy and a musion^grwAdanger. "•minuDon ti,o .ik :_ i:*.+i«.i Li spite of his acmg frma, ^je uauwer could Sot repress a slight rtart and a mnUe of covert sarcawn, pity, almost, rose to hu Hps as he looked in h" «"°P»f °? ".f^^lfl enthusiastic face the same sort .of P'ty the sharper feels for his nncon«aonsvict^ when hehMhimwithinthe tMl«..-Not that the yomS^ man noticed this; his «?«» J«^ *«" of soie far-away projijct, Bomething. noble, and the witii his "Ttodory, y«-«lM gfajy u a iOaplm grave Tie glory lie. in the%mcert^. What do we flMo, yon and I, by the reaov- alofcrownedileds? When the last tyraak feU at our ]majH^ dictate, how much did we benefit^ Hm Uoir? He was not a bed man for a Itej^v^ vbs fcuk. " "Yon are iaik bitter mood, to-night. Hec- tor, Salvarini answered. " What will you say when I tell you the appointment nas come with your nomination as a Deputy, with a seat at the Council of the Crimson Nine " " My appointment at last Yon are jok- ing» LnigL Surely they had need of bett«r men than I. What of La Fontaine " "Dead," Salvarini responded grimly. " Treachery was suspected, and it was nec- essary to remove him. â€" But what I toll you is true you are ordered to be present at the next Council at Warsaw, two months hence, when you will give up your badge as an Avenger, and take the premier order." " And I have staked it to-night on the hazard of a die " Le Gautier exclaimed, pallid even beyond his usual deathly white- ness. "Fool, fool that I was How can I prevent it becoming known? I am undone!" "lYou do not know the worst," Salvarini replied. "Come closer, and let me whisper in your ears e«-en the walla carry such tid- ings. The Supreme Director is here I" Le Gautier turned faint and sick as he looked furtively round the room, with its long mirrors and barbaric splendour. "Suppose yon lend me yours," he sug- gested. " You will not want it now. What a mad fool I have been I I wonder if there is any w*y of recovering it for I must have it, come what will. With a penalty of" â- "Death!" The word, abruptly, sternly uttered, was followed by the same low mocking laugh they had heard before. They looked around in aliirm, and not the trace of any one could be seen. Standing in the recess of a window they looked out hue no sign of the myster- ious warning, so strangely given. " Let U3 get away from this." Le Gautier groaned. '*I.am stifled! Come outside into the open air. My nerves must be un- strung to-night." They walked out through the high fold- ing-doors, and disappeared in the darkness. As they left, the woman who had been play- ing rose from her seat and followed them. Apparent'y, she was too late, for they had varnished and with a sigh, she abandoned her evident intention, turning into Kursaal gardens and throwing herself into a seat. Directly she quitted the saloon, the woman with the dark eyes follovred, and tracked the other to the quiet refreat. For some time she stood behind the shadow of a tree, watehing her. It was a brilliant moonlight night â€" clear, calm, and peaceful. Without there, the lighted windows of the gambling saloon could be seen and ever and anon the murmur of the croupier, the scrape of the rakes, and the subdued clink of the gold might be heard. But the figure on the seat did not .heed these things she was looking at a coin in her hand, making out as she best could the devices that it bore, strange and puzzling to her. It was merely'agold coin, in fine a moidore of Portugal and upon the reverse side, the figure had been rubbed down, and an em- blem engraved in its place. There was a figure of Liberty gazing at a rising sun, her foot upon a prostrate dead body, and under- neath the words "I strike." Over the rising sun, in tiny letters, was the device, " In Freedom's name;" and at the top, two letters in a monogram. The seated figure noted these things, but, f ro6i the ex- pression on her face, they represented no- thing to her. Behind the shadow of the tree, the watcher crept closer and closer, trying in vain to get a glimpse of the golden coin. As the seated figure b-snt over it, tears began to gather in her eyes, overflow- ing at last, and the passion of sorrow seemed to rise, till her frame was shaken with sobs she did not strive to master. The woman looking on stepped out from her shelter and crossed the open grass to the other's side. Her face, on the contrary, was eager, almost hopeful, as she bent forward and touched the weeper on the shoulder. She looked up, surprise mastering her grief for a brief moment. (to be continued) ss ^^^^J^i-^MMMif ^m. Mai^ DOMINION AND GENERAL NEWS- CooksviUe, on Mondi^ BMnfaig iMt. An eaq^VottiiHif iMdaaMBt bssifcMa tweal- MthofiMsfe tinfb^ hm «anaiittod mid^ Yen. Arclid«KQoo Pfnikkam, bishop de- signate of 8aska;tah*«ran, has reoeived from an anonymoas friend f 1500, to be divid«d, between the dioceses of SaskatdMvaa and' Algoma. The caUe, 18 miles in length, eonneoting the mainland with the Idand of Antioosa, has parted. It well be impossible to repur it for some time owing to the qasatity df ice in the straits. The Minister of Agriculture has decided to establish experimental farms in the N«rth-West, wiim a view of -testing the .ca- pabilities of the soil in various districts for certain products. In the Recorder's Court at. Montreal eleven storekeepers, charged with exposing objectionable advertisements in their win- dows, were' each sentenced to «ght days' imprisonment, without the option of a fine. W. A. Stinson, a large cattleman, and two of his employes have been murdered by Comanche Indians in Green county, Texas. A large portion of the tribe have taken the warpath, and a general outbreak is expect- ed. One day last week some young black- guards, belonging to Belleville, forced a re- formed drunkatd to drink liquor. His old appetite overpowered him, he was arrested, and died very soon after recovering from his debauch. Furious cyclones and hailstorms swept over a large part of Western and South- western Missouri, South-Eastem Kansas and Northern Arkansas on Thursday night of last week, causing great loss of life and destruction of property. Several towns were entirely demolished. At the annual meeting of the Council of Queen's University, the proposal to rise a Jubilee endowment fund of $250,000 was sanctioned. It is understood that a citizen of Kingston will give $10,000 toward the fund, and an additional $50,000 will be raised in Kingston. A pension system in connection with the North- West mounted police will likely be adopted this season. A detachment of 100 men of the force, under Supt. Steele, will likely be sent to patrol the Kootenay dis- trict in British Columbia during the coming summer. Thirty miles of Father Labelle's colonize tion railway will be built this year. The projected line starts at St. Jerome on the line of the Canadian Pacific, and will run in a north-westerly direction as far as the Desert, where it will strike the Gatineau Valley Railway. The ultimate terminus will be near Lake Nipissing or at Temiscam- ingne. Dr. W. Cox Allen, superintendent of cus- toms and inspector for ranches for the North- West, states that ranching prospects for this year are exceptionally srood, the over crowd- ed state of the cattle districts in Montana, Dakota and other States necessarily causing the southern cattlemen to look to Alberta and other new fields. The mortality in these States has been unprecedentedly large while in the North- West (Territories it has not exceeded in native cattle 5 per cent, and in imported not 10 per cent. The farmers have ploughed a larger area of land this spring than ever before, and their hopes of good crops are very sanguine. iaSoeaieBH oa the nbiBsd ndwisad troni obssnratfon oa leosM of (to in staanL m- ssusaian. tMim, H. V. unMI, 47 iTebUw- too 8k. BMft,-VovaMle» 9i0^ Lew Wallaoe says he has never seen a Turkish dranken.iinii. Catarrft, Catitfrlua BeaMM 99A â- ay Fever. BllflSMS SSe BOS ISBSte^rSIVSBetMltlBSSS wMSSSS are oontagloas, or ttist wj an dua to tta nnstaeo ot,UTiiiK jfatmmm ia tiM Beaac mambnne of mm boss •ad enstaMihiaii tabaa JOonsoopio leseMoh. howoTor, hM proTod Uiis to be a tact, and the MuIt la that a aiaipla laoMdv hea baan fommlated vhaiaby oatank, catanlial rtaafnwa and hay taver aio enrad in tiosa ona to ttuMo aiawla MinHnattnwa mada at bans. â-² pamphlet eniUlnwig mis new ti e afau ant la aant fioe on laoeiBt of atamp iqr A. H. Dixon k Son, SOB Kiac Street weat Toronto Canada. In all, 1,590,000 barrels of salt are on hand in Mich^an. TOVHCl wax snfleilnc tMm Ilia oOaola ol aarfv •Til habita, the raanlt 4 ipionaoa and folly, who ted themselvaa weak^ nervons and axhansted also Mia- Dba-ASSD and Ou lias who aio broken down from Iha effecta of abuae or over-work, and in advanoad Ufa f «d the oonaoqaenoeB of yontiital exeeaa, aend te and BSAD X. v. LoDon'a Treatiae on Diaeasea of Men: Iha "ook will be aent aealed to a^ addieaB on rec^t ol two Sc. Btampa. Addreaa M. V. LUBON, 47 WaBlac. ton SI E. Toronto, Ool Nothing is more difficult than to return thanks neatly. Whenever your Stomaob or Bowels get eol o( or- der, cmosinK BUionaneaa Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their Mtendant evils, take at onoe a doae of Dr. Carson's Stomaob Bitten. Baat family medioliia. iUI DroKXiata. 60 oenta Clairvoyants ara 'i dealers in futures." Heart Disease, Thesymptoma of which are "Faint spella, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of bipod to the hea«C dull pain in the heart with heata, strong, ra- pid and irrtgvlar. The second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, ftc." Clan bt eitred " in many of the, firststageb." Send6o. in stamps forpamphlet and full particulars. Address M. V. Luboh, 47 Welluuiton St East. Toronto Canada. " He that loves noise must buy a pig,* says a Spanish proverb. In most cases,, however, a baby will answer just as well. A P 331 STAMMEKniGâ€" And all Impediments ot Speech, removed for life. Cure guaranteed. Stammer- ing Specialist. 26 Clarence St.' Toronto. |AKDCANVAB8KB8wanted,lCale or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or oommis- Bion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. AKRW EMEKY MOWEK SHABPENEKâ€" Will Bharpen the knife without taking it out. Evejy farmer will buy it AGENTS WANTED CLEMENT CO., TORONTO. TeKOXTO CITTTUrCi SCHOOL.â€" Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of i^arraent cutting should apply at once to S. Corrioak, 122 Yonge St., Toronto. Terms on application. QATCIITC PBOCIIKED in Canada, the us. and I A I Cn 1 all foreign oountrfes. Engineers, Pa- tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- lished 1867. Donald C. Kldont A Co., Toreato. mELFH Basisess CoU^e, CSaelpb, Oat. â- wn face of great beautyâ€" a face cleanly Gautier asked. •1«1, and lignied by a pair of wondrous " The old mysterious ^-., "" ~- â€" ^s-eyes bent upon the two men and ' patient reply " secrecy and darlm^ .no an ^u.,: *^ -., ., i i _^ ;., .nv nn however worthy ne may way," was the im- ' eyes Ionian, playing now with the keenest trust in any one, however worthy he mi^ the have proved-theold suspicion, which drags down, and holds our hands even in the "^EMy thr" ' "Y I time. elbow again, a little '^i\i " ^^" playing again, Hector " "I ii 'i^nS ^^" P^*yi°g my friendâ€" yes. *it'aout Wk" °**"'" to be in such a place ^^' "t J* ^ould you have me do, *«W-.V)*,°? *y'°g of ennui from this in- â- otden^^S^Pmy heels "Ishouid T««iion,,fv^*T® thought you could have *« nito^j^g better tooccupy your time," M i. *l^'»«d as Luigi retiried. " Our »atoo by their expression. ..^,,„ "The old 8t«My of tiie mwQtej ohestnats," Lo Gautier observed -^ «uch f^***â„¢' too Koly, to be sh««d riJ'.^«**^f.*?"tSS!iKe^Th»tls l^Ste"^^ this." Gold. goW. Hwef^.3»J^^*;!j^,tf?flutter^ »S" "^yt^i^g but this ^lad- j "n*^* *^^^^ farv»JO0T, siuy. -a Brantford now has a society for the sup- pression of vice. Mr. William O'Brien has postponed his visit to Canada. Two thousand chainmakers in Stafford- shire have struck for higher wages. London city bakers have raised the price of bread to 6 cents the two-pound loaf. The Canadian Pacific railway has con- structed a fish ladder at Morris, N. W. T. June 22 is oflScially set apart as the day for observing the Royal Jubilee in Canada. The Ghilzais have defeated the Ameer's troops and killed a hundred of them near Khelat. Mr. W. E. Bennett, of Toronto, has been appointed to the position of Assistant Post- office Inspector. The total of the Russian debt is £471,- 474 000, and the interest for the current year is over £25,000,000. Seventy-five years ago this summer the first steamer, the General Smythe, appeared on the river St. John, N. S. Startling rumours are current of the dis- covery of Anachists' plots to destroy the Opera house and numerous factories in Pesth During the past year 5,518 persons were placed on trial in the Dominion for various offences, and of this number 3,797 were con- victed. William Duchesnay, an acrobat, intends walking on a tight rope over Montmorenci FaUs during the time of the Queen's jubilee at Quebec. A Bill providing a new system for encour- aging tiie coostructinn of railroads in Mani- toba has been introduced in the Manitoba Legislature. The total cost to Canada of her share in the late Colonial Exhibition was $120,857, of which sum $8,500 went in wages and $14,- 000 infreight. It is reported that one of a litter of pijn, recently bom M Long Lake Hotel, N. W. T., haa a dado's pill instsad of the ordinary ^lowof itsidnd. Two niaim]^ofed an th« mm baildii^; of tiie Ontario Lumber Company, at Mid- land, ware seriously injured the other day by a f^Ung soa£fola. A strange man was fonnd dead in bod at The Kaiser's Fortune Twice Told. It appears that the Emperor as tad hi fortune told twice. The first time was in 1863. He was strolling incognito in a wood near Baden, accompanied by his faithful Bismarck and other friends. Suddenly they came across an old gypsy, who begged to be allowed to tell their fortunes. Several of the party having tried their luck, his Majesty consented to do likewise. The gypsy took his hand, and, after minute study, said, "I see a great crown, bloodshed, warj laurels and a life of 96 years." The second time was in 1884. The Emperor had forgotten all about the gypsy's prophecy, when a niece of Count Czechenyi, the Austriam ambassador, arrived in Berlin and created a great sensa- tion not only by her beauty but also by her reputed skill in palmistry. She was present at court and his Majesty in a playful spirit took advantage of the occasion to con- sult her. She had no sooner scrutinized his hand than she exclaimed, "I see a life of 96 years." Twelve States and Provinces already represented on the roll of this Institution, To thorough, prao- tical instruction, and the efficiency and success af its fraduates, this College owes its popularity. Cironlan, giving tenns, etc mailed free. Address H. MaeCOBBnCK, Priaetpal. B' EAVEB UKE OF STEAMSHIPS, Sailing weekly between Montreal and LlverpooL Rates ofPassaob :â€" Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $10, $50, and ^60 Return Tickets, $80, «90, and flOQ â€"according to steamer and 'accomoiedation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further particulars and to seciire Berths, apply to H. B. MCBBAT, Cieneral Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif- ferent Towns and Cities. B OOK AGENTS WANTED FOR "PLATFORM Small Boy â€" " I picked up a dollar in the road to-day, pa." Fond Father â€" "And you restored it to the owner, of course " Small Boyâ€"" Yes, sir." Fatherâ€"" That's a good, honest boy." Boy â€" (conscience- stricken) â€" "Well, pa, you see, I couldn't very well help it. The man had me by the ear." A Trial by Jury. That great American jury, the people, have rendered a unanimous verdict in fa- vour of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel- lets, the standard remedy for bowel and stomache disorders, biliousness, sick head- ache, dizziness, constipation and sluggish liver. Look on the bright side of things. Walking advertisements for Dr. Ssige's Catarrh Bemed} are the thousands it has cored. The Nashville Jnion gives each subscriber an accidental insurance policy. Come to the bridal chamber. Death I Come to tlie mother, when she feels For the first time, her first-bom's breath, And thou art terrible 1 The untimely death which annually car- ries off thoueands of human beings in the prime of youth, is indeed terrible. The first approach of consumption is insidious, and the sufferer himiself is the most unconscious of its approach. One of the most alarming symptoms of this dread disease is, in fact, the ineradicable hope, which lurks in the heart of the victim, preventing him from taking timely steps to' arrest tbe malady. That it can be arrested in its earlier stages is beyond question, as there are hundreds of well- authenticated cases where Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has effected a complete cure. If yon are not wiser and better at the end of a day, that day is lost. People. who ara sabjaot to bad braalli, fOnl ooatad tongua, or any diaoidar of Um Btamadi, oaa at ones be relieved by mrinj; Dr. Canon's Stonraeii Bittan, tba old and triad ramedv. AakyowDmggisk.. Orlando, I didn't see you with Miss Brown at the conoert last night" "Ho, Percy I'm not oalling on her any more. I oaa't onta dM rrtraots what dM said laat week." " Ah 1 what did she My f *• Wdl, she said I naodat call any more. ' Heart, by John B. Gough his last aud crowning life work, brim full of thrilling interest, humor and pathos bright, pure, and good, full of laughter and tears. It sells at sight ta aU. To it is added the life and death of Mr. Gough, by Rev. Lyman Abbott. This is the best and fastest selliner book of the day. Terms liberal. Write us for full information, circulars, etc. Address, WILLIAM BRIG6S, 78 and 80 King Street East, Toronto. TEACHEBS and Stadents, AtteatioB Special classes during summer holidays, in Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Penmanship, etc. Write for full particulars. Canadian Business University and Shorthand Institute, Public Library Building, Toronto. THOS. BENGOUGH, President. CHARLES H. BROOKS, Manager. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR "PLATFORM ECHOES," or Living Truths for Head and Heart, b}' John 6. Gough his last and crowning life work, brim full of thrilling interest, humor and pathos bright, pure, and good, full of laughter and tears. It seUs at sight to all. To it is added the life and death of Mr. Gougb, by Rev. Lyman Abbott. This is the best and fastest gelling book el the day. Terms liberal. Write us for full information, circulars, etc. Address, WILLIAM BRIGGS, 78 and 80 King Street East, Toronto. SPOlEffSCOPPEWiiEl^^^: tion Box-metal for. journal bearings in machinery â€" Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require- ment. Ask your hardware dealer for it AIX)NZO. W, SPOONER, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hop«. Mangles, 3 kinds. Wash- ing Machines Cbiums, Meat CARPET SWEEPERS 2 kinds Clothes W. Ingers, IQ kinds. Choppers, Trucks, and othe; sundries. Hamiltok Ihdubtuai. Works Co., Hamilton, Canada. Send for article wanted, or Dlostrated Catalogue. Decorated Win* dow Sliadea. dtc. Wholesale and Re- tail, at the Cblk- BRATXD Gold Medal Tskt Masttactort, 70 King St. West, Toronta NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'O CO. Awnings! HJilliaiDS, AND Boofer. Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, BeoSmc Pitch, BaUdlBg Pa* â- ers. Carpet and DeafealHC Felt, BKADT BeeWlfG, Blc. 4 Adelaide St. E..TORONro. IDairy Salt, FOR BUTTER, ETC. "Vtew Importations.â€" Higgins* Eureka, Washinir- J3I ton and Aahton Brands, in large or small aackL Also Bice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices. JAMES PARK SON, Wholesale Produce Merchants, Toronto. Water PURE LIVING STREAM. ACGEB8, bore 20 feet per hour. Also Bock Drillsâ€" Hand, Horse, or Steam I^wer. Send for Catalogue. IiaMIaw ManaflkctarlBV Co., Hahilton. Out. liCA.XT'CrE'^dLOVtTXtSJXUSL I. STAUNTON C0.9 flaanOioatieo. TORONTO ONT^ n s •Uif' i ^1