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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 May 1887, p. 1

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 "S^vS**fK7S*5-^ J! '**»«' â-  W)li:U.,.U ^^flf ^P* ^9im^ wm ^f? 4i il edition of ^*«^ •^e "Americaa jjj' alnme contabg,^ Class PablicatJOB." n«edthataayl?*« »d papers repte^aj preferred to anT ' concerning it lation rating, eadiy' aper Directory^ J y publishers, AdyJ "g Agents, bnt tU iation it contains m persons of ahnost )te3sion. As a Gaa 1 worth the price ch, lly describes every issued, anj 3 Know about anv lot. â- ' of papers publishe, ates. Territories (k^ id Ctmadaisputatiy '81 in one year, of newspapers in goj tales would be a mj t were not that this I to the rule. In 8'J and in Nebrask] stone State show a sa DO and in Buckeye Pennsylvania exKl icrease in dailies, Idies, 81, and New yj 1-2. Seven States shoj most prominent insta, rrijjsliire and Virginia, j bole volume shows en taken to sustain! the most comprehen nd yet published, and] 7u every detail. uonijilete compeninm ssi)a})crs and periodid t] lose who are famij r elTorts of this firm, i wn as the oldest, la II of all the American] cies. urt-li Notes. services will be I in the Presbyteij ,. in. I'repxiratory ser e previous day, preacli y Eev. D. McLeod,| slving, will hold his jting at New Engls Sun. lay, at 10:30. ing will be held day, at Ebenezer a{| ale Methodist Chn ins will be held next Sij Local preachers' meeti londay at iO o'clock ig at two. stTvico was held in •eh last Sunday when I ic'luldren andyoungp^ ed into full membersli £.o]sre C 0..0. F. g oiiicers were elect^ ro. J. W. Sproule. •' Angus Plewes. " A. Turner. " W. J. Benson. â- d A. McFarland, " John "Wallace. " Alex Kay. " J. E. Mathews. " Samuel Sarjeani " Dan. McFarlane. " Frank Maidinent- n a prosperous condit'l idding new members .c ISTotic 77 /t may concent- 1 the Druggist of M«* ointed agent ftjr Joh»* and nervine. JoHSS' nd Johnson's aU **" The nervine is the ;, in all diaeases »°^ [or Nervousness, Hy8^ of Complexion so 3s, lo8? of appetite In ^conjnnotion â- Â«* 6 very best for aU *^ rid liver or balato»»J^] ment ia the very M^^ ItEhenme. Btfbert oms, ScaWs, V^f^i iloas natow* ^^^[^ wiUnotbediwPl*!" dvisit m f. -- • i: -â-  •- â- Â«iiJSTJ^t««i J^^^fea.-"^- ^0 in3»Y; ^|V|tji^\, â-  â- .'jtv 'jr.' j -JHtti^ "HEW TO THJbl LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY." kETENTH YEAB.â€" IN^o. 348. MARKDAIZE, ONT., MAY 5, 1887. C. W. RUTIiEDaE, Proprietor. |il and Other Items. L- r -rs ill 'â- â- ii'se cohimns intended to benefit """" il or Societi) toill he charged ten â- ; fcr the lirst insertion and floe e e'acli f^iib^equent insertion. If.-- Il li " J rcF..â€"Corre'pnndence, commnnica- '*. {irertlsementi, drc„ must be in this l^ilij mm I'll Tuesday to insure publication lit ir«" 30 DAYS! â€" «a â€" r â€" ^â€"r- • tor CO Days Oiily, ilK-re will be a LTcat ilisconuti sale of Vflf.chss, Clocks, Jewelry, Sitver- vj2re, Spex, c., D,, jiot luiss :t but come early ard .iiuj swii..' of t])0 bargains ,..v iire g;):jo. only ;^;liv.,iv, MS we ir;"::t. iz^' on |ci.(iM. Ill-' ih. :iru oil before ior 80 days, giving you 25 cash tales over .rst, make of Nicol iicitiaily selling at lilUSSEi^f/^i ;oii£D Jewelekt Stoeb |ioroiily!?2.00, wlr'ie they are $2.50 :o $-.Vu (l-^ and the finest ais-^i-tuvent of Fine" Plated Chains culv i:';0 \vliic;i avo generally so'u k'^2.1^ to ;;2.50, j.iiiv can c. ur.^eto wit'i us. Come aud W. G, GiTiHBiB, plasterer, has his dwellmg honse up and is pushing it for- ward. For Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, flonncings c., J, G. Anderson has a compete stock to select from. A spring poem from a Muskoka author commences thnslyâ€" Spring, sprang, beautiful sprung. Try J, G. Anderson for Shirtings, Cottonades, Brown and Bine Denims, a big range to chooise from. The District Meeting of theMai-kdale District Methodist church will be held at Flesherton onthe 17th and 18th ol May. It is said quite a number were out fishing on Sunday last â€" They should be made an example of. OuB brass band treated us to music on Saturday evening to the enjoyment of the citixens. A full stock of oranges, lemons, candies of all descriptions, nuts, figs, dates, raisins, biscuits of all kinds, canned goods, a few chests of that thunder, lightening and blue blazes tea left yet, the best value in town, try it, every person is getting it now at Benson's. Eight now is the time to uf;e a good Blood Pnrifyjag Medicine. Loose no time in getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Slomach Bitters. It will do you good. Sold by all Drnsoists 50 cents. tf. "Notice" to Farmers. Those that have t3 buy their "Floar"' this sum- mer. Can buy it at Benson's, the Belfast Hoase, the same price as at the mill-, and every lb. guaranteed, bo^b i'ord's and Plewes' kept on hand. Liberal indncements made on over one barrel lots. r.U a SELL'S js gi^t i.ajgaius, uo- I mn ini 'i;r.-"oives, we will not pay â-  y O'lV' :(m meals atca.-Oui; v.'!.; sc-U vou goous a as a great laoa! cLei;i)fr Ihan you can get else- '"liere fti" rc-toemlrr the only place I to get your Watch repaired properly i; at RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry btore, FLESHEKTON. Nest Saturday, is cattle Fair. Smith the barber will be in Flesher- I ^on next ilonaay, Fair Day. Clover Timotht Seeds at Stephen'R Drng btore. Farmers buy your land rollers from Jactson. Best quality of L. C. Bacon at J. G. Amlerscn's. Step* Two v,eeks from next Tuesday 'willbe the Queen's Birthday. EvESY pereon should see the choice line cf prints at J. G. Andei son's. â-  For calcimine brashes, wall brushes, paint brushes c., see Mabee's. Harrows I Harrows 1 1 Iron and spring tooth at Jaokson's. For calcimines or vrall finish of any ^d. T'ne Lest to bo had at Mabee's. Fisliiiio' rTaclile all kinds ^k the :,Iedieal Hall, A. Turner, Co. Get yonr plow repahrs from Jackson. Old metal tr hen in e:5:change. G-arden Seeds at )aer;3 Drng Store. Moffat :;i:.'s of the iT:.rkdal3 foundry lia^e enlargsd their preioises and are going into the stove manufacturing. Plows! Plows I Sod, General PiaiJose at^d Jointerâ€" l^'laury and Wilk- in's m?,ka, at JacLsc- 's. â-  All kinds of Boots wsbooa, from tht Ji^se brocan to Saesi kid, can be at J. G. Anderson's. 1.000,000 dcz., of eggs and 2 ions of *tter wanted ot Davis' for which the "gtest market price will be iteid. J- very fine line of Dress goodi and y'J,inm28 to match just to hand at "•^.Anderson's. ^o' Points.â€" All the Btaodard ffmn? """ patterns for sale at Mat'B '°^^. three for ftl-OO cash. all kiL^*'^/®' '^^^'^^ assortment oi J (i i r^oods cheap for eadi at • "• Anderson's. layer T" ^^^"^^ i°ason and briek on tho "" ^^ o*l»« material "'e wound for his resideDce. Speciajl. â€" The largest best assorted and cheapest stock in Boots Shoes in the section are at S. Hill's. A fresh stock of meal's have just been opened at Davis' which will be sold at a very small advance on cost as he will not be undersold. Bemembeb yon can get Bran, Shorts) Henfeed the same price at Bensons, as at the mill, it saves you half an hoiu: trouble, eive us a call. Mcs. Stehk will accept thanks for a bunch of rhubarb which she, handed ia to ye editor last Tuesday, being the fii-st of the season. Head QuAftj'E"" for Euggle Tops, Milk Wagj;on Spriogs, or anything in tbe Carrii-^e Hue is at Wm. Mason's carria;::;e works. Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indises;tion reheved and cuieti at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Try it. Sample free. A large consisoment of fresh Teas just received and another coming; Qual- ity better and prices lower thaji hereto- fore don't fail to give us a call, S. HUl. Markdale Cheese Factory will com- mence operatioiiS on Monday the 16th, and patrons will assist very much by* being in full readiness. Xoxice. â€" Anoti'ier consignment of ready made cloiuing just to hand. Beautiful all wool tweed suits for $7.50 S. Hill. Anothes large importation of the newest Dress-Gocds, Plushes, laces and cretones expected via steamsliip Saidcn- ian this week for W. J.- McFarland. Lambs' haye you seen my st-ock of Millinery, all the latest no\ eyjes, and prices very low. ClU and examine before purchasing elswhere. S. Hill. Me,"fers E, D. Ellis of Euphr::^a, D. J. Hunter of Colling wood township and TLos KeUs of Artemesia attended a Farmers' Council meeting in Toronto last week as delegates from Centre Grey Faimers' Institute. PiBv. T. HAii. of Lehigh. Iowa, arriv- ed in Markdale last wedt and wlU spend his Holidays in this part. His many friends were nrndi pleased to meet him and to learn of his snccess in the ministry across the lines. Thb fishing season opened in right, earnest on Monday last numerous and immense strings and baskets of tpeikled beauties were bron^l to town during the day. Mb. MAuwca Doolan a highly respect- ed and weU-to-do temer new Ttavers- ton, Glenelg, ja«ed p«»cefully.away to his reward OB Saturday hist at the age of 60 years. change for good*. »i- «.« fliiMftte of that notorious IhaTeafewchertamâ„¢ ^^^ nncolored japwi tea W* ^f^ Do^'i fail to call at Wm. Mason's CardagG Works aud see the btyie and oraljiy of the rig's he builds he is makiag a specialty of the BiTffalo Bead gear the mo^-t s.tylish and duvaoie Bu;;,^ie built, and priceri as low as any one in the country. Don't UFO any more nauseous pur- gatives such as Pills Salts dc, when you can gco in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters a meciici je that moves the Bowels gent- iv, clean/Ing all imouiides Trom the by,(em a,nd renc.eiiug the Blood pure a jd cool. Sold bv ail Dvug^Llsts. tf. The Shelburne Free Pvess is twelve years old and is one of the most enter- prising pajiers in the dJstrict. Since it came under the management of Mr, Mortimer four years ago, it has made commendable progress. We wish it continued prosperity. The finest stock of glassware grocery mukpans, crocks, flour pots, hanging baskcls c., to be had at Benson's and will be sold cheaper than by anv one in the trade. Remember we mean what we say. Call and see for yourselves. ' J)on't SvECUiiATE, â€" ^Run no risk in buying mediciue, but try the great Kiclney and Liver regulator, made by Dr. C'-iase, author of Chasa's receipts. Try Cihase's Kiver Care for all diseases of the Liver, Sidneys, Stamaeh and Bowels. Maekeale Markets. â€" Fall wheat 75 to 76 cents spring wheat 75 to 76 barley 30 to 50 peas 48 oats 28 butter 14 to 15 eggs 10; potatoes 75 per bag; pork 5.40 hides 5.50. FoK Oatmeal, "Com meal" "Wheat meal" graham flour pot and pearl barley Bensons is the place to go, they will dobetter for you than any one in the town. Davis has constantly on hand a full supply of Ford's and Plewes' flour of the finest quality, if it is not right bring it back and your money will be re funded. Special reduction will be given for large lots. NoTtoEâ€" All persons indebtetl to me either by note or book account ar« hereby notified to call and settle the same with A. Turner, Markdale, without delay, thus saye trouble and expense, T. S. Sproule. Cash buyers will find meat in SarjeactBro'e meat market -as cheap as in any other market in Canada. Prime Bacon, Hams and other smoked and dried meats, as well as all kinds of fresh meats in season. AEBor DAT.â€" The first Friday in May has been set apart in evary rural school and incorporated vUlage for thepurpose (rf planting shade trees, making flower beds, and otherwise improving beantifying the school ground. CONSUMPTION CURED. hav® 8old.t80c.perlb«d»h«»be«ipr^ .omK^hyth««^e^'»-^J be better vajnetiiaii «f7_S?„!! .^ in town fe4b.»«-«y-I^y ^^ ' i-M Jitm^net tiiaa those •- ?*r.»S,^S^bec^ ^« I tirade the answet » â„¢^'-_-. «f j7-2S"th.GentafciniAfei'«xyl ' " •" ^^ -^- ^• ^^ewon. he can suites? L-Dayi* »Ss^Si.^^*' "^^^'^A'^j,,;;;^^ «- f^ l^j^hflS placed in hte hands by an East SSSSoaaiv the formula of «â-  «miliLr vegetable remedy for ma ISonMft»Cton8Miption,Bronchiti8.ftJto ^hmaand aUfliroat and liung AfflofaMs ^•-••VmmI»U Kervooa Complamts. aftor lita wondorfnl curative wtttT^ jtoaffy tor lOdaraMrW.A. PaEPARAj.'ioN3 are being made for a "big time" in Markdale on the 24th- We caunol; give particulars this week bnt something interest may be expected. The Ladies of the Methodist Church are making vigorous preparations for t^eir annual Bazaar and Concert on the Queen's Bkthday of which further par- ticular? will be given later. As the season is now opened for the sale of Bacon. Benson of the Belfast house is to the fore with a few cases remember he will not be xindersold by any one in the trade and if there is a cut to be given they are the boys that will give it to you, they are dacent little chaps. To the farmers and the pubhc general- ly â€" Consult your interests and purchase yotur Buggies, Democrats c., from W. Masoa's Carriage Works where you can get a first class article with a written guarantee, as cheap as you can buy fac- tory make rigs from Agents. Be loyal and ;U;iport home industry. Caed of Thanks. â€" .T. H. Carson, Implement Agent, returns thanks in this paper for past favors and may be found in his new premises opposite McNally's Carriage Works with a full line of Farm Iplements, and Machinery. Mr. Carson is pushing his business this season with energy, and will doubtless secure an increasing patronage. Me. Aech. McIntyee of Euphrasia while on his way to Holland Centre one evening last week was unable to cross Allen's "sink hole" navigation being opened and he without a boat hS turn- ed back and secured lodging for the night with Mr. John McNally a neigh- bour, and took another road in the morn- ing, some three miles out of his way If he had been a subscriber of the Standard he woq^d have known about the HOEF.1BLE PIT. Davis is to the front, with a new brand of oat meal, the steel cut, try it once and you will use no other, also a fine brand of Com Meal just to hand, in fact anything in the Provision line may be prcoured at Davis' at prices which cannot be beaten, and if the trade mean to cul prices, he aint like a fellow that can't stay with them. Dk. Juo's Medicine should be used by every one at this season of the car as it is the best blood purifier in the market and will reinvigorate the frame and prepare it to bear the heats of summer. The pills are justly called the "Little Gems" as they operate without causing either griping or paip and. are a sure cure for nervous- ness, biliousness and other affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Bny them and try them and yoci won't regret youi investment. Bold by Turner Co., Markdale. Weoding Bliss.â€" Married on April 6tb, in Christ Church, Brampton, by Bey. C. C. Johnson, Mr. Joseph T. Joyce, late of Markdale, to Miss Cecilia, youngert daughter of James Nelson, Esq., all of Brampton. The bride who was given away by her father, was at- tired in a very neat and pretty travel- ing suit. After partaking of dinner, the happy pair left for the eabt on their wedding tour. They will spend a few days among their friends in Brampton before going to Michigan,' where they intend making their home. The presents were numerous and costly. St£Uck bt LiGHTNiMa.'â€" During the storm last Monday afternoon the light- ning struck and burned the bam of Mr. Ledingham, townline of Holland and Olenelg, Two of Mr. Ledingham's sons were in the underground stables at the timer the lightinng fluid passed down the wall within « few feet of where they were standing. They were considerably stunned. Several head of horses and cattle were in the stable at tiic time, but were all rescued, except three spring calves. There was a large quantity of hay and jgrain consomed. The bam was a doaVe ame, and was the moftt complete stock-ham in thai section of theconnfiry and served as a land-man^ let many miles nroond, being ^tnatedeiianemin- ence which QjvAowaii an eaEtmslTs dis- trict of tte annoimdmg neigfa^hood. The bn^^ding waa iiMnted btit what amoant i» haTa ao4 laawied. Tamakac. â€" It is an ordinary mixture. Il fact its properties are entirely different from any preparation used for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troub- les. BuNiWAT. â€" On Wednesday mornings a son of ColiranDay ot Glenelg drove into town with a pair of young horses and democrat wagon his mother was with him in the rig and when he drove up to Hill's store the pole dropped causing the colts to run and kick the pole ran into the ground breaking it off. The old lady was pitched out but not seriously hurt. The young man man- aged the team in a remarkable clever manner bringing them to a stand-still before going far and with no damage or iujury more than that mentioned, above. A copy of the Canadian Horticulturist for May, and the Report of the Fruit.. Growers' Association for 1886, has just come to hand. This is the only month- ly magazine on the continent devoted wholly to the interest of Canadian Fruit Growers. It is edited by a practical fruit grower, and has no connection or interest in any nursery Our Canadian farmers vrill find in it wholly unbiased opinions regarding the merits of new and old fruits, instructions in fruit culture, and the best modes of marketing the same, hints on floriculture, lawn decora- ion, etc. Every number has a beauti- ful colored plate as a frontispiece, and numerous illustrations. The number for May contains a list of insectici- des and fungicides which is almost use- ful at this season of the year. The sub- scription price is $1 per annum, which includes membership of the association a copy of its annual report, and a share in the distribution of plants, in addition to the magazine, and may begin any month. To introduce the magazine, and increase its usefulness, the editor offers to send it for eight months from May, to new subscribers, for 50c. Ad- dress L. Woolverton, Sec. Fruit Growers Association of Ontario, Grimsby, Ont. Base HsCtl. A very ehtbuisatic meeting of tbe lovers of base l;ill met at the Mark- dale House last Fiiday evening to organize for the season. The following ofiicers were duly 1 1 cted â€" •Honorary Pree. President • â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â€¢ V 106 Sec. Treas. .Captain. and J. £. Marsb F. Porter ;.... K.O. Whitby R. L. Stephen. .... B. L. Stephen J. Wallace Vice D. R. Anderson "J P. Kelley .. Field Comcuttee. J.Wallace Be it known to the public of Mark- dale that we have assumed the name of tbe Markdale Star Base Ball Club. That we are prepareu to accept and tender challenges. Note. â€" Any person or persons de- sirous of becoming a member and of helping the boys can do so by leaving a 25 cent bit with tlie sec, treas. in doing so he will have the pnvilage of a catch behiijd the bnt, liable any moment to be paid in full in the fibape of a beautiful mahogany colored left eye or a knock out finger. Come anl try it. A T^ly to a letter of enquiry re Stallion Pedigree's from a horse man. Toronto April 18th 1687- Deak Sia. â€" ^Yours of 8th to hand. Pedigree of horse published on season bills, if they do not give numbers and the name of the Stud book they are recorded in, also if they do^iot give the name and recorded number of dam, should be looked at .with great caution as many of them are very incorrect and missleading mnning back tibrongh sire only as many of them do without giving dam, all horses toiyelling should be recorded and have certificate and ntunbor. See, Ipiodtozal and Arts AaKdation 'A â- \ M â- M iiii â- iii .O.W. â- iMiil^^ i^iliiiMI

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