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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Apr 1887, p. 5

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 -, '..fupL|iJ|»,^^,^J.|BB!^|^flp Door and Plain Fac« ehinery, everythinjj ler second to noneio ?very department, I ouage. ?s Promptly Undressed 'ancy Turning done. stance. le seaeon. 'iidard Jl-OO ;iicuitiu-ist (Englisb „ ° 1.00 1 try Booii, for every- Iliustiations. Most lublisbod l-W n'uo of our Fanaer ioSUed during 1887. lUi ing isss, forward- o prepai"ed for the g the Engravings of iTiiier l»resident8," I- liiis pui-pose by Id G. UitchfiU (Ik uted paper. I Portraits. ortrait of Qei»ei»l ling. GrandOabinet and engraved at lily for subscrikew ind supplied " •" •. « plate engraving of 10 inches in siae. r Brady' elegantly ghly flniEhodpap«f or for the centie^^ raitofHenryWarf et size, engravea cribera of thiflCOTB- rocess direct tiom i, after Mr.Breeoh- Q Europe. *Z ove post-paid lor •*;* jad^,SfewY«*;«J opy oi the â- Â»*'f!S jcimenpagtaw*"'*^ 3ISTBICT „v CODNTY AND DI8TEICT DOIKaS; JOB IrSO* ""sTASDABD BEADEBS. -I was com- that dreadful ,dali Spring Fair wiU be held next Jar 25tii' " T TKE Peeseeved J •"J if recommend it to any due KtSdisease. P. Devanny, DOINGS. PBEFABBO toisborg, Ont. Horn, had bis of Big Bay, foot cut off " BE ON YOUK (iUARD Itou'tailowacoldmthe W_to near while I into Catarrh, when slowl; yoa can r'7'S^v"'usingDr:Chase'8 Catarrh ]„ !t few applications cure insipient Itarrli A few applications 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh hnxeb is guaraateed to core chronic •" Trvit Only 25c. and sure cure. "fi:alldL«gists. 333-83 Cbii' ifforth Spring Show on the 29th. I n^p.woRKED.-"My husband strained i" elf with overwork, causing a large Sng in the groin. He suffered great Jnv, which doctors failed to reheve "could not eat or sleep. B. B. B. ikiv cured hun. He says he neyer Sli quick relief in his^life" Ex- act from a letter. from Mrs. George Bosk, Cooksville, Ont. Rev. Mr. Fairlie, of Chatsworth, was resented with 50 bushels of oats for horse by bis congregation last week. APeofitably life. â€" Few men have iccomplisbed the same amount of work i oood in this world as the celebrated ir.Cliase. Over 500,000 of his works lare been sold in Canada alone. We nKt everv person troubled with Liyer |complaint.Dyspepsia,Headache,Kidney lorUiiicary 1 roubles, to buy a bottle of Dr. Chases Liver Cure, it will cure you. eilicine and Receipe Book $1. A Co:inioN Occueance. â€" Many bad joints by which people are cripled for lite, are' made by neglected or badly treated rheumatism. Ida Pink, of Strathrov, Ont., was afflicted with rheiiniatipm in her fingers so that she could rot bend them. Yellow Oil cured mr. ai! 1 is a prompt cure for all painful comiikunts. Mr. Norman Robertsou of Kincardine hi'lbeen appointed Treasurer of Burce Conntv. Mefl of BbnfU^^^ '^^ last weelt, by an calved 09T»!. On tn^ Buccnaaljed tp ner iiijttifis ooned va Saterday. Dgoeaaed wâ€" remaikaWyxD(tasteioaa,;,flid.,8^iririiiy deepest «tyinpathy.^[Chto!iicte. Ales, and WaiiaTnSmyth,tW*wi^ hvmg m the nei^bo(rti©od of SiaA^ ton, dispated tespetSing iSie division of «*,?«^ .Property while at cfiimer on the lltti inst., wlien Atex. swzed a butcher knife, and cnt Williaai'aJiMid in a toost o !S?^?^' and ttcn taking advant- age of WiUiam'B disabled condition, took MX beadB aihormx and left for parts nnknow.â€" fCreempreTiaer. Young Frank TrOutoft, mm of Mr Frank Trouton, Sr. of Holland, met with a severe accident on Good Friday. While putting Idle saddle on the horse the sad- dle slipped and the horse commenced kicking, and broke young Trooton's leg below the knee and tore the muscle on the flesh part of the leg. Dr. T. Mc^ Cullongh dressed the wounded limb and Pooks „ Qooda, Toys/Wall Paper, Ac, Tonitta St next Dtor f» tf • Manaion Ih^*, Markdalt. pt^iiii* A. Dinsmore returns his Binoere thanks for the very liberal snnpoct ac- c»ded him since comniencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- -ance of public appreciation and patrm- age. l^ose requiting WAL.L P»AIEFIS would consult their own interest by ex- amining bis sto consisting of over Three i?housand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to sdect from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. JS'lVote tlie tact-â€" That Seeds SSBDS tiie patient is doing as -^ell as could be â„¢^^ commencod business there was no such thing as a special disooont H^mHAIIRISO VANUFACTUEEB OF MABBLE AMD BBAITE MOKUMENTa ft HEADSTONES. Jfontte, Fwrn^tiun MartUt Se, JUST RECEIVED 3 CaHoaih FiuBBt VnriegatBd Marb/B 19* LsTRest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the i^mt ries in Tomont. Will be sold at pnoeB vhioh defy oompetition. SMTI^SFACTIOM BUARAMTEeO.- N. B. â€" Beware of MonnmeBts and Head- atones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, addeied to- gethor, and oiled and SandMasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H.B. HARBISON A Severe Attack. â€" "I never felt better in my life than I have since taking; Burdock Blood Bitters. I had a sevens bilious attack I could not eat for several days, and was unable to work. One bottle cured me." John M., Sr.. Tara. Ont. For all bilious troiibios use B. B. B. k fanner near Neustadt named John •lansblut w^ killed last Friday by light- EiDj;. SiRi: TO Satisfy. â€" There are many remedies for coughs- and colds, but there are few tliat prove so satisfactory as Hazard's Pectoral Balsam, which is a plcasaat and reliable cure for all feoat and lung troubles, including broncliitis. asthma, croup, whooping coEgli and the pulmonary complaints of youns or old. Mr. Thos. Long, of Collingwood, is going to Toronto to reside. Babies and Children. â€" They are ^ways catcliing cold in their head. Place a small particle of Nasal Balm in each nostril at night, also rub well overt!; 9 bridge of the nose, and let us blow how tbey are in the morning. The Mamtob.\n says :â€" "Mr. G. L. Dodds, of Wolseley, who has a large general store there, is spoken of as s likely Conservative candidate for the Aorth West Council, the vacancy being caused by Mr. W, D. Perley retiring t« mn for the Commons." J J *fAc.â€" It is an ordinary mixture. iff w'*^ properties are entirely rm!7 /™™ "" preparation used for J-^^lis, Colds, Throat and Lung Troul^ expected.â€" [Ohatswor^ News. It is our painful duty to have to re- cord the sad event of the scalding of Mr. Thos. Curtis' little girl last Fridaynight which resulted in its death on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis attended a party, on Fiiday evening, at Mr. Dan. Shunn's house, previous to his leaving this part of the country, and while Mr. Curtis' little girl was lying asleep in the cardie, beside the cooking stove, a pot of scalding water was acddently knocked off the stove into the cradle, scalding the child in a frightful matter. Death put an end to the little one's sufferings a few hours afterwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Courtis haye the sympathy of the public in their sad bereavement. The little girl was one year and seven months old. â€" [Chatsworth News. In one sense politics ought never to be taken to the pulpit, but in another they not only may bat mnst be if that pulpit is to continue to be a power for good. In the old slavery days every preacher who said a word against that sum of all the villianies was] denounced as carrying politics into i^e pulpit. So it has been in many cases and so it is stUl. If a moral question involved in politics then so far the pulpit is to dis- cuss that question and the plain and fear- less utterance of God's truth in regard to it is to be proce^jded with whatever the objections and who ever may be the objectors, Temperance, for instance, is becoming more and more a political question. Is the pulpit thereforeto be dumb on the whole subject for fear the cuckoo cry of political preaching be raised about it What is the use de- nouncing the old dead sins of sinners of two thousand yewrs ago, and having nothing to say to those that are so live and active at the present time?â€" [Truth, allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you waated Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confdence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, c.,alw^8 on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hiind Grenade for Extinguish- ingFures. IS"NOTE THE ADDRESS, A.» Dinsmore. New Tailor. WiU Stoddctri: sâ€" Late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdale and sarrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting thac I may receive a fair bhare ot the public patronage I remain, Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDAHT. Markdale, March 14th, 1887. HELD GARDEN -AJT- SleDhen's DEUG STOEE. Tour's Bespectfnlly, R.L.Stephen. ^l|!,^^£|l^i| EOBT. ASKIN. ttNBERTAKER. FUNEML FURHISHINflS supplied on the shortes uotiee. ' f .A. Sileiidid Hea,i*se tor liire at moderate rates. IsvSeaeralFn#BStore THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding Ijoountry that I've opened up a TT^ general Proyision store where I intend Fleshertonis about to lose anot^r f^^ j^^gp ^^ ^and a general bupply of excellent family in the persons and Mrs. F. Bunt and Miss Mma Bunt who will shortely remoye to Markdale. Mr. Bunt, who goes to fill an engagement with Dr. Sproule, M. P. left for that place on Tuesday last. Mrs. and Miss Bunt will not take theur departure for a few weeks yet. â€" [Advance. Oeuau TnotTMCWT IM CACH FAOKJiaC CLIPPINGS. â€" y I'EGBp.oCT.s.-^Mr. Abraham Cook of ^^yerston got his leg broken on Good ay. There was a sawing bee at " place, and whae drawing in a ;;; ""^e' fell off a pUe on him with ^^above sad result, ^^nieudasrsoon '^Chronicle. We hope that it as' possible. â€" [Dur- Southern ASTHMA CURE in^TAirr rcuep for ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRiCE Samples. 26e.; regular Size, Si.oo FULFORD C0.,lBH0CKVmH.otfr. 'MUl6-:-U2-" To intending ptirohasers of Ameri- can Watehes, Clpcks, JeweUery and Silverware, alflO, Engagement also. Wedding Rings.;^-; or fetnl°?***^ *° mention last week iie try T ^°" "" "C" School of Infan- J "n""' °^ ""^^ y°^°g friends, Mr. ^th'va ' *°^ " Joseph Field. the Mffi^^ '"'° ^^^^ *^®® months in '«aiotei '^^°°^°*°^®^' *°^' ^^** â- "«ngB! "'^*^^^®'*^ca*es- T*»® Flesh.â„¢ "J' worthy members of Jleld hold-^"'^*®®' companyâ€" Mr. J. looted to ^*^^ ^^ *» V^ '^vance ""'"'°°^^"»issioned officai^i I have the only complete stock of above lines in "OeBteil Grey." It will pay to inspect W "took; get my pnoe8,find ont W I do btwnesa. learn what my 1,9*8, yeaw warrants mean; then if »i*l«»» «^"7 ^artionlar.lBhailBot e^?eei.Jttx to buy. Over 200 pair of ^« Specks $8w00. all kinds of provisions such as FLOUR. OATMEAL, CORNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, SOi:EENINGS. also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS, BACON, LARD, c., in fact everything people W9ntin this line. Shop one door west of .Toe Lamb's Blacksmith shop. Soliciting a share of public patronage I am respectfully yours, •fas. IVIillei' MARKDALE. At tlie Toronto House, n£a.r%cdale. SUUCNT£RPiU6ES In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I haye done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re- moved to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S.BAE, Markdale â€"All kinds of â€" F TJ R, 3V X T XJ Â¥t E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIN. Farm for Sale. 1 f\f\ ACRES, BEING LOT 13. CON.. J.vJv/ 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchard bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particulars apply to JAS. W. LACKEY 3l-t Berkley. [nTONCE [xiilNCTOMS. IS- Rue Wn^^^ff^' speciahy. Tv:. MAEEDALE. Win. feown. SiBASflOBD, Aug. 8th 1885. Abonii'tiisee y^ycsago Iwas ^Hia im wlQi^ branetutis, and â- i|Biil|.«Dable to d»at^«|£Bi^4UDaF bottles of j'fjl^npeiiiinpletely eii|M9^1l£raTO liyhMitk has '«ii£iiDei in u!t laever in n^ fife. ^^ V ^*^.^/i.l^J^sSlord. NOTICE is hereby given that the next examination in ttie County of Grey for Entrance to Collegiate Institutes and. High Schools will be held on the 4tta, 5tb«and 6th days of July 'S7 at 0:?en Sound, Meaford, Durham and JVfarkdale rosnectiyely, commencing on the 4th. at 1:30 p. m. The examination papers in literatnre will be set from the following lessons in the authorized reader â€" 1. The Vision of Mirza 2. The Death cf Little Nell. 3. The Bell of Atri. 4. Dora. 5. The ChangeUng. 6. The Two Breaths. 7. A Forced Becrnit at Bolferine. 8. National Morality. The Drawing Book will be No. 4 or No. 5 of the Drawing Coarse for PnbUc Schools. The History required will be "Onthnes of Engli^i Histoiy." the oatlinfcs of (Canadian history generally, with particnlar attention to the events sabseqoent to 1811 the muui- eipalinstitatioDB of untario, and the Pcdeial form of the Dominion Goremm-nt. THOMAS GORDON. Iiu.pector. Oweu Sound, 6th April, 1887. 345 BE SURE m G£t YOUR WM. BREADNER. C arpender and B uilder GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village or country. Call early before the rush comes. 389-52 Partnersllip Notice. De's SPROULE BRODIE, have entered into a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr. Sproule will be found at his old office Turner's Drug Store, and Dr. Brodie at his office MatheXIr's new block. 383-46 FOR SALE. ATbor.ngh bred trottiikg stallion witti Fedigiee, in good condition nine years old, color dark dapple bay. also his HarneRs, Gutter and Bulkey, for farther particulars apply to. THOMIS GAWLET. 338-84 Holland Centre P AUCTION SALE 3F VALUABLE- FABM PBOPORTY. I Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Registered Mortgage, I which will be prodnced at time of Ssiu. nnd upon which default in payment Las been made, there will be oftered for Male by Public Anntiou. %t the Markdale House, iu tbe Village of IbLai'kdale, in the'couuty of Grey, on Thursday, April 28th, ^«9*^tim», » M4^ He makes as go;Mt a pump a^ tliere is ill the imuiet, illicit tiw ^estJ"'^;^^!^ pOh»iWe,J)|3Jes,; bc;,iae« it la 3«i c»»u, »ttim«»of Afc; veuioob 1^ gettiuf -fwpiurdr sUe* ' whetf bqmi|["froB»«*»*fctocfe«?^ « ^ave BK^s^ style aljj^l y m ^ttlt support bome enterpriBo Ly buju:g from Qoim^ A. D. 1887, at the hour of one o'clock m the aftembon the following Taloablo land and premises, viz Lot No. forty in the fourteenth coucesRion of the Township of Artemesia, ooutainin^' one hnndtsrd and ten iMsrus more or less. This is a vaiaabletarm property. Ou the ^rmifes are f aid to be erected a goo I dwelling^ bam and farm buildings. ijjjfen per cent id fc paid- down jk'"*!^ bahaJce. terms libeml, 3Uefi^eitjmiia%iIl be madeknovcn at Hxe Bale. ' For » ffiwticm'agraHe^^ to I'r i -a*? s*^* â- â- â- 

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