"-J' ' -^i*kUr-',._* -^ )or and Plain Pa liuevy, everyt r pscond to nonei fry department,] lucy Turniiig done] 'ance. nilard j- iculturist(Kngli8n try Book, for eveij^ ilustrations. Mow iblished -^ ne of our FaiJ** sued during IS*- [i-i ng iSe, f orwirf- prepared for to* tiie Engravings *[ •mer rresidenW this purpoM fH ted paper. Portraits* rtrait of Genffl* ng. GrandCaWW" and engravedW ly for BubscnD^ id supplied to â- " late engravingjf 6 inches J» «® Brady* elegaW tilyfini6hedp»B" ,r for the oeott* j litofHenryV*^ size, eng^Ti. •ibers of OuB^i Dcess direct^ .after Mr. Europe. "^1 re postr-pKdlf idway, Naw xjj ,y of the nan, â- p**^""?* imenpa^^^ K5 r-^.X 81 amntx n^^HSti .laMOW TBOaJL 118308 ^sMY isffgirag i jecure fro*!] [to stiake, Ains ?f-»,f1»» .„ MR: Cape Breton, mw after all otber ,1 bv this remedjr â- nthadfsuled Itjpay'be tin-' Eraaily for coughs, .col^s, sore throttfeB etc, ItheEJitor of the Sta-'dabd. â€"in yonr last i8aiie"Dbc8o" -tin- takes to give his opinion why those otests against tbe'*Scriptare Readings' taking place, also to give his snpposi- y certain passages are left put, Id lastly to state that no I^btestant torJtl use, permit or justify the nse of jripture Readings." jldoiiot -vTrite for the purpose of. tossins swords, with "Doceo" for there 111) ISO arguing with a man who finds lult v.itji a book of selections becanse oEic parts of the text have been omitted, but tlicre are some persons in this |ei"bborhood who really do not know vbv aiiJ how the "Scripture Readings" rere selected and nut in our Public jchooio. Pi-jvious to 1885 the Bible was read In 55 per cent of our Schools, the various Jeiiiwuinatious were not satisfied with Ihi-s. 50 representatives from the Angli- Mothodist ' £^id Prasbyt^ian Ijos waited on the Attorney ieutiul witli theit resolutions tea :)ljl!i;atory reading of passages Of no. The Provincial Association 3f Teatiiers also recommended that the Ijlinistei of Education make selections â- of Sei.i'Care for daily exercise comply- iiij^ wiLl- their wishes the Hon. M. Ross ^n^'aged Air. W. H. C Kerr to compile I seleciioijs and submitted the proofs for- revision to a committee composed |t4 lleadijg divines of the various churches, I they apT)ointed a sub-comipittee dcui- sisting of Archdeacon Boddy, Rpip, Provost Body, Rev. Dr.^ Burton, ' Bey. I Dr. Dewart, Rev. Dr. Laing, Rev. H. P. Powis, Rev. Dr. Sutherlfind, after this I they were also sent by the compiler to A.icl! Bishop Lynch, who could find no fault but changing "which" to "who" in Loru's Prayer. The "Readings" were then distributed gratis to the School Trustees and Teachers. Was this secretly Commeutiug on the Readings the Toronto "Mail" Dec. 24th, 1884, states "Tlie Minister of Education is to be cojgratulated upoii*~haiing adopted for u#j iu couimoa schools a series of readiiigslioai the Old and New Testa-; ineu^o, the extracts adopted in this CO u]^)j:aiiou are such as Christiaois 6t evei'" (icuoiuination, have ever agreed to accept as the plain viav^oi^Ki^,. fl|f^; Kerr has done his work oat of love iUaS^ doQe it wall, avoiding not ©aly i:tEo^e, parts upon v/hich the sects split but also those upon which it would be easy to start a raging coutroversy." "Doceo" objects to some parihs Srffc o'ot and quoted a verse Does he know that the same verse is iii the Douai Bible "What advantage is it then to Roman Catholics Does the church of KiiL,'iaud (dishonor the Bible when it leaves out in its readings or lessons the o3th Chap. Genises or the first eight Cha])ters and most of the 9th Leviticus also ITth and 18th also first 5 Chapters Xui;;bers, why none of 22nd Chat)' Dcur/jrouoniy a little of 23rd a ad not a •rord 01 tlie "iSth, why do they leave out iu reading in public 17th, 18th, 19th, 0th and -i 1st Judges, .why is Ezekiel '-•nt and car.ved, why is 28rd Chap, not read, why is Hosea cut up Was tlie Bible dishonored in olden tiaits Mhen a family considered Ihem- elv( s rich if they had a copy of one of the Gospels or Epistles Do the Inter- "atitual S. S. Lessons dishonour the '•iblc. are the Bi'ole truths given in the, Beaiuuis any less the word of God ^^ hy are the Readings in such prom- 'nenee to-day ' because they were used ^s a party-cry to stir up the sects and races at the late Elections, trying to- make tliis free Canada of ours a little^ Ireland. "Doceo" should be generoas and call ^lie look at least by its right name '•e ^viil find the 13th Chap. Corinthians is all there I may also state theccnajnler aud revisers of the Scripture Readings ••hiflk themselves as good staunch Px.t€stants as "Doceo" and his ilk. Trusting you wiU excuse me for this rather long letter. T. L. M. Ho! "' -rur ^? f 1- r^ bnow neany idl leoiie.^ ' ** *- • " ^td/Sbm Tarii^';^^ 2^: B-'Contt's Il^cti^ii^l^: broken above tile elbow by fidMng off a chair. I Mrs. W. J. Wright has been iU with wflammMioB hot i^ recovering. i **: %^.s%%Mr X^^^ B. B. B.â€" IN WORKING ORDER. "My huabiti^ yBjjp.^nblea w^ dyspeitsia toit mtteei U^ fonz yeaa.- Two experienced physicians did him no good. We got discouraged, until we read of Burdock Blood Bitters he took only two bottles and now he is as well as ever, and dguAJbeim^Hsirork all the time." .MiS^^S^jStowe,"" Barley Out., ':^^^'^a»'ifii^^ti^mig!0imiA llMjpylnipi stflQ l^aaai passagte ia EASY TO use. to ttw fhiMt and exi^toraQon csoaea br CatazA. Bent pn-p^a oa receipt of price, 60c end $1. Addresa FULFORD A CO., BrockvIMo, Oht. f I fiE AD QUARTERS FOB Book8 stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, Ac. Toronto St. next Door to the Mansion House, Harkdale. Seeds 1 Hi. W. MAifRtSON, MMRBLE AUD tf^lTE MONUItlNTS HEADSTQNJES; jtfmt{», Fumitan Marble, de. JUStr BECEtVBD Carloads Finest VariegatBd- Karb/e SEEDS LarReet stock in the Domimon to â- eleot from. Personally aeleoted at the quar ries in TermoBt. ^^^ill be sold at .priees which defy eompeti^on. SMTISFACTIOM GUARANTEED. N. B.â€" Beware oi MooTiments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and cdled aad Sandblasted to hide the imperfeotions, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARRISON THE undersigned woiild, hereby respectftilly intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend A. Dinsmore retnms his sincere thanks for the very Uberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring to k«Mi?«!ir4ra»d« gein^||^^|p^;:«i^ ^^^^^ consult their own interest' by ex all Jeilfftw ^orisious aubli'Pp-' flour; 'OiSAL, 0oi{iirkE^; SCREENINGS, also a SEED GRAIN, KAMS; BACON, LARD, o., in fact everything people want in this line. Shop one door west of .To» Lamb's Blacksmith shop. Soliciting a share of public patronage I am respectfully yours, MARKDALE ,.•â- 5?^ FmTMNCE FMIilHftTlONS. "VT^OTICE is hereby given that the next iAl examination in the County of Grey for Entrance to Collegiate Institutes and, High Schools will be held on the 4tli,Stb,and 6th days Of July '87 at Owen Bound, Meaford, Durham and Markdale rosoectively, commencing on ' the 4th, at 1:30 p^ m. The examination papers in Uterature will be. set from the following lessons in Ihe: authorized reader.: â€" 1. The Vision ofMirza 2 The Deatii cf Little Nell. 3 The B ell of Aifi. 4. Doi». 5. The Changeljag. 6. T8e Two Breaths. 7. A Forced Eecrait at Solferino. 8. National MoraUty. The DrawinR Book will be No. 4 or No. Si of th^^B^iTi^^g ConTse for Public Schools. The History required will be "Outlines of English^B^^tory," the ontluies of Ctnadian liistory generally, with partieolar attention to the events subsequent to 1841, the Inuni' cipal institutions of Ontario, and the Federal form of the Dominion Government. THOMAS GORDON. Inspector. Owen Sound, 6th April, 1387. S4o AUCTION SALE amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll. Sunday Schools requiring ^^ Liberary Books will find Hundreds to ..^ *^i select from and at such FAVORABLE quantity of TERMS as are sure to satisfy. IS'IVote the tact-â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allow^ed to Sunday .Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your 'wants can be supphed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. ;I therefore with conf dence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, c., always on hand, ^Iso agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER ifpATTERNS, Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish; ingFires. IS'NOTE THE ADDRESS, .A.m I^insmore. F/ELD GARDEN â- «:'f ' -OF VALUABLE- ,p?f",^«?fBLE.â€" There have been many W !u^^^® ^^^^ o* deafness reported n-omtheuseof Yellow Oil. The pro- Ei^'^s^f this medicine haye a ll^o St tf " r^ testunonials. It is the fll^L ""^^°1^ remedy for pain, in- J^mation, lameness, and £meU of «raahy an.i extcrnallv. '/^ PAEM PEOPOBTY. Under and by virtne of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Beeistered Mortgage, which will be produced at^ime of Sale, and upon wliich default in payment has been made, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Markdale House, in the Village of Markdale, in the county of Grey, on Thursday, April 28th, A. D. 1887, at the hoar of one o'clock in the afternoon the following valuable land and premises, viz Lot No. toity in the fourteenth concession of the Township of Artemesia, containing onehunderd and ten acres more or less. This is a valuablu farm property. On the premises are said to be erected a gool dwelling, barn and farm buildings. TERMS â€" Ten per cent lo be paid down at time of sale for balance, terms liberpl, and will be made known at the Sale. For further particulars apply to JCHN LETS, â- if i -.SoHeitor Toronto. New Tailor. Will Stoddart sâ€" Late of England and Jersy City, U. B. begs to inform the citizens of Mabsdale and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. MoFarlaud's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on Laving work turned out first-class in every par- ticular trusting thai I may receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain, FaitlifuUy vour's, WILL STODDART. Markdale.. March 14tb, 1887. THE GROUP OF REFORM LEADERS JUST ISSUED BY At the Toronto Hoiiso, â- SLAUGHTER PRICES -Arr- is attracting a great deal of attention and is selling well. It is a fi oely ex- ecuted lit)ocraphed sheet size 18 x 24 inches; suitable for iraniing showing^ portraits of Hon. £. Blake, Hon. 0. Mowat and other Leaders of tus Liberal Party. We have also Conservative Leaders. A companion group, same size as the above, showing Sir. John Macdonald aud other leaders of Conservative party. Mailed to any address on receipt of 25c. each. A copy of either group is sent free to^very one paying %% foe Grip for one year in advance. LAST WEEK'S GRIP Has a donbte page Cartoon, "A Plirenol^cal Chart of the Headoftha Country," It is. withoat doubt, one of ihe best that has ever appeared in Ghrip. tS" $2 a jear, $1 for six months, 6e. jfttopT. Address. ' Th^Mf MKtiH9^a^PMUutimt»' â- T0B(»I70, ONT. Stephen's DEUG STOEE. Your's Bespectfiilly, R.L.Stephen. LlEae^M Tak In returning thanks to my num- erous sustomers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I have done business iu Markdale, and soliciting a oon- tinaance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re-moyed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. Respectfully Yours, B. S.RAE, Markdale Jilfl* EOBT. ASKIN, UNDERTAKER, ivi:.a.»,k:i A JL.E FUNERAL FURmSHINGS supplied on the shortes notice. A.. Silexidid Hea.i*sse lor hire at moderate rates. Q kinds of â€" â€" ^AU kinds I In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAffilNG Done on short notice. KOBT. ASKIN. Farm for Sale. 1 AA ACRES, BEING LOT 13, CON.. ii./V/ 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed aud under cultivation, weU fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchaid bearirf;. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms aud further particulars, apply to JAS.W. LACKEY 3l-t Berkler* WM. BREADNER. fl arponder and B uilder GEOEGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done m the country. Call early before cornea. village or the rush 339-52 BUBABLE -r-RELIABLE. â€" ^ALSO â€" Waittiam, Elgin and^ Colomblers, ^IK STOUK American Clocks, Silverware, • Wedding Rings. IS* Watch repaiiiBg and fitting S^pec- tades a q^wcialty. MABKDALE PartnersMp Notice. Db'8 SPROULE BRODIE, have entered into a partnership for the practice pf their profession. Dr. Sproule will be found at his old office Turner's Drug Store, and Dr. Brodie at his office Mathews new block. 333-46 AUCTION SALE -OF- YALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, In the Township of Glenelc;, in of (Jtey, there will be sold oa the County Wednesday. 20th day of AprH, 1887, at 1 o'clock \t the afternoon at the Markdale House, in the village of Mar dale, by -virtno of Powers of Sale con Gained in a certain Mortga|;e, which will be proilnced tX the Sale. the foliowiug property. Under Mortgnge from Angus Leitch. lot 8 in tbe 13 concessimt of the Township of Gleuel^. in the County of Grey, containing 100 acres more or less. The foUo*-ing iraproyemcnts are said to be on the premises About oO acres cleared, having erected thereon lug house, log barn, and I'^g staUe. TEBMS: â€" ISjper cent A the purchase money to be paid down at day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at timo of Kale. For further particulars apply to JOHES BROS. MACKEIiZIE. Solicitors, Torcmto Street, Toronto. Or to JOHN LTONS, Esq., Markdale. FOB SALE. ATbwongh bred trottini; stallion witiir Pedigiee, iu good conditiini uinf; years^^ old,' color dark dapple faay.^so lii» Harries.. Gutter aud liulkoy, for fur her paciicular^. apply to. THOMAS GAWLfcl^ ^38-81 ' Holland Centre P m