paper regular IT directed in letlier he baa able for pay- ler discontinu- tlc jjublishcl 1 payment is liole amoiin*, pm the office. the suit Toay 3 tiie paper is- bermayresid* loN jSTBlCT DOINGS. DENSBD FBOM OUB KCHANOrt. daUy mail is to ope*^ ^*^'" [tc^vorth and Durham, ow is to have a cheese factory [tsninmer with T. Malbot prerident. E K Young of Meafordttceivod aaniiBoas invitation to remain the :d year. j^t week Thornbnry News bristled Itli newsy paragraphs, liatsworth Presbyterian Church, is ported by the News, as in excellent aucia! circumstances, and a sab«:rip- in list for the erection of a new church being liberaly signed. Wm. McComb of Holland was Inniieted and treated to a fine fur coat Untlv on the occasion of his moving [the North-west. 14 fa^nily in Chatsworlh is stud to irell in the same house with their cattle cow and calf.) fjleaford is to vote the 29th inst., on a to raise $2,500 to bnild a fire- Lof fireball. B.Allen ex-M. P. was recently ser- iated by Chatsworth brass band while I that village. I V. E. McAllister of Durham has rent his hotel to Joseph Black of Shel Drue. I Brampton has lost three valuable and rcnunent citizens the past three months ly the hand of death, viz. â€" Mr. John lassert of the firm of "Haggert manu- Icturing Co.," Mr. Thos. Milner, layor, and Mr. Alexander Dii, Heg- fetrar of Peel Co. j McNabb Bros., late of the Chatsworth our mill, which was recently destroyed Sre, have leased the mill at Holland Eentre, Mr. Moses Smith the former pnant. has gone to Tilsonburg. An Indian named "William Trap â€" a Jand master at Cape Croker â€" ^was frozen I death two weeks ago while on the iray from Oxenden to Cape Croker. OwEX Sound roller "rink is closed, and I to bo turned into a billiard parlor and powliiig alley. JIu. J. C. Reid has disposed of the titc, where stood the Queen's Hotel, jlcssrs. McLean "Walters, of flarkdale, for $900. It is the intention pf tlio ])urchaser to build a hotel in the bpriui,' â€" fDundalk Herald Mr. Allen Morrow (returned to Chatsworth on Friday last with his youns,' bride. "We wish the happy eonjle much joy and prosperity. The baud turned out and serenaded them |the evening after their return, and vere liandsomely entertained and presi-ntod with a V. â€" fChatsworthNews. Sei.s i^NAKus. â€" "While L. A. Bodie, of iSydeidiam, was walking over one of his 5el;ls on the 10th of February he came across ,1 snake of considerable propor- tious. p.;;d thinking it quite a curiosity at this time of the year he carried it jconsiilerahle distance to shew it to I some c'Jiers. They speak of it being jquite lively and able to run at a good Ipace. It was found a long distance from lany buildings and was crawling through |the sno-.v.â€" 10. S. Advertiser. A }.[ail Carrier's Mistake. â€" ^A very lamushii,' incident took place at Glammis jlast week. A drouthy gentleman from that neighborhood sent with the stage driver lor a jug of whiskey from the [vendor at Piukerton. The stage driver iJiaviui; imbibed rather freely before return iug when he reached Glammis, instead of taking the mail bag into the post ofiiee ho carried the one containing Ithe iu'4 of whiskey and took the other V^th iiim. The good people of Glimmis ^0 koubt appreciated their mail that r^'""-- ^^"t it is said that the vendor l^illliavotopay for the joke.â€" Pasley Advocate. ^Oq Saturday last Mr. Jenkins of the urhani (.'hroniclc was driving a. spirit- *= team to a dog cart from Durham to ^esherton when|the shied at some ooa about a mile west of Flesherton â- ^^atiou,^],rowiugoutaU the occupants ^0^ "^^^^s, sr., anold lady of about hii^^^' ^^^ severely bruised, but Mrs. caB T'" â- "^^â- ' ^^^ ^^^ ^**^® daughter es- Pej without serious injuries. Mr. forrr^*"^^' accepted an inyitation and 1. "' ^°* ' ^^^ ^^h scratched oriuT'f.' "" " J^°^i°«' ^tohnng hard " " ^J^agged over the ^^a s^ow and struck a pile of hardwood "asbn '• rf ^^' sustaining two serious Std??!, '^^'^- The vehicle was «.oiil :. '*°* °* Flesherton was ^C« « attendance.- [World, mH Don't go to bed with cold feat. Don't Bleep in the same nndez-gamiAiits that are worn daring the day. Dcmt sleep in a room that is not well ventilated. Don't sit or sleep in draught. Don't lis on the 1^ Bide too much. Don't lis on the baok to keep from snoring. Don't try to get along with six or seven hoars sleep out of twenty-four. Don't jump out of bed immediately on awakening in the morning. Don't forget to rub yourself all over with a crash towel or hands before dressing. Don't forget to take a drink of pure water before break* fast. Don't take long walks when the stomach is entirely empty. Don't start to do a day's work without eating a good breakfast. Don't «at an3rthing but well cooked and nutritious foods. Don't eat what you don't want, just tosayeit. Dont stand over hot air rcffisters. Dont inhale hot air or fumers of any aoids. Don't strain your eyes by reading on an empty stomach, or when ill, Don't ruin your eyes by reading or sewing at dusk, by a dim light, or flickering candle when very tired. -ar^sTTT" Hardware. â- »»» To builders and those about to build your ^^ants supplied at re- asonable rates. Sir 0voc« NAILS. GLASS. PUTTY. " HURRAH " FOR THE NEW lEAR Good Bye to tbe Old One. XMA.S QOOBS. â€" â€" â- «-: â€" JfEIV $O0DS MimmMB iVEBT ^WEEK AT^â€" RUSSELL'S Holed Jewellry tit(M«, FLESHERTON. HINGES, BUTTS. 8CKEW8. DOOR HANDLES. TOWEB BOLTS, CHAIN BOLTS. HAMMERS, CHISSELB^ SAWS. BRACES, BITTS. CUTTERY. LAMPS, LAMP GLOBES, Ac. Consisting o f GOLD and SILVE R WATCm^S, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE,- Honor Roll. Honor Roll S. S. No. 7, Holland, for the month of Febauary. Fourth Glass â€" Mattie Bailey, Wray Jackson, Bertie Thibadeau. Sr. Third Class â€" Hannah Freeborn, Ada Boulston, Willie Doyle. Jr. Third Classâ€" Albert Boulston, Thomas Freeborn, Thomas Irwin. Second Olass â€" Wm. Growther, Francis Freeborn, Thomas Speers. Part Second â€" ^Alfrod Newman, Ghas. Doyle, Joseph Fee. Part First â€" Louisa Doyle, Ralph Boulston. Ijizzib Moobk, Teacher. Tbe M Drag Store, \F0BS8. SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy which ic still in Mark- dale, and the place to MIRBOBS,. ALBUMS. ViOLIMS e. Trade With China. OILS. LEADS HD COLORS t â€" all pure goods â€" PAINTS gronnd and mixed any shade ready for the brash in quantities from one pint up, guaranteed free from all alkalies and other foreign sabstances. Full Lines in Tinware at bottom prices. CALL AND SEE US IT WILL PAY X OU. Note the place the sign of tbe cross catt saw. E. IMC^VBEE. HEAD QUARTERS FOB- Books. Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c. Any one looking for Xmas presents- will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, FksiertoD,s fine stock to select from, i « I and prices v«ij low. It your watoh get cured Of your niany;orclockwaiit»»Bpairing,RUSSELL'S is tise ^ae» to ta^ it A satisfactory job evetj time, IST Remember, ills^ in the shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, Teething Po-wders or a Bubber Bing Should they fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PARMEU DUBUN D06ERS. JAS. 6, flUSSEL'S N a tod J e w ehy Store. FLESHERTON. THBES STEAUBRS CHABT£BBD BT CANADIAN PACIFIC BATLWAT. THB MoNTBBAL, March 4th. â€" The arrange- ments of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to have through connections with China has been completed, the Company having chartered three steamships. The first of these is ex- pected to leave Hong Kong early in May, The last sailing vessel, the George, for this season, conveying teas and fancy goods, will leave Yokohama, Japan, about March 7, for Vancouver, B. C. Honor Roil. Toronto St. next Door to tho Mansion House. Markdale. SHOULDER BRACES SHOULDER BRACES Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BRACES! OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUEEB OF MARBLE AND GRAfTE MONUMEIiTS HEADiSTONES, Mantlesy Furniture Marblet (fe^ The Honor Boll for S. S. No. 4, Holland, for Feb. is as follows IV Classâ€" M, Farlie, Thos. Troughton, Ei Troughton. Good Conduct â€" ^M. Farley, M, Price, E. Troughton. in Classâ€" Carson Price, F. Silverlock, Thos. Farley. Good Conduct â€" Minnie Shute. n Classâ€" Maggie Shute, J. Hannah, B. Mathews. Good Conduct â€" ^B. Mathews. I Glass (Pt. n)â€" Joe Wise, J. Mc- Lellan, Joe O'Brine. Good Conduct â€" Jas. Givens. I Glass- Emma Price, Jas. Shute, George Shute. Good Conduct â€" ^Ejnma Price. A. U. HoBTOy, Teacher. W^eddiHg Anniversaries. 1st Anniversary, Cotton Wedding. 2nd Anniversary, Paper Wedding. 3rd Anniversary, Leather Wedding, 5th Anniversary, Wooden Wedding. 7th Anniversary, Woolen Wedding. 10th Anniyersary, Tin Wedding. 12th Anniyersary, Silk and Fine Linen Wedding. 15th Anniversary, Crystal Wedding. 20th Anniyersary, China Wedding. 25th Anniversary^ Silver Wedding. 30th Anniversary, Pearl Wedding. 40th Anniversary, Buby Wedding. 50th Anniversary, Golden Wedding. 75th Anniversary, Diamond Wedding, A. Dinsmore returns his sincere thanks for the very Uberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict atteation to business and moderate prices to merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron- age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVOBABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. E:s^]Vote the tact-â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confdence appeal for public support. A full line of School Books, Stationary, c., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTBBNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish- ing Fires. 13* NOTE THE ADDBESS, ^. Iiiisiiiox*e. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby warned against giving goods of any kind whatsoever on my account after this date without my written order, as I will not be responsible for the payment of the same, JESSE DOWDING. Euphrasia, March 4th, 1867. FOR SALE. Pnre Cream of Tartar, Fine Baking Soda, Mustard Ginger, Pepper, Cloves. Allspices, ground and un- ground of the finest grades.. Sohool Books t School Books I and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drug Store. JUST BECEIVED Cathads Finest Variegated HHaeUe Largest stock in tbe Dominion to 'select ftam. Personally selected at te qoar ries in Yermoot.. Will be sold at prices SATfSFACTtO/t GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of MoBBBaents and Ifead- stoneK^ot Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- getheTrUidmled adxd Sandblasted to hide i the iaqperleetions, and called White Bronze. H. B. HAKEISON with 36fi%ftOV%0 In returning thanks to my nam- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I have done business in Markdals, and soliciting a con- tinuance of tbe same, I would also intimate that I have re-moyed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Irttg Store, aztd opposite to e Post Office,, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers, BespectfnUy Yours, B. S.BAE, Markdale EOBT. ASEIN. UNDERTAKER. FUMEML FURN ISHINeS supplied aa the shortes notice. A. STle]:idid. Hearse.- tor ikire atTDoderate rates. Honor Roll* Ca^nelg, for Honor Boll S. No. 6, January and Fel^ary. 4th Classâ€" David Simmes, Mary Simmes, Lizzie White. 8rd Classâ€" Cathrine Norris, Liz?i9 McCarty, Alphens Murry. 2nd Class- Bobbie White. Johnnie Symnies, Newton Bell. 1st Class (Pt. n)râ€" Mary E. Norris, (George Symmes, Eddie Burnett. 1st Classâ€" Lizzie Symmes, Sydney Crowp, Jessie Duncan. Agcox White, Teacher. AThor.-togh bred trotting stallion Pedigiee, in good conc^tion nine years old, color dark' dapple bay.^iso bis Harness, Cutter and Bulkey, for further particulars apply to. THOMiS GAWtEY, 3a8-4» Uolland Centre P. O, U Ta% â€" ^All knrds of â€" m stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIK At the Toronto House, SLAUGHTER PRIKS WmBtown. Farm for Sale. 1 C\Ci ^CBKS, BEING LOT 13, CON., J.\Jv/ 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and nnder cnltivation. well fenced with ced{u^, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchard bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and farther particulars apply to JAS. W. LACKEY 3l-t Berkley. Pricevitte Roller Mill THE NEW MILL IS NOW COM- eted and in full working order. The oiler process. i» thorough in eysry respect and a full line of rolls. eyarj DIJItABI*B -r-RELIABLE. â€" AMOâ€" ' Waitham, Elgin and, Coloniblers, -~€B.«tOCE. â€" American Clocks, Sitverware, Wedding^ Rings. tS* $Vtch repairing and fitting Spec- tacles^ special^. 4ltriBTB JBWKIJJM, ' l^BEDAZiE THE HIGHEST CASH HRICE wiU be paid for any quantity of Wheat. ositively no rsdi t wJII be givonin o Mfll. The Saw Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your logs and yoa can get the lumber home with you. First-Class Planer and Matcfier^_ Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw Iill which I hope is a sufficient gnaran- toe for good j^oiiE. ' aOBERT McGO'^SrAK^ â- '»•- â- !i- V 1^ 1 â- «.; i â- i