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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Mar 1887, p. 1

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 lAKD. â- i*;' Hi- 0= (niatR)afe +--v«- '-.^^ "HEW TO THB LlJjE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. SEVE:N^TH YEAK.-K0. 340. MAEKBALE, ONT., MABCH 10, 1887. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Publisher. 36 aboTe d( ,„ In massacred » J have taken te â- the intoxicatij patriotism in 3wona pflgiij Itheir res|Jecig j are both vet 3, they may b streets of ^jj liicl them pleaa |ed them, gni3 shop in Tracer ^ward. imitteeTraven SUCCESS: person â- wfio hj Syrup tS Wt it own to their fy'lfeaji severe Coi)g^i| lia, ani in fact' d No persMi cii elief Three dos^ we consider it th( commend it to tL at least to try ea bottles were sell wheie it failed'\(lu ine as the Geriiu y known. Ask yon pie bottles to try lar size, 75 cents. id Dealers.- in tli( nreservei SALE,, SHORT' HORii' 1^ rTLB. ednesday, 16t!i itock farm of W, Qiile from Owea I 6 short horn 3ow all fashion- n Herd Uoofc n to purebasen the short bora y of Mr. John 3und 2 of the ;he property of en Somid. The operty of Win horn Bull aod crosses, 1 Bed Working Oxen, lis calved 1886. fers calved 1886. y Silver Medat ale to commenw ved joint note» 5^, 1888. For with extended 1 see Sale Bill* oand. ' Anctioneer. b. 1887. 3NT. own PickeQ consisting of 10 .wenty fall plongll D with spacio table, and nov bam. Fine yoQ ring weU a ible log hoose^ XI. Brown, ses to ^G.PICKEllJb| aki io Hoi a.le« tPRIfil Local and Other Iteis. IIoTicES in these cobimns intended tohenefit an'l individual or Society will be charged ten •i^nt^ « "" Z^" ^^^ fi^^^ iiuertion and five venU a line each subiequent insertion. liOTICE.â€"Correspnndence, contmunica- iions,. Advertisements, £c„ must he in this ofUce b?.' noon on Tuesday to insure jpvblieation that v-'ek. The feather floats, the pearls lie low, fhoose not a friend from outward show: Cheap and strong are Mabee's sap pails. Buy them. Clovex* tsieed at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. To restore gilt franaes rab with a sponge moistened in tiirpentine. The clays are growing longer, and the sun is beaming stronger. Ak Orange Soiree will be held at Eugenia on Tuesday the 16th mat. Mr. Symington of Dundalk had a cow killed by a train last week.. Miss Millie Lyons of Tara is visit- ing her parents in Markdale. Loyely weather this week but the sleigbiEg is getting shakey. J. G. Anderson will sell goods on small profits for cash. The "xihead of Any" milk cooler to be hatl ouly at the sign of the cross-cut saw. â-  ' Honor and fame from n u condition rise. Act well your part there allthehoner lies. Aeceie Hill, of Meaford; and Andrew Hill, of Orangeville visited Uarkdale last week. W. J. Jienson, our noted Irish Comic is to take part in a concert in Thombury this week. Enibroderies, Embroderies the latest and mo.^t bcautifuU lot ever offered to the public at J. G. Anderson's. Crockery and Glassware in great abimdaacc at botton prices at J. G. Anderson's. Boots that are boots. â€" ^A select stock of boots and shoes for spring trade just opened at W. IMcLeod's. Oil Jal£e, the champion cattle food for sale at Medical Hall A. Turner Co. It will pay to leave your watch for repairs with me. Work warranted â€" Prices right. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. Gexts hand made boots a specialty at ^. McLeod's A good variety made up to select from. Ake you made miserable by indeges- hon, constipitation, dizziness, loss of appetite take Eejuvenator Bitters sold Smith the barber. Labies should call and examine W. JIcLeod's new stock of boots, something select, and sure to please in quality style When does a horse enjoy his food moat? When he haaen't a bit in his month. JoBftthin Hickling of Artemeria iff aerionsly mdisposed.Nre regret to learn. When is a httle boy like a razor when the little shayer gets a strapping. J. G. Anderson Mammoth House has nbvF received a large portion of his spring goods. Call and see them. Mrs. Montoohert spent Sonday in Markdale: The old lady looks hale and heariy, We are glad to see Thos. Mathews about again, after seven weeks con£n- ment with a broken leg. Miss Breraner is, we understand, re- engaged in McFarland's millinery for the coming season. New prints, new dress noods, new cottonades, new shirting, just opened cheap for cash, at J. G. Anderson's. Mr. Legate, a former implement Agent of this place, was in town this week. J. G. Anderson expects to have his spring and summer stock fully complete in every department dy 20th March. Mrs. Elhott of Chatsworth and Mrs. MaeEae of Durham spent part of the week in town as visitors of Mrs. Turner. Maggie Miller, of this place, re- turned from Sunderland Monday night, wnere she has been visiting friends for the past six months. Go to Jackson for land Hollers. Cheapest and iDest in the market. Call and be convinced. Handsome Glassware.â€" A large and very handsome stock of glassware just opened at Benson's "Wiandotte pattern," the prettiest out. See them. Walter Turner left on Monday morning for Toronto to attend session of Ontario College of Pharmacy. We wish him success and hope to see him with us again about midsummer. "1 oRoNTo BY Gas Light" is a book published by the Toronto News and has been read by many; "Markdale by Moonlight" has been the topic the past week. of nd price. ^1. Andrew Fogerty is preparing to erect J commodious brick residence ic this villa,t^'® ^^" himself. He is now HanUna brick aw' °*^®^ material. For Plenry C'^^ "Wilk- inson Plows go %C Jack- son's; price to suit ii^^^ ^imes. "^^E have now a larger stock of boots • ^nd shoes than on any former occasion â€"All genuine goods, no shoddy. A call respectfully solicited. Hampden Watches.â€" My own name «n--just received; Key and stem wind, be sold close, cash or time. ^. A. Brown. Jeweller. All parties indebted to W. McLeod by overdue accounts are requested to J settle without further delay ©r he mil «onipelled to place ttie same incourt. M .jwSr^ '""' P***^â„¢ ** be«» y Miss Love is at present in one the wholesale Millinery establishments in Toronto and will resume her sit- uatioii in Hill Bros Markdale in the spring. A WHOPPER. â€" ^Last Mondays' Globe stated that nearly 50,000 votes were polled in East Grey at the last election, while the correct number is 4,279. Wm. Breadner, carpenter and builder is prepared to do work in his line, in the village or country. See his card in another column. Residence on George St. near the Presbyterian church. Markrale Markets. â€" ^Fall wheat 78 to 74 cents spring wheat 73 to 74 barley 30 to 50 peas 46 oats 28 butter 15 to 17; eggs 16; potatoes 50 per bag; pork 5.40 hides 5.50. W. G. GtTTHBiB, plain and orna- mental plasterer of this village, is getting the material for a residence on the ground, and will bnild the coming snmmer. Jron Harrows "spring tpotlx Harrows" Drills and sfi#i?-ers from the best maaatlfacttires in Ontario, a^ ?;*0Kson's. t^onaand at feet softiajii LORB,^ be 4diwred Aimstrong's BCU, MaiS*«i«^ «e» par- ticuhtts apply to W. L. Yiin«» 9^lma» ACqlsBank. Saw mill men, Flonr .mill pw^riebmv Wool.ftwtoty Cfwni? " "??** ,w steam or oUiar madii^^ dMn^«»/W MabaeTaaod exMaine his vSMfSa^ whiobjy A long felt wanted sapplied.â€" Pre- pared Faints ready for use^any quantity or shade â€" guaranteed pare See them at ilaskett Bros. Owing to siekness and dea in the family Mr. John Whitby was obliged to resign the Assessorslup of Artem- esia, and we understand Wm. Mo- Longhry has been appointed in his plac. Important.â€" It is of the utmost im- portance that some good household re- medv should be kept within bandy reach in case of pain aaA. accidential injury. The most useful remedy of this kind is undoubtedly Hagyard's Ydlow Oil, for internal and external use in all painful complaints. Wamtid ^t. â€" A large quantity of Rock Elm poles, from 7 (not less) to 10 inches at small end, 22 ft long, also Bock Elm saw logs 15 inches and up at small end, 16 and 18 ft long, also Maple, Bireh and Soft elm logs Cash paid. M. k W. Armrtrong. Don't do- it. â€" ^Don't rack and rrdn your lungs with a tiget, harrowing dis- tressing cough, when a few doses of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam will loo,sen the phlegm, soothe the irritation, and heal the sore throat and bronchial pipes and may avert the destructive disease, consumption. Life is too short for it to be constant- ly filled with sadness. Letpeoplelaugh when they can. A man should not go about with a face long enough to make the world beUeve he has money de- posited in a saving bank. DouDLY benefited. â€" There is no one remedy known that has more curative power over dyspepsia and liver complaint than Burdock Blood Bitters. "I had liver complaint and my husband was so bad with dyspepsia that he could not labor. One dozen bottles of B. B. B. has enabled both of us to attend to our usual work," reports Mrs. John A. Campbell, of Brighton, N. B. Capsized.â€" On Wednesdav last a wedding party was driving through this village towards the railway station to catch the noon train, and overtak* ing a loaded team opposite the Severe Hotel the jolly party hauled off to pass, and struck a hard snow drift upsetting the rig containing the bride and groom with some half dozen of the most important of the weddeners. It must have been humiliating to get such an unceremonious spill before so many spectators, but there was no serious damage reported. They didn't miss the train either. Humors.â€" The most humorous man is not always the happiest the man who has scrofulous humor or any obstinate humor of the blood, dose not feel very lively, at least not imtil he is cured, which, by the way. Burdock Blood Bitters will do in the most troublesome of blood humors. The Creemore Advertiser was a year old last w:eek. It has been to us a welcome exchange, always frank and cheery and without malace in its com- position. Tho people of Creemore may well be proud of their bouncing year- old boy called "Tiser." Mr. Ball the editor is thankful for past favors and hopeful for future success He has our best vrishes. What is ALABAsmtE.-^It is a pre- paration of plaster-paris and other ingredients used for decorating and whitening walls and ceihngs, is easily applied, will not tcale nor rab off, and is cheaper and better than calcimine. You can get it at Haskett-Bros. The statement that the Queen is io create an order for the recognition of editorial merit on the occasion of her jubilee, will not, it is to be hoped, lessen the offerings of wood and potatoes which are the earthly symbols of appreciation of the country editisa labors. MoBB thaw CLAnoBD.-^*'For the past four or fiw years," says Mrs. Emery, of Cottam, Con,., "I have been subject to kidney tronbtes. Xwi^adviced to take Burdock Blood Bitters. It has done me mora good than^ what was daimed for it. ' I can recommend it to all suffer- ers from ttwMT diseases^" r Look, out for a Tr«at, Bev. Drt •^'-jre'a celebrated Xiectnre on "In- " i^iH be ddireted in; tiie ^Ghanab^Kt;. on WijfaMS- lettLi )i^ fifir. Bwrii TUBNBD fOVEB AGAIN. â€" "W. L. ToUUg has sold the Livery business after runn- ing it one month. Thos. Matiiews is again the proprietor' after being butone year out of the business. The public may rely on being well served now as in the past. This livery is perhaps second to none in the county. Obanos SoiBEB. â€" ^The annual Soiree of L. O. L. No. 1888 was held on the 25th Feb. in the hall, KeU^e^ners and was as usual a grand bucc^k. The good things provided by the ladies were of a high order and thoroughly appreciated after which a good program was rendered, the following- taking part. Thos. Sells in the ehair. Dr. Sproule, M. P. Eev's Corcoran, Wilson and Cornish, also two recitations by W, J. Benson and an address by W. A. Brown. A pleasant and profit- able evening was thus spent. Pro- ceeds $89.50. The Chatsvrorth News is two years old, and we are pleased to note a de- cided improvement in its appearance on commencing its tjiird volume A new heading and new type together with increased space appropriated to local and other news, giyes it quite an im- proved appearance. May it go on and prosper is our worst wish for Mend J. G. Blyth. Mr. McNally's Carrugr Ftctory. â€" Mr. McNally has his large building completed vrith the exceptions of plastering the varnishing room and some chimney building, "^is is now one of the most complete carriage buildings in the country. The building is 40 X 80 feet two story high. Dan. McFarlane already occupies the black- smith department and the balance will be occupied at once by Mr. McN. Why EHPLorrocTOBS. â€" Consult a do- ctor and in 9 cases-out of ten he pro- nounces your disease Liver Complaint and:" charges you tl' for a small bottle. Consult your druggists* and for %1 he Mrill give Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, guar- anteed to cure, and a. valuable receipt bookfree. Bey. Dr. Talmage's celebrated lecture on "lugersolism," to be de- hvered in the Methodist Church here next Wednesday by Bev. David Bogers will be a rare treat. Those who have I heard it from both the above says the latter is preferable. Mr. Bogers is a great imitator, clever, comic and bristles with mirth what i» said of hoi. "The great American was ably re- produced and able critics says that it was a fac.-simile of Talmage in lan- guage, style and words." â€" Mitchell Advertiser. "Mr. Bogers succeeded admirably in portraying the original lecturer's personal pecukarities. â€" Acton Free Press. "Bro. Bogers electrified our people in Stratford." â€" Bev. G. Bichardson. The annual tea-meeting at Town-line appointment, Methodist Church was held last Thursday evening and was an entire success.. The weather was delight- ful and loads good, and as a consequence the church filled to the door. Tea was served in an adjoining dwelling, after which all adjourned to the church where a good program was rendered. Mr. H. Hamilton was voted to the chair, and Bev. Mr. Cornish, gave an address on the progress of civiHzation followed by aprofitable practicableadvicefrom Eev. Mr Hosking then came Mr. Haw kin's speech Mr. H. is a genmne whole-souled veteran who has the respect and esteem of all who know bim. tn the course of his remarks he gave the followingâ€" The Markdale Presbyterian Sabbath C^^j^^ *°^.^^ ^l^^^ .*^ ?^f°l^^^ P^p- ,.„ ...... lundrum, viz â€" He visited this wmter School will D. V.) hold their anniver- sary on Thursday evening next, 17th inst. Befreshments will be served at the Church from 7 to 8 o'clock. A ric3i. program has been prepared. Parents and friends are cordiall 7 in- vited. Admission 1 5 cents, Children (not of the school) cents. Mr. John McAleer formerly of Mark- dale and recently of Eugenia moved this week to his farm in St. Vincent where he has decided te retire to private life. He takes with him a valuable stock and wiU pay special attention to stock farm- ing. Mr. McA. is one of the most honor- able men we have come in contact with in business, and we sincerely wish him and his estimable vrife, and family, comfort and happiness on the home stead. Removed. â€" ^Having secured for a term of years the blacksmithshop in Mr. Mc- Nally's new carriage estabhshment, and moved into it, I wish to return thanks to my numerous customers for their veT Uberal patronage in the past, and by close attention to business and honest dealing I hope to merit a continuance of your libejral support. D. McFarlane. P. S. â€" ^As business must be conducted on business principles, all over-dew accounts must be settled by cash or note on or before the 19tfaL inst. D. McF. Oddixuawb CoNCEBT.-^Cascade Lodge C. 0. 0. F. held their annual concert at Walter's Falls on Friday svening last. The weather was deligt- ful and a lanre attendance was the result. Mr. P.' McCnllough, barrister of Markdale occupied the chair very acceptably. Messrs, Porter, J. B. Anderson, and W. J. Benson of Markd^Je took part in the program, the two latter being heartily and repeatedly enchored. W. J. Shepherd* son spoke on the benefits of the order. Miss Ajtgie Lemon of Thornbory delighted, the audienoe in «nig and was heartily enchored. The Bognor String^ Band gave selecticnB.of'imisie to the delight of. those {NreMnt, and altogetberr it leiaa a very pieasant and Buecessfiit coaeprt. Proceeds abou t 176. About 15 couple dune from 4ifockdaIej»lKHn wo were tomeh ^iBtm- •d«olw««irilkvs. Ooib his great-grand-daughter in western Ontario, and said child has three great- grand-f athers^ all now Uving we have no doubt the old.|,entleman can explain it satisfactorily. Then followed 0. W. Rutledge who never speaks but he says ' something, and W. A. Brown who gave THE speech of the eyening, subject â€" matrimony, and the great importance of a wise choice. The choir did their part admirably and thus an enjoyable eveiiing was brought to a close. Pro- ceeds $33. Explanation to "Lost Strayed or Stolen." Li your issue of March Brd, an article appeared under the above heading which might, if un-explained, reflect upon the character of tho parties named viz. â€" Messrs. Isaac and John Tuohy. The article or notice (ras not intended for publication, but only designed as a practical joke upon Elder and Tuohy and strictly confined to them and some half dozen of their intimate friends. The writing of the notice came about in this way. The next day but one after the late elections Sweeny was in Markdale and made the remark in a jokular way, that "Elder St Tuohy were lost." The writer of the notice said "how is that Sweeny says well, they went to Durham election day and havn't got back yet. If that is so we had better get out some notices and offer a re- ward for: their return, so the writer picked up. a piece of brown paper and began scribbling, the result of whicli was the burlesque notice referred too. There was one or two friends ot all the gentlemen ' present and some one suggested that Sweeny put it up on Mr. Elders shop door. The writer most emphatically paid no, that would be too public, simply take it along and. when you see th.e boys together give it to them and lead them to un- derstand that you iound ic posted up along, ihe road, said alright that will do. But instead of confining the joke within the intetided limits when it would have iojured no .one, not even their tender feelings, I though tlessly handed the printer not thinking it wQold cause ili-feelings or iujury as that WAS farthest from the intention of any of the parties to tho joke. If theirfeeliugs have been wounded or any harm done, we are sorry and we «ballre£un froin^ractiGal jokes lu^ tbar-fiit«ra. .- .â- Â«,â- :/â- â- .,... .15 r* V. ;a

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