^mmm mmmii^ mm mmm^m mmm mmmmmm "«?e(i^-i^f»"ljS«5l**a*S^-f%2?«U=»ai^^ .. ?*»'•. ^^^Spt^-P :^- -*.- he I f OQQJ at [blood stroi the ft, wl Ibont latchu of bio ^B.8 cans,! few dajij en set %A dtedgBj 11 effoib who wag] |ed in Mc it, haYise came to I was k ;efr away the idea Minnea- tlie maa received lan, wha had beett Qtieapolisj man sHp- in Winy chiiekenw the desk the river lis to es- b will be to Wit^, ly InisbaiKr an Indiau He had' imbs. He- ld applied also cored I find it •e thrca Serpent ivspap-' r regular irected in; r he iias; for pay- iscontinn- pubhshes fment is amount,, he office juit may paper is lay reside â- refusing rem the. ;hem un- cie evid- h 886. Exp. 4 50pxa, 6 30 " 7 03 7 2?5 7 34 8 04 8 30 8 56 9 10 9 22 9 32" 9 49 " 20' MaiL ii^ tirtfslle \- "jsit* j4.i» â- ^/* faints I fcao Cu*!j,fasT^«i -MM* sJi-^ i -!;;N â- ;'â- ; 'W^-d tj- 7fo'«*-«;»--^.^3: .J»*fT '•»â- â- '"â- 'â- 'Vf ' " t *v# H|!i i» i •**B* x*^ in I » I »â- I 1 1 1 1l 111 " ill 3AT3j1€:;3"0Jr3in "HEW TO THIS LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBE THEY MAY/ SEVENTH YEAK.â€" No. 339. MARKDAIiE, C«^T., KABOH 3, 1887. C. W BTJTIiBDGE, Publisher. Local and Other Items. moTicES in thexe colttmns intended to benefit 17/ individual or Society will he charged ten |nt« a line for the first insertion and five ^ts a line each 9uhequent insertion. NOTICE. â€" Correitpnvdence, eommunifa- |ffns,. Advertisements, dtc,, 7Kast be m JJkM See by noon on Tuesday to insttte flvtl^ikion it tceek. Splendid farm to rent near Fleshert^n. ee adv. Cheap and str^pbg are Mabee's sap lils. Buy them. Slaughterprices at the Toronto House, ee Mr. Brown's adv. I Queen's Jubilee note paper land Envel- Ijes 2yc. per box, A. Turner w, Co* [50 acre farm, all cleared;^ to rent. ply to Wm. Brown, Markc^e. I iDon'fc forget Richardson 'Go's an- al clearing sale all next week. I Rev. SamfJones will preach liwice next aaday in Carlton St. Church, Toronto. I The "Ahead of 4ny" milk cjooler to 1 had only at the sign of the dross-cut iw. A large and select stock of prints, gents furnishing Ac, is being opened at J. G. Anderson's, adv. next week. I'be foundation of this country is the home, and the foundation of tne home is pure men and tvomen, pure boys and and girls. â€" Dr. Thomas. Mr. Wm. Eough df Owen Sonnd will hold an auction sale of thoroughbred stock on the 16th March. See adv in this paper. Abb yon made miserable by indeges- tion, oonatipitation, ^sainess, loss of appetite: take Bejnvenator Bittms sold by Smith the barber. ^Saw mill men, Fknr mill proprietorBi Wool-factory owners and all who ran steam or other machinery lUionld call at Mabee's and examine bis m'lfaine oil which is the best in the market;, Mob£ than claixbd;' â€" For thd ast four or five years," says Mrs. Emdi^, of m.. I- -11 t 1 la .1 Cottam, Oon., "I have ben subie^ to A Tea jneetmg will be held in the Sidney troubles. I wasadticed to take Burdock Blood Bitters. It ttas done me more good than what wlis claimed I Dr. Armstrong is expected to^sit his fcher J. W. Armstrong E^.,^^8her- In this week. rW. G. Richards mbVed this we6k into le of G. S. Bowes new brick residences Elizabeth St. bliss Jessie Burns of Toronto is spend- |g her hoUidays with the Misses Douglas i ' this village. [Cheapest place in the county for Ictnre framing is at the Markdale ioto-Gallerv. Oil CJake, the chatiipion Lttle food for sale at Medical Hall A. lurner Co. Mr. and Mrs. William Currie of Mt. forest spent a few days with their tother R. B-. of this place last week. I Bakery aad dwelling to sell or *ent in le Incorporated Village of Dnndalk, ^t a bargain,) apply to A. G. Hunter. fcsT SpLENDiD.-Those Cabinet Photo's icksou is turning, ont; Come and see be convinced. • â- It will pay to leave yonr wateh for epairs with me. Work warranted â€" rices right. W. A. Brown, Jeweller. The barn of Wm. Wilson, 8rd line, Huphrasia, was destroyed by fire last ^eek. A bill to admit women to the franchise ^as defeated in the British Colombia [iCgiriature by a vote of 17 to 6. Smith the barber will be in Fleshex* an next Monday, fair day, to attend to requiring his service. M. BicHASDSON Go's annnal sale ommences Saturday March 6th to be ontinued through following week. We had a pleasent call from Mr. Gim- by, a former teacher in our school. Mr. is now stodying medicine. Wanted.â€" Any quantity of maple, zk and soft^elm, birch ai^ baswood [or which cash will be paid J. H. Bliss Traverston. tf The result of the electioDS in Grey bounty as far as knowa is as follow^' ^proule's majority 744, Jifasson 0^ ^ianderkin 129. Hampo£k Watches. â€" ^My own nams Dnâ€" just received; Key and stem wind, ill be sold close, cash or time. W. Ar Jrown, Jeweller. A billff or the incorporation of Thorn- bary as a town is before the Legislative Parliament.- Markdale oiif^t to incor- Iporate as a city. M. BicHABDsoN Go's annual sale is Ian event looked for with considerable â- interest by. all who are on outlook for bargains â€" ^it commences Saturday. Methodist church New England on Tuesday evening the 8th inst.-, irhen a grand program is expected. The complete returns for East tl^rey are not in on going to press, elsid we (ponld give them in townships iis ih South and North. Fabh fob SAi4E.^=-4 splendid farm 80 acres cleared, on ninth con. Enphrasia, for ^2.200 on good terms, apply to A. G. Hunter, Dundalk, P. O. t nave now on hand a full stock of Brahdies, Gins. Rum, Win^s c., of the finest quaiiVy which I feel satisfied will m^lb me demand of t^e trade, W. L. Davis. #iNTED It Once. â€" ^ifty thoui^lmd feiet soft Elm Logs, to be delivered at Armstrong's Mill, Markdale, for par- ticulars apply to W L. Young, at Lucas Co's Bank. Mabkbale MAJfeKETS. â€" ^Fall wheat 73 to 74 cents spring wheat 73 to 74 barley 80 to 50 peas 46 oats butter 15 to 17 eggs 16; potetoes 'BO per bag; pork 6.40 hides 5.^. The Bneton World alleges that a girl at Uxbridge who was vaccinated from the arm of her lover has taken to swear- ing, chewing tobacco, |sitting cross-leg- gdd. and hankers to smoke a cob pipe. Notice. â€" All parties indebted to the for it. I can rt^icommend it to all snffdr- ers 0m their diseases." What is AhiBASTniE.; â€" It tB a pre- paration of ^iaster-paris atad other ingredients usied for decorating and whitenlhg walb and ceiling" is easily applied, will not bcale nor rub off, and 16 cheaper and better than calcimine. You can get it at Haskett Br6s. J. C. ^OTCE, I'ate of Hm Bros, left on Saturday for Toronto, and will shortly proceed to Kansas City, where he has accepted a sitoation. He has made many friends in Markdale daring his short stey aild oaSfries with him onr best wishes. The revival Meetings that have been conducted on the town line three miles from Mal-kdale ly Iter. B. I. Hosking have proved a gtand success. Daring these services ^abont forty persons presented themselves, for stdvation many of Whom found Christ and are now going on their wtnj rcgoioing ia Him. DonV do it. â€" ^Don't rack and ruin your lungs with a tiget, harrowing dis- tres^g cough, when a few doses of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam will loosen the phlegm, soothe the irritation, and heal the sore throat and bronchial pipes and may avert the dei^ctiTe disiease, undersigned are requested to pay the I consumption, same to P. McCullough, Markdale, who jj^ rpijog Hanbury's horse (of Dun- dalk) rati away on Wednesday from For Flenry and ^^ilk- Lson Plo'v^a goto Jaok- Ison's; price to suit hard Itkaef. will also pay those whom I owe. Will Taylor. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Ch\lrch held their first social for the season at the parsonage last Wednesday. There was a good turnout and a pleasent et^ ning spent. "^IVanted at once.â€" 500 Rock Elm Logs, from 12 ft. to 18 ft. in length, will pay high price for the same. Terms Spot Cash, apply to W. J. Rowe, Barrhead Mills. The vebt best. â€" ^Eliens pat'd self submerging Tnilk cooler is beyond doubt the best and cheapest article of the kind ever offered. Call at Haskett Bros and see them before purchasing any other make. 2 w. Cbedit Sale.â€" On Thursday March the 10th W. J. Shepherdson will sell for Mr. Jjuke Francis, lot 30 con. 8 Euph- rasia a large stock together with im- plements c. Term8;ilmonthsonsnm8 over $5. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. The blizzard of last Sunday was the most severe for twenty-four hours that we remember of. The roads were seriously obstructed in places, but the trains were « time as usual on the following day. One of the greatei* wivivals known in Canada has jost been carried on at Pio- ton where the converts are said to have numbraed 1000. The aerrices were CModucted by the erangBlistB, CScoadey and Punter. r,yih- Lookout for ft ^bS*- ^ev. Dr. Talmage'soelebtftsa Lecture on **ln- ffersolism," will immteA m Methodist Ohoieh here, day ev«nuig 16th., by Borers. ThebestapedaMfnofacbiur grift we ever heardctf was the voter wiio hrmii^ his own book with Mas, for fear that he might be sworn «*«he poH flo *!• **«»» book that the ttNcies used.â€" BeraU. War EMWOTit iuia w M?oâ€" °^ " Ctor and in 9 caMB e*k^4y«« W pro; Boonees yewr disease Liver Cannot and efaai«es yon |1 tor a smaU *-^' half a mile east of Markdale right through the villi^e and was stopped half a mile west. No serious damage was done. A child was left holding the animal, but Was unable to manage him. DouDlt BEMEfTTED. â€" ^There is no one remedy known that has more cnrative power over dyspepsia and liver complaint than Burdock Blood Bitters. "I had Uver complaint and my husband was so bad with dyspepsia that he could not labor. One dozen botties of B. B. B. has enabled both of ns to attend to onr usual work," reports Mrs. John A. Campbell, of Brighton, N. B. the on W«chi«8* Bev. DviH Miss Teha, daughter ofBer. A- Wilson of this Tillage, who has been attending the Shorthand Academy m Toronto, since last September, has just passed her examination at OsgoodoHall, and is now taking a situation as Shorthand Writer in one of the Law Offices in the City. The principal at tiie Academy says "Miss Wilson deserves all the praise that can be awarded to her, for the able mannec in whidi she has per- formed the orduous duties devolving upon her." On Fridsfy afternoon Mr A. G. Hunter visited Ite Dundalk Piddie Miool for thep«rpoee(rfalkwi^^t|« seiialaca to take a jbpek af ebdtMy i^ b^ hold of I3n instromea^ itepe^sti^^, aad finally Idiiped a i^. aft jqiaing 'haads, andtiieip^ soip ^^«i»U«p!iBters danced lieoinMi ^iaiciii^ aabsing- He ga«««di^ii|iMkii^«|ie pow« apdnseofeMdw%^CfiiHtfrikltPfiW l^ WxoBoa or J^^iMiMMEsnav-^^ paratifOttsoldVy Over 60 carriages were in the in»oes mon of the late B. H. Whitby's funeral. Wanted at once, a large quantity of rock elm poles 22 ft long and 6 or 8 in- ches at top end. W. J. Bowe, Barr Mead Mills. The Toronto World says :â€" "The Globe's majority of one is not swelling visibly. It might be a good idea to feed the poor thing beans and butter- milk." SficTT. â€" Si^ty farmers toed, the mark at the PoUce Court last week at Ham- ilton for refusing to pay toll at York street gate. Forty three of them were fined 15 and costs or ten days. Three cases were allowed to stand, and the re- mainder were dismissed. Shortiy after- wards a mob gathered and completely demohshed the gate, which waa oon. sidered an imposition and a nuisance. HuHOBs. â€" The most humorous man is not always the happiest the man who has scrofulous humor or any obstinate, humor of the blood, dose not feel very lively, at least not until he is cured, which, by the way. Burdock Blood Bitters will do in the most troublesome of blood humors. Cemtbe Gbet FabeeES' Institute.-- A public meeting of above will be held, at Boeklyn on Thursday next, 10 March, commencing at 1 o'clock, and atFlebher- ton tbe following day, 11th March, same hour. Professukrs Bobertson and Moyie will j^ve addr^isses, and a number of local men will also read papers on sub- jects of interest. These meetings have been largely attended in the past, and ^ery interesting. Tbere should be a lively interest taken in the above meet- ing iltPOBTANT. â€" ^It^S^ the utmost im- portance that 'Sdttie good household re- medy should^ kept within handy reach in case of pain and accidential injury. The most useful remedy of this kind is undonbtoUy Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for internal and external use in all painful complaints. MoKTHLT AtJCTioy Sale. â€" ^W. J. Shepherdson is establishing a monthly auction sale at Walter's Falls for the convenience of those wishing to dispose of stock, implements or reaJ estato, and invites such persons to confer with him at his residence, Walter's Falls A commission of two per cent will be charged for all amounts up to $50, over that amount one per cent. His first sale is announced for Friday, March 4th, when a lai^e quantity of horses, cows and other stock together with imple- ments c., will be sold. See posters for full particulars. Beward of Industry. â€" ^Mr. Geo. M. Haskett, hardware merchant of this place, moved this week into his new brick residence which he erected the past year. This model structure is faeantifully sitnated in the north-east suburbs of the town on a handsome site, next to the palatial residence of Dr. Spronle, M. P. The design throughout eombines beauty with comtort and con- vemence while the workmanship reflects credit on the contractor,^ Mr. W. G. Bichards, It is without doubt one of the most complete, comfort- able aadhaBdaame residenoes in 4^ eoavty, and ooet^ about 18000. We hsfurtty ^^ibeur respected citieen and Up a»j«Heyiis|and isiirily allha^wnMs .3V Si^iau Ci»||atiipi-^t^l^^ last a j|^Mtilw|BiliBaRiefoandand^te IbeJbRie' ol the 'l^'^^ti^een a||d {hmedint ji^t Whole _^^^tb9 aj^paca^ vri^ a qqa«i(i^«f (the 1^ blilji^Yiliiifiil iiltjrlii iinii fiinfti fin llin git^ani'sTellowObiB^iMrtby of si« )p^piiiw ' aife.iii^ was brought to confidegeeas a hDosebsi d »emed y Mi^ ,i |iiit li l ^j!arie., aftd then pain. |t has been ovecmiiaixter aCt«i, eeatoxy in tiie market, tocose or relieve rheomatism, nenrali bottle, for tl he SS^^SSSli^^oIS. •gui! best maaxicteeB â- nlsea to euie, and a TalnaWe leoo^ rkntcrinn o± Ja^lnan* bites aaid InftsiM paiM and nijiii ieai DE\TH OF E. H. WHITBY. It becomes our painful duty this Week to record the death of our young firiend, Harry Whitby, who passed peacefully away on Monday evening last at the a?e of 81 years. Death is an unwelcome messenger at best, but when it claims for its victim, one in the vigor of youth, an^ iable in disposition and full of promise for a successful and oseful life it be- comes all the more sad and repulsive. Harry was in delicate health the past twoyearsi and had to retire from the actiye duties of life early last summer, since which time he has gradually grown weaker, and on Mon- day last passed away as above. the FCNNEBAf.. Deceased having been a member of Orangeville lodge I. 0. 0. F. the paJl bearers were members of that and Flesherton lodges. Thefunneralwasa large one, and after an impressive sermon by Eev. Geo. H. Cornish, the remains were interred in the Methodist Cemetry. A. O. U. IV. Grand Ledire. The Grand Dodge of the A. O. U. W. held their annual session in Toronto, commencing on Tuesday evening week. The reports of the Grand Officers state that a great increase has taken place in the order during the past year, the membership numbering 11,883 members. The total number of lodges in Ontario, at present is 271. Seventy-nine deaths occurred during the year, on which ^158,000 was paid. The amount paid by each member during the yeat was $14. The total cash from all sonrces amounted to $173,510, an increase of $35,843. Nineteen new lodges were instituted during the year. Consider- able business was done at this session. Thursday was taken up with the election of officers and an address by Supreme Grand Master, Workman G. W. Badgerow. The following are the officers Grand Master Workman, H. B. Tailor. Whitby, re-elected by acclamation. Grand Foreman, Daniel Spry, Barrier Grand Overseer, -Rev. E. P. Crawford, Brockville, re-elected. Grand Recorder, M. D. Carder, St. Thomas re-elected. Grand Receiver, H. Bushton, Bidge- town, re-elected. Grand Guide, John C. Walker, Gnelph, re-elected. Grand Watohman, J. J Ulley, Montre- al, re-electtd. Grand Trustees, R. G. Wright, Napanee; John Kent, Toronto; M. Aj James, Bowmanville. Supreme Lodge Representatives, Past Grand Masters Col. Dawson, London; Warren Totten, Woodstock; H. B. Tailor, Whitby. J. B. Nixon and F. J. Inwood, of Toronto, were appointed to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee. Hamilton was selected as tiie next place for holding the Grand Lodge session. Iron HanrowB " tooth HappoV and seeders firozn ]look»ee« t Ontario, at Jaokson'i iS^^znedlftp aed( ;the|own- l^n^t we have TfcjtiriiiajiL.itid to have alaooide of years perami named ^GciO^irooi Bulletin. jtoJacKsonforlajid BoBei«L\ Cheapeit and best in the market. Cckll and he convinced. MotrimoBial Lobv^bK* ••Fall forty years Tve lived," quoth Bose. "idone, alone, alore; Love's feast has been to me, God know»,. A bone, a bone, a bone. 'â- I lonK to driidc the rap of life In full, in full, iu full; In double harness as a wife, To pull, to pal), to pull Ite woods are fall of men, I hear. Enough, enoagh, enough From saplings {p«eti to hkkories sere And toagh, and tea^rsad tongh. "To get. tbaA," quoth the doogh^Bose. •*A bean, a beMi,a baao. Whm mateiaooisl tiaber grows I'Ugo.rUgo.rJgo." Then vp sBeget and hu at sJ widis. O'er bfll aad plainaad log. ghe aliiwi a tiisoâ€" kg^ ^^.i.