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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Feb 1887, p. 5

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 ?l^5?'iPiiPIP^w!^gippF^^?'Pw PPMPi ^rand stic- -A-B-K-IKi-L-a.â€" the Village of ited on the O. E. nnd, a good hes'vy ft. with good paint connection with ^out a fall stock e dispvised of on the proprietor ia Ting this part ©f irticulars addrcM ereby warned promisary not* and daied the riber and payable ate, to Wm. Pav- 3t get yalae tat )B NEELT, 'raary 19th 188^. Wli% I t ' â-  |w«rdt*rth« ivertisew are very i^t to andw- ite the value of the local couotiy They compare the circulation paper of only one thousand, w^ ie;ropolitau paper that claims one Ired thousand, and consideru the ler hardly worth experimenting Bat let us see if this kind of jning is not faulty. The paper the circulation of 100,000 will a territory that covers a good of ground, but only a few sub- jers in each place. If the adver- wishos to reach the farmers of a iin community, the metropolitan Br will be read by from ten to one fdred persona, the local paper by thousand. Now the secret of kerrising is to get people to talk but your goods. The local paper ^omplishes this better than any ler agency. Moreoyer, a country itor has a personal 'acquaintance th most of bis readers, and hence is an influence which is of great llue to his advertisers. It is imposs- )e to keep goods constantly before le notice of one thousand persons I a community without deriving a luefit from it. Subscribere, too, quite apt to have a kmdly feeling the advertiser who patronizes their [me paper, and they place more con- leuce iu what appears in its columns Ian in the flaming announcements |at appears in the papers that lanate from the large and wicked ties. By a large experience in ad- [rtisiug we have learned to value the cal country paper. The metropoli- paners are good mediums, but the ^hie of the advertising is increased 3n supplemented by a liberal patron le of the local paper. An army is }t completed without both artillery i infantry, and an advertising system fiiut complete that does not take in ^tb the metropolitan and local press. -Ex. .-. -J- -f^'-^ -^.s-- -â- â- *' â-  « r-^\ mm â-  •^T?*3 .V:-f:-:'-~H' .^.â- â™¦â™¦^^.' • i.-u*-"--^-**-?-^ _• .^Ts***. '»^ M ' J=3\A/ ' McGEEGOP'S SPEEDY CURE. Ihezi -we say McGregor's Speedy Cure in |eonly i)erfect cure for Dyspepsia, Lives jmpkints. Indigestion and Impure lood.r are telling plain facts, of winch hundreds pon hundreds can testify who have been re- ared to perfect health by its use. We Jould therefore advise you strongly if you te a subject of any of the aboye troubles to Ive LlcGregoij^s Speedy Cure a trial and be Dnvinced. It is sold in 50c. and 81.00 ottles at E. L. Stephen's Drug Store. 2 knniial IVleetingr â€" ITnanimous |Rcelection of the •Idoflicers. At the annual meeting of the Loyal )range County Lodge of North Grey, keid at Owen Sound on 1st inst., all the Id officers were unanimously re-elected or 1887, as follows â€" Bros. Capt Jos. Drke, M. P. P., C. M., Clarksburg. rhoinas Henry: D. C. M.. Meaford: reorge Follis, Chap., Ashley Jas. H. )eleree, Sec,, Walters Falls; Robert loath, Treas., Owen Sound James L. oyd. D. of C, Owen Sound; A. L. lenry, Lee-, Desboro. Nextmeetmgof pounty lodge to be held at Desboro, on le first Saturday in June, at 1 o'clock I m. â€" Jas H. Deleree, Co. Sec. ENJOT LIFE. Oouneil met Feb. i;7 al Balkiid Centre, xafiinbeis all present, reera in the chair^ Mlnotes of former mening read and approved. Shnteâ€" Howeyâ€" That by-law No. 4 be passed and engrossed on the min- utes. A petition wm presented by Joseph Thomas, s^ed by N. Kigh and twenty others re forming a new school section between Holland and Syden- ham. Howeyâ€" Shnteâ€" That A MoGiU be appointed as arbitrator on behalf of this township re above petition. (ralbraith â€" Mnmayâ€" That a|by-)aw be prepared ibr the raising of money by debentures for U. S. S. No. 2 Hol- land Sydenham. Galbraith â€" Howey â€" That by-law No. 5 for the purpose of issuing de- bentures to raise money to purchase site and build a new school house in U. S S. No. 2 Holland k Sullivan be read 1 â€" 2 â€" 8 times and engrossed on the minutes, Murray â€" Howey â€" That John Bam- side be refunded $1;50 being taxes overpaid in 1 886. Howey â€" Galbraith â€" That the au- ditors Report be adopted. owey â€" Murray â€" That the auditor's be paid $2 each for extra trouble in auditing. Shuteâ€" Murrayâ€" That McNabb Bros be refunded the amount of their taxes, $22.80 on account of their heavy loss by the burnmg of their mill.' Howey â€" Murray â€" That the clerk notify Stephen Edmunds to remove stones out of fence corners opposite his place, and other obstrnctions to the water course, before the Ist May next, otherwise legal proceedings will be taken to have them removed at his expense. Shuteâ€" Galbraithâ€" That R. M. Galbraith be assessor at a salary' of $65 to cover all the work. The committee to .investigate trea- surer security reported favorably, and the report was adopted. Shute â€" Murray â€" That the appli- cation of Archibald Campbell for $20 be laid on the table for farther con- sideration. Shute â€" Mnrray â€" That the accoant of B. McEnight for registering be paid. ' Howeyâ€" Galbraithâ€" That Geo. Blyth get the printing at the amount of hit tender. Council adjoarned to meet the 24th March. Cabson Fbiok, Clerk. m » ' To btulders and those about to btdld your "wants supplied at re- asonable rates. m NAU^S. GLASS. PUTTY, If l FOR mWS YEAR Good Bye to the Old One. â- xmm aooBS^, â€" iiff^EX. AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Store, FLESHERTON. HINGES. BUTTS. SCBE W8. DOOB HANDLES, TOWER BOLTS, CHAIN BOLTS, HAMMERS, Consistmg o f GOLD and SILVE B- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE, CHI ^SELB S AWS, BRACES, BITTS, CUTTERY. LAMPS. LAMP GLOBES, c. OILS. LEADS AND COLORS i â€" all pure goods â€" PAINTS ground and mixed any shade ready for the brash in quantities from one pint up, guaranteed free from all alkalies and other foreign substances. FullLines^in Tinwore at bottom prices. CALL AND SEE US IT WILL PAY YOU. Note the place the sign of the cross outtsaw. The M Drag Store, whick is still in Mark- dale, and the place to get cnred of your majiy ills, in th6 shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Paa?egoric, Teething Powders or a Bubber Ring Should they fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PARNEU DUBLIN DOGERS. FORKS, SPOONS, KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS, VIOLINS c. Any one looking for Xmas presents- wiUdowell to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesherton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low, It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, tS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELS Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. HEAD QUARTERS â€" FOB Books. Stationery. Fancy Goods, Toys, Watt Paper, c. Toronto St. «exf Door to the Mansion House, Harkdate. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS SHOULDER BRACES SHOULDER BRACES 1 Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BRACES What a tmely beaatif nl world we live in |atare gives as grandeur of Mountains, glens ad oceans, andthouBands of means ol enioy- ent. We can deaire no better when in per- ct health but how often do the majori^ of opie feel Uke giving it np disheartened, iscouraging and worn out with diseases, fhhn there is no occasion for this feeling, as very sufferer can easily obtain satiefactoiy roof thatGreen'« hugxist Flower wiU make kem f]'ee from disease, as when bom, Dis- bpsia and Liver Complaint are the direct lases of aeventy five per oent, of each aladies as Biliousness, Indigesticn], Sick eadache, Gostivenesa, Kervoas Prostration, zziness of the heaA, Palpitation of the rt and other distressing symptoms. ree doses of August Flower will prove its pnderful efiect. Sample bottles, 1.0 cents. it. »â- Â» â€" â€" â€" Mass meeting. IMPORTANT NEWS ITEM. CooKSTowN. â€" Mrs. Campbell had been troubled for a number of years with Indi- gestion and Constipation, and was induced to try. McGregor's Speedy Cure and; found it eSi, that was needed, and would reqpmmend its use to any person similarly troubled. This invaluable remedy is sold in every part of Canada at SOc. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold at B. L. Stephen's Drug Store. 4 A. Dinsmore returns his 'sincere thanks for the very liberal support ac- corded him since commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate prices t6 merit a continu- ance of public appreciation and patron* age. Those requiring would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three Thousand pieces at bom. 5 to 75c. per Boll. Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. CS'lVote tli« tact.â€" That trntil I commenced business there w«s no such thing as a special discount allowed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get tiiem unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be supplied at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with oonfdenoe i^ipeal for public support. A full line (A. School Books, Stationary, ftc.,always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAP££ PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade.for Eziingnish- ing Fires. IS* NOTE THE ADDRESS, -A.. Iixisiiiox*e« .i^'U.ctiorL Salo â€" OFâ€" Valuable Village Property, In the Village of Harkdale. in the Goim^ of Grey, there wiU be sold on Monday the Tth day of Mairch, 1887, at 1 o'clock in the aftexaopn at the Markdale House, Markdale, in the YiUage, by virtue of Power of Sale contained iu a eertain Mortgageâ€" which will be produced at the Sale, the following property. Under Mortgage .from Pure Cream of Tartar, Fine Baking Soda, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Allspices, ground and un- ground of the finest grades. Sohool Books i School Books and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drag Store. H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTTJBEB OP MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES. Mantles, Furniture Marblet do. JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Lar;e8t stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qnar ' ries in Vermont. WiU be sold at prices which defy competition. n SATISFACTION GUARANTEio. N. B.â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oUed and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called Wliite Bronee. H.B.HABRISON le Mass Meeting held in Haskett's ill Saturday evening was well attend- \, the hall being packed to tiie door. remarkable feature was the presence |a large niunber of ladies, whooccupied at seats. le meeting was orderly for sni^ ^\ Re and varied audience^ The iers -were Dr. Jamieson, Wm. pwn, Esq., Dr. Sproule and M. lardson, Esq. Er. Thomas Sell ocoopied the chair. " "to certifythatlhaye oaedMeGreeon iy Cure for Dyspepsia "and Uver Com- at, and do honestly aay that 3 it cost [one hundred ($100.00) a bottle I would y be without it, as it *»m done me mme d than all the medMines I ever nyed, and el like a new man.â€" Yours truly, Auz. Carleton Place, Ont. This medldne or sale at 0c and f 1.00 per b^le at Jt. Stepbea's Drug Store. 1 To ilie Editor of the SxiimABD. Sib. â€" I want to give.- an emphatic denial to a statement of some "of* Ibe most inflnential Refom^ers of the llth con. Enphraaa, in reference toa meet- ing called by the supporters of Mr.Robt. Gilray to be held in S. S*. ITo: 16, Euph- rasia. They state that the trustees would not give thrai the school house to speak in the trustees told them they could have the use of said school house for tS, for the eyeaing. ' "' â-  â- â-  Jossfa'SLYmts, Trustee faim Montgomery, lot eight on the South aide Mill Street m the said vmaga of Markdale hav- ing a frontage of three roads by a depth of twelve rods containing one quartiar of an acre more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises, having erected there- on a rough-cast dwelling, stable, bake shop* and â- beds. Tebms :â€" so per cent of the porchaae money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balanoe terms will be maid known at the sale. For further porticnlars apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE, SolieitorB. Toronto Street, Toronto Or to John Iiyokb. Bsig., Mykflale, Ont. Mce. â-  • « » CONSUJitPTlON CURED. An old physleian. ntii«d tram rtaadplaoedialitia " '" *- pnustioA ha^ingtaadplaoedialitia tmam In an Baat IndiaiaiBsianaiy-tite ftimnda of a aimUar vegetable remedy tor tlie^eeay^peMaan- en«aareforCon«amptfam,BRndittii».^iRb Asthma and an ttuoa* and limj A fflctJom a ' ^»a A Doaiitve^Bd-nABal ^ttB vat- nwvwus make tt kiMm»lpM»aagariiyMgWfc^Aaa- sted by thia mott** aad a deatoejo ««»« hunan suifeiing. I wffl etedfaâ€" wMiaBff to allwbo deaire.% thia 'â- â- S^-"' V*"â„¢^^ dhpeett»pa tcac aalng. SMd^ niail brad- â-  ippaming tnlspiwer w.i flinch or Wn g Hrt. wftti wapaxinc Anl aaint, jbresBing wwtstamBjtaming, kbb: SSf^B. O.W. •^' Db's SPBOULE k BBODIE, Jmw entered intdi a-.gâ€" tnerth^ te'fl^ practioe of their proioonioPi Dr. Spioiilt will be fmmd at his old odBoe Taner'B I^ug Store, and Dr. Kodie at Ua oflbe Mathew's new Uodk. FOR A Xh«w«h lind tnUiiw sMBim wfth A^ MNP»*.ia«MMlei»fitiovtffiM3i«MS ^Id. BSiiwisriraypto bSgr jUso i CattveMlEidl^, for flortlur TBOitkS GMnjfl, wsm^^^^' Ih returning unanks to my num- erous onstomers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I haye done business in Markdala, and soliciting a eon* tinnanee e^the same, 1 would also intimate thut X have re-moyed to my premises, on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and, opposite to tinsPost 0£Bioe; where I shall W happy to meet all my customenu B^spactfallj Yours, f^. S. BAB, Markdale BOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTAKER, FVHEML FURNISRINOS BappUe4 on the shortes notioe. ^Splendid Hearst^* for hire at moderate rates. â€" ^All kinds of â€" F TJ RIV I T XJ R. E la Stoek at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Dene on short notioe. BOBT. ASKIN. DimABtJB-:-BJ|IiIABI3:. Â¥faitliain. antf Cofomblers, Amerhtm: Cnekt, Smumiiw, M t tgHlff iff. JgWPAISH, Farm for Sale. 1 A A ACBB8, BEING LOT 13, CON.,. XUv/ I* Aitemesia, about 70 acres clear- «d uid under onltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a oom- fortableloghofiseand barn, young orchard beaming. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particnlars aipplfid â-  JAS.W. LACKEY 3t-t Bwkley. Pncewffe Roller Mill. THE NEW MILL IS NOW COM- eted and^ full working ocder. Iba- eUer prooiess is thorough in eyery zeBpectand a full line of roUs. THE HISHEST CASH PRtCE^ win be.j^aid lor any quantity of Wheat.. eeitlrelp m credit will be WH. given in the- The Saw Mill is dmng splendid work. 'Brfaig ih yonr logs and yon can, get ^e Im^bec home with you. Fint-Claas Planer and^ Mgkher. Mr. Jioihn McLeod maoagBs Ihe.Saw jHU'ii^tfch i hope ia m snftfctftnt gaaraa- tee for^good wo«£. ' nf^" TiO.,T^ â- â- ?.- f i â- â€¢ », :-i «â- â- â€¢â- * â-  •• I-

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