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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1887, p. 5

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 .BL.-v:-,a!pi_:3Cs:: -w»j^ j w»" 'oUill^ndr^tQ^'t!^:: â-  -i^- i REAT CLE ']^^*^*' "'*??9^~ ^-^r.- â-  IN ORDER TO S A L E FOR AN J. G. Anderson has decided to offer at SLAUGHTERED PRICES IS entire stock, which is large and well assbrted. Note a few of the lale prices Mens Tweed Suits worth $8 to $12 selling now at $4.75 o $6.75. Overcoats, original price $6.50 to $8.50 now $4 to $5. One case Ladies' Button Boots worth $1.50 for $1. One case Ladies' Buttoned and lace Boots worth |2.50 for $1.50. One case Mens fine buff worth $2.25 to $3 now $1.50 [to $2. Three cases Mens long Boots worth from $2.25 to $4 now selling fRom $1.50 to lf2.50. Furs, prices no object. Don't fail to come early and secure your choice of a large stock [at half price. J. AHDESSOn. The American Agriculturist FOR FBBRtJART, 1887, a remarkable attractive number, and in variety of reading matter, as well as [illnstrations, equal, if not superior, to my preceedin^ number of this period- [ical. Prof. Clias. E. Bessey treats upon fcthe Inflnence of Trees upon Blizzards 1 Seth Green gives adyice How to Learn Fish Culture Joseph Harris urges the use of Nitrate of Soda in the Garden Peter Henderson discourses Seed- Raising •tod the importance of good Seeds A. S. Fuller contributes an exhaustive article on the influence of Pollen. Among the other writers who contribute to this number, are Doctors Thurber and Hexamer, Col. M. C. Weld, Stephen Powers, D. Wyatt Aiken, A. B. Allen, Miss Midy Morgan, Wm. Falconer, and forty others. Deer Snaring and Mid- winter are illustrated by full-pase en- gravings; there is also an excellent portrait of the late Col. Marshall P. Wilder, and a great variety of illustrations of Farm Animals, Implements, Plants, House and Barn Plans, Household Con- veniences, etc., etc. The second article ^on the A. B. C. of Agriculture appears in this number. The Household and Boys' and Girls' Departments are as usual well supphed witk interesting and entertaining matter, and in the Humbug Columns is waged a relentless war against frauds of all kinds. Price, $1.50 per year, English or German Single numbers 15 cents. Address Publishers American Agriculturist, 751 Broadway, New York. a HURRAH jj FOR THE NEW YEAR II 'I II .11 II Royal Black Hniglits. The Annual Meeting of County Grand Black Chapter of Grey, met in Lodge Room of Markdale, L. O. L. Jan. 26th 1887. When the following Sir Kts. were Elected to Oflce for the ensuing year â€" Sir Kt. J. C. Irish, C. G. Preceptor, " •' Jas. Brodie, " " Deputy " " " Jas. Elliott, " " Chaplain. " " J. H. Carson, " «' Deputy " Thos. Elliott, " " Registrar. Jas Erskine, " " Deputy •' Jos. McAardle, " " Treasurer. Thos.Hanbury " " Deputy " " Jos. Gibson, " " Lecturer- " R. A. Parks, " "Deputy" " Wm. Madill, " " St. Bearer. " T. McCarthuf, " "Deputy" " Wm.Rutledge, " " Censor. " Wm. Bradey, " "Deputy " •' B. Maguire, " " Pursuviant. " Thos. Gihray, " "Deputy" " J. Little, " "IstCommitte. " J. McFadden," "2nd " George Hales," "3rd " KW.Blakley," "4th " T. J. Lackey, " " 5th " Chas. Little, " " 6th " W.H. Johnston" "7th BE ON YOUR GUARD Id surely run into Catarrh, when yon cai nrf A°' "• ^- '^^^^e " Chaae'B Catarrh kath t/®^. applications cure inapient Ban-h 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh !^» i:*"'m '8. enaraateed to core chronic by all druggists. 333.3^ ^3^3D GoodByetotheOldOne. The New Drag Store, Tzhich is still in Mark- dale, and the place to get cured of yonr many ills, in the shape of a little Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, Teetliing Po^w^ders or a Rubber Ring Should they fail, then resort to a box of STEPHEN' S PA/iNELL DUBLIN DOGERS. In returning thanks to my nnm- erons customers for liberal patron- age during the past 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con* tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have re-moyed to my premises on Mill Street, next doorto Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office, where I shall be happy to meet all my customers. JBiespeetfuIly Yours, B. S. RAE, Markdale XMAS GOODS. jM[.ALliI5:r-A-TL.E J^IVERTT. CSOOT mos. .-X-.- SHOULDER BRACES SHOULDER BRACES 1 Ladies and Gents, SHOULDER BR A.CES Pure Cream of Tartaii, Fine Baking Soda, Mustard, Gii^er, Pepper, Cloves, Allspices, ground and un- ground of the finest grades. Sohool Books t School Books I and Stationary at STEPHEN'S Drag Store. 91.000 FORFEIT Having the ntmost confidence in its sup- eriority over all others, and after thonsanda of tests of the most comphcated and aererest cases we could find, we feel jnatified in of- lering to forfeit 91,000 for any case of coagh, cold, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, broncbiti3, consumption m its early stages, whooping coagh, and all dis eases cf the throat and longs, except asthma, for which we only daim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when taken anoording to directions. Sample bottles 25o. and ro«. Large bottles 1 1. Genuine wrapped «nly in blue. Sold by all dru^ists, orient by ezpreas on receipt of price. JOHN C. WEST CO, Toronto Ont. Worlds best. West's Liver Pills, a sun oore for liver eomplaintdyspepsia, nek head- ache and mdeastion. 80 h#* S'^- -^ druggists ' " 'â-  '•' NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY -WEEK ATâ€" RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Store, FLESHERTON. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Mathews* Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYIoOR. -^ PROPRIETOR. â€" Consisting of GOLD and SILVER W ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE, FORKS, SPOONS. KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS, VIOLI!^ 8 ko. Any one looking for Xmas presents wiU do weU to caU at RUSSELL'S, Flesberton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low. It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satiBfactoiy job every time, IS* Remember, JAS. G. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHEBTON. ARE -:- YOU -:-60ING -:- TO -:- PURCHASE CHRISTMAS PBESENTSP WHY WHERE EVERYBODY OF COM- mon sense goes. Where yoB can obtain the newest, cheapest, and best selection of goods in the county, at the Head Quarters in Markdale for BOOKS, STATIONERY TOYS, FANCY GOODS, c., o. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION â€" â€" HOUSE.^ When yva want WALL PAPER go where you can get an assortment to, choose froca, and at lowest prices, now in stock over three thousand pieces from 5r, to 76 cents per Roll. Also a choice selection of Borders. In TOYS yon will find the best assortment ever shown in Markdale. Dolls all Btzea from 6c. to $1.50, childrens Toy Books from 5c. to $1.25, Parses from 6c. to 75 cents, Moustache and Tea Cups from 20 cents up, Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmas Cards, at prices that will astonish yon from 3c. up. Special to Sehool Trustees. Saltbath School Superintendents, and Teachers, no necessity going a days journey or sending to Toronto or elsewhere for your prize* x Librarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way suited to your requirements, and prices saticfactory. Special discount allow- ed on all school orders. Full supply of School Books, Note Paper, c., c., ait prices to suit hard times, tar NOTE THE ADDRESS, A. DINSMORE. t^ NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE .si Agent Cor Domestic Paper Fashion Co. New York, a stock of patterns con stantly on hand. To Gonsiiners Sealers IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's nffAl PAUSE UBH ninmmabng Ofl for Machinery of all kinds. Our CA^STOB^ B:. OIL. Is guaranteed the petf of rail Oils in thd^Huaket. EMPIRE OIL -CO, Marnxfrtctnirers azid Refinen, TORONTO LONDON. ^p. for Northern Qntano^ A Goodby. MBS. CLEMEN T'SP F YOU WANT FANCY GOODS, TO^S OR STATIONARY, GO TO THE CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE IN TOWN Where yoa wi §qd everything suitable for Xmas New Year presents, such aaâ€" Didls, BpfS'ToglB, Yiolina, Snowshoes, Gtms, Toy Banks, Young Oottaon Wheels, we (iam safely say, we Jiave the finest assortment of Toys atainable. Imtht who ntmk» Ihmd Satche/a, Work Boxes. Wbioko. Fancy Shollod Boxeo^ Â¥aaeo, Tottaf Mtttk^m^ China-mum, Frt(gt Baoketa, Mutograph or Photo Alba ma. akof^t.talt md inagoct my fg^k boforo parchaamg olaomkoro. OHBISTMAS CARDS i • • CHRISTMAS CARDS The \»^^ assortod, and cheapest lofr i|orth of Toronto. IS" 6pediU redac* tion made to 8^B» A day Sehool S^pen ritendents, tca£l^ei» or all who dcsni^. «-o imrobfvpo Xsag tree loJa. â-  r-- i- I a. ^. â- \% :. 1 ' I r.-

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