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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1887, p. 1

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 ^miiP^nisr" w^mm^ V I I I. I I â-  .1 1 i'i ji:i ' i r i " " ' " "yij .J ' ' .- 'f "-.^l""*,-*.-,....' J-.. ' J. .." ' â€"^ ' 11 ' ' â- l it I » « i i;i" -^U'-Y^fs. :^:j^ ,»,^ »^t »TTt- " 't^-|H--n HEW TO THE LOiE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEBB; tflfeY SIAY." SEVENTH VEAR.-Js^o. 335. MAKKDATiTS, OINT., B'E»EITABY 3, 1887. TT C. W. BUTLEBaE, Pnblislier. iOsal and Other Hems. Notices in thene columns intendtdtobehefit |r' indiridual or f!ocietii tcill he cliarged ten ents a line for the first insertion and Jive ents ft line each suh sequent insertion. l\0 TICE. â€" Correspondence, communica' [ioTis,. Advertisemnits, cfc„ must be in this Hce b// noon on Tuesday to insvre publication piflt Keek. Quarterly meeting next Sunday in ie Jklhodist Church. RisiEMBER that Davis is selling bran, lorts, chop, screenings c. Queens Jubilee note paper andEnvel- hpes 25c. j:ev box A. Turner Co. AVest's Couph Syrup, is a sure cure for DUfzhs, coltls croup anil consumption. Smith the barber wiU be inFlesherton ext Monday, Fair Day, to lather and lavc. |WA^TED AT OxcE. â€" Fifty thousand tct hvit Elm, for particulars apply to L. Young, at Lucas Go's Bank. I The Royal Hotel, Meaford has chang- hands Mr. David Gibbons is the new k.-cpriHbr. Isieli hofidacbe anil ail liver diseases yield Licaiately to West's Liver Pills. S ugar lati-i' All chuKsists. ICavt. John McDomald of Chatsworth j(.;i!c;d the army of benedicts may Is t^liadow neyer grow less. IE. H. Byeks, Ecchester, N. Y. will lease accept thanks for copies Dchester Chronicle. hVE had the tail end of a blizzard indav evening; it switched about terrific rate for a short time. fusT arrived at Davis' a quantity of on at of lest imported cranberries, 10 cents lb. [ValentineR, comic sen- lentil find useful at the medical f ill. A.. Turner. Mosey to loan on easy terms and at rates of interest. Apply to Wm. ^ckson, Markdale. [Cheapest place in the county for Icture framing is at the Markdale loto Gallery. iHcliool Books. â€" A new 3ck jnst received at the Medical ill. A. Turner. Co. I have now oa kutd a full stock of Brandies, Gins. Ram, Wines c., of the finest quality which I feel satisfied will meet the demand of the trade, W. L. Da-^B; Mr. Bobt. Blair, lateof Artemesiawas seriously injured last Wednesday by a large block of ice falling on his head while hoisting it Into Davis' ice honse, at Owen Sound. â€" [Chatsworth News, The three years term over which the Markdale Cheese Factory was made, has terminated, and the patrons wiU be called upon to make provision for farther operations, at the meeting called for Saturday the 12th. To BE Continued the great clearing sale at Hill Bros, up to the 20 inst., of General Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots Shoes. Credit given as before, but special drives to cash purchasers. This is a genuine sale in consequence of T. Hill retiring from the business TjRE coBE FOR RHkumatism â€" If the system IS prop' rly cleansed by soma medicine that acts upon the bowels, kidneys and skin, such as Burdo -k Bliod Bitters, and the sufferer will use Hagyard's Yellow Oil according to directions, there are few cases of rlieumatism ho\ve'3r bad, but will yield promptly to the treatment. R. O. Whitby is prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting a first class job with the best material guaranteed. Now is the time to bring in your wheel'd rigs and have them re-painted for summer use. Shop over Hull's new cooper shop. De. Baknaedo, of London. England, is sending out the first week in March, 200 Boys, (ages 10 to 16 and upwards) for farm labour and other employment. Those desirous of securing such help are recommended to apply early to Mr. Edward Duff, Dr. Barnardo's Home. Peterborough, who will furnish all necessary- particulars. A Sault Ste. Marie, subscriber would like to know, amoung other things, "how many men markdale can send to the Sault to assist in building two railroads, widen the canall, and build a railway bridge across the Sault river " There appears to be a demand for help to push the extensive public works forward in this destrict. IMr. Brown's insulting letter in the }andard last week was so void of sense [at it will not likely provoke a reply. Buy the rolled Oat meal, it is pro- wmced by every person to be the best 1 the market you can procure it at ivis' |Yotr can buy groceries for spot cash Da-is' as cheap if not cheaper than ly other place in town â€" ^no stale goods, rery thing is fresh. [The Trustees of S. S. No. 15, Euph- Isia have by resolution of the board Iscarded the so called "Ross Bible" ad rei)laced it with the Bible. Be on Yotjb Guard. â€" Against sadden bids, irritating coughs, and soreness of the Iroat. Keep Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at ^ud fcr these prevalent troubles of l^all and inter. IFarm for sale, lot no. 40 in the 9th Incession, Artemesia 100 acres 75 sared and in a good state of cultivation ms reasonable. Apply to G, S. Bowes ,rkdale. Me. Mrs. Turner are in Toronto ending the Conversazione in connec- n with the formal openiug of the new harnjacentical College. ' Foe Sale.â€" 10,000 feet dry pine lam- r, one si: an 3 year old colts, three ws in calf. Apply to R. Bennett, 7th e Euphrasia, We arc informed by Secretary of A LrrcKY Escape. Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, of Beamsville, Ont., had what was thought to be a cancer on her nose, and was about to submit to a cancer doctor's operation, when he tried Burdock Blood Bitters which eft- acted a radical cure. This medicuie cures all blood diseases. Noticeâ€" The patrons of Markdale Cheese Factory are requested to attend a meeting to be held at the Markdale House on Saturday the 12th inst at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of winding up the business of the past year, and considering the best steps to be taken for another year. A full attendance is requested. B. Coleman. President. Me. R. M. Cummings, caraiage maker of this place, was suddenly prostrated on Friday the 21st inst., with the same ailment which so speedily carried away the late Mr. Elliott. He was immediate- ly put under ijhe care of Dr. Brodie Sproule, and though faint hopes were entertained, for the first two or three hours of his recovery, we are glad to say he has thus far pulled throngli and is still on the mend. The Carnival Number which is being issued this week by the Montreal Witness, will, we beUeve, command a most unprecedented sale, as it is pnb- lished at the extremely low price of 16 cents, or two copies for 25 centaâ€" free of post. It is to contain 24 P^ Uterally crowded with exceUent colored ♦ ,«M ' pio*°^ and engravings of the U-rmctple rangements are being made to noltt;^ „ ^i^ .. -umn Thb townships of Glenelg, Artemesia and Euphrasia have each appointed the same men as anditors that they employ- ed last year. This is not only a high recommendation to the m6n chosen, but is an evidence of wisdom on the part of the council board's, as we contend that, other things being equal, the man of experience has a decided advantage. Those elected as above are, for Artem- esia â€" Messrs Thos, Boland and Henry Meldmm; Glenelgâ€" A. Turner and John Nichol Euphrasia â€" J. L, Wilson and W. H. Dodson. The same rule vnll hold good in all positions but perhaps none to such an extent as in township assess- ors. West's World's Wonder, or FamUy L'niment, anever falling cure for rheumatism neuralgia, cats, burns, bruises, wounds nd frost bites. 25 and 50c. All druggists. A most inhuman act was perpetrated by some of our Euphrasia neighbors last Saturday night, a miserable poor horse in their possession happened to slip and fall on the road, a short distance past the Roller Rink, after attempting in vain to get the animal up they went and left it to suffer and shiver and freeze in the ditch, in this condition it was found in the morning still linger- ing between life and death. The police were called upon and immediately order, ed its destruction. As the law makes pro- vision for the punishment of such de- serving people they should not be allow- ed to escape. Have you ever tried McGregor Park's Carbolic Cerate for sores of any kind It is beyond doubt the very Lest preparation in the market for healing and curing Sores Bourns, Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, and is th only proper method of apnlying Carbolic Acid Sold at R. Li Stephen's Drug Store, Mai-k- dale, for 25 cents per box. 1 Hymeneal. â€" One of the moat pleasant events of the season took place last Wednesday Dec 22nd at the residence of Mr. John Fleming J. P. (late of Berkeley Ontario) when hirf youngest daughter Miss Martha EUzabeth Flem- ing and Mr. Joseph Mack of Montreal were united in the bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Fotheringham. About sixty guests were present and a most enjoyable time was spent, music, danc- ing *c., were the order of the evening. A duet by Mr. and Miss Linnell and songs by Mrs. W. Clarke bemg greatly appreciated. Speeches suitable to the occasion were deUvered by Mr. Thomas Fleming and J. P. Dill. The presents to the bride were gpmerous a.nd at tractive and show how well "Martha" is respftcted by the friends she is leav- ing. Mr. Editor we will now close by wish- ing the happy couple long life peace and prosperity. â€" [Regina Leader. Tanden wanted. See adv. Luge qoantity of saw l(^s, wood and iatm ]^rodact coming to market. Grade iuilk cow for sale 6 monttis credit to good mai^ apply to A. Dinsmore Markdale Book store. C«antf Council. lentre Grey Farmers' Institate, that i scenes of the Carnival, correctly as wett ro meetings of one day each at Rocklynl^^^^^j^^y executed. The idea of id Flesherton. Date not yet fixed but ^^ ^^ ^^i^ godh a wdnotioii le notice wiU be given when anange- lents have been completed with the professors who are to lectnre. The bam of Thos. Wright, 10 oon. Jlenelg was destroyed by ea^ Tednesday morning. It icultv the stock was is a capital one eyery^y aw bSoA to bnv one copy, to kaep, "d at leart other toeend toWBBda atadirtanoo. Ladi«s troubled with Pimples, Blotches Bough Hands or Face, or Sores of any discrip- tion, should use McGregor Parke's GarboUc Cerate. It will leave the skin in perfect health, smooth, clean and good color. He sure and get the genuine, made by McGregor ParKo. Price 25c. Sold at B. L. Stephen's Drug Store. Markdale. 8 A i^ABK Tbkat. â€" ^Miss McGairrie was greeted with a full house in Markdale on Monday evening last, all of whom were delighted with the entertainment. Her powers of expression are wonder- fol, and her Q{)pearanco is every way her favor, deUcate, modest, wholly free from affectation, self -posseshed, a fascen- ating ranile, and each movem«it as gracefol as art can compel, she appears so perfectly natural in evety part of a varied prc^am that her art is not per- ceived by those who listen. She excels in hnmerons selections, and can move the aadience to tears or lanshter at ^easore. Hex elocation ill foidtiaas, which is saying a great deaL Sodi a treat it indeed lyoe in mxal distiictii, and if Waa McOazry should ^ve an- other in Hie near firtor* in Markd a te she win xeeeire an enAhanaatie leoep* tion. SAItT BHBUK OOBBD. MeOneor^Padn's €aihotts tJifste len triad ai^iEvnite-kellM «a|r fM The Council met in acoordance with statute at 2 p. m. on Tuesday. Tbe following gen- tlemen composed tbe council â€" Artefnesia^-W. S. Christoe, Beeve J. Mo- Arthur and J. Boland, Deputies. Bentinek â€" J- Messenger, Beeve H. Bing- ham and A. McCnlltim, Deputies. CoUingvood â€" T. McEenny. Beeve; V*. Ken and W. Hewgill Deputies. Derby â€" J' Bobertson, reeve; A. Gkirvie, Deputy. Enphrasia â€" ^T. Gilray, reeve W. Fawcett, Deputy. Egremontâ€"W. Caulfield, Reevis; D, Mc- Gormick and J. Swanton, Deputies. Glenelg â€" C Moffat, reeve J. McMillan, Deputy. Hollandâ€" H. Oldham, Beeve A. Shute Deputy. Keppel â€" ^Wm. Totten, Beeye; J. Clark, Deputy. Normabny â€" V. Lang, Beeve .. O'Parrell and E. Widmeyer, Deputies. Osprey â€" A, McGirr, Beeve A. Mclntre, Deputy. Proton â€" S. Rogers, Beeve D. IKCsMillan, Deputy. Sullivanâ€" 3. Bearman, Reeve. St. Vincent â€" J. Bowes, Beeve N. Bead, Deputy, Sydenham â€" Jno. Thompson, Beeve W. lemon, and J. C. McLaren, Deputies. Sarawak â€" R. W. McNaught, Reeve, Owen Sound^I. Chishohn, Beeve J. Fox and J. U. Miller, Deputies. Meaford â€" B. Agnew, Reeve C. Bums, Deputy. Durham â€" G. McEechnie, Beeve. Dundalkâ€"P. McGregor, Tbe Assistant County Clerk took the chair, called the Council to order, and asked them to e'ect a Warden. Ml the members, not being present, an adjournment was had till 7 p. m.. When the Council met again, Nicholas Read, Esq-, Deputy Beeve of St. Vincent, was elected Warden by a practically uuani- mous vote on the first ballot, and it was immediately made uoaoimoos by a standing vote, A special committee to consider the ques- tion of the Clerkship was appointed, and the Council adjourned (ill Wednesday. WKDNESDAT. Mr. John Gale,,who for many years has held the position of Assistant County Clerk was unanimously appointed Gotmty Clerk at a salary of $600. Robert Edge was appointed Auditor on nomination of the Warden, and John Albery on behalf of tbe Connoil. John Rutherford was re -appointed High School Trustee. John Ghisholm ani Thos' Gam^ were appointed members of a Board of Audit, was ordered to pay to the proper parties #2 for each polling place used at the last mijnicipal election, and $2 for each such polling nlace used atlastlegislativo election bong total of 14 for each polling place as f (dlows school hooso of Union S. Section No. 6, 94 school house of Union S. Section No. 4, $4 school honse of S. Section No. 14, school hoose of S. Section No. 15, school house of S. Section No. 9, Orange Hall Kimberley, $4. •4; »4; ♦4; The Reeve's order was'issaed on tne treasurer in favor of John Ormsby for $31.50 to pay men for work performed on 15 and 16 side road on the eighth concession. *rhe treasurer was ordered to pay to Deputy Returning officers for their own seryices and that of their clerks at last municipal election as follows, viz Nicholas Hewson, $6.60; Nathaniel Currey, $6.60; James Struthers, $7.10; Daniel Silverthorn, $6.50 Thomas Ellis, $6.80; Thomas Abercrombie, $6.70; William Pringle, $7.10; and R. Dunlop, clerk, for all services in connection with raid election, $20. The Reeve's order was issued on the treasurer in favor of Gfcorge Orabtree for $7, payment for desk for township hall and other fixtures on said hall. GonncU adjourned until Monday, the 31st January next. R. DuNLOP, Tp. Clerk. Dr. Spronle's Caipaign. meetinos. Thursday Feb 3 .McMurchie s Friday tt 4 Griersville. Saturday (( 5 Meaford. Monday i( 7 Dundalk.^ Tuesday it 8 Hopeville. Wednesday (( 9 Cedarville. Thursday (( 10 Corbetton. Friday t( 11 Shelburne. Saturday (C 12 Homings Mills. Monday 14 Strathnairn. Tuesday 15 Rocklyn (Nom.) Wednesday ii 16 Bay View. Saturday 19 Markdale. All meetings commence at 7:30 p. m. Worth its weight in gold. West's World's Wonder, the ohei^Et and best liniment m he world cores mora cases and goes farther ban any other medicine. Blieamatics, try t. 2^ and 60c. All druggists. To the Editor of the St\ndri SiB^â€"1 notice in the "Stahdabd" some two or three times that there are two Young Liberal Club.t in Markdale. Now there ia only one "Young Men's Liberal Club" here, the other is 'â- â€¢Liberal Conservative" a term, which has been, compared by one of Canada*.^ best statesmen to the Neuter Gender, a barren and unfruitfal ^ce. We can see something to respect in the good old Conservative gentleman, but how can we respect borrowed plumes. YOUKO LiBEBAIi. Markdale, Feb. Ist 1887. [The above is a direct contradiction to the truth, as the wrighter is doubt- less well aware. There are two distinct associations in this place, one by the name of "Young Men's Liberal Club" and one the "Young Men's Liberal Conservative Club." It would be a better omen if young Liberal would ex- hibit a more Libebal spirit. Ed. STAinABD.] Euphrasia Connnl. Feoa Tun It was wi^ MeN«di.ofSlnilh;j]WI^Oi|^^^ r^»sr_^ year«)t intense iirflBiing^Mi 2W»v^^ saved. Didno* SS^v-i«^i«MaMl«ld,.w--«w*l? ,m what insurance there yn^H any jBuKlQAa.o«)dB?«^?*all«.«»*^ thecanse of the fixe. nhieh her head BuidookClood' aidhsd^ilfld. been AB* far Salt Biiwae, Kfl^lH, tbelMSorhaniis, Oalft, MV 8om thaft aoitvfaur â- dss wqi The members elect ^of the township council of the township of Euphrasia for tbe ye»x 1887, being Thomas Gilray, Esq., Beeve, Wm. Fawcett, Esq., Depnty- Reeve, James Boyd, James Erskine and H«iry Hnrd, Esqinies^ coandilors met on Mcmday, Hig* 17th January 1887, made and subscribed their declar- ations of qnalifioation and office in due form filed the iMune with the derk, and todk their seats at the cooncii hoard. Minutes ef last soirion of oonno|l- ^ead and aawBruifld. W. H. DodMn, on nom- inafitm of Ute Itoava, and Jt L. Wilson, on hehdfo^ the o(wncili were ai^ointed andileiEsata.«aIa^of|]8 eadi and a hy-Jwr imniwig aofwrdlftK' Bobertlfyles iraa appointed aaaeanir' at a Mk»rj at f 100 and is to.difl8bacfB.aU the dniie» fllMidoaoe. AOarttaPaterKMuiyl B. WHAT TRUE MEBIT WILL DO. The unpreoedented sale of Bcsohee's German Syrup within a few yeais, has as tonlBhed tbe worid. It is without doubt the dsfest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs,. Colds and the severest Lung tronblcB. It acts in an entirely different principle from the usual pnascriptionB giyen by Physicians, as it does not dry up the C-ongh andleave thee diseas still in the syBtem, but on the contrary rinnoves the cause of tbe trouble, heals the part affected and( leaves them in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the booae for use when the disease aiske their appeanaee, will nave doctor's bills and a. long apell of serious iUness. A trial wilT eomvinoeyon of these ets. It is. positively sold by aUdraggiBts and geaunl in the land PrioB 76 ets., lasge boittlM. E.O.W. A W wroawL Oaatai^T3M haiast ortpm i and, ens tha* risys s «jipielliHg psrfrai ttio- ihiitthtfiiiaMriaJiMHwr. Klnpid or oinaatjualiie whola^tett beoomesviliwusfd^ '• vDr. Omtfm Idrer Om is «ade apeeii^ for- Ltvtr aad JBtosy a sess n i ja a d isfiM He M rt eed toovk SMMipfr^hook iW aUioine •!.,* r â- Mf â- i .; ii «#' "SC ;V4 -â-  .»« j' .* 4t£.

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