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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Jan 1887, p. 8

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 'â- .â- -..,., i!a^'i.i»_!A jj^^pqi;^^ ' "^Trt '?:"..---.• *;:' i W â- â-  I. ^:' i: Mi "*♦â-  -^^IP^^ McOnlloiislu B4BBISTBB, SOXjIOX^rOB, 4». HFFWE-^OrER McFMBUMTS ^TOME, • MARKDAIiB. M!on^y to* â€" • 'â-  â€" â€" ]IIAS801« MASSOM, BAHBISTEBS, SOLICITOBS, At, â-  Oftiobs â€" Owoi Soand, in Ykher'a BkKk. Poalett St. Bianeh offioe in IfaikdaJ*. oror McFarl*nd'8 Store, on Friday and Saturday egeary week. S. HWON, Q. G. S.. MA880H. W. Ma880». TS. B.â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at trom 6 to 8 per cent â€" *â-  T â- - â-  â€" Wip. Brown, XSSUEB UF MABBIAGE LICENSES, Ae CemmiasioneT in 6. B. I;e. Conveyancing in all its branches prompti} •Attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se onritv. ttJ i 4 â-  • ' e. mm ItltHE Andiea, Conueei, Ctntn Flowers, and all kinds of plain anl omamentaa plMrtwiag es- eonted at eheipe^ istes. OaliwiBiniin lame Washing and B^MZsffAwip^f atteadedto. US mmi0mmmtfmsmmmmfmm FABMKBB HAYIHQ aittd {uafntinit floor WILLIAM 3TUART, KIMBEELEY, Ifsuec of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few Jf urns for sale. Terms easy. TO SCIOOLjrMSnB. The undersigned is mannfaotarliif aa ex« cellent assortment of Scbool V^xu-nitore. Consisting of SGBOOL SEATS and It^KS, TEACHEB8' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern. Highly recommended by School Trostees and Teach- era, for dbeapness, comfort and eompaetaess,^ wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept alvays on hand. Band for catalogue to Ghatsworth P. p. 181 ANDBEW MoOILL. Ko, HHHEAT froltt tHeir own wiieat, eao' get it \y bringiiig tWeptgr bn^ids^ oroKMa. • fhyr always m Hmd To i{h« in esdanga. â-  'Baker^s Patent-j and beat fsmilj flonr for â- ala. Betail price per bbl. 44.50. Three barrels or more, N'lU to t4.25. SHORTS, per ton •18.00 BBAN, •• -« 10.00 The highest market price paid, for Fall and Spring wheat. J. W. FOnD. lfr.S]»Hde'sCuiM^ â-  BKVivas. J. p. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, aEADUATE OF TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale Hoase, Markdale, on the Ist and' third Wed- ^tiesday of each month and also at MunshaT^'s Hotel, Flesherton, the day following the thiid Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his pcofession. MARKDALE HOUSE, MAEKDMiE, ONT. J. E. Marsh, Prop\ MABKDALE. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above premises for a term of years, and hopes by cater- ing to their comfort to merit a share of pabhc patronage. Bar and Larder wsil supplied. Good stabling and attentive hostler. D. McLiEAN, Proprietor. MONEY TO •. LOAN. ON real estate security, at lo'«r rate, of interest, no commissioBoharged, ^Busi- ness Strictiy Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 • PoiaoDa,P, 0. FARM FOR SALE BE SURE GET YOUR -7BOK-*- ISAAC STl!Â¥SON. Builder arrd Contractor In ail kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work guaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Eesidence, MABKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, AECHI- BUILDEE, CONTEACTOE, TECT, Markdale. 1241y WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now orepared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Eesidence otd stand, opposite Presbj tcrian Chareh. 318 AECH. BOYD. R.J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, LeaseB and WUls drawn up andValuations made on shortest notice Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPBOULE, Money Lender Postmaster, Flesherton. 6 PEE GENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest rates of interest. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Gonvevancer Postmaster. FleAerton. LOT No, 24, con. 4, N. I). B. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cneap and on S sy terms of payment, for further partieolars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK. 190-tf. Pomona P. O. Wanted Immediately! CANVASSERS IN THIS COUNTY FOB THE '^OUR NORTH LJ(ND" A PURELY CANADIAN, describing the wonders of our own eountiy, wifh thrilling incidents of travel and adven- ture. This is by far the most saleable sub- Bcriptiop book ever pnbUshed in Canada, not a book of scraps and chppings, but an original copyright work, richly and profusely illustrated. To energetic men who will promise to canvass at least one township, we will offer the most liberal inducements. As we mauu- factare the book ourselves, upon our own premises, we can afford to place it in the hands of canvassers at a very low figure, while the retail prices plac^the work within the reach of all classes. Application for Territory received at once. Wo want at least one man in every county in Canada. Also^he "IffiW HOME PABALLEL BIBLES," and Photogrrph Albums in over .100 varieties. O. Biackett Bobinson, 5 JoBSAH St., TORONTO • Pub Usher. MARKDALE, He makes us good a pnmp as there iff in the market, and at the lowest possible pnces, besides it is so. con- veuient for getting repairs besides when bnjiug fromia distance. Have some style abont you and snpport home enterprise by bnjisg from Quinn* Monday Toes^y Wednesday 'Thursday Friday Saturday Monday lioesda^ Wednesday^ Thursday Friday Sakirday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday ' Mazweir Badgeros.* Singfaampton.' McMnrchief, Gr^rsriUe. Meaford. Dondalk. B 1,0 OP WILL CURE OR REUEVC BIU0USNE88, DIZZINESS, Jan. 81st T^. Ist • 2 8 â- 4. 6 7 • " 8 ' 9 •• 10 11 Sbelbnme. " • 12.HomiifgsMm8. " 14 Strathnairn. .15Rocklyn(Nom.)* " 16 Bay Yiew. '• 19 .. Markdafev All meetings conunence at 7:80 p. i Artcnsesia ABrlcmtHral So4^ety.- The annual oeeting 'of this Soeiety was held in Fleafcerton on Thursday the 13th inst. Although the day was oold and stormy there was a fair turnout of the members, the auditors rei'ort showed the. total receipts during the past year to be 9415.76 disburse- ments 9322 63 leating a bahmce on hand of 992.93. (3t (he total receipts 975.75 was collected for a new plowing match of which 965.94 was expended for that purpose. living 99.81 as a stort for another year. The following were elected officers for 1887 President, B. Oiiver. Vice -President, D. McMillan. Dibectobs. â€" A. Stewart, M. Eeily, J. Stewart, J. Brodie, G. Stewart. T. Conkey, D.Harronr, G. Swanton, J. Gowlknd. AcDiTOBs.â€" J. Gordon and J, W. Bates, At a meeting of the directors vtl^ich follow- ed J. Brodie was re-elected Secretary Trea- surer. • Cov. t» th* Editor of tk» SrAXDABn. SfaMWi otwMWani hsYf frsquently lenu^ ed "t)i»tth« tnuuritioalronitheroblime totln ••ridiealons is by 1»o* bmsm violanq and thu '•^trratea invariably meet'" from which ij, deduce the foUpwing- axioms, 1 Betwf^ the w^Bdom o'f the 'udco bndthe folly of the haie-loBift^ ii is diftoult to draw the line. 3 Prom; the "di«y heights" of grotesq* presnihption to the 'â- kwer depths" ofdrifw elliug imbeciJty' the desetnt if impeiceptiUg Himpletoj ^opeyille. t Taking theseproverbs and sziomB as my text ^P^^ CedarvjllA Ij'0"bwI sir with vonr premission to caQ CkrbeCton. SEVENT ocal and loTicES in tliese [♦/ indixndual or ' its n liiie for tli « live each sii \NOTICE.â€"Cor. !,. Adrertiaemf. ' ij noon on Tu It week. j,\iu.vnTERLY me m^ Methodist CI: Br MEMBER thai iEdibrts, chop, sere ;QcEENS Jubilee DYSPEPSIA, IM0I6ESTI0N, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUX, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, PLUTTERINQ OfTHEHEJm, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS 'OF THE SKIH, And every spsdsc ©f d hâ€" « ariainc from diaoracred LiVE», KIDNEYSL 8TOMAOI4 BOWCLS OR BLOOD, P rc prt e lot' s TORONTQl, T, Wdmm k m. THE WANTED! « e dean Timothy Seed, â€" HIGmESTâ€" Market Price Paid. H.PARKER, DURHAM. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, Weaving, Full- ing, Dyeing and cloth dressing, done lu a workmanlike very short notice. manner and ou First Class Cotton Warp supplied at the lowest possible rates. call solicited. Terms stnetly cash or wool- Sept. 28. I88C P J. BITCHIE. mmm FonTie LIVER BLOOD Stomach IHEYS iiHDMON bftlUble Blood Pnrlfis, Tonio, Diaretic Loss of Appetite, Indigestioii, Dyajtepsia. Bilioosness, Jauudioe, liirer Computiot, Bheumatism, all Kiduey Diaeases, Scrofula, Diseasos peculiar to li'emales. Salt Kheum. Eczema aud all Skin Diseases, Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sonr Stomach and Hewt Bum. Purely Veestable. JOHXC. VrKST£CO.. XSMBtObOa^ To the premises of Mrs. S. Thompson, lot 131 con. 2, west T. k S. Koad, Artemesia, one Ewe and Lamb, about the 1st October last. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses, and take them. 332-4 MRS. S. THOMPSON HAVING PURCHASED FIRST-CLASSflEMSE. â-  m • Bailt hyB.J. Mash, London, also having a large s^tock of Coffins, Gasicets and funeral furnibhings, we are prepared to supply the pnhlic in the undertaking Uneon the shoi^est notice. A large stock of furniture always on hand at lowest living prices. Having a first-class cabinet maker, we are prepared to make all kinds of furniture to order, also lepaiiing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Next door to Enapp's store, MABKDAL E. $500 REiyARD. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache indegestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot care with We st's VegetaUe Liver Fills, when the directions are strietly com- plied with. They are purely, vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar-coated pills, 2.5c. For sale dy all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. T he g enuine manufactured onlybyJDHN C. WEST «fc CO., Toronto Out. YELkOW OIL CURES 9HEUMATI-V. A WoHsnvro Oboax. â€" ^The largest o ra a n anti one thM fihtys a oontroniDg part on tke health tf the body is the liva-. If to«pid «r inactive the whole ^tem beeoBwa disMMcd. Dr. ChaHe's Liv» Care is made speeialiy far Iiiverand KidMj diasaass, aadis «o earn. Aeenp* b«^ M amlKnia i tL Foos TBABs Bcnnnns. â€" Wn. T MeNaah, al Baith's Falk, Ont^ wtbn km jrsan ot intense aidfa ti aK with wnlda, ftaai wfaieh her head besMM bald, «ta mtA W BordodtCloadBlttew-^" ' Farm for Sale. 1 f\(\ ACRES. BEING LOT 13, CON., i-V/v/ 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and barn, young orchard bearuig. £ ituated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particulars iH»ply to JAS.W. LACKEY 3t-tf- Berkeley. E. CABNAHAN would reBpectfiilly intimate to the inhabitants oftheanr- ronnding coontiy tJiat he has i^ned a general harness shop on King street in the village af HOLLAND CENTRE. whoe ha uttends to mannfaetura and fawn â„¢?S^^ ^*K« «**** o* LIGHT «d ffl^VT HARNESS, long ud dM»t STRAW COLLARS. WHIPS. OO^K BRUSHES, HARNRSSOILAo. *^*â„¢^ IwiiluM only first ekM toatwial aad ttoaexradiiag anything in the hameas line wiUidHtt^ their mtereat to «dl a* iSm ?^^5«^'*op«wdget ynwa before Z! R. CARNAHAii. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a similar vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure for ConsumptioD, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Uung Afflctions also a positive aad radical cure for nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known|to hissofferingfellows. Actu- ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suflferiug, I will send free of charge to allwho desire it, this, receipe, in German, Franch or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by mail by ad- dressing with stamp naming this paper W»A. NoTETS 149 Powv's Block Rochester, N. Y. 334-86 E. O. W. • Why is a saloon like a sheet of music? The nnmberof beats before the bar varies according to time. Sick headache and ail hver diseases yield unmediately to West's Liver Pills. Sugar coated. All druggists. Some people aie vnlling to be good if they are well paid forit. Othersprefer to be good for noifiiing. Be on Todb Ouabd.â€" Acainst sudden colds, irritating coughs, and soreness of the throat. Keep Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand for these prevalent troubles of Fall and Winter. An exchange asks, "Howcan weprevent mice from gnavring barkofffroittrees " Kill the mice of course. A dead moose never ^inaws bark. Th« dbaf madb to Hxab-â€" "After ei^t years suffering from deafness so bad that I was unable to attend to my business, I was cured by the use of Hagyard's Tellow OiL With gratitude I make this known for the benefit of others afaicted." Harry Ricardo Toronto. "What overall material vrill last th longest?" asked a woman of a tailor. "Sod," said the tailor, grimly. Thbeateneu Dasgeb.â€" In the 11 of '84 Ba^diUl Miller of Maitland, N. S.,w»8 pro^ strated to his bed with an attack of incipient consumption. Cough remedies had failed. He rapidly grew abiUtatod, and friends despair- «Mi of his recoveiy He tried Burdock Blood Bitters, with immediate reUef, followed with a speedy cure. • Which is the most enduring trade? A cobbler's, becanse it is ever-lasting, and the soul is at the bottom of *t all. A LuOTT EscAi-a. Mrs. Cyrus Elbome, of Beamsvdle. Ont.. had what was thought to be a «incer on her nose, and was about to ' w • J »â-  "f"*?' ***«"" •Peration, when Aetned Burdock Blood Bitto« wSeh e^ 1 the attention of your readers to the folio wii^ piece }A eboiee literature which was present* «d to the last annual meeting of our Public SchoiI. ' ' 'Moyed bqr G. -S. Bowes seconded by Wilson "Beason-'Beeolved' that the Bible in whole "(withontnftti]fiion) fee and is hereby autber- 'dawi to be read an each department 'of cur "sdiools, as' we c;^nsider that tbeBibla is the "birthright 6t every •child attending the "Public Schools in Ontario and it i» oat ';boundeu duty to haye the Bible-the^roandL '*work of our faitli, placed in the hands of "our children in the pnldie schools'lâ€" Cani- ed. Now *Ux. Edior dbnt forget, and Jet the public bear in mind, that Geo. Spier Bowea, and^ Wilson*^Benson and the other half dozen npty -heads who said amen, have "resolved" that the Bible "e and is hereby auQwrizei,' Ju$t think of that, and fear and quake til you who dissent henceforth the Bibls ig "authorized" by the supreme Junta above t»K^s 25c. per tos named and wo to them who dare in the face West's Couph Sy of the authority afOTesaid dieobey. ^fgl»8, colds croiip The Bible is now "authorised' and we may |Imith the barb( be thankful that the authority aforesaid hath nmt Monday, Fax generousljr condescended to giye reasons icnr shave. this important step "we consider the Bifale is a "the birthright of every chUd attendinp the Fantkd at O; "pubUc school of Ontario ' and therefore «re fe* soft Elm, for decree that the Bible "be and is herety L. Young, at I "authorized" to be used in all our scboolB Thk Royal Hotc "and it is our boundeu duty to have the Bibln; ed hands Mr. Da "placed in the hands of our children in the pieprietor. public schools." Sick headache and Here I Here I But Sir why do these high- imijieliately to Wes falutinplylanthropists stop with the "children coalbd. All dingsist "of Ontario" and why io they confiiue them- (^pt. John McD selves to that fraction thereof -attending the ha* joined the arm public schools " hi^«hadow neyer Why should tlje Bible be considered the birthright of these more than the child/on of any other country? Henceforth let us hope they will mclude iu their cosmopolitan grasp the children of the entire human family of every creed,color and nationality for hath Sunday evening; ii not "God made of one blood all nations ftci" i terriliG rate for a Next time therefore that the Junta rot about "authorizing" I would respectfully suggest that they do not confie their laboare to Ontario but that they boldly invade the "religions b^oad" and thereby "without mutilation" Bihhfy the whole earth at oue fiat. WM. BROWN. Markdale Jan. 20th 1887. B. H. Byers, E pleijkse accept th; Ro^ester Chronic We had the tail 11 « • .UBE CUBS roB Rhbtwaxisic. â€" ^If the system is properly cleansed by kbm» medicine that acts upon the bowels, kidneys and skin, such as Burdock Blood Bitters, and the sufferer will use Hagyard's Tellow (Ml according to directions, there are few oases of rheumatism however biul, but will yield promptly to the treatment. West's Cough Syrup, is a sure euro soughs, colds croup and consumption. for Just arrived at I inest 'imported c jer lb. ValentiiK imental nnd use aall, A. Turner. Money to loan o ow rates of intere fackson, Markdale, Cheapest place Picture framing is Photo Gallery. School E "stock just receivi Sail. A. Turner, c LIVER CUf^E that a lady we have it We are never satiafted understands a kiaa of her own lipg. HBPWOB]B.athlU7, UBS. -.^,°*P»*y with oonfldenee that I d««tved_vwrT gvMt vriief ttrnTjit. *2i~^ Ihad beeSm for five monfbs with oongeetton ot lungs Mid wasnoaeeftoaveqr £Sl5?^?*;* ' *^"«*ed vS? MUiefit n»m it aad aMafkala yrapidncawyia a gnatmran «*fc J. B. Mmmrr. Nuim,t!fBirtim,JIUnimn;mmA Dmtk,, n*»aty /foe eentf. â€" â€" DEATHS. • Bowns.--At hisMB W0ii«m*8xeaid«io» J^??9^^JÂ¥!*.*^ one el th. tthad HAVC YOU BShasaess, L Back aratDf-fTom a.deranKio b^. Da. Chasb's Livxk Cukb wtU be fooad a sue aad certain remedy. NATURK'8 REMEDY Tlw unqoalified success of Dr. Chase's LivenGnre in Lwer Complaint reste coMy with the fact that it i» compounded from nature's wdl-lcDown liver regnlaton, Me. Brown's msi Standard last weel â€" _F^' '^^^ ^* ^ill not like n the market you 3«vis' You can buy groc at Paris' as cheap iny other place in Bveiything is fresh. ^jbE Trustees of ncda have by resoli liacarded the so and replaced it wit! Be on Your Gu colds, irritating cough HulBliauaaeairam nature swen-KDOwnUverregouion, (.,_„- Tro„„ tT.„r„. Mandrake and Dandelion, combined with many '""fv ^^'^P Hagyai other inyalnaUe roots, barics an4 herbs, having »ana icr these preval ^owerfal effect on the Kdacyt, StNaach, BoweU and Winter. wtr9 uU in CatimtU iuome. We wuu wry mtm, Concession, Artemi V^."'!^ **• «• *»w»*W with Liver Cm- cleared and in a eo -i2;Si;^:[£r'2r?i- iei^sreasonaWe^^ miEnnttlEN. GmiiilvArFREE Maikdale Wrapped wound every bottle of Dr. ChMe'sUverCo* ^^ ' „ ua yjtaaWe Howdtold Medical Guide and Red* MB. Mrs. Tue ^n^c.rf?,;^S?rf ^d^g£"is^vS attending the Conv aM|^d worth ten times the price of the medicine, bion with the form; JS;!*S?l2.!*a*«- -* •«» P Pharn^acentical Cj JtntMgtt KnUETMBLim PUX. ts cts. perbi». ^R Sale.â€" 10,001 SOLO BY ALL DEALERS **4one s; an 3 y* 90m tela •â- â- â- !â-  â- ladloif nttM^ ^j^ gj^jj Appl Euphrasia, arc informei e Grey Farn igements are eetings of one lesherton. D otice vrill be g B|its have been 1 dtessors who are TEbarn of Th West's Wortd's moaSm, or FamU ^^n^a«t,an6T8r failhigiMirefor rheumatism '"" ents, boms, bruiies, wounds nd 35 and 60b. AUdrnggists. REWARD! W^T?* pay tiMi atev* SwwaM for arf of BvnMnala. Uwr Oomplah t or Ooativengg gkpelg was destr •** "^5 Wednesday morni "SitSS ^^««°l*y the stock II 41 MMi tl.00. «9^ leMii what insuran vat Hie caose of the '^M^a

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