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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Jan 1887, p. 4

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 m O. W. Butlsdge, Publisher. MARKDALE, JAN. 27. 1887 Editorial Notes. râ€" The Saropeaa war clond is per- ceptibly darker and Usavier now than it appeared to be a week ago. And the main caase for anxiety is the irregressible conflict between France and Germany, which it appears must be fought ovar again, and that ere long. â€" The Canadians of the United States talk of making grand pfuradee in the great American cities on the occasion »f the Queen's Jubilee. If this is carried put it will amount to a demonstration of the strength of Canada in the Uai'ed States, which should and will cause United States executives some thought. In Boston and New York they number scores of thousands while in Chicago and North- Western cities â-  they form a large proportion of the whole population. Canadians in exile do not lose their love for Canada they remain loyal at heart to their country. Stormy weather, Great drifts. No mail £» several days. Sadden (diange, every appearance of a thaw, bare ground to be seen already. We regret ta record the death of onr esteemed friend Mr. Duncan Heron, who died last Monday night 17th inst., the funeral took place on Wednesday, and notwithst^ding the severity of the weather, a large nmnber of relatives and friends wexe present to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. Much sympathy is felt for the family in their bereavement. WiUie, son of Mr Bobt. Crordon had his hand seyerely frost bitten, when on on his way to school last Monday morn- ing. On the 19th inst.. Rev. Mr. Ferrier was visited by a wedding party from Feversham. The party, when return- ing from the parsonage, were greeted with hearty cheers. We wish them a long and happy life. Hurrah- for the girls of onr village I they are not afraid of a snowball. Two of our girls undertook to snowball a married man of our village, but sad to say, the girls were badly defeated. We sympathize with them. Whiz. â- â-  â- â-  Biantyre. NO^W GOING ON AT Fleslierton. From our own correspondent. Again it falls onr painful duty to notice the somewhat sudden death of another of our respected citizens Mr. James Hopps, who a few days ago was in his asnal health when seized by inflammation of the Inn^. and after a brief illness breathed his last ucceas- cd leaves a young widow and several Bmall children to mourn the loss of a husband and father. He being a member of the Orange Bociety his remains was taken charge of by them and on Sabbath afternoon last was laid in the grave with Orange honors. The cortege was large, led by the Flesherton Brass Band playing appropriate music. In the evening the Bev. Mr. Ayers preached a funeaal sermon in the Methodist Church ^electing for his text, "Prepare to meet thy God" from which he delivered an impressive (Uscourse. Dr. Jamieson of Durham the Nominee of the Conservative party for South Grey, in the Commons, is this week iu Fleshert on arranging for a thorough canvas in this Township for the approaching elections. Professor Morgan (who is ^blind) and his little daughter Fairy, are in onr town at present and purpose giving a concert in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, after which the Prof, intends forming classes for "Cantata" "Little Bed Biding Hood" for children and "Lost and Saved" for adults. An evening of enjoyment was fully realized by about ninety persons assembeled in the vOdd Fellows " Hall here on Monday evening last, being the annual reunion and an Oyster Supper given by the members of that order here. Various table and parlot games ware provided for the amusement of all while the string band inspired all by the swest strains of sweet music. The Oyster department was not one whit behind, the tables were iadcn with good things as it approached the small hour of morning the company dispersei apparently well pleased with the evenings enteitainmeut. It is OUT sad duty to record the death of Mrs. Alexander T. McCntcheon, daughter of Angu s Mcinnis of this ^lace, which took place on Monday the 13th inst., at ilfonO Centre. Deceased was married about three years ago and resided with her husband a short time in Bocklyn, from thence they moved to Mono Centre. Deceased was a very highly respected young woman and leaves one child about 15 months old. Pre- vious to her death she requested to be buried in Temple Hill cemetery, Euphrasia by the Odd Fellows of Loyal Lansdowne Lodge, C. 0. 0. F. Blantyre, (of which Lodge her husband is a member and was the first N. G. of the Lodge) but oa account of the great storm few were in attendance. The Lodge met on Wednesday evening after the burial and granted the funeral Donation to Bro. iMcCutcheon and tendered to him the follow- ng resolution of condolance â€" lioyal Lansdowne liodge, No. 91, C. O. O. F. Moved by Joseph W. Patten, seconded by Albert C. Paterson, whereas Almighty God in his mysterious providence has saw fit to afflict our highly esteemed brother Alexander McCntcheon by terminating the existence on earth of his beloved wife and partner in life, and whereas the high esteem in which she was held by the members of our Lodge severally and collectively and her conduct while amongst us being very worthy of mention, be it resolved by Lansdowne Lodge No. 91, Blantyre, that it causes us great pain and grief to record the death of one whose short intercourse amoungst us was so exceeding- ly pleasant, yet we painfully realize the loss wmch our dear brother has sustained and deeply sympathize with him, also relatives and friends of the disceased in their sad bereavement, and we trust when our dear brother is called away from our earthly Lodge that he may have ttie Eleasure of meeting the loved one in the Orand edge above around the Great White Throne, and may he rest on the happy assurance given that "wnen this earthly house of her tabernacle was dissolved she had a building of God an house not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens to be forever witti the Lord." An aged father mourns the loss, Likewise two sisters dear. Three dearest brothers lonely left. Laments and drops a tear. Hdob M. Paitom, Secretaiy. â- â-  ♦ » v JWeatord Boad. From our ovn Correspondent. The holiday season has once more qome and gone and 1886 with all its tender associations joyous incidents and Kad events have faded into the past. The excitement of the Ontario and Man- icipai elections has abated, and now that the date of the Dominion elections is fixed we loay expect that to be the most exciting event for some time to eome. At the annual school meeting here M. D. Thompson was elected trustee, and at the as me meeting a resolution was passed in- structing the trustees to discontinai the nae of the scripture selections, or so called "Boss Bible" authorixed by the Minister of Education and use in the place the eld "St James" Bible. The Xmaa tree of the Wesley Sabbath School was held on Tuesday evening the 18th and oonsidenng the extreme odd weather and bad roads was birly attended. The procaeds amounted to f 15. the gifts wen Tery handsome and weroheartilT apptedatad by the recipients. Those who had the chooa. ing of tbem evidently understood that 1iiisi uess and the ait oi pleasing. We regret to leam the sudden demise of Mr James Hops who, died ti his father-ia* law's reddlenoe last veek.:7".*Xn then^dst of ^f J we «ia in deatibt." Found that West's Congh Syrup Is the best for cough colds and all throat and lung isdeases. All droggists. a â- Â« Priceville Roller Mill, THE NEW MILL IS NOW COM- pleted and in ftill working order. The Roller process is thorough in eyery respect and a full line of rolls. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE will be paid for any quantity of Wheat. Poaitirel/ no credit will be ginn ia the Mill. The Saw Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your logs and you cati get the lumber home with you. First-Class Planer anil Matcher. Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw Mill which I hope is a sufEicient guaran- tee for good work. BOBEBT McGOWAN. Jan. 24th 1887. FAflM FOR SALE. LOT 18 con. 14 ArtemoBoa, 4 miles from Markdale, 100 acres ^clear- ed, balance fine hardwood. 65 acres have been cut with reaper and mower, 65 acres under grass. 20 acres fall plowed, no wild oats, or rock» no swamp, soli' richl»m. Frame barn40z60, bascnnen t stables and root house, and stonedstem neyer failing well. Good bearing orchard. Log house. Will be sold re- asonable and on Uberal terms as the proprietor is giving up farming JAMES HANSON, 883.4 YandeleurP. O 25,000 dollars worth of goods to be cleared OFF. IVOXJE the PJRIOESr â€"Men's $9.00 Over Coats for $6.00 Boy's $6.60 Over Coats for $8.75; Men's $6,00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $3.76 Men's $10 Genuine bouth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00 25 good Robes only $8.75 600 yds. 25 cent Dress Goods for 15 cents; 7 dozen Pairs Men's Fur Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.60; 60 Childs; and Misses Wool Padds 50 75 cents half price; 200 Childrens Wool Squares 12^ cents 76 Ladies' Wool Sqare 50 cents, sold everywhere for $1.00; 12 dozen Womens Wool Vests, a great Bargain for 50 cents each; Ladies Linen CoUors Hand- somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents, See them. 60 cent Black Velveteen 30 cents 76 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.26, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sewed Baff Boots 90 cents, just half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 cents up; 100 gross Buttons, half price; Womens, Misses, andOhildrens Wool Hoods, from 10 cents np Mil- linery Goods, half price- PLUSHES, Mfe SILKS, YELVETS, GLOVES, TIES, RIBBONS, all reduced. Oome Eajrly Belore THE CHOICE LOTS ABB â€" SOLDâ€" *B t'.i -.. -xa" Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Door and PUiq j tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, everythi* bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, BMs, Mouldings, HoUof Battoo^ FRAMES, UTH, FENCE PICKETS, ftc; I I And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneTii Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics in eyery department, 1 would now respectluUy solicit public patronage. J. e: sale Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly x.^ ^g] PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed One Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turuiusdjlj, fifl.P.P. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. \^Q ^2. $2.50 Fun at halJ 303 THOS- ]Mc]VE.Ai. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBER OF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, de. JUST RECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Fersonallj selected at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronza. H. B.HARRISON esocEBi, roTisioi -AND- LIQUOR STORE. a m » 11 A fresh stock of grocer- ies just opened at Store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. Japan Tea worth 45 cents selling tot 35 cents. Japan Tea worth 55 cents for 45. Gnupowder Tea worth 55 cents for 45. 15 lbs. extra grannlated sugar $1, other grades accordinitly. Agent for the Liquor Tea Co. A valuable prize given with every six lb. packages bought. I»ItOVlWIO]VS I Floor Bran, Shorts,Chop, Screenings, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Ac, c. DURABLE --RELIABLE. â€" ^AESO â€" Waltham, Elgin and Colomblers, IN STOCK American Clocks, Silveri^are, Wedding Rings. tS* Watch repamng and fitting Spec- iacleS a specialty. A BRT.XABLE JEWELLER, MARKDALR. PartnersMp Notiee, I Mil I iJSk's SPROUI4E BROPIE, have eitlered into a partnership for thf practice of their profession. Dr. Spronle i*JU be found at bis old office Turner's mmg Store, and Dr. Brodie at his ofSoe Hftthew's new block. 333-46 ^••J )fM^.^Mm^A%f -^-^â- '.iM. W- McFarland, Direct Importer. I Bye and Malt, Port and Native Wine, Brandy, Jamaica, Rum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liqnors in finest Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Superior Malt and 6 year old Bye. Patties requiring liqnors for medicinal purposes will do well to give ns a call aa they may rely upon getting a good article. A. Call Eespectfully Solicited, EOBT. ASKIN, HIWERTAKEII. man FWMisNiiies nqiplied entheshortesnotiee. Jk ISplendid Hear^ ior hire St moderate rates. â€" AU kinds ofâ€" F* XT R N I T XJ R^ B In Stpdc at bottom priees. PICTURE FRAMIW! DoM on diort notice. BOBT. ASKI^ MABKDALE. SUmfCJCBOAR. A thoroughbred sufFook Boar for BQtTioe this season on lot loon. 11 Enpb. rasia teems seTenty-^ve Qsnts. ^^ __i^ JAJIfiBBLLIOtT, *^mro EniAraiia. FAim FOR SALE, X|Ol 14 eon. IS Glenelff 100 acres, eloarod, -with omufortable frame hoi andjQvmg ordhard, balance well woqJ- «^lrre miles from MaiMale; Will Qb 8^ on veasooable terms or exdhang^ «»JMta«e property in Markdale. Apply on tti0jpE«mifles to. MBa DUNCAN. MMfei, Moritdalo^^- Ifolli Council met at lust, for the trant The Declaxatio by the followii Anthony Shute, brsith, Michael Gooncillors, liinutes ot last ed. Thereeye 8pp( the council John Bhnte â€" Howey- for the Auditors I Oalbraithâ€" Mu G. J. Blyth be p Howey â€" ShatoJ T8BBor be receiyed Shnte â€" Hqwey- xefnnded 80 cen Shute â€" Howey- entertain the appl xe CroSord case 1 ordered by the M Oalbraith â€" M George Ireton foi not now entertai: Murray â€" How John GilleBpie an ec^sjmembers of year 1S87, Galbraithâ€" Mu isquest of the to^ dollar, and we as] tion for job done hslf of the amoo] be instructed to i Oalbraithâ€" U •{rplicationfl for OtOOODCil. Oalbraithâ€" Mi ^IqwbceB be paid Oalbraithâ€" Ho tke County Trt against lot 80, co: tovnBhip of Holl and 85. Oalbraithâ€" Ho tvning officers tfafi parlimentai} iyftpaid. HBalbraithâ€" lU d«^ty ratomii elMtions samejai iQliute â€" Morra; Inil to the tmsi abort of fonda. tl ol4)ieir astimatc Galbraith-'lii ^refunded fl I 8bnteâ€" Howej be paid. Shnte â€" ^Howe] ion^ad 93.60 bei Shnte â€" flowej Mai let 2nd and tbaadnntes. atibraithâ€" Ifo itpity'Teere be tt it 'S lieaanrani w -Mnna rfor •4.2' 17 Feb. its wei{ the eh ;car8B y other and 60c. « -»«iifc.i

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