,i.k.;!5!eJ^w^.5^Wf|SP.ii^-jS;jp:^w*^^ ^â- 11 I O. W. Butl«dge, Publisher. GLENELG AeBICULTUBAL 80- MARKBALB, JAN. 20. 1887 â- EDITOEIAL NOTES. â€" -So many merely rich men h%ye of late been elected to the Umted States Senate that it has come to be called "The Houses of Parses." The /Globe and the Mail affect to beliere that the Canadian Senate is the House of Curses. â€" Eyen the most pacific of the Great Powers, Britian is busy pur- chasing improved repeaters for its in- fantry and fresh mounts for its cavalry. We regaled this as more ominous than anything that has been done by the big bullies of the continent* When a man whose interests and disposition it is to keep the peace begins to roll up bis sleeves there is every prospect of a fight. â€" The United States Congress by the passage of the anti-Mormon BUI has inaugurated firm policy against one of the greateet danglers with which the Bepublic is menaced. Hitherto the action oi the authorities has been somewhat tardy, but the present measure, if it is put into operation, will, it is hoped, have the effect of iBweeping away polygamy. â€" Mr. Stanley starts from London witliin a week on his expedition to the North of Uganda, in Central Africa, to relieve Emin Bey, Gordon's lieuten- ant. He has chosen the Congo in preference to the Zanzibar route. His decision will surprise most people, but Mr. Stanley is the best judge, as he has travelled over both routes and knows tlie difficulties he will have to encounter by each. ttw aninial mofitms yna not laitge, but those present kok jkl^i^ymieEwi in the prosperify andmll being of the Society. • i^ .,,. i m The annual report showed ftbalance in; the treasury of $187,16, besides about 60 members ^ieh represented anothex $60, being{$50 in excess oi the surplus a year ago. It was decided tp have the Agricul- tural Hall enlaiged i^e coming sum* mer and otherwise improved and in- crease the facilities for tbe Fall Show. The following officers were elected. President â€" ^Wm. Douglas Vioe Presidentâ€" W. A. Brown DlBlC0T»S, Wm. Haskett^ G« S. Bowes, J.W.Ford, 8; Boyce, B. Watson, Wm. McLougry, Jas. Nelson, F. Burton, Jjis. Elliott, Auditors, A. Turner, and C. W. Butledge. At a meeting of the directors which followed, Wm. Haskett was re-elected Sec. Treasurer. .•â- â- qiJ ?iio-:»r iff â- '*••«% .^U .^â- »?f; 9^*4 E^x "/^ " 'â- "•f NOW GOING ON AT rianas, DOMINION ELECTIONS. DEATH OF A. ELLIOTT, ESQ. The sudden death of Mr. \rchibald ElUott, ex-deputy reeve of Artemesia on Friday evening last has thrown a gloom oyer the whole community. Deceased was in town on Thursday in his usual health, an d about 4 o'clock in the afternoon was suddenly The Ottawa Parliament was dis- solved last Saturday and the writs issued tor an election, nominations to take place on the 16th, and polling on the 22nd February. If the snow blockade would now dissolve we might expect a lively time. The reason given for adopting the course of dissolving the House instead of allowing it to die of old age, which it would have done in September, is that Parliament having widened its con- stituency by changing the franchise, no longer truely represents the people. The reason is a good one, and exactly that given by iVIr. Mowat for advising the Lieut.- Governor to dissolve the Ontario Legislature. The Conserva- tives, who found fault with Mr. Mowat and now upholds Sir John Macdonald, say that Mr. Mowat was not sincere in it, as a session of the Assembly had' already been held since the constitu- ency was ^widened. That was true, bnt the new election lists had not been prepared until just before Mr. Mowat made his appeal and conse- quently Le could not have appealed to â- the new consntuency earlier. Sir -John also saybthat the Dominion lists have just been completed. Sir John iias also given the regular servant-girl notice, just a month, in which he also -followed the example set by Mr. Mowat. The Liberals cannot, there- fore, complain of lack of notice, though lately they have been declaring that they need two months in which to get ready. The Conservative journals, which have been showing That it was extremely unlikely that :the general elections would be held immediately, are now showing quite as clearly that no other course but that of immediate dissolution was open to ' the Government, and that every body anticipated it. This sort of thing deceives nobody. Everybody nnder- Rtands that the Government of the day chooses the time for the general ieiections which suts its own con- venience and affords tiie best chanoq of success to iiiself. prostrated by an attack of biliary colic; he was immediately conveyed to the house of Mr. George Walker, his father-in-law and medical aid prompt- ly secured. For several hours he suffered intense agony, which was followed by prostration, and in SO hours from the attack death ended his sufferings. THE FUNSBAI. took place on Sunday afternoon to the English Cnurch Cemetry and was very largely attended. The departed haying been a mem- ber of the Orange body, the brethren from neighboring lodges tn rned out in large numbers to pay their last respect to their late lamented brothers 1 14 ot whom (all in morning) headed the cortege, led by Flesherton Brass Band, which played appropriate music The funeral service was conducted by Eey. Jas. Ward. This was we be- lieve the most imposing funeral that has ever taken place in this district. Deceased was an industrious and posperous farmer, an excellent neigh- bor and uuiyeisally respected citizen, a kind and affectionate husband and father, a man of honor and unques- tioned integrity, and we believe a conscientious christian. He was a member of the Artemesia council 12 years, 5 of which he was depty-reeve, some seven years ago he -was appointed a J. P. and in all his public as well as his social and private life his example may be iminated with profit. He leaves a wife (who is in a weak state of health, and may not survive this heavy afliotion) and 6 clulen, together with a large circle of friends to mourn his premature demise. His age was 46 years 10 months and 17 days. 25,000 dollars worth of goods lip be cleared OFF. Having erected and fitted np in vmty detail a Sash, Door aiid Plain Fac. toiy, containing all the latest and moat approved machinery, eyerythim being new, I am now prepared to tuni out ^^ Sash, Doors, Blinds, Hdings, Hollow Batto^ FRUES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, Se... And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noneiS Canada, and haying engaged superic^ mechanics in every departmentil ' would now reepecttoUy solicit pubUc patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. *â- - PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand/ Plain and Fancy Turning doss, Careful Attenfion io Orders from a Distance. 303 THOS. ]W[c]VE:a^ OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS FARM FOR SALE. LOT 18 con. 14 Artemesia, 4 milea from Markdale,100 acres 84 clear- ed, balance^e hardwood. 66 acxes have been cut with reaper and mower, 65 acees under grass. 20 acres fall plowed, no wild oats, ox xock, no swaoop, soil' rich lowQ. Frame bani40x60, basonent stables and root honae, and stone cistern neyer fiulinx weU. Good bearing cnrchard, Ijoe hoose. Will be sold xa- asonaUe and on liberal terms as the proprietor is giving-sp iaimiBS 888-4 Tandefeni P. O. PfOTE tlie I*:RICESs â€"Men's $9.00 Oyer Coats for $6.00 Boy's $6.50 Over Coats for $3.75; Men's $6.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $3.75 Men's $10 Genuine bouth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00 25 good Bobes only $8.75 600 yds. 25 cent Dress Goods for 15 cents; 7 dozen Fairs Men's Fur Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.60; 60 Ghilds; and Misses Wool Padds 5G 75 cents half price; 200 Childrens Wool Squares 12-J cents 75 Ladies' Wool Sqares 60 cents, sold everywhere for $1.00; 12 dozen Womeus Wool Vests, a great Bargain for 60 cents each; Ladles Linen Collors Hand- somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents See them. 50 cent Black Velveteen 30 cents 75 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.25, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sewed Buff Boots 90 cente, juet half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerchiefs irom 25 cents up; 100 gross Buttons, half price; Womens, Misses, and Childrens Wool Hoods, from 10 cents up Mil- linery Goods, half price. PLUSHES, S1LK3. VELVETS, GLOVES, TIES, HIBBONS, aU reduced. Oome Early Before THU CHOICES IiOTS ABS â€" -SOLD 1. J. McFarland, Direct Importer. H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEB OE! MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST EECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble tS" LarRest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qoar ries in Yermont, 'Will be sold at prioes which del^ competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N, B. â€" ^Beware of Monnments and Head* stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze: H.B.HABBfON AND â€" LIQUOR STORE. EOBT. ASEIK. UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL FURNISHIN8S Bttpplied on the shortes notice. .lAk Silezi.did Hea-rsie for hire at moderate rates. â- â- • 1 A fresh stock of grocer- ies just opened at AV«S*$ Store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. Japan Tea worth 45 cents selling foi; 35 cents. Japan Tea worth 55 cents for 45. Gunpowder Tea worth 55 cents for 45. 15 lbs. extra granulated sagar $1, other grades accordins:ly. Eye and Malt, Port and Native Wine, Brandy, Jamaica, Eum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liquors in finest Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Superior Malt and 5 year old Bye. Parties requiring liquors for medicinal purposes will do well to give us a call as they may rely upon getting a good article. A. Call Besp^ctfully Solicited, â€" ^All kinds oi-â€" F" iJ R. ]V I T U R B In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAffillie Done on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 14 con. 12 Glenelg 100 acreH, cleared, with comfortable frame house and young orchard, balance well "wood ed, five miles from Markdale; Will be sold on reasonable terms or encbanged for village property iaMarlidale. Apply OQ the pre raises to. MRS. DUNCAN, 330-83 MarkdaTsP.O TORONTO -:-E:0US1 MARKDALE. MABKDALE. SUFFOCK BOAR A thoroughbred sofiook Boar for seryke this season on lot 1 oon. 11 Enph rasia trams seven^ fiye cents. JAMES ELLIOTT, 829-8 Enphrasia. 2iroffcM«/BlrtA«,lfamafe«,ani DeotAt. tweiUM live eenu. DEATHS. **f"?lrr^i^*^' »» *!»» Wth inat. Atehftidd Elliott. Eat., affad 46 T«sn, » 11 1 ALwxrEaajM. Ifaa. Qynw Elbome, ol BfiuuvfUe. Ont., h^ libai wm thought ^^t^^'°^^ "» *^ «w«. •»* was oboat to aniamttoaaeooarcUMtcHr'gopanition. whan We are now offering estraorclinarj bargains ' in Scotch, English ami Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitings, â€" ATTBACTIVE AND STYLISH- Men's all wool Tweed Suits $6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upward;- Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoatf $8.00. TO i^.^ri£:s. Wool Shawls and Mantle Cloths a the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest M to the serviceable Stoga suitable foi all classes. With ns the "Tea" btts^ nessiBaspecialty^ilbs. very cboicf Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Past' of the last May pickings a splen^ artide for the price. Customers requiring ordered Boot A Shoes may rely on being serre ivlth despatch as another workmai has been added to the staff. No ei pense ivill be spared in promptl! mee^gyonr wants, and as in patt nothing bat the best mateis wiU be used in the shop, and prit* wQl be kept down to the lowest payiB flgores, 13" GlYE US A CALL. WIN.BROWIV TSkff,Vm^ â- .'â- si IH-. I J. his sale to 5 Or Lac* tof! $2.5 Pi at hi America 'i fS* Watc tacles a go De's si entered ic practice of will be fou Drug Store Mathew's i -: offgiadnaH â- i all the impt i)^^ aceretknu; ^^ AddMy .onsness,!] L^nees, lev npdai Heartk brComplui •fBUSDa :^a.fe;;:,viV;-^-.v^,,