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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jan 1887, p. 4

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 i*'V- â- * (O. W. Eutledge, Publisher. MAEKDALE, JAN. 13. 1886, Editorial IWotes. â€" An Ottawa bigamist was recently teaten neaily to death by his two wives. â€" Extensive preparations are being made in the war Departments in England for war. â€" A recount havmg been de- manding in North Grey, was made last Monday, resulting in an increase of 10 to Creighton's majority. â€" Hamilton has followed the example of Montreal and will have an Ice Carnival this winter. â€" Erastus Wiman predicts that should the C. P. E. telegraph system freeze out the great Northwestern, it will become a worse monbply than the latter is. Erastus predicts too much, but perhaps Canadians mis-ht perfer a fnalive monoply to one controlled from New York. â€" With two elections over and a third one in sight, this is a great winter for the back townships entirely A thing of politics is a jaw forever. â€" The Ontario Tjegislature will meet on the 10th Feb, the news that she is "breaking up â-¼ery rapidly" is received with sadness that is both prafoand and general. Most people when they hear it, and are convinced of its truth, will feel as if they had heard of the serious illness of a much loved relative. THE "MAIL'S" INDEPENDELCE WIEE FENCES. Though the snow is not deep, neither has there been any severe drifting storms this winter, yet some of the roads are severely blocked with the beautiful. There are certain portions of the highway which is particularly liable to be blockaded with snow, and while it is as important to have a good road in winter season as in summer, we think now a good time for town- ship councils to consider the advisa- bility of giving encouragemeut to the erection of wire fences on leading roads. Some councils have done so m years past with good results, and we believe it is a judicious expenditure of public money. The amount of assistance given has been the provid- ing of the wu-e by the council, and tlie duty of the road commissioners to see that it was properly used. There is, we believe, many farmers who would erect wire fences along their farms on roads, or portions of the road, where bad drafts are an annual occurence, and thus surmount the great difficulty. The various town- ship councils will meet next Monday, and we would urge upon them the importance and desirability of giving this question their early attention. Since the above Tras in type there has been a regular old fashioned storm blocking up many roads. The Toronto MaiVs declaration of mdeyendence is an important event in the history of journalism in Canadii. It has, until very lately, been the most paity of party journals. It has been deyoted to the interests of Sir John Macdonald and the party which he leads, so much so was this the case that when the Mail pursued a couise diametrically opposed to the interests of the Premier and the Conservatives not only in Ontario, but all the pro- vinces, a large party of the public could not be brought to believe that it was not playing some deep game for the purpose of strengthening the Coneervative party and keeping it in power and it is not surprising even now to see strong opposition journals affecting to believe that the Mail's in- dependence is only assumed and that in spite of its strong declaration it is still a pairty organ. Is not this carry ing incredulity and distrust a little coo far To onr mind the evidence that the Mail has broken loose from the ties of party is so strong that none but those who are blinded by party prejudise can doubt its conclusiveness It has of late been working and work- ing hard to weaken the Conservative party, and the platform which it now publishes is the very reverse of Con- servative. In fact it is Eadical in the extreme, so Eadical that before it can be carried out a fundamental change m'lst be made in the construction of the Dominion. The agitation which the Mail has inargurated for the abolition of separate schools will not only rouse the opposition of all who desire that the coustitution of the Do- minion be maintaineddn its integrity but will, if it succeeds in gaining many advocates, provoke a religious contest which will extend from one end of the country to the other- The Ma.1l in its new depaiture is much nearer to the Liberal party than it is to the Conservative. â€" [Montreal Daily Star. M/Vf^KDALE Hand DOOR F BOOTS SHOES AND SLIPPERS I am too busy to enter into the details of Goods and Rices, but the thousands of people that visited me during the year 1886 and went away happy is a sufficient guarantee that my efforts to suit the public have been appreciated. Thanking all my Customers. I am Eespectfully, "W. raclieod. Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Boots, Shoes and SUppers. Farm for Sale. 1 f\f\ ACRES, BEING LOT 13, CON., J.\J\J li Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and :bam, youug orchard bearing. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and farther particulars apply to JAS. W. LACKEY 33l-tf. Berkeley. Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Saeh, Door and Plam jl, tory, containing all the latest aod most approved machinery, evervth' being new, I am now prepared to turn ont i ^^ Sash, Doors, Blinds, MonMings, Hollow Battoi FMMES, LATH. FENCE PICKETS, c., And everythmg needed in the building trade, in a manner second to noite Canada, and haying engaged superior mechauics m every department' would now respectiuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressen Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turniuc^o^, Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 TKCOSS. IVIclVE.^ OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS TV^ARIVIIVG^. THE pubhc are hereby warned against purchasing a note made by me to Esther Clark for $24,00 as I have ceived no value for the same. MAEGAKET E. CLAKK. H. B. HARRISON, MAXUFAUTUBER OF MARBLE AND 6RAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. re- THE QUEEN' b HEALTH. The news that Queen Victoria's liealth is faiUng will be heard with sorrow by her subjects in eyery part of her vast empire. It is not too much to say that the British people enter- tarn for their Queen a strong personal afi« tioQ.;The gem ration thathasgrown up since sbe ascended the throne Lave never heard anything but good of her- She has not only been a wise ruler performing her state duties with re- markable prudence aud fidelity, but she has taken the deepest interest in the welfare of all classes of her subjects no matter how remote their homes may have been from the Kedt of govern- ment. Notiiiug that pertains to the well-being of her people has escaped her notice. She has rejoiced with them when they were happ^ and has incurned with them when afflicted. It is not surprising, then, that this iarge-hearted sympathy has met with u ready and warm respoose, and that tbc Britibh people everywhere foel a buen ii-r»onai interest iu all that con* corns hat who in ail sincerity they, oall il^heii: "Moyed Qaeeu." i'iiisiswfay' Thb New York Society for the Sup. pression of Vice has determined to pro- ceed against the pubhshers of the trash story papers and cheap libraries for juvenile reading on the ground that such publications haye an immoral in- fluence, and should be excluded from the mails. The good effect of the so- ciety's action is alread; shown by the fact that without a case coming to trial as yet some of the publishers are be- ginning to revise their more objection- able manuscript. JUST BECEIVED 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble IS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected .it the quar ries in Vermont, Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARBISON Tb Cb; Casli beer; EOBT. ASEIK UNDERTAKER, pyNERAL FURNISHINOS supplied on the shortes notice. -A. Splendid Hearjpe tor hire at moderate rates. -AND- â€" All kinds of â€" F* XT R IV IT XJ R, E In Stock at bottom prices. FiGTUHE FHAMIHC Done on short notice. ROBT. ASKIK- FARM FOR SALE Lot 14 con. 12 Glenelg 100 acres, ac cleared, with comfortable frame hoifit I I rt 1 1 rt D ^Tft 1^ F ' *°*^ youiig orchard, balance well wood â-  V ** ^^ " 'O 1^^ I^ Kii ed, five miles from Markdaie; V,'ill h sold on reasonable terms or exchange^ for village property in Markdaie. Apply on the premises to. MRS. DUNCAN, 330-83 Markdaie P. ♦ â- â-  CENTRE GREY ELECTIONS. OFFICIAL RETUBNS. Brown. McColman. Rorke. Artemesia 288 26 347 Collingwood...811 278 184 Euphrasia 134 97 259 Holland 260 21 244 Oeprey 208 66 162 Sulhvan 282 22 289 1485 DURABLE RELIABLE. ^ALSO â€" Waltham, Elgin and Coiombiers, IN STOCK American Clocks, SilÂ¥erwar^, Wedding Rings. IS* Watch repairing and fitting Spec- tacles a specialty. A BELIABLB JKWELLKB, MARKDALR. A fresh stock of grocer ies just opened at OA'V* store, bought for cash thus saving discounts, and will be sold for spot cash at rock bottom prices. TORONTO -:- HOUSE M ARKD ALE. Japan Tea worth 45 cents selling for 85 cents. Japan Tea worth 55 cents for 45. Gunpowder Tea worth 55 cents for 45. 15 lbs. extra granulated sugar $1, other grades accordingly. 1373 495 Majority for Rorke.. 112 SOUTH GREY ELECTIONS. Blyth. Irvine Bentinck 401 510 Egremont 336 881 Glenelg 328 261 Normahby 597 803. Proton 281 808 Durham 144 70 Total 2087 1833 Majority for Blyth 254 Following is the result of EuphrasiA alection which we failed to secure in time for last week â€" i. I I i £ 3 8 8" Boyd 48 86 6 4D 14 IS 12â€"169 Er^e....41 86 88 15 7 28 18â€"169 Hold 80 4 78 22 7 PateTSOii...87 49 87 6 7 4 ][oAlBe....48 23 4 27 10 Black...' -98 4 118 20 2 SUFFOCKBOAR. A thoroughbred snffock Boar for service this season on lot 1 con. 11 Euph- rasia terms seventy five cents. JAMES ELLIOTT, Euphrasia. 829-3 -i* s BERKSHIRE BOAR "Black Pat" Large Breed, from John Snell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree- Terms tl 829. ROBT, McBRIDE. Berkshire Boar. A fine one-year thorongbred berkshire boar for seryice on lot 4 con. 10 Euphrasia Terms Jl.xjiahjiJ tome of service. • Bye and Manl, Port and Native Wine, Brandy, Jamaica, Bum, Scotch Whiskey, the best in the market, also a choice lot Bottled Liquors in finest Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Superior Mault and 5 year old Bye. Parties requiring liquors for medicinal purposes will do well to give us a call as they may rely apou getting a good article. A. Call Bespectfully Solicited, MAKLDALE 328-82 Aaron Wyvill Unphrasia 21â€"162 o-isa 1â€"107 FOE SALE. A Thwongh bredtrotting staUion wiili P^giree in gootl conditjion sine veaw olioolot dark dapple S^ iTfaSS?? P«rt«a»lMs -apply \^ .77_, „^„, JOHN0AmET 826-31 Hoai»dc«Si^;a. rpo the premises of Mrs. S. Thompson, â- *- lot 181 con. 2, west T. S. Road, Art«me»ia, one Bwe and Lamb, about the 1st October last. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex penses, and take them. 332.4 MBS. S. THOMPSON Berkshire Boar, FOB MTioe Ais mmoii, thoiooAbrfld Sl*^^^ "«" **» •etobr»t*di;took DnMermB^ontoa. Tfna»41.«aih. «»-8^ ,^ii8iinngl|»kW» We are now offering estraordimj bargains in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitis|^ â€" ATTBACTIVE AND STYLISB^ Men's all wool Tweed Suits $6.00 np- wttds. Overcoats $5.00 upwai^s- Boys i^d Youths Suits and Overot^ $8.00. TO JL.J*.13I£:S. Wool Shawls and Mantle Clotbd In the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest Kid to (he serviceable Stoga suitable fiiir aU classes. With us the "Tea" bufti- nesB is a specialty, 4 lbs. very choke Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dt**" of the last May pickings a sple^cKd Mttiflle for the prioe. Customers requiring ordered Boot» A Shoes nM,y reJy on being swyed vaih despatch as another workman has been added \p the staff. No ex- pens* will be spared in promj^ly meeting your wants, and as in tb« post nothing bat the best mietjai will be used in the shop, and p^ will be kejptf down to the lowest paxuig figures. » GIVE US A CALL. ' WM^OROWN, ^iiiiMlitoitiilia-iiii-ii""'r'iiii'i niM'iii

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