^!P w « wwi r ^h " V^TT- i.^ -i;^^ .t"k -*T-^ «X-E]VE1- 1 3 3 4 5 [illan,â€" ,85 â€" 48â€" 2â€" 35â€" 70 ene.â€" 35-46 -48â€"92â€"38 COUNCIUXB8 riliiams,â€" -97â€" 15â€" 48â€" 4»â€" 23 lb, -28â€" 4â€"85â€"47â€"42 /onsmore,- JulliTan, â€" Slack, â€" â€" teil ^55_19_ 2â€"65â€" 8 -26â€"26â€"41â€" 6â€"48 _41_.55_ 2â€" 10â€" 1« 3â€"27â€"25â€" 4-74 „18_44â€" 3â€" 34â€" ?9 2â€" 8â€"20â€"51^19 ieynolds, .1â€" 1â€"43- »â€" 19 rackson, 5â€"37â€" 2â€"1â€" 3 Fleslierton. From our own correspondent. Thk Annual Sabbath School Anni- versary of the Methodist Church here on New- Years evening was well pat- ronized. After tea had been served tbc program was entered upon- The first part sustained by the children we thought rather lengthy. Most of the .children delivered their parts well, but owiug to considerable disturbance by some iil behaved young men and women m the rear of the church, some of the little ones could not be heard. The second part oi the pro- gram being a Cantata by the Choir, was a choice selection but owing to too short preperatiou was poorly ren- dered. The Choir has done and is capable of doing very much better with a httle attention to practices. The Secretary's report showed the school to be in a most nourishing condition. A social held in the basement of the Church on Monday evening was very well aitended and an enjoyable evening to all was spent. Bev. Mr. Cornish, Chairman of the District preached the Anniversary Sermon of the Sabbath School on Sunday evening, the subject, "Early Conversion" the Rev. gentlemans discourse was hstened to with close at- tention. Miss Canton, of Oakville, has been engaged by the Trustees of Flesherton Public School, as .Teacher for the junior department, .vacated by Miss Hopkins. She entered upon the duties here on Monday last. Monday election day wasan exciting time here the contest for JJeeve was calm not many here feared the results of the days ballott between Dr. Chrietoe and Mr. Elhqtt. The struggle was h^rd between Mr. Pickell and W. Sharp, the latter being elected by 8, while it was still closer in Eugenia, Mr. Cairns having but 4 over McKee. Mr. Boland elected in the North by a large majority, thus we haye Eeeve andtwo (Jouncillors re-elected and 2 seats filled by new members we wish tnem all "A Happy New Year." k^ XICAS -X-:- 9l44^• iKFir 60§K MRUfmS ^WEES AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry tttova, FLESHERTON. •,i!*f3" v^^iS*r »â- •â- ANJ^ NO'W GOING- ON AT McFdand's See his magnificent etook of Xmas goods which are going iiut OmUSI? IML^S and 2VKTV YEAIt CAJEt.l3KS IN ABUNDANCE of endlees variety to choose from. R£a,gxiificeiit ^ssoirtmeiit ot Albums. â€" :GRAND COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S XMAS BOOKSâ€": PLUSH GOODS! PLTJSH GOODS! VASES VASES 1 VASES n^bt and attractive. MUGS/ MUGS MUGS Consisting of GOLD and SS^B V WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBY" .SPECTACLES, SILVER-WAKE, J^RKS. SPPONS. KNIVES. Fancy P 25,000 dollars vsrorth of goods to be cleared OFF. M^ROBS, ALBUMS. VIOLINS ho. CUPS and SAUCEBS/ CUPS and SAUCEBS DOLLS! DOLLS I DOLLS I TOYS I TOYS! TOYS! Every deoription, come and see them.^ ca^'t xnaJce a mistake if you BUY AT STEPHEN'S DKUa STOEE. Anyone looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesherton, a fine stock to select from, and^ prices very low, It yonr watch or dock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is the place to take it: A satisfactory job every time, tS' Remember, JAS. d RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. iml^rkid^x^e: l^IVER^Sr. niaxivell. From a Correspotideut. On the evening of .Friday. JDec 24th « tea-meeting was held in the Presby- terian Church, which lately has been much improyed by the addition of chandeliers, carpet, and other improve- ments. The tea was as usual, and after- wards an interesting "program" was given. Eeceipts $36. On the evening foiiowing above that is, Christmas night, the annual tea mider the auspices of the Methodist Church was given in the church and hall ad- joining the parsonage ground. Th0 weather was simply grand and -d^Q at-^ tendance wab quite large. Beceipts946i Mr. Charles Diximmond our teacher for this year (1887) is now in town. He comes well recommended, and we wish h^m every success. His sister Miss Annie, teaches S. S. No. 8 (known as Milne's School) this year. She also has our best wishes. Our school closed on Thursday aiiex' noon, Dec. 23 with a public examination There was an attendance of abont 40 visitors, several of whom were teachers and two of them the resident min- isters. The several classes were ex- amined, and all seemed to give satisfac- tion. Towards the end Ox the afternoon Mr. Wesley Long, a trustee, interrupted proceedings and said that as the teach er was just going to leave, an address and presentation Was to be given. The address was read 'by one of the pnpils and a beautiful and valurible writing- desk was presented by another, Mc.^ Chant rephed as well as he ooiild, bf^jag' overcome vntii emotion. Affasrwa'ds short addresses were given by -Pthera present, and Eev. Mr. Ferrier dosed with prayer. Mr. Chant stayed here 8 years, and he will be missed in the Sunday School and Chmrch as vrell aa tile pubhc School. His attoidance for [the last half year of 1886 was 68, so 1 1 lleam--He leaves to attend St. CathenneBj iCollegiate Inst, to prepare for lstyeaK't| Examination in Toronto Uniyersity, Pf OTE the PItlCEfes â€"Men's $9.00 Over Coats for $6.00 Boy's $6.50 Over Coats for $3.76; Men's $6.00 Genuine Persian Lamb Caps for $3.75 Men's $10 Genoine bouth Sea Seal Caps for $6.00 25 good Robes only $3.75 600 yds. 25 cent Dress Goods .for 15 cents; 7 dozen Firs Men's Far Top Gloves $1.00 regular price $1.50; 60 Childs; anil Misses Wool Padds 5C 75 cents half price; 200 Childrens Wool Sqaares 12^ cents 75 Ladies' Wool Sqares 50 cents, sold everywhere for $1.00; 12 dozon Womens Wool Vests, a great JBargain for 60 v^cents each; Ladies Linen Collors Hand- somly Embroidered 2 for 12^ cents, See them. 60 cent Black Velveteen 80 cents 75 yards Fancy Ulstering $1.25, goods for 75 cents One Case Old Ladies' Lined Sewed Boff Boots 90 centE, jost half price 200 Gent's lovely Silk Handkerehiefs from 26 cents np; 100 gross Brass Buttons, half price; Womens, Misses and Childr«n8 Wool Hoods, from 10 cents np Mil- linesj Goods, half price, PLUSHES, VELVEI8, TIES, RIBBONS, aD reduced. Oome Early Beiore THE CHOICE LOTSABE SOLD-- â€" ?OOI ]VI!o(le]ra,te I2.IOS. SPEC/AL ATTENTION TO COMMEftC/AL TRAVELLERSS Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYbOR, PROPRIETOR. To Consmiiers DealNi JEN OHjS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's ROYAL PALACE LIOHT Blummating Oil for Machinery if all '^kinds. Our CASTOR E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., MannfaiCturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Bep. for Ncnrthem Ontamo, A Goodby. 3{08-(m sse^B ARE -:- YOU -:-60IHG â- :- TO -:- PURCHASE GHBISTMAS PRESENTS? WB.Y ^ATHEBE EVEBYBODY OF COM- mon sense goes. Where you can obtain the newest, cheapest, Aiid best selection d goods in the county, at the Head Quarters in Markdale for BOOKS, STATIOSEEBY TOYS, FANCY GOODS, o., o. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MAilSION â€" HOUSE.^ When you want WALL PAPEK^o where jUMt'Oan get an assortment to, ohoose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock over three thousand pieces from 5o. to 76 cents per Boll. Also a choice selaetbn of Borders. In TOYS yon win find the best assortment ever shown iix Markdale. Bolls all sizes from 6c. to $1.60, childrens Toy Books from 5c. to $1.25, Purses from 6c. to 76 cents. Moustache and Tea Cups ttom 20 cents up. Mugs for jtresents in great variety and Christmas Cards, at prices that will astonish you from 2c. up. Specifd to Sohoc^ Trrastees, Sabbath School Superintendents, and Teachers, no necessity gomg a days journey or sending to Toronto or elsewhere for yomr prizes or Lihrarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way suited to your reqoiroments, and prices satislMtwy^ Special discount allow- ed on all school orders. Full supply of Sdiool Books, Note Paper, ftc., Ac, at prices to suit hard times. I^S- NOTE THE ADDRESS. Gmudian Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCh TIME TABLJei. Taking •tfect Monday. July.SUSi, tSSM. GOING JtfOfmin, STATIONS.. Toronto.. ..lieays. ...... GardweU Jutction..,,... Oraage- 1 Amve ........ ville. JLeaTe,.... OrangeTille Jtm Sholbame.. Dondalk .......... Fleaherton...,. ........ Markdftle .............. Beilelev.. ............ Holland Centre Ohatsworib. ........... Owen Sound OOINC SOUTHt STATIONS. f. J. HcFarlui Direct Imporleap. JBxp. Owen Sound ..1 540a)b A. DINSMORE. ts- NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE .st Agentior Dmnestio Paper Fashion Co. NewYprk, a rtock of pfttterns oon statitly on hand. Ghatsworth. ... ...... Holland Centre vvCKoiey •••••«• •••• »« «•• Flesherton Dondalk Shelbnme OrangeTSle Jan.... Oxanite- Arrive.., ........ I ville.. jIjeaTe....* ........ Cardwell Jonotion^..... .. ... Toronto ...Airive ....... 610" 6 25'« C84" • 47" 7 02" 7«S" 7 61 " 828" 8 80 " 8 45-" 10fi5*4 MaiL 240pin 3 07" 3 80" 8 40 " 8 68 " 40«" 4 81 " 4 67'» 6 28" 686' 6 66" «80" 8.10" MBS. CLEMENT'S P m Eimiss SEor. IF TOn WANT FANCY 0OOD8, TOYS OB STATIONABY, OHEASEST AND BEST HOUSE IN TOWN TVlMseyaaiKnidcrriQiTibingBnitaUe for Xmas 4 New Year presenta, aacb, «a:-DQBs, Boys Toois, TioHns, Snowshoes, Ouna, Toy Banks, ft Young C(to on Whed^ we can safely say, we have the finest •â- Kptment of Toys atainable. IMJM wk9 Mfnif HuH SakMt, Waric Boxâ€" Wkkto, Faaqr SMM Boxâ€", fatm, Uiht Sola, raih.jf Ohm^mmm^ fmit BoMlnto, MtOograpt f PMo A^amo. $toM call aai i»v»ftm/ otoek hoitbn fm^kttmg •iMmtof. CHEISTMAS OAiUI^ I B. GABNAHAN would rewectftiUy intimate to tise inhabitants o£e 8iir rounding ooutiy that he has- opeaed a geneiaijiarnesg shopitm King, street in the village of HOLLAND CENTIRE. I where Ju intends to janniaotnre and keep on hand a larKe stock of XJ0fiT and HEAVY HABNESS,long and Aott. togs. 8TBAW COLLABS. WHIPa., COMBS, .^BUSHES. HABNESS OIL ice. I will Bse .only first .elass miierial and those reqniring anythuiK in the kameas line will find it to their intnest to «all at the sew harness, shop and get pricea htfore go- ing elsawhere. Bepdring done with nwt* neas and di^wtoh. Solioiting a Bhwe of poblie pairoBage. I am respeetfolly yoon.^ R.GAIINAHAII. laiebeat jwwrtad. aiia,^llettpbtt]0|(]|ifli)b 0^ IVuvoto. tiotn nacle to S. B. 4 4|iijr Sehool to piuohMe Xmaa tt«|« kAk,' ' (mC^'SUAa CABD81 nine- Berkshire i^i^^a?. FOB aemoe thla^^iMaaon, tbijanitigUbni^' rpulnMd jwan Saell the celebrated riioek fcraedsr of Edpionton. Termaf 1. cash. B. CrfflftTian ^^iVL adjoiiauglCKkaaiK â- n â- s V-' ;y, ^Zii^i M