ThaStaBdard. C. W. Eutledge, Publisher. MARKPALE, JAN. 6. 1886, Mt. Forest rejoices in having secnr* ed electric light for the town. â€" Present indications point strong- ly to vrar in the East at an early date. ejumgi â€" Miclr^i. Havitt was mariied to Miss l^Jiaait^ore in Oakland, Cal., last Thursday. 75,0@0 is said to have changed Jbaads'by betting in the late election 'br mayor in Toronto. Montreal's great winter carnival 'will be held February 7th to 12th Great preparations are now being made for the monster affair. â€" Mr. J. C. Black, son of the late Mr. John Black, of this village, was elected President of " the Commercial Travellers Association ol Canada," at the annual meeting in Toronto last week. THE ELECTIONS. â€"The excitement over the various elections is now over, and we trust peace and harmony will again reign supreme. Seldom are we called upon to choose as many candidates and re- cord as many votes in the same length of tim e as the past week first the Ontario Elections, then School Trus- tees and then the Municipal, and village Police Trustees. Our Markdale School trustee elec- tion was an interesting one, as we noted last week. Our police trustee contest created more than ordinary interest for such an occasion, resulting in the election of E, Davis, A. Turner and S. J. Coleman, In Glenelg the interest was up to the average, with a grater number of candidates than usual, no less than ten being in the contest, the Eeeye, Mr. Moffat, was elected by acclamation, J. A. McMillan was elected Deputy-reeve hy 29 majority over Jas, Skeene, while Cnristie Williams, Geo. Iiamb acd N. G.. Dunsmoraled the poll in the order given foir councillors. In Artemesia Dr. Christoe was elected by a majority of 246 over Mr. Elliott. This township elects the council by wards, and the council elects its deputy. J. BoJand beat W McLoughry by 40 votes, Sharp got ahead of Pickle 8, and Cairns came out 4 ahead of McEee, while Priceville ward elected J. McArthur by acclama tiou. Holland, township had a hot con- test oyer the reeveship, resulting in the election of Dr. Qldhatn by 327 over his opponent Mr. Cameron. A* Shute went in without opposition. Galbrnith and Uowey were re-elected while T. Williscroft, one of the best old members was left, John; Murray, getting his place. Toronto â€" Mayor â€" Rowland by 2166 majority- Owen Sound â€" Mayor â€" ^Duncan Mor- li^on. Coliingwood township â€" T. Mc- Kenny, Beeve. Ospreyâ€" A. McGirr, Beeve, 4. Md- Intyre deputy reeveâ€" Council,Hadson Si)eers and Taylor. Dundalk Village^^jPeter McGregor, Beeve â€" Council, Gardiner, McConneU, Morrow and Ketchum. Dnrhamâ€" D. Jackson, Mayor G. McEeghnie, Beeve. Meaford â€" C. R. Sing, Maydr Robt. Agnew, Beeve. Mt. Forest â€" J. A. Halstead, Mayor -J. Han pton. Reeve. Amabelâ€" James Allen, Reeve. GLENBLG AGBIOUliTUEAL SO- Next Thnrsdi^ the urnaid meetiDg wiU be held in this village at 2 o'clock and it is desiruble that there is a good attendance. The Society is in a healthy condi- tion yet we can see no reason why its usefulness and importance may not be increased ten-fold. Why not take hold and make the fall Show such an Exhibition as Collingwood tlier's nothmg to hinder but a want of enter- prise on tha part of our buriness men and that of our leading agriculturists. There isn't a show worth specking of in the whole district, and as Mark- dale is in the centre of this large and prosperous agricultural county, and its railway and other advantages so desirable, we think the time has come to make a united and vigorous moye Let there be a large attendance at the annual meeting so that the matte r may be discussed: Ladies troubled with Pimples, Blotches Bough Hands or Face, or Sores of any discrip- tion, should use McGregor Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will leave the skin in perfect ealth, smooth, clean and good color. Be -ure and get the genuine, made by McGregor ParKo. Price 25c. Sold at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 3 years. I icineand similarly Cakb i-C I hi^n â€" ,__ ,-- my terttoooy «o tha good â€" te. Jiur* MedWMaad FUIa. For yma thmwe MiJnlnMUaa irifh my Woe maAjuuMBtomOL. biit.«ttar twingone boMsandAfow pi|l*f I find myiaU graatly benefited, nr madh ao that I bave^done moro work this rammer than I have foe bitend continuiiig this valoabiemed- taave pleasnrein lecmmendlng it toaU affected. "Soaxa tmly, W. B. McObkoob. Chief Ojibway Indians IIowt« Choose A Wife. In the first place, a young man should look well CO his family connections, and choose one his equal, if not better, but never go below his own station in life â€" that is, morally. He should pay strict attention to the physical conditions of the one he chooses as his partner in life, for health is wealth to the nations of the earth. He should also find out what qualifications, if possible, she has for doing things in general about a house. Be sure you get one who is religously inclined, and who knows more about the Lord's Prayer than she does about balls and dance?, and who can train and bring up children in the way they should go, so that when they become men and women they will jbe a credit to their parents. Nine out of ten of our great statesmen! haye been brought up by their mothers side. A good wife is the boast of a husband, and a good mother the pride of a son. McGEEGOR PARKE'S CARBOLIC CERATE. Have you an old Sore, Cut, Bum, Bruise, Corn,Bunion, Salt Eheum.Pimples, Blotches, Rough Hands or Face? If so, there is but one cure, namely, McGregor Parke's Car- bolic Cerate. If you but try it, it will con- vince you. It costs 25o. at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 2 -«â- »- Have you ever tried McGregor Park's Carbolic Cerate for sores of any kind It is beyond doubt the very Lest preparation in the market for healing and ciiring Sores Bourns, Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, and ia th only proper method of applying Carbolic Acid Sold at R. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Mai-k- daie, for 25 cents per box. 1 Notices ef Births, Mamaget, and Deatht, tventy five cents. marriages- Wiley â€" Beown, â€" On the 22 inst, byHev. E.I. Hosking, at the residence of, Mr. Lewis Euphrasia,Mr. J. W. Wiley, to Miss. Isabella Brown, all of Euph- rasia. Chakd â€" Simmons, â€" By Rev. A. Wilson, on the 21st Dec, Mr. Frank Chard to Hiss Hariet Simmons, all of Artemesia, Bdensâ€" MxiEB,â€" By the Rev. A. Wilson, a' the Mansion House, Markdale, on the 29th Dec., Mr. £. R. Burns to Miss Martha Adellna Myles, all of Euphrasia. RtJWE â€" CoLEMAiT, â€" At the residence of M* Baird, Artemesia, on the 29th Dec.., Mr. Jas. L. Rowe. of Holland, to Miss Fannie M. Coleman, of Artemesia, by Rev. A. Wilson. BOOTS SHOES AND SUPPERS » I am too busy to enter into the details of Goods and Prices, but the thousands of people that visited me during the year 1886 and went away happy is a sufficient guarantee that my efforts to suit the public have been appreciated. ThanMng all my Customers. X am Eespectfully, IV. Mclieod. Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Boots, Shoes and SUppers. Farm for Sale. 1 (\r\ ACRES, BEING LOT 13, CON., JLUU 14 Artemesia, about 70 acres clear- ed and under cnltivation, well fenced with cedar, well watered with spring creek, a com- fortable log house and ibam, young orchard bearirg. Situated three miles from Mark- dale. For Terms and further particulars apply to JAS. W. LACKEY 331-tf. Berkeley. A\"AItTVI]VC3^ TSHE public are hereby warned against purchasing a note made by me to Esther Clark for 924,00 as I have re- ceived no value for the same. MARGARET E. CLAEK. Sbnd 25 Cbi^ts. â€" TOâ€" Grip Office, Toroiito, ii -THE- STANDARD »» -AND THE- Rural CANADIAH. Fi-om now filllBt Janoaxy, 1888, FOR THE SMALL SUM OF $1.50. By on armgement virith the pablisber of the Rtiral Canadian, dqw in its tenth year of publication, we are enabled to offer both papers fur $1.50. The regular prioe of the tsro»2.00. This Rural Conadian, j» a monthly iUiutratecF magassine for the Farm and.Home Tfa« foUowing are the leading Departments :â€" if arm jand Field Horses and Cattle; The Dair Bheep and Swine Garden aad Orebwrd Bees and Honey; Potodtiy and Pets; Home Cirde; TheiOtange Beeord â- Boral Notes; Hpusehold -Hints; Tonog Canada Scientific and Useful. Tlte mnaic alone is wortn several year^ sabseription. IS- SUBSCRIBB NWo AMD OBT BalcMioe pf;$^eax Free. AND BECEIVE THE Christmas and Election Mos. of Grip And the paper (Grip) to 1st Feb., '87. Or, Send $1, And receive the CHRISTMAS and ELEC- TION Nos., and the paper to July 1st '87. nclnding choice of tiie two Premium Plates {•Leading ConservatiTeB," or "Leading Re- formers.*' Address, The Grip Printing and Publisoing Co. 26 and 28 Front Street West, Toronto. 330-1 SUFFOCKBOAR. A tiioroughbred enSock Boar for service this season on lot 1 con. 11 Euph- rasia terms seventy five cents. JAMES ELLIOTT, 829-3 Enjdirasia. BERKSHIBE BOAR "Black Bit" Large Bteed, from John Snell's imported stock, thoroughbred with pedigree* Terms |1 BOBT,. KcBHnE. Berkshire B0a|.r. A fine oneryeav. 'tbOs«i$i^|iie3 kerkduxe txMir.for seryioe'on lot 4 em. 10 Ei^luMis. Terms tl. ea^M tonetfWtviM. f •â- \-.T AsraaWyvill 828-82 ...^! v' Bnph TM Jft Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sasii, Door aid Plain Fac- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinerj everything being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Monldings, Holloii Battons, FRMES, UTH, FERCE PICKETS. 1, And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner seeond to none i^i Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every department, I would now respecttuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, all sixes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tarniug done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOSf- MclVJE^. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS H. B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUKEKOF • MMRBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. JUST BECEIVEP 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble fS" Largest stock in the Dominion to select from. Personally selected at the qoar riea in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monnments and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperfections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HABEISON. GALL SEE The finely assorted holiday stock now displayed in my Show Cases. aJkin. dertak4 FURN ISHiNGS on the shortes notice. xidid Hea,Tse e at moderate rates. 1 have some good substantial gifts, n Ladies' GOLD WATCHK«; CHAINS, BOLL-PLATE NECK LETS. LOCKETS BEAOELETS ENGAGEMENT and WEPDING BINGS. SiLVKRWABK. â€" lu Staples and Novelties. Liet Prices. Plush Goods â€" Ladies' Jewell Cases. â- Have bought right, and will sell at close prices. SEASONS COMPUHEHTS TO JILL W. A. BROWN, Jeweller, MARKDAL m n TO THE PUBLIC. Having purchased the grocery and wholesale liquor business of L. Enapp, nd replenished the stock rou{^ oat with fresh grocieries and choice lienors, I trust by fair dealing and dose prices to obtain a fair share of publib patron- age. [Wishing^ a Happy New-Year,] I am, Yonrs respectfullT, W. L. DAVIS. THE isssfilalisi MStqlL HAVINS PIIRCHISEO MST-CUSSMRSK FOE ^LE. A 'Ehorough hraS trotting staDkcnipifh Pedgixee in good-'OehcBfion imS^^^^Mrs old. col*r dark dapple bay for flair|heT particulars qpply to, ' JOHN GAWIiBY,^* 326-81 HoUaiia Centre P^ ^«» Btdlt by B.J. Mash, London, also having a large stock of Coffins, Gaskets and funeral lomishings, we are prepared to stqiply the public in the undertaking line on the shortest notice. Alugestockof fomitanjiliwaysoni hand at lowest living prices. ' Having a first-class oahiilet maker, we are prepared to make all kinda, of fomitaxe to order, also i opairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMUITM, Kezt door to Ka^sp's stots, A B K D A I* E. -All kinds of â€" ock at bottom prices. PICTIIRE FRAMINC lone on short notice. BOBT. ASKIN. FA^ FOR SALE\ Lot 14 ^n. 12 Glenelg 100 acres, ^0 cleared, ^th comfortahle frame house and youna orchard, balance well wood- ed, five mlesfroiu Markdale; Will be sold on r^onable terms or exchanged for villa^ property in Markdale. Apply on the piemises to. MBS. DUNCAN, 830-33 I V MatkdaleP. O TORONTO -:- HOUSE MA.RKDALE. Wcjkre now ofiering extraordinaiy bargabs in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy saitiDgs, â€"ATTBACTIVE AND STYLISH-^ Men" all wool Tweed Salts $6.00 up- wardei. Overcoats $j.00 upwards. Boys and Youths BnitS and Orerooato $8.00. Wool Shawls and Mantle Clotbs in the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest Kid to the serviceable Stoga suitable for an classes. With ns the "Tea" bud- ness is a speciidty, 4 lbs. vety choice Japan tea |1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dost" of the last May pickings a splendid article for the inrioa. Customers requirmg ordered. Bootd h Shoes may rely on being. «erved with despatch as another workman has been addjad to the staff. No ex* pense will be spared in proinptly meeting your wants, and as in the past nothing bat the best material will be ased in the shop, and prices will be kept down to the lowest p^jjfing figures. IS-GIVEUSACALU .Doumore,â€" r55 â€" 1 BttUljran,â€" 26â€" a Blwik. 41â€" i KelU 3- 3iasie, 18- Bi^y, 2- .Bajmolds, â€" 1â€" .Jaokson, 5â€" s Fie a C From our c Annual S ry of the .New-Years timnized. After the program wi ,flrst part sustai thought rather ♦children delive but owing to CO by some ul beh women in the some of the litt heard. The se gram bein^ was a choice too short pi-epei dered. The Ci capable of doin^ ..a little atteutioi The Secretary .school to be i condition. A social liel( the Church on very well atteui eyeuin^ to all v Eev. Mr. Coi District preac Sermon of the Sunday evening Conversion" t discourse was 1: tention. Miss Ganton engaged by the PubUc Schooi, junior departu Hopkins. She duties here on Monday elecl time heie the c :alm not many of the days Christoe and Vi The struggle Pickell and Vv .elected by 8, wl in Eugenia, Mr V over McKee. Mr. Bolaod a large major it and two 'ounci seats filled by i tnem all "A H Frcym On the evenii a tea-meeting v terian Church, much improve chandeliers, sai ments. The te wards an inte: (^ven. Beceipt On the evenii is, Christmas ni the auspices of was given in th joining the pi weather was su tendance was qi Mr. Charles for this year (1( .oomeswellvtico him every sue Annie, teaches Jkmne'8 School) our best wishes Our school cl noon, Dec. 23 v There was an TisitoTB, several and two of th 'isters. The se amined, and all tion. Towards Mr. "Wesley Lor proceedings anc er was just goii and presentatio acldress was rea ad a beautiful dask was pres Obant rephed a overcome with flonrt addresses F^nt, and S wnh prayer. B years, and he y Siqkday School Ipnblic Schc st half yes -He leave Bgiatelnst. lation in ittdliliiliiiliiMilill mk^ijgtijigmm