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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Dec 1886, p. 4

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 TheStettdard. C. "W. Butledge, Publisheor. MABKDALE, DEC. 26. 1886, â€"The first car load of lamber from British Colombia has reached Men- treal. 9.000 barrels of apples have beeu shipped from Goderich to England this season. â€" There was a heavy fall of snow in Montreal last week. â€" TheiBritish Colambia Legislature ^^ill meet ou 24th January. â€" Hon. Wm. Macdougall haj been roonfined to his home in Ottawa by Illness for some time. AW the S^rtiyj|^|| i0%i|B fTOce i^od, thus poll their.votes without difficult. ^__ Iii01eaelglfr.fM8ld!^,armer' who resides on the €rara£niixa niear Latona, is a caudidi^ .|or deputy- reeve ond we understand Mr. J. A. MeMillan ii also in the field for «ame office. Mr. McCuaig, it is said, will not offer himself this year. Arte mesia isTtill quiet, as also Osprey Holland is fixing for a hot contest. We expect to give the result of the nominations next week. An important conference of rail- way representatives was held in Toronto last week. The object of the meeting to arrange a uniform sys- tem of rules for the running of trains to be used in all the railroads of the country. â€" One Mike Sheer was caught run- ning a cargo of whiskey into the North- west last week and fined $400, with six monthsVimprisonment at Macleod. Two policemen who were detailed to snill the liquor got drunk and each got three months with hard labor. A GOOD FIGHT. The Public herald, published by Lum Smith of Philadelphia, richly deserves the support and encourage- ment of all honest publishers as well as the honest public for its persistent and successful efforts m exposing frauds of all kinds. The public are in a great measure at the mercy of catcb-penuy advertisements in news- papers, pamphlets c., and various kinds of efforts to deceive and defrand; and Lum Smith has been for ten years doing a noble, (yet in a great measure, thankless) work in exposing '.such nefarious peactices. He has the sympathy of the honest press of the continent, whom he has saved various amounts and endless trouble. CONVENTION NO. 2. On Saturday last the conseryatives of Centre Grey met in this village to amalgomate, if possible, the two can- didates Korke and McColman. Over one hundred delegates were present, every township being well re- presented. Considerable dissatisfaction appear- ed to exist as to the result of the October convention, or in the way it was conducted, but no one could give a tangible reason for said dissatisfac- tion. The candidates were present, and it was decided to take a fresh ballot, both candidates agreeing to abide by the decission; The yoting was done under the scrutiny of a com- mittee, who first reported the delegates present, all legally appointed, and in due time £he foUowmg report ann- ouoeed as a resnlt of the ballot, viz: Borke 68, McColman 81, a majority for the former of 37. This ended the business of this ^miportant meeting vith the exeeptieo of speeohiflying which followed. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH EIDI^ G OF GREY. GoNiLEXZN. â€" Owing to the elections for the Legialatne being sprung upon us very unexpectedly I regret exceedingly that I have been unable to visit several portions vof the riding. It was my intention to call « â-  series of meetings before^the next sesaion cooimen- ced and consult which you as tojyour views respecting the Franchise Bill, the exaessive expenditure incurred in erection of new Par' liament buildings and other Important matters, I desire to briefly place my views and general policy before you, but shall en- deavor to meet you at every possible point. Elected as I was by the farming ana labor ing community, I chaUange my opponients to point to one vote opposed to their interest. â-  As a Conservative I shall support that party on its general principles, believing the policy of the opposition under the leadership of Mr. Meredith to be more progressive and libejal than the l^;islature of the present goyern- *: ment. The laws introduced instead of being such as everyone could easily understand are only calculated to increase litigation, a yeiy nn- d«sirable tiling for an Agricultural Province- lama strong advocate for manhood suff- rage and shall endeavor to do away with intricacies in the voters' list by its introduc- tion. I am opposed to any appropriation for Immigration purposes by the Provincial Legislatures. The timber policy of the present govern- ment is opened to censure, owing to large blocks being disposed, of to the disadvuitage of those whose means would admit of them purchasing small arears. The municipal legislation I consider is calculated to take power out of the hands of the people which is legitimately theirs. The time has now arrived when the in- telligence of the people demands that great- er power should be conferred on both town- â- liip and county councils and by so doing the number of lepresentatives in the Local Legislature instead of being increased as lately done, might be greately reduced. I alio believe that the Educational depart- mant should be under the control of a non- political head. I am also strongly opposed to the monoply which now exists regarding the publication of our school books, and belieye that by allow- ing competition, the cost of the books, to the public would be materially lessened, and by less frequent changes a greater saving would accrue to parents. I also venture to hope that the cotirsa I pursue in connection with the Land Improve' ment fund was in the interest of my consti- tuents and in the futnie should yoa do me the honor to re-elect me, it shall be my ut- most endeavor to loofc^after the interest of those whom I represent. There are many matterg to which it is im. possible to allude in. an address, but wfail I am annsible of the honor you did me. a common farmer, by ratnrning me as your representative, I trust my course in the House has been such, as to retain your esteem and confidence. Aekng you for a renewal of your confidence* I am gentlemen, faithfully yours. JOHN BLTTH. ,---0. 4i i*-'fi vi it 'â- Â»â-  jjtiwi. u GENTLJfiMEN:^ Theirritfitar«6«aeMa BlflrtkHi lar the LooAlIiegiabtaiv.wm be iat'aed imme d i atdif. Ob Taewlay the Slsi 3if Daeonber rext, the nonunations are to be mad* and Tuesday the 28th day of Deoonber ftx«: for polling. Having received the nuanimons nomination of the largest and meet inflnftntial Conservia- tive Convention ever held in the Biding, which met in October last, and IiavJ'-ig ainoe received the most encouraging assnrance, of support horn the eleotoi-s generally, I beg most respectfully to annoonee that I feel it my duty to accede so their wishes and aoiept such nomination. I have been a resident of the Biding for thirty-eight years. During the greater pari of that period I have been, more or less, actively engaged in the administration of your municipal affairs and while occupying prominent positions of trust in your County Council I haye invariably beeu guided by a desire to protect and promote your interests. My long residence in the Biding and prao- tifial knowledfre of the working of our municipal institutions enable me the more readily to anticipate your special require- ments, represent your giievances and obtain relief from oppressive legislation. If elected as your representative, I will endeavor faithfully to discharge my duty by giving' effeetJio wholesome legislation and wilt ad- vtxuteie more economical administration of the finances and of the Grown domain. As there is not space in a short address to fully explain my yiews I shall endeavor to attend meetings in the various Townships of the Biding before the elections and there discuss in detail the various questions now before the people. In conclusion, I shell advocate equal lights and privileges to all classes and creeds of Her Majesty's subjects. Being a resident of the Biding and like many of yourselves engaged in farming operations, our interests arc identical I shall do my best to advance them. Belying on your cordial and generous sup- port to elect me as your representative I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, Jour obedient servant, JOSEPH BOBEE Ckrksburg, Nov. 26, 1886. -til f iiA3 fi'S-^aHW 3-4 'fi0:y â- '.sSiiM:/. Set ui-vtl «t%*»vt J!«ft'iW=' HieBKTI^MEN--'m» tlaieiB a* hau*: when yoa will be called nivB. liir'ttiadiiBe in %be vdteeiim'M tepresraitative to " m Grey. «tCp«TOt the a calm ice. •nr. creed ot mm I GALL SEE The Unely assorted holiday stock now displayed in my Show Cases. MUJIICIPAL, 1 have some good substantial gifts, in Ladies' GOLD WATCHES, CHAINS, KOLL-PLATE NECK- LETS. LOCKETS BRACELETS, ENGAGEMENT and WEDDINGS BINGS. SiLVEBWAKi.â€" In Staples and Novelties. List Prices. Plush Goodsâ€" Ladies' Jewell Cases. Hav« bought right, and will aell at olo»e prices. SEASONS COMPLIMENTS TO ALL Aseeoildy of Oatpftio, "I^ duty which jrou owe to your country, to -^^^^' and to portectty 'demaDds that ym ezerciBe that privelege with settled determination to advance the boat interests of our fair Pro»in boat of party strife men of impulsive temperaments are apt to overlook th issues invrfTed in the uviko preeMit. and to allow their judgments t hi!* vrarped by the n»are 'shiboleths" of tiie dead past. The interests rfour° the advancement of inteUigence and the humanizing influence of onr *^^^' Christianity demand that we lay aside the religious strifes and party co '^^^^ which have so long disturbed and distracted the National mind, and that °**"" of our common country.loyalsubjectsof our beloved Queen, we go "hand-in h** '" getlier mutually intent upon the achievement of a higher civilization morality and a more liberal christian sentiment, and while firmly maint^"^* our own rights, yet willing to grant the same privileges which we claim f " selves to those of our fellow countrymen who may differ from us in nationality. With the view of givmg effect to these sentiments, I beg to announce that a candidate for your suffrages at the coming election, and I respectfully "" that all my fellow electors who share these sentiments, will by their "y^"' influence do what they can to secure my election. ^^ It is proper that you should ask, and it is right that I should declare wh opinions are in reference to the issues which divide the "Parties" in Oq*^ ""' the present time. In the main I am in accord with the general course of legislation pursued with the principles enunciated and carried out for some years by the M administration, and if elected I shall deem it my duty in the interests of I^ovince to sustain the present Government reserving of course to myself th' right to judge of each measure which may be brought forward, upon its mer'k irrespective of the source from which it may emanate. â-  I am free to admit that vyith all Ckvernments there is a tendency to imnece«. ary extravagance â€" against all such -tendencies I shall deem it my duty as vo representative to raise my voice and exert my influence. Injreference to the school law generally, my opinion is that recent legislatio has been largely in the interest of ithe teaching profession, and that the interest' the public which ought to be paramount, have to a certain extent been ignor d. I am of opinion that the present 'hoUday" terms are too long, especially tooee the requirements of rural communities, and that some change is desirable in th' respect. " " Of the many important questions which claim attention at this particnbt juncture it is impossible within the compass of a short address to speak vit., intelligence and precision During the canvass however I purpose to discuss some of these with yoa tf the pubUc meetings to be held at xentral points throughout the constituency when 1 hope to have the pleasuie of meeting many of you and acquaintances which I trust will be mutually agreeable and lasting. I hawe the honor to be, Gentlemen, Markdale, Your obediant Servant, Dec. 4, 1886. WM. BROWN M/cl^KDALE aD[ m HI. -o- W. A. BROWN, Jeweller, MARKDALE INVISIBLE AKD INSTANTANEOUS- An pains or aches will be inttantly remov- ed b a few drops of Flnid Lightning applied over the affected part. No time lost no naaseons medicine needed so plinilticing or nf^iog greasy liniments. It will: not blister or discolor the skin. Soli at ^Sc. per bottle by B. L. Stephen. Paoggist. Sufferers tcom. Neomlgia asaore as that they never fear it when their house contains, a bottle of Fluid Lightning. 4 The interest in municipal matters is developing, and we may yet have 'lot8 of fun" notwithstanding the Ontario Elections. In Euphrasia Mr. W. J. Shepherd- son is a candidate for deputy-reeve, and we are told with good prospects for aoccess. It is said he would have been yio- tdrous the last time he was a candid- 4ite for that offiae had it cot been fbr 4 severe snow stona flie night preyionr' «( jtothe polling wbi^ bloek^ va^ Vi^ ^\ «^iiRipi|(0 soiitliwifistera s.pbcti6n .4t •CSxJ ICX. AGENTS WANTED. Steady Employment to Good Men. NONE NEED BE;4bLE PREÂ¥ieUS ^ROtfEHee MOT eSSOTtML We Puf e/fA«r Sakuj w Qomm'mion. 1 i\C\ 6^"^^" 1^^ wu^ted attmoeto Xvfw canvass for the sale of Canada Qrown.]liaBei7 Stoek, SnRBIiEB^B. uitocsT n ouuBA oveb 400 agbes Doik'tqppIynnlMsyoacan'Idiniah first- -shiss.BeiwenosBsadwsattowarfc. NorMm f or lasy men bat eah eupliqr any munber: "ieiaia«liOjW«iktJRi(k. Addnas JSXQiaE^VEi4(maTo«, „ TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty-one years have come and gone since I commenoed busuiess in Mackdale, and it becomes my pleas- ing duty to return sincere thanks to my jiumerous customers for their liberal. and constantly incteaaimr patrcna^ during that period. Having this seascm erected new hnsmess premises, into which I ^ve just moved, I am now better tton ever prepaied to supply the mcreasiBg denkasd for a .oenuine artirae m my Hue. I shall conturaete use the beat stock fa» the madeit, and eindov the best mechanics adiioii fi^Ae procured, so that my custom«naad ttepuhUo can rely on mi ibrtMe th^ will give genuine sstid^sticn. m,v^ more xoom to disiday my Roods, I have now a large stock tk DouUe and Smg^ fe*^ ^g^ Id^ Harness, as weU as a^ m* ^whes, Combs. Ac-lAdTtofSC ^fihaUaiaea Tnmka nd^^^? at prices to tait the tteiba. -^^t- â-² oordial iavilwtiov Is exta *^jto give us a call in our Having erected and fitted up is cttfy detail a Sash, Door and Flam IW tory, containing all. the latest and most approved machinery, eTeiythisr being new, I am now prepared to torn ont Sash, Doors, Blinds, lonldings, Hollof Battons, FRMES, LATH, FEI6E PICKETS. 6m And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to sooei^ Canada, and ^haying engaged superior aechanics m every department, I would now respecttuy Mdioit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly. PINELUMBERDreMed and Undressed Direct from North Shore, aU ^es, «p band. Plain and Fancy Taming done. Careful Attention ta Olriers from a Distance. 803 THOS. McIVBA. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORK^ He B. HARRISON, MHUFACTUBBB MARBIS AND BRAITE M0KUMENT8 HEADSTONES. MtatUmf FumUure Marhk, de. JUBT BEGEiyBI} Carloads Finest Variegated Marble Luftest stoek in the Doadniev'to sdeet from. Personally seleeted at the-mar ries in Vetmont, Will be sold at pfltsi whioh detsr eompetitioa. SATtSFMCriOM eUMRMMTEgt. N. B.-^BewaM of IfoamnentB and Bead« stones of Tin. f^Mteb or Zi»e, toklend to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to lude the iaqperfeetions, and eaUid White Btsue. H.1B.HABBIB(W. ^«ii«*r- •w,v^f U^ir- r;.ti: i^aaiiw^'" .rj0B»' af«ifM5«s:-si7o ^i-j* tiSD'ST.i8snL-£TfS txhir. giving goMfciMuny««ait exoepfc to myself otHtf «tM(Bi oaSer a« I will notleewMiwMiliio tuilibMmf^ EOBT. ASKIN, UNDBttAKER. FMERIL FURHISNMiS luppUed on the siortes not»e. A Splendid" He»»-** for hire st modewts »tM- -Allkiiidiof- __- m stock at bottom Pnoe- ^-""'BOBrASKlN. bSKUBOK Fax. 8 deUM^aft^aU other Wtl^. HE Mr. Eii iHst week tirade of e arausiug, lovtoly asso that aftt r he luntiial Souiitl tht in 3'our coi t echo thi Htiiiuals, li ones. ami. 1 pioceeil li tion â€" "Th vice" true you see Si: change â€" E expository course He i 1 have dot rorrectues Allhouifh i i: still trot iutelligcuc school hoy to he a pul ubject int correspon* to have I writ r of ii luy coutei placed it iiud Heiod I'^uphrasia •Judas, ot Towusliip l)etrayed i Had lie ai ArtemeKiE from the following find that overseer, the pay s he said. ' and wbei tlie sum r^ir, a u kept in he bi re nor â€" unl in conrtj theRee\| dishouoij â€" it is I act of •urporftt Mr.] ment re the ver my iepl| â€"It duty to I regardi Dec, 1 am ql your siJ was sal membel When yoa ibooMfroin, ffom 6e. to 75 In TOYS yJ BoUsallsiaesl Porseafrom s| Hags for pre ^nllastonuh Special to j vo necessity yonr prizes orl stutedtoyonrr ^ton all sohol l^aopplyl tfot iiifeiiiliiiyMi

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