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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Dec 1886, p. 3

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 NPiii I*. ^d th»t ,snoald l%hted; J ^« re- |e me u "â- edding I »* win I With its p, thxt Would false J ased for |bably be *ehad â- so trj'bs Ind filial Tyeuture e«e in- |her wel- f'ith him P^ay his |i them to cobwebs he re- the young Ncret tip. Itably in- ever«ince 1 1 deem it 1 hold any fxpect to proved iy couti- ks, show- her judg- t restrain How can mr Black- has been t is some ty weav- uers, but he spoils, o despise by the hopes of Pi)pe says, 3 together. Is, (Is: d day, te, laste, 1 the town, lovuient him if you is'jHrd me it for my ill obey the tliough the ave father ito him. I because I le altar if T lers. Keep lie is al- ,nd you will •st comes to Duble you," ied her face your flat- lear, veu- ilie worst into drink- what then? I have been efforts have f stimulants be of the it mid dark- ;e knew him f because he your portion I will bear choice for sentiment » think dif- all to you I you that I of $500,000. trust if I it to one in confidence, irer? The should have, ur di3p»*l' you, which X), and now be a party rrangeinent be trusted sionofyour tous living- ig maintain- Fe for yonr res by linut- lowment, or lat also^\^" refit. Then be equally brother who irs. osineaspoint je careful of will persist know I may are young s deceptive you are m itin.ent, for â-  believe It. oman wp, and when ^an end on re into the 1 I am Pfi- •d to persist tion win »^ Qding. y'^f^ iDg his o^Ji poorinensal ssfononthe LITE DDMffllOS ITEWS. „, The Salvation Army is about to open fire on Winnipeg. William Foster, of Brantford, has been ap- linted Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Brant. .-'..^ Prof. Mclntvre, Principal of the Brantford Voung on T-a~e Reig-i of Dyiiaaiitism. \t a recent session of the Simcoe Ck)nnty loimcil, a resolution was passed favoring the jppintinent of a permanent Railway Com- mission. jhe other night an inmate escaped from •he New Biuns^-ick lunatic asylum at St. John, and ou the following morning she was •'ournl frozen to death in the cisylum grounds. ;eorge Cunningham, a respected farmer ,,{ Anieliasburg township, hanged himself in a cow shed on his premises. The de- eased was nearly 77 years of age. Family i;ou'ile is said to have been the cause of his suicide. ^^j^msH IB00P8 nr qasam. Mtmamm* for BrtlTlms tkat tkc WIU I correspondent of a New York paper 'Vas told the other day by a diatiiigauhed ttiliiary officer that he bdieved that Brit- ish troops would soon again retam to garri- Ladies' College, is preparing a lecture gon Canadian towns from the Atiantic i board to British Columbia. At present the only British soldiers stationed m the Do- minion are at Halifax, Nora Scotia, and all told they do not number over 1,000 men. The remaining regulars in the country are raised and paid for by the Canadians, and, including the Ncrthwest mounted police, these Canadian regulars can muster a little less than 2,000 men. But we all know here that the Dominion Government is uurious to see British regulars once more in their old quarters at Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto and London. The opening « the Canadian Pacific Railway, the proposed new fortifications in British Columbia, the possi- bility of the Suez canal being closed to the Mr. William Bailhe, editor of The Calgary British fleet, the danger of a Russian in- Xril'une, has been committed for trial for an j vasion of India, the half-wished-for hope of alleged libel in having stated that on one oc- imperial federation among so many people casionMr. Hugh S. Cayley was unsteady in Great Britain and Canada, all point to 1 his legs when addressing the North-west I the probability of garrisoning Canada I with British troops in the near future. St. John, X. B., con- Halifax, on the Atlantic side, b to be forti- his wife and rape on ' fied at the expense of the imperial authori- ties, and the terminus of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway, on the Pacific, is to be made ' a little Portsmouth in its way, and that, • too, at the expense of the imperial treasury. Canadian officers now occasionally go to I England for courses of instruction or even I to assist her in her campaigns, graduates (luncil. Cilbert Craig, of \icted cf assualt on i'.is 13-year old daughter, was the other day sentenced to ten years for the former crime uiiil to be imprisoned for life for the other, t.i commence at the expiration of the first tt-rin. A locomotive struck a dog on the iron rail- i\ ay bridge which spans the Nith near Ayr cntlv, threw him ten feet into the air and from the military colleges at Kingston are " • â-  " I entiring the imperial .army m considerable niimbei of late, and the military relations I of Cam. J, and England are daily drawing i closer. Among Canadian regular officers of British origin there is, too, a marked de- i sire to put on the mannerisms and affect the accent of Englishmen, while among bus- I iness men the return of imperial troops i would "Ijc accepted as a stimulus to trade, while society people would rejoice to see the red coats once more. i.ver the side of the bridge from which height he fell int^) the river nearly cn3 hundred feet l)elow, and remarkable to relate the dog swam ashore and was found to be only slight- Iv injured. A young man of West Waw.noih named (Uivcr Ferrier, returning home from a neigh- iiur's honse, a mile distant from his own iinnie, one stormy night recentl}' became il'./ed and blinded bj' the storm, wandered in the wrong direction, and foiir lays after- u.ird was founil dead in an orchard five miles triii:i his parents' residence. The l;;dies of the Kingston Medical College had fun over the high tile of one of the Pwiple who SR sabtaet to bad bieatt, tofol coated bo icUevad 17 xuiat Dr. Guaon'b Btoiraeh Bitten, ttie old ud tried tmnedr- Mkymmtltnti^ v Idea's enft an cut xfoad «* tlijBt^c£nen. A CUKE roE BEvmusinsss. opiom, morpliine, cUoral, tobaeoo, and «Wre« habit: Ilie medidiie may be gtran in tea or oofiee witibottt the kaovlMge of tiie person taking iti/ ao dfmr^d €«mI 6e in stamps, for b^k and teetimonials fnan those who have been cored. Address M. Y. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, TntMito, Ont. Cut this oat for fbtore reference. When writinsr mention this paper. A. P. 312. FOK SAUB CHEAPâ€" «n proved Farm of ^0,000. Price an]y tSO p«r acre. Easj TeiBUâ€" Im- Farm of 200 •ores, vahied at 18,000 to AddrcM KENT, London, Ont. inn nnn sheets of s loc. music; '80,000 IUUUUU Play^' Braaslnsfa, 'Violins,' 'Flutes' 'Fifes,' and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at teduced prices. B. B. BXJTLAND. 37 Eing-s W., Toronta SONGS 100 new and popular songs sent fVee to all who seud 4 cents to pay postai^. 100 pieces choice music 6c. Catalogue free. P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. GVELPH Business College, Cocl^M •â- â€¢ Began the Third Tear Sept. Ist, having already received patronage from Ten States and novinces. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi- ness pursuits • graduates eminently successful t Bpecial courses in Shorthand, French and German ladies admitted. For terms, etc., address M. MacCOBMICK Principal. LEARX SnOKTHAKD AT HOMEâ€" AND GET BIG PAY. Pitman's Shorthand is the most MARVBLOUSLT SIMPLE AND TBOROUOH in the WOrld. It is complete in fiftkbs lbssoss, and we guarantee can hi thoroughly mastered by our course of maU lessons. Don't fail to send at once for circulars. Ukiok Short- Has dbrs' AcASBMT, Mail Lesson Dept, 39 Adelaide Street Hiwt, Toronto. ^^^ YOUNG WIVES I another. linent professors. One •' Why does Prof. wear anil then they go oil into a corner and tee-he ;iiid tci'-haw over the answer as though they were not aware that this world is "avast lavirti of Kuti'cring." Do you know the ..iiswer ' No. Well, he v.ears it " to .cover his head." .-\ singular story comes from Bathurst, N.i;., -where the ship S(iuando was lately wr'-oked. It is very difficult to get men to wiuk in her, especially at night. Queer :i"ises were heard in the cabin of the vessel hist week, which no one could explain, and tlie men believe the vessel is haunted. There sf'jms to be some latality about her. When till- Sqnando was in San Francisco some vturs ago, the captain and liis wife killed \.:v tirst mate, .severinL' his head completely imui the body with an axe. The captain uiLs hanged, and his wife got a long sentence ' I if imprisonment. The nev^' captain was: si'itisciiiuentiy killed during a mutiny, and j tin- two following captains died on board the vt'ssfl. It was alleged by the master i ami bailors who arrived at Bathurst on her I tliat she was haunted, and they left in a body. Tlje Norwegian Consul then engaged two watchmen to look after her, but one night on board was enough. They allege tliat they saw a headless man walking in the cabin, that the bedclothes were pulled I !1 them, that hand-spikes were flying around tin- deck, and that a cold, clammy hand was laid on their faces, and a voice told them to dijiart and subsequent watchmen say that ti.ey saw a boat manned by four men hover- ing around the ship, which had the power of :i])pearing and disappearing at will. The visi-el is now without a watchman,, as none .an be found to stay on board during the night. The Minister of Customs has order- i-l an invaotigation into the cause of the wreck. I Haste and Waste- i The anecdote \yhich follows deserves to be placed beside the well-known story Tub Mabiuaob Ouidb for the marrird and those intending to marry, including everything relating to the ph ilos- ophy of generation and the mutual relations of man and woman â€" iOO pages copiously illustrated by en- gravings and colored platesâ€" post-paid S5.00. J. H. GRAM, Box 365, Toronto AjNjMUV [IHIr ffAMILfMriiOoNlra^i^txcCE. CANADA of tely professors. One asks anorner ^^^^^^^ ^^o won a place in a bank by stoop- loes Prox. wear a plug_ hat ' i • „„ -^ ^,,. j, }.„ f..._d on the HAMILTON. ONL Best equipped Business College in the Dominion. Write for handsome illustrated catalogue. R. E. GALLAGHER, Principal. ing to pick up a pin which he found on the i floor of the president's room I One story of the eccentric Setphen Girard says that he once tested the quality of a boy i who applied for a sititation by giving him i a match loaded at both ends andf ordering I him to light it. The boy struck the match, i and after it had burned half its length, threw it away. Girard dismissed him, because he I did not save the other end for future use. The boy's failure to notice that the match was a double-ended one was natural enough, I considering how matches are generally made I but haste and heedlessness (a habit of care- j less observation) are responsible for a great I part of the waste of property in the world. Heroism Tliere is a general impression that, whatever characteristics may rome to be prevalent, that of heroism must always remain excrp- tional. It is usually associated in the mind with prominent deeds that win universal applause, or great sacrifices that involve en- durance of pain or renunciation of pleasure. To. average humanity such" opportunities seldom come, and it is therefore supposed that only the few can live heroic lives. Yet it is quite clear that these circiunstances cannot create the heroism they can only call it forth if it is there and, if this be so, it must exist independent of circumstances. It is true that the heroic element ir. a man will enable him to do great deeds and en- dure great sutfering if need be but, when he is not called upon for these, he does not cease to be a hero. On the other hand, the same actions may be performed and sacrifices made without any heroism at all. It is the character that lies underneath that is heroic or nnheroic. Mr. Ferkins's Message. A colored man came into a telegraph of- tii-e, and shuffling his way up to the opera- tor's window, asked " Kin I send a tele- graft f"m here to my wife out in HollyhockJ" "Certainly,"' said uie operator, "Can yon write?" "J^artain, sah I" " Well, here is a blank write your mes- sage on that." The colored man wrote slowly and pain- fully for some time, and then handed the message to the operator. "Kinyer read dat writing,' sah?" he asked. "Oh. yes,"' said the operator " I can make it ont." And he read alond, slowly â- To Martha Jaxe Pkbkins, Hollyhock Traill â€" done â€" diiconiifcted â€" homt â€" tico â€" A. 2/. â€" to-morroxo â€" e'venin, George Washington Perkins." " You kin read it " exclaimed Mr. Per- iiins. " Now gub it back to me jist one ininute."' He took the message, brushed his thumb â-  .aross the inky space around the ink-bottle, aiil then pressed the thumb vigorously ga nit the surface of the paper. â- â-  Here ^Vhat in the world did yon do tl' fir "' asked the operator. â- ' Ha. ha I Don't you wony 'bout dat,"' .iid Mr. I't-rkins " when my Martha Jane â-  iLit ;;Toat big fnnib dar on dis message, :-' ktiow dat it was me dat sent it, shuah!" Eamnin Knows- A few words of wisdom were dropped by i P. T. Barnnm some days ago, when addres- sing the merchante of Bridgeport, which all business men should ponder. Said he " You do not, any of you, advertise enough. A newspaper advertisement may seldom be read, still it makes the name and the busi- ness of the man familiar and its presence in the columns of a paper inspires confidence in the stability of the enterprise." None ever advertised more liberally than the speak- er, and few have reaped a more liberal re- turn for it. Judicious and liberal advertis- ing always pays a larga interest. l^r' Enough of a Good Thing. 1 "Papa, just see my new dress," said a yonng society girl as she presented herself attired for her first grand ball. "Isn't it too sweet for anything " " Does it suit you, my dear " "I iust dote on it." " If that is so, I should think that you wonld have had more of it," said paterfam- ilias, after taking a sharp glance at the de- collete costume. Ambition's Eonnet. On ever}- politician's head A bonnet you may see A?;(! every bonnet, it is said, Is sure to have a bee. Indeed, some bonnets h.ive become very hive of bees And you can hear their busy hnm At any time, with ease. The Parliamentary bee doth bu2z Tlie loudest of the lot And buzzing is not all it does â€" Its sting is ne'er forgot. Tbe Mighty iHMlar Is long distanced by a 10 cent bottle of Pol- S'ln s Nerviline, the newest and best pain 1 ernedy. It cm-es colds, cramps, colic, pain the head, sciatica, pain in the chest in ^a*;t it is equally efficacious as an external or internal remedy. Try a 10 cent sample hot* tie of the great pain remedy, Nervilme. ^old by druggists. Large bottles onlyjld Mnts. Try a sample bottle of Nerviline, «â- % 10 cents. Take no substitute. I VOrNG WES suffering from the effects of early " e-il habits, the result of i^oinnce and tolly, who find I themselves weak, nenous and exhausted also Mn DLK-ASES and Old Msx who are broken down from the j effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life ' feel the eonsequencee of youthful excess, send for and I RiAD M. \. Lubcn's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The â-  book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of i t«-o 3c. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling. 1 ton St. E. Toronto. Ont Love unselfishly. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out ot or- der, causing Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, Best family medicine. Ail Druggists, 50 cents. Deal sincerely, with women, as well as men. • Catarrli, Catarrhal Deaftaess and Hay Ferer. Sufferers are not generally awai« that these diseases are contagious,, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in ^e lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, howeieer, has proved this to be a fact, anA the resnlt is that a simple remedy has been f oimulated wheiebf catanfa, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A *^" ' â€" " ^thnew treatment is sent free ly A. H. Sixoii Sod, 308 Kingr What would be a good name for a â- ociei of old maids?" asked Scroggs. "Jkai know what would 'NrepUed Staggers. " I think love association would do." •7 a H R. SPENCE CO. Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. R«-Cattlns a Specialty. Send for price list and terms. HAMILTON ONT. SAUSAGE CASINGS. New shipment from England, Ex-Steamship " Nor wegian." Lowest prices to the crade. We are sole igents in Canada for McBride's C «iebrated Sheep Cas- ingB. Writeforquotatiors. JAMES PAKK A SOX Tomnt*. Allan Line Eoyal Mail Steamships. Sailing during winter from Port and every Thursday and Hahfax every Saturday to Ijverpool, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland. Also from Baltimore via Hali. fax and St. John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly dur- ing summer months. The steamers of the Glasgow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland Boston and Philadelphia and during summer between Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow and Boston, weekly and Glasgow and Philadelphia, fortnightly. For freight, pcusage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher Co., Baltimore; S. Cnnard Ca, Halifax Shea Co., Sfc John's N. F., Wm. Thomson ft Co., St. John, N. B. MXaa b Co., Chicago Love Alden, New York H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans Has Co., Quebec Wm. Brockie, Philadelphia H. A. Allan Portland. Boston Montreal CANADA PERMANENT LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED, AD. 1866. Pald-«p Capital, Total Assets, 93,2O0,OM 8,84M»,«M OFFICE Company's Bnlldlngs, Toronto St., Torwato. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of t* and upwards received at Current rate ot interest, paid or compoanded half-yearly. DEBENTURES. Money received on deposit for a fixed term of yean for which Debentures are issued, with half-yearly in- terest coupons attached. Executors and Tnistees art authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. "The Capital and Assets of the Company being pledged for money thus received, depositors ar* at all times assured of perfect safety. Advances made on Real Estate, at current rates, and on favorable conditions as to re-payment. Mort- gagi» and Municipal Debentures puQdiased. J. HBKBHRT MAfiaS. Managing Direotor SPECIAL BARGAINS MUST h« closed out before Jan. Ist. NOW is the time to gat ^^H Carbines, 60 cal., shooting guaran- ^^^«ed-pR|OBSa,Oa SOEen- ^^g^^^r osdy Hepeatug Carbines, 12 shots, .^K^^^^ usinc 44 Winchester Cartridge*â€" ^^r AT •I4.00. lOO English Side ^^^ Snap Guns, 10 and 13 bore. Twist Barrelsâ€" SI2.0Q. 600 British Bull Dog Revolvers, 83, 38, or 44 caL- PRICE •8.00. W. M. COOPER, LAEQEST GUIT STOEE IH CAIfADA. M Bay Street, Toronto. Cmmli'sRnlilierFoctetMaler ^AM1â€" OZONIZED INHALANT. CVRX rOK COLDS, CATARRH and BRONCHITIS Alwayf r^T. Recognized trj the Pro- fession. B00,000 In «ao. SeeDrag- gists, if not kept by them, sent \if nuul or express on receipt of 91.00. C0NSUIIPTIVE8. Send Stamp for Pamahlet oa LUNG FOOD. New ana snecesslnl treat- ment, for the delicate, the enfeebled, the emaciated of either sex and of any ace. ... ^.« «. CURED. â€"Send for „ W. R. Onuak, M. O.. SuCatharinet, Ont. Canada. AvTHMA Pamphlet. Jam; naoBM Dssaaaa'a Bob " "tl MB'll in Sh "{bff rISa aaM,iMM aaaoaasMaui CONSUMPTION. «â- Â»Â»â€¢ |n aii H Wi *j Swtb»» t i n i« «H M M ;fcrBi MS ni i.ii H iefcMWrftX â- -' • -1 III II Wit 1D T. A. sticini, Bnodi0aot,37 Toogf StfTorafei Htnai Ibe Sbow Drift Pskb» ^t'tio.r OOk, ai»MU«.|u Oa jufa un4AMm i IS, ' .. :»" •XTAKW. PiacMcsi BaHiWi Biljiiiil. Tsibm mod- iarcHwdBr.~16^t«IHiT »«1GBL SLEIGHS. GtrMmM Caag lit M Onr Caid BMkagM tor 1^ seMon 1886-7 are now ready, vcA embra% fhc beat Cards ot the leadinr makers, all well aaaoitwlâ€" no two in a packet aUkeâ€" prepaid. M It IS Made in two sizes, carrying from 5M to 9,8M lbs. Light, Ne^ Strong, and very Durable. W!U stand by actual test SM per cemt. over raw steel, and the nmneis wear six times longer, and being spring tempered, do not drag or grip, drawing fully OBe kair easier on bare ground. Prices are RIOBT, and ciders should be placed ATONC3 to secnre delivery this season, as our entire supply is being rapidly taken up. Just the thing for delivery sleigbs, carry- alls, democrats, etc. S:nd for circular with full par- ticolats, and ask your carriage maKers for these goods. J. B. ARIISTBOXCi H'rC CO. I.d.K GCELm, CaiUMla. TBI a SETH THOMAS WATCH BeslWateh in America for the Packet Mo. 1, ftar IS ceats, 19 cards, assorted. " «, •• M " r- •* S, " 5» •• " 4, " W " ** ' 5, ** %\ M, SILK-FRINGED CARDS. Packet NO. i, tn 8B eeats, « Cards, assorted S, "40 " • " " " S, " •• " • " " 5, " 91 M, « C, " 1 M, « " " Birthday Cards may be assorted with large packetSL Orders also filled for Satin Cards, Screens, Book Marks, c., at lowest rates â€" cash or stamps to accom- pany orders. To Agents, Teachers, Dealers, or any one ordering te.OO worth, an extra One Dollars' value will be sent free. A $10.00 remittance will insure an extra Three Dollars' value. MATTHEWS BROS. CO .. 93Y0HCEST. TORONTO MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY X"xsirzisac Silver Plated Ware. Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON, ONT. m ationai- #fgf 23 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers* Leads, Slogs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. The largest Tk^teftag Bckad imi 8emd far CeleadarJ lOUREFITS! When I wy core I do not mean menlr to itop tbem ibr • Umeand then have them retnm attain. 1 mean a radical cure. I have made tbe dlieaie of FITS, EPILEP8T orFALIr INO SICKNESS a life-lonf: atsdy. I warrant my remedy to cnre tha wont casea. Beeanae others have tilled Is IW reaaoB for not nov reeelTlng a cure. Send at one* for â-  tnatlaa and a Free Bottle ol m'3^ infallible remedy. GIt* â- xpreaa and Poet OfUce. It eoeta yon noltaInK for a trial, uid I will cure yon. Addreee DB. H. O. BOOT, Brandi Dice, 37 longest., Toronto. DALLEYS FINE GOLD EXTRACTS. ABSOLUTELY PURE FROM SELECT FRUIT- SOLD EVERYWHERE J.L.J ONES WOOD ENGRAVER 10 King S'^East TORONTO. PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY AND SHORTBAND INSTl UTE, Public Librarj' BuUding, To- ronto. Specialties â€" Bookkeeping' Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewritings, Etc. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS FREE" THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, Official Reporter York Co. Courts, President. Secretary Manager. Canadian Almanac for 1887 40th YEAR OF PPBMCATIOS Contains in addition to Commercial, Statistical and Astronomical information Canadian Tariff of Customs, List of Banks, Post Offices, and MUitia in Canada, Masons, Odd Fellows, Clergy, Municipalities, DiTision Court Clerks, Etc., and GENERAL INFORMATION FOR EVERYBODY. PRICE m PAPER COVERS, WITH MAP OF C. P. RAILWAY. " " CLOTH " " «« I. .15 CENTS. .25 « THE GOPP GURK COMPANY (LIM.), TORONTO. ARCADE, This is the leading: Commercial School in Canada. TORONTO. Its locality is in the business and educational centre. ol this Province. The course of studies has been specially arranged to give a sound busTnenednoition. "J Aeithmktic, Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Correspondhnck, PENMANSHIP, Phonography, and Typewriting Practically Taught. IiE!-OEE35TS J.A.IT, 3, 18S7, For Circular giving full information, addressâ€" C. O'DEA SECRETARY. SEND YOUR ADDRESS " Po*^ ^^" "" receive by RETURN MAIL FREE ^« °"Iy complete catalogue of Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Fancy Goods, etc., ever issued in Canada, and at the very lowest pricej. We buy DIRECT from the MANU" FACTURERS, for SPOT CASH, and give our custom- ers the benefit of our WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS. Address, Kent Bros., 16S Yonge St., Toronto. MACHINE OILS! ' y aiutacturers and Millers wiU save money bj- using ^^ MOLL'S LARME MCHIl OIL. Kf Try it onoe sid you will use no other. VJt WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE GENUINE LARDINE. Alsa CyUadcr, Ei^liBe, Wool and Harness Oils. McGoll B ros. Co., Toronto. Try our CanadiMi Coal OIL ** Sudiffht Brand**' FiBcst ia the MarkeU â- iA,

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