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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Dec 1886, p. 5

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 ^r?^. sssar. • »*i-r«.. "•v^ /S ij- â-  H.:lu â- 'â-  -•â- ^ In I '"' ' Vne f;.it:^ to s of our com °^ oar cor *^' conteatj WISHIN6! tiortes notice. jrste rates, sofâ€" torn prices. FRAMII rtnotiee- 3BT. ASKIN- p Caioeron, !» SANTA HEAD QUARTERS TOEONTO -:- HOnSB MARKDALE. » H S u 5^ B ^3 B H* 1^ n t0d« ^»t^$ m07 In making our Annual Holiday Announcement 1^6 desire to thank our "oatrons most heartily for their most geneious support during past years. We take pleasure in stating that we have received aud are openiug out a -very large and varied Btockof goods suitable for the Christmas trade. The following are a few liues to which we mvite special inspection â€" F ancy Goods, Books ]Slotions, Childrens Toys, China Cups Saucers Christmas Cards, Albums, Flush Goods, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Bibles, c., c. As we have been in this business for some years and as our stock has been jmrchased under personal supervision at lowest cash prices we claim to be in a posi" tion to give our cwstomers every advantage. "We earnestly request inspec- tion of goods and pi ices before purchasing elsewhere. rS* SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS, and parties buying in lets for Christmas trees. 'â-  ' â-  TELEGRAPH VICKERS EXPRESS OFFICE. A.. Turner Co. Yfe are now ofEeriiig extraordinary bargains in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, and fancy suitings, â€"ATTRACTIVE AND STYLISHâ€" Men's all woolTweed Saits $6.00 up- wards. Overcoats $5.00 upwards. I Boys and Youths Suits aud Overcoats $3.00. TO l-.AOIES. Wool Shawls and Mantle Cloths m the latest styles and patterns. Boots Shoes from the finest Kid to the serviceable Stoga suitable for all classes. With us the "Tea" busi- ness is a specialty, 4 lbs. very choice Japan tea $1.00, 6 to 8 new "Dust" of the last May pickings a splendid article for the price. Customers requiring ordered Boots Shoes may re'y on being served with despatch as another workman has been added to the staff. No ex- pense will be spared in promptly meeting your wants, and as in the past nothing but the best material will be used in the shop, aud prices will be kept down to the lowest paying figures. tS* GIVE US A CALL. WM. BROWN, lAYIIO PHRCmSED â€" ^A. XMAS QOODS. -â- .ih.h â-  -z*: â€"WEEK AT RUSSELL'S Noted Jewellry Store, FLESHEJITON. Nov. 1886. Stray Cattle. CAME to the premises of Peter Smith lot 12 con. 12 Holland, about the 10th Nov- ember 2 small heifers mostly white rising 2 years old. The owner is requested to prove proyerty pay expences and take them. PETER SMITH, 326-8 Harkaway P. O. Built by B.J. Maah, London, also having a large stoek of Coffins, Caskets and funeral fornishingB, ve are prepared to supply tlis public in the undertaking line on the shortest notice. A large stock of fomitore always on hand at lowest living prices. Having a first-class cabinet maker, we are prepared to make all kinds of furniture to order, also lepairing done promptly. COLEMAN HAMILTON, Kezt door to Knapp's store, MABKDAIiB. Gro to J^i*s. Olement's MARKDALE FOR. Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys Gaines Fruits in Season, And prices in reason. Con8i8ting"of GOLDand" SILVER W ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, SILVER-WARE, FORKS. SPOONS, KNIVES, Fancy MIRRORS, ALBUMS. VIOLINS c. Special attention makiLg department. to tbe Dress- Any one looking for Xmas presents will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesberton, a fine stock to select from, and prices very low, It your watch or clock wants repairing, RUSSELL'S is tbe place to take it: A satisfactory jol every time, IS* Remember, JAS. 6. RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, .FLESHEETON. fashions and neat fits l\Joclerat;e Stray Cattle. NOTICE is hereby given that four head of young cattle came ou my place, lot I 20 in the 8th conceBsicoi. township of Euph- aasia, about the middle of last October, one of these is a heifer- all red rising 3 years old. one is a gray heifer rising 2 years old, and the other two are rising 2 years old all red. The owner is requested to prove property pay expeuces and take them away. 327-S JACOB NEELT. KocMyn. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House WM. TAYbOR, PROPRIETOR. SWAr CALVES. CAME to the premises of Andrew Nesbitt lot 110 2nd West T. S. ltd Glenelg late in September 2 spring calves, a steer and heifer. The owner is requestedto prove property pay expeuces and take them. A. NESBITT. 326-8 Markdale, P,0. ARE -:- YOU -:-GOIM -:- TO -:- PURCHASE -Y O U R CHRISTMAS PBESENTSP ^W^HY W^HEBE EVERYBODY OF COM- raon sense goes. "Where you can obtaiu the newest, cheawest, and best f?election of goorls in tbe county, at the Head Qaarters in Markdale for BOOKK, STATIONERY TOYS, FANCY GOODS, c., c. REYNOLDS BLOCK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE. "When yon want WALL PAPER go where you can get an assortment to, choose from, and at lowest prices, now in stock over three thousand pieces from 5o. to 75 cents per EoU. Also a choice selpclion of Borders. In TOYS you will find the best assortment ever shown in Markdale. Bolls all sizes from 5c. to $1.60, childrens Toy Books from 6e. to $1.26, Purses from 5c. to 75 cents, Moastache ami Tba Cups from 20 cents up. Mugs for presents in great variety and Christmas Cards, at piices that will astonish yoa from 2c. up. Special to School Trustees, Sabbath School Supermtendents, and Teachers, no necessity going a days journey or sending to Toronto or elsewhere for your prizes or Librarys, you will find my stock large varied and in every way suited to your requirements, and prices satisfactory. Special diseoont allow- ed on all school orders. Full supply of School Books. Note Paper, c.,c., at prices to suit hard times, la* NOTE THE ADDRESS, ST RAY HEIFER. CAME to the premises of James E. Sparl jng, lot 21, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the first of September. A heifer rising 3 yrs. c'ark red. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take her. JAMES E 32(5-8 SPABLING, Goijng P. O STEAY^TEEE. CAME to the premises of Eobert Greena- way lot WJ 16, cou. 10 Holb.nd about the Ist November, a red steer rising 3 yesxs okl. The owner is requested to prove pro- pesty pay expences and take him. EOEEET GEEENAWAY, 226-9 liUy Oak. P. O. CUSTOM WEAVING. The latest guaranteed. Dunlop's Block, MARKDALE New Bakery. Iwoald respectfully intimate to the in- habitance of Markdale and surrounding country that I have opened iu MONTGOMERY'S STAND, where I will keep on hand a good supply of BREAD, SOONS. BUNS, CAKES* PASTRY Of my own manufacture, also BISCUITS CONFECTIONARY, ORANGES, LEMONS, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. I cordially soUcit a share of public patron- age, and trust by honest dealing and ciote attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is ^a Credit. Yours respectfully, 291 W. M. SPEER. m mm siof. R. CARNAHAN. would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- ronuding countiy that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, whe.e he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock of LIGHT and BbJAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs, S'CKAW COLLARS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL Ac. I will use only first class matenal and lbo^e requuing anythin!; in the harness line wi'lfinuicto their interest to call at the new l)aiiiess shop and get prices before gb- j'jg eLewheie. Repairing done with neat- iie:-!; nnd dispatch. Soliciting a share of prr-cpotionage. lam lespectfuUv yours. R. CARNAHAN. To Consumers Dealers IN ohjb. Buy the Empire Oil Go's RSyL P ALACE LIBHT Illuminating Oilfor Machinery of all kinds. Our CASTOR, E. OIL Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in. the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Manufacturers and RelJners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for NortViern Ontario, A Goodby^ 308-6m iHACYABD* YELLOWOIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAITS WORM POWDEHS. An ptaMiat to taka. ContaiattMirowa i»ttva, Xi a na», sure, and laCUIdraK Canadian PuiFic R. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, July 28th, 1886. GOINQ NORTH. STATIONS. Toronto.... Leaye. Cardwell Junction. Orange- 1 Arrive.. vilJe. /Leave..,. Orangevil] e Jim Shelburne Dundalk Flesherton Markdale Berkeley Holland Centre. Chatsworth Owen Sound Mail. 7 4oam 9 25" 1005" 1020" 10 32" 10 58" 11 22 " 11 47 " 1202pm 12 14 " i2 23 " 12 38 " 105 " Exp. 4 50pm 6 80 " 7 03" 7 22" 7 34 8 04 8 30 8.55 9 10 9 22 " 9 32" 9 49 •• 10 20 " GOING SOUTH. STATIOiJS. Exp. Mail. A. DINSMORK NEXT DOOR TO MANSION HOUSE .sf A SRAitoMtfiA "Ban. â€" ^Foran ohrtiiMif fa rrusing ooogh than is no better naMdy tiwn Hagyam's Pectoral Balsam, iriiioh emM all 4aent tor. Domestic Paper Fashion Go New Yo|fe a stock^Qf ia|len^.oon, SS2k?S*1So^d^ ""*• " " staidly on band. olT^ •«««.«. T£fl subscriber having opened out in the weaving business next door to Haskett Bros, on Elizabeth Street, is pre- pared to do all kinds of weaving on short notice. Qood work and moderate charges. 313-26 WM. McBBOOM. Berkshire Boar. A fine one-year thorongbred berkahire boar for seryioe on lot 4 con. 10 Euphiadia. Terms f 1. «MMh at tome of aerriee. .iaron WyvUI 388-S2 Eaphrasi* effectanl for yoong or TEACHER WANTED. FOR S, 8. No. 19 Euphrasia, holding 3rd class certificate. Duties to commence Ist Jan. '87. Apply stating salary to Thos. McAfee, Sec. or to H. Johnston and Ghas. Xurrell, trustees. 326-8 TEAGHERWANTED. FOBS.S. No. 16 Euphrasia, dattes to commence 1st January 1887, male or femalti 3rd idaes certificate. Apply statin salary to B. D. Ellis, Secretary, Eimberly P 0. 326-8 Berkshire Boar. Owen Sound. ...... Chatsworth Holland Centre Berkeley Markdale Flesherton Dundalk Shelburne Oi-angeville Jun... Orange Arrive..... viU°.. [Leave Card well Junction,. Toronto Arrive 540am 6 10" 6 25 " 6 34' 6 47 " 7 02" 7 26" 7 51" 8 22 •' 8 30" 8 45 " 9 25 " 10 56" 2 40pm 3 07 '• 3 30" 3 40" 3 52 " 4 06" 4 31 " 4 57" 5 23 " 5 35 5 55 " 6 30" I 8 10 " -THE- FOB serviee this season, thoroagkbced porehasad frnn Snell tbe celebrated stoc^ breeder (^ ]^Linont9iK_^ Terms 91. cash. B. Coleman 328-32 adjoiniiig Markdale. "STANDARD" â€" â€" ^AND THE â€" RBral CANADIAN.^ From now tilH St January. 1888, FOR THE SHALL SUM OF tl.SO. By an armgement with the publisher of ila9 Rural Canadian., noviia its tenth year dfpnblication, we are enabled to offer both papers for »1.50. The regnUr price of tiie two $2.00. The Bnral Gonadian is a monthly illustrated, magazme for the Farm and Home. The following are the leading Departments J^Wm (and Field; Horses and Cattle- The Dairy; Sheep and Swine; OaidMi' and Orchard Bees and Honer; Ponltrr and Pets Home Circle The Orange Becotd • Bnral Notes; Hooaefaold Hints; Younc ' Canada Scientific and Useful. The mnsie alone is wortu several years' sribseription. *S- SUBSCBIBE NWo fee.

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