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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Dec 1886, p. 1

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 ^PPPUP SMm "«• of th9 •»y more **• be gtiii »• he h«sr, " •• coin. »*»*tew Pob- *«» letter «n» to hu At the Elliott, I lion of the n»^etakeB *» Cbntri- 1CO of the W- J. Me- a tho now « 1 hvi to attend oc%ed with tten state- liott to nee Eaphraaia ^^^ â- â€¢ if not work, and ^ant. The lUiott with yseU; aga would take with which as Artea- !nt to the Mr. Elliott Council to Oft braces a.t he had principle, Vefore the •ear, which sonable « ote and in- and notified would have could bare erable maoi 1 to beliere le hopes of with snch n I wonld statement â- ve only to f the most lonest jury B a verdict- hearing the j-n which a to decide }t, all being Chamben. "he could .2J2KXW: !!'f! S "HEW TO THIS LI2*E, LET THE CHIPS TALL WHEBE THEY MAY.' ir !*I|i*"""*^*T»- SEVEXTH YEAR.-:N^o. 328. MARKDAI^, OINT., DECEMBER 16, 1886. C. W. RIJTIiBl6^E, PnbliBlier. iocal and Other Items. I ',jTirTs in thc^ie columngintenS^ktobenefU i;i,!iriilutil ir f^oclet;/ tcill he eitttf^ed ten ,! ,1 'ihii' '),â-  tlif firxt insertion and five V-ua^':iif i'ach sub^quent insert^3n. hristoe, hsg fles in coni- n; with his iristoe does ipecting Mr. her written â-  le winter of lent of facts â-  one, to en- istoe's abu* ,T • Park'g cind It is )aration in ring Sores and is th irbolic Acid ore, Mak'k- 1 )ften fretful Dr.Low" rms. TO SEE. .east imtil liy enjoy thanks to flow, practical heir com- on exdte- :arbolic rn, Bruise, •s.BlotcbcSr lere is ^n* arJte's Car- t will «»»• Stephen'" ist's Cough rtoo in READ NEXT ^WEEK. S'lTICK.â€"Corre.pnndeuce, communica- â- fs.. Ailrertisetiiejits,d-c,, be in this 'rv li(/ iioiitt un Tuesday lo insvrv publication U werk. McKenna and daughter are visit- aU All Kissick, of vered bam the speea ited weigh* oonsel g»^* xd Bitte" Blotches ^ydiacriP^ e'sCarbolJC in perf«* ookw- *• y McGregor Stephens 00^.^ A week from next Monday will be loininatiou day. For township conncil, as wellas "*ilJ!ige 'olicc. o will be village trustees tiit the tomniing 3'ear? JIks !u^ ill 3Iono Mr.. .John Lyons, is around againafter nis recent illness. We had a friendly call from Mr. Jas. Plewes last week. 11. Burnside has bought the (late) Gill proiierty in this village. Dcudiilk elects its first vfllnge council ;lie first Monday in Jauuary. Kather humilliating to Markdale to ake a back seat from Dundalk. Every farmer should read the Rural anadian, the agricvdtural authority of 'auada. Thj: summer re.sort,Delphi hotel, tliree miles from Thombury Avas burned last ilouday morning. For seasonable hints on farming, ;araeiiing, stock or poultry read the 'unil Canadian. Thk few inches of snow, which was aiipreciated and caused business to ooiii. has gone. Mii. F. C. Stewart, of Orangeville is ie conservative nominee for the Ontario bei.'isiaturo for Dufferin. Me. Tnos. Mann sold his farm lot 1, on. 8 Euphrasia 200 acres to John Ihibadeau Jr. for ^3000. The house of Christopher Knott, lot 13. con. 5 Euphrasia was burned last ^eek. Xo insurance. Thk Ruaal Canadian for 1887 will be aetterthan ever before. Its colnmns fill be fully alive to the best interest "i tlie farmer. Read Stephen's new adv.inthisissne. He is a pushing young man and has a ?eat variety of handsome Xmas goods. ^all and be convinced. Get the best local paper and the most "•5«ful agricultural journal in the cotintry « a nominal price. The Standard and iie Rural Canadian only #1.50 from now â- 11 1st Jan., 1888. â- JIr. Thos. Mann of this village left â- ^'s week on a trip to England and h^^ts to be gone tliree montiis* ^^^ him a pleasant voyage and safe The social held at the hotifle of Mrs. I "OS. Morrow on Friday evening was l^'^^*;*ended. especially from the village. j-^ enjoyable time was s^jcnt and tixe |?««eeds quite satisfactory. Si^scRiBEKs at a distance who wish I ^^^P^Per contmned, will kindly be IC^^* " renewing when their subscrip- I of ° ^?"^^^' '^^^^^ ^^ a l«ge nnmber such which expires with the end of I ""e year. JE3?* â- ife^^°y^-"Bmngoomplet«lybiotai SZ. or â- W„7^*^I 'M ininoed to try tbat bk ^We made me^lVeHike'a '« remedy, Bnidock Blood Bittns. V man, Oeo.T. "tori^r '^aaeme leellikoa iww D2^^mecomplet«aT*oheolth." C â- fi Mb. C. Beynouos, of this place is a candidate for councillor in Olenelg, Mr. R. has considerable time at bis disposal and would, -we \jelieve, appto^ate it cheerfully for the interest of Uie town- ship. Owing to the crowded state of or colnms the following are crowded od^t this weeks Holland Conncil mlautes-*- Kimheil^orrespondence â€" Br. Christo's letterâ€" JL. O. L. No. 509â€" Vicftoria R. B. T, No. 282. A tea-meeting and entertainment will be held the evening of New-year's-day in the Methodist Charch Holland Centre. Good speaking and maiiic will be provid- ed and a good time generally expected to close at 10. o'clock sharp. Admission 25 cents. Solomon Jonks brother to Capt. Jones our brass band leader, is jvisiting his bi;pther here. Solomoa is well kuown here having? attended school in this place several years since. He shot two deer on Tuesday las* in Euphrasia in company witii Thos. McNea. A. Turner Co., are to the fore with a select and exbsnsivB «tock of Holiday goods. It wiU pay you to visit this old establishmeat and popular house when jn need of material to fill the stockings or holiday presents. Read their new adv. and thee don't fail to call. The Thombury News and Meaford Mirror are a peg estray in announcing W. A. Brown of Markdale as Reform candidale for Centre Grey. W. A. B. is our jewellw and his time fully occupi- ed in regulating Standard Time: Wm Brown Esq., J. P. is the candidate. Removals. â€" ^L, Knapp has moved in- to one of G. S. Bowes' new housese â€" ^E. S. Mabee to the upper flats of Turner Go's drug store block. â€" J. J. Irwn'n, V. S. to house recently vacated by C. W. Cheap Fares. â€" The following reduced rates will be given to all stations on the C. P. R. fot the Hollidays, vi7.: single fare on the 2J December good to retorn up to tho 37th inclusive: Fare and a third on Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25tli good to return until January 4th 1887. Also Single fare on Jan. 1st good to retnm up to January 4th inclusive,or fare and a third, Dec. SOth and 31st andjJanoary 1st good to return np to January 4th in- clusiye. The Eetciuh Concert. â€" ^Last Satur- day evening a free concert was given in Haskett's Hall, when the house was crowded. Mr. Eetcham gave the concert as an introduction in view of forming a convention or singing class, which was organized at the close of the entertain- ment. The concert was a rare musical treat and thorouhghly enjoyed by the large audience. Solos, duets and quartetts were admirably rendered by Mrs. Eetcham, Miss. Bettes, Mrs. Bnntly and Messrs. Eetcham Craven and Buntly. Ansiveesaey Seeyices. â€" The. Ann- iversary ser^aces of the Markdale Me- thodist Church will be held as follows^ Sermons on Sunday morning and even- ing the 19th December at 10:30 and 7 o'clock by Rev.J ames Gray Toron- to and on Sunday the 26th by Rev. Dr. Aylsworth c^ Mt. Forest at the same hours. A collection will be taken at each service in behalf of the building fund. The annual tea-meeting will be hekl on the evening of (.yhristmas Day, when iea win be served from 5 'to 7j o'clock. Admission 25 cents, Dr Ayls- worth will give an address together with several local men. All are invited to attend the different services. The annual meeting of the East Grey Bellamy, who has gone to Flesherton. â€" [Conservative Association was held in G. Crow to house vacated by J. J. Irwin. A grand tea meeting and Sabbath School entertainment wiU be held on the town line in the Ebanezar Church 3 miles from Markdale, on Wednesday the 22nd, Tea served from 5 o'clock to 7 p. m,, a good program is expected. All are invited- to be present. We are pleased to report that W. T. Jackman foreman in this office, who has been unable to get around for the past four months is progressing as well as can be expected since he underwent the operation, performed by Dr, Brodie, Good hopes are now entertained of his recovery. Mr. M. E. Bebee of Chatsworuh is coming to Markdale to open a branch Agricultural shop. A reliable pushing man will be put in charge with a full line of farm implements, cutters, buggies, waggons, pumps, cutting lioxes, fanning mills c. Mr. Beebee is a hve business man and will make things in- teresting. Madam DeMontfobd a "fortune-teller" was in Markdale last week, but got in difficulty at one of onr hotel's and left town without making her intended visit. She ordered 1000 dodges here but failed to call for them. We had them ready for the press but smel'd a rat and didn't complete the order. We notice the Mt. Forest Bep. got left likewise. The ninging class, under the able leadership of Prof. Bnntley, is making rapid progress, and all are delighted with ihe mode {of instruction. .No viUage or town should allow the Ketcham Co. to pass without a conven- tion, or class, being organized. It is a grand opportmiity to improve this mach neglected branch of stady. Tf K have now two Liberal Club's in Markdale, a liberal conservative dub has been recently organized, which has a large membaidp. Eadi dnb has a debatefone ni^t a week and tiiere is heaps' ol ttm. The Tarious leading pplitioalqiie8tioiiso(tiieclay«M taken up one by cue and we may eoqfect a number of Oraton as a result of the euttort fli itftietfk. iJfafa^ I^P^; wae be'lost^ the.iw*H.- ., .^^^^j,^ Markdale last Friday when over 100 members were present. The following officers were re-elected, viz. â€" Thos Eells President; Thos Gilray, yice; John Lyons, Recording Secretary; Isaac Traynor of Dundalk and W. H. Dodson of Rocklyn corresponding Secretary's Wm. Douglas, Treasurer. It was de- cided to hold a convention in this place next Saturday the 18th. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the coming elections, all agreeing to abide by the decision then arrived at. A Rare Treat. â€" The Com social given last week under the auspices of the Young Ladies of the Methodist Church was one of the best entertain- ments ever given in Markdale. It was managed throughout by the fair sex, and they certainly deserve credit for. the ability exhibited, in the chair, on the platform and in every particular. The male sex were criticised with ability and wit which called forth applause and roars of laughter. The "Peak Sisters" gave excellent selections of music in a manner which eUcited general applause, in fact it was something rare throughout. The Canadian Almanac for 1887 is now out, being the fortieth year of pub- lication. There is more informatiou in this almanac than any book yon can pur- chase for twice the price, it gives all the Post Offices in the Dominion with the name of each Post Master, The name of every Minister of all denomin. tions, with their P. O. address, Canadian tarriff rate. Postage rates and all kinds of Authentic Commercial, Statisticla, Astronomical, Departmental, Ecclesia- tical. Educational, Finanraal and general inf(»motion yon wHl be ascoished what practical usdM infotmatioQ there is crowded into 180 pages, together with a F?ap of the C. P. B. system, ail for 15 cents at tiie book stores. Thb Royal Tem^Uvs of Sleafaerton gaye then second atokiial enteztainment on Friday eveoiog last. The pnigtam was opened b«|B QK^eatA **Tlie Bavai Grflf and Ayers, entitled *1dstento the Wood Birds Song" this was rendered spfe ndid ly. The second part of the program consisted of a drama entitled "The fruit of the wine cup," whidi was well cited the program was bro't to a close by a laughable scene entitled "The Dutch Judge." The Royal Tiemplars here always get up something creditable toid this was no exception to the rule, while the audience was large and appreciative. Band Concert at Chatswobth. â€" ^Last Thursday night was one of the most charming nights that could be desired' the sleighing was magnificent, the moon shone out in all its splendor and the at- mosphere just right. Mr, Taylor our livery man put two double and five single rigs at the disposal of the band and attendants and notwithstanding the popularity and strength of the Odd- fellows in Markdale, there was na'r an add one among the party of 30, all bemg paired. A delightfol drive of 16 miles was made in two hours, and the band there greeted with a full house who were delighted with the concert. An- derson's Scotch songs and Benson the Irish character bro't oown the house every time while R. O. Whitby held the vast asse mbly speU-buond with orator- ical talent, while others filled in render- ings which ehcited general applause. Proceeds $49.14. BU SI NESS LOCALS. KEY NOTE -O*^ THE- 'WXWJ^ft LOWER PRICES THAN EVEB BEFOKE. 1 11 1 fci .At tlie GS-reat Iniorlii^ I0S6 Templar^' MaitA** a^iiraseazri- ' yi-\ ed ili|Kiij^, -very snceaspfaZl^ n^ ^isoe ^A*'^^;^^m^m^^^ M£s. Clement cansui^ply Santa Claus- witli candy ioys. A job line of furs clearing out at J. C Anderson 'b. For men and ladies' underwear go to M. Richardson Co., Flesherton. Mrs. (Element keeps the newest and best fruib always on iiand. Silk Handkerchiefs for Xmas presents all shades and prices at J. G. Anderson • Mrs. Clement has the best assort- ed Bbock of candies in town, always new. OvES Coats I Over Coats, for large men, little men boys at M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. Cheapest place in the county for Picture framing is at the Markdale Photo Gallery. Rubbers and Overshoes repaired neat, aud warranted io stand, at McLeods bhoe store, Markdale. A large stock of Christmas Fruit and Sugars just to hand and very cheap at M. lUchardsou Co's, Flesherton. ANYONEin Ol need Xmas or New- Year's gifts will consult their own interests by callins at Russel's. Flesherton. Ladies' Enittea, all wool shawls and Faciuators in best color and great variety at M. Richardson Co's, Flesherton. Gla«;sware at Cost â€" Benson's is the cheapest and best olace in town to buy yoar groceries crockery and glassware. Mens and Womens Felt Boots Felt spz and Bubbers a full stock and prices right at M. Richardson Co's, Flesher- ton. If your watch or clock needs repair ing, take it to BusseU's, Flesherton it will pay you to do so a good job every time. A fine stock of silverware at Russell's noted Jewelry store, Flesherton, at manufacturers list prices. Don't fail to call and see them. Miss Maud Bichabdson's Millinary department is nov replete with very piretty and seasonable goods for Xmas trade. CSall and see. WAirasD.â€" A heavy sound mare rieing 2, 3 or 4 years. Call ai lot 18, cen. 14, Artfflnesia or address James Hanson, Vandelenr, P. O. 827-8. -OF- W. J. McFARLAP. lyi^Fd^rlartd'i «f RaMiOTK a if you want a good dxtfp of Mie "crathr" for Xntas oar the "New YeaJr" Anson's isheadquarten. Ha^i^ juBt leoeived a steck Bya apd 9iUt(! doMt {Bnn4hefiatflky, Ban^Mtun, Qaail t ri^ and Sootdi'iHdiliagr. -^^err DO BE -WISE And don't give np your hard earned dollar without first seeing Mo- FARLAND3 grand piles of DRY GOODS, MANTLE CLOTH'S, PLUSHES, MILLINERY, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, CASHMERES, GLOVES, and th thousands of other goods he has piled on his Shelves and Counters. Don't be foolish and pay $1.00 for goods Mc- Farland will sell you for seventy-fiye cents. Don't bo foolish and think vou can do as well somewhere else, but DO BE "WISE! And Jet us help you to save money, DO BE WISE I and come and get the benefit of a selection from the largest stock north of Toronto, and Imported Direct from the English Markets thereby saving the wholesale Merchants profits. DO BE WISE! and the wisest thing you can do is to go direct to McFarland'swith your Cash, Butter, Poultry and Eggs, right away, quick. (Jords of Overcoats, Cbrds of Men's and Boy's Salts, tbonsands of yards of untearable Tweeds. Stacks of Silk Eindkerehiefs, MnfELers, Undershirts, Drawers, Furs, Ties, Booots Shoe« and Carpets. Hnndreds of pounds of Teas from 10 cents up. Waggon loads of Sugars, Raisins, Currents, Peels, Spices and Essences for the' Xmas. Poddines and Pies. Big Bargains, Boyal Bai^ains, at IT- â-  J..I ^^^gug^gum

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