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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Dec 1886, p. 6

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 ' FARM. Cliqp Thu Oat. Fonowing !â-  a teUe ahowing the amount of aeed required to ie mown to th« acre of alinoat arerytbiag the ianaer grows. It ia from " How the Farm Fkys" WUiter Wheat, broadcast fto bndida Winter Wheat, drilled 1 to l} buahelr Spring Wheat, Broadcast. 8| to 3 bubdr Spring Wheat, drilled ....l} to » tmJUlr Barley, broadcast 2 to bnaheli. Barley, drilled 1^ to S buhek. Oats, broadcast S to 4 boshda. Oats, drilled S to 4 bushels. Brje, broadcast 2 bushels. Kye, driUed 1 to U bushels. Orchaid-Grass Of sown alone, tbon^^ it never should be sown except in mixture 8 to i bushels. nmothy or Herds Grass (when sown witti grain in the faU, to be fol- lowed with dover in the spring).. 12 to IS quarts. Timothy, without dover 16 to 18 quarts. Bed Top, or Brown Top, broadcast. .S bushels. BlneOrass, broadcast. 2 bushels. Hnngarlaa MiBet 1 bushel. Golden MUlet. 1} bushela Bed Clover, broad c a st, after nmothy in the spring 10 to 12 quarts. Bed Clover, without other Onuses, in the spring..: 16 to 18 qnatta. Iinceme^ or Alfuta, broadcast. 16 to 20 pounds Lucerne, or Alfalfa, drilled. 10 ponnda. White Clover, broadcast 8 pounds. Held Com, in hills, small varieties... 6 to 6 quarts. neld Com, in hills, large varietiea. .0 to 8 quarts. neld Com, for fodder, sown in drills 3^ feet wide and 1 foot apart 2 bushels. Aata and Peas, when sown together tor fodder 2 bushels of eadi Beets and Mangels, in drills always, 30 inches apart a|to 7 pounds. Carrots, in drills always, 24 in. apart.2 to 3 pounds. Turnips and Ruta Bagas, in drilu, 30 inches apart 2 pounds. Paisnipe, in drills, 2 feet apart to 8 pounds. Beans, in drills, 2| feet apart 2 bushels. Peas, planted iJone without any mix- tore, in drills S feet apart S bushels. Potatoes, in drills, 3 feet apart ...... 12' to 14 bushels, LATE DOMmxnr nswB. Dried Potatoes. An American gentleman residing in France writes " Potato culture iit likely to receive a new impetus since the plan of sell- ing them peeled, sliced and dried, like cer- tain fruits, seems to hit the taste of the ex- port market. The drying the potatoes can follow the period of the dessication of fruits. The method obviates decay and germination of the tuber, and occupying a less volume, transport will be cheaper and less diflScult. The potatoes are peeled by machinery, next carefully washed, sliced in rounds, and left for twenty minutes in a strong solution of kitchen salt. The brine induces firmness in the slices and prevehts their changing color. Later the cuttings are drained, placed in the drying apparatus, packed in boxes and are then ready for shipment. Bemember that the selection of seed is an important factor in the next year's crop. Rotten com cobs are said to be a valuable fertilizer on any soil that is deficient in pot- ash, and their value is much enhanced by being rotted with other manure. Fruit that cannot be sold may be dried, evaporated, made into cider for vinegar or jelly. In this manufactured form it can be kept as long as neces^ry and sold when a fair price can be secured. If a manger or feed box be so foul as to emit a sour smell it should be cleansed at once. The best method of doing so is by washing it thoroughly with a solution of soda or potash in hot water, flushing afterwards with hot water only. The intense itching caused by poison ivy may be' relieved almost immediately by bathing the parts with the following Bro- mo-chloralum, four ounces wine of opium, two ounces water, six ounces. These ar- ticles may be had at any drug store. More butter will be obtained if the cream from the last one or two messes is kept back each time. It has not ripened with the other, and all its butter cannot be ob- tained. The danger of having milk become bitter in small dairies is obviated by stirring in a little once a day until enough is left for churning. If a farmer wishes to educate his boys that they may become good and contented fol- lowers of his own calling, liis first step should be to educate himself. In order that he may make successful farmers of them he must himself have a just understanding of the possibilities of his vocation, and a genu- ine love for farm work. The Lassie's Secret. BT AKCniB HACK. When evening dews are falling At close of summer's day, WTien twilight droops her mantle, I hasten quick away, To meet beneath the shadows My lover brave and true, To listen to his whisper Sweeter than honey'd dew. If you but knew my Willie You'd wonder then no more Why I'm 80 gay and happy, For him I do adore. And in return, he loves me. So fondly and so true. And every night he meets me When falls the evening dew. We whisper low our secrets. The birds e'en cannot he.i.r The honey'd words my Willie Breathes in my listening ear. Nor yet my low responses Beneath the willow tree. As with his fond carresses He vows his love for me. Some say my Willie's handsome. Some say my Willie's plain. Some say it for to please me And some to give me pain. I know how kii^ and gentle His dark eyes grow to be. When in the stany twili^t He breathes his love to me. I know bow sweet and low is His voice at close of day, ' When turned with man's affection He pours love's gentle lajr. He seems to me so handsome. So grand, so brave, and tru^ At morning dawn, and noontiae, And 'neath the falling dew. December. BTHOBA IiAOeHia. When the maples move in the winter breese And tiie snowflakes lie neath the leafless trees In a bright Canadian street I hear ttie sparrows greet Each other cheerily. Always cheerily What, what little bird. What was it I heard T Tut, tut, Oheer up, cheer up Never wearily 1 And the little boys and the Uttle girto Witfa tiieir fur caii{ed heads and their hooded curls In the pleasant, winter day Happily engaged in play, Mi, no, never weuQy, Always cheerily I l^en, wen, UtUe girl â- fnOt tiie golden curl, Tut, tut. Cheer up, cheer up Jlever wearily Another Attempt haa beea The ia her crown of f^ory. Woodstock Huh School has^een raised to the rank of a QiBcgiate laatitate. T^elre thoumnd^fbarrds of ii^IM wer^ â- hipped bam H al ifaT i^ hm i m iimttH^Jt*^ â- clonThifrfd^l^at, jij.* ., £ TheiiB ^ied in Sheffield Township a few dayi ago 'Mrs. Maiy Williams, aged 100 years 5 months and 5 days. "Die sowing of wild lice on Hhe inland lakes of Bruce county is being the means of stocking them 'with wild geese and dncks. Dnring last week over one handred dwa- sand bnshels of potatoes were shipped firam the little port of Montagae, on Ftince Ed- ward Island. Fifteen bears, averaging in weight three hundred pounds each, have been killed by farmers in the township (rf Plnmmer within the past month. The dead body of a well dressed man was found at Sharonig^ Lake, B. C, recently, sitting in an upright position, 'witii a pistol lying on the ground beside it. A dog with a great mouth for pastry got into the window of a Peterboro' confection- ery and bakoy one day last week agA before he could be ejected had devoured and de- stroyed several dollars' worth of cakes and candy. On Thursday of last week John W. Boscoe, an aged and wealty farmer of Kings County, N. S., got into an altercation with his son- in-law, Trueman Thorpe, regarding Thorpe's treatment of his 'wife. A personal encounter followed, from the effects of which Boscoe died. Thorpe has fled to the United States. A tramp got on the Air Line Bailroad track near Simcoe, waved his hands, and stopped an express teain. When asked by the conductor why he had stopped the train he replied that he had done it for a joke. He was arrested, tried, and given three months to work out the joke to its legitimate con- clusion. According to the St. Stephen, N. B., Courier, a large number oi the operatives brought there from Europe Ifwt summer by the St. Croix Cotton Mill, have left, as they were not considered desirable help or citizens. Several grocers and other deal- ers hold unpaid bills against some of the absentees. The Battleford Herald pleasantly ob- serves â€" The weather continues most de- lightful. The days are bright and warm, the nights so free from frost, that the rivers are not yet closed. We feel sorry for those who returned to the fogs and muck of Ontario a couple of months ago through fear that winter was about to set in. They have no such weather in Ontario as we are enjoy- ing. The St. John, N. B., Telegraph recently published a report of an entertainment al- leged to have taken place ia the Moncton Opera House, which turns out to have been a scandalous fabrication. The names of pro- minent citizens were placed side by side with the most disreputable characters of the town as having participated in the enter- tainment. The Telegraph will spare- no pains to discover the author of the malicious and rascally report.- Mr. James Bradbum, formerly of Dere- ham, who recently returned from Little Cur- ren, Manitoulin Inland, brought a very large specimen of Canada's national emblem â€" a maple leaf measuring 12^ inchA long by 12 inches wide. He plucked t'le leaf from a tree on Manitoulin Island from among many more equally as large. He says these great leaves â€" giants in comparison with those we are used to seeing in this portion of Ontario â€" are no uncommoii thing in the Muskoka district. The other moriiing James Beharrel, of Lorneville, N. S., left Auiherst Head to look out timber in a large tract of woods. Not returning at night a party was organiz- ed to search for him. During the whole night the woods were scoured, guns fired, and horns blown, and on the following day another party was sent out and the search continued, but without success. As Mr. Beharrel had a gun with him it is feai-ed he has been accidentally shot, fallen into a moose snare, or become the prey of bears. A young lady named Beal, of Prince Ed- â- ^ard Island, has just been sent to Boston for treatment for insanity. The circum- stances of the case are very sad. Last sum- mer the brother of Miss Beal was suspected of being one of the two men who Wantonly shot a youth while driving along one of the highways in the Island. The oflScers of the law followed young Beal to his home, and there arrested him in the presence of his sister. Tht girl was so stunned by the ar- rest and trial of her brother that from that time to the present day she has been out of her mind. Her brother, who was accused of the crime, was tried and acquitted. •tWi youth to pass away, shupea the lovdj- ' tn»p^ qniek- tm- Bemember This. Dr. B. Couetonx, of France, reports two cases, aged six and nine years of diphtheria. When death was apparentiy imminent, and treacheotomy had been refused as a last re- sort he ordered inhalations of steam, tinc- tured with cubebs, of which twenty-five grammes were placed in the boiler at once, and the steam Ming conveyed by tubes to the beds of the children to be inhaled by them. Both made a good recovery. Dr. Couetonx says that cubebs used in this way against the diphtheria is more powerful than euca- lyptus, glycerine, tar, or the essence of terebintbina. Qnite the Proper Thing. " Did you hear that baacs, the pawn- broker, had recently been presented 'with triplets " said Sam Sample. " No," replied Peabody Jamieeon. "But it is quite the proper thing." "Why was it?" " Three bawla, you know." liike Lightnins. The rapid action of the "treat pain cure," Poison's Kerviiine, in relievmg the most in- tense pain, is a matter of wonder to all who have used it. There is nothing surprising in its results, for it ia made of the strongest, purest and most efficient remedies known in medicine. Nerviline cures tootiucbe in- stantiy cramps in five minutes neuralgia after two applications; rheumatism is at once relieved orjr ita use and the san|e may be said of all kmda of pain. Sample bottles, costim; only 10 ctL at any drag store. The large bottle only 2S cents^ Polstm's Nervi- line sold by druggists and country dealers. the -foonifld T^ kWoMieiiedy wfaip|lHlt flie Med rose* and bring ba4£tteji It IsDr. iHeroe^s "«»*att| Rre*] ioB,* ftscireiiignrwnedTihr^lwAiiBjl^ Aqadu M females. It'i* M « «• ar«^ feooM eve^confenfed upon the hu- man race, for it preserves that which is fair- est and dearest to all mankindâ€" tiie beauty and the healtii of 'woman. " See here, Tom, it'looks as if you wan trying to cultivate the Widow Balsted. " WeUj Charlie, to tell the truth, I am try- ing to rid her (d weeds." • • • '• Strictnre.of the urethra, liow ever inveterate or complicated frwn pre- vious bad treatment, speedily and perman- ently cured by our new and improved methods. Book, references and terms sent for 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispensaty Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buf- falo, N. Y. " That's rather a ehestnnt," said Jones to Tompkins, as Miss Brown said she couldnt sing because (tf a cold. "Yes. A hoarse chestnut," said Tompkins. To Consumptlyeg. Reader can you believe that the Creator afflicts one-third of mankind with a disease for which tiiere u no remedy? Dr. R;. V. Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery" has cured hundreds of cases of consumption, and men are living to-day â€" healthy, robust men â€" ^whom physicians pronounced incurable, because one lung was almost gone. Send 10 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on consumption and kihdred affections. Ad dress. World's Dispensary Medical Associa- tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Very few will wear short basques this wear season. Catarrb, Catarrhal Deaftaess and Hay Ferer. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or Uiat they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stomp by A. U. Dixon A Son, 808 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Tailor jackets of diagonal cloth are most worn. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and Ttndre « hab't-. The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it «/^ so dfsir-d. Send 6c in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. Cut this out for future reference. When writintr mention this paper. The fall frocks show few short draperies. TOVJfCi MEBT suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly; who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted also Mio- DLB-AQKD and Old Mbn who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-woric, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and RBAD M. 'V. Lul)on'3 Treatise on Diseases of Men. Ilie book M'ill be sent scaled to any address on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling, ton St. E. Toronto, Ont. The latest fancy are four-button gloves. Don't use any more nauseous purgatives such as Pills, Salts, c., when you can get in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowels i^ently, cleansing all impurities from the system and rendering th» Blood pure and cool. Great Spring Uedicine 50 cts. A. P. 310. FOR SALE CHEAPâ€" On Easy Termsâ€" Im- proved Farm of 200 acres, valued at $8,000 to *10,000. Price only 130 per acre. Address M, J. KENT, London, Ont. SHEETS OF 6 10c. MUSIC; '30,000 Plays,' Brass Inst's, "Violins,' 'Flutes,' 'Fifes,' and Musical Inst. Triniminf,^ at reduced prices. R. B. BUTLAND, 37 Kings W., Toronto. 100,000 O n M O ^^ "' " popular songs sent free A| Inll 1^. to all who send 4 cents to pay postage. w U 1 1 U W 100 pieces choice music «5c. Catalogue free, P. O. VICKEKY, Augusta, Maine. PARTNER -WAXTEOâ€" WITH FROM 53,000 TO ?5,(K)0 capitalâ€" to join advertiser in a good pajing wholesale business in Toronto. Only principals dealt with. Address BOX 227 "TRUTH" OFFICE. GVELPn BnMlncs8 Collt^e, Gnrlpb, Ont. Began the Third Year Sept. 1st, having already received patronage from Ten States and Provinces. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi- ness pursuits graduates eminently successful t special courses in Shorthand, French and Gemuui ladie4.admitted. For terms, etc., address M. MacCORMICK PrincipaL LEARJf SHORTHABOt AT nOME-AND GET BIG PAY. Pitman's Shorthand is the most MARVBLOUSLT SIMPLB A.VD THOROUGH in the World. It is complete in piftbes lessons, and we guarantee can be thoroughly mastered by our course of mail lessons. Don't fail to send at once for circulars. Union Srort- Handers' AcADBMT, Mail Lesson Dept, 39 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. .^Kinw np TMKME IBVO KTTERr Oat i R H h HAMILTON ONT. R. PENCE CO. Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. Ke-€nttlnx a Specialty. Send for price list and terms. EBSTER'S A Dictionary 118,000 Words, aooo BnHSTlnBs. Gazetteer of the Wwld »i rf«WTItie8,snda Biographical IMctioiiarT of nMrijrlo^m Noted PenonsT All in one Book. V CHOICE HOLJDAY GIFTs eZOMID imULANTs _cp«« roK COLDS, CATARRH and BRONCHITIS £ss's4ssat"ia5r: ^0li8UWTIVE St. Catharines, Ont. f-.njg^ YOUNG WIVES I Tâ€"Miswxwflynn for tiie marrird and flMM imtBuatag -â- *» many, indnfinr erMTthinr ndsttBg to titspbHos* opbTotgcasMMasaathe mntnsl rdstians of msn and womanâ€" |0Q paces oqptonsljr OliMtnitadL by va^ gtMBga and edSSd plagT posH»«id 6.oa J. H, OBAK. BOXS66, Torante SAUSAGE CASrNGa New shtprntattrom KHglsiid, Ex MusiMhlp "Vor wwiaa.'^Lowest prioMiothe tnMle. Wsais •nl* agents ia CaaMls for MoBride^ G^bntedShssp Osi- inga. Write for quota t i on s. JAHBB PABK, « SOIT HAMILTON. ONT. Best equipped Business College in the Dominion. Write for hsndsoms mustratsd catstogne. R. S. GALLAGHER, FrindpsL SiH;BaBBM-QMMMliau' â- mm!' â- n Wn'II I iiMI.(bA-Tt"IlM»'nMt* d SM. ^fliM !Iâ€" â€" OaaM.liMMr â€" 4a tT^ i£aB â- â- aa.Snu ltenBiHaiiaaia..Oa«f.ilHillt- **!! â€" ftwiMi l*ti" t •â- *"irâ€" "' BmI! Jlaa_llaBaiM JhMMiiBiii.2 dwa-w* Sbm GET GOOD PGUNS ntoM â- ^T- :ba:. ooofesr, Thb Laroebt Spobtuo Qoodb DbaiiEB in Cakada. 69 BAY ST., TORONTO. Dickerman Hammerless Single Breech-Loader, choked, guaranteedpattem with each gun. $14 00 Remington Carbine, 60 cal., accurate shooter, new 8 50 Kennedy Rifles, latest improved, all Calibres and styles, from 16 00 Side Snap English Double Breech-Loaders, 10 or 12 bore 13 00 i^ Note the addresf^a W. M. COOPER 69 Bay St., Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT Loan Savings Go'y. INCORPORATED, A.D. 18f6 Pald*i:p Capital, • $2,3e6,eM Total-Assets, ... 8,8M,0M OFFICE COMPANY'S BUILDINCS, TORONTO-SL. TORONTa SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Sums of 94 and upwards received at cunent rates of interest, paid or compounded half-yearly. DEBENTURES. Honey received on deposit for a fixed term of years, for which Debentures are Issued, Witii half-j'early interest coupons attached. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Assets of the Com- pany being pledcred for money thus received, de- positors are at all times assured of perfect safety. Advances made on Real Estate, at current rates, and on favorable conditions as to re-payment. Mort- gages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managmg Director. â- AMnveff, makers. aU wdl Msorted-SStw^fal 1*« " posture preprid. '"'â- Â» P«*et 2^ Ma. 1, ftr IS eeats. it »mm^ M la *. " W " il ». "•••^ IS M SILK-FRINGED CARD^L racket » 4. T5 " ai««. ISO, â- ^«««. Mrthday Cards may be assorted »«. i Ciders abo fllled for a^^« '^J^l^eti. lUrk^c...tlowe.trata!^or'st^"f2, B^ panyordeiai » Agents, T««Se«'iS?^ *° **«*• one ordering HS-OO^i^rth, m wteS^' °?^f,». or »n, wfflWntfre^ A $10.00 renUtoSSS Sm^ **» extra Three IMlais' value. â„¢""' *»" iontt u MAnNEWS.I«0S.C0..93Y0 jlCFST torohtb Allan Line Royal M StBamshiiiR. «»i^.y^KAo^»,?.^-2.?i mer from Quebec every Saturday tottilS^I S*' at LondoiSeny to' Snd nuSu Md^22;L*"?« Scotland and Ireland. Als^mMtiS^^^^ fax and St John's N. F.7toU^^^*S^^- ing summer months. Th-"I:!rSl'I?'5«**!ydw- lines saU dm Boston and J ^Vr^nt^".S.raS^^ ?1Sf^ I during whiter to and from Halifw PnJSSJT ni.^ "*»?^J«»f!PW*;»°d during suSSirSte^ SHISIT .«^ Montreal, weeldy, Gligow " ""^^FWhf^^"' *^^ PhiWelphia, to^wSiS' OT Freight, p8wa«:e, or other mfortStion^DSr?; ,S*r„t?/L *_^y.Balttmore S. Cm^riTc^, ELM CITY HARNESS OIL. THE MOST ^^ SUPERB I IN THE ^•'^y y*^^ WORLD BASED ON NEATSFOOT OIL. SOLDBYALL HARNESS DEALERS. HaUfax Shea Co., St John's n' F Wm Th^..:::!' A Co., St John, N. B. AUan ci.fchV^^CS Alden, New York :H. Bouriier, TorontoT^laM rJS Aii^-»Sli?""»- ^^^"' PWladelplUaTHT Allan Portland, Boston Montreal *• MERIDEN BRimAl MANUFACTURE ONLY X"X9Er3ESS^ Silver Plated Ware, Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON, ONT. PATENT TEMPERED STEEL BOB SLEIGHS. Made in two sizes, carrying from 500 to 3,500 lbs. Light, Neat, Strong, and very Durable. WU stand by actual test 300 per cent, over raw steel, and the runners wear six times longer, and being spring tempered, do not drag or grip, drawing fully ono hair easier on bare ground.- Prices are RIGHT, and orders should be placed AT ONCK-to secure delivery this season, as our entire supply is beint; rapidly taken up. Just the thing-for delivery sleighs, carry- alls, democrats, etc. Send for circular with full par- ' ticulars, and aek j'our carriage maKers for these goods. J. B. ARMSTKOXtt M'l^*«i CO. (14.), CiBELPH, Ciuiada. g FITS I When I say cure 1 do not rneeu merely to etop them for â-  lime Mid then have them return ayain. I in«Hn a radical SS'i.SS-^iS*" "'" "•»*»« of Fri EPILKPST orFAUr IHO 8I0KNE!(Sa llfi-loug Btndy. I warrant my reinedr •o care tbe worBt cosea. Ki.-4ciia other* h«V8 failed • n» nnonlbr not Kow rfMvhig a cure. Send at ooo. for a IreatlM and a Frw B..itlo of my InfaUlblp remedy. Olv. upreaa and Post Office. It coati you nothlnc for • trUl. nd I will cure you. Addresa DIS. H. O. ROOT BrancIillce,37lBB£eSt.,Toront8. The Xugeit TntalBS Bckool fat Cusda. iteuU l»a ^.llcm«tiara I havo a po*ittre rt:no(ty for th-; gtynre disease bt'ltsuBS. thouaands of cases orthe -n-crei \iiu:l an i of lout; staDllnc have been cured. 2cde:). fo e'.ione !^ ray rj:h!Dlu •fflcacy, that t vi i Eenrl TWO BOITLKS PBEE, terether With a VALUABLE TnSATTSK .n th!» dlaoate to any â- offerer. Otvet;x|irp«inaudr. O. ati.iresa. DB. T. A. aT-OCUM. SraachOScs. 37 YcngSt.. Toroto J.L.JONES VGOD ENGRAVER â- ' V 40 KING'S- East-/ » TORONTO.^ '• M ACHINE_ OILS ^r UaaofactorerB and Millers will save money l^y n^g " MOIL'S LARDM MACHIl OIL i^Tiy it mica and yon will oae no otiier.'Qt WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE GENUINE LARDINE JJso Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils. McColl Bros. Co., Toronto. Try onr Canadian Coal Oil. ** Snnliglit Brand," Finest in the Market. â€" â€" ' i. â-  SAW MILLS. ENGINE BOILERS. Heavy and A Bf Portable and Stationary.^^^^^^^ Stationary, Portable. 11 â-  from 6 b p. ^^MH^^^^Locomotive, ^TV-m, I Several new ^T^ I J^^fti WATEROUa BNQINE WORKS Ca Braatford and ^^^^ LOTS Thx M CHAPTER X' -id Jooenh, in a « ^,a«h reflectine alo ••Yon will tke ct jjm't know that I ev« if yon and Tom did n do so, you know." «• AU'b right, Miss only hopes that if I a Miliary, like poor old ^me good angel, as li look M^ter me a -bit." •• I will, Joseph." •• Lord bless you, a grown np lady by married." " Oh, noâ€" no I (jerald all my life, Joi •• Well, miss, that yon was a-goiug to tel " Yea, I did not the door of his but a g( took the basket from tft1k»"g to him I sav made sure the Rift we at once and made Ton ••Well, miss, it v about the rocket, and but she is beating on some reason or anothe: my dear Miss Grace. reason for all that, yo the Rift will soon be ii you Mrill see Gerald agi ♦• Yes, yes," sighe hope that. You do no there has really been a " I don't know bv looks like it." •• But^butâ€" " "What is it, miss?" " Nobody would th aid â- '" Joseph shook h " Bullets and shot, n mind who is in their w be a good many shots scudding vessel as our hit her." •• Yes Oh, yes caped " " I hope so." "Oh, dear! Oh, de " Now, what makes of way, miss?" " I was thinking â€" " "About what?" " That gentleman I Hutchins' cottage. At too, Joseph, that after ' punt quite round the heard some one call oul " What name, miss " Grace Grace " "Well, that's odd couldn't be, so there ai worrying about it. 1 we are." .\nother rocket at thi into the air and, as th sent down its shower ol Now, miss, the Rif Captain Dolan will exp open." "Yes â€" yes," sighed gentleman, it seems as his breast and go to res safely. But I shall sc own dear brother, (iera must not be made go Rift." "Hush, hush! I will that another time. Miss " Oh, you will, wil: female voice from some down a rugqe 1 stair cas cliff. " Dolan shall he The voice was the pr ner, a woman of half E man descent, and who keeper) if .the expressi regard to the cavernou gler) to Dolan for the i who was deeply in his Mrs. Wagner now ing as she advanced " Come, Grace, it is retire " " Noâ€" no " " No I But I say y " No, Mrs. Wagner np to see my brother i "Your brother Ge Wagner. "A pretty had to be carried on Ik ship " " Gerald does not wa "Oh, dear, no! Jiy gentleman but pe be something worse if 1 in the prime of his da^ "What do you meai " Just what I say, i 1*88; so come in at on "No, Mrs. Wagner 'â- No?" "Certainly not. "id see the Rift come "Then you won't " Mrs. Wagner made wace by the arm and we young girl stepped 48 she said "Protect me; I wii: 'Avast, there, Mri ^k. 'Can't yoa Mone?" L " You mind your o\i Fe*n Bay a something |you won't like." 'WeU, then, Mrs. much yon can just 'ojtt worst, and I w ?«»« mterfered with. '"^rCMtoinDokm. •njoJus? WeaU «»a Mmmgler and ^Juppenstobe hi 1^ i but be has no m Tlomeor anyofui "»SweWetohim.' al*" IS mutiny!" :^e«itori â- *d nun â€" w i-^-^ '*ith Captt w iiiii

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